BourgeoisieCapitalismSocialismWorkers MovementWorking Class

Across the Border Death to Such Order Army of Discontent. For World Wide Propaganda saye Shadow Substance are en Who Would Be a Soldier. Face the Issue more was arPublished overy Saturday at 5194 Ath St. Los Angeles, Cal. From the German of Frelligrath. Simultaneously with the positive There must be Order. Thus Says Gllson Gardner, Washlngton And though ye caught your noble prey within your bangman sordid thrall; Telephone: Home 1360.
declaration that Dlaz has consented to shriek nowadays all the upholders correspondent of The Chicago Daily And though ye led your captive forth beneath the city rampart wall; Subscription rates: Socialist, under date of May 12: And though the grass lies o er her green, where, at the early morning red, For these Por Anbu 00 resign, the despatches of May 18 re. what is called Order. The Mexican crisis may be expected The peasant girl brings funeral wreathes. tell ye that she is not dead.
Por kir months. 10 port Nghting more severe than any yet gentry Order can exist only so long at any moment. It will not be denied As supplementary to similar action, Per threo months. 60 chronicled.
Thirteen thousand men, las society is subject to the rod of the much longer that intervention is a taken or about to be taken, in other And though from oti the lofty brow ye cut the ringlets flowing long; from Guerrero, Morelos, Chiapas and policeman, the soldier, the judge, the result which has been foreseen from cities, the International Committee of And though ye mated her amid the thieevs and felons hideous thrors; BUNDLE OIDEKS.
the Mexican Liberal Party Junta was And though ye gave her felon fare, bade felon garb her livery be; the start, other parts of Southern Mexico, are allor, the hangman, the governor.
100 copies 00 The property interests of Amer pisanized in Los Angeles, May 14: And though ye set the oakum task. tell ye that she still is free.
marching on Cuernavaca, with Mexico But that is not Order: What 500 copies 12. 50 icans in Mexico furnish Spanish, ItalianPolish, 20. 00 1000 copies is City as their subsequent goal. Iguala understand by Order Harmony, which is too powerful to be withstralian and American comrades par. And though compelled to banishment ye hunt her down through distant has fallen into tho hands of the reb and there can be no Harmony so stood. The strong arm of the United ticipating in the two meetings already Elmer and Propriocor. Anselmo els after a hard, ten hours battle. For long as anywhere on the surface of States our army and our held. Those in attendance were large. And though she seeks a foreign hearth and silent midst its ashes stands; navyly elther editors or constant and well. And though she bathes her wounded feet where foreign streams meet forty federals are sald to bave been killed this planet there are human beings will soon be stretched out to Figueroa.
and 250 taken prisoners.
these interests.
known contributors to the press, and eign seas; who feed to repletion and human pewith War may be the result. Intervenlittle difficulty an extensive flatered 29 fecoud class matter Yet, yet, she never more will bang her harp neath Babel willow trees.
ing who have not a crust to lift Hotion is the name under which inva scheme of International agitation on September 12, 1910, at the post ot Heavy ighting is reported in the their lips.
slon will be proposed and no action behalf of the Mexican Revolution was Oh, no! she strikes It doubly strong; and bids its proud delfiance spell; Ice mi lon Angeley, California, under Important maritime State of Vera It things were well arranged; it will be taken without the authority devised. That the work mapped out and as she mocked your scaffold erst she mocks your banishment as well; tho Act of March 3, 1979.
Cruz, large forces belog engaged on will be prosecuted vigorously is best she sings a song that starts you up astounded from your slumbrous seats, either side. bloody engagement has every human creature had enough to lof congress. No. 38.
taken place in the adjoining State of eat and could obtain shelter without Everything is being done to pre guaranteed by the previous activities Until your heart, your coward heart, your traitor heart in terror beats.
Saturday, May 20, 1011.
Puebla, in which the revolutionists paying rent in word, if by a mini pare congress for a special message of the members who took part in the havo developed much strength. Ia from President Taft asking such au proceedings.
No song of grief; no songs of sighs for those who perished unsubdued; mum of healthy labor everyone could thority, Tabasco, another coast state lying imIt was shown that the active propa. Nor yet a song of irony at life fantastic interlude; The subject is being premediately to the south of Vera Cruz, obtain the wherewitbal to live a de sented in strictest confidence to lead ganda carried on among the Latin The beggar opera that ye strive to drag out through its lingering scenes, both in this country Pichucalco has fallen to the rebels, cent life, no one would have the au ers in both houses, without regard races, and Though moth eaten the purple be that decks your tinsel kings and queens!
abroad, has produced excellent results; to party.
who took possession of the public dacity to say: am a greater man their many papers being almost uni oh, no! The voice those waters hear is not of sorrow or dismay; funds.
than you.
Obey me!
Thruday norning The Los Angeles In common with many other So versally sympathetic, and correspond Tis triumph song, victorious song; her prophet voice is sounding froe, The regaled its readers with the Then there woulù be true Order cialist papers, The Kansas City So ence, which is heavy, being of a most As once of old your Godhead spake; was, am, and will be.
In San Luis Potosi, the revolution.
plonni 18 iction, ngurod la bugo letters ists have taken Xilitla and because there would be Harmony. cialist is paying much attention just satisfactory character.
The committee is preparing a short will be, and lead the nations on, the last of all their foes to meet; At the head of Its bulletin boards: route for the State of Hidalgo, in the men would not quarrel, men would now to the prison question, reprint Onda 20nouncement made that near vicinity of Mexico City. Aguas not envy one another. We should all lng almost verbatim an address re manifesto, designed to set forth with And on your necks, your heads, your crowns, 11 plant my strong rebellious Dlaz and Corral will resign within Calientes, a city of more than 30, 000 be brothers, and the policeman, the ough, entitled Ten Years in a Fed ture of the revolution in which Mex Avenger, liberator, judge; red battles on my pathway hurled; cently delivered by Jullus McDon the utmost clearness the economic nafeet; prouoat moath and tbas end hostilities inhabitants and capital of the State of soldier, the judge, the Jaller, the eral Hell, and giving his own expe Ico is engaged. This doubtless will be stretch forth my almighty arm till it revivifies a world.
throughout Moxico. Did tho Times the same name, is seriously threatened domove 4? 16 so, what a particularly by two large ingurrecto forces.
hangman and the governor would be riences in the Leavenworth peniten adopted at the meeting of May 21. It stupid jabucation tho Times must superfluous.
They would be super tiary. The prison question will con will be translated into a number of Ye see me only in the cell; ye see me only in the grave; tinue to the front so long as economic languages and will be circulated with Ye see me only wandering lone beside the exile weary wave.
fous because, Harmony among hu.
The adjoining State of Zacatecas lies dependence continues and power the smallest possible delay, the needs Ye fools! Do not also live where ye have strived to pierce in vain!
apparently at the mercy of the revo man beings having been achleved by considers the defense of special privi of the respective nationalities being Rests not a nook for me to lodge in every heart, in every brain, TUAL BAO vening the front page lutionists, Noria de Los Angeles hay. the conquest of economic liberty, the of the Los Angc! eg Iecord was more thaa ball Alled with dens of ilghting, drereto being beleaguered by a com.
ing been captured and the city of Som parasitism of public oMcials would lese Its Arst and most sacred duty. attended to by their representatives on or Leavenworth in particular the sec the committee.
In every brow that brooding thinks, erect with manhood honest pride?
have no reason for existence.
and lght proparations, la Mexico; set bination of guerilla bands that have Public officials are not, as is gen Junta could tell a moving story.
retary of the Mexican Liberal Party Arrangements for the holding of a Does not each bosom welcome me that beats with honor generous tide?
propaganda picnic are being made, and Not every workshop brooding woe? Not every but that shelters brief?
ole with such beadings as these: Mex: advanced from the States of San Luis erally believed, the guardians of Orthe illustrated lectures to be given by For am not the BREATH OF LIFE, that pants and struggles for relief?
ice OiW is menaced by big bands of Potosi and Durango. The revolution der. Real Order, which is Harmony, John Kenneth Turner will be adverrabok. Hatred of Juarez cooqueror by is also showing great strength in the requires no guardian, precisely be Era Nuova (Paterson, tlsed as fully as possible, the commit. And therefore will be and lead the nations on their foes to meet; Insurrectos will probably prevent army State of Jalisco, which faces the Pa cause it is Order. It is Disorder that whlle devoting, as usual, much space tee recognizing them as of great edu And on your neçks, their heads, their crowns, ll plant my strong, rebelnoer metropolla laying down arms.
cidc Ocean. Three powerful guerilla requires guardians, and Disorder to the Mexican Revolution, emphasizes cational value.
lious feet.
ar again: Paaco conference is on at scandalous, bands are reported as operating witb disgraceful and hu the impetus it has given throughout It is no boast, it is no threat; thus history iron law decrees.
Juare; mea Alysattsed. In confirmuch success in the neighboring ter millating, from the very fact that we the country, to the anti military propaThe day grows hot, Babylon! Tis calm beneath thy willow trees.
mation of which viewpoint the reader ritory of Tepic.
were not born to be slaves at pres ganda, calling special attention to the 18 roapactfully referred to the items ent rules society political and social increasing number of desertions from wo ourselves give in the column headlife. is people when he the United States army now stationed wrote In Sinaloa the rebels, already in pos.
the ofted Asosa tko Border. What does the soldier do?
That one social class oppresses an on the frontier. It quotes the Indusquoted sentence: Our race would rath.
sesion of the important port of Mazat: He puts his life at what is er perish than remain enslaved. The lan, have now seized that of Topolo other social class is Disorder, for trial Worker aus saying that San Diego First, and above all else, It must be nation has rallied to that cry, and its there should exist but one class is at present a veritable focus of anti. called the service of his country.
Kare 18 a clipping from The Chi. bampo.
that of the producers, the workers. militarism, and remarks that What does his country really understood that the Mexican workers ighters whether with rifle, pen or cago Dally Soclallst of May 13. which Humanity will become working than fifty soldiers deserted their regl. mean in the case of Mexico, for ex are fighting for their very existence; tongue have shown, and are showing nay throw a little moro light on the In Puebla, previously referred to ample?
a contempt of danger which speaks a eubleat. That paper says: that the country is passing through an factory stores have been looted by the class when the land and the machin (ments in that city within two weeks.
A, Wall Street; inanciers who, language all can understand. ta manifesto presenting the employes, and at other polnts public ery becomes the property of all, for at one of the anti military meetings Bauer having milked the cow dry in the economic and NOT a political revoluThe issue is simplicity itself; it is Halms of the Mexican Liberats, Jullus archives have been burned. The fed then all wili bave to work in order held there Kaspar to eat.
Menko, thoir Chicago ropresentative, eral troops, uader Gen. Cauz, proved United States, have moved to other tion, rested.
Bo simple that a child can understand It is the maintenance of Disorder pastures.
Secondly, it must be understood that it. If the vast resources of Mexico makes elear that the workers of Mex. powerless to give relief. that is to say, the maintenance of Ico, bllo Aghting uide by side with What have you in common the Mexican Liberal Party, as distin are to remain in the possession of the Solidaridad Obrera, organ of the political and social Inequality, of the workingmen Societies of Barcelona, rush to their defense?
with such people that you should financiers who, by hook and the Maderists, are still sceking more crook, guished from the followers of Madero, In Michoacan, which borders on the privileges of an upper and the sub Spain, gives much of its latest issue to Il borty than Majero 18 likely to give State of Mexico, guerilla forces have mission of a lower class which ne the manifesto published by the Federal have managed to lay their fingers on Echo answers, What?
has grasped that central fact and is, them, the Mexican people must remain them. This is borno out by the state been exceptionally active, capturing cessitates the governors, the laws, What do you yourselves get out therefore, Dot reform but a reyalu economically enslaved.
nent of Gilson Gardner who, in the Yurecuaro and besieging Jilotlan.
Committee of the National ConfederaElectoral reIn of it?
the police, the soldiery, the jallers, tion of Labor, in which the labor move Chicago Dally Socialist a whllo ago, Morelos, almost at the doors of Mex the judges, the bangman tionary party. This must be made forms, constitutional rights to free and the Such treatment as you got quite clear for the workers care goth speech, changes of officials ment of the world is reviewed at great during the Spanish war, when they ing about mere reforma.
platod that the Marlero revolt could be Ico City, the State capital is belng at whole mob of big and petty officials and forth will avail them nothing. They poded from Wall Street at any time and tacked by the insurgent chlef, Emilio who spongo on the people energies.
length. Unter the head of America that the real revolution was that in Zapata, who holds all the approaches The existence of these officials serves proletariat is in a constant state of dle by the thousands in malaria. then, since it will te the passage from those owners choose to dictate.
the manifesto says: fed you on embalmed beef, clothed On the other hand, a successful eco will be compelled to work for their The American you in shoddy uniforms, and let you nomic revoiution means everything to financial owners, on whaterer terms Which Nicarilo Mores Mason and oth to the city and has rejected froposals not to protect humanity but to hold T4 aro taking part.
for an armistice.
effervescence, from Canada to Patait in submission; to hold it in slavery gonia, both in consequence of the recamps.
slavery to freedom, from financial de This is a greater and piore serious to those who have been clever enough crudescence of plutocratic exploita and your country grateful?
Did those of you who survived pendence to financial independence, conflict than was the American Civil la tho manifesto referred to Mr. Moving north we ind the insurrec to get possession of the land and the tion and because of the persistent im it make heroes of you and see that age that comes with the banishment tion; the issues lie far deeper; the bat.
Did from trembling insecurity to the cour war. It has been longer in prepara.
Monke, after oxplaining clearly that tos still victorious in Coahuila, the machinery, migration of European starvelings Madero is ongcatially the representa federals having attempted valply to re There must be Order. Tbus shriek who, fleeing from their own countries your declining years were passed in of the fear of want. It means the aro tlefield is infinitely larger, and the uro of the moneyed aristocracy, fore capturo Parras and San Pedro. nowadays the upholders of Disorder; ease and plenty?
lition of the slums, the emptying of fighting will be much more severe. Do as from the plague, spread like a concauls tha future of the workers if the force of 500, with six machine guns that is to say, the upholders of social tinuous flood over the New World. The ranks of hoboism and the jails have the realization of the rich and care free to be deceived upon this point. For the last ten years the prisons, the disappearance of poverty, not deceive yourselves or allow others revolution should stop Porthwith. He and a feld plece, made a stubborn el. and political inequality.
struggle in Argentina and the anti. been full of discharged soldiers; men life to which man mastery over Da Their demands for more free tort to retake the first named city, but уя: No! Order does not mean the slavery authoritarian and agrarian rebellion broken in health and Capitálism, thinking only of its doldam. more knowlcilge, higher forms was repulsed with great slaughter. of part of humanity by another part, in Mexico deserve special notice.
fortune who ture today entitles him.
lars, cries Robbery and Murder!
and enjoymenty of life svoll be crusheil but liberty for the whole human spe.
must beg or steal to live.
Thirdly, it woust be made clear that We revolutionists, placing human life. by all the severity of laws and reQ. Had you any personal quarrel Mexico will fight to the death, both be and happiness far above the dollar, Durango reports two bloody engage cies. As for bourgeois Order, we Mex.
proxyiro measures. Tho masters will Cultura Proletaria (New York) de with the Filipinos, whom you cause the nients during the past week, in both of icans are battling against it in our Spanish Indian blood is hurl back the cry and declare that Aly repeat that whilch, after the revoHave you anyAgainst that kind votes constantly increasing space to the sent out to shoot?
which the federal forces because de present rebellion, fighting blood, and Mexico Lazarus shall no longer be crucified lution in Ilusta, set the world of labor such Mexican Revolution, giving detailed thing against the Mexicans who are finds herself face to face with eco that Dives may glut himself in peace.
feated, to of Order We shout: Death aghast with horror and amazement.
Order! For it is an Order that news and lengthy editorial comment. fighting against slavery?
nomic slavery of the most unbearable The conflict was inevitable from the Whlpy Anil lashes, prison. banishA. On the contrary, these were shackles nian free initiative; the Or from which we quote as follows: All type. Mexico is under the heel of the very first; it has come; it will be Rent and tha death of the best of the der of the guardroom and the bar. the big capitalists, and Diaz bimself, and are your fellow workmen, proletariat in Russia were the answer racks. Death to such Order!
believed that Madero was the genuine gaged in a fight for economic free money power; her lands have been fought to a finish and we shall win.
of the capitallst rulers to the demands. From the Spanish of Ricardo Flo leader of the revolution; but they dom, which, if successful, will benefit swept from beneath her feet, and her for the world is sick to death of capi.
people, therefore, have been left the talism, and on our side is the spirit of of the subjugated to make gooil the With the capture of Juarez a great res Magon. found to their surprise that after Ma you incalculably.
tragic cboice of exile or working for the age, the urge to a higher civiliza.
promises given under pressure. And cry went up that, at last, the Mexican dero had declared a truce the rebels Then, what is there in it for absentee masters to whom dividends tion.
jos nishment, prison. peraltion, death. Insurrectos would be able to import seized new cities, with the result that you, naturally. intelligent man as we From this conflict none can stand will be the lot ot all who today are on arms from the United States. But this Madero has been ridiculed even by his pay you the compliment of supposing are everything and the claims of humanity a cipher.
aloof. Either with the robbers or with the firing line of Mexican revolution was promptly contradicted, and any own protectors the North American you to be?
In Mexico the world wide struggle the robbers every one must take his when Francisco Madero and his fol. one who imagines that the capture of We cannot for the lives of capitalists.
lowers, his class, will be called upon Tia Juana, Mexicali and Sasabe. all San Diego has been flooded during In the same nuinber Juan Uriarte us see, since the women no longer run for economic emancipation has broken stand. No man, for example, can pose with leaflets in to give angwor to tho demands of the of which are on an equal footing with the last few days has a powerful article in which he re. after you, and your superior officers out in its acutest and most savage as a Socialist, declaring ecoro nic decalls itself wago slaves, and make good his prom Juarez as ports of entry ever enabled Spanish issued by what views the labor movement of the world. the gentlemen who order you form, for Mexico has been subjected to pendence the root of all misery, and without complete Jaes and carry out the reforms and the Mexican Liberal Party to import The Organized Junta of the Society and maintains that Mexico is setting about consider you dirt beneath financial tyranny of the most savage remain inactive No man concenglong now granted under stress arms has not understood why the of Defenders of the National Integridier amount to anyhow?
Food for tries, has been the pawn in the heart can hold, with Henry George, that and strain, United States troops are on the fronty. These leallets call on the loyal an example It will be compelled to fol their feet. What does a common sol type Mexico, above all other coun. abandonment of sell respect.
less game of international finance; in land monopolý is the quintessence of tier.
Sons of the Fatherland to lend their Labor is appallingly slow to learn Laws are elastic things, and much services for the defense of their coun.
No wonder they have to cover the Mexico capitalism has scored its most slavery and adopt a coldly critical at Las Dominicales. Madrid, Spain)
log8008 written by the fron hand of depends on whose ox is being gored. try honor, stained by a mob of for calls special attention to the vigorous country with lying posters to lure rapid and, apparently, its most decisive titude without playing the dastard. No Slatory go plalnly that one would sup. For example, back in the nineties plu eign bandits which is sowing sorrow the acquirement rights of labor and sit stolidly indifpercentage of desertions grows con plumiog itself columns of which, it says, there palpose a child could comprehend them. tocracy was much loterested in to and desolation among the towns of propaganda by Regeneracion, in the you into enlisting. No wonder the triumph. But while capital has been man has a rigắt to prate about the tinually larger. Because of this we of an immense and immensely wealthy. ferent while labor is fighting for its But fortunately the publshment in menting trouble in Cuba, and accord Lower California. in stirring accents pitates an enthusiasm, vigorous and dicted on tho Russian peasnt for his lngly we find Attorney General Har one of the leaflets summons com.
cally solng weakness is of recent date, mon, 1o 1895, advising the State de patriots to arms, and calls on Mexi ardent, for the cause of Mexican lih pay you the compliment of consider territory, on having brought into its life agalost the allied money powers o?
erty. The fine protest made in Marching you intelligent. Did we not think service the cheap labor of an entire the world.
and fortunately at least one party is partment at Washington that the cans to remember that ye are de fast by the men and women of the Lib. So we should not waste ink and paper nation and on having secured to itself thereby rich and permanent profits Alfred Henry Lewis is now correon you determined that we shall profit by ex. mere sale or shipment of arms and mu scended from a race of heroes which eral Club of Bridgeport, Texas, who while it has been pluming itselt on spondent at Juarez for the Hearst, paperlonco. Triat party is the Mexican aitions of war by persons in the United bas preferred, a thousand times, death denounced in ringing words the mass Madero, one of several drops wafted this its latest triumph it has, in real pers, and dally we are! regaled with Liberal Party States to persons in Cuba is not a vio to slavery.
ing of United States troops on the the transparently lation of internativaal law.
The source of these pamphlets, as of Mexican border, is reproduced in full.
to places of temporary eminence on the itý, precipitated the world wide. con pen pictures of honest Madero, of flict that will dig its grave.
the coolly increst of the great popular wave Similarly you may be interested to the money devoted to their printing Thus, on every hand, the internationalJeanwhile all over the work! the The Mexican Revolution is our op trepid Madero. ad disinherited are thiscovering that no know that in the Federal Statutes and circulation, to say nothlog of the ity of the labor movement asserts it. Mexican revolt, has been for some time This is the Lewis whom conspicuous for his futile attempts to portunity; the opportunity of the pro aguseam.
words butter no parsnips; that the (Vol. 5, 358. it is declared express free transportation promised, is well selt.
turn aside the irresistible onrush of letariat throughout the world; the op Hearst commissioned to counteract promises of polltlolaas, Ilko plecrusts, ly that It is not crime or offense known. It was Dr. Johnson who reare made to be brokon; that empty against the United States for an in marked that patriotism is the last that wave into impossible channels, portunity of the outcast and disinher Turner damaging articles in the In Barbarbelllos cannot be fed on words, and dividual, whether he is or ls not a clt refage of scoundrels, which Ambrose Meanwhile the revolution in Mexd rather than for any, Intelligent willing ſited; and also the opportunity of every American Magazine.
IL that economic freedom free access to Izen, to leave the country with Intent Blerce has amended by declaring it to co goes merrily on. an aroused ness to aid it in its natural and des heart that hungers for justice while ous Mexico Turner scattered his riIt was in spite of him, knowing well that under monopoly and aiculous allegations to the winds and working class on this side of the bor tined course.
the moans of into. must PRECEDE to onllat in foreign military service. be the first.
net FOLLOW the so called reforms on Don rely too much on this last par. Fancy defenders of the existing re der can prevent Mr. Morgan and not because of him, that Juarez was profit mongering Justice is the emptiest made mincemeat of the gentleman of words.
himselt. But the pieces have gathwell nang and woll to do citizenship asraph if you think of crossing the gime in Mexico appealing for sopport his pals from jumping their troops taken. Roswell Brownson, in Magon volded the determination of ered themselves together agaia.
do Indly fotos.
Rio Grande.
to those who prefer death to slavery! Jacross the river its success is certain. Revolt.
SO man were were enCuba Was Different The Patriotic Dodge on and 80 on