
SUBSCRIPTION RATES No. 214 ENRIQUI VIORES MAGON. Hem apbed Preparedness. Will End in The Pork Barrel What Will The Machine Do Next?
the us, at least a reason15 sneer Celoof to tlie thta ca 11 Out return to Italy the moment they and the country has reached the stage and learned that the postoffice creed. 1) That the end Justifies Esve saved sufficient money.
Edited by WM. OWEN every large American city there is a petty reforms and aching for substan. authorities are preparing to at the means, and (2) That might German quartet in which the life is tial change. The conditions that pre tack the paper and its editors for is right The lads in question German; just in everywhere thoru ceded the downfall of Porfirio Diaz are something one kvows not what is nisi are Scotchmen to whom Burns duy finding a close parallel on this side of published in it last month.
nplasnik It the Jersi. Send money prayable to is the great festivl of the year, and the Rio Grande.
les have Single cops, confirms tlie opinion expressed in trespasse 011 17. Eaglishn:eni wlio iniet in Song of St. cte.
WM, C, OWEN. ht of efter George and other societies, and speack my leading article, viz. that the speech a 11 One dollar a year. nionths, buxco Satur ay Nov. 27, 1915 Bux 1236. Los Angeles, Cal. lavarably. of this country as being United States is the most disap radurals are money mad. Emigration is but a change of climate and not of character pointing of 21 vunsrinx, precise curiis atrisme Oreat an the old to proverby, and it ly because it is: idarity, cuentut appeal to it suc and our ambassador to Vaud if the uthvie. HvWe might acts atolle, kun holda good cuday. Let the United ircedvin enough to suppress her they cesfully in its hour of need. If Britain, is unquestionably States truthor Loreing born citizens the English worker asks why lie braing muani. He delivered and practices despotismn. Where have the right.
all well and they will think well of her.
rulers make no pretence of allows should care for a country inat address recently froin which all let her treat them badly and all ing free speech one knows what never cared for him, the worker the papers of the country have the oaths of: allegianco in the world will not secure their loyalty.
to expect and governs oneself acin the United States puts that quoted freely. and told his allI can understand an Englishcordingly, but iu United States Carranza had the hardihood to If man adopts tie theory that yuestiou still more vehemently. dience that today the United an Catholik ho must iiu keinerley and get a live propaganda of Preparedi States is the most bated nation annans but action for leis native until recently assistaut postinas: one part in the generat distuksen at land, both on the ground of ter at Winnetka, a suburb of Chi siou, only to find oneself in jail ho:ases of prostitutie n, the worst as being, with the ahead, no matter whai principles pena ureets a thousand, vilticult on carth. As le put he may liave to tranıple on; if he ies.
exico. Nolt tries to corner the enrik, liabitual No movement succeeds until it tions of Europe (Great Britain and because he considers as cage or should go far toward open it the fiews expressed are dis en. Her of the land by pushes the weakest to the wall, las Solidarity back of it. and no and Germany) dislike us inore think, riyhtlyam that in England ing the eyes of the public to the pleasing to the authorities that til ever in. opulists anu financial yol buys his eyes and eary to every movement gets tlaat Solidarity than they do the new they are we tendens tota inah le minor has this country by tie thront, amounts to anything who blowes tures who have thing outside to liis own immedie until its followers are satisfied fighting in the trenches. They were cle: Talk to such a man He has bee le declared, as and he will tell you that in no ed from the service, and, for all can be really an influence that belu ess res fult we will be sumimarily dismiss votli hiot and cold. No nation selves on the life lood of the fiche. tilsat man becomes roffen in, the thing for which they are for getting fat on increased mured so freels, but one store files world, for the hideous crime of things the United States will being to our out that Carnaval faculties and energies on getting the right; tle thing they believe cowardly neutrals whio care only offer country can be speak, bis we kvow, thrown starving on the sits on two scouts. becomes a weakling, shorn of all F, life itsell. All history proves particular that throughout the swy. and the official, with their scoaxing criticised President Wild have to do, and yuickly. It umst is un popular sith the Centre The facts of the case are eitlier embrace Freedoin, opeulx llis, for example, is how the his natural strength, incapable that, and it is certain that such British dominions we are sneer infernal inéthods for keeping established by official correspon and frankly, or it must throw her Morning Star. Organ of the when they arise. Nature will as the rise of Christianity, the under Wilson phrase that we them were so many bales of men and they reveal a situation whindi for despotisun.
11. Orleans, not be denird. It ja impossible Protestant rebellion against il. e are 100 proud to fight; 1, standist role will tell you that would not have secited possible nited States shall know exactly puts its to separate 011e8elf from tle rost authority of the Church of Route, of English parentage and these he is not robbext by a fraud of a ten years ago.
the protective tariff, and if you rewhere we stand. At present ve of mankind without breaking the French Revelation and others fure strongly opposed to do not.
are also informed that the basic law of Solidarity, and it is needless to name, nevercould State Socialist, bureaucratic mind lim that he is the slave of lane 110nopoly and capitalisin, Carraliza will not attenipt to orBurkitt, as he clainis, liolds the mature punishes the violation of tuve gathered the force that icleals Germany represents, ain ganize at cuitstitu lonal gover that lay by reducing the violatur swept then to victors had, nut one of those sneerers; and am he will reply that he knows of opinion that a widower svould The gig: utic eruption knowi nient in Mexico for at elapse to impotence. Mam of the Nap. tbvusands of their aderents lelt positive that the United States 10 country where he cau lo allow twelve months dicontatype iarcli to their ruin that those it weinents meant is full of Germaus who also exempt froin that, such, insti before marrying again. Accorda. as the European war is forcing year. During this period, bach with sickening monotony because souething absolutely essential sneer for that seeni tutionis being part and par ingly le expressed his disapprove to the front this great question cd by the authority and the tako they ignore tliat law. Aristoc to their lives and, ilerefore. eually good to them.
a world witlo system. al of President Wilson propos of Freedom as against subjection litary of the United States, de raciex, originally, ille flower of wpreti dying tor, am also sury at a country that, professing to loyal to his Kamerated Cerminer losing ed mariage. He says that his to the will of a State Socialist will be the veritable dictator. It their rëspectiva 11111on, fall into brint izisybory proves that a so be a democracy, encouragts by eaucratic methods are doubtless con criticism was made onis tv one or autocracy; for the contest is, at will take bim perhaps a year to hopeless degeneraus because they cialscheine not based on; at least, itx nience wliat secu ine genial to his love of method, and his two persons, and in the course of Bottom, between the ideal of iu kill off all his opponents and prea iguore that law, Above all, the sonie nodicun of Solidarity is the infamous. aggressions of the rulers make actual efforts to organize casual conversation. That is in dividual freedom, with England pare the way for his election. Al constitutional Presidenta masses still drag ont their exis: leaded straight for self destrí cnuost pow rful military autocra security. team understand the ho remene material. for he had a riglit to as (in3st imperfectly) its champitepce in the ind of fuelplessness tion. Taking history as a whole cy ou record, swallows compla man Passion for france the beautiful, shout liis opinion from the house, on, and the ideal of a society The programme of waiting has because, as a wliole, tlicy are the the priesthood has been the rul. cently, what seem to me unpar and the Italian longing to return to tops. It is also inmaterial wlith governed bureaucratically, with met with the approval of Wash.
most narrowly sellis of all clasing clans, and every priesthood donable Outrages and insults, found native American who would foolish, the one point being guiding the niachine, do not icajt people who do not favor his opinion is wise or King, in or out of uniforın, ington. The 98 per cent. of Mex: adınirar of the or duis its amil dares not dinary workingunan, for it is the lettes by the plea that it worked government allegedly based on flakes in the thought he cando make that he has been disnuissed from believe in this litter ideal. do Carranza and do not want him.
Almost universal experience that for and promoted human brothers the will of the people can have money there more easily, and have the postoffice service on the stot believe that the paternal count for nothing. It is the imwhen he can keep his belly full hood. Priesthoods have, under 110 sympathy with. tlie ambi the decided belief that such loyalty as ground of Disloyalty to the rese government of Porfirio Diaz perial will of Mr. Wilson that and body warın lie toes not five stood their business.
tions of a Kaiser who tells his the plnited States will be able to rely dentro The official letter which benefited Mexico. do not be. Carranza sliould be the Czar af darn about tlie Oliver fellow: There is no Solidarity in the subjects everlastingls that be pruipered materially by the great have precederal his distuissal will doubta lieve that the paternal govern Mexico, and Mr. Wilson is e who No aristocracy (loos worse than Waited States. There is no real rules as the representative of portunities the opening up of a new less become historic, for it has ment of the Czat has beuefited must be obeyed. The voice of raised that, Russia. hold most tenaciously the people is nothing to him.
patriotisın, although there is God. feel that iſ iny friend continent afforded them.
it question of the very Even our worst enemies are You inako apolovics for the ever ending talk about it. The ship were sought by a man who When hear Americans boasting of first importance and unfurled to the opinion that men of their ignorance, the church has the truth upon sometimes right, and. in thin case: workingman. Yati say that the United States is one of those err. professed that sort of nonsense always remember that, almost twith a standard around which the grow pearsant, notoriutsly close listed ing ladies who dotla protest too and arrogated to himself the one voico, they denounce her politics hottest kind of fight is bound their weakness, their lack of its side especially in its strica And liard in all his dealings, is much. There has not been the right of sending thousands of as hopelessly corrupt; hor administra to rage. This was the letteri wistlom, only hy being clothed with full opportunity to govern tures on President Wilson. The 50, because his own struggle for assimilation the papers and pol. his fellow beings to premature tion of justice as invariably subservi.
ent to money; her press, which is the sliould declined all tristtee of national education, as for Postoſlice, WINNETKA tliemselves and tliemselves make argument is not affected by the fact that the chirch itself yearns existence is severe. You say that iticians brag of so constantly; graves, the workingman catinot be ex Wheld, in the face of a really inti dealings with him; and con sale to the highest bidder, and so forth. 111. Oct. 20. 1915. Mr. George or mar their own fortunes.
to govern Mexico, while the Mexicans themselves yearn only pected to look beyond the con pending danger, the call goes sider that Wilson, Bryan and have always taken these criticismo Burkitt, Assistant Postmasfor one single thing, viz. to be fines of his factory and the wages forth there is no sinking of india the rest of therming alleged as expressing seriously cynical disa ter: It lias been reported to me he receives for working there, vidual differences, but rather a servants and representatives lieved the thigirawo country, and her that on the day tle reports conWhatever may be Germany let alone.
ent of the fate on the actual battlefield she You say that it is preposterous to more fixed determination on the should feel as do. imagine should it not be? United States politics atariat always on tlie edge of the all the fish possible out of the izen, who regards things from tion an iridescent dream. United States concerning the same which c011 is likely to prove of more perma Blanes, wlio is a representative expect lofty conduct froin a proto past of the individual to catch that a foreign born German cit. are so corrupt that one of her most prom President were publislied in the has already won a triumph in the inent Senators declared their purifica daily papers you inade remarks political and ecoroinic tield which Or the a of questionably correct, and be while in the shines. At the very feels similarly on what lie con and here, of all countries, cause consider it correct wage, moment when military are sidera Wilson s: partiality to seen the wicked hand buys out the law. superior officers, but also the ad. Forcing her enemies to revert to a special correspondent of the gainst the social inequities and the couutry our press 18 C0111111011t. they say: Wly sliould we care poor houses and other public charities placing me in a very ambarrass also to revert to that State So ed niost positively that Carra02. cialisti which made her a milita is wilfully concealing faming philosophies answerable for making sarcastically on the recent about the United States when only two oftan manager with a cruelty ing position. Please let me liave promptly rs power; for, in the last analy conditions that are terrible. From ing life one hideous tragedy. discovery that every cadet sent she is afraid even to go to war that cries to heaven for vengeance.
will not stultify myself by pre to West Point cost this nation with Mexico? They take not United States de realitatäringute Babireis a written statement from you sis, the all government philoso the wealth of detaif furnished tending that the Mexican peon, 20, 0031 The Los Angeles the slightest stock in our Presi basis, uasoftened by ikisine de drove the finalised and submit such explanation risu and that centralization of outcase, can, rise until the insti a fare standing ating and navy. They look on this nation as a obedientes Conferences there are bruge osobnou may wish in tlais connee official power without which mile her warring politicians have fins tutions and plıylosophy that liave At the same time it prints on its powerless mob, War visits flicted on Mexico a misery that and navy will the necessary men be itarisın cannot exist. KLOEPTER, made him an outcast are replaced editorial page such cartoons as lew things in this country of forthcoming, and will they have the War makes is very real, Tliat has been the Postmaster by better ones.
tien afraid and prompts them to forecast made by this paper from will not stuk. the one now before ine, in which false pretenses have been inore necessary devotion? do not believe it. think that twenty years hence will our Presitify myself by pretending, with Burope is represented as Red sickening than are run to Autiority for slielter. the very first. Always we hart. of War has itade the Woodrow Wilson and other pola Kiinghood trembling at the dent speeches on the duties of all points, an unpreparedness oven American warned the Mexicans that they iticians, that the Statue of, limbon sitt of a ferocious military wolf, the naturalized citizen, or than greater than exists to day. society Burkitt was removed from of people bend their backs and pray nuist act for themselves instead thereon. of speculatora, stock jobbers, land and fice despite his vigorous asser. to Wilson, as the one great of trusting to the State Socialis pendence are anything but an while his tongue is a bomb and This whole business of natural monopoliede discredited por tions that he intended no disres. AM who can keep them safe. promises of aspirants for office uupardonaisle insult to the men lis teeth are bayonets. The ization, with the never ceasing down their lives in its defense. The pect to the President, and his ur War already has forced on indi In this connection it is to be res vidualistic England a State So marked standing in the breadline, will sympathies of the Times are efforts of the politicians to trade. of soldier and sailor will grow gent prayer that his case be spe.
Blaney male The final cialism to wliich slie never would charges against John Kenneth Hot stultify myself by preteniling obviously pro German and mili manufacture a fictitious affec more and more unpopular. Only one cially. investigated.
that a country in which money taristic, yet it caters also to its tion for the United States, is a that viz. actual invasion by Germany of the Fostmaster General is dat. It is useless to complain. This son which it is iluperative for thing, in my judgment, could alter letter he received from the office have consented in times of peace. Turner and the Appeal to Read making is considereal 11an highi. pacitist following with such car fraud so gross and degrading or Japan; an event at present most ed Nov. 13 and euds as follows: is the logical consequence of inile them to answer. If the Times est duty can be otherwise than tonns as that just inentiöued and that no self respecting man can improbable, ratten. The United States, bea articles front wliich Bryan himself afford to countenance it. for ex The agitation of centuries, which he The papers in your case were itarism, and it slowel teac 118 charged me, for example, with countries; is necessarily wedded that of its correspondent, Harry had to, in order to take up a head. The whole world, now render ble consideration, therefore, caning the most advanced of modern mught quote. Its real attitude is ample, became a citizen because into the best results against hhe author. very carefully reviewed before that militarism will have to be having sold my pen alternáter to Madero. Huerta and Carranza, to the delusions that are hurling Carr, who tells us that he does homestead; and now it is pre ed practically one by steam and elecand backed the statement up a modern society. to sinash. In the not care a cent which was the tended that, in taking that for tricity, is being dragged into the mael nut bu given your request tliat Blaney does. should sue the pider countries there are lumalt war goes: who, in other words ced oath, changed my whole strom; and as that world is made up of the matter be made the subject War may force England to a. Times inmediately for libel.
Itarian traditions which act as his no opinions and cares only to character, became incapable of people warring infinitely in ignorance of a special investigation by a dopt conscription, which is alien Turner and the Appeal to Rear powerful braks and force even write what will catch the faney judging cases on their merits, tain to be long and bitter. We cannot postoffice inspector.
to all the nation deepest in son inust answer in a manner the most autocratic to remember of subscribars. And the Times couverted myself into a sup hold aloof. We are all men, and to stincts; but, as yet, organized that will establish their inn that, at least, a semblance of is typical of all our Western porter and admirer of what nothing that deeply affects mankind have always considered a plu We cannot plod along in the old, nørSolidarity must be observed, journalism.
ILow can Americans, who boast On that lead William Atkit: cavil.
labor there bitterly opposes it. cence beyond all possibility of Here there is no sucli brake. In There is no Solidarity because tocracy, and pledged myself to row ruts, for the action is now upon that they have discarded loyalty, son remarks, in The Individuathe United States it is. Every there are no conviction. there stand by it, right or wrong, the largest scale. We cannot stitle regard with conplacent indiffer list: The fact that organized Wx. OWEN one For himself and the devil are no convictions because there That is the pretense, the fraud, intens place in the sergi tjetet ose patrietence the situation this case re labur opposes conscription counts take the hindmost. As a con is not that sense of brother the slam, the unspeakable by the conflict reaches tar beyond the veals? How can they have the for little. It only ineans that xequence you have not a nation nond, wliich makes nies sympa. pocrisy ma lypocrisy that has narrow confiena of nalional boundaries, face to redicule the prosecutions they dislike that particular form But a greedy, scrambling inobs tliize in the struggles of their done much toward dragging the and we must pans judgment on it and for lese majesté so common in of coercios. We have abundant Laconics of Liberty And auch a mob is just about the fellownen. Convictions and Sol. ethics of this country down to play cure parte sin but a cosmopolitans, despotic countries, while tolerat evidence that, when the form is who face facts impartially, and care ing this sort of thing at home? changed and given an industrial woakest thing on earth. idarity being lacking iliere is their present level; for no man only for the triumph of the right.
With Characteristic frankness 1to strength. Strong men or nation can profess high stanI do not believe their present character, they are keen to up. From Charles Sprading book When lives are Germany has notified the world ine unable of witnessing a great dars and follow low ones with, at denken, as they are today, they blindness to a State tyraung hinil and enforce it. Thus, a that she accepts in its entirety couiflict without forming decided out suffering a moral deterior hunger for truth instead of for fine which has grown to such colossal man must not be forced into the LIBERTY AND THE the essentially modern doctrine opinions, me way or the other. ation and words. an measure, would be there two ingolerant of the most proportions in this country will armis however great the nations GREAT LIBERTARIANS Thereby, In my opinion, she lius into action. For this they may you should not talk about it at brug of equality and individual liberty. dently for stubborn rebellion a be forced into a trades unioninsured her dowufall, for she has bure hated but they are not des you really think money and to which its entire record gives the lies gaitzst tlie kingships to which a which is to all intents and pur They are slaves who fear to spealy arrayed the world against her. piset, Weak mien, on the other place the only things worth That cannot last. That fraud is being slavish State Socialism has made poses an industrial army under For the fallen and the weak; No society of wlilah We have any mand, always stand auide to hunting, for God sake spare us permet u op de hotes and tapusi mida ou different as subject. look for unsparing bureaucratic control at all costs.
They are slaves who will not choose record has ever been willing to ac please both parties, and there your preaching. It is your hab. the cheated, and those cheated ones Hatred, scoffin, and abuse cept that doctrine when brought by win well earned contempt. it of saying one thing and cannot be trusted: cannot be depended course in the matter of Mexico, to a nation which has made MilRather than in silence shrink; boldy face to face with it. Every Today the United States, hay meaning another that we of on to stick; cannot be relied on to fight and for a rapidly growing appre tarisin its greatest ideal. for the United States when the coun ciation of the lamentable fact that Ifrom the truth they needs must think society has recognized at once ing been too indifferent and Englista blood detest, try leaders give the signal. Thecam the United States is ruled today They are slaves who dare not be and instinctively tliat, pushed to timid to ace the real facts This war, like all great tragedies, is paign for preparedness. will produce In the right with two or three, ite logical conclusion, Such concerning Mexico, bas Mex forsing is to search our hearts; to ex plenty of fine talk and doubtless will by a politician king, and, under ethic means inces saut wars of ico gencral contempt; and to fine words and observe the enormous tộusly, but it will not produce the one cian kinglets, all fattening at influence of the Socialist philos.
aanine closely the political conjurer swell the Pork Barrel still more porten. him, by a locust swarm of politiLabor, at present, is under the universal extermination, and an day the United States, having chasin between them and the realities, ouuential the reliable man behind the IBERTY for the few is not liberty.
gainst that the inslinct of self catered to the rote of its for. In every large Americau city there is gun. This country is steeped to the lips the public crib and exercising opay, which is at bottom, the Liberty for me and slavery for preservation automatically rebe eign born citizens and tried to ulizer Jews. The theory to Chat they convert it to militarisma kiround me to days past brought kings heads not believe in Freedon but in you dreams slavery for both. SAMUEL els. So alFthe world is arming please every onc, las the unli, are American citizens. The fact is revolutionize its life from top to toe to the block.
Compulsion; does not believe in JONES.
to protect itself. The United nited contempt of Europe and that they are Jews, members of a race and shake the hole Voluntary co operation but in States feels also the necessity of of the Furopean born popula prominent among the peoples of the structure to its buse. The material arming, for self protection. But tiom withing her gates.
world for running true, century after for such a fighting machine forced unions, thinks, with Eli Tu HEY that can give up essential After had nailed this week zabeth Gurly Flynn 19 stated berty to obtain a little tempora the United States, lielving mock Joseph Clioate formerly Amr:can city there is an Italian found in the United States, but the leading article received, at my by her most positively in San safety deserve neither liberty not taler ed to scorn the doctrine of Sol leader of the New York bar qualswide in which the life is distinctly material for a drastic and far reach home in Washington; copies of Francisco last winter that it ty. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Tis often.
that curse 011 119.
that are LOWELL, economic