
also a בס to your 30 in Whipped into Line, Episodes of the Revolution the OF 1908 for to called almost are in to be ад war and with almost no of the a of or American some ot poor GENERACION.
mercles abd sense of sacrificing duty Abraham Lincoln once said: Ilus political independence of their couson the part of its friends and sym This country write tien dat hulle nie hierdie groente berichteteve rendes cana fuses est labore et applicand demand trious guests of the nation, a Kos try, as adherents of Madero and att and squalor? Our mothers are wast scription lists. In the market of pol wards brought to thëse shoto, Published overy Saturday at 615 pathizers.
Whenever they shall grow weary of slave ration: our young daughters ket of goods. With the disvaluation suth, a Kosciusko, Garibaldi, and re electionists, expressing the hope.
Do not forget then that Regenera the existing government they can ex are victims of the lust of the Masters of Diaz must needs come raise in gave to the the for a change to better, th St. Los Angeles, Cal.
country great citizens in our days.
clon can not live without your sup ercise their constitutional right of in power: our men are exploited to the price of venal pens and mercen ſilke The procession of unTelepícne: lomo 1360.
Karl Schurz; General armed festive people With sacrifice it was brought amending it or their revolutionary the bone and forced to serve as spies Järv ideas, it becoming dangerous and Siegel. Publicity and perseverance in when all of a sudden the jelo politico marched port.
Judecription rates: on their fellows, or else they are in inconvenientist handled him the rate the exposure of the real characters of madael Cuellar approacaea a sroupe Por LARUA to life, and the sacrifice to keep it in right to dismember and overtbrow it. 80 the field is getting ever more dif First Inaugural, March 4, 1861.
Por six month.
marching women Any people any where, being in to yield. 10 But the people do not. cease to pro when this people will welcome as de cear from their manas a banner readcult to meet, and once stopped the clined and having the power, have the Agents of the Masters kidnap work test, and ever wider the doors Por throo months. 60work of starting it again would be right to rise up and shake off the ex: ingmen, women and children from the opened to be truth. The voice of lands chased to these shores by the secret frames ac temme come only the harder, and all the jefe BUNDLE ORDERS.
one that sults them better.
money deposited with Vacle, Sam as This is land and take them as slaves into the tal of this great land, and there was ANTONIO VILLARREAL.
went to his office, telepboned to the 100 coples a most valuable, most sacred right camps where they are held captive be great uneasiness in the White House 00 governor and called for rurales. The long as the second rates are not yet. right which we uope and believe hind bars by night and under the and congress initiated an investiga800 cople 12. 50 conceded would constitute an entire is to liberate the world. Nor is this slaver lash by day.
parade was already over and they all tion of the persecutions which had FIFTEEN REGENERACION returned to their respective villages 1000 copies 20. 00 10ss to our cause. Sq, get busy and right confined to cases in which the heartbreaking cry ror help is go been enacted in this land against po TO THE FRIENDS OF OUR CAUSE when notice was brought that rurapay your subscription now as there ment may choose to exercise it. Any women, from the cotton mills and whole people of an existing govern ing up from these workingmen and litical refugees from Mexico.
It was Mr. Nichols, Best into the In the appeal to our subscribers we les were approaching. All dispersed Editar and Proprietor. Anselmo might be a tomorrow when it would portion of such people that can may hemp felds, trom our great ranches parliament by the coal Figuoroa.
miners of alve an average estimate of the cost of upon advice of Mr. Morales, except be too late.
revolutionize and make their own or in the valleys and from the mides of Pennsylvania, who foitiated the cam living of our publication. Read it the women timidly waiting for develso much territory as they inhabit. our mountain sides, paign for justice. In a memorable ad well and then try opments. And the rurales came and Batry as second class matter pending.
More than thie, a majority of any porto What your forefathers struggled for dress, published them in a great part friends, your relatives, your comrades at the first volley felling the citizens enlist started a quick fire upon the people, HAVE THE MEXICAN PEOPLE THE Ize, putting down a minority, inter and what your fathers accomplished the horrors of Mexican Blasery, of the in the service which will give ulti Marcelino Perez, Jose Marla Jaration of such peolpe may revolution in your glorious Revolution of 1776 of the American press, he spoke of No, RIGHT TO REVOLUTION? mingled with or near about them, in 1866, that we are trying to do for constitution of 1857 killed, crushed mate freedom to the oppressed and millo, Pedro Flores and Cristobal October 1, 1910, Is that treason? 18 under the heels of a brutal Caesar, of suffering millions of tollers of Mex Lua, and the president of a woman We, the Liberals of Mexico, have minority was precisely the case of the that a crime worthy of imprisonment? the anguish of the people of Mexico, ico. Every American subscriber add club, the lady Delfina Morales, who read the life and the writings of one Tories of our own Revolution. It is of the Sreatest Americans, If not one a quality of revolutions not to go by The Liberals ot Mexico want only a gle harassed in their own country, ed to our lists means one, at least, in dying flung a stone at the Jefe of of the most truly great men of the old line or old laws, but to break both constitutional government established turned away the foreign land more to read, and to think over, the last breath calling out: You cowthe rurales Agustin Garcia, with her world, almost as carefully as have the and make new ones. Speech bp in Mexico where now we have a des where they had to renew their ardu, truth about our unfortunate country, ards, you murderers of women!
But people of the United States. Wo share Lincoln in House of Representatives, potism. Martial law is the constant ous struggle, of the venal pliability of the horrible actual facts at the bot The women in seeing their president Jan. 12, 1848.
law ot the land.
the American courts molded in fullest with you a reverence for Abraham It so happens that conditions in Let not the Tory spirit prevall accord with the whims of a Dlaz, of tom of the so cleverly faked phantas killed in that cowardly way drove the Steal Material Lincoln, the manly, virlle workman Mexico are so that we are driven to against us in the United States! Was the unsupportable feeling of shame on magoria of national splendor.
president of tho United States, the revolution by the Despot. Can we see not the Tory driven from power more the part of the clean consciences to every reading, thinking American is leys of rocks, in the fray belog grave And rurales into disgraceful Night by volgreatest of her presidents.
our babes dying in preventable misery than a century ago?
Let not the see a republic created by the outlaws spirit of the slave driver direct you to be turned into a vile trap for the science and responsibility added to for freedom sake of a past century a solid rock of awakening social con ly wounded Mrs. Marciama Barbosa, and a child, Antonio Montiel. The rurPersoas interested in tho subject against us.
ales put to flight by a band of deterof Barbarous Moxico, especially We are aghting for what you have outlaws for freedom sake of the cen the wall of public opinion that is(mined women passed on their retreat those who have followed my exposuro fought and won; it we are traitors tury we have entered.
hemming in ever more the tide of the through Panzacola, there assassinatnow, then the government of Mr. Nichols concluded with the de reaction under which we have had to ing a judge, Miguel Costoit Manual of the manner in which the AmeriUnited States is built on the work of mand that an investigation commitcan Magazine yleldod to skiltully aptraitors! We can not sit supinely by tee be nominated and that. 50, 000 be suffer in past years.
and, plied influence, a time, appropriated for the purpose to get at and see people of our beautiful native the truth and to unmask the corrup whatever you can to help us along. coati, Valentin Rurales and AscenFor this reason we ask you to do tero. On the same night they assassigate in Zacatelco Abraham Teco topped the writings under that title, land dying in agony. We are bound ters and the corrupted, the agents of We suggest as one way to procure us sion Ramirez, and to justify their acts Palomas w111 be latorested to kuow that twoby all that is manly and brave, to Diaz who buy Justice and the judges thirddot tho articlo appearlag lo tho stand for the revolution which is the and officials. in high standing who wider publicity that you should clip they mutilated the doors of the prison only means of establishing a constituThis chapter of the history of free last and beautiful action of sublime tional government.
October 1980e under ino namo of Alpermit themselves to be bought. from our English column such items with hatchets manufacture dom should be Francisco siolcism.
Il our Constituexauder Powell, was written by mo Manrique, it ought to bear the name Intrigues started to work in hid as strike you and send them to Ilb charges.
The body of Mrs. Deline Shortly after his and furnlehed to tho American afteen of that noble youth who, ten comrades would be freer even than crimes work out, says.
tion were in force today, the people ing under the shelter of mystery eral and fair minded men and women Morales was left lying in the street a had retired Pancho regained his con are the people of the United States, and in the shadow of mystery the of your community and to the local The citizens of Zacatelep partly devoured by stray dogs.
months 450.
child yet, tell a victim to the bullets sciousness.
and San Since that eme much of this mat of tyranoy on July of 1908 in the serenely, answered all that was asked ties than your older fundamentai tive of Mr. Nichols Ineffective. But the ing credit to Regeneracion.
He was questioned and for our Constitution gives more liber: plans were laid to render the initia press with the request to reprint, giv Torribio have fled to the mountains, ter was printed in the Appeal to Rea border village of Palomas. From the careful in his word to help his friends las But we are not allowed any of friends of liberty used eternal vigidenounced as rebels and marked for Họ kept his incognito to the rights seeured under our consti lance, and soon after another envoy The Socialist press, and the papers extermination because they con notably in thu 183ues of July knowo day in a gray desert see pen his death, realizing full well that if tution: what is there left for us to do of the people, Mr. Wilson Of Massa of labor organized for the economic of Diaz and his tools, and hundreds and July 30 80 that we have the clled in clcar outlines the happenings his true name should become known but to rise up in revolution and take chusetts, presented a new Initiative struggle, who all have stood so well of children are left to starve in the ftheir views against the government spectacle of one of the big maga of those hours.
the despotism might guess or trace our rights as your forefathers did for on the same subject, with the demand to us in our period of distress, we in abandoned bomes.
Just eleven fighters tor zines not only stealing an article alIlberty the names of bls associates and anni you?
that witnesses should be questioned could come together when the perse hilate tbe victims after crushing the History most entire from a sociallst Dubllocution rained down like a hall of lead revolution. From his lips they could REVOLUTIONIST WOMAN.
and proofs examined before the cham vite to make with us clubbing ar papers speak or a rebellion.
will record the incident as a slaughontlon, but putting forth that article and steel upon the camp of the revo get neither plans oor names, not a ber should decide if the demanded in rangements and to publish such fact. ter of unarmed people and the cry under the name of a man who aoither lutlonists. Eloven, and not one more, single thing that could have helped THE TYRANT, SHORN vestigation should take place or not. in their columns to bring our paper of protest from the dying lips of a filled with the intention to OF try gathered tho facts nor wrote them up HIS to the tyranny.
The loitiative was turned over to before the American people, and they noble woman. You cowards, you savo by an audacious move the revothe Pancho loved the respective altor they woro gathered.
committee truth POWER, ARRAIGNED BEFORE before will remain as above lution which seemed ship everything.
are at liberty to help themselves, giv murderers of women, which appeared and testified Mother Never in his llle did he eternal indictment of scientific All of the material begloning with wrecked in the surf of treachery and utter a lle to escape a responsibility THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. Jones, John Kenneth Turner, the ing us credit, to any news item or arBarbarous Mexico.
the second paragraph on page 720, cowardice.
or to gain an advantage. His word The long arm of Diaz. which, author of Barbarous Mexico, La ticle contained in our columns.
to the last paragraph on page 726, The dawn of red of Las Vacas had was always frank and loyal, at times reaching out from Chapultepec far to zero Gutierrez De Lara and John Il, after having given us freedom, already brilliantly Murray the secretary of the Political and a start in the newspaper life, you Illuminated transport, Veracruz. The the even rude in its outspokenness, but the north crossed the border exceptio u quarter of a page on pase horizon of history, and Viesca, evacu always sincere. And yet he, who had tormed in this land: the strong flst to Refugee Defense League. And at that occasion there were 72. mine, and is presented there ated by tho rovolution was still echo disdained the life and the well being strangle; the left hand for corruption. Progreso brought to this city from also read and want to see us pull through, kindly. Yucatan, guarded by the 10th batchango. Sentence in the calls of revolt of our ban. bought at the price of a falsehood, the malled fist to shatter the heads of placed at the disposal of the commit do one or all of the following things: talion one hundred and ten of the this tee the various diminutive documents aftor sentence and paragraph after alts when group died with a lle upon his lips a sub Mexican fghters for freedom and to Subscribe if not yet sub prisoners alleged to be complicated was formed in the midst paragraph stand as wrote them.
in the uprising of Valladolid. Among violence of oppression in lime lie wrapped in the anonymity suppress consclences; the gentle hand greatest interest which, taken togeth scriber.
and, er with the oral testimony of the witwith ot a conventional name, Otillo Mad to subtly slip the money of the peoThis 19 almply confirmation of my tew bands full Get others to do likewise, the prisoners are said to be some cartridges and rid, in order to save the revolution ple into the pockets of insatiable nesses, conclusively demonstrated the of the leaders of the uprising who charges: Arst, that The hurriedly manufactured and his comrades.
hirelings of the American press; the existence of a plot between Diaz and Give us the widest publicity will be shut up in San Juan de Ulua.
Magazino talled to carry out Its prom bombs mighty material, knew Pancho from earliest child strong arm of Diaz immortalized by the White House for the purpose to possible, by adroitly applied clippings. The others will be tried here by court 150g. to the public because of skil. threw Itsell upon an enemy ready to hood. We sat upon the saine bench the inspiration of abject fear on the persecute arbitrarily the Reprint; giving credit.
mart 21.
Then in of part of the timid and of the servile, refugees and to throttle in Mexican years Lully applied toluence: second that meet them with uncountable elements in school.
Get and publish club rates with of resistence, upon a tyranny It has gone back to the subject of ported by stupidity, fear and distrust, of exploitation and misery, and in deal out blows. But still sup youth we traveled together the road, sapped of its power, does no more prisons upon American soil the aspirthere is ations for liberty of the people of your paper, this Zacatecas. Now state Mexico.
Mexico only becauso those of its read against a secular despotism that bur later years our ideals, and hopes, and some left of the corruption funds to Whatever you may do, it will be boast of a Pizano. like Colima, MichoaThat straight forward old man Mr. Highly appreciated, and will help to can, Veracruz, Sinaloa and Chiapass ers who have read my charges have les Its heels in the infamous carpet etforts centered upon the revolution. be squandered. The dry hand shrive Gore, senator for the state of Okla scatter the seed of liberty for the en Under date of September accounts whipped it into doing so. Finally, Its formed by submissive, quiet were brothers as only eled up by vice and impotency still homa, no known as our national passivism. be. No one could know him better reaches out in convulsive motions to ferent, and in an eloquent peroration slaved, starved millions of Mexico.
published from Monte publication at this late dato of my Palomas was situated on the road than do and fathom the beauties sanely throwing out the money in a he demanded of the senate that light telling of official assassination original material is prool that it had chosen by that group.
Do it at once.
Its capture of his intimate Ille he was a youth valn last effort of an ambition that committed by Refugio Rodriguez. not been gathering new facts, as was of no importance to the unfold of profound goodness in spite of a grasps in despair for a greatness be that Justice be done in this land to the municipal president of that localannounced, and that the facts Purement of tio adopted strategical plan. character rugged like a stormy sea. ing carried off by floods, a greatness the victims of Porfirio Diaz.
ity. Pedro Sanchez, an honest laBut it was approprlate to scare some Pancho gave up a salaried em that slips away never to come back.
Ished by me in the first place are the what the rurales and the fiscal guards ployment held in the land departtorer, who cared well for his aged there was also Seuator La Follette of The power of Diaz in the United Wisconsin ready with a similar petiparents by working hard outside of most rellable as well as most effective garrisoned ia that locality inment of the state of Guanajuato to States is in these days just as much tion waiting for the that have yet come into its posses order to be able to cross the desert become a wage worker and later, by to be feared, like a mold cat without ment to support the efforts of Senathe city, celebrated his return by imopportune Notes and Comments that night too much, and becoming boiss10n.
without being molested by their, vigi. force of circumstances, a paladin of teeth and claws. It mews and growls The friends of the emanterous, refused to submit to arrest by lance.
Chiapas. Governor Rabesa of this the chief of police. That oficer reOn their way the telegraph wires sacrificed bis life so full of intense bite; it assumes droll threatening at Mexico will persist in their efforts, the assassination of Dr.
liberty upon the altar of which he and spits, but can neither scratch nor cipation of the common people of state has ordered the investigation of ported to the mayor, who stepped out in the TO OUR SOBSCRIBERS.
tell, destroyed at certain distances. storms and immense sufferings which titudes, but its funny wry face causes will insist that those who outraged Lagos of Veracruz. And the pressure meantime calmed down and was fast Beltrán to find that the culprit had The carbines in the bands ready for he knew both to master with a will of only merriment.
the rights These lines are directed especlally use, the sombreros shoved on the adamant.
In spite of all his efforts, in spite brought to justice and do not escape of the expatriated be of public opinion created by the val asleep in the house of his aged parto those of our readera, who, not real back of the heads, with cautious yet The two great loves of his life were of his intriques, in spite of the sold the law and publicity for their ignoble iant little paper El Paladin of ents. The mayor demanded that the tring to tho Pullost extent the cost. Alrm step, with an ear open to all a good mother of excellent heart, and spent lavishly upon the press and the actions.
sounds and the eyes fixed intent to liberty.
Mexico City has been so great that young man be brought into his presHe llved in poverty, suffer courts of this land, in spite of the atnese of a publication like ours havo The youngster waked by the The persecutions were suspended as even the arrest of the murderous jefe noise, and afraid for his life started pledged but not yet paid their sub the darkness of the night, out eleven tices of tho bourgeoisie, because he guise of national autonomy tries to Junta languishing in American pri said governor, could not be avoided.
sco where light was battling with ing under the exploitation and Injus tempt that he, the traitor, under the if by magic.
to run. But gendarmes fired upon scription to the paper.
revolutionists came near the custom had made up his mind to become nel secure the complicity of the represons got their freedom, and him. He surrendered but hearing. threats up in a good many very well meaning the building showed that the struc When bis father dled he gave up the perpetuate the outraging of the civis the bars, Antonio de Aranjo, Jose seen, as past experlences have filled dog.
Two bombs thrown against ther exploited nor bourgeois himself. sentative of this country of order to three revolutionists are as yet behind brought to Justice remains yet to be siniseapon for fear to be shot like a peoplo tho 100 payınent or very tardy turo had been vacated. The rurales inheritance due him.
and Instead of liv rights of expatriated Mexicans, came Mayor Rodriguez Rangel and Jesus Garza who had paymeat of the subscription to papers and the fiscal guards forcing the men ing in a position at the hand of the spite of his unlimited despair and us with well founded doubts. fired a shot missing the man who which they receive, bas become kind of the little place to take arms had government he became its outspoken rage, we have escaped the confine been sentenced, long before congress Pizano still lives in Colima waiting knelt down with uplifted hands callinvestigation the ol 10cond nature, and they seem to locked themselves in military enemy fighting his battles until the ment in which he intended to retain to for revision of his trial under guber ed out in terror: surrender, for and Belt us indefinitely, and doider than ever We expect that these unsel torial protection, as is. charged. Why give me! But the bloodthirsty mayor to blessed with the belier, comforting lerent houses were visited rapidly to chosen odyssee for ideals was sadly before we step again into the arena iaht ishters will soon be free, and should any other governor tail to deliberately ired four shots upon the only to them, that the maintenanco seo that thore was no enemy in the fulfilled. He was a rebel of the moral to fight the good battle.
that with their for ever stand by a the dawn of the of a paper is the eaglest and cheap. back and to qulet down the women type at friend of same unfortunate victim, one piercing the We defy him, wo dare him in his Bakounine: action and heart. The father and the rest of ost thing of the world.
lo explaining to them in a few words idealism were harmoniously amalga rage to get him out into the open. Let aberrations that dark epoch the family had to witness the dellbpermitted a Dlaz to imprison his potho object of the revolution, It may be ordel on our part, but we mated in his brain.
the peniWhereaver the bim throw us again into litical enemies upon American soil, erate murder of an unarmed person.
cannot help it, we must destroy that reach, and so ba the kids were the guts there the mente un Baltingly, money or willing to concede our error we are appartenthou persecutions have slaughtered again in Mexico, like in the murderer under arresti ad prison, revolution was in need his so, Tlaxcala. The people have been the municipal judge formally placed lilusloa and put in its place a few cold aring trom the flat roof and from the no money, because he knew that a ready to confess that he still has pow. spared to see to it that the United was in Monterey, Nuevo Leon on that pated the first hall facts.
portboles revealed the number of the way would be opened somehow where he lived in fullest freedom of year 1903.
defepders. The men at the inside out brain or brawn, and by sacrifice.
Every week we pay to tho prlater numbered those at the outside by over ish those who dare, that the claws of States congress to the next term of fateful April of the sessions renew its good work the city, applauded by his hirellngs and when the citizens peacefully paraded for his brave act.
That was Otilio Madrid, called the the old tom cat, though hidden, are Finally he was about 100, which lacludes stock, a dozen. The struggle was unequat chief of the bandits ot Palomas. That still intact, that he is still strong, that bring to light all the acts of corrup, in favor of a candidate of their own removed to Jerez in the custody of a tion and all the misdeeds committed Zacatelco in the state of Tlaxcala is friend.
composition, llnotypo, and pro88work. from the start for the darlos little was the man who lived for truth, he still can use arbitrarily, for his Own by Diaz in order to suffocate a move the scene of the latest and most de to see to it that justice is done, and It is up to the higher courts Not having as yot obtalocd second band. The adobe walls tormed and yet died with a sublime ile, and purposes the prisons of this country, committed class rates we must doposit Bomo 70 splendid defense against the win upon whose pallid lips vibrated in that he still can deceive and fool the ment that threatens to dethrone him. spicable outrage upon it is up to the governor of Zacatecas The people want to keep his people in the care of auvery week for postage, and rent. were to have decided the situation beloved mother; and that it me, his Ject to his whims the vast territory dclódnaping the eneminlous extrased to celebrate Independence Day by thorities and not of lynchers whom tetophono, l1gb. gas, Dostage stamp, in a few did only little brother, who still lives to render jus from the great lakes to the border in our comrades Lazaro Puente, Bruno a parade. The mayor refused per the people may fear but will never re and other incidontal fodisponsible ex damage.
tice to his memory and continues the south, penditures, amount about 40 Francisco Manrique, always the to stay in the fight in which he shed Numerous charges are still pending Treviño, Abraham Salcido, Gabriel mission. The jete politico Rafael srect.
Cuillar rigidly questioned the spokesopory week.
irst in all exploits of danger, reach his blood, who lives now to appeal against us in El Paso, in Del Rio, in Rublo, Carlos Humbert and Leonardo These good liberals were man of the people, Mr. Juan Moed the door of the barracks, Aring with the herolc, youthful silhouette San Antonio, and in other parts of the Villarreal.
Federal District, Mexico. Under from Regeneracion entors Mexico lodi shot after shot and defying death 18 ot the sacrifice of Palomas against country broke forth the venality of shamefully deported Arizona rales, and insultingly intimated that date oť September 18 El Constiroctly and that alono caugos a week the open, and a few steps from the the passiveness of a people.
those in charge of Justice, and requi and handed over to the tools of Diaz. the spokesman of the people was neltucional reports that as a sequel of Iy orpeadicuro of somo 80.
portholes spitting lead and steel he How many men tell in that Aght sition papers galore have placed the They were submitted to a farce of a ther patriot nor anything else, where the disbanded demonstration of SepThis makes it orldent that some gle went on dropped mortally wounded. The strug on the side of the government?
The brand of Infamy upon our foreheads. trial for merely political offenses and upon the divested them to the state tember 11 of which we renorted last: and back and forth tyranny has concealed the fact. The charges accumulated. The charges sentenced to eight and nine years of government for a permit. The com week, Mr. Ramon Martinez has 300 a week is necessary to keep Ro whizzed the bullets. The pallor of And nature joined hands with the are still pending, and yet we are left imprisonment. They are be mittee obtained audience with been arrested and is being kept in the approaching sunrise dimly grew despotism in The hind the sombre walls of San Juan Governor Prospero Cahuantzi, who re rigid incommunicado in a foul cell of vallant in freedom. Why then?
gonorac! oa going power.
Should that upon the horizon, and the pallor of group was ultimately overcome by the Many others of our comrades are Ulua, and documents and proofs are celved them kindly in form promis Belem prison, for the only crime of amount be taken up in equat shares approaching release through death terrible Amazone the desert: also under charges, and yet they are being gathered and gone over by coming the giving of a permit. Inde having interceded on behalt ot two of by tho twelve thousand readers of the lighted the features of the youth once Thirst, that killing blade, that strång not arrested. Why then?
petent friends of our cause to demand pendence day came, and the citizens his workingmen who had been arrest, 80 bold, 80 active, so Doble minded. llng serpent, that maddening anxiety, In his eagerness to fetter thought of congress an Investigation of that of air surrounding cities streamed èd without cause on that fatei dati paper, each one would have to covor the day arose and its splendor dit that voluptuous companion of his only an inanlteslmal part. Should fused with that of a shining star of wandering and soft bills of fine sand, sheer madness. His villainous impu authorities of this countrys that those into Zacateico with wives and chil. Watch and the revolution in its decline. Nelther the sword nor the gun, Thirst, dencies called forth, at last public be: propen as being implicated in the aren in festive attire to celebrate the justice?
one hundredth anniversary of the overy one of our readers pay up his became urgent necessity to the grim damsel overwhelmed them curiosity. The keen tosight of the infamy of sending our unfortunate subscription the wholo cost would march on rapidly to reach the heart with her indescribable grimaces of American people penetrated through comrades across the border.
of the mountains.
The campaign of publicity and of It was urgently caress, parched their lips with her be mist covering up the myth and disbasily be covered and money be left needed to carry the sparks of rebel kisses, dried up their tongues with covered a tyrant with banda dripping unmasking Dļaz will never cease, will for other features of propaganda llon to all places possible. The last her breath of Are, wildly choked of the blood of innocent people.
hold in check the strategems of debomb broke down door and thus thelr throats, blotted out those stoms The light of truth shone into the ception and perfidy of the despotism, work and for en enlargemont of the procured some horses.
of rebellion. And IA the far recesses of darkness and the pame of and will bring it about that this repaper.
Pancho had lost consciousness and distance the mirage of a crystal lake Diaz became for over greater masses public becomes in fact a safe refuge The agures above given do not con sooned dead.
mocked the thirsty shadows of men a byword of malediction. The profes for the fighters for Mexican freedom tala aay salaries for editor and man The Interest of the cause had sac creeplng on painfully, dragging along ly had openly helped him considered vice of liberty coming from any other PROFESSOR OF SPANISH agor. Our services are free of abarge. rlaced the life of a fighter of ercep a carbine powerless in the struggle it opportune to take refuge behind a Wo slve our work, our time, oor llves, tional ability and the same interest with the fiery Amazone of the desert, Ciplomacy of discretion. The papers investeringer incepand de montreruperetbelp NEW METHOD That makes Spanish simple and easy to learn at the service of cheribbed cause. his body at the foot of the adobe agh colored grass that affords Doisto hush, and the tyrant was left alone; be propaliated where the citizens are forsaken by the politicians in fear for But having none the life of Rogenera walls spattered with his blood, ther shade por moisture.
their jobs, abandoned by the venal denied the right to think. The revosfon dopents entirely upon the tendor watching bis agony, witness to his LOS ANGELES PRAXEDOS GUERRERO. press afrald of a decrease of the sub lution of Earope of 1848, and after 760 CLARA ST.
the can an And!
mo: come.
in human which stripe.
by minutes lo now an of get it Miss Eloisa Moreno