AnarchismCivil WarEnglandFranceGermanyInvasionSocialismStrikeWorking Class

English Section We Are Moving from Illusions Toward Life REGENERACIONS Mexican Notes Two Vital Truths. mati.
14. e question; the restoration to ther this country, representing law and or. nrie) to purchase or condemand these inasses of those tich opportunities. des, and the pestilent revolutionary tracts, and to restore them to their which they enjoyed for centuries, activities of Central and Southern OWNICT He ade14: If this is one What will be the next move? To their feet to greedy speculators by which were sold away from under Mexico. The critering welge, the people will be licly (rue it their be able to answer that question coroll masters, and they will hradually (Translated from the Spanish of Ricardo Flores Magon. rectly we would pay a large sum of corrupt politicians, and which they becans (116 civilized It is found money, if we had it. We only know The Revolucioni is TORCING restorare now in a fair way to win back.
that this han been this case with the Wc Revolutionists are not pursing a chimera; we are shout Rebellion!
Indians of the few towns which had pursuing reality: The Dooples nowadays are not taking Fear takes wings and is hathared by the vile alonc. what all the world knows; viz. that ation.
und wito upllicir cual lands.
up arms to impose on others their special Gods or their fear is a heavy pack which the brave, ashamed to play Ambassador Wilson has been hur spised peon has taken the game co City, for the hand and FORCED the great ic Los Angeles Times miay, be They are incre independent and betreligions, The Gods are rotting in the holy books. The the parts of beasts of burden, must unload. Packs make an and it isNevertheless the ter in every way Wilt lesser this Mexican Revolu.
religions are facing away in the shadow of indifference. us bend the back, and the valiant wislı to stand erect. If it consultation at Washington, and statesmen to Fenimber that he also imes has tlic enormo114 virtue of The Koran, the Verinxi, the Ritole, no longer dazzle. Be a load we must support, let it be the burden of the world that the dailies print in huge capitals: Jias a right to life and happiness, And being a bold an open enemy; one Germans demand United States protion could teach us, il we woulul but tween theit yellowing leaves the Gods are passing murn and of a universe of responsibilities.
now that the great statesmeo of his who is not afraid to acknowledge and learn tection.
What ille Carpenters relice.
fully, as the sun lies in tlie twilight of a winter day, Submission! It is the cry of the vile. Rebellion! It is own country are being FORCED to salute the virtues of its foc, as are Naturally, the dailies are running look life in the face and recognize its so many of our allegedly revolulinn trend dat die lusis of life ly tittertal, We arc moving toward jle. Yesterilny heaven was the shout of men. Lucifer, the rebel, is worthier than out column after coluinn on tlie sub basic rights in comes the Internation ary papers. We doubt if there is an 1101 lot a demonstration of the greit the people olpective point; 10lay it is the earth. Tliere the sulmissive hireling, Galsriel, are 110 more Crusaders, lance ini hand. Allah cimeter Fortmate are the hearts in which protest takes root. let, they realista cement being that al Money Power and says firmly, no other paper in the country that would material conditions tous les aprovec tests in the museum show. case. The hories of the God Insubordination and rebellion! They are flowers we have exaggeration) invested in Mexico; know only the law. recognize such a series of letters as that which about it? Why are lisy but a prous of Israel are becoming atheists. The dust of dogmas is cultivated all too little.
that these millions demand protecclisappearing before the breath of the years as they go by. The timorous pale witti fcari ariel the conservative are tion; that she calls on the United one fact only, viz. tliat our titles are Trank Carpenter has been sen of the equally important truth that day the peoples are not in reliellion because they scandalized when they hear our words; but tomorrow, the States ciuter to live up to the Monroe ther. Diaz tried to and failed. Ma been voicing truths absolutely fatal. tu on record and that INFORCE, ing; it from Mexico; Pur Carpenter las the liger of mounpoly will never let wish to avlore one God rather than another. The great timorous and the conservative will applaud then, No his grip until he has been cor.
secinl lipheavals to which religions gave birth have become timorous and the conservative who, today adore Christ liceman for the whole of North Ame tried to and he is failing. myself gerral land monopolies it represents. filled wine lie is pleased to call luis nered by force of arins in fear has Detrified in the story of the past flie french Revolution were they who yesterday conlenined and crucificd him as rica, or to stand aside and let the forwon the right to thinks, but it did not win tlie right to a rebel. They wiin today are rearing staties to men of eign Powers do their own invading.
now lak the task in hand.
In proof of which we reproduce the soul? But yesterday the plaint of the lives ind 10 the conquest of that latter right tlie intelli genius persecuted them yesterday, loaded them with chains. For more than two years we have riat going 10 lo abont it? Money 12, which run; What is thč International Proleta pening sentences of his letter of July Mexican peon was is the whistling fort of all countring and all races today address themof the wind Today, ayined with a selves and forced him 10 retract, glorify him today; they whe Money Power sooner or later, which solid rock, for thic enforcement of its want to give you some of under the basis fair to lay down the law in this my last letter from Mexico. Ma1501 and knowing how to 119e it, humane doctrine has found. Its way to the heart of the hands that 14gged at the rope which hauged John Brown, adopted years ago without the Slighit: so called Baner rights, wherever those currents. capihlice copinion, which scef, as dew to the thirsty soil. In live does not mean, for were the ones that later, in the Civil War, broke the chains est consultation with the American so called fielts the right to wring rapidly changing the possibilities of elucidation of an il pervasive law; apy. All of us, tlicresore, have the right 10 liberty and gradel Ilidalgo, today venerate him; the tremulous hands to put down revolution from the ca incated. Whicre does the Internation: 1124 blie troubles diere, are only ille tiles universe, as constructed on any happiness.
that fifted thc hemlock to the lips of Socrates, today are nadian border to Cape Horn.
al Proletariat stand? Tlave the untold struggle of the ins an ouls is mis other principle than that of strength: Social inequality ried, in theory, when the relellion penning tearful defences of that Titan of thought.
The people have become the halance of conflicting forces, hree courses are now open to the millions of the disinherited snared to takeni.
of free thought killed metaplıysics. It is necessary that it should die in fact. To that soal tlie energies of all free tionist and a Revolutioriist, as compared with some other first being to nhandon the. Monroe national prejudice and race antipathy? And there is a strong hope that this hvery man, says. Carlos Malato, is at once a. Reac government of the United States; the that pointi Tave they, cast off all aroused to the possibilities of liberty, moire marching.
doctrine; the second, to acknowledge Do TTTTE recognize Tirir cause whole social and economic system will LA HUELGA GENERAL 11cnce it is that we Revolutionists are not pursuing To the Reactionists thie Conservatives of today we the Tuerta government and thus coas always, and everywhere the same? le reorganized. Gentlement of the a chimera. We are 1100 struggling for abstractions but are Revolutionists, but to the Revolutionists of tomorrow operate with it in putting down the all others, and beside it the considera facts of this kind the bitterest kind of dustrial Worker. advertising the new That is the question that transcends Jcan Grave stripe must be finding We are delighted to find lle Infor material facts. We want the earth for all; we want our acts will have been these of Conservatives. Humanis revolution, or, third, to intervene, by tion of whether the Federals or the siroking, and the drench revolutions fournish organ of the WW. La bread for all. What though blood may run, so long as ty ideas as to progress. Vary, all the time, and it is armed invasion.
the victory henefits all and not a special social caste! absurd to pretend that they are immutable, like the fossils Because of this the inultitude is listening to 118. Be of plants and animals.
What does all this actually nican? this or tliet Battle of this bitter fight that by the wilful malignity of kace. Strike) as about to make its appearcause of this our voice reacles llic miayscs, shaking and T11 another column we quote exten sinks into sticlı insignificance that we. But if those full of the fear of God, and ille conservaers it has been hetravel into negleet incc, with offices at 420 LOS An. awakening liem. Because of this we are able to raise a tive, pale with fear and are scandalized by our doctrines, sively from Carpenters. closing scries have scarcely. the patience to keep up of a great cause, There can be 110 goles St. 14 Angeles. As we have of articles to the Los Angeles the chronicle.
whiale people revolt.
tlose doctrincs breathe courage into the serf. The faces limes, in which, summing up the greater trenson. said before, there are thousands of We are the people; but not the sad aud mournful poo, that misery and grief had marred are now transfigured; situation, he insists that thic trouble. Rebels in Hard Luck.
It is Carpenter last loiter, 21st trc Mexicans in Southern California Communications are so interrupted passes in review the alministratious wlion we (In not reach cffectively, pile of the Pharoahıs; not the abject and servile people of clown the sun burned chools the tears no longer run in Mexico is economic, that the peo and partizanship has grown so rabul of Diaz and Madero, saying of the fore and there is room for half a dozen llie Caesars; not this people who were wont to clap their countenances grow humanized; nay, better, they become ple are tired of allowing the country that it is harder and harder to ascerin revealing the yokey were the people of Sparta. Winae sculptor, ever yun portrayed an ugly here to What to the owned by the few and that cut tain the actual facts. We think that above the average level was cut ori would be an assistance to the others.
quality, will canile Yesmoulins in the tearing town of actorincher There is a mysterious light which inwraps Icorganization may come But how is the insurrectoes in the North during but did not accomplistu. 10 which le down the wall of a patlay against 111c Mastille, with Hilalgo in the burning of Granaditas, liernes and lends them brilliancy. Hidalgo, Juarez, Mor pretically desirable, to come if the talk of desertions from their ranks, Ierta is now preaching and psom he 11cw acministration of which we all break ourselves. with Juarey in his polling of reform Tclos, Zaragosa, sparkle like suns, TE La Huelga General is to fare hic Greeks placed Money Power. in one way or another owing to scanty rations and inability ising, and parties are forming. Mliere letter than Regeneracion las fared We are the people, waking the full fed from tlieir their licroes among the demi gods, gluttonous slumber and intucling to the four winds this We are moving towardemtesti is this which is breath and which way is merely a question to pay. On the other hand, the finan may be another revolution or so be during the last three years it will have formidable phrase: We all have this right to be free and ing courage into the serf, awakening the giant and causing vested interests? To protect yested him to throw troops into Guaymas but there is little cloubt that the old work. Nothing else counts. Its ediword of God, engravention tablets, tn lescend on Sinai, is reared on the rocks of Chapultepec a Jupiter of ander gond and virtuously legal to the ordi actively. Villa is reported definitely that a new one will eventually take its those of Regeneracion, its revoluMexion has passed away forever, il torials will have to be superior to listening to 115, of the layal are aflanie, Into the black pięstics where aged hands sentences worthy of a cannibal, while his dis terms of governments and accepts the oughly equipped calavry and as get what longer rendering of the sum tion it gives its readers, both as to. educathey who mariufacteil e happiness for those above them honored bairs bristle like the pelt of a wolf attacked by common doctrine that all property ting rcarly for a rchel dash on Juarez, mary given by Ricardo Magon wlien the necessity of social revolution and huvlatie ante rot, a ray of hope is entering. The peon is rabies. reproach to old age this perverse dotard clings and every monopoly. however ac but that dash has been strangely de he wrote, more than two years ago: the best methods of bringing it about, carib the mineraisa repening that phrase to his brothers the lives of thousancis. he himselinis struggling hangk to quired, and however fatal to individ: layed. At 09 Mochis, Sinaloa, the There is chaos in Mexico, but out clearer and more convincing. Those of the chain. Hverywhere tliey are barkc11i11g to the cager land with death to save his own.
of that chans will come something wlio ene after the pinneers are ex.
panting of those who are inarching to rebellion. 11011 No matter; we Revolutionists niarch ouward. Thie is protected by the government, as rep large quantity of arms clestinerl for good for the poor.
pected to better their instruction, for saud 11ervous hands are fonding the rifle secretly; a thoum abyss does not stop 115; when the water is falling over the moment it has succeeded in get 448, 000 rounds of. cartridges destined tion and tells us that the people are the trail that traveling is hardest. The resenting the inasses what irony! the Constitutionalists. At ICI Paso Carpenter reverts to flic land 446s il is wlien you have to find and break sandl impaticut lircasts are counting as centuries the days the precipice it is most beautiful.
which must clap4clcfore tlicy can listen to the manly Ti wc dic we shall die like suns, diffusing light.
iting itself scribbled down on court. for the rebels is just reported as hav veginning to realize that it is not new paper will be required to go house récordis.
ing been confiscated by the United right that a thousand Families should! above the mark Regeneracion has What Is Sympathy Worth?
States authorities. Everything works practically own this mighty lerritory; set: is honeycombed with fechle and cle WORKING FOR FREE LAND.
Apply that charming doctrine 10 against the rebels. Everything al and, referring to the robbery uf ihe Should La Huelga General do Five years ago wlic so humble as generate thought.
Mexico. You adınit that the millions ways lias, so far as the action of the communal lands, which ran riot under this, it will live and prosper, with our the Mexican peoni fending silently We are 110 longer thinking about it Wagner, of 708 Centrat ave: lave been deprived of their lanıls. United States and forcign Powers is Diaz, says: About fifty or sixty years post. cordial approval. Should it fail from lawn to dusk nver the plough; but aclally Moving toward nuc, Minneapolis, Minn. as secretary You admit that tlie deprivation means concernedl; yet they have fought on.
slaving in mine and factowy der ihc Tile, as Ricardo Magou shows so of he Changing Order, lias sent wliolesale misery and the reduction ago every town in Mexico liacl cer in this, it will die, and deserve to die, Tlie rebel chief Ortega is said to tain lands surrounding it wliiel were the masses, want results. They are overscor wluip? Look at him now cloquently in the article we have us notice of a call for a convention to slavery. You admit that the Mex have been defeated near Gaiuláloupe, divided among the citizens, and caclı not to be cheated everlastingly with generation ago, who so imidly translated for this week issue. to be held in Minneapolis, in July icans are fighting like tigers to get the federals capturing 40, 000 rounds louseholdler had his own little plat, wordy wars between would be leadmodest and traiglit laced as the lingnext. The call is signed lay a num back those lands, thus putting an end of ammunition, wit li quantities of t1pon which he could raise cuough ers: or those vague frothings with lish hread am bytter middle class ber of usidçuts of Minnesota, North to their misery and redeeming them. arms and provisions, and taking many TRUE INDIAN TYPE.
corn for his family and where he which so many allegedly revolutionMiss drilled to all the respectabili Caupolican, chief of the Aurocanos, Dakots and Montana, and it is evi selves from that slavery into which prisoners.
could pasture his cows.
ary papers abound; to their own mer. licy, talight to keep silence in the the oldest tribe of Indians in Souilh dent that the convention chief busi. they have been plungect. You wymTgnacio Pesquiera, Constitutional Insured their Independence.
ited doing.
presence of her clders, instructer that America, is featured as one of the mess will be the land question, for pathize with that hieroic struggle ist governor of Sonora, wired the fol Don you think that made for eco We want another good, live, wellher vocation was matrimony and iliat Orpheuni principal attractions. le the main resolution to be introduced You have at the entrance to your lowing to President Wilson, July 16: nomic independence? Don you think dites Spanish revolutionary paper in she must abide in yirgin scclusion 1111 deserves to be, for le is the fortunate states that we will no longer recog great harbor a colossal figure of Tib We pray you not to permit the for that liere in America, which is cssen Lng Angeles. We always liave wanttil Prince Charining came alongi possessor of a magnificent tenor nize the validity of any land title, crty illumining the world. On your cigti nations of Europe to make of tially the country of cuormierus culti ed one. If La Huelga General does Look at lier 110w, as she reveals hier voire, trained to great perfection in howsoever granted, except such as is coinage you stamp the figure of des the United States a collection agency vable arcas, our masses would be freer good work it will have in iis its most sell in the last anual report of the aris. lle sings in linglish, French lange ni uporario arter and miserit potisun pierced to death by the lance to collect moneys that they have ad if there were allotted to every one as generous friend Tf it goes in for Woman Sugian angel Political Un anal luis native tongue; selections from of course as an acknowledgment of slush and feeble minded personalities Here, in part, is what she has the world great masterpieces. Seving the call informs us that several Latip moito which, translated into dernus Huerta government. the claims of life suell a plot of land, we shall way it alive. Our business is viree fold. irstly, it is independ Caupolican need not fear comparison, tive in this movonent jutend to work sand times a day. But when Mexi whiên Huerta and his followers findi dollars for the few feet niceclecl als The reason of the union success by artists of acknowledged rank, and have signified their intention of at always be with tyrants. All Things These nations have advanced their instead of their being compelled to is the Social Revolution, and, like money with full knowledge that it pawn the industry of years to land good husiness people, we judge solely a was to a surping government. Now, speculators who charge lureds of by results.
ent of all political parties, and cannot, eiklier as to tone or interpretation.
the therefore, De expluitul int ile interests during Moreover, he tells the audience how steadily twelve cans propose to follow that heroic they are being crushed, he appeals standing room for tiny, five roor of Nelf secking male politicians; 9ec his tribe holds the Andes, from Con mamuthsemakinig, a wropabanda on the lead; when they propose to slay the to the powers who have advanced cottage? Do yon think there is 110 Now that Secretary Brvan s, peace oudly it is anti government in its cepcion to the Straits of Magellan, to land question that, they hope, will re tyranny that to theni policy and therefore the pressure Rether with tle Aslands adjoining the sult in their convention being the to declare void those rotten title United States to grant him recogni land question but that advocated by her of the nations. all that remains to which it can exert is riglıtly lirected Chilian cost; and how it repelled suce opening of a vigorous, natioti wide deeds by which an autocrat gave tion.
the Single Taxers, who would have be done is to see who can build the instead of being wasted; thirdly, the cessfully the Spaniarelkage alt would campaign.
away his country to the bargain hunt(Wall Street Journal. The people of Mexico, who have us wait a century or two until they biggest navy.
umion is militani, thus enıploying the be invaders, forcing the Chulian naSurely they have our sympathy and ers who scented the opportunity as been fighting and winning battles to have won over a majority and include only political weapons available to the tion, after a struggle that lasted a will command such co operation as the vulture scentsthe carrion, you sustain the regular government, pro the government in tax occupiec yoteless; and appealing also itmilliesint cântury, to sue for peace. IIe las. we can give. It is high time that the say: French thought and character nate dignity and self respect of the clear cut ideas as to the value of United States take up this and prob must not be touched, for property is them their hard won laurels. The panter thinks. tlie progressive poli anxious above everything else, to higlidst lypes of women who oljcct 10 struggle and liberty, and he gave the ent seriously, as they are taking it up sacred. Title cleeds must be enforced State troops: have and always will. ticians of Mexicoy may manage to get keep the family together and provide making ilichinelves mere supplicants Los Angeles Recordl an interview, in Mexico, for land monopoly is con at any. price.
for that wliich is llieir right, in the course of which he said, speak yerting this nation into one of home must be social reorganization, but it protect Ancrican interests in Mexico the internauthat should come member has always ind med en stock less Militancy also luits been extended ing of a vanquished race: city dwellers and penniless must be wrought without trespassing in scope and increased in vigor, and Thc Inca empire feli, in a clay, tramps, witli all the wagc slavery and an vested rights.
The Los Angeles Times publish all parts of the globe as a triumpli for Socialism, as a benevolent Santa Claus from being merely mymbolic, ag in the Money, Power exl, July 17, a huge cartoon in which its propaganda. But, in reality. It will with his wallet full of jobs. It is in before llic. assault of the avaricious dependence on Was there ever position more althe old days, is now (lirected against and bloodthirsty Spaniards, Why? such a condition implies.
sird? Did you never hear of the idi.
Uncle Sam is depicted as getting have been forced from authority by France that State Socialism has been reacty to swat the revolutionary mosthe heroic action of the lettered and in France it is breaking down property, ile public as well as ille Because the Tucas were trained to We believe that persevering otic councilmen who passed three quitoes, and it writes favorably of ri peasant, whom (lull respectability lias hunath life alones caercasconlyelvaly rely absolutely on their chiefs; the course of correspondence and general resolutions, the first being that the nored propositions to most hopelessly, as it always will.
place the deemed lyeneath its notice.
goverment feeling its cffect, and cliefs thought and ordered; the peo agitation will show the menibers who old school liouse should be torn down Northern States of Mexico under a The lfrench are beginning to find that Referring again to the communal liinan lift alone being immune from ple obeyed. As a consequence, when have initiated this movement that immediately, the second, that a new ile Spaniards captured the leaders, they have sympathizers in every sec school house should be built immcdithat now enjoyed. by Cuba. They hat among the schemes now pro nascing United States protection similar to lands, Carpenter informs his reader out and thereby once more are teachattack!
ing the world a valuable revolutionary Jlrying published to the world that the people were like sheep; no one tion of the country, and that there has ately with the materials of the old would form, it says, a buffer between posed in the Chamber of Depulics is Alie chlpralke the three cardinal prin could lead, and the nation dieci, a vic been within the last few years an one, and the third that, until the new ciples of militant Anarchioni inde tini of its mistaken ideals. Now, with awakening as to the cvils of land mo school house was completed, the old pendence of politics the conceuira 119, 110) clier has any authority except nopoly wlich is far more general one should still be occupied? Tliat is HARKEN TO THE APPEAL TO REASON!
grow no breall; to deliver him, bound hand and foot, to tion of the attack on Government, and in time of wat! We as a tribe have than our thoughtless boomers imag the course gravely recommended in 0000000000000000000000OOO the remorseless cruelty of the Moncy Power, backed by nilitancy, 10 longer mcrcly sym no regard for authority as such, so ine. If such a movement gets a stant Mexico; a country with fiſteen million o The fact is that the revolution in Mexico has never the Servile State. Our whole argument is that the conbolic and liaving stated that the every man is a freu man and may be it will be imitated in other States, inhabitants, ninety nine per cent. of subsided since the uprising against the old dictator, o dition is universal, and that the Mexicans are entitled to preisperity of the Univpis pe to such, come a leader when needed. hold and we may look for a sterling educa them suffering frightfully: That is o Diaz For the present the administration favors o universal support because they are waging a universal tactics, the lady proclails: 110) nation cat last unless every man tional campaign and tlie creation of a the course to which statesmety and Huerta, for the reason only that he has the backing fight. he history of the year enrling is a frceman. That we have so rc literature which is necded frightfully, publicists and all sorts of supposedly of the more powerful interests represented in Wallo Alvvays, the Appeal to Reason has done its very february, 1913, may be said to begin muined is, to my mind, proof that we. There are literally millions who feet wise metr of government stand com Street; the same interests which instigated and fin utmost to alienale that universal sympathy, and done it with the great windlow breaking cam. are good material for the use of evo that this business of allowing tlie mitted, and it is to be noticed that, ally accomplished the overthrow and assassination in its liabitually Jesuitical style. It has done it by repreVaigin in Marchi, 1912. skilftilly 11tionary forces.
wealthy, to buy up the earth is all while çven the capitalist papers have of Madero, after these interests became satisfied that o senting conditions in Mexico as PECULIAR to that counplanned secret attack on Friday, Having read that, the editor of this wrong, but they do not see the way been forced to admit from time to Madero was too weak to establish stable: govern try; by representing Mexico as still in the feudal stage, March 1, took the police and all 100 section thought he would like to visit out, as yet, and therefore stand inac tiine that the trouble in Mexico is ment The revolution of the Mexican people whereas in reality she is the victim of entirely up to date don by surprise, for the protest liad Chief Canpolican, and most pleasant tive.
purely economic. they are now writ against the landed pirates, who have stolen their o capital. of absentee profict and usuary mongers. operating leen expected to take place on the talks ensued. The chief was well in We ourselves have a lively, corre, ing, as though it were exclusively a domain and left the small farmers in a state of peon o according to the most modern methods.
flowing Monday, March This formed as to Mexican affairs, natural. spondence from friends in Wasliing problem of politics. Things come to age, iş peculiar to that country and, in the very na o It should be casy to grasp the point we make. It expectation was 1101. whully disap ly was sympathetic, und finally asked: ton on this subject, and feel pretty a cruciat point and one hears no more ture of things, makes it impossible for the revolution should be easy to uerstand that the. Appcal to Reaponed, foor on that day another great What about the social revolution sure that the Northern States, at of the peon pitiable plight, but Will to subside while these dispossessed millions are on the o soil misrepresentation has precisely the effect it is window breaking proteal way inade. liat is coming in this country? Are least, are ripe for the departure in not this: embarrass the Democrats. verge of starvation. They have absolutely nothing intended to have, and makes Socialists believe that the Not all the london ylwpkeepers liad you interested also in that. Wlien cicated.
Not How is the. position of the to lose by revolution and everything to gain. Revo. Mexican Revolution is no concern of theirs, since Mexico at that time realized the futility and the writer explained that he was an masses to be improved by all this? olution, therefore, has become a natural state with a is in a stage of development we ourselves left behind more unfair11045 or laying the blind for Anarchist, Caupolican answered with but Ilow are we going to stand with them, and until some substantial concessions are o than a century ago. It is not so. It is a huge economic window lyreaking upon the nulitants a long trawn Al. In effect, the sitOUR NEW MAYOR.
England and Germany. No discuis. made to them, in the way of restoring their lands, o lie, and, therefore, a gigantic crime, because what diinstead of uljon the government. uation explained itscll.
Mayor Rose accession to office son of human rights; only, an anx. by the powers which plundered them, there will be o vides and paralyses the revolutionary movement is madTherefore, there was a clamor, for lias been the occasion of an ovation inust unspeakably abject solicitude as no peace in Mexico dy thought, delibera tely created by those with private drastic punişluncut. The 267 arrest SOCIAL WAR PICNIC.
banquet, at which 1200 were present. to the wishes of the Money Power: 000000000000000000000ooodoo axes to grind. The Appeal to Reason has a very large ed window Isreakers, wlio included tlic basket picnic will be held Sunday Judging from the reports weisnagine Well at least the Mexican Rievolifirmorable seçictaries of llie imion, afternoon, July 20, in: lysian Park, iliat the best speeches were made by tion is contributing its share to the Do you know, genitié reader, from whion, we are ax to grind. It has no sympathy with us because we do not believe in the ballot, of which not onle Mexican in a Mrs. Pankhurx and Mrs, Tutke, were near the reservoir, which is close to Jired. Wheeler, the Socialist laru education of the race by showing it, quoting? No less an authority than the Appeal to hundred knows anything; because we say and this is sentenced to terms of iimprisonment the main entrance on Buena Vista ty Councilman, who declared that if it would stop to look, what ALI, Renson, the great champion of the proletariat wleich absolutely fundamental for the entire revolutionary varying from fourteen days to six street. The object, is to raise funds wealth was as unnccessary as pov governments actually are the watch wrote, May 27, 1911, aui editorial that bogan: The Meximovement that before you can talk of ascertaining the polithis.
for the benefit of Social War, the erty and prayed for the passing of the dogs of monopoly and nothing more, can revolution is at an end, and continued with what free opinion of any people you must set thèmn economically Note the psychology reycale he New York revolutionary weekly. Tlie millionaire, and by his very opposite Forced by the Armed Peon.
we ourselves branded as the bombastic and lying state free.
autre to jiote that in the declaration cditor of this section is advertised as in politics, District Attorney Ireder At this very moment the leading inent that thus ends a remarkable historical event iliat The Appeal to Reason lowever smoothily or radthat all the London shopkeepers clici the speaker.
icks. In sharp sentences that cit like Mexican dailies are running full of was practically inaugurated by the Appeal to Reason.
ically it may talk, under the pressure of events, todaynot realize the futility and unfairless a razor, the latter insisted that the plans to improve the condition of the We ourselves care nothing about yesterdays. We are is utterly antagonistic to us, and is an enemy the more of blaming the window breakers (the In giving for forthcoming Recall, Referenduin and other meas masses, Before us lies a copy of El saturated with the philosophy that while thé lamp holds dangerous because it is hiding in the long grass instead effects) instead of the government book a series of translations from ures so dear to modern Socialism and Imparcial, just to hand.
We should It is out to burn the vilest sinner may return.
of coming out into the openi. It is antagonistic because (the cause. and do 110t be surprised the Spanish of Ricardo lores Magon, that formless thing which calls itself haps the most conservative and pow. welcome the death bed conversion of the Appeal to it is personally interested in upholding to the end of that the cliampiony of things as they we call attention to the heroic 110te Progress, were reducing the people to crful of all the Mexican papers, and Reason, but unfortunately THAT LYING SITEET IS tine the great Socialist delusion which puts the cart beare write editorials that visibly, palpi they, strike persistently. Of necessity a milling herd of cattle, always in ou its first page we find these heads: LYING STILL. It is lying in a way. most injurious to fore the liorse and teaches that you can get a free ex.
tate with fear, These national hip that noto loses much of its soul in motion but going nowhere ra pitiful. The work of securing the well be us; it is ļying in a way most fatal to tlie great revolu pression of opinion at the ballot box from a people ecoheavals are first flutterings of the spiring ring in the translation. The mass, a pestilence at home and a nuis ing of the people begins. Without tionary niovement of the world. There can be no mis.
nomically enslaved.
great break for liberty which is about influence Ricardo Magon writings ance abroad. Fredericks is a Con delay they will be permitted to work take, about that, and, alleged revolutionists wliatever No greater delusion than this was ever foisted on the to come, and they are worth a ce lrave exercised is due unquestionably servative of the old, stalwart type, and and exploit the national lands and they may call themselves should take the trouble to put ignorant. No fouler crime was ever committed than the tury of solemn Social Democratic re to that heroic strain. The still great. froin, such men we get the truest those in the neighborhood of towns on their thinking caps and understand the lie.
dissenuination of that delusion by the so called Intel.
ports, and an eoji of attempting to lift er influence he liimgeld lias exercised crticism of those half hearted reſorni. The national lands will be divided lip We are showing that the Mexican Revolution is ide11 lectuals, wlio know it to be a delusion and sefishly conourselves 11p by our bootstraps or is thje just as surely te the fact that ers who, facitug both ways, adyance and thus certain needs will be relieved tical with the struggle of the disinherited throughout the ceal the truth. Such crimes liave to be bolstered up by circaning that we can smash slavery his written tilouli las received the nowhere, and, sitting on two stools, and the aspirations of a great part of world that to roli man of uis access to natural oppor endless lies, and of that pernicious art the Agncal to by listening to lectures onl. a modern all convincing indorseinent of a con periodically tumble, dragging the rest tle, people satisfied.
tunities is to doom him to wage slavery of the most Reason is past master who has taken tho hundred act wliicli, bred of slavislı conditions, sistent life.
of the community with them.
Observe that it is always the Jarid hopeless type; to crowd him into cities whose pavements And fifty Tilih degree, 1011 tu say: next a Our per1