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English Section REGENERACION Regeneracion. Federals Fire on Rebels From American Soil na, toneres, the rebels has Tyranny and Slavery to Be Upheld in Liberty Name con. hoid left their stronghold Wednesday EVERYWHERE REMONSTRATE column. They marched in the direc were Military Despotism war we 19 a EDITED ETHEL DUFFY TURNER SOCIALISTS WILL PROTEST. near the town and are walting reinDenver, March 16, Mass meetings forcements.
tilsand every Saturday at 619 simultaneously all over the country It is said, however, the rebels had. eth St. Lou Angeles, Ca. to protest against the military ac burned the railroad bridge to prevent Tolephone: Hom. 1860.
tivities of the United States on the the arrival of more tederais.
mouerigtlon rates: Mexican border will be held in the IN YUCATAN.
Por inuum 00 Have you noticed the news that fed. There they fired from the American Dear future by the Socialists of the Yucatan, in spite of tremendous Under the above title the San Fran press. 10 eral oficers were allowed to go over side of the line upon the insurgents. country, according to announcement odds against the movement for free claco Bulletin of March 13 prints an Mexican to prison or into exile, and Free specch has sent many Yar ur months or tray inoathu. 60 American soil from Calexico to An. Several volleys were exchanged with made by John Spargo, a Socialist au dom, 18 struggling with increasing editorial that goes straight to the as for a free press, Russian editors.
out casualties.
thor and lecturer.
vigor to throw of the yoke. Upris mark, and that should make President have far more liberty of expression BUNDLE ORDERS.
drade, and that they fired from the The act was so flagrantly in yiqld.
ings have occurred lately in several Taft, if he has any capacity for shame than those of Mexico. All news con140 coples 00 American side of the line upon Insurtion of the very laws that U, troops places, and in most Instances the rebi in him, squirm most painfully under cerning the government is subject to MM) copien 12. 50 rectos at Algodones, on the Mexican at the border have loudly proclaimed Law and Order els have gained the upper hand the barbed directness of its alm. The a strict censorship. When the revo (HX) copies 120. 00 sido? Hive you grasped the signif. they are thero to enforce, that even Tamax, Yaxcaba, Peto and Dzidgan editorial rung: lutionists were menacing Juarez, the To illustrate the influence for law tum are some of the towns captured.
Yaltor 190 Proprletor, Anselmo cance of that act, that it is a direct and Captain Babcock, who has shown him. By using his power as commander northern gateway of Mexico, not Figueroa.
uomletakable violation of the neutral selt inimical to the cause of the in and order; of the US troops at the An Associated Press dispatch seat of the army and navy to order a mili newspaper in the whole republic darea ity laws and that the perpetrators surrectos, telt himseli obliged to take border, let us simply cite the instance out from El Paso on March 14 says tary demonstration designed to end even to hint at what was going on.
action, and asked General Bliss for of Galveston, Tex. where on March that Galeana, in the state of Nuevo the revolution in Mexico the President The man on Chapultepec kad raised Patorod as nocond class matter have not been arrested?
Sogt4ni ber 12, 1910, at the post of On March 16, shortly after Stanley authority to arrest the Mexican cul 13, mob of drunken American sol Leon, is in rebelllon now over certain of the United States declares in effect a warning singer and the press was tce ut Los Angeles, Califorola, under and his men departed for Algodunes, toms officials for violation of the neu diers went on a rampage through the acts of its officials.
the Act ot March 3, 1879.
that a land dedicated, if not devoted, silent.
the Mexican customs officials who had trality laws.
Mexican and negro quarters of the Morelos is alive with small bands to the cause of human liberty No. 29 ap In Mexico, under Diaz, the poor are beon driven out of Mexicali by the in General Bliss ordered him to take town, demolishing furniture, driving of actively operating rebels.
Saturday, March 18, 1911.
surrectos when that town was taken, no action whatever.
out the occupants, burning two houses One group collected 250 from the Mexico. Therefore it is only fair that infamous contract labor system thouproves of the present government of not even physically free. Through an arned themselves, banded together, In view of the action Bliss has and engaging in street fights. It took haclénda de la Pala, near Chlhuahua, the ninety millions of Americans in sands of peons are sold every year into Wo hear that on account op. com and departed from Calexico to, march taken against insurrectos in the past arty picked men under a Colonel Bai. Wires have been cut between Cualta whose name President Taft issues of slavery, and these contract laborers tinuen revolutionary activity and Cuernavaca, for upon Andrade, which is just opposite with no ground any charges ley to quell the riot.
Horses have been ders to the American utilutlonal guarantons have been sus the Mexican border town of Algodones whatever against them, the above seized at Tlaltizapan by a group of army should are fogged, just as the negroes of this ponded in Mexico.
want to know the truth about the gov: country were once fogged by brutal As if they had whero Captain Stanley and his men statement of this despot loving genmen who it is reported intend to join not alreally been sugpended for thir.
ernment which they are called upon to masters.
wore installed.
eral (s eloquent.
REVOLT GROWS those operating in: Guerrero.
preserve. y. four years!
Activity of the same sort is also Such is the government that Dicreported to have occurred at Tojutla.
The editorial goes on to say that tator Diaz has given to Mexico. NO CONGRESSMEN (olller Weekly of March has an in the dearth of official information we popular elections, 10 free speech, no The revolutionists in the vicinity morning with a considerable force to interesting story of the revolution by must go to private sources. From free press, not even physical freedom CITY CHIHUAHUA OF of Torreon are still proceeding with FEELS go and meet this advancing federal And it is to preserve Arthur klubi under the title. With the these we learn that Mexico is less for the poor.
ACUTELY ITS STATE OF SIEGE. vigor in their guerrila campaign.
column. They marched in the direcREBELS ARE VICTORIOUS of a republic than any monarchy in such a IN The forces under Lopez Ortiz bave Insurrectos In Juarez.
government that President tion of Pichachos Pass. They left MacEurope. It continues: Taft, in the name of ninety million The action of the United States gov Donald with a band of fifteen men in TWO SONORA BATTLES. YU recently gathered considerable money Why were hall cartrldges Issued tojernment in sending troops to the bor Vexicali.
CATAN AND OTHER PARTS OF and horses, besides participating in Mexico Constitution provides for Americans, is forming a military wall Yery enllstedt man if the present move der to crush the Mexican revolution MEXICO IN RÉVOLT.
an engagement at Cuencame.
popular government, yet the people of along the Mexican border.
The band under Rodriguez and Sa.
Mexico have no more to say about the After commenting on the recent of Croops wily mllltary play, aud, is so boldly and flagrantly opposed to linas, which recently departed from That the city of Chihuahua is in a state of siege and that its 25, 000 election of their President than they edict of martial law, sent out by not borious business?
all prlociples that America ls sup. El Cajon, near San Diego, end Murderous inhabitants have in the election of the President Diaz, and pointing out its significance, posed to stand for, that many con crossed the line into Mexico, has di.
expect its fall to be immiof the United States. Porfirio Diaz the editorial concludes: Why niya, ai tho soldiers in gressmen in Washington nent has repeatedly been reported at vided up under the two leaders for during the past few days. The insurhas retained his seat for twenty seven An amazing republic is the Mexico che ricinder of San Dlego compelled once aroused and determined to act convenience in operatlag. Rodriguez years by the simple expedient of us of Diaz.
gents have encircled the city and No popular. elections, no free entre inoculated for protection agalnst against it, especially since Taft has and bis force holds the town of Te ing the army to suppress political op speech, no free press, not eeyn phystthes mozofull o, when there are practi practically thrown off the mask and carte, while Salinas is reconnoiter corage 12 miles beyond it they are when the federal troops attempt to position. There have been six aation cal freedom for the poor, and now cally to reputoets there? Is not this admitted the real reason for which ing among the ranches in the vicinity.
March 1, 1911.
driven back by bands of rebels.
al elections in those twenty seven patriots fighting for liberty are to be to be fillinn 15 in Indication that Inva the troops are being sent. Members The latest news says that a battle bas The supplies are very low. No foodTo th Editor of Regeneracion: years, and every one of them has been summarily shot as robbers and mur.
ylon is planned to regloos farther of congress who are preparing to act occurred at Tecarte between federals stuffs have been received for over two have received several copies of a farce. In all other matters Porfirio derers. And it is to preserve such a 00:th whero the mosquito docs prac. in this affair, accordios to Gilson from Ensenada and insurrectos under weeks. The operator at Chihuahua your valuable paper, and thank you Diaz has shown the same disregard for gover ment that President Taft, in the ther 10: drarily warfare?
Gardner of the Scripps new service, Rodriguez.
wired to the operator at Parral that very kindly for sending it to me. the rights which ja republic is sup name of ninety million Americans, is have summed up the situation as folGovernor Alumada is powerless. While can read Spanish only with posed to guarantee its people. There forming a military wall along the lows: Ambusaler le lit Barri says: The dispatch from. Albuquerque, hammer and tongs, yet suficiently has been neither free speech nor free Mexican border. 1) The military movemeat supple The Liberal Party cundit11rls! In Ixico nre nortnal, with on March 10, says that in four days to keep in touch with the situation.
thented with the statement constitute the Xception of a small section of the from that time the city of Chihuabua (teclaration of against the The Liberal Party, the proletarian woman, who, although worn out by State of Chihuahua. where little would be without water, as the rebels. spent the early part of the year friendly republic of Mexico.
party of the Mexican revolution, and BREAD fatigue from walking in search of body of Editious men is carrying on have cut the water systern within four 1907 in Mexico, and got over a conwork, had dared, impelled by hunger. 2) The use of the army and navy the veteran in the field, is extending kurrrilla warlarc. Even Enrique miles of the besieged city.
siderable portion of the country. By ENRIQUE FLORES MAGON of the United States to suppress the the influence of its propaganda far to mix her rags of wretched plebeian 12012 have hitherto There has been no passenger traffic observed then the great un rest, now revolt in Mexico is an unwarranted and wide. Regeneracion is read with ism with the costly garments which it wirdt the laurel the world between Chihuahua and Ciudad Juar crystallizing into a full fledged rebel Don cry, dear little one. nice her very own hands bad helped to prize polivaricator, would lad it hare usurpation on the part of the execu great eagerness in the military camps ez since the departure of the north lion, sure to end in revolution; betive branch of the government. throughout Chihuahua, Sonora, Baja lo beat that.
The use of American troops California and other parts of Mexico. The train service is demoralized as even with simple political opposition, some bread.
on the 29.
cause the policy. of Diaz, in dealing man is coming soon to bring you make to cover the moral mange of the useless aristocracy, For years the Liberal party has The child ceased weeping.
against a neighboring people fighting PerHow much light! How much Yll, the prize Ilary of the world are far south as Zacatecas dispatch has been so murderous, that, when to depose a dictator and set up a con fanned the face of revolution, and the from Washington resistance is once the Mexican government officials, of dated March armed offered, baps. in his childish brain there was wealth!
From among the rage of the unstitutional government is a shock to mountains of Chihuahua have been leath had better come in var glor reflected the beautiful image of whom Plaz, Creel, Corral and de la says that the Mexican revolutionist Anverican patriotism and is agalost one of its strongholds. Its adherents bave control of railroads north, sout) ously, though defeated, than sur great piece of bread, as enormous as happy plebeian vas extended a hand Barra ara especially shining examples.
the traditions of the republic.
are spreading its principles through and west of Chihuahua sender, and die ignominiously; as the bis hunger, and placidly he settled malmed and wasted, from which the But the second prize is most certain.
Oficial denials by England, out revolutionary ranks everywhere. BAND NEAR JUAREZ.
joly condition of any surrender Diaz himself to sleep upon a poor, miser haughty marionettes, vain of their ly in bo awarded to the newspaper France and Germany make it certaln The Liberal Party stands for the diable bed without mattress or sheets.
aas ever granted.
costly dresses, drew back, and at Captain Oscar Creighton, an Aner correspondents of Caloxico.
that foreign lavasion was not threat vision of the great estates of Mexico, ican and Harvard graduate, with a which the distinguished robbers in Had dropped down on Mars, frock coats and silk bats looked in ened or even contemplated.
and for parceling them out among band of insurrectos, is camped about could not have been as greatly sur young woman, with cheeks palJack London says that though the loathing. 5) There has been serious the poor from whom they have been fifteen miles south of Juarez.
He prised at: conditions there as was lid and quivering with starvation, United States may be able to partial menace as yet to American The coarse brute hand of a rutlife or stolen in years past.
blew up a: railroad bridge within ten on my trip through Mexico. had with eyes brilliant with the fever of ly crush the insurrectos, it cannot property in Mexico.
mlles of the city on March 10. He thought, as had no opportunity to debīlitation, traversed in vain the Qur eutilleu: Agent of the Puuilo Order, shook the poor, ragged creacrush the revolutionary spirt in Mex. 6) The Monroe doctrine oes not arrived at his camping place in the know differently, that Mexico was a streets of Mexico City in search of ture roughly, like a bulldog shakes ico. Ho is right. The spirit of 11b justify interference by the United FAILS IN vicinity of Juarez after a march of Republic. On my return home; work.
orty has famed pow in the hearts of States in the domestic affairs of neigh.
over 100 miles, during which he did wrote a book, Mexico with CompariNo one wanted to employ her of anyone who comes near his master, the Merican people, and there will It boring countries. The Moproe doc not meet a single federal. He burned sons and Conclusions, in which what use could so weak a woman be? and dragged her out of that center continue to burn.
trino was framed to encourage the esbridges and tore up tracks as he ad summed up my conclusion of the kind Her feeble arms could not produce, ited without scruple its immense tablishment of the American contiAMERICAN OFFICER LETS AS vanced. of government in Mexico, thus: for the master who should hire her, wealth amassed by the eternal tears Lover Callfornia, according to a neat of constitutional republics, such SAULTING MEXICAN FEDERAL GO The latest dispatches say that Mexico is a military despotism the anything which might be worth the and the misery and hunger ot so Uniter Press dlapatch of March 10, as the present fosurrectos lo Mexico BACK ACROSS THE LINE. OFFI. Creighton has been deposed by his most absolute.
trouble of exploiting her.
who many ragged Ireatures is regarded by the administration at are fighting to establish.
In the same work, I, as do still, And worn out with fatigue, almost CER LEGALLY GUILTY OF COMthroughout Mexico.
Waghlogton as the danger spot. It (7) The people of the United States severe defeat to the insurrecto look with dread to the establish jdragging herself along. she: came POUNDING FELONY.
18 cyon sald that the great mobiliza. have no interest in sustaining the conforces under Madero occurred last ment of a new regime by reason of back to her wretched den more palthe After the battle of Agua Prieta on week at Casas Grandes.
horrors always accompanying ijd than before.
It grew very late.
tion of troong way for tho purposo of stitutional and notoriously cruel rule suppressini: the rebellion there.
March 12 a Mexican The of the Diaz dictatorship.
The deserted streets were crossed.
war, and especially a civil war, the federal officer, It won BLANCO VICTOR IN FIGHT. Don cry, my beloved.
worst of all, utronx rayolutionary ideas of the Lib. 8) The only explanation for this Captain Gallegos, crossed the line into Blanco, who is operating in Sonora lof a gangrened limb, however, the Like the amputation be very long now before the good from time to time by people, who erat leadors and the talk of establish. misuse of the American army would Douglas, Arizona, to set pay for his with marked success had an engage surgeon must finally be called, or the man will bring you some bread.
urged on by the cold, struck the side.
in co operative commonwealth, appear to be found in the desire of troops. While he was in a cafe an ment with federals at Agua Prieta on But noir the illusion of a promise walk resoundingly with their heels as patient will die.
to serve certain large finan. American shouted Viva Madero. The March 12, in That, seems to me, was not enough for the child.
they walked, hurrying to get to their slown there has caused shivers to run America His which he came out the situation in Mexico. The time up the backe of capitalist brigands, lost clal interests that are beneficiaries of federal captain whipped his revolver ahead. Douglas doctor, who at: has come wäen the knife, the sword, twenty four hours, suffered intensely drunkard, stumbling little stomach, empty for more than homes as quickly as possible.
his against the success of such movement Mexican concessions, which would from his belt and pulled the trigger. tended some of the wounded, said should react with telling effect upon lapse with the Diaz government. The Captain Johnson, who happened to be that the federal loss vas 21 mier must be used, or liberty will die, from the pangs of hunger.
shadow projected on the wall, leered My sympathies are with the people the Unlleul States. want bread, Standard Oil Co. and the Morgan bank. present, leaped forward, seized the re killed and 15 wounded, and that the stray dog passed he moaned, at her obscenely.
Ing house, which has acted as the fis. volver, and his thumb was caught by insurrectos lost two killed and three of Mexico, struggling for liberty, and between great sobs, while his little by, sniffing at walls and doors. The knows no one who the situation desconding trigger, preventing wounded.
cal agent of the Dlaz government and the body, shrank pitifully with the an guardians of bourgeois security, not Woll, Japan no fool. The little there, can feel or act differently, and their corof the people, snored on has placed its credit behind the Dlaz discharge.
guish of starvation, Nine American born Mexican boys yollow man emlles a lot and still claim to be human.
prᏅ pers, standing, against their posts.
Donds, lead with their interests. Instead of arresting him for assault and two Americans, according to a fesses eternal friendship, but he Is Vive la Republique! but may it be The nigbt had long since come to (9) war in behalf of Wall street to commit murder, the American offi United Press dispatch of March 13, watching for his chance.
The night came on.
And the the regenerated Republic you seek, speculators in Mexican securities has cer then disarmed the Mexican and es who crossed the line to witness the and not the present Republic, a rean end, and the unhappy working The Gilded Mob, in interminable woman, shivering with cold, fainting Unster States government is prepar no standing in the public conscience. corted him across the line. The Amer; battle, were captured by the federals. public in name, but a murderous mil defile:throughout the length of the with hunger, with her feet raw with Ins to kive him his chance. While Resolutions embodying the above ican officer was there to help enforce The Mexican boys were immediately itary despotism in reality, avenue Plateros, under a thousand Uncle Sam 14 making trouble for him views and acts have been formulated the laws. The law was violated be lined up and shot.
the incessant march and her heart The Americans Very sińcerely, arc lights, displayed from its car bruised by the egoism of the bourHolt 11 Mexico, the Ilitlo yellow man and will be introduced at the opening fore his own eyes. By not arresting are still in jail. These victims were GRAHAM. riages and on the sidewalks the pro geoisie, journeyed at hazard, seeking with the cornal smile will strike, and of the extra session of congress. Wbe that Mexican federal Captain John unarmed.
duct of its robbery sanctioned by the still for the hungry child piece of ho ll striko without warning at a vital ther they can be made the basis for son was guilty of compoundiog Blanco is still in the vicinity of Law.
bread, polnt. That the way he precipitated Impeaching Sec. Knox or be merely felony, and should have been arrested Agua Prieta, and an attack is exIn El Paso Roosevelt straddled the the 11990 Japaneso war, and everythe text for debate remains to be seen.
How much wealth, and how very himself on that charge.
pected any time by the trembling Mexican issue as he straddles all othone knows tho outcome. Aside from federals in the town. who are er issues of importance, like the cheap much light! The precious stones dazThe silken garments PROTEST all other considerations, there is cerJohn Kenneth Turner was refused said to number about 600. Blanco politician that he is, tin he is quite zled the eye.
caressed the ears with gentle froutainly streak ot madness the the privilege of leaving the United had 550 men, but his force was just sure which is the winning side.
AGAINST AMERICAN frous, and the subtle perfumes which hellinorent attitude of the United States yesterday by the soldiers. Now lately, augmented by 200 from the States toward Moxico at this time.
emanated from the garments of the what do you know about that for ob United States. On March 13, be held Demand Belligerence bourgeois women, think INTERVENTION made one servance ot legal points? By what up the Nacozari train 15 miles from Lest there should be any misunder För of mysterious sleeping rooms, warm MEXICO In this a government of the people, standing about the Lower California earthly right have the soldiers to pro Agua Prieta. After the coaches were Mexican Revolutionists! and agreeable, which would never insurrectos blew up by the peoplo and for the people? Let situation among American readers, due bibit a man from going peaceably and searched, the be, alas, for the unbappy working 19 not laugh. What hand bave the to persistent and wholesale lying on unarmed across the border. Calexico 100 feet of track. Before this was done two Mexican women and their American people had Daily Chronicle of March in sending the part of news correspondents, wo families were gallantly escorted by troops to the border? How many of wish to state that there are several the insurgents out of the danger zone, FREE was to be made? Why, even the army ously with each other. The differ ANOTHER SONORA VICTORY.
oncors thomselves are dumbfounded, ences between Captain Stanley and Antonio Araujo, who bas sufand are asking each other why? How Leyva have been adjusted, and stan rered imprisonment for two and one following account of a rebel triumph The Los Angeles Express pridits the With one year subscription to Rogeneracion.
The English page of this paper is to be made much more interesting many men, oron of the army, desire ley has returned to the campaign as, half years in the penitentiary at Ft. in Sonora: than ever before. Regeneracion is the only paper that tells in English the to sco the Moxican rovolution crushed? general in command of about forty Leavenyorth, Kag. for violation of Barbarons Mexico You do not want this movement for five men. EL PASO, Tex. March. 13. true story of the grogress of the Mexican revolution.
Hecenas come to Algodones. the neutrality laws, has just recento special dispatch to the Herald this is the only book that tells the truth about Mexican slavery and the political (Established 1899)
progress and democracy annihilated, where the recent skirmish occurred.
ly been released on the expiration of morning from Vanajo, Sonora, states partnership between Americas capltal and Dlaz which has made it posbut the responsibility will rest on you The oldest Socialist Newspaper West Another band under Cordosa is now his term, and is now a member of the there was a spirited engagement at sible.
of the Rocky Mountains in so far as you are submissive to the supposed to be in the vicinity of the Regeneracion staff. We shall print that place Saturday between 150 in Send today and get the book with year subscription to the ONE DOLLAR YEAR unbridled rapacity of the master cap Colorado dam.
an article about this yonng Liberal surgents and 50 federals. The insur paper. Or send 50 and get the book with six months sübscription to Itallata of Wall. atreet who are makAddress: Rogers, Publishes, Federals are sald to be comlog and the incidents connected with bis gents, Bucceeded in capturing the the paper.
292 East Seventh Street, ing the Moxlcan and the American from Ensenada to engage the boys of persecution in the United States in town with a 1098 of one killed and Addreng REGENERACION, 51946 East Hourth St. Los Angeles, Cal.
Los Angeles, CAL.
poople their prey.
Mexicali in battle. LAYTA and Bert next week issue.
two wounded.
The federals rallied no HIS DUTY Bwarna men.
Al mo Baja California IN MEXICO you knew beforoband that the move groups in the field, worklng harmoni. ARAUJO IS FREE THE PEOPLES PAPER