Regeneración English Sectior RATES cts, No. 23 ENRIQUIC HIORIS MIAGON.
Speak Ond! Speak Out!
Speak Out!
still 110re an them off.
tlie liours?
You have dealt was to and men which events the war.
understand The death met by sixteen American man. At this monent Ameri cowards.
lord, and that power is fully as to understand tliem. If an ordica at least so far as the In Without exception all these great today as it was at the time nary man cannot understand what Edited by WM. OWEN glish speaking element is con writers pay unstintdely generous of the French Revolution. We write niy writing is to blame.
Tell the masses that this busi cerned is a unit in the convic, tribute to the men who march laugh at the idea of comparing tion that Germany triumph will undauntedly to what they know Gorcivilization with that corrupt ness of conquering the earth, ei SUBSCRIPTION Send 11oney payable to cannot be anything but almost Roman Empire wliose inevitable ther by the sword or by the purse, Singlc copy, mcan our rnost unwilling passage certain death. They may be fall shook society to its founda and putting a ring round it for One dollar a year. months, 50c. Salurday Jan. 23, 1916 Box 12 36. Los Angeles, Cal. world has not yet known. It is are for myself consider that Ages. As a matter of fact our is played out and must be scop into such a military era as this mistaken, as think the German tions and ushered in the Dark the enrichment of the conquerore has laws, upheld by all the powers of ped.
drama of a gigante crime, and we I find this heading: Day of for it has passed beyond the pale deception which, in its coldly cal great power to which the nighto do their own thinking and acting useless to discuss this question their military aristocracy made then the dupes of a studied the State and therefore the one Tell the masses that they must are called on to pronounce and Under Dog Duwning. Mexico to of argument. Members of the culated cruelty, is without paral jest plutocrat has to bend, are for themselves, inasmuch as pola execute judgement on it, justly be for Peon now, says Sugar Socialist Party and so called lel in history but they are brave based on and are in their main iticians are, by the very nature and rightconsly. lIc who wishes Magnate. Believes Era of Cien narchists with German affilia men, they are sincere nien, and features, identical with those of of their trade, the trickiest scout to pass judgement must first tiſico concessions past. Fears tions may squabble and protest, to brave and sincere men human that accursed Roman Empire. dreis yet unkung: master the evidence in the case, Carranza policy of no foreign but the nation at large has no ity inust always take off its hat, and the entire philosophy of our that Tell tlic massey straight that If the cry that our millionaires loans. And the first two par doubt about it and accepts it as dearest thing of all is life, and military Rome.
Ford, tlie preposterous, appears as long as tliey are ridden they to have Içarned at least one les are primiarily responsable for the agraphs of the article that folestablished fact. In truth it is when find men by the millions Under the shadow of that an will be slaugtitered, either in the son froin liis Luropcan escapade, bloodslied i11 Mexico is false and, lows run thus: the fear of German militarism voluntarily sacrificing that great cient sword we petty men still factory for profits or on the bafIt is Anarchistic therefore, loolisli, lesson; in fact. the false and foolish is the cry that in Mexico has passedaccomplies Preparedness all its strength, pulse is stirring that same issues in the sur The era of large concessions that has lent the campaign of est of all treasures common sense creep about. with little to look to tletield for military glory and for being, Under the shadow of to be governed. And tell then very corner stone of all Anar 11erchants inere dealers in food to Thomas Boyd, vice presi On the other hand, rightly or of indescribable importance is at that sword, which shapes it at that the riders will stick firmly chistic thonglit.
Ile is reported and crockery and hardware are dent and general manager of the wrongly, believe that the stake. Men do not face moderii every turn, our industrial life is in the saddle until the people kick as no longer holding the bankers responsible for this uropean United Sugar Companies, who spokesmen for France, Italy and artillery, the loathsome existence grey and grim and sombre, as and ammunition manufacturers war. What sct of lucksters could has been at the Alexandria for Great Britain, at least. are abso of the trenches, and all the heart they paint the murder ships wliich Tell them that every form of Boyd responsible for the war, and is lave serveal Servia witli an in the past few days. Mr.
lutely honest in their repeated accompanies modern that typify it truly. From that grey special privilege robs the mady war, nesss the only escape at present to enrich the few.
quoted as summing up his con possible ultimatum and open fire has been in Mexico throughout declarations that they intend to wilitout counting cost. permittel is into the sliambles of Tell them that monopoly is not clusions llius: Thic men doing on her capital within forty eighit the late disturbances and, as an abolish militarism.
They do not abandon what were the battlefield, where all the at a good natured domestic animal What gaug of laukers official of a coinpany owning the fighting liave been too conliappy hones and prosperous ca nospliere is crimson red.
that can be drilled into decent tent to let those who rule them could lave suddenly thrown an about 200, 000 acres of Mexican cannot see why they should roers, as hundreds of thousands of Mr. Bolton invites ine to point behavior, but an untamable tiger and Belgians and the way out, and suggests that that must be killed.
do their thinking, and tlicy liave army of a. inillion across the Bel laud, is perhaps in closer touch wish otherwise, Great Britain Frenchmen not taken advantage of their de gian border? These are the pre with the actual conditions along is a commercial bunch of widely Britishers and men of many other write a book because, as he says, Speak out.
nationalities have done, without have some acquaintance with everything else undes the sun and You have tried vine right to say for themselves rogatives of inperial power that tlie West Coast than anyone who scattered countries, ready and an weigling things seriously, and the teachings of Proudhon. Stir to no avail.
what they shall do and think, lias made itself master of tlie go lias been here in some time.
a lot of other scholars. nainly in thin spun theories. If there is any one thing that War spells death to trade. The of those crises has arisen in low absurd! Who In The Western Comrade. verning apparatus of a ration, that romands its treasury, that stands proeminent among the French are a people less and less which men have to place princi dhon, for example? Simply a mian Ingician or historian can be there Mr, 1d1to1 is kind enougla U11 who believed in justice and coach and four. Supposing, for to notice at soine length my wri thereby is able to equip, mait results of the political turmoil of inclined to emigration, satisfied plo ahead of everything.
Lain and move luge bodies of the prist few yars, it is the abso with their own country and an questionably there is a higher thought this eartlı should be for a change, you come on her som tings in this section; to agree withi wisdoni, superior the use of the living. So does tual facts. They lie all around armed urn a task altogether in lute certainty of the complete xious to be let lone. In Italy the superior races the lintutored Mexican peasant, you, and to the lever of a really me that the whole revolutionary possible to pivate citizens low deſcat of the ideals of the old taxation forced on the nation by respond instinctively, and so do tlie peasants of Bel bold and honest agitation they 1110vement is drifting aiulcsly, Cientifico party, he said, Spe Austrian militarism had become warns us that there are occasions giuin, Servia and know not how supply the fulcrum with whit and to suggest that, abandoning. cver weiltliy they may be.
Why should not when life itself is but of seconda many other countries now laid it is possible to raise the world, wliat he considers my nierely reMr. Bolton article suothers cial privilege is a thing of the intolerable.
gative and critical attitulle, 1112 with such compliments tliat past. Of course do not real these nations wish militarism to ry value. The men and the races waste by war. Proudhoni liated Do you think this world is happy, that have the courage to answer the bureaucracies, and prophesied or that this war is mahigit make a serious attempt to orient dislike to write of it, but he to say that the indivieluals livld pass? Why should not we, who thar call ARE superior.
They that all this wire pulling by the happier? Add hope to discatent American radicalism; to pro raises points which cannot pass ing office and friends of the vic have everything to master and surestean The place their india few eventually would land the and you possess the fora da That is will revolutionize society ina vide a compass and a rudder to one substancial evidences of apprecia Sympathize with them? For huinan action. They live in the exactly what has happened, and top to toe.
the American desoricutés. oue. qIe speaks of ine as It needs it, and it character their example tralis the innate hatred of officialdom knows it needs it. It is aching who thinks so far aliend of and tion for their work, but do be the life of me cannot see why mits, and character is a thousand which the peon shares with the for it. Otis himself svould wels big cnough order!
writes so far above his readers lieve it will be impossible for we should not.
times more important to our race common people of every country come it. But with your miser Two great «ramas at this 110that lie gets and holds (and pos. individuals or groups of indivi an charged by Mr. Bolton, than mere intellectual astuteness is more than justified by the able half way measures; your ment occupy the stage; the first, sibly wants) brit a limited au duals to obtain by grant vast and it is apparently intended as a as being constructed or any other bringing down the hole temple of destable tyrannies among you world shattering now yawps for freedom and your own which intimately concerus whole western lienispliere, being dience. hope iliat is 1100 true, slices of territory or to receive any slur, with bating the invader. principle than that of stretli, civilization a tempicit think it is not. believe tell otiier valuable right as a mark The charge does ine credit. It and witliout character there is no taken thousands of years to reor. tliat am at one with him, beart lias selves, lielas no patience. In the Mexicail Rovolution; the sea simple tale which all can 1111 of special favor.
proves that know my business strengtli.
All the writers Mr. Boltoti names and soul.
cond, wliich is sliaking to its derstand wlio wisli to. My auI cannot tell, teitlier call you, and understand that all tyranny This war las brought into evi shook their heads ominously over Wu, OWEN very foundations the entire civi dience may be limited how deep whether Mr. Boyd is right, but rests on invasion of human rights, city for heroism latent in our The simple Mexican peon detests deuce tlie almost limitless capa the growing power of militarism.
lized world, heing tlie Iuropeaii ly regretit but believe that think lie is. tliink there has while freedom is simply the con race; but it has only brought it militarism, and so do the simple In my opinion tlie nan have inade inany of iny readers been a great awakening in Mex dition of being immune from in into evidence. It has not caused masses in every country; with ex Fair Warning.
who feels 110 interest in tliose two quite clearly ico. think there is a general vasion. But, apart from that, it, for it was there. dramas is intelectually and spiri llie real trouble in Mexico and agreement there that if ever Mex lave felt it alite my duty and ly brought it to the surface and States itself been peopled largely consider that the meu and won also tliat in tliis malter of the they must own and be masters of many ingles, because it is un. inay be diverted, to the foulest mans. fleeing from the terror of peons at Santa Isabel, State of Chihus niet who air their opinionis 011 All the writers refer to conscription?
hua, Mexico, must be regarded as a fair Laropean war speak a lan the land on and by whiclı they questionably one of the greal agree on that. Usually, writing these struggles witliout having No; this is not an affair of warning by the rest of profesional skin ners of the poor.
put tliemselves to the trouble of stage tliat all 111y eaders can liave to live. think that, as a turning points of history; and for an Aniericail audience and scholars or books, but of arousing Those men did not meet death for be.
understand. tell them that the whole, Mexicans want special particularly have steeped myselt being unduly anxious to maintain the deep and nniversal iustincts investigation are infamous. No one has a right to speak tatill lie analysis which represents capi privilege to be a tliing of the in the reports rendered by the a reputation for impartiality, of the masses, which are true to ing Americans. for a great many of talism as the ruling power is past, and that, as a whole, they men wlio have been face to face blame; but they one and all agree deal too largely in abstractions, they do not definitely place tle to life itself. Books and scholars American workingmen enjoy at presente has attained the point at wliicli, false. tell ticu tijat a healthy and safe life in Mexico, but our ac are greatly distrustful of and op with it. If radicals would study that the rulers, the military and we are faced today with the because they were wealthy miners that he can speak with, ar least, some tual rulers are the politiciaris, posed to the forınation of a stong tiliat literature, written by picked chiefs, the diplomatists, the pol gravest and most sternly practi lured by greed went to Mexico to further thing approximating knowledge, from the Czars and Kaisars on 15 centralized government, he men unvler conditions such as burn iticians, the few responsible for cal facts. War, and the milita.
No honest person will pretend theit thrones to the skyster law cause their experience has been facts into men souls and make it suddenly hurling our race back ry philosophy which supports it, misory and slavery of the Mexican pea that it is possible to reach that yers who rig up our conventions that such governments always almost impossible for them to lie been the conditions of the caves inestimable present hour. Stop it! mind to become free, and, therefore, point without careful and infpar und wire pull our city councils. rob tlie many to enrich the few. respecting things that really age, are criminals for whom no Not by mealy inouthed orations tial study. am sick to death tell them that Willielm orders If the Mexican people, in any matter, they would receive an earthly punishment can be too which amount to nothing, but by he has been fighting ever since five of the alleged radicals whose talk tankers and that Wilson s11111 considerable numbers, liave education, opine, such as at this severe. All agree that, if we crushing the life out of the few years ago to regain possession of what he has been stripped of. Since five 011 Mexico Deby was an exa111 10118 Morgans to White reached such thinking point they moment they seem to lack most liave one grain of common sense, who are responsible for crushple slow tliat they have never House. Theiby attack the whole have, in my opinion, advanced woefully. These men, who have we shall wake up our minds that ing out the lives of millions. years ago he has been soaking the Mer ican soil with his generous blood, deterthought it worth their while to pliilosoply of our Bergers, our far along the path of political and been in the very jaws of liell, do tluis war shall never be permitted sible and it is an easy matter if mined to perish in his task rather than master their subject. Still more Enama Culaluanus, all liat unthin social wisdom; můch farther than not speak jestingly of invasion. to occur again. All agree that we will but be honest with our returning to the same horrible copia sick an of those who talk loud king crew that is mouthing about have the people of the United On the contrary, illustrating their this business of invading and selves and read them such a les tions that forced him to pick up tha ly about this war but cannot tell this being a capitalistic war. States or Europe. And if am reports with a wealth of personal slaughtering hordes of perfectly son that militarism everywhere zun, inoffensive people must be stop: will understand that its day past; nation of our race till its last specimen We Mexicans do prefer the extemyou when it began, low it start point to grossly palpable facts, invited to orient, or give di experience that leaves no room for ped once and for all, and most of that it belongs to ed, wliy Belgium was invaded, illuminated by rivers of human rection to the radical or revolu doubt, they present us with pictu tlein agree that the way to stop Beens that the game is up, rather than returning to slavery, op or whether Great Britaini did or blood, as proof of the absurdity tionary movement say this: res of millions of innocent humay it is to make things intolerably did not endeavor to preserve the of their teachings, and am se Stop your fooling. Cease to pot beings shelled out of their homes hot for the invader, wherever lie into all its rainifications.
Follow this military philosophy pression and exploitation. Therefore we go after Land and Liberty or Death.
We do hate halfways, for we feel that peace; wlio, in short, pronounce renely confident that they, as er away the precious hours on and driven liither and thither may come froin and whoever he 11ow all government, wlich is Life is not worth living if not married verdicts without troubling to siſt well as iny readers, kiiow hit non essentials. Have done with withi a brutality such as no selfsiniply the invasion of the gove with Freedom.
With all that am in entire ac erned, rests upon it.
the evidence.
tliem bard. But as to that am the hipocritical pretense that sospecting cattle dealer uses to. cord, flot because ain an Anar all this business of landlordlism, In conseqnence, we Mexicans do make The Mexican is indifferent. What care about win freedom ward the stock he ships to market. chist, but because, as hope, of special privilege, of social open and relentless war to death to Car drama a gigantic is the potency of nay attack on for all by forcing con These men have no good word for am huinane and sensible.
But caste, rests on the philosophy of ital. to Authority and to Church, in crime; the disinheritance of a na Socialism, which is the creed of cessions in favor of your parti war, which they denounce as hide the task of stopping war is enor: militarism, which justifies and mies of human freedom.
tion by a handful of scoundrels the State as master of the man; cular class, or that you can over ous beyond expression;a diabolical nausealaser ben an fiese sierist glorifies invasion by declaring it Hence, the punishment of those who who liad carved their way to which is tlie creed of compulsion; throw what is essentially a massacre by fiendislı mechanical place an immense number of peor the weakest must be driven to the care even to attempt to oppress and ex.
power by the sword. Accompli wlich is, therefore, the creed of system of slavery by exacting forces, in whose grip man is more ple believe in invasion, provided wall. But do not imagine that ploit us, no matter to which nationali ty they may belong to.
ces in that crime, because willul militaristu; which is, therefore, terms that make your slavery a helpless than a new born babe; a they can be the succesful invar you can do all this while carefulreceivers of the stolen gools, are the creed that will keep us eter trifle less onerous. Those are iously unspeakably obecene, delirAs a class the nilitary, of ly building up your own special of the sixteen American capitalista. In this special cuse of the execution men with whom we are all faini nally at wat, tlie stronger striv delusions, are lies, and your pro, thing lustful insanely cruel, which for the simple reason that, as a bureaucracy, or conducting petty Woodrow Wilson, Venustiano Carransa every nationality, believe in it, caste, forining your own labor there is no body else to be blamed but liar such men as Olis, Ilearst, ing tenaciously to overpower the paganda hitherto has poisoned sprcads agony and pestilence and class, they do not believe in free: military campaigns which consist and the American capitalist press. That Rockefeller and the horde of weaker and furce them to their with those lius the thought of the every foulness imaginable wher dom. They consider tliat either of carving your way to ofblood must stain Wilson head because merican and Ituropean financiers will. Against tliis Coming Slave very people you wish to emanci ever it plants its foot. Universa the social machine can only be fice by the brute force of the ma it is to his interfering in Mexican at whose money is thcir God. But ry and inderclit lias come alrea pate. Stop that lying. Confess lly thicy speak of it as a patently, run under orders, and that back jority or feeing hirlings to blow fairs that are not his own, that this men of the orders there must be the they are only the accomplices; dy raise the banner of Man that you have been afraid to face absurd anachronism, and brand as armed force to compel obedience. happen to agree.
those with whom you do not Not at all as the campfollowers withi wliom Versus llie State; of man wlio de the real music and tell the whole an assassin lie the military arcause he guaranteed the lives and pro the original invaders found it po serves and should have freedom, truth. Go for the substantial gument that war is needed to understand eine Valtestension this practical observer we practica al perties of Foreign capitalists while bio own are at the mercy of the Mexican litic to divide. They did not do because only unler freedom can things. Attack land monopoly. purge society, and rescue it from doctrine of orposition to invasion fairs, tell you that those tactics the original looting; they could he gire full play to those truely Proclaim to all the world that tlie effeminate vices engendered must take. Every one will admit and that philosophy also are ut peons fandecom the American capitais not have done it. It was done as divine and preeminently cons special privilege even special by years of peace. They have no that Belgium was invaded, but terly out of date and completely writing the one in inglese countrymen and it always is done and must be tructive qualities which are his privilege in favor of your own diſficulty, indeed, in overthrowing most people will ridicule my as played out. For well nilg a cendone, by those in possession of natural endownment. am no class must go, and that the gov that silly pretence, for through myrmidons made Mexico the vic them and they have led to less that orfirio Diaz and his tury past you have been trying safety for exploiters reign in Mexico.
Anyway, let the execution of the sixteen American capitalists at the handa the political power; by the inen quibbler, no splitter of fine liairs, ernmental apparatus which up out the infer110 of the last tiin of an invasion just as cruel than 11othing, of the Mexican peon, to be a fair wartwho had it in their power to dis sce what the few, equipped with holds and manufactures it is a eighteen months men and women and uujustifiable, and few will Go to the people, instead of ing for the rest of professional skinners possess the poon, to send. soldiers opportunity, have done. By it bad inheritance from the Caes of every nationality, combatants agree with me when state that docking in a sectarian corner by of the Mexican people, whatever their to drive him from his laud, to measure the enornous achieve ars, is utterly out of date and and nongcombatants alike, have of the invasion of the rights of nationality might be.
banish liim to Yncatan and Mcx ments possible to a future wlierein must be thrown on the scrap given us examples of heroism so the weak many by the powerful state straight whiat you actually Have the pluck and honesty to ENRIQUE FLORES MAGON, ican Siberia. Porſirio Diaz led all shall liave tlie openings tiow heap, exalted that no one henceforth few. We have not progressed want, instead of patting yourthe raid, and lis chief assistant guarded jelously by a nere landNow, as to the European war. is justified in doubting the capa anything like as far or as rapidly selves on the back, conceited pirates were tlie Cientificos and lul as their special privilegc.
It is stupid to attribute my views city of nan to rise to the sublimas we think we llave. We think prigs, and declaring that you Economic Freedom and it: Relation to Labor we have slaken cff feudalism, but dare uot put your real ideas be World Wide Struggle. Selected from writlogo tlie Roman Catholic Churclı, Tre. Now, as to. Mexico. In the to the fact that am of English est heiglıts, or in stigniatising the quintessence of fcudalism was fore the people, because the peo of llcardo Flores Nagion, Antonio de Arauto peat it: The Mexican drania is tlie Los Angeles Times of January birth; or to say hate the Ger uor race as composed of selfish the paramount power of the land ple are not sufficiently educated over 25 copies, 7c. pee copy uses.
the las Sliow 111a be.
Sliow how drama you can the of whom we recognize the greatest ento ders.
ир went to Mexico.
On Carranza be serti LAND AND LIBERTY. Mexico Battle for