Uncle Sam Serves Diaz 29) afraid arme. Cruelty of The Federals next?
of Rebels Win at Mexicali were were to Yet ome to. well, it the same old story: Once the care of the wounded practically all the Isthmus of Tebuanmore have the people been betrayed. The Insurgents are now said to tepeces in possession of the rebels.
Hand very Saturday u II number 300.
They plan to take the seaports of. Loi Aagoles, Cal.
In Canapea Ave hundred soldiers During the engagement today Salina Cruz and Coatzocoalcos.
Tolapauad; Home 136.
were recently impressed Into the The United States government has hear these army minions explain.
dabuoription rates. In the same issue of the paper those who had no guns took their rumor, published in the Mexican entered 12. 00 army, but the government was so upon o explanation but one, which told of the arrest of Cantiiles, places in the trenches alongside the Herald, says that Rafael Tapia, chlet definite and vigorous Theer is no Per AUDUM ot Por sl. montas them that it ordered campaign to perpetuate the slavery that the agents of Diaz and the pow. the El Paso Herald of January 21, ärmed. Severál exposed themselves of the revolutionists in Vera Cruz. 60 them to be drllled without and tyranny of Mexico.
or tree month There is no crs of capital and government have we find a news Item. saying that in with the purpose of drawing the fire bad received 7, 000 rides at a point When a government stands in fear of denying it now; the facts stand out held a mighty serious conference at Nogales, a Mexican town just across of the Federais.
near Minatitlan. At this BUNDLN ORDAN.
writing the federals are PUEBLA WORKERS RISE ou copies 00 of autocracy, it is a sure sign that all to see and Judge for themselves. crush the rebellion by any means feared that an attack was about to be camped behind a small hill, cov: In the early part of February, at ww copies 19. 50 And as each one judges, let him re whatever, however foul they may be made by revolutionists and messen ered with mesquite, on the banks Los Molinos, the group of cotton its foundations have been built upon 20. 00 IWUO coques The next thing which shows up gers were hurriedly sent to the Amer of New River, a mile southwest.
sand, and that sooner or later the member Just this, that a blow at the factories in the district of Atlixco, surglag tide of spirit people hatred glorious young of liberty) the attitude of the United States to can side to purchase arms and am. Ensenada, the principal town of Puebla, tivo hundred armed men preSnitor and proprietor. Amalmo will wash it away into the sea of ob (which is rising in Mexico today is a ward this tevolution and our govern munition for the voluậteers to rein Lower California, was left by Vega sented themselves there, attacked a Tiguorot ilvion, blow at the heart of our own re ment active support of Diaz is the force the troops at the garrison. with only sixty federals to guard it. band of rurales, defeated them and pụblic, that as capital makes a tool fact that warrants were issued on In the latter Instà ice, mark you, STRATEGY OF OROZCO.
took their guns and ammunition. Latarod u vucond elque mattor of our machinery of state to abort February 13 for the arrest of Fran. nobody was arrested for violating the. It was a clever piece of strategy and then went to the factory comSopronber 11, 1910, at tho post of Ice al Los Angeles, Califorals, under Red Cros embryonic democracy in our neigh cisco Madero, chiet launcher of the neutrality laws, and nobody was ined on the part of Orozco to draw prac mlssaries, and obtained 1900 pesos.
bor, so will it use that tool more revolution, and Abraham Gonzalez, 100 and sent to jall, although the tically all the big federal forces of They then went direct to Metepec the Aet of March 3, 1879.
Yo. 23, of Mexico cleverly against ourselves, that if this provisional MaderIst governor of the case is a parallel one with that cited Chihuahua up into Juarez, leaving where they were joined by the workHuturilay, February 18, 1011.
government succeeds in carrying out state of Chihuahua, on the charge of above, Why should unfair discrimi: the territory in the vicinity of Chi ers of two big factories there.
The Fails to Act the policy of lending ald to the ty. violating the neutrality laws. More, nation be made by American officials huahua, Guerrero and other import entire band then proceeded to Panrant and tbrottling liberty there, and on February 12 Manuel Casillas, against Mexican revolutionists? ant centers with very little defense. zacola.
Th St. Louis Globe Democrat says la a mildly surprised manner that The Mexican Red Cross Society is the people of this couotry stand like chief of a band of revolutionists, was Why should they be punished for do or bone at all. Orozco, if such is oxen and let it go on, so shall the captured by American soldiers at Ys ing the very thing that those supo his plan (and the indications point.
tho revolucion in Moxicolo a ser a curlous thing. In spite of the fact yoke bear, barder upon our own leta in Texas and charged with vio porting the Diaz government are that way) may now retrace his steps touy aftulr after all. Well, guess that already there have been five necks, so shall the iron heel crush lating the neutrality laws simply be freely allowed to do?
southward, blocking pursuit by the times as many men killed to the revo down on us with mightier force. The cause he was carrying his rife with yos.
lution as 1o the whole Spanish AmerIn regard to the whole matter, federals of Juarez by dynamiting The Moxican Federal Army is so igan war, this society bas not taken passivity of a people shall work its him from the American side to the there is only one thing more that bridges and tearing up tracks, or lyown damnation.
Mexican side. He is still held. Deeds to be said. That is, how much ing in ambush 10 the mountain badly lo noed of recrults that after the fela.
The culmination of the whole fed Many more things of such nature longer are you Americans going to passes waiting to trap the federal Again and again the cruelty of impressing all tho ten it could lay It is a significant fact that one of eral policy up to date came on Feb have happened very recently, but let this thing go on?
forces. The revolutionist hands on it ovon weat after the Mor the controlling members of the Mex ruary 14, when the state department can only state a few.
forces Federal soldiers has provoked even The Mexican ETHEL TURNER. have already started south.
the subsidized press of both counmon colonlsts.
Shall tho women bo Ican Red Cross Society is Mrs. Luz at Washington gave permission for Herald of Feb. says: The acuteness of the situation in tries to indignation, while the JustGonzález Coslo de Lopez, daughter the passage through American terri United States troops captured Chihuahua grows. The following ness and humanity of the insurrecof the minister of war, who is, of Associated Press dispatch of Feb. 15. tos has extorted praise.
It Dictator Dick, allas Forris the course, one of the leading henchmen tory of Mexican soldiers. The press six insurrectos and a wagonload of dispatch says that the guards will provisions near the El Paso smelter gives a good idea insurrecto fitcle while of Dlaz.
An Associated Press dispatch of Foarloss, will only wait lo answer to the pressing be gathered in Lower Callfornia, and this morning, and are pow holding activities in that state.
Feb. 7, tells the horrible story printbefore wtarting out on that Allbuster criticism brought to bear upon the it is desired to send them across the them at the El Paso custom house.
Lag oxpedition to tako Lower Califor organization for its fallure to act, this line by way of Yuma, Arizona, enter EL PASO, Texas, Feb. 15. Mailed below. The incident took place The insurrecto leader, Jose Peradvices to the Herald from Chihua after the battle of Mulato, in which ala, ba ll probably got Dlaz to sell lady explains why, in the Mexican ing Mexican territory near Mexicall, tecto Lomell, who commanded at the hua, dated February 12; and all cheap. But will Diaz be Herald of February BETWEEN TWENTY AND THIRTY say ifty the federals suffered defeat. The which is, of course, to the hands of battle at Ojinaga, was among the rebels rode We able to into San deliver the goods?
Andres, fifty blame for such occurrences should INCLUDING FEDERALS, She has many excuses. One is that COL the insurgents. The pretense of the prisoners taken when the United think not.
miles west of Chihuahua, Saturday, be placed where it rightfully be the society is yet young and has not ONEL VEGA, ARE REPORTED United States that they shall pro States troops captured the provision and took charge of the town.
KILLED, IN AN ATTACK OF THE They longs upon the heads of the offian elaborate equipment. And yet the If you love slavery and despotism society was not too young to attend control the Colorado river, tect the dike belog constructed to wagon this morning.
carried extra arms for fifty addi cers, for it is they who are responFEDERALS ON THE BORDER That Nine armed insurrectos were artional men, and gained and hate the principles for which the unfortunate victims of the Mon pretense is absurd. The dike has not rested at Pelea, INSURGENTS TOWN, many re sible for the demoralization or otherSHOW cruits.
your fathors fought in 76, be silent terey food a year ago.
wise of those in their command.
COOLNESS AND BRAVERY. AOThe lady been threatened and does not inter It seems now to be a violation of The same advices say 125 rebels Four old non combatants now wolle tho Unitod States governo says that there have been 60 few TIVITY THROUGHOUT MEXICO.
eat the insurgents. The real purpose th neutrality laws to appear on the reached Madera The revolutionists of Mexico have on munt permits Mexican troops to pass ratallties among the federal forces.
Saturday to meet found in a farmhouse Dear Mulato, is almost too apparent for mention, strets with a wagonload of provl had their first engagement and have 300 Pima Indians and Mexicans from when the Federals first approached over Amorlean soli to crush the revo But it is an authenticated fact that to ald in the slaughter of the brave sions, Grocery delivery men and veSonora, in order to move on Chihua the town.
One of them was 90 years.
On the afternoon in the hospitals of the city of Chihua men who are fighting for the liberty. getable peddlers beware!
come out vlotors, hua.
bua alone there were 1000 wounded of their country down there in Mexi BARBAROUS UNITED STATES.
of Feb, 25, while the insurrectos were old, another was blind and another Passengers reaching Chihuahua crippled. All white haired.
Tako advantago at our special of federals. Another reason she gives call. dispatch trom Whipple, Arizona, id that town, having recently refer and send a four months sub is that the cause of the insurgents from: Coyame, Dortheast of there, The insurgents found these old men turned from an unsuccessful hunt scription tor atty The very latest report, dated Feb on January 28, says that iLieut. Rob for federals in the mountains to the report that on Saturday near Canyon with their hands tied behind their cents your has enlisted so little sympathy. ruary 18, says tbat five bondred inson arrested a woman in Nogales, south, 110 soldiers under Colonel 200 armed insurgents under com Their heads crushed, and one was de Tiburcios, there were more than backs, lying riddled with bullets.
Erlends. Or we will send yon Re an estimate by a prominent Mexican Mexican troops are coming over the Arizona, on request of the Mexican generaclon for bli months with in a recent laterview states that nine southern Pacific from Juarez, over consul.
the town Vega attacked and were The woman is charged with mand of Gen, Muniz, awaiting ad slashed across the face by a sabre. Barbarous slexico for 50, the tenths of the people of Mexico are American soll, to crush the victorious making an incendiary speech against eral loss is between twenty and thir him, while near Paso del Norte, Be discovery of the four murdered men.
beaten back by the rebels, The fedvices from Pascual Orozco to join dramatic incident followed the price of the book. Or Regonera lagalnst Diaz.
rebels of Mexicali. This was put the Mexican government.
clon for a year, with the book Barty killed and wounded. Colonel Vega The argument of the lady wAS 80 Iished in the Los Angeles Examiner speech in this country? We ll be nito Cabecitas and Felipe Gomes Government soldier had been barous Mexico for 00.
evidently an attempt to sidestep the of February 17.
outdoing barbarous Mexico next.
was reported killed. He was seen by were gathering a number of insur found lying wounded in the field.
Issue that it aroused the lodignation PLAN TO STARVE REBELS. report dated Feb. 14 several American eye witnesses to ge He had been cared for and ted. When It is now a widely published fact or a student of the medical school, fall. The latest report says he was But this is not all. If it were, we Douglas, Arizona, saying, that seven that Rallroad men reaching Chihua the murdered men were found the tho is who hastened to reply in the columns might regard it as a hideous oficial rebels (named bandits by the report wounded in the neck and in the lett hua from La Junta reported at least insurgents made a rush for the plaza American Magazine owned outright by Plorpont Mor of the Mexican Herald. This man blunder.
There is more mach were arrested by federal troops of 1000 armed insurgents between the in Malato to take revenge by killing gan.
so that is tho origin of the wants to know if the Mexican Red First, there is the amazing Mexico at Fronteras, thirty miles The insurgent loss is reported var two points, their objective point be this wounded soldier.
IR the crowd skilfully applied Influence which Cross Society is a government Institu ledict which was sent on February 1, south of the line.
iously at two killed and one wounded, It was given out the state ing Chihuahua, caused the editors capital. were son and nephew of one of the to break and five killed and three wounded: their lion or an independent charitable lo by Captain Babcock, in com by the federals that they would be The first indication that an attack is not cleared soon nearly every minė ran yelling into the plaza and dragMining men say that if the country aged victims. Like crazy men they promises to the public and cut short stitution. He states his idea of what mand of cavalry troops at Cale lined up against wall and shot.
was to be made was at 2:30 in the Barbarous Mexico ere the most im is popularly supposed to be the mis xico to Simon Berthold, second in But the significant part of the story afternoon, when the federals attacked In western Chihuahua will have to ged the soldier into the street. Many portant hall of the terrible story sion of the society, saying: command or the insurgents at is this: that the United States solclose down.
argued against killing him, but othwas told. Its mission is to relleve the ay Mexicall. The purpose of this order diers kept a specially strict watch on band of insurgent scouts at Lee REBELS SURROUND CHTUARUA. ers, maddened by the sight of the of apguish which falls from the lips is for the United States to deliber that occasion on request of a special federals marched forward to within city of Chihuahua is left with an en tols and declared they would kill Little Mexican ranch. Then the Since evacuation by Navarro, the butchered old men, drew their pisGeneral Bernardo Royes, by his of federal soldiers and the hopeless ately starve the insurrectos to death. representative of the Dlaz governprofound study of the milltary syg ay which breaks from the breast of Read It: a mile of the line of the rebels, 1n tirely insufficient force to protect any man that tried to stop them. At ment, so that no party of rescuers tems of Europe, has discovered one the rebel with equal solicitude. Theretrenched on the north bank of New United States Troops, migt go and these patriots it, and even the musicians have had that moment, Ortega, the insurgent colossal fact that the one thing tore cannot understand your stateRiver and Mexicali. Calexico, Cal. Feb, 11, 1911. from butchery.
to be pressed into guard duty. The commander, rode into the plaza and Mexico needs 19 compulsory mllltary ment in which you say that the mem AIr. Bertholdt, Commanding InsurBRAVERY OF INSURGENTS.
To cite another instance; an Assoreport is that the city is already sur called a halt.
harvice, He would have everyone bers of the Red Cross Society are The insurgents showed remarkgent Forces, Mexicali.
ciated Press dispatch of Feb. 15 rounded by rebels. Mỹ children, he said, have in tho Army in time able coolness and wisdom. They ready to go to the place of action Sir: have the honor to inform says: Later accounts of the battle of Mu had a home laid in ruins and a wife of war but himsell; he will only whenever the government shall need you that my commanding officer bas did not fire, as the federals had hoped, Jiato, which occurred last week, con and babies driven naked and stars. Four express wagons, loaded survo in time of peace. When troutheir services.
ordered meſ by telegraph to enforce with arms and ammunition, here but waited till they appeared on the and report the federal losses as se ready to kill an unarmed, founded when the enemy was a mile away firm the victory of the insurgents ing into the hills, but am not yet blo comes he will cling to the shores This part of the Interview gives the following: captured today by of Europe and discover the neods opposite bank. Then the firing beone to understand clearly that the No American or Mexican in troops, while attempting to cross the The latter retreated toward man.
of Mexico from afar in sale seclu Red Cross Soclety will only take part surgent will be permitted to pass the river near Falsens, east of this city: witness on the American side, saia port of. Feb. 15 says that the rebels only one man, the son of one of the came intense.
Marshall Crane, Ojinaga. An: Associated Press re The mob rage was quieted and slon.
in behall of the federal soldiers and border between the United States and Eight Mexicans and two Americans he counted seventeen federals fall.
not when the necessity of our broth Mexico, either armed or unarmed. accompanying the, wagons were arcaptured seven wagon loads of pro victims, stepped forward to take the Mr. Otto Bran. a prominent resThe Associated Press report of ers in the campaign demands it. 2. The insurgents will not be rested. The Mexicans were brought visions Ojinaga. report federal soldier life, Ortega drew Ident of Mexic, in a pamphlet on the also understand that it would It would break Mexican pron, ways that the one rend help the rebels.
not permitted to purchase any arms or to El Paso and jailed on charges of Feb. 16 gives the following eloquent dated Feb. 13 says that Coyame, 35 his pistol.
supplies of any kind account of insurgent bravery: the United violating the neutrality law.
The miles from Ojinaga is surrounded by heart to have to kill a comrade, he ody for the latter wretched condiDespotism corrupts everything. It States.
Americans escaped. The heaviest firing was a quarter a band of insurgents under Emilio said, but we will not be murderers tlon, moral and material, is to give will mako even the most poble and of a mile down the river from Mex Any insurgent crossing the As we have shown more than once Salgado, who has demanded the sur like the soldiers of Diaz.
him konje object to live for, a share icali, where the fighters were revered institutions serve its own border will be taken into custody and before in these coluinns, it is render of the government stores and The terrified wounded soldier was in the crop, for example. Un wittrenched in the ravines. The insurendy.
crime to send arms from here into archives. Salgado could easily cap picked up, mumbling his thanks and!
tingly or not, Mr. Branite nas struck Copy of telegram from Gen. another country. That it is not ille gents invited the fire from the sole ture the place, but says he will give removed to a shanty.
at the root of tho whole economic diers by holding their fiats up with Bliss enclosed. shall enforce the gal was ruled not long ago in the the garrison an opportunity to surproblem. When the worker knows sticks to give the appearance of solAIDING DIAZ provisions of this telegram very case of a Central American country.
render in order to avoid the killing The Mexican minister of war has diers lying down. At this point, one that the last drop of energy in his strictly.
Besides other have been of any non combatants.
agaia givea assurances that the inbody is being drained out for an Tlic people of the United States insurgent was killed outright and Very respectfully, quoted before, showing that it was othor gain, what wonder that he will protest vigorously agalnst the Blanco, a revolutionist chief, has surrection is of no consequence and The insurgents cartwo, wounded. CONRAD BABCOCK, not illegal. repeat this from the captured This must Buena Ventura, Galeañia will soon be subdued.
Krowy Ilutley, dopressed, even dogovoroment giving Diaz permission to rled the Red Cross flag to the bank and Pearson on the Mexican North mean that more towns are soon to be Captain First Cavalry, Command Mexican Herald, quoted in this paper kradest. ilve him a patch of ground transport federal troops on railroads and placed their wounded on stretching.
before: western Railway.
surrendered to the insurgents. WOof his own and a chance to work it, in this country, in their efforts to get ers and carried them to the InternaThe following is the copy of the But it seems to us that, in the WEST COAST ACTIVE man National Daily.
and litos holds an Interest for him, around the losurgents. That would telegram enclosed: tional line, where they were received concrete case of arms and ammuniRebels are very active in Sinaloa.
home attains a meaning, and he feels de active ald against the revolution San Francisco, Cal. 11 11. tion as such, it is the Mexican authorby American soldiers and treated by In: Sapotan, according to El Diario Miguel Ahumada, acting governor hlmselt an ontity, an individual, notists, who, millions of people think, Capt. Conrad Babcock, Com ities that must be on the alert to pre army surgeons at the United States del Pacifico, they captured a number of the state of Chihuahua, posted in merely a dull beast of burden, aod Jare struggling for greater liberty for customhouse. One man was dead manding Troops, Calexico, vent their illegal introduction into of arms.
In Redeo then entered a Juarez on February i, a manifesto 18 far niore inclined to dosiro and the Mexican people and agalost deswhen brought in and the other ay dry goods store belonging to Miguel begging the rebels to lay down their Cal. the territory of the Reupblic, as on Heok for roll Improvement.
potlc rule. It would not be a viola Replying to your telegram of this American soil such shipments cannot He will forgive them, he says. The fight was watched by hun ved at several hundred dollars. Laveaga, carrying away goods val arms.
tion of International law, in a tech date, all members of insurgent forces, legally be stopped or interfered with.
At for they know not what they do. Well, We have not heard that Senator nical case, ag the ingurgents do not American or Mexican, armed or un We would reter, in particular, to the dreds of Americans from the house Chacala they secured 600 from An the rebels haven yet been reported elect Works has mado any protest possess the status of beligerents, be armed, crossing into territory, Washtagton, Treaty of 1871 and Sec tops of Calexico. The actions of the ares Braganza, the tax collector, and as coming on their knees begging for insurgents could easily be observed, to his frlond the Governor in regard. cause no foreign government At Gur forgiveness.
has will be taken into custody and report tions: 5281 6291 of the Revised Stat. 900 from Albino Meza.
but the federals were well concealed to the outrages committed by Sher granted it to them. But it would be at once made to cloll authorities, utes of the United States. rola they secured 400 and a dumin the brush!
18 Meadows The Mexico Society of New York, ot Imperial county a violation of the spirit of it. whom you will ald, If necessary, in could go on for a long time to ber of horses.
We agalost Mexican revolutionists. This belligerent status is only a retalning such insurgents in custody. quote just such instances of the out FIVE MEXICANS DESERT. band of revolutionists of Sina in incorporated organization: whose aro qulte sure now that nothing can technical matter, and is determined Full report will at once be made to rageous conduct of the United States When the shooting was at its 10a have engaged the federais undei yurpose is to promote better relabo. oxpocted from this quarter. For by each government for Itself. Bel these headquarters. Insurgents in this revolution. But shall only height: five Mexican soldiers could General Diego Redo in battle neai ions between the United States and Mexico, Issued on February moaths Work has beon poslag ag a ligorency is recognized or not recog must not be permitted to secure sup give one more, for the sake of the be seen riding off to the north and Tamazula. Thirty five federals were prograsslvo, statement prálsing Dlaz and denounan losurgeat, even 10 nized, according to the degree of plles or arms from side of bor. contrast it affords. It was printed striking in a straight line for the killed.
They Still as sympathy the government has with der or cross into territory, ex in this paper about three weeks ago. boundary monument: some respects as a radical. In Velardeña, Durango, revolution. sing the revolutionary leader Madero.
Byming this pose, be was made eſther side. Officially, our govern cept to seek asylum, when they will Mexican revolutionist named erately crossed the boundary and ists seized 15, 000 pesos, and a num This society is composed of: leadUnited States Senator. No sooner ment has appeared to lean towards be disarmed and retained in custody. Salazar Cantilles has been arrested awaited the arrival of United States ber of rifles. runner from Carrizo, ing Americans. Strange, isn it, was the office safe la his hands then Diaz. The body of the American peo(Signed) LADD, by United States cavalrymen in cavalrymen sent out. When the sole Durango to Culiacan, Sinaloa, re that with a fer exceptions leading ho proceeded to react, He now ple seem to lean the other way. Any Adjutant General. Douglas, Arizona, for smuggling diers arrived the Mexicans threw ports that an insurgent force bad Americans of today adore slavery stands egalost the recall of the ju such act as permitting the Dlaz Which all means, as you may read arms and ammunition across the bor down their arms and declared they taken the former towo with no great and tyrandy. Shades of Jefferson and diciary, and calls it reform rua troops to uge American railroads, 11y see, that the United States has der. He was taken before Judge were through aghting and had resistance. Juan Banderas 18 in Lincoln!
alag med.
Ho, who once donounc while dedying the fosurgents equal entered into a conspiracy to kill Reyes of the municipal court, Aned enough. They were brought into command of the rebels who were re.
ad vo boldiy the persecution of Mex favors, would not be a popular one, those patriots of Mexicall, What 100, and sentenced to serve ten Calexico and are held prisoners. It cruited in the mountalo districts of Demand Belligerance Ican refugees la the United States, is and for that reason is not likely to part of the neutrality laws is, bro days in For silent now in the face of the most be made. The force of popular opin. ken by an, unarmed man carrying a term, it is sald that he will be tried has acted as secretary for Gov. Vega Private information comes to us lagrant conduct of this country lon has been too plainly demonstrat sack of provisions from Calexico to on a charge of vloiating the neatral. The City Hall at Caiexico has been that the rebels of Oaxaca and Vera Mexican Revolutionists!
against Mexican fagurrectos. Ad, ed of late. Woman National Dally. Mexicall it would be intereäting to Jity laws.
Atted up ao Red Cross hospital for Cruz are working together and that more, save gotvo vere. near my enno reasons en betere completing that is reported that one the deserters Durango.