Regeneración English Section the RAILS No. 242 HOW CAN STATE OWNED Minds Run Straight?
lie tlie the tlie thie itte diuru of the swordt mule insatio and criminal aberra« section but not so in the fugliell of the Diaz soldiers Many Men wilo have sold theniscives ticii called civilizatioti.
page. However, we sivull leie our brothers were sold for Edited by WM. OWEN to the service of a inachine ca12 CXPROPRIATIONI This is after puy mure attention to this 200, 00 a, head to the slave driven not think straight and men wirin 111x nightmare and terror of the aud from now on pyrect to treat of lucaian girl lie Valle Nationd can not think stranitit cannot fine deres and parasilus today. This the subject in every issue of the They were sold into actual chattel SUBSCRIPTION Send 11701110 y payable tu any message of service to is in the has been tlic keynote of RIGENE paper.
slavery, and there forced to work Single upy ENRIQUE FLORIS MAGON.
solution of the problems we have RACION and the Magons to tlie We have said before, and one under such horrible conditions that To dollars a year. months, 10. Saturday August 12, 1916 Box 1236, Los Angeles, Cal.
to solve. would rather have peons of Mexico, and it has done perhaps cannot repeat it too of their licalth was soon broken, and this moment numbers of our lead ous governments, although nein the opinion of a simple Mexican its work. They have inade it a ten, that the way a chcap fakir when they no longer could stad peon, who nuither wishes to rob practice to show the peon that all like Carranza can hypnotize even on their fert they were buried ing citizen are talking war. That ther Gerina11 1100 Austria lias or to lie robhodl, than that of the wealth of his master has been a lot of radicals into the belief live in order to save bother and ton may end in bloodshed anci, by clared to publish the correspondthe most learned llaeckel who, wrung froin liit and that it is that the working class 125 any medical expenses. It was a comthe saine logic, should be sup lence that passed between the sworn to the service of an empere now his turn to take it back. It thing to expect from a political mon sight to see Our brother Dresscul a liighly significant act noted or. 112s to express hinseif in is high time that this word should luckster, is really a puzzle. Ilere beaton to death for the slighter At o clock, as Wils liis daily In Germany the State has real. carefully by leading Algerican terims of rimperors, wilich are not beconie very popular, for if we really is a politician posing as the motives.
France habit, Jol111117 Atkins huisted the ly, succes in crowning itself publicists. Since then the terjis of equal rights for alle men, expect to ever be economically champion of labor while at the We endured those condition for Stars and Stripes and seating with the hulus of a religion, auch bas publislied photograplıic reFlerbert Spencer describes the free we must realize that the pro same time lie is overanxious to thirty six years, that comes toll muusell at a jingling piano, mara wbubby bureaucrats in threadbare productions vf the diarios faunel Stale as being invariably slow, ducing class, have been despoiled assure the exploiters and profit prove that we are peace loving shulled his scholars to tlie tune cor broadcloth surely the least ro on the persons of killed and cat stupid, wasteful and corrupt, of all we have created and the mongers that their booty will be people. But we lound ourselyes so the Star Spangled Banner. mantic Cods as yet invented. tured Geruian suldiers, and these Comercil and lriven up against Then le proceeded to teach thein sternly execute decrees wluich älso tell a story no indignant and take much pleasure in only wav to recover it is to go af protected by liis government qurinting 10 the case of the illus te. the thieves and get it, and to Carranza is not only a decided she wall, that finally fiad to rea geograply thit hrgau and end srenn to be regarded as (liyine. deuials can refute. liave to ed with the United States, and a There the schoolmaster appear Space here to discuss the it is trious llaeckel as proving, at let the ili kuow that explotati011 hibug, as naturally every pol volt against those damnable con thein float 110 event outside its clarges tlie instinct of rebelion do so, for those who have studion ed minds. Do you suppose that IIAS to stop; that all those wlio an arch hypocrite and betrayer ol ind to gain Brcall, Land and ruulsrivs was iniuh worth noth and to have made oberti. nce to the evidence have formed their prosecuting alterte drilled to care to associate with self respect tne people and of all the promisse burly an the convictiun that it is his duty ivy people and share tlie Bunquct worth wlile lie has diade to their.
This is the cause and the ing. Years before lie had indors. discipline their second nature, juclgment, and the opinions of to secure as many convictions as of Life have not only to cease ex Like all his predecessors and source of the Social and Econonue ed what Ilerbert Spencer says There, as the result of a most ri these who liave not studied it are possible, can take a just view of ploiting buman life but MUST, would be rulers, he, of course, Revolution which has for over live What wish here to about that wlicki, with more girl system, on the efficiency of worthless.
such an upheaval as the Mexican work for a living if they are noť kas personal ambitions and longthan Papal insolence, the State which the natiod actually has wote is that Ernst Haeckel was Revolution, or that anything bet decrepit.
years shahen Mexico; of this Re ing for power, and has taken acvolution of the down trodden is pleased to call an education; learned to pride itself, the mould one of the signers of that letter, ter can be expecteil of a judge The fact is that tliis high act vattage of the misery, dicontent but tine had rubbed that out. ing process is continued into later and that IIaeckel has now. come trained rigorously to the worship of plain and simple justice should ani desperation or the outraged and expl»iters; of this Revolution massey avainst their oppressores Tlle systein owiled lim, and, tak life by the State endowed profes out with a book, entitled Etern of written law as sliperior to not be eitlicr regarded as expro proletariat to accomplish his ens. that clicily aims to get control ing the State pay, it baci becuine sors, who are its modern priests, ity: World War Thoughts.
thical riglit?
priation or confiscation but as With his car ever to the ground common of the land and the reb his settled Occupiutius to boost llie And from these so callerl scien Tiercin he does not hesitate to Nvi a thousand times Vol With the natural and common restora for the popular issues, Carranza airns le tree the Mexican oople, State.
tists, who claiin to know, art describe biunself as standing on out just thinking we cannot reach tion of sonıthing that has been kuows that the implacable cry of Th sc aius and aspirations are se At luis desk in Wasington takes its note; the well drilled the light watch tower of pure just action, and just thinking is stolen from society. Those who tlie Mexican people is for the forth in condeuseù form in our the tent:1 assistant scretary iu clurus blending finally in one reason, and he coulbits bijuseif an impossibility to those wlio, as are have been profusely rewarıl lan. and le 1175 proceeded to battle cry of Lund and Liberty.
the Secret Service Bureau gazed harmonious pran to the State to the tollowing statements: their lirst duty, must proteut the od hr Autliority for this kind of promise thein its restoration, only with satisfaction on the pile of and the Olympian Jove who is its First, characterizes tlie sellisha interests of the governing propaganda and the same reward to clicat and turn against tliein tack the land beciuse we know the We Jiexicans are striving to ge!
clippings with wliichi le loper to topnost pinnacle. It is the acie wir as tlie greatest crive in inactive. In this lies the conte awaits all those who may care to when he has gained enougli the land is the source of all social clinch his case against thrberetics of Goverment, which is incontro laistory, and declares that it was clusive an eternal condemnation continue this work.
the strength to carry ont liis prowho bad dared, in the Murnung vertibly the opposite of freedom. recklessly brought upa wealth and, therefore, that he was of all that Siate Socialismı wliclı, Tilie Magons thru RUGENIKA mises, Earthquake, to criticize that Its one aim is the enforcement of worid by Eugland. Her he (levoteel fanatically to the e11 croy lave exported and crieri owns the land owns all and, hero All the difference between CaAuthority to whom lie owed his an iron discipline, and the more dirunues with the biiterest inlargement and perfection of the this doctrine aloud free. it in season rranza and Diaz or any other ty people who enjoy economic hits becomes cconumically bread anel butter. Years before am under the discipline of others vective, and lie singles out for goyerning machinery, is crustia and out of season, and have paid rant is that Diaz was out for the he limself liad been somewhat of the less ain master of myself. Special attack the aralleled mass com are free socially and politically ing the li art out of humanity the price. Tliey have untiringly service of the high aristocracy a rebel, cne of his favorite bickis Iſ progress depends, as hitherto murder she has been practicing.
and strangling it in bloul.
as well; that is to say, economia repeated to the peonthat with the whereas Carranza is for a lesser freecom is the mother of all free being that Issay on Liberty Supposed, on free and untrammel. condly, lie exults over (Gernians) now War. OWEN, sa11e effort and sacrifice made to set, but lie, the same as liis ligli in which John Stuart Mill inssits ed investig ition and comparison, fact that we clonis.
overthrow a tyrant and put another rival is strong for tlie riglits of (To be continued. that the murality of k1114 killing througihe getiu un of free speech, lold firmly in our hands as vali:ole in his place they can uprot private property the prople able security considerable terriis a subject that must be discuss it inust be fatal to all progress.
the whole ratten structure and take propertv and the privilege of ed. Time bad changed all that If thought is the great lover by tory. Belgiun and the North of CARRANZA possession of tirings for thes the ruling class to exploit and and, pledged by liis monthly sal which our race lifts itself. it must France in the West, Poland and FROM EMMA GOLDMAN.
And Other Shams.
ary to the support of Authority, bring all our clitobing to au end, Baltic Provinces in selves without the need of politi live oil tlie toil of the laboring cius, leaders or saviors of any masses. Pilable as all of this East.
he had ended by regarding rehrl for thought cut to order is not RICEVIRACIOV has ever been Collectral at theeting in San lion against officialdom as tlie thought at all.
is, there are those who still have Francisco for tlie Vagons 820. 09.
Tluirelly, le lauds the alliance the ayowed and unremittinig toe strip, we have succeeded one unpardonable crime.
in making of all slains and myths that etesThiese are tlie slams that Ri. sowe hopes for some good gor.
Notwithstanding the tremen I, a convinced Anarchist long KITINERACION has always au shall ernment to cone along and sta clous odds inot in consequence of To the Day! cried the colo before the war, and since its ont sut all events, when the reaty easy mass. It has ever been the with the Orient, and says that nally accurse the gullible and ever strive to expose.
At tire blish a paradise on earthi.
the pxviiement and deppressiu nel, as le lifted his glass; and break ten times tnore so, insist presenë time the Carranza fraud In coming issues details of Ca resulting from the reign of tetter Lieut, Jenkins, in common with that our race is having the life of peace is concluded we must policy of this paper to speak out a dozen other young tellows scat crushed out of it by these thougtdemand a considerable extension in plain and straight terms what needs it badly, and it 11as been rranza doings shall appear.
created by the Law and Order COX.
ed at the mess table, gazed rev murdering, of the German empire.
gang of San Francisco after the in its estimation is the best solut. very ſairly exposed in its Spanish conduct fasliioning erently at the regimental flags nichines lled Governina. tand Fourthly, as to the provinces tion of the ills and wrongs that bomb explosion in that city, were comrade Emma Goldmat char deckerl the walls, and pushed for prouf of what it ensis in captured l»y Germany in her first all ict mankind and at the same is lecturing at the present time, with martial price. Years brfure need only point to the batt) liekis unexpected rush, he writes: The time exposing all frauds and she has not ceased her activities he had committer to inemory the of Europe perhaps the sternest new provinces which we are gou qnacks that continually parade as noble passeges in which Ruskin lesson ever taught us. But wish ing to annex are energetic and Messiahs and professional saviors in behalf of our comrades, as can In this work particular attenby The Federal Court of Los Angslos, June 22, 1916.
reminds the soldier that his honor here to dwell more particulariy reckless, but with coutious and be seen by tlic above remittance.
It certainly takes real grit and depends on liis fighting for the vu the assassination of straight. intelligent treatment they can be tion has been paid to Mexico, of (NOTE. This speech was prepared to 18 cents American money. determination to no such work riglit, and is stained eternally forward thought and houest ex Germanized, or at least be inade course, as the interests of the rulwhen lie draws. his sword for a pression to which the systematiza accessible to German culture, ing class are as strong and by Enrique Flores Magon to be pronoun We were compelled to trade with under the present circumst:inces.
cause his coriscirnce brands as ed ordering of governments inev. eciucation and civilization. cred there as anywhere else, ced when asked by the Court if he had tle tienda de faya which is wrong But Jenkins soon forgot itably leads; and here Ġerinany, Fifthly, he praises the niili aird as these interrsts are being something to say as to why sentence the same as the comissaries in shoukl not be imposed upon them. But your mining and luunber ca 112ps, all that, where the system las reached its tary activities of Frederick tlie seriously threatened by the great The habitually, highest efficiency, inust supply Great and Bismack, which, lie progress of the present Revolu: when the proper time arrived the Judge where everything was sold to us shrugged l1is shoulders whe ll be me with examples.
says, were carried ou iv face of tion, RUCENESACION las, as usual, did not allow Eurique to address the al exorbitant prices, Under such thouglit at Christ feeding several TIE SOCIAL AND DANCE Do you remember that, shortly persistent opposition froin inany recu:ived its fuil skare of the raih Courr. alıko he demanded such right, grant conditions we gralually found thousand people to repletion wiih after the outbreak of the war, short sig litet politicians. from the gods for its indiscre. e tr then by the same laws that the ourselves in perpetual debt withi To be given Saturday, Aug. 19, Court pretends to uphold, our 122 usters and without tlie lilya couple of loaves and two ninety thrie Corrina 119, whose Sixthly, he declares that the tion in telling the Mexican preurs in. at Burbank Hall.
erty of moving from Useir domain, fishes, but he still preachd at naues nave been heralded for possession of Belgium will give to throw thrir masters off their (Continned from last issue. In case we succeerdeel in cvading to make it a very enjoyable and The management will endeavor unctuously from the pulpit; for it an1 wide as represeitiny lis Gerinany not only the excellent backs and belp theniselves to the This Court sliould not pass the vigilance of the hacienda lively affair, and all those seeking a was part of the organization highest culture, issued a better port of Antwerp but also the table of Life.
sentence on us, for it would inean, bosses and escaped from our bou gooi time will do well to attend.
creinonial, and the organization which they entitled An Appeal rich Congo State in Africa; and This has been the mission of too, a denial to us Mexican peo dage, we were cauglit by the owned him.
to the Civilized World? Have he gives it as his opinion that of REGENERACION and for this its ple of the perfect riglit we have But above all don forget that auttiorities and once more returtiAlthougha Pat Flynn, secre you forgotten what they said, the various proposals recently editors have been founded, claiu to revolt against the unbearable our comracles Caplan and Schirnid ed to slavery.
tary of tlie Boilmakers Uulu pledging to it their names and made for the extension of the ed and imprisoned, on both sides conditions that have kept us in We found that our wives, our are behind the bars and that ion, being an exerptional young honor, and lling on the shados colonies which we have already of the border, ever since they slavery through very long, long sisters and our daughters were at Magons will soon be in again if mian and having read Progress of Goethe, of Beethoven and acquired, the one that holds out raised of Rebellion years; awful conditions that even the mercy of the lascivious ap keep them out.
clo not raise the necessary funds to and Poverty. din really believe Kunt, to witness their sincerity. the best promise is the foundi against tyranny and despotism. Dante Ioferno cannot surpass, petites of the rich men, the authat Lalur could do anything un ithe letter consisted mainly of tivu of a great German colonial And this shall eyer continue to and under which we found our ilorities and the ciergy, for when be its mission so long as it inan selyes stripped of all our belong they pleased they took away froin til it got its hands on natural re short paragraphs, which began empire in middle empire.
lie still wlouped it up for respectivels as fellows. It is As to his charges judgment ages to see the light in any way. ings, our lands, our forests, our What Conscription Means.
Lis one women and shot, imprisorganization as the sovereign re not true that Germany is guilty may be left to those who studied While ever reacty to curtail rivers, our mines and everythiug oneel, mustered into the aring or Conscription does not mean medy. That was the union dope, of having caused this war; it the evidence but what strikes anything that makes fur else tlaat we once owned in con otherwise got rid of any man wito tliat those responsible for war and Pat wasn (tarrelling with is not true that we trespassed in one as indisputable is the appall greater freedom, the Powers mon or individually froin time woull protest.
na list colle tigrliting. It means a salary.
We saw neutral Belgiu2; it is not true ing stupidity flaeckel displays, That Be, never look very serious immemorial, Whenever we went on strike that men illit be forced to fight, So it goes all round, and when that the life and property of a All over the world, Germans are ly upon 12y. t1ovement, how. belongings being token away for better conditions asid wages, wlio ara ilenier only voice in deter some lunedy rebel sucgests that single Belgian citizen was injura today declaring vehementis tliat, ever radical, that does not go to from us by. Porfirio Diaz by as in Rio Bianco and Cananen, mining whether or not there we were shot down envaske by should be a war.
progrcka depends on getting at the truth ed in our soldiers without the froin the very first, they have the roots of things as They Are, incans of violence through liis And in the cases self lefense having fought only because their nation, and that fail to propose the propsoldiery and sticking to it, that rebel is bitterest and legal machinery.
Dia robbed the Mexicali people the lirexi murderers of Dia. his of every existing nation it aneans apt to be taught a lesson lie will made it nere:sary; it is not al integrity was attacked. er solution.
tiut they must fight for a govern in order that he niiglt grant soldiers his policemen and not forget. In Labor ruder cir true that our troops treated Lou verywhere they are disclaiming But just as soon as a movement concessions to the Otises, llearsts, gors. If we still held a small tent that denims their right to cles he may simply get his headl va in brutalis. it is not that the charge that they were in of any significance quits fooling Rockefellers, Morgans, Guggen piece of land that excited the opportunities to earn a living, and punclied. The gentler arid mure the combat against our so called fluenced by lust of territory, with delussion and cries, CON heilis, Pearsons and yarious tur greed of the authorities, the rich to the full product of their labor, cruel middl ie class will show hiin militarism is not a combat a: liverywhere they are vowing that FISCATION, it makes all the eign interests. And these conta or the clergy, it was taken frori the door polites and invite liim gainst our «ivilization, as our ex the Kaiser and the militarists difference in the world, and it cessions were granted for a mere us by louk or crook. They even to inake his living else wliere, ewies hypocritically pretend it were not invaders bụt resisters of immediatlely has all the machine song in order to perpetuate the resorted to cold blooled murler.
The Government, laring the is. And the letter concluded invasion; and the cold fact is ery of Authority at its heels, Diaz regime.
Our free lout1 was trampled upon.
trungast arin otall, since it reaches with the declarations tirat were that unless they can convince the That is why the Magoș brothers After we were dispossessed of Our speakers were arrested and or Ricardo flores Jugen, Alllonio tte Araw into every pocket and compels the it not for Geruan militarism, world of that they cannot expect and KAGINIRACION have become our natural heritage, we found slot in clark of tlie night. Our people to support it, may clap German civilization would long its sy inpathetic backing, And eternal targets for the hand of ourselves held in bondage, in papers were suporessed and their thiin into prison and, if he talks since liave been extirpateri; and now, at this late hour, their the Law. That is why the big real challel slavery, forced to writers 11: prisoned and vanisted etoo straight, may hang hini, that the German army and the foremost scientist, of Jeffersonian at the Wluite Ilouse work our owil land, lands that from the lace of tie carth, All money for REGENERA Nobody ever found out who tlırew Gerian people are one. en pire extension: of tlie conquest is so busy these days suppressing were 110w no longer ours; we were Many of our brothers wlio still CION should precisely be sent to ethe Haymarket bomb, but Spies Since that letter was issued of previously independent nations; all papers that have given up the forced to work 16 and 18 hours a beleived in the callot and the and Parson talked what might the official documents in the case of the shaping them to Garınanic chase for rainbows and are actu day for from 18 to 37 cents Mex riglit of voting, met their death Enrique Flores Magon, Bas have made a fanatic do it. At have been published by the vari thouglit and culture, througla ally proposing the overthrow of ican money, that is equal to from in front of the polls at the hands 1236, Los Angeles, Calif.
Address By Enriqus Flores Magon Suppressed saDon Forget parson 14 tile cry sources, all olur rait. 1119 PODIC.
LAND AND LIBERTY. Mesico Promoc Predlo and 118 Relation to lootu World Wire Struggl. Selected from itlar ant Wm. Uwen, il) copy.
ver Proplan Te per mit la orden talks