ang Regeneración English Section No. 254 tor THE REVOLUTION.
The type.
this way their right to live. than this. The Evereit boys are in peril, florida, 1, Clement Anastasoff, Porla Long live the Social Revolu The salvation of the human spe but Mooney, Mrs. Mooney, Nolan and land, Ore. 11. Daniel Kiefer, Cincintion!
cie lies in the armed revolution of Weinberg must be saved from cold blooded nati, Ohio Waiters Local No. 17 RICARDO FLORES MAGON the proletariat against the usurpers murder. If a storm of agitation is not stir Los Angeles, 50; NO NAME of the social wcalth, red to arouse the mass, the crime will be San Francisco, S2. Charles Rubin, Published by voluntary Send money payable to the Edil or that reason, in the case of consummated, and the blood of our broth Chicago, IlI. Reed RatSubscription, Saturday Feb. 24, 1917 Singla copy 5cs.
Mexico, if we want its present Rev. ers will be in our hands! Will we dare tin Wkrs. No. 15013 Los Argel. Box 1236. Los Angeles, Cal.
olutio: to benefit all the despoiled, look each other in the face then? 50; Carpenters Local No. 158 las (Translated from the Spanish section) free earth, a free labor and a we must fight to the end that the relentless, nation wide campaign of Angeles 50; Pattern Makes Assi, Los The land is a natural product land remain in the hands of all the agitation should at once be started, not on Angeles, 50; Eatky, Sacramento, free consumption. Life without the use of which must be free to inhabitants of that region, as their ly to raise funds for the defense, but main Cal. O, Findeisen, Lawrence, encroachments, life of liberty and all human beings, as free must be own common property, regardless ly to awaken the dozing peons from their Mass, Building Laborers No, la justice, where the rights of all. Translated from the Spanish section. self in this way: Before the dan shall be respected and exerted the air, the light of day, the warmth of sex, race or color. Let us pre slumber. If this fails, nothing remains to L, Cal. 50; Workingmen, Cir.
of the sun, water and all that has vent that there be any peace so avenge Justice but the redeeming land of cle, No. 404, Chicago, III, 1; Hu Very soon thr whole world der in wliieli the order of mobili nobly and freely. That revolu.
shall be ablaze uses a single zution, rapid and imperative, ţion shall bring a complete social been created by natural forces and long as the land, which is the foun those rare ones who have the manhood to ovili, arnassus, Ma. 2; friend, purifyng flame: Tue llame of the wight sind you iu provident, pre transforuration, the barba ruas ex: which is of indispensable use to the tain of all social wealth, does not ace according to the dictates of their con Lakebay. Wish. 1; Ed. Suell, L, There will be no pare cunviniently with due anti ploitation of man by man shall human specie.
remuin as the common property science.
Cal. 25cs; s, Chicago, Ill. town or village in this old maith cipation. Keep a watchful eye not exist and its impulse shall IIuman beings have their organ of all. COX Arhciter Ring, No. 169, Winnipeg, isms constituted in such wily, that March on!
that shall excape tliis blessed tire, and at the slightest suspicious establish a more just and human Mainitoba, 1; Workingnien Circle No.
they cannot exist and develop ful.
Revolution: what a beautiful intention of those who arrogate society.
488, New Kensinton, Pil. i; Sololy and freely without the free use From Emma Goldman.
word! But converted into action, the direction of the destinies of Towards that revolution we mon, Brooklyn, 50c9; Workmen Circle of the land, which they cause to prohow sublime! Who does 1300 sigh tlie country, decided, intrepid, march The following are extracts from No. 320 Albany, 1; Cork for it? WH. that Preis wietch with your head high and expos Land and Liberty. here is duce, thru work and ingenuity, all CONVICTION a letter by Ben Reitman written Mkrs. Un. No. 39 New Haven, Conn.
ing your noble breast, impose the motto for which Pr xedis that they need for their own existed dors for love it?
at the request of Emma Goldman 10; Seattle Literary Club, Seattle, Wash.
OF MOONEY, THER colution ja illal sehing, your Ideal appealing if it were Guerrero and thousands of rivo.
ence and development.
who sends 100. 00 for the medical 1; Int, Anarchists Comunittce. ronaca Slie calightens and beautures, necessary to the general strike, lutionists have died in Mexico, the use of the land is, therefore, an for life on the farcical testimony of a pros. We regret that space forbids pub New York City, t; Innia ischel, los To deprive human beings from When Billings was doomed to prison care of Ricardo and Enrique, Sovversiva) Lynn, Mass, 125; Kall, The slave is ugly under liis accepting with all gallantry the where for six years the revolu chains, when die complains and inherent consequences; since this tion has blazed unabated. Land attempt upon their lives; it is on a titule, a convict and a dope fiend, it seem lication of the whole letter: Angeles, 5; Paintros Local No. 202 Jos implores in submission, and he is is a thousand times more worthy, and Liberty is our motto.
par with depriving them of the use ed that the limit of capitalistic judicial pi. My dear Enrique and Ricar Angeles, 50; Cigar Mkrs: No. 3, Pirof the air, without which they racy had been reached. Even the layman, do. Miss Goldman has just re terson, 1, Educatie:nul Draniaugly because then he is not a tian to await resigned for the How conforting are such phras would asphyxiate.
who usually ses no deeper than what the ceived word that you have both cic Soc, Cleveland, Ohio 10; man, but how beautiful lie is and birds of prey to sink their curved es as tlie preceding ones. Those To appropriate the land and cast mercenary press reveals, gusped with as. been ill and we all tender you our Raymond, Norwall, Conn. 25c. Warha how big his splendor when he beaks in your entrails scattered of us who are growing old in the the rest of human beings from it is a conishment at the brazen outrage.
lonfronts his pxecutioner and thie fields of torture, hard struggle, feel that our spir crime, not only because it loving syinpathy and greetings. men Circle No. 457 Grand Rapids, to des.
makes jus Let us he prepared!
But now that Mooncy has been con. Miss Goldman encloses you one Mich. 1; Int. Girment Wkrs. No. 28.
hy luis own hand!
its rejuvenate before such great poil them of the common heritage, victed of first degree murder and automatio hundred dollars to help you in Seattle, Wash. 5; It is enough to cast an xtrud War to lie war!
examples of courage and sincerity but because it is to condemn them cally sentenced to the gallows on not less your great struggle.
ed look 11p0n every way d entr. Do not forget, curacles, that as those presented by our young to death or, what is worse, to drag vicious testimony and in the face of his insists that this money shall be Wagon Drivers No. 251, Los Angeles But she Fund No. 173 Bronx, N, Ice to be convinced that the Revolut tilley is being raises to help the brother Leopoldo Ranos Gimenez out a miserable and painful exist absolute innocence, as proven by the ewen. used for your personal use and so; Haegelstein. LOAN) Sun tion calls at the cons of human revolutionists of Spain. Those wlio in the very niidst of paraty one a libi witnesses who testified to his not for the paper.
destiny, In Mexiow it is a well br. thers of ours are disposed to guayan tyranny, hounded by conFrancisco, 100; Fund, kindled bontire, No fear werd lwp doli; but they are poor and it is cienceless assassius. ares speak The land being a natural prod. being home all the day of the parade, the. Alexander Berkman wlio is in No, 244, Linden, 1; Carpenters uct, nobody has a right to monop last vestige of anything resembling justice this city and join Miss Goldman Local No. 2516, Los Angeles, 50 entertained that this sycred con. necisary that all their class bro. bold and clear.
olize it to the injury of others; and for the working man of today should in in sending you our sincere greet Bridge Sruct. Iron Wks. 181. flagration shall be extinguished ther do ali in our part to place By all the above it can be seen he who does that, is not only a deed vanish from the minds of even the ings and assure you of our love Cal. 50; Capitola, Indianapolis, there before exploitation and priv. in their laims the elements that how the spirit of rebellion tlırives and devotion and willingness to 1; FInllenbeck Manhattan, 5; ilege have extrated their last are indispensable for them to and how the Revolution approach bandit. but a criminal of the worst most simple.
While the verdict is not strange when do anything we can in helping ofC. 890, Pittsburg, Pa. 2; breath: India awakens; China strike the fir. blow at the odious es with gigantic strides, It so happens to day that the we consider the arrogance with which the you and in ridding the world of of 211, Allegheny, Pa. si shakes; the hilippine forests tyranny that threatens to drag pacifists, the wish y washies, ere Lis wst. Drs. Mkts. 25, City, may at any moment swarm with the isinherited to the slaugliter those who are satisfied with their possession of the earth is con mercenary courts treat a slave with stu tyranny and ignorance.
centrated in a reduced number of mina, this case is amazing even at that. ly. Ben Reitman. 10; Plotkin, Cal, 5; rebels; Australia votes against fields. Són money to this office, condition, even tho it be that of a But the Law and Order bandits have Deeds speak louder than words. Circle, Y. City, 1; Frei Arb. Group.
the militarizution of the country; and it shall be forwarded as soon mauled beast, may feel vexed; hands; to which circumstance it is due that while there exists a e it all fixed. One would think that no This is not the first time that Cal. 140; Olk. Suit Prs, 18, the prople of Lisboa, Portugal, as it comes, but the discontented, the restless, duced number of persons who wal jury, no matter how depraved, would del. Emma has come to the rescue at Chicago 10; Snellenberg et al, Seatattack the forts and the govern Paraguay, the oppressed south those who feel shame and liave Our read tle, 10. 88; Int. Unn. Brwy. Wkrs 22, Pitnient finds itself compelled to halt american country, may at any not forgotten what dignity is and low in abundance, that of the pos iberately send an innocent man to the gala the critical moment.
the march of the soldiers to the moment be the theater of a fair what honor means, feel that our s08:ors of the curth, there also be lows, and even when it appears that the ers are familiar with her solidar tsburgh, Pa. s; Ele. Wkrs. 61, A, european slaughter in order to revolution, such Cal. 50; Int. Bwry. Wkrs. 61, Kingsas Mexico s, heart flutters withi violence as we an immmense majority of human said jury was picked with some degree of ity in this direction.
Ricardo medical treatment, ton, i; Int. Ids. Gmnt. Wkrs.
prevent insurrection; Greece is since the paraguayan problem is forebode the moment of prolet, beings who, despoiled of their com fairness in view of be good counsel that agitated against its tyrants: Por exactiy the same as the mexican arian ju tice.
mon heritage, die of hunger and represented the defense, the fact remains wlich the doctors assert will 14, Toronto, Ont. 3; Palucie, to Rico awakens and amazes the problem. There, the worker a want, notwithstanding that there that, as in all such cases, it was composed consist of not less than two and a City, I; Int. Bro. Elec. Wkrs, 213, The labor unions are very con: world with a beautiful strike(the beast of burden, especialy the ru servative and timid bodies, nev.
is land in abundance the products of exploiters, or business men, and half inonths. can now be said to Vancouver, 5; Weil, Scattle, of which, were they not gobbled up they knew what their future would be if bie American press, of course, did ral worker.
Ricardo already 2; Lerner, A, Cal. 75; Thru Prometeo. ertheless, even among them can Bakers Loc, Un. 37, Cal. 5; not mention this. Canada reſuses our dear colleague published in be noted the spirit of protest that by the actual owners of the earth, they disubeyd the Chamber of Commerce. shows signs of improvement.
would be sufficient to support a to continue «raining its arteries Asuncion, Paraguay, and ably prevails in the horizon, Harry As to the prosecution and its tactics, it S, B. No. 1, Y, City, 1; Woolen Crpt. Yarn krs. 825, in the death fields of Europe, and edited by the brave anarchist. Gossling, the delegate of the population several times larger than is useless to dwell upon this; even the that inhabiting this planct.
Don Forget.
the province of Quebec threatens Leopo Rinos Gimenez, we are English unions to the convenIsaks in the daily press put the District Philadelphia, Pang 5; Wkn s, Cir.
insurrection; in Moscow. Kiev and posted on the conditions that tion of the American Federation From such inequality in the pos Attorney and his gang in a light that The social and dance by the 136, N, Y, City, i; Iron Wkrs.
other cities of the Volga regiun, prevail in that far distant coun. of Labor, recently held in Balti. session of the earth, which being a would make a Maffia ring lank sweet and Italian Radical Club for the ben 51, Cal. 50; Woman Int. Lbl, Lg. Peoria III. 2; A, H, in Russia, the poor rebel. try. Here is how Leopoldo an, more, speaking in the name of natural product should be the com decent in comparison. They were after efit of the Rebel Press at Burbank Loc, 165. Discontent is universul. Spain, nounces tlie Revolution: More. one million five hundred thou mon property of all, not only is the reward and it was big, a big was to Hall, Saturday, March at given. Peoria, 11. i; Dr. Rasenthe young Spain, the Spain of the prople shall no longer be de sand organized workers of Eng. horn the social inequality that de be their loss if they failed. Their witP, M, ick, Pittsburgh, Pa. 5; No Name, Ferrer and Artal, the splendid ceived by any political bu foon, the land, said: The only hope we vides the human specie between nesses, a mere few, also were hungry for Cal. 1; Beer Drivers Stblmn, 27.
Spain of Lorenzo and Pardiñas, people nu longer listens to their can gleam as a ray of light thru the poor and the rich, but it is also their piece of silver. The star witness, a L, A, Cal, 50: Int. Un. Sem prepares for the contest. Braves false apostles of yesterday, the the darknes of this war, is that the source of all the ills that afflict rich cattleman of Oregon, ou whose testiREPORT Op. Engrs. 8, 5; Rnbio Samia, are to be found there: remember false a postles of today or of to.
the workers, upon returning us, such as crimes, vice and de mony Muoney was mainly convicted, was made a sorry spectacle of with his evi. OF MONEY RECEIVED BY THE Calitornia. 50 cents the so called blourly werk of Bari inurrow; the paraguayan people, to civil lite, shall overthrow the generation.
celona, when the best element of in spite of their ignorance and hideous system that makes war It follows, in consequence, that dence by the defense attorneys. Still. FENSE LEAGUE FOR CAPLAN DE Mung. Ptre. Operators un 348. Vancn.
INTERNATIONAL WORKERS DE Cassssens, Yonkers, Y, 3; that city burned conv nis and des resignation. no longer live, nor possible and inevitable. the remedy for the numerous ills his word was final. woman has since FENSE.
molished churches, the laburing slal they live on political hopes, In this country, which we reve that afflict humanity, lies in the come forth and sworn that this man, Donations to the David Caplan De ver, 5; Wrkmn Cir. 312, Memphis, element that thinks alu feels. since, their actual state of niiseiy, olutionists are pleased to believe abolition of the social inequality whom she hid known before, was view. fense Fund, From Sept, at to Dec. 18, Tenn. 1; Mtl. Pol. Brass Slvr. Wkrs, 1916.
Un, 140, K211. 5; Stnry. FireThe spatial aburing class could of laughs and nakedness, is due that it is inhabited tsy a race in. that has its source in the monopoly ing the parade at the same place where she not be plainer vor more coura to the work of the politicians who capable of rubellion, the s, irit of of land, which is the fountain of all was and at the same hour he claimed to Previously acknowledged. 217. 87 men, Soc; Cronaca sovversiva, Lynn, Mass. U; Hans Toll, et ai kengeous. Speaking of the situation have blert ihr in at all times, to protest kindles the air. Itisenough social wealth, and convert it from have seen Mooney a mile away at the Covington Hall. i) 1; Jewish Gar, in Spain, here is what hierra y thien oppress the en still more when to read the bourgeois press, to private to common property; that scene of the explosion. This is the only ment Workers, Cal. 20; Ladies Behrs. 5616, Peoria, Ii. 50: BotLibertad. Lalldans Literiy. in power. he paraguayani peohave an idea of how undermined is, that instead of the land being in hope that remains for an appeal or a new Garment Workers, Cal. 5: Ar tlers Union, 150. Und. Mine says: Indeed, direct and general pie, far in their eterual betray are right here the institutions the hands of a few rascals, that it trial for Mooney, beiter Group, Cal. 30; Wkrs, 734, Peoria, III. I; Peoria action on the part of the people ers, must low prepare for the that we do not respect: private become the property of all human But the gangsters have sniffed blood, Rutherford, Long Beach, Cal. 1; Lab. Asslly. Peoria, II. 5, Office is the only remedy to solve actual great omilist of their liberiy, property, government and reli. beings, regardless of sex, race or proletarian blood, and in their frenzy they Nemser, McKees Racks, Pa. 50; Finployees Cal. 25; Mr.
urgent problems, unelayable. for the comment of their indie gion. As to patriotic fanaticism, color. so that ull. having free access not only want Mooney head but also Fred Colzolari, Boulder Creek, Cal. Lerner, Cal. 25. 06; Indepenter having resorted wall mirins pendence, And that conquest it can well be said that it only to the land, may produce in it and that of Mrs. Mooney, Nolan and Wein Workermen Circle 279, Port Chester. dent Arbeiter Ring, Cal. 85; with negative results and make loves not consist in changing the exists among the bourgeoisie, and extract from it all they may need berg. Emboldened by thair victory. 3; Yaffa, Cal. 25; Metal Polishers, Buffers, Places No.
ing the precarious situation men in power, power is always that, naturally, for convinience; for their own existence, develop they are now licking their chops for their Sprading. L, Cal. 5; Frank 38, Jamestown, 235; Plunthe same, tyrannical and allied to but among the proletariat it does ment and comfort.
prey, ready to devour them all.
Lewis, Hawthorne, Cal. 1; Mrs. Ma bers Steam Fit. No. 149, Zanesville But we must not dismay if the bourgevisie. That conquest not exist. The bitter wail of the But it happens that the landgrabAnd what are we going to do about it?
ry Garbutt, Cal, t; Mrs. 1; Inc, Union Bakery Cnf No.
the Government, as it liay done does not consist in effecting a capitalist papers against the fact bers, men ally perverted by atav. Mooney well said right after his convic. Morse, Cal. 25es; Musicians 20; Detroit, Mich. 5; Cronaca Sovother times, appeals to extrenie political revolution, for, this shall that the workers do not fis to isms, education and the environ tion: It is a short road to the gallows, Proct. Assn. Cal. 50; La versiva, Lynn, Mass. 2; coersive meany.
ar complish nothing but the fu cover themselves under the stars ment in which they live, not only and altho innocent, they will hang me un dies Tailors Dress Makers Lucal 38, No. 210, Allentown, Pa. 2; Sheet The extremes of the rulers tile sledding of the blood of the and stripes to defend the country refuse to allow that the land be for less my friends arouse the working class New York City, 5; Int, Brotherhood of Metal Workers, No. 454. orestville. must be answered with still great people and shall again place in is the best proof that humanity all, but to protect their ill gotten and that must be done now! before they Teamsters Local 208, Cal. 50: Conn. Total, 1, 340. 60.
er extremes by tle people every power as many of their oppres.
to venture thru other right of private property over it, forget. Cline, Salt Lake City, Utah, 50; KATHERINE SCHMIDT.
where, surs. That conquest shall con paths.
which in itself is a crime, they reBut the working class is so pitifully Ben Capes, Topeca, Kans. Steam GyN. AND FIN. Sec y.
Then in another article of the sist of the great social revolution In a local paper, The Re sort to greater crimes, even to that dead! San Francisco, the strongest or Engr. Local 72, Cal 65; John same number that we have at which awaking all the slaves of cord. appears a news item that of drowning in blood the just and ganized city in the country and powerless Cairnes, Manchester, Conn. 2; So GOD hand, and which, we must say, the fields, and the workers of all is inspiring to those of us that natural aspirations of the popular as a ghost. The attitude of the working cialist Party, Oakland, Cal. 1; The God willing, the ship upon which fell in qur hands by chance, as parts of the country, the oppresse hate militarism. It says that not masses to emancipate themselves. class in general in this most important case Alarm Chigago Ill 13. Workmen have placed a bomb will sink on July the estimable colleague dues not ed of the factories and mills, less that 355 officers of the militia. The rich, in order to defend their has been a disgrace. With the exception Circle No. 559 Los Angeles, Opr. Frank Holt, bomb planter and asdeign visit us, we found these shall proclaim liberty and equali tendered their resignation during ill gotten privileges, make use of of the tremendous efforts of the Defense Plasterers Int. Assn. Los Angeles, 50c. gailant of Morgan. With God on our side we shall, with beautiful lines: Then, to war, ty and shall cause to flourish in the three months betwen the 20th violence in all its forms; they sup. League of San Francisco and a few organ Int. Workers Def. League, San Francisco, our good German gword, conquer our nol spanish workers.
this corner of America, the re of July and the 25tå of October press the right of free speech and izations that have been whipped into line, Cal. 250. Dr. Wesley Van Nette, enemies. Emperor William. To war, nol proletariat of tlie deeming ideal of the world that of this year, Officers, that is, free press, jail those who protest nothing has been done to save these gallant Clyde, Ohio. Rascher, St. Louis, The dear God who has fought with world.
allows neither tyrants, nor exe the most privileged in the ranks and even murder the strikers en fighters from the jaws os death. The Mo. Everson, Palmyra, y. my armies so faithfully. The Emper To the Revolution, yesi dis cutioners, nor exploiters. That How many withdrawals trust masse.
radical press has been likewise silent, ex. Ladies Garment Wkrs. No. 52 Los or of Austria Hungary, inherited of the earth; with social revolution shall put an end there have been among the In the face of such attitude of cept for the excelent work of The Blast Angeles, 40. Lerner, Seattle. Remember, my soldiers, when you are in battle that God is always besides which proclaiming and consolj. to all the executioners of the pa. cannon fodder, the common sol. the usurpers of the social wealth of San lºrancisco and The World of Wash. 10, 60; Steinhauseer, New you. The Czar of Russia.
dating the anarchic economic raguayan people, and shall cause diers? The paper adds: Besides and as a logical answer to their acts Oakland und perhaps a very few other pa Ulm, Mína. James Rowan, Ladd, God, we pray that thou wilt end equality, peace, true peace, may that the land, of which only a this demoralization among the of violence, it becomes imperative pers.
Ill. Cloak, Suit, Piece Tailors the war and restore peace: but if Ger.
come to be inalterable.
few are the owners at present, officers, there is the terrible dif. that the disinherited also make use It is true that the jails thru the land Sample Mkrs. Un. No. 3, New York many persists in interfering with our The syndicalist daily, Solida be the property of all. We shall ficulty of securing soldiers for the of violence to restore what belongs are filled with our prisoners of war as per City, 15. 50; Bartenders Local. No. 284 honor of our Christian nation, lead our ridad Obrera. Labor Solidari. emancipate the carth, we shall ranks.
to them as a natural heritage of all haps never before, but it is also truc that Los Angeles; 50; James Hill, armies to victory!
ty. of Barcelona, expresses it emancipate labor, and hence, life. Brothers, the world marches human beinga, and to conquer in no case at present is of more consequence Peoria, III, 2,;C. S, Deeney, East Port, Plunderbund. Melting Pot)
watits poor. The American.