English Section Wm. Owen Editor.
REGENERACION Denounce Invasion when Sixty Thousand New Troops! Does That Mean Peace. 3710 Ooooooooo No. 189.
dollars to work in Mexico because and fille today a role far larger than intervenc, to the end that Wall Street Saturday, May 16, 1914. Mexicang arc Roman Catholics? is likely to fall to Mr. Chent lot, we may dictate the policy of the new Of course 141. These genticnion arc huve this very day received a letter Constitutional government strictly bus1148 And to prejudices of winch the writer says That fight Astounding, and assuredly 10 us Huerta is swept from power. All the Hattonality, color, rade or creed they 111 Colorado is worth more than all most gratifying, is the roar of pro available armed forces of the United are colder than 111cchers Where our bonibast and theories Damn it. test against invasion of Mexico which States are being rushed into Mexico moncy 15 to be made they will go, those boys with the rifleg are teach has come from all parts of the coun. for the real purpose of preventing the and with those who can inclp them sng lubor a lesson that is worth while try We cannot have seen a thou comton people of that unhappy make money they will co operate il personally know some of thosc fclosandth part of the articles written country from recovering the land and Sement Sentiment is ouly for the lows who are shuoting They are in condenuntion of that crime, yet vast wealth that has been stolen from fool workers, and unfortunately the Socialist Party members, and doubt they have piled our tables and it is them by foreign and Mexican capi.
world 13 stiff with them.
less some of them voted against sabo: only possible to pick from them here talists.
tage and violence What damned and there Examination of despatches from Be not deceived. The leopard CullThe workers aliould take pattern strange things happen when men go Hearst comes 11 for special denun New York, Philadelphia, Boston, Now 101 change his spots, and we can from clicir beliers and apply them up against the real grindl Morc clation, and, in addition to two of the Havett, Indianapolis and other East.
not gather grapes from thorns or figs selves to business It 19 no business power to them!
San Francisco cvening dailies, The crn industrial centers show organized froin thistles When read the San of their to rake Wall Street chest No.
The fulninations of The Star has been exceptionally trench labor as practically a unit in opposiFrancisco Exdouer head of Alay nuts out of the fire. More than two Arizona Socialist Bulletin do not ant in its criticisms, both by selec tion to war, and reveal an unexpect 60, 1900 men to Vera Cruz but no warı years ago wrute, in a widely circu matter in the least. The party as a tions from Hearst articles and ex edly clear conception of the agrarian on Mexico, thrust the tongue of lated plilet. Ask whether wliule may indorse them and it will posure of the personal interests he issue involved. The resolutions passed derision into the cheek of scorn, and the United States government would not matter. Only facts count, and lias at stake. Here is a shrewd com by the Chicago Federation of Labor consider that every sensible person like to intervene and answer Will those who cannot put themselves in ment, taken from its issue of April were particularly strong, both in their will do the same take no stock a cat drink milk? In Mexico prop line with facts are doomed to remain 25: Let it, be remembered that condemnation of the commercial in.
whatever President Wilson erty interests are in the gravest peril, of no account, such editorials in the Hearst papers terests working for war and in their smouth leclarations of friendliness to and the chief business of our governare written quite as much for the declaration that its effect would be Mexico, and, much as detest the ment is to protect the interests of HUERTA UNYIELDING. people of Mexico as for Americangto divert the attention of the public aper, regard the Examiner ac property Huerta Has the situation changed claims that the United and more to stir up Mexican ani from domestic industrial problems companying cartoon as hitting the Not one whit Our government is States has violated the armistice on mosity against us than to stir Amer which are pressing for solution.
nail most surely on the head That, pouring troops into Mexico by the three points and has entered protests icans against Mexicans. They are Socialist locals have largely folcartoon represents a terrified Mexi tens of thousands because it intends on the following grounds: First, that written with the evident purpose of lowed the example set by the Nationcan leace. alive branch and squawk to protect the monopolists There is the United States has chartered ad uniting the whole people of Mexico al Executive Committee of the soing dove in hand, seated in the skill nothing else to it, and there cannot ditional transports for carrying troops against ys Federalists as well as calist. Party. They are apt to emof Meditation and about to shoot! Dr.
WM OWEN to Vera Cruz, second, that Gen. Fun. Constitutionalists so as to make it phasize the Socialist demand for uniNiagara 011 the right Bryan 15; ston has extended his military lines impossible for the Wilson adminis versal peace, and in our opinion atSTRANDED BY EVENTS.
swelling the torrent with his tears.
outside of Vera Cruz; third, that tration to prevent war.
tach too much importance to the inWe do not know what has become American naval forces have seized An excellent cartoon, singularly free of the statement headed Phoenix Lobos Island. near Tampico. In re has fallen on a preposterous Mexi of the Mexican Revolution lie far Treating of the deserved ruin which trigues of Standard Oil. The causes front liypocrisy Socialists denounce the insane propa, ply the United States government has can land grabber named Camp deeper. The troubles in Colorado, The Icopiird cannot change his ganda of Anarchists which appeared demanded, and obtained, the release bell, who estimated himself until re coming simultaneously with the clash spots Recently spoke at a large of April 15 in The Arizona Socialist Bulletin of Vice Consul Stillman. imprisoned cently as worth some 4, 000, 000 in in Mexico, have naturally brought the Socialist picnic. and they were con editor, by the secretary treasurer and patches dat It was signed by the at Saltillo, and, from Washington des the form of 450, 000 acres of timber name of Rockefeller much to the fore, gratulating themselves on the fact three members of the State Execu the general staff convened at the ve tragedy in Mexico until an end forced the nation to do much needed that públic opinion had crushed the tive committee of the Socialist Party, war Office and perfected plans for is put to that exploitation. The revo thinking.
ay 11, we read that and. The Stars gays There will However, between them they have threatened intervertion ion! hit repeatedly at Socialists, announced as about to be submitted militia and reserve men Public opin Arizona, and two others, and was the mustering to the colors of 250, 000 lutionists are fighting to put an end and indeed at the whole labor move lto Branch Phoenix and a mass meetto it. They are fighting for their OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Luigi Barzini, special correspon right to use Mexican. land. More.
ment, because consider it as living Land and Liberty; antwelve111g. But what does it matter?
in a dream; an ugly because cowdent of the International News Ser power to them, and success to them! page revolutionary monthly, ardly drea. n; a dream inspired by the could understand that, if the Arizona gives in the San Francisco Examin Hearst and Campbell have not en weekly.
Flow can it possibly matter. One vice and London Daily Telegraph, Meanwhile, let it be remembered that which expects soon to become ao Published at the Ba.
wish being father to the thought; the Socialists were proposing to do any a full report of an interview with listed in Huerta army, where they Okunin Institute, Hayward, Cal.
dream of those wlio long for omelettes thing and the Anarchists but shruk from breaking eggs; the thwarting their plans, outcry might leading questions. He laid great emwere Huerta in which he replied to five belong, to save their loot. Guernsey, busi Organized Labor, official paper oness manager; Wm. Owen, with the delusion thal the cat can be Socialists are not proposing anything ranzistas dream of mice who drug themselves he worth the while. But the Arizona phasis on the statement that the Car of the State and local building trades o editor. Has as its motto Slavcoaved into giving up her prey Capwere receiving from the councils of California, writes in its o ery must go. and attacks, in italism is a cat; a coldly calculating cupying about a column and a half, nitions of war but also men, saying: years the people of Mexico have been whatever makes for economis so rash, and the statement itself, of United States not only arms and mu front page editorial of April 25: For a particular, land monopoly and beast that follows instinct blindly shows conclusively that the one cause At Torreon whole companies of fighting to get back their land which bondage. Is Well printed on exliunting power and profit as part of for complaint is that in free discus Americans in the uniforms of the has been stolen from them, and to Ocellent paper deals most uncom.
the law of its existence one :ppose that when a Mexican in advanced views the Socialists do not insurgents under Villa.
Does any sions the insane Anarchists have United States army fought with the be rid of peonage. The Forganized pror isingly with all social prob.
vestinent is recommended to a Wall like At Gomez workers of America have been pray Olems and refuses to be shackled o Sstreet board, the financiers consider the folly of opponents would be wel more than 200 bodies of Americans would win.
Hitherto one has imagined that Palacio, Lerdo and other positions, ing that their brothers in Mexico by any organization or ism, cito its effect on the happiness and welcomed, since it is only when we meet have been collected.
attitude being that institutions I caused their Passing North, Justice, of Port which are out of date and confare of the peon? Can you imagine the enemy and vanquish him that blood stained clothing, with the but land, Oregon, has been particularly o ducive to unhappiness should be own superiority shines forth of its operations on the future of the Such a man as Ghent, who has the United States army, to be pre protest tons bearing regimental numbers of severe, devoting columns to emphatic swept away in the quickest man This is a war against lib oner possible. For this reason it.
Colorado miner. Business is busisome reputation as a writer and served.
ness, and business means dividends speaker, ought to know enough to un names were undeniably Yankee. Large the capitalist robber forever on the oican Revolution and similar up: We found dead men whose erty, it writes. It is a war to seat o gives much attention to the Mexas frequent and fat as possible. We derstand that elementary fact.
attend to our business; let the worknumbers of the wounded do not know back of the Mexican peon. It is a heavals, but always with the ob In so far, runs this solemn stateers attend to their our language. Auxiliary services, war in the interest of the Standard Oject of laying bare their fundaIf they want ment, as they have dealt with gen. hospital trains, everything, have been Oil Company, the mine owning syn o mental causes. Subscription in higher wages on shorter hours, let eral matters, they have denounced all them get them. If they want human forms of political action, and have supplied by the Americans to the reb dicates and the land grabbers who the United States, one dollar a consideration, let them get it. We are advocated violence and sabotage. It interference made?
this iniquitous have driven the starving peons from year. Elsewhere one dollar and their homes. That is what the war o a half. Sample copies mailed on not in the giving or even in the mak goes on to say that the elements criting, but strictly in the taking busi. icized serve the cause of teaction, as Huerta expressed himself most vig is for, no matter under what holy o application, Tlic leopard CANNOT change do the Black Hundreds in Russia, mouth, orously We the lion pretexts its real purpose may be dis o 00000000000000 BANGEL OLINE DEFENSE FUXD.
he said, but the lion will guised.
that they strengthen the power of not find it easy to eat us. And The Oakland World writes: It the capitalist class and that their men again. Everything is of secondary is to protect the titles of the StandCASIR, PA. Cigar Alakere Int. Union of Ame. 203. One reads in the telegrams from tal ammunition is furnished by the importance when it comes to the prin ard Oil Trust, the Copper Trust, and monere. Prden. Sindler BUMBES Washington that sixty thousand Anarchists, between whom and So riple of independence.
troops will be landed at Vera Cruz cialists there will always be war, in is too heavy for the maintenance of in Mexico, that Wall Street has oralinion No. 157, 35: PONCTO, PORTOCCINO No sacrifice other big holders of stolen property SOLO, Pueblo Smelter Union No. 48, F!
arrange for transports, but there will ernment are diametrically opposed. make the final sacrifice ascaquickly as the general stafe can asmuch as the two theories of gov. that principle, and we are ready to dered its agents at Washington to see it. TBE NOVO America moore Union No. 40. 8: SILVERTON.
forces hostilities. What nauseating. cannot express themselves more ac be a difficult task for America. Do You Believo Incre Coen over tentang 1: WOYBRLI, Cigar Melcera Int.
It humbug? Put yourself in the other curately than that we do not won will cost a great deal more than they Union of America, Local No. 265, 50. Total, Learning Things VICTOR CRAVELLO, Fin. Sec.
fellow place and imagine, if you can, der at their being worsted eternally imagine. They may not be successFor Yourself? Never argue with a Mexican, said position were reversed Think how that Anarchy is the philosophy of will be shooting here amidst the trees earnest people are trying to establish army orders. The fact that the chis Are you aware of the fact that many Gen. Winfield Scott in, one of his you would feel if Nuerta landed 60. life as conducted by mutual agree of this park; in general, endless guie the Millennium on earth without the cago Evening Post indorses this 000 troops at New York, declaring, all ment; ana, without, arche, gov trilla warfare. America may lose a aid of the preacher, the lawyer or the editorially shows the length to which the while that there would be no ernment, war unless Wilson forced hostilities.
We are assured by private corres great deal here. She has already lost politician fingoism is hurrying us.
Consider how well satisfied you would pondence that this is precisely, what political lovalty which every, great anarchist, will deliver 10 lectures o She has lost a reputation of Emma Goldman, the well known oo 00000000000 be with the explanation that the mili has been taking place in Phoenix this bation should maintain and defend in from May 17th to 24th at p. o OOO000000000 tary measures taken today are purely past winter; that the discussions have precautionary and that no hostilities been conducted on the broad plane of the eyes of the world.
Sunday and p. Burbank Hall, o BURNED AT THE against the United States are con an open field for all, and that the RANGEL. CLINE DEFENSE FUND 542 Main St, and Walker Audio STAKEI templated It would not phase you. straight from the shoulder proletar TARIONEX Tera Makers in Union of Collected until the 28th of Jant April PA: torium Bldg. 730 Grand Ave. 3rd OOO000000000 would it, to remember that, at the iat has beaten the so called scientific America Floor. 1SKIDOO, CAD. Skidoo first battle out of the box, more than Socialists at their own talking game. Minera Talon Nr 1211. pluralisme opet Walker Auditorium Sunday, May This Horrible Crime two hundred citizens of the United Why not? Brag as it may, Political for CABakelyand Contractionem propter 17 at 3, Anarchism vs. So Has Been Committed in Past States had been slain in the streets Socialism has not a thing with which linion of America, Local NO. 10, 51. cand cialism.
Years in the South of New York? am writing for hon to fill tlie proletarian aching stom makers int. Union of Amerter. Local No. 87.
Sunday, May 17, at p. Our est men and women; for those who ach but the wind of empty promises CANADA. EDNONTON. ALTA. by Moral Censors.
TODAY there are 14 working have freed themselves from that most impossible of fulfilment It is only rol 250 COLD ROAD, ARTZ, Snar.
Monday, May 18, at p. The men facing the gallows in Texunscrupulous of all dogmas My when cornered in open debate that IKSONVILLE Int. Individual and Society.
as, charged by the capitalist country, right or wrong; for those this truth, so fatal to the party fu Irnion Airprion. coral No 248. 99 NEW Burbank Hall Tuesday, May 19, at officials of Texas with murder.
whose consciences have not been soiture, is exposed, Therefore free merler, Loen! Vn 220, 1: YBOR CITY, TI. 8 m. Beyond Good and Evil. BECAUSE they had the cour.
blinded by patriotism that they can speech has practically disappeared igrMakers It nion of Amerlen. Tu Wednesday, May 20, at p. age to stand up and fight for No 320,. 5UTSKEGON, MICH, Cigar fak 110 longer see a lie and a hyvpocrisy from its program of activities.
Tot Tinion of America. Incal Nn. 24. 1: Revolution and Reform Which?
HUMAN LIBERTY when it hits them between the eyes. The Socialist Party has castrated AKLAND IT Tailore Industrial Union, LoWalker Auditorium. Thursday, because it comes wranped up in the itself by its fear of free discussion; rnt No 221 VICTOR CRAYELLO. Pin. See May 21, at p. The IntellecHear the Story Told by These Stars and Stripes, the Union Jack or its virile element leaves it more and tual Proletarians.
Speakers: whatever other national emblem they more; it can no longer give the disTREASURER REPORT.
ANTON JOHANNSEN still may worship Today we should inlcrited what they instinctively feel Burbank Hall Friday, May 22, at GROW be citizens of the world Today we a need of, for events have marched Victor Cravello Ser The Hypocrisy of Charity.
FRED MOORE should be capable of mulging things aliead with seven leagued boots and. Veline Saturday, May 23, at p. The DR. PANDIT on their own merits, for steam and hobbled by its rigid creed, the party vello. Ser 10. 45 Prill 2011 From vinto Conflict of the Sexes.
electricity have shrunk distance and has been unable to keep pace with longa Walker Auditorium Sunday, May LABOR TEMPLE made the whole world one Does a them It tries most desperately, as Ezpontas.
24, at pm. The Place of the Maple Avenue, bet 5th and 6th Guggenheim refrain from investing in does the Roman Catholic church, but to Virtar Creppllo for Togtni pot Church in the Labor Struggle.
Sunday, May 17th at p. rral Ath. to Vietor avello. Por stampa.
Chile because Chilcan ethics are not it cannot keep up.
20 19 17th to Frert Vanse attornet ferg, Sunday, May 24, at p. Come One! Come All to his liking? Does Rockefeller, of From an old time member of the son on April 28th to One for onre Mothers Strike.
Tota! 229 00 the Sunday School, hesitate to put his party; a man who has made his mark 83.
Admission 15 and 25 cents.
our 11CSS are in his spots.
Recelted until the 18th of Me: PENK 1600.
Bananda No 000OOOOOO FLA.
FM. 55 Cigar Makers TOTAL, 26 70 Receipts.
April lot. Ralance. 18 knApril 18. from 63 60: April from 31 pen, Oth, from Victor Cra90 at OOOOOOOOOOOO Anril 27th from Victor Cravelle.
TOTIL. 25 225 Sec. 2A 70)
April 1st The nitarner fers 450 00 Ralance WIRTH. Tren Anrer