Inglish Section REGENERACION Civilization Will Live While Barbarism Is Drowning In Its Own Blood Wm, Owen Editor.
No. 201.
trial armics by which our mining and working itself out today in Europe, repay.
cipation of labor such as the so called Saturday, September 26, 1914.
manufacturing are carried on, the white workers, as yet, have not even number of these people is insignifi Safety matches! Bryant and May We wallow in the dirt because we thought of daring to make.
SUBSCRIPTION RATES, cant, and the fact is that their busi invented a splendid safety match and do not think, and because, not think Bitter racial feeling is being manunesses are largely parasitic and held made luge fortunes. If ever work ing, we cannot dare. Without the factured most deliberately, and organOne dollar a year. Six months, 50c. by a most precarious tenure, for what crs were mistreated those workers preliminary, and strictly individual, ized labor, which seldom seems capSingle copy, Sc.
they still do on a small scale is done were the women and little children discipline of thought, which arms it able of seeing beyond its nose, is lendmuch better by larger rivals who, hay used to build up those fortunes. Mc self with knowledge, there can be no ing itself to that infamous work. Such ing, capital, enjoy better purchasing Cormick invented the reaper, and the daring; for he who is uncertain in work always means trouble, always and distributive advantages. do not maltreatment of McCormick em his thought will always falter. The means fight and can mean nothing believe that any economist of repu ployes led to the Haymarket tragedy. whole revolutionary movement today else. The politicians, who live on tation will deny that we have now de The last fifty years have produced a is in that pitiable pliglit. It cannot trouble, know that well, and organveloped a huge wage earning class gigantic revolution in production; but advance, for it has not mapped out ized lahor is simply playing into their whose status is fixed, and suspect above all, they have produced bitter, its course; decided what it wants and hands.
that you could find some who would burning discontent; discontent that how it means to get it. It is lost in It is evident that the Phoenix armaintain that it is even more fixed will not down; discontent that has its big words which only confuse it; in rests need close investigation and it than in Europe, for our tendency is indesructible roots in the conscious vague theories of democracy which is to the true interests of Labor to see to operate on a larger scale. Now, ness hat this revolution has enured it has not troubled to analyze; in a to it that no snap judgment is taken.
supplies with the key to existing dis fully avoid using the word Prosper. ward discussion would clear up in OUR COMRADES IN TEXAS content and shows us the genesis and ity. of monopolists and has been stantly. But it cannot get discussion inevitability of the labor movement. injurious to the mass. am not blam of that kind. It is pulled hither and Two other of our comrades bave am sure it is not to be sneered away ing the practical an, whom Howe thither by partizans who have axes to been brought to trial and, as expected One must be careful about taking with the simple affirmation that liars worships. insist, on the contrary, grind and dread the truth. It feeds because of the short time that the depeople at their word or judging too are plentiful, and am quite sure that that he did more than his share when on partizan newspapers, and, in my fense has been allowed to prepare is incisive in his criticism of clerical of truth, and to appeal for subscribers should be the common wealth. If whole, far more untruthful and less found guilty and sentenced, com and poses as an individualist; above Howe paper is full of these barren to think out methods by which those call pie artists, and Christ Ortiz to fifteen years.
professes a belief in self government unwilling to investigate the facts. But the mass for being so slothful as not It is at the mercy of what the the penitentiary and comrade all, because he assures his readers affirmations, as, for example, that inventions might profit them, and so uttered an eternal truth when he said These sentences are nothing but an that he is always eager to get at the old Rockefeller does not rob you cowardy as not to insist on sharing that in emergencies the hireling outrage to Justice, for it should be Howe and bis monthly. take robs you. myself hate politicians, universal benefit.
faces have bad words of praise for half as much as your Congressman fully in which should have been the fleeth precisely because he is a hire remembered that the Deputy Sheriff But blame is use ling. When it begins to turn against Candelario Ortiz, whose killing is it all back after reading his Septem but expect that Howe would have less. Men are what they are; very these mercenary leaders and blinding charged to our comrades, was killed bez number, it being survevident to hard work in making out even a imperfect animals, with all their past leaders of the blind, it may begin to by Guerra, when Ortiz attempted me that Howe does not think except plausible defense of that position.
on lines that suit his incliņations; does inertia still hanging heavily upon quicken into life.
to assassinate Guerra, and that the them. What is absolutely certain is rest of the comrades did not know not want to think on any other lines; that there is still incalculable poverty was fed a boy on the writers anything about it till next morning.
has no regard for thinkers, and has If a man works very hard, and and suffering, and that discontent will Howe has singled out for ridicule. It is assured that the same Buck the no intention whatever of opening his makes himself a useless citizen for not down until such poverty and suf. was taught that life was meaning: Sheriff that now is in fact the only eyes or ears to facts. Saturally do years by never spending a cent except tering, felt instinctively to be entirely less unless one used it for the general witness against our comrades did not discuss such a map or his writ on bare necessaries, he may become without excuse, vanish for ever: So welfare and advancement of one not actually see how Ortiz was killed; ing for their own wortb, but simply independent by agriculture. live in called practical men, who deal in the species. In an experience tbat now but of course, they say, he has to lic few things to which wish to call iar with how the thing is managed, and stones, have not solved the prob and several countries have found few death of his dog Ortiz, and to please The Portuguese come to this district lemn. For what we need the higher really in dead earnest, and therefore his masters, who want the lives of Recently, wrote for this paper without money, and hire themselves intellectual labor that knows how to self sacrifiicng, except the Anarchists. Rangel et al. for being class conscious what might be properly, called, out to ranch work. For from five to deal with the incomparably more re For many of them have a personal men.
think, a scientific article, for gave, seven years they toil to save a thou tractive and difficult materiál. Han. admiration that can never fade, and, Anyway, these cases have to be taknécessarily in a condensed form, the sand dollars. They spend nothing, industrial figures compiled by Dr. rob themselves of all the enjoyment writing at an hour ben arbitrary en to the Court of Appeals, and while Howe has no use for the thinker, rule is slaughtering once more its they are passed upon by that Superior Scott Nearing, professor of economics to which civilization should entitle along those higher lines. He tells us millions, say that the Anarchists, in Court, we must find time to agitate in the University of Pennsylvania. thein, and are, in my opinion, simply that he knew a disagreeable man who their conception of a society based on in behalf of these men whose only recollection is that they were fur time they are in a position to buy an built houses, thereby giving others ing itself by mutual agreement, have ico to fight for the freedom of the ished at one of those government acre of land, which is priced here employment. He says: could get got hold of an idea that will triumph Mexican peons.
Two things are of vital importance which accomplish nothing. At any they hand over to some real estate could get out of Thoreau, Emerson, over that barbarism whose proper for the defense of comrades Rangel, Tate similar figures had formed the monopolist the savings of all their John Stuart Mill, Henry George, name is animal stupidity. The stars Cline and companions, to give a wide to gather Rulletin and heard them substan without capital but with a little plot dreamers, in a life time. His idea triumph, and the rule of man by man ap funds enough for legal defense tiated and set out in most convincing of land from which, by never tiring is that the men named were imprac is setting in that sea of blood which The lives of four of those unfor.
array by Dr. Parker, who is the pro industry, they make a living. In oth tical and had no influence on affairs. is its proper self created tomb. tunate comrades are at the stake.
WM, OWEN, do not forget it and, therefore, do, State University. could re inforce selves in slavery to the land monopo unfortunate selection than that which comrades, all your best to have these them, if needed from many other list. the idler to whom they hand over he has made Ederson and The Treau TreatedAsPariahs from the gallows.
honest men free and to save them quote my own summing up: which they cheat themselves of life and are of chattel slavery, which altered the Nearly all the information respecta Organize a series of Rangel Cline Mr. Howe reproduces we find our useless save for the production of a entire material history of the United ing the Phoenix arrests available to meetings, and, besides, do not fail to selves caught today in a rigidly or certain amount of wealth for the men States. Mill, apart from vast contri the editor of this section has come contribute liberally for their defense, ganized industrial system makes the odds against rising out of vitude to which high spirited men of straightened out men thought as to seat a very different view from that fetary of the Defense. Committee, wage slavery some three thousand to the superior class of race will not the existing methods of producing and set out in the local papers. For ex. Victor Cravello, Room 108, Labor one. To this Mr. Howe replies: The willingly stoop, for the very essence distributing wealth, was the author of ample, we are assured that Rivera, Templo, Los Angeles, Cal facts are as follows and note how of the superior is that it demand the a work on Liberty which has af who is represented as being an intelENRIQUE FLORES MAGON they differ from Dr. Nearing state possibility of leading the superior life fected most profoundly all English ligent and educated man, has been de RECEIPTS OF BANGEL OEINE DESENBE ment. Every young man who works for which its nature clamors. It is statesmanship. do not hesitate to voting his time for long past to the ÇOXOOTTEE for wages, instead of one in three well that it should be so, for, without say that it went far toward making economic organization of the Mexi P, Mladeupolla, ulan, 11. 25: Local zia W. Continued from tagod No. 210. thousand, escapes from wage slavery, that nobler instinct, mankind would Great Britain the champion of small can workers, that they may give oakdale 78 km dourette.
or becomes an employer, providing he remain forever in the bog of unintel nationalities, which is precisely what themselves that applies himself to his work with rea lectual, physical toil.
Boston, Alan, M. 47, Tabaque has brought her into clash with Ger which certainly they need most badly. Town, 2; KR. 31, na koncert sonable diligence, and has an ambimany. And may add that if Howe As for Gaitan, it is pointed out that 2: of Workers 128, Cavigbos tion to become reasonably efficient.
and digested that work it interests have lain solely in the MQNB. 50 City Central com.
To which he adds, in the following paragraph, that the greatest liars the society so constituted is a man do to be urging the suppression of free being that the workers there should started at the Fate 00 The man who is satisfied with da would, hope, be impossible for kieze struggle in Mexicohis one anxiety do de leerlinge world has ever known are lately call, not envy, and Howe labels himself speech, or advocating that gross in regain possession of their lands. For Stocktos dalis.
His attention has terference with personal liberty which this exclusiveness he has been at erb, Low Angeles: sto: Jaime Vidal, San Frannatural inference is that the professors been called to Henry George as a takes the stupidly fanatical form of tacked most bitterly.
cloco, 30; IN FOX, San Francisco, 560; L, Gonnamed and myself are liars. writer who tried to rectify injustice, Prohibition.
Our correspondence further sug malen per Magon, San Francisco. 01: and he replies: have read enough gests that much of the trouble has Cincinnati, 1: Metal Polimera 22, Cincin That rests, it will be observed, en of his writings to know that they do That Henry George set hundreds had its rise in what is known as the natia 21, E. 477, San Bernardino, tirely on Howe say so, and don not interest me, and that they are of thousands thinking on land mo Eighty per cent bill, which organ Hayward, Calif. 10: Blue Valley Lodge think a man need be a statistic sharp not important. What did Henry nopoly is indisputable. Many before ized labor, with a racial narrow mind Kansas City, Mo. Ales Fraser Spring to understand that the say so is worth George amount to! Had he invented him had written on that subject, but edness which is suicidal, is endeavor da Boccaminte. Nout less than nothing. Our argument is a better safety match, a better plow, he certainly exercised great influence; ing to get passed. The bill actually that in this country, as in Europe. we a better harvester; had bis thinking and as that influence has promoted demands that eighty per cent of the door te kupton se lave developed a system under which taken a practical turn had, he been serious uphcavals in Ireland, Mexico labor employed in Arizona mines shawnee, oikla. hatan dun. Ammo Map the enormous majority of our citizens a practical worker instead of theorist and other countries; as it has forced must bt that of American citizens, SocLareo Aulle nie are doomed, irevocably, to wage slav. would checrfully pay bim tribute. the powerful British government to and the Barber Asphalt Company, Portinud, Oro. 1: Shawned, oxin.
11. 10 ery. The statisticians referred to take He adds that Henry George always action of a most costly, though inde which is engaged in paving the streets and others litsenzitie. lor.
the leading industries of the country sieclared himself more Anarchist than cisive, character in Ireland; as all this, of Phoenix, was compelled recently tersey City, 2: a.
one by one and show that they are Socialist; and there was never an Au and much more which cannot here to discharge ninety per cent of its Newark. 2pridge erron Vorkers, by, enormous industrial armies. in itating, or whose teaching was worthy agitation led by Henry George, his charged mounting into the hundreds playden Pan which, by the nature of the opera of acceptance. Incidentally inay life is bust another proof that the. because the city ordinances provide 12. 1: Senttle, Yaah. Das Peterson, tions, it is almost as difficult for a add that he expresses surprise that thinker sets the wheels of action 80 that work done for the city must be Everett, Fash. Typographical Unior 40 private to rise from the ranks as it is write like a gentleman, and he is as ing and moulds the world. But of all done by citizens.
Denyor. Col. 10; Tolin Sragne, for an ordinary soldier in Europe to tonished that am not ashamed to the names selected by Howe for con Frightful economic fallacies under al: Kenner. Ardmore okia. Pat become a commissioned officer. The appear on the same page with Ansel tenpt that of Adam Smith seenis to lic all such legislation, which leads to or are pridge, alone the figures are easily ascertained. The mo Figueroa, who is pleading for me the most unfortunate. What this the drawing of racial lines and the phta, Pa 30sheet lotni Workern 10. Philnnumbers of men employed by such money to help the Texas prisoners. Scotch professor and student did was building up concerns as the Steel Trust, for exam Naturally he does not know Figueroa, to couvert England to free trade, machines that eat up the very work 50; ein interessors, Ont. ple, are all to hand, and it is a simple or the Magons, or anything about the thereby giving her the mastery of the ers who put through such childish and oQQ000000000000 matter to find out tow small a per. pedigree and careers of the great An seas and creating for her an interna coldly selfish measures. And it is ob HARVEST MOON FESTIVAL centage of those employes are super archist writers. Half an hour spent tional commerce which has called into vious that one of the first results of o for the Benefit of intendents and how immense a major over the Encyclopaedia Britannica or existence the greatest epire history all such legislation is the creation of RANGEL, CLINE AND ity must necessarily be unskilled la such a book as Eltzbachers would set has known. It ever a life produced an aristocracy of labor, which look: COMRADES borers, because most of the work does hin right on that head, but he is con practical results on a colossal scale down, with all the contempt of baro At Y, Hall, not call for skill.
tent with the elap dash reflection that it was that of Adam Smith, stand baric ignorance, on those of its fel a 116 East Third Street can never get rid of the notion that to say that as a commercial asset he low workers whom it considers be o FRIDAY EVENING, Life struggles with extraordinary Anarchy is like Drunkenness: got the was worth more to England than all yond the pale. The Mexicans are be o SEPTEMBER 25th, 1914, tenacity, and it is a perpetual wonder slightest cxcuse for it. He then ex the building contractors of the past ing so trcated in Arizona and the Tickets, 15 Cents.
how so large a percentage of our peoplains that, according to his intuition, century. think the same of Shakes. South. They should not stand it and a Ladies Free.
ple manage to get into some small Anarchy is simply disorder, and one peare; another dreamer to whose vi they do not, especially at this time COME IN YOUR hsiness and eke out an existence. cannot help wondering what he rile thought the English speaking when they are conscious of having a WORKING CLOTHES But, as compared with the vast indus thinks of Archy, or Rule, as it is peoples owe a debt they never can put up a fight for the universal eman 00000000OOOOOO 81: Jro. MC Detroit, dienos 37: South OOOOoooooo