AnarchismBakuninEmma GoldmanEnglandFranceInvasionPrivate PropertySocialismSocialist Party

what wi TTTTTTTT English Section Wm Owon Editor.
REGENERACION Mexican Notes Dayal Artested ci d!
el C ments CI Si t: mad AS No. 183.
dispair. The task of getting proas no116 of outrages committed against game. You, who prato so gibly of Saturday, April 4, 1914.
tices from those gentlemen is not a Aincrican and British citlzong, during individual rights, bid the disinherited hopeless one nncarly four years of rovolutionary act only as the majority decides and incidentally one may remark that concluded from last wook warfare, and thoy number sixty look solely to the ballot, because you there is a certain Clarence Goorge who is now doing his yoar in LoavanDlar Extravaganco.
three! But who can add up the out yourselves aro up to the neck In polTogo inflicted by that marauding itics. Look at your shameleon, Indit.
worth, becauso he wrote to the Presi. Curiously and stupidly, as it acomo plutocracy of which Fall in the scowl. ference to the fact that thousands of Har Dayal, well known as a Hindu dent private secretary, complaining to us, Croelman final letter opene Ing, narrow oyed advicata. soe hla Mexicanı have sacrificed their lives, revolutionist, who is one of the found that after seven years of service lic with a pathetic allusion to the unfin photograph in Tho Litorary Digest At your very doors, that they may win ors of the Bakunin Institute, nicar San had been denied a furlough. Also one ished condition of the 8, 000, 000 opera of March 21) sgainst the holpless and for their country that free land which, Francisco, and is announced as buslo remembers the cause of Waldo Coff house walch Diaz began to build in unsuspecting Mexican poon? as you yourselves proach. all man noda manager of Land and Liberty, man and that of Wm. Buwalda, who Mexico City, dilates on tho licensing Senator Shirely replied on behalf tirust win, they are to shako off the which is to make its first appearanco now has served tho punishment to Of gambling, as revived by Huorta of the Administration and declared curse of poverty! Look at that recMay 1, was arrested March 25, in Son which he was condemned for having and waxco cloquent on the orgies in that Fall program of smad Inter ord, that damning record, made under Francisco, imniediately after the de attended one of Emma Goldman loc which the dictator and his officiala vention moant war. Public opinion, the influence of your office secking livery of a lecturo at Bohemian Hall. tures and actually shaken hands with participate. We have no anxloty to na represented by the leading dailios, leaders. The arrest was at the instigation of her. Also there is Roumanlan defend Huerta, but neither are Wo especlally in the East, deema generally No; at prosent the Single Taxero the British government, which seeks named Lee Kosti Aryany now impris seized at all with admiration for the opposed to Fall ingolom. Naturally of the United States, 8: a party can.
his deportation under section 2, of the oned at Fort Flagler because after en avidity with which Diaz catered to in accord with Fall ard Sanatori Pen not run atraight, and do not. They immigration law. which provides: listment he had the misfortune to be wealth and luxury while the masses To Be of Pennsylvania, Conquiet of cannot throw themelves whole heart Anarchists or persons who believe come a convert to Christianity and whose government he had undertaken Texas and Works of California. Moana edly into the strusel of the dislohere government of the United States or short, there are no end of cases and which brought on the revolution; a border has been increased and now faltering villair, Maaboth, they let all government and all forms of law, arguments that may make the modern revolution that should be left to work numbers 18, 000 Top mp dare not wait upon would.
or the Assassination of public officials, proletarian pause in his wild ambition out ita natural course tuntil the legiti At this writing March 25 areshall be deported.
to protect some octopus against its mate aspirations of the Mexican peo porto indicate the speedy fall of Tor: FATAL CONFESSIONS.
Dayal was released on ball almost justly enraged workmen, of riak his ple, which are the aspirations of uni reon, attacked by Vlila at the head of immediately, but has been subjected skin in Mexico for the sake of pulling versal life, have translated themselves 12, 000 men. The fighting at Goticz Chicago, advertises itself as the of The Party Builder, published in to grilling examinations before Imm! Guggenheim and Standard Oil chest into accomplished fact. The first of Palacio, three miles north of Torreon, ficial bulletin of the Socialist Party gration Inspector Frank Ainsworth, nuts out of the fire.
those aspirations is tho land, without appears to have been most bloody of the United States. Its leading arAt Angel Island, and the papers in the Meanwhile the year war appro which no form of life, from the lowest and one judges that, from the strictly cle in a receht Isgui 18 on Lecturing case have been forwarded to Wash priations every cent of which Labor to the highest, can sustain itself. On military standpoint, Villa troops and Propaganda Work, and la pro ington, for consideration by the cen must supply have reached the colog all that side of the question Creelman, acquitted themselves admirably, show test against Section of the Sotral authorities It is believed that sal sum of 140, 000, 000, and the kindly though he must necessarily be in ing much dash and shooting with re: cialist Party Constitution, which says Dayal is immune, as he has resided Gen. Wood is still howling about our formed, kecpe studious allence. To do inarkablo accuracy, That is what that speakers shall recelve a day in this country more than three years. total unpreparedness. The difficul that is to lic; brazenly, unabashedly, counts.
and railroad fare.
Nevertheless it is evident that the ty is not in getting the gun, but the in the most pernicious because in the oo OOOOO British government has worked up right kind of man behind the gun. He most fatally deceptive manner, Commenting on this it tells its It is WILL NOT COMPROMISE. readers that such speakers as Euthe case against him most carefully, is wobbly and scarce today. Let the the prostitute pen that tells but hall We are in receipt of sample ogenc Debe, Charles Edward Rusfor its detectives traced his move rebel propaganda be pushed for a few a story, from England to France, more years as fiercely as it has been Far more scholarly, and apparently and Liberty, which is to appear Emil Seidel, John Spargo, Ben W: copy of the first page of Land a sell, Victor Borger, Stitt Wilson, Switzerland, Martinique and other of late, and he will become as extinct far more honest, is the article Can countries. Undoubtedly. the proceed as the dodotwo. Mexico Progres? which was pub. portance of the land question Hare, etc. have at present all the May 7mIt emphasizes the immo3on7 Oscar Anerligtr, Kate Richards ings against him were stiinulated lished in The Forum recently; Theo and announces, in the most out speaking dates they can fill, but that greatly by liis founding of a weekly.
writer, Warwick, considers it gpoken terms, a program of mil. o not one of them speaks under the Gudar. Revolution. which is hayrevolutionary Commissioner General Caminetti of tracted immigration that the cen; coupled with uncompromising o explains the reason for thin by Ing a large circulation among the Activity a auspices of the National Office. It Hinding of the Pacific Coast and is the Bureau of Immigration has rena) 3u8 of 1900 showed only said to be of considerable influence dered his first annual report, and it of 5, 507 Americans and Europeans as o or insisting on the need of clear. comrades thoughtless enough who exin India itself appears that 1, 197, 892 aliens came to then resident in the country, and cut thought as the indispensable a pect a comrade who can get 200 a the deportation of a noted agitator ber much larger than in any fiscal ceeded 120, 000. He believes that the o Great otress is laid on the desir: lecture from a capitalist lyceum to because he is an agitator has aroused year since 1907 and it is considered overwhelming proportion of Mexicans o ability of forming study groups speak for the party for per day and rallroad fare.
much indignation, especially as it cm the more remarkable inasmuch ag the favors policy of Mexico for the Oat all possible points, and the o We ourselves also desire to comwhich was wont to pride itself on many others who otherwise would in fact we have explained over and o furnishing the necessary ment, and first we say that a comstanding in the splendid isolation of have come.
over again in these columns that the o terial. There will be eight derade who will prefer his private bank being the one European Power that The males outnumbered the females Mexicang as a whole see, nothing to o partments, one of which will be account to the acrvice of his party is Assured political refugees gale shelter by more than two to one, which pro: tempt them in the capitalist system o given to a review of the Mexi.
not a comrade, but a hireling.
beneath the Empire flag. As always, duces a thoroughly unhealthy condia which we and other nations are en o can Revolution, which in de Secondly. day. and railroad. fare.
the question of whose ox is being tion on both sides of the Atlantic and deavöring to impose on them.
are mighty good wages for men who gored makes all the difference.
is eminently characteristic of our mod the result of that imposition the milscribed as the shadow of coming a really are advocating Social RevoluThe fact that this arrest has been ern society. The sexual perversity lions find themselves, and for the first o none can, as yet, foresec. The as ever, those who preach a really events the importance of which a tion. In all ages, and today As much ordered at a moment when we are in and consequent racial decay thus en time in their history, landless and gerionis controversy with the British gendered receives, of course, an in compelled to live by the bounty of and the revolt of the disinherited o had extreme poverty as their portion.
government in the matter of the Pan calculable impetus from the separation the employer, find themselves forced will be chronicled unflinchinglys. It never has been otherwise; it never ama Canal tolls, and also over affairs incident to the enormous standing to accept auch terms as the foreign wherever that revolt occurs. The will be in Mexico, Invests the case with much armies and navies of the day, Of the aliens above the age of 14 no work of a character they do not like, o as tied to no organization or corporation offers them for doing o publishers announce themselves additional interest. Dayal has many Thirdly, if the above named speak.
and influential friends, and if the less than 26 per cent were, il literate a or forced to emigrate to the United o ism, but as striving solely for ers command from capitalist lyceuma Washington authorities should decide fact not to be forgotten by those who States, where the same conditions the overthrow of human slavery 200 lecture, they are not preaching against him the case unquestionably have the task of making revolutionary confront them. Seldom will you find in every form. really revolutionary doctrine, but are talking what tickles the ears and be. The section of the Immigration such propaganda must be of the sim. austrial arrangements of the United o Land and Liberty will be a well to do middle class.
If the support is generous o soothes the so called consciences of a Law quoted above is a disgrace to piest kind, as it has to be among the States, and in this respect they stand o weekly. as is the carnest desire o civilization and no self respecting na Mexicans; going directly to the root by no meang alone, Mr. Warwick o desire of the publishers. Should tion can afford to keep it on its statute of things TALABURRI 12PORT What these people will quotes Romero, former Mexican repro the support be meager it will be XAXOIL OLADNE DETEXI TUND.
books. It was the child of craven know, every one of them, will be that resentative at Washington, as issued monthly, untii sufficient From time Committee wm organized to April fear, following the assassination of they came here under assurances of writing: It is easier for Americans o money has been collected to the Oct. 20, from Victor Oravello, Becretary, 10.
tical standpoint it has proved a verita from oppression. Specifically they will and Mexican moral views that it is to o The subscription is only a dollar Nov, 14. from Victor Oravello, Begretary, ble boomerang, for it has given the expect to be given access to the land: convert the Mexicans, to the Amero a year, for eight well printed 27. 10. Nor. 14, trom o. Owen, 10. Nov.
18, from roe kopp, Nov. 18, trom Victor Anarchist propaganda an That seems to o pages, and sample copies will be Oravello, Becretary, 11 Nov. 10, from John only one per cent of the vast total us a putting of the case too mildiy. o obtainable, after May 1, by apimpetus no words can measure.
Nec, 11. Nov. 17, from Arbeiter 6t.
Dayal is a high caste Hindu; a came from Asia, and we venture the We should say the task is impossible. plying to the Bakunin natiBranch 202, 312, 201 from Vietot Oravello, Bac.
retary, Nor. 19, 12. 80 Nov, 24, 487. 78; Nov noted scholar and formerly professor assertion that a very small proportion Almost universally the 2048 Deord:918. BO; Der 10 from are madlortuterRD, NO Hayward, at Stanford University. He a3 one of of that. one per cent was illiterate. The sides that Owed 110. From Victor ora volto, Secretary.
Dec, 11, 10: Dec. 11, 80. 90 Dec. 10, 128. 601 000 Dec. 80, 497. 00: Dec. 31. 147. 50.
who have abandoned wealth and so ious, and revolutionary thought is and thinking in terms only of the dolIt is the characteristic you will cial position that they may devote making enormous strides among them. lar.
Jan. Tom Victor Carello, CANNOT RUN STRAIGHT.
themselves to the overthrow of those The Chinese are always able to read see cartooned in all the comic papers At its conference in Washington, Sam. 114. 00Jan. 31. 12. 23 Jan. 21, 146, Angele, 10 Victor. and write their own language, and from the Rio Grande to Cape Horn.
barbaric institutions which still tipD. last month, the Single Taxers Jan. 27. 80: Jan, 28. 45. 20. Feb. 70, 46 hold the rule of poverty and slavery, they are engaged today in making Warwick considers that as a nation adopted a fine address to the public Feb Feb2. 466. 86; Heb. 25, 30 Mar.
Asia, like Russia, is producing many what is perhaps one of the greatest the Mexicans are reverting to the in fine inasmuch as it drew attention 2018 dni Total receloto to April 1st, 1014, 1878. SO.
men and women of that type Har evolutions in the history of the race dian type, calls attention to the fact most clearly to the fact that no man Dayal own wife, for example.
So The Hindus also, it must be remem that Benito Juarez, who dreaded the made the land, and that, therefore, Account Books, BC Envelopes, soc Rubber Nov. 14, to o. Oren for Pontal Boz, 80; also is Mexico. Undoubtedly the bered, are showing a lively and fear: invasion of the capitalist Colossus of the land is not in the same category Stamp 80 por came, 100Stampe United States will develop them ulti css revolutionary spirit, both in India the North, was a pure Zapotecan, and ag are articles produced by human Bolton rrine BILnisl acet. Hill Rental mately and become a genuine force and South Africa, and the facility that Diaz himself was more than half toil. John Stuart Mill, and other cele 20. to Victor Chapallo for utampo, in our race struggle for emancipa with which they master English after so. The blood is powerful and shows brated tconomists of the earlier to wo. Owen, for Dlatributing Licenne, 000; tion. At present its movement runs coming to this country is remarkable no sign of dying out. Of course War school, were never weary of pointing to becos, tow. Owen tor stamps and fargely to Jack Londons, who turn their alleged revolutionary, pens to Canal we shall have to face this prob through capitalist spectacles insists of emphasizinz the argument that the pointe matter and on volopen, såsom Deco money making, and sell thelr repu lem on a much larger scale. The that foreigners gave Mexico the trade law of private property, having its Dec. 10. to Victor Oravello for slampe tions to real estate boomers. They monopolists intend to dispose of it by expansion she enjoyed in the period origin in anxiety to pratect the laborer Dec. 10. X Hudson for tittorney even advertise the shameless sales. making all they can out of the poor from 1901 to 1911, and says that ex in the product of his toil, cannot logi stampo 25C. Dec. 1o. to Victor Cravolto for immigrant; especially by chalking up pansion was checked by the Mexican cally be applied to land, which is na stamp 30. Dec. 81. Piotor Cravello the price of the land on which he will unwilingness to work. He considers, ture free gitt. The address is also stampo, 200 bedste to Huden for MILITARY PROPAGANDA, have to settle. What shall we do?
therefore, that extensive immigration quite clear in its demonstration that We observe that the Sons and or absorption by the United States land values created by the public station to. Aucharon tar et Daughters of National Defense are are inevitable.
in other words, his should belong to the public, torney tece, 100. 00; Man. 7, check opening a bureau which will send free view is that capitalistic expansion On these basic questions Single returned, accomot closed. 60. Jan. 91, to lecturers into every state of the The slave looks up. Terrified by must go on. Ours is that the sooner Taxers have a gospel of paramount. Hudoonoforettornerstoes. 300. 00.
Union. It is stated that the lecturers life, and what may come after life, it is halted the better, and that the importance to the human race, and Hudson for attorney Toen 76. 00 will be experts in the study of war, he rolls his eyes to heaven. Meekly great merit of the Mexican Revolu one they can explain most lucidly: Budoon for attorney reen. co.
and most of them will relate incidents he begs his Czar, his government, his tion is that it has been the first to call But they cannot make any honest and Mar. to Victor Dravelig for printed matter.
of modern battlefields, especially as politician, to work out salvation a halt, in tones to which the world at virile man understand why, if land March 28, to W. Anduce tor Attorney. seen from their special occupation in scheme. Crushed by it he forms his large is being forced to listen, monopoly, as they say, is the cause of teen 60. 00 Total expended to April 1, 1014, 888. TO the army. How inspiring!
own government his union and fedThe society has the indorsement of eration of unions. Still he looks up Senator Fall Jingoism.
all poverty, it should not be attacked with every weapon at command and Total Recelpte Maj. Gen. Wood. Wonderful! What for help. Still he hangs on to others, The most belligerent of all the dug out forcibly, root and branch. All is even more wonderful, however, is beseeching them to think and act for shouters for intervention in Mexico men of that type will say, as we sav: that one does not find the names of him. God, king, congressman, labor has been Senator Fall, who himself has You talk passive resistance because The boots, vouchers and bank accounts ot the Gen. Harrison Gray Otis or William leader it is all of the same shoddy: large interests there and represents you, though knowing the damage you treatnrer dine best audited and found botteet Randolph Hearst among the patrons. The trembling instinct of the herd numerous corporations much more do by encouraging land speculation, STANLEY GOL, Nevertheless the lecturers need not again betrays itself.
largely interested. He has scared up yourselves enter feverishly into the Ohatimua Auditing Committee. SULUSlat) 1914.
LLOWPN 1018.
UV enot mous opet and o Cal.
RLOSIETI 1984 Becretary, 837. 73; Jan. 12 frotu 8001allat Maennercher, Los NEIN 1911. 1 tona, JAM, to Victor Onvello postal box and.
a 678. 20 650. TO Total Expeake Bulance, April 18. 30 VIRTA, Trendrer.