
punkiin Regeneración English Section fereat toward her breaking of treat of the United States; with our stera convictions in che faces as his cts.
No. 200 lieart.
Is Wilson Mexico True Friend?
AND THE MEXICAN CONTADES who lost tlicir sons and to the en pay Manifesto to Mexicans, орро rest assured that the agitation of ies by which she bound herself to King in Dress Coat. with nents when it meant life or death to him. the masses will continue, that the Edited by WM. OWEN keep the peace; does not stand Woodrow Wilson. The lesson His undaunted spirit rang out in his letter war will go on in Morelos, in in ditferent to the cynical invasion taught by Veracruz has been re of thanks; void of complaint, to those who Puebla, in Oaxaca, in Tiaxcala.
and laying. waste of weak and written for us once more in Eu: have tried to help him. Like an old in Michoacan, in Hidsiz, in San SUBSCRIPTION RATES Send money payable to helpless nations; does not stand rope. The power of the United warrior who wraps his battle Aag about Luis Potosi, Groen Single copy ENRIQOJ FLORES MAGON.
One dollar a year. nuontlis, Boc. Saturdaya. October, 23, 1916 O, Box 1236. Los Angeles, Cal. indifferent to the appalling fact States government is the one him and lies down to endless sleep, he Tamaulipas, 19.
that the greatest military power in great enemy Mexico has cause to has gone without a murmur out into the lacus, in mor. Dir?
the world, admittedly directed by dread.
living silence so much more than death. there are choicu. 10. rwbe pou right of nationalities to settle United States. On that occasion an autocratic Monarch who avows.
There was but one cry from that strong redivided, and the great move their own affaire without the inter he said: Here is the roster of himsolf Gods agent, has launched When the time ivas at hand for ment of the South, supported by vention of ineddling interlopera. the navy, the list of the men, itself on a career of conquest, with him to be taken to the penitantiary his all the country population of the Ovnoverely am no admirer of officers and enlisted men and Welt macht oder Niedergang Lest We President Wilson, whoin regarul marines, and suddenly there. world power or downfall as its Forget young daughter came to San Antonio to Republic, will continue until. try to see him once more Knowing that conquering all oposition and As carentially an all governing swim seventeen stars out of the war cry. stand by that position.
she was alone in a great city he sent a pa ço:01: tiny il rex, ence, it shall There is tumu all along the Ringtute Socialist, and, therefore, the list men who have suddenly As a man. consider that no great Rangel. Cline thatic appcal from his cell to Mrs. May have find. ly sualdeci, by the Grande. In Arizona be more of very laut man entitle to call himself gone into a firmament of mema nation has a right to anounce it Contemporaneous labor listory is a tragic field to tind her and take care of her, hands of its warriors, blackened the Arizona Copper Company atd Democrat; e the most antocratic ory where we shall always see self indifferent to issues so grave csapter. Looking back upon it in the fuAll the Mexican prisoners have decided with powder, the lands which is alorod, and some 5010 workers for Preriel nt the United Sstator has e their names shine. Does climb as these. As are now regarded in tire years. our successors in the struggle or not to appeal their cases. One in appeal false liburators undertaken thomaselven deprived of bread. The ver had. Evero radicals and roro ing to the Presidency of the Burope as little better than word the victory may well inarvel at the matter had his term lengthened many years, keep from it.
dalls press senka of them jngon ly louiguinte have got into the habit of United States carry: with it the jugglers. As an anti militarist of courge ateitice of the hosts of presert Rangel decided he would not burden his The Agrarian Revolution. Gill as illiwato foreigners, and moul. commending him am a true friend obligation to voice such hypocri hold that the termination of this day workers.
friends with the expense of a long and ap lumtiated by the enemy press, of thein are Mexicans. luw AF of Mexico. doubt it. think sy as that?
brutal conflict would have been od roomntly requir tint 80 pret he has been writing for the weatThe plysical baily responds to a ccase parently hopeless fight in hostile courts unrecognized by Europe, under In Regeneracion and in hastened incalculably had Wilson less pain and irritation with a callous. For after the San Antonio comittee had retained stood with sufficient exactitude cent of the underground workers ening and disorodining of Mexico. Land and Liberty gave at possessed the courage to put down tunately or unfortunately, the mind acts in counsel to present appeal.
by the diplomacy of North Ame must he able to speak Egliati, anul and consider that he has lent the the time extracts from letters re his foot and keep it there. As a thc saw way. Fortunately, in that sve ERO 18 ONL THING TO DO PJR RANGEL rica, lifts on liigh the banner of merlorn organized latior and Am. weight of hia groat influence to that ceived from United States soldi believer in the right of a ration might all go mad of horror and of the its ideals, that those who have ericnu organized capital com en ligcrediting toy per istealy repre. ers who participated on the at to manage itsy own aft: irs, think sce ning helplessness of our position were That is, to get out a petition as soon as been deceived may see it, and bare vied with one ano her in ur. Henting Mexicu troubles as politic. tack on Vera Cruz. They were it augurs badly for the continued not sa unfortunately, in that pain is te si. it is deeined alvisalıle for their pardon, that it mig be contemplated by tnx to make the Mexican workers at. That areates, and is intended on a par with the talk of hunters independence of Mexico that ap nal that sumething is wrong. and if it is len we muss all work to forward the the egoits and the perverse. by dot av procatine and mineralle ms to create, the imprewrion that Mrsi gloating over the day sport. parently, in Wilson opinion, the continued to be fit it would urge us into petition.
those who deafen their exrs to pecial privilege and wpecin legislu. cand are not oupahle of governing And call attention to the fact lavasion of Belgium was not a searching out of our poentialies which. In the meantiine their cases 1st be kept the lamuntations ofạthe suffering tino could make ik. At this wrila thetuselves. That createn, and is that John Kenneth Turner, more matter that concerne us deeply. fie durnant, before the public. WE MUST NOT FORGET people, to the ies of mothers ing they haww been parading Clifton intended to uroute, the impression than three months ago, in the As it appears to me, he who by his We road without a quiver the daily or KANGEL AND CLINE.
mitka bagiers un auming that they that wether we like it or not, we Appeal to Reason, wrote a silence, condones such things in gie at blond und barsarisin which halets have just read that Jim Larkin says, raged shouts of the strugglers, would rative dixht ohart sturvt, and whall have eventually to intervino most searching account of what Europe will practise them cheer our fellos yorkers in Europe in its relent. It is a disgrace that the workers of who do not wish to see, and who the militia has been sent again and supply Moxico with an effi actually took place at Vera Cruz, fully on this continent whenever it less, mur Jerous grip. The daily news cf merica will permit their lead rs to lie in will not see, the destruction of them. Thnt was inevitable, for cient government.
drew up a terrible indictment suits his band to do so, this country is a nightmare of crime, the jail as they are doing in many parts of the their aspirations for liberty and that is always the one ropalu, Even Wilson know as well as do against individual officers and, Turner exposure concluded daily results of applied capitalism. Child country.
their glorious dreens of redemp 80 radical an oficialus Corv. Hunt that Mexicu real trouble is not privates, and publicly called on with these words; The true story labor, over work and under of women, Let 18 guard against becoming calloused tion for their people.
could not hava Roted otherwise, polipiwal but economic. He kuons Wilson to set on foot a rigid in of Veracruz conveys a hint of the starveling horde of unemployed, indus or indifferent to the eufferings o those who In State olioiul, and the Stale Hell as do that Mexico has vestigation. Has he done so? what would happen throughout trial murders, the stealings of res; ectable have borne the battle hr int.
LA OFICINA DE has pledged itself to low deffence of contitution as liberal bs any in the Of course he has not. Will he Mexico provided Mr. Rockefeller, business all have been exposed until they Georyia Kotsch, the Nining King njom proline, juret world, and that in the making of do so? Of course he will not.
REGENERACION Mr. Guggenheim, Mr. Morgan, have become a mere safety valve for the to it has pledged tself to uploaded 14 nell, and to the enforcement of As to murder, Turner charged Mr. Hearst and Mr. Otis finally effervescence of socialist writers and a sweet Para llegar a la oficina de mine the special legislations skonizer In bem, she has been well abreast of that he had established by subs succeeded in perguading us to go morsel for the idle bourgeois reformer to GENERACION, toniese el carro, bor escured at the Mux n AX vther civilized countries. She has tantial evidence that among down and straighten out Mexico cheiv upon.
colorado de Edendale, en Serla, poure. State oftende lave in gland produced, and can produce again themselves the marines boast in the name of humanity. The Over the country in its pri 0118 and pe Issued by Emiliano Zapata y Main, cliando el carro camine by their fea e employer, and that day, her full share of capable logo (mark the word. of having kill paper in which he published his nal campe are scaltered men who have ne? AND SIGNED BY HIM AND rumbo al Oeste. Bajese en Faremployer fuvarishly stands for his tlatats, administrators, sociologists ed six hundred. and declared exposure introduced it with a pre been able to deaden feeling, men to whom THIRTY FIVE OFFICERS, go Sti, y andese sobre la izquierguns. We talk glibly of the party ani publicisia, who need fenr no that for two days the Ameri face in which Gen. Candido Agui. the wrongs of their class brothers and sisters AUGUST 1914.
da, hasta encontrar Ivanhoe Are te pówor, but how weldorn de we comparison with thouse of the Unit cans ran, war mad, through the lar, governor of the State of Vera have been real, a ceasekso: pain which called Carinense cerca de tres calles reflect on the exact accurnog ng art alates. The trouble is not there, streets, firing at every human cruz, was quoted as saying: am for an effort toward a cure. CONTINUIED) FROY LAST TASI ED. lasta tener a la vista un lago: that most eloquent expression, My ang Wilson inust know it woil. On creature that they saw, shooting depending upon the Socialists of Such men are Rangel and Clive and Los jacales que se ven en el bajio slavery trannthor is measured pre che arher hand, die must know, even at every head that appeared at the United States to save us from their associates. They never forget that they Therefore the Agrarian Revo son el taller de la imprenta y la cisely by the extent to which be better ir pomsible, how deep seated window, were it that of man, intervention.
lution, distrusting chiets who are oficina del periodico.
belonged to an oppressed class. They never han mo in his power.
aro Mexico economic ille, inas woman or child. He singled As to Gen. Aguilar statement called to feel the rods therewith lives of looking for their own triuinph, The Furopean war has affected pitch as his own special investigate out for special notice a giant it is only necessary to remark that their brothers and sisters were searcd and has adopted, as a precaution and ATENCION; TRABAJADORES the copper and cotton markets in ors buve told him. For example, marine, now stationed at Galves if the influence of the Socialist shorted. That feeling urged to action.
as a guarantee, the most just rule Todos los domingos a las y der particular, and in lioth instonors under the heading Mexico More ton, who handled a rapid fire Party is all that stands between. Now they are paying the penalty of those that revolutionary leaders of all la noche, hay mitines de propaganda the Morican has muffarde. He has ige published the following gun as if it had been a rifle and Mexico and intervention her case who dare to question in actuality the right the country shall be the ones to en el Local del Centro de Estudion kuffores cruelly from the race baign in Land and Liberty, lant De killed regardless of age end sex. is hopless; because in the first of the ruling Clase to make slaves of those choose the first inagistrate as Racionales. situado en la calle de San of to nrie.
Provisional President, charged ler cómo dejar de ser pobres.
camiher. This hero, he wrote, was place, the party strength has wha produce for it.
toosutia prejudices his recent traga o Listen, if you plonso, lo John afterwards presented with a me sunk to zero; because, in the se with the duty of calling the elec rada gratis.
Rangel and Cline and their comrades Nos for freedom are all the red tag Lupid, at the Industrial eh, Chica dal of honor by President Wil cond place, as shown so lucidly by have all been sentenced, most of them to tions; for it knows well that on to the bull. He has found himself tlie Provisional President de0, November 19, and romember son!
Henry Slobodin, in the October long, weary years which they areunlikely to no longer in favour with employers list it is not Regeneracion or Jose Valdez, Turner charged the United number of The International So survive, several of them to life terms. This pends the future of the Revoluwho bad wwe fur kim only po long land and Liberty, but Provident States soldiers specifically with cialist Review, the party is at despite the best efforts of a devoted group tion and, along with that, the Este firine, abnegado yaincero he remained obediently gervila.
Witson putaonal reprerentative in having committed against women heart a military party and at one of their comrades and generous contribu fate of the public.
companero de ideas, se encuenta Ile bas been looked askarte at hy Moxien, Whio did the talking. and young girls the most infa with Germany in the believe that çions from all sections of the labor mave What could be more just than preso en la carcel del Condado da organized labor, which tung narrow field while Mexico, said Mr. Lind, mous crimes crimes which, ił the sooner Socialism is IMPOSED ment, that all those interested the esta ciudad. En legitima defense oxolusionens of its own and lenund Axel now, that perinanent perpetrated in the United States, by force on other countries the Charles Cline, as has been announced chiefs of the groups engaged in hirio a un individuo que, se dies gara, la ito. dependence on noncon peface in dlexico on the basis of the would have justly earned them better it will be for all the world. in Solidarity, has another chance in the the fight, the representatives of penetro a su casa y agredio a su Bløtic capilul, for monopoly of all Bocial and economic condition which imprisonment for life at hard la and because in the third place, the existing jobs. All round the Mexin The Appellate Court has revers. the people in arms should agree familia con un punal.
toivo existent in the part is an impor bor. and he gave a detailed ac very quintescence of Socialism. to ed the case because of error in the admise in the selection of the functiona.
Los tramites lentos de los tri in treon made to unfer bitterly witiling. He then sketched the count of the wholesale looting which the party, here ás elsewhere, ion in evidence of a book showing him to ry in whose hands there must be bunales son la causa de que el Bir hly audacity in venturinię to wanner in which the people had that had been indulged in alike instructiinly runs true, is that, in the member of the Comrade placed the tabernacle of the sea buen companero se encuentre breat for freedom, and to bue suffer heen robbed of their lands, and by officers and men. As to this the interests of material efficien Vera Mayfield, of San Antonio, writes volution promises, the sacred preso todavia.
ark of the people aspiratio s?
Bueno seria que los companeadded incalculably ly living dire added. 48 a whole notion was he wrote: In Mexico there has cy, economy and order, the many Mr Halcorn success in getting this re.
the so called Cons ros que puedan hacerlo, visites border with muldiers who are any mide bomeless, and has no contin been no case of wanton looting must be governed by the chosen vursal after we had been told repeatedly ti utionalists fear the crucible of a Jose ahora que se encuntra en ust to this day. This is and will of American property by Mexi. few. As to that no competent by the best lawyers in town that it could too anxious for a chance to contin to on the cause of revolutions in Me ing in comparison wi this ase student of modern social problems not he done adds to our confidence in revolutionary revisiot or shrink tre las redes de la ley burguesa blows with him.
Buch papers ar from rendering tribute to the de Los dias de visita son los marten The Lup Angeles Timers terk with xico until the question is settled. com of the wanton loot ng of Mexi. will express a doubt, and Ameri bin.
He will have charge of the defense inocratic principle that the cen y los viernes, de diez a doce del Account of the insults offered to the trouble whion beset the unfor. can property by Americans. can Socialists will easily convince and we hope to make a good fight and get didace should be discused freely dia y de dos a cuatro de la tarde and Injurien indlicted on the Atner tunate se. ple do not evoke the We may not like or think, uch themselves that the cause of So a just verdict. Public sentiment seems to by those interrsted?
No lo olvideis, companeros.
tout Buldier by the Mexican opp ayınpathy of the men who have of the Appeal to Reason. but cialism will be advanced by the be gradually changing in our favor.
Any other methol of procedure Cosa curiosa: el agresores barians, but of this provocation lost dividends from mines or wello Turner has made a specialty of annexation of Mexico to the Unitwill be not only disloyal dut dan. libre, mientars el agredido esti gitto hy Americans we hear now or plantations. do not belittle Mexican affairs for many years ed States.
So much for Gen. Aguilar gerous, for the Mexican people preso.
izing: Yet common sande should these losgek they bave been great and has always written from Send money for his defense to Mrs. has shaken off its indifference, tell us that the Mexican, being ins and prievous. But there are great. personal investigation conducted illusions, which need only to be Vera Maytield, 209 North Brazo8 street, has recover its comrage and will stated and laughed immediatly San Antonio, Texas. Write him a letter not be the one to allow others to NUEVO EDITOR.
comparahly the wenker, is the one or interests in tuis world thao divi on the pot.
How, ask myself continuallyl, out of court. Those expressed, and let him know that you have not for erect their own government on companero Anselmo Higueton Tea muerte de nuestro querido leant likely to begin a quarrel. depds. The weal or woe of money Common sense and even the mast 15, 900, 000 peoplo seemed of greater was Bryan, today the great apos however. by Turner are more gotten him, Think what a letter from the its back.
Superficial knowledge of the man consequence to our President that tle of Peace at any price. sable deeply rooted, are more widely outside must mean to a man who has been nog obliga a nombrar otro Editor de nor in Wuoli our soldiera deported temporary lushes of some of our ci to reconcile his conscience to the spread, and will coutinue to misThere is ill time in which to REGEN RACION, pues la ley pets shut up as long as Cline hrs. He is welnes reflect and avoid the conflict. If tal ari lo requiere, y bly que cumplir thomselves in Mexico should tell tizens, perpetration such deeds as lead well meaning but unthinking and hopetul and grateful to the contrades How is one to square that last these deeds committed solely in men for many a year to come unand fellow workers who have assisted him. alists considers that he has the de segunda clase.
the Leader of the Constitution. con ella para no perder o regiul Less than two years ago Presi, sentence with the fact that wil. pursuance of a theory (now prov less we face them boldly with a But there ia little money on hand and more popularity neressary to stand the dont Wilson, whom ninety nine out son, less than two years ago, ed preposterous) that peace in patent fact. The fact is this. No must be sent in if he is to have this figlı proof of its submission to a vote el Editor, y como tal figurara en la Hemos penrado que Enrique me of a bundred Amorienti8 picture as petsonally ordered the invasion Mexico would follow the elimina capitalist, no group of capitalists, ing chance for freedom and continued ser of the revolutionists, let hin subu guceri vo Run of ponce, made war un Mo of Mexico, and for a grievanck tion of one bad man? What sort holds the reins of peace or war mit to it without vacilation; and sico, end hundreds of bar inhabit. surely far more insignificant of a man Wilson that he can today. That, which is by far the vice in the cause of labor.
Toda correspondancia debera mi Agile wore slaughtered without a word than that which led Austria to rest satisfied with the cavalier greatest of all human powers, has the San Antonio jail, if the Constitutionalist truly love enviada con esta direccioe: Enrique All the Mexican prisoners have been the penple and understand what Flores Magon, Box 1236, Lot of warnius. When Madero and the inyade Servia and thereby preci treatment which, to put it now become the sole prerogative Huerta Diaz fuotion buttle in Me pitate the bloodiest tragedy or: mildly, powerful Germany has of the highly centralized govern taken to the penitentiary and according to they demand, let them do homAngoles, Cal.
age to its sovereigii will, accept.
xico City they give non onligt record? How is one square condescended to mete out to these ments into whose fatal trap the reports are in very hard conditions, with anto twenty four hours notice in that with the fact that. Wilson, United States, while against weak drift of Socialim has led us No unwholesome food, insuficient clothing ing with sincerity and without which to retire to safety. But wil. cognizant of the slaughter the Mexico he not only threatened Rothschild, or group of Roths, and hard and inhuman labor. Letters to any reticences the Plan of Ayala xon atrved without warning, and nited States soldiery had wrought big guns but fired them, as direct childs, was able to draw the sword them from comrades in Los Angeles have expropiation of fhe lands for mentace recomando de pantalone perler on the sake of public utility, ex cnraclon SIN MEDICINAS NI OPERACIONE trecumeniamis los proletario struik because it wam his policy tu at Vera Cruz, both among com ly as if he himself had lit the fus issued the order to march and been returned by the warden unopened.
Heroic old Rangel, incorruptible ey propiation of the property of tlie dem interesan portante del costo non combatants, es? In Harper Weekly ex herd all Europe to the shambles.
eliminate Huerta. meeld with balants and and restitu el medio de combattr las enfermedades sosuredly no Admirer of Huerta, tır could find it possible to speak pressed the opinion recently that, No Rockefeller commanded the fame, persisted in wearing his Land amil people enemies, of the influences at big buck; b:21. such words as those he uttered Wilson really longed for peace, warships to swoop down on Vera Liberty badge in the court room, regardlesg tion to the towns and communities obres pel kombe la majer conocen medtem na American of English birit in his funeral oration over the he would have given Germany to cruz. That rested with the com of how it might affect his care. Protesting of the domains of which they are concerne leveren en het meer created everyone and purontago, am unconquera s, seventeen American marines understand most clearly that this mander in chief of our naval and his innocence of the churge of conspiracy teave been despoiled.
If that is not done, they may Apartado 1982, flabana, Cuba. golrationte admirer of the hard brought back for interment in the government does not stand indif military forces; with the President to murder, he held up the banner of his courts, dan THERE ARE TWO TRINON TOI CAN DO FOR CLINE NOW un that He is still in OTENCIA MEDICA REVOLUCIOXARTA.
Anunt de Woloterapia y formulario de Twit adolid Eta ora Hi boticas, precio de lo ohra: 00, HagaDhe lod pedidng a Doctor Loetum u