AnarchismBakuninCapitalismEmma GoldmanEnglandImperialismJean GraveKropotkinTerrorismWorkers MovementWorking Class

English Section Wm. Owen Editor.
Regeneracion Mexican Notes Emma Goldman And The Intellectuals tlie tree.
od obw Anarchist Congress a No. 180.
drilled by their orators for the stern, by laws and points of order to which CARRANZA Saturday, March 14, 1914. self sacrificing role they eventually those who wish to block serious busimust fill? Do their leaders tell them fless always resort. trust it is tired AND MADERO that they must carry to its logical con. of being drubbed to death because it The issue is narrowing down, and Cunninghame Graham, th clusion that tremendous revolution stands only on the defensive, and un therefore, although the situation of noted London publicist and autho which began with our conquest of derstands that the sooner it attacks Mexico was never so critical as at this whosc brilliant radicalism has don steam and electricity and must end the pirates who prey on it incessantly by placing the race above fear of the better it will be for it, and all of present moment, we can deal with it at least, something to relieve the dul want? Indeed, have these leaders, us. hope it means, before long, to in the few words our curtailed space ness of debates in the House of Con these orators, these editors, even the follow the example set by its Mexican unfortunately requires.
mons, has been writing on Mexico, faintest conception of the enormous brothers and make short work of the Today the United States is seeking the London Daily News. He is responsibility they themselves have land thieves, the money thieves and co operation in the task of pulling regular reader of Regeneracion, an shouldered, as captains in the greatest the governmental thieves, who have Wall Street chestnuts out of the evidently has a clear conception of th Those who still compromise with battle of the ages? Do they recog stripped it already to its skin and fire, and is finding herself isolated root of the trouble in Mexico lav Emma Goldman in the February nuu are called upon to wrack their brains, are well founded the labor movement earnestly with Congress to make if he should succeed in stepping int appearances lave no courage, writes nize that they, as the intellectual elite, mean to have its hide. If my hopes Accordingly, President Wilson pleads monopoly: Moreover, he expresses ber of Mother Earth. am delight as a pilot wracks them, until they in this country will cry for brains and peace with Great Britain in the matter Huerta shoes, castill not have the lectual Proletarians. Luis becausc of Are they conscious of the fact that, anyhow, the place is open, and God Japan, whose national pride we have courage to lay the ax to the root the importance of the subject and be where gigantic issiles are at stake, io helps those who help themselves.
In short, he expresses wounded to the quick. His personalcause it is handled without gloves, competency is a crime, and quitting WM. OWEN. by delivered message ends: ask very poor opinion of Carranza; an She has not been afraid to clinch her a treason for which no punishment this of you in support of thie foreiga News. editorialist that no one le: as for Madero, he reminds the Dai)
argument by naming noted writers, is too severe? guess not. Labor policy of the administration. shall patriotic than Madero has ever rule and she does well to name them. leadership and oratory of the sboulnot know how to deal with other mat Mexico. Whatever his intentions ma Their work is shoddy and we shall der to shoulder flub dub type lave ters of even greater delicacy and near have been when he first rose to powe have much trouble to undo it; for they become well paid trades, and the labor or consequence if you do not grant it he specdily became the tool of th liave been cajoling us with the sophis editor is usually a polilician, deep in to me in ungrudging measure. American concession mongers. try that we can sit safely on two the councils of the inner ring. read Naturally the daily press is now Cunningbame Graham does not sa stools, and chicating us with the false their papers.
devoting columns to Mexico, and the same of Carranza, but we ma fable that man can live by the intelVictor Craychlo writes reminding us quoting Congressmen innumerable as add that, in our judgment; he will lect alone. He cannot. All bistory Nevertheless conditions in the of the Anarchist Congress which is to declaring that joint intervention of found as closely allied with Wa gives thc lie to that. The record of United States have become revolu meet in London, August 29 to Septes some kind is imperative. What is far Strect, and particularly with Ameri that long series of empires which have tionary, for they have reaclied the ber 6, and of the necessity of seeing more important is the statement, sent can oil interests, as ever was Madera sisen to the topmost heights of neulal point at which all hope of patching to it tliat the subject of the Mexican Out from Washington March 5, that which is saying a good deal.
achievement, only to be thrown on bem has vanished. The ramparts be Revolution is laid before that Con Secretary Bryan told the Senate For Mr. Graham further voices his be the scrap beap as pitiable failures, te bind which Privilege was wont to gress as it deserves to be.
futes that vain pretension. What inen snooze so comfortably have crumbled matter is of the first importance, and ago, and made the sanıc statement to ing the needs of the Mexican masse The eign Relations Committee a few days lief that the real people who are voic call character the basic impulses into dust. There was time and not so we should see to it at once. We the House Foreign Relations Commit are ourselves, and that we are in th which prompt us to struggle, fearless long ago, when the masses regarded should see, to it that the Anarchists tee today, that he feared a possible same position toward Carranza as ar ly and honestly has been the keynote the politicians as the true guardians of the world are made to understand, European combination which would the English Syndicalists toward the to success throughout the ages. It is of their interests, but that day has once and for all that the struggle intervene or force American interven Liberal Party, which is their bitteres a time going on in Mexico is vital; that it tion in Mexico.
enemy. He ends his letter with th the ability to deliver eloquent ora when the people cheered the army and represents a nation wide attempt to tions, write pretentious books or dis navy, as the patriotic defenders of put in practice their basic principles. Intervention is the drift. Senators remark that the revolution will go tinguish Tweedledum from Twecdie their fatherland, but that mayth has that, therefore, the time for shilly predict it will be in Northern Mexico. no matter which of the blood dee. At all these the lawyers are ex been killed by the record of our labor shallying, has passed.
struggles. There was a time when Let it be granted that on this sub les Times of March It is the opin supreme power. His views on th The world today is full of those the law, as the champion of fair deal them men of distinguished reputation, nauseam, believing that the border are well known and highly esteeme the people of this country reverenced ject many Anarchists, and among ion we ourselves lave expressed ad wrongs inflicted by capitalism on th who see the road but fear to follow it; ing between man and man, but today have been in honest doubt. Well, States would be the first, because the in England, and we think that in the be sent howling down 10 hell but still ment so absurd. Perhaps the church, and for all. It must be demonstrated and Vergara; the former by Constitu matter of Mexico he has a pretty firn preacht Falliatives who saze wide and especially the Roman Catholic conclusively as we consider that we tionalists and the latter by Federals, grip of fundamental facts.
eyed at the approaching Hurricane but church, has still some hold upon the have demonstrated it in the pages of have furnished the opportunity for the answer from Covarrubiat, wh ures which alone can save is. They teaching is the doctrine of submissive Revolutionists have endeavored, with claiming indignantly to all the world to Great Britain. He has only golde are moral cowards and they bid us ness, which alrcady has the death a loyalty never excelled, to put in that neither in Northern nor in South words of praise for Carranza, whit shut our eyes; politicians in the true rattle in its throat. These mental Eractice the teachings of such men as en Mexico is there recognized au as for ourselves, he cannot find lar meaning of that despicable word; iilusions, which were Privilege rain. Bakunin, Kropotkin and Jean Grave, thority to whom appcal can be made. guage too harsh. He says, in fact Jesuits who use speech to conceal parts, are dead or dying, and this fact, and that the Anarchists of all the It is even so. In Mexico one has now They violently attacked General Dia their innost thought; Wilfully self coupled with the inevitable economic world are called on to declare, unam to deal directly with an aroused peo: in their paper, as they attacked Senice.
blinded leaders who teach that we can unrest, has created revolutionary biguously whether they still hold by ple, busily engaged in getting after its Madero, and as they surely oppos gain the promised land by a prim situation which cannot be evaded. them. It is a question which no hon enemies, Huerta and Carranza, because not rose path wbich dodges ugly facts.
estly representative body can afford Much capital is being made of the ing short of a general expropriatio Of such politicians our timely calculating labor movement is full, and, to side step, and again we say there detention of Terrazas son, who is be of all the lands of Mexico in favor What is coming, swiftly and most must be no shilly shallying. ing held for ransom, On that subject the poor would ever satisfy them.
with life in these United States grow menacingly, is the universal revolt of ing harder all the time with ever the House of Want against the will be here before we know it. We a deputation of women relatives. If ing the poor the land, since we regar Time slips along rapidly and August Villa is reported as baving Teplied to Yes; we are distinctly in favor of giv lengthening breadlines and huge ar House of Have; of the many who MUST be represented at that con. the Cientificos had Pancho Villa a it as nature gift to the race, an scenes of misery and degradation three years ago against the few who have sees som personalisis possible in bo mit: Prisoner in the same circumstances, agree with Herbert Spencer and Counter yond the power of eloquence to de sumioned all the resources of two can be done. We are far away, and in a palace and treated with the con: thinkers in the opinion that it is th pict; with jails overflowing and luna tieth century Terrorism to their des our inost active fighters cannot aban sideration have shown Don Luis? joint heritage of mankind, not to be the Sovicide rate mistiplying and sexual before us is a military one and mili don their individual posts. If there No; Pancho Villa head would have monopolized or traded into degeneracy increasing at a ratio that tary, problems, which cal directly be confined to writing, we must see about the city. The Terrazas family charge that Madero found favor in the Mr. Covarrubias is astounded at the alarms even the calloused doctors; with human life, cannot be treated to it that such writing is given the have accumulated their great wealth eyes of American concession hunter: with all these and many other irrefut: Ilightly. If social war there must be full consideration which the weighti through oppression of the people, and Al we can say is that a man in his able proofs of a society tottering to and all our strikes, the breaking up t:ess of our cause demands, its fall, we have at this moment no of meetings, the cruel clubbings ad.
Our friends must take this up; at now the people demand reparation. position is supposed to be acquaintea revolutionary movement worthy of the ministered to the unemployed, etc. once and AGGRESSIVELY. They It is the French Revolution over with a document so important as the are war in its least heroic and most must lose not a moment in seeing to again, and if joint intervention comes special report of the investigating repulsive form that war nust be con it that the Anatchists of the world are history once more will repeat itself, committee appointed by the United We have reached the juniping point, ducted with brains and cultivated made to understand the paramount for it was the Continental Coalition dence it unearthed. Did he never heart know in wliat direction? All we know, the fate of millions, cannot be en derstand that its influence is spread Napoleon the Great as the defender of that wonderful pipe line conces as a herd, is that we cannot allow a trusted to ignorance, and if our soing rapidly; that it is coloring and af of his country in its struggle to over mentioning in Mexico, and granted by carth, simply because they use their they must know that all along the movement of discontent which is Felix Diaz has bobbed up again, who admitted he had the most power Madero to an obscure Congressman, privileges shrewdly. All we under line the cry is for efficiency; that the shaking the United States; and that this time in Washington, eager fulº financial backing in the world comes the governments both of this country to plunge an ambitious finger in the It proved too raw even for Maderos eternally to roll in wealth because they from knowledge is always in demand; and of Europe have caught the alarm, pie. Also Charles Brien, agent Congress.
If the Anarchists of today still stand for absentee landlords in the Yaqui supplies, while the millions who de past the hot air oratory, the ringing by the great manifesto drawn up by Valley, is making his voice heard at with our pens, there may be some As for the charge that we fight only vote their lives to producing those resolutions and all the sensational Bakunin and adopted by the Geneva the White House. There is a serious thing in that; but let Mr. Covarrubias does not fit the democratic ideals we catching rank with the benighted Mexican Revolutionists are putting cialists and subsequently to the intru for example, and he may get an ides feel vaguely that money imperialism a hysterical public opinion not worth hesitancy as to their position; for the first to the influence of Mexican So pay a visit to the Zapatistashed Paquis have been taught to worship. We are Chinese method of burning stinkpots through that very program. sion of agitators from this of the harvest those pens have sown conscious that we should not go hun and making faces at the foe. No lastside of the line.
The real struggle for the land is only gry and naked because we produce too ing victories can be won by tactics The Republican papers are playing Von Moltke used to say that he now about to reach its climax, and diuch, Biit how we are to move we so obviously out of date: only crushdo not know, for we have trusted to ing defeat awaits the incompetents up the fact that during the fiscal year, could figure five hundred ways of the poor may get it; if only we are explainers who do not explain. They who dream that they can pit undis from Oct. 15, 1912, to Oct 15, 1913 marching a German army into Eng not crushed out of existence by that have told us to huddle for self deciplined masses, uncertain of their aim, thirteen of the fifteen principal food land, but that he had never been able united militarism which is the Money fense, and we have huddled. They against adepts. Therefore say that staples of this country advanced in to see his way to getting it out again, Power stupid and brutal hireling, Perhaps Mr. Covarrubias is not have told us to be good and submis for true Intellectuals the demand is price, the increases ranging from since war would be made on it from sive, that we might have public opin great and growing; but submit, with to more than 40 per cent. This they behind every hedge. One imagines aware that Carranza himself also in ion with 118; and when the public has Emma Goldman, that it necessary do to throw the blame on the Wilson that much the same consideration is trigued against Madero; as to which twopence in its pocket it stares at 11s. to plunge into the struggle and eat administration. In other words, for giving the would be invaders of Mex Zapata special organ has been puh the sake of attacking their political ico pause. Whether your army be lishing some interesting information.
They have dinned into our ears the out of the camp pots. class struggle, but about all the rivals they are willing to fan the flame composed of Americans alone or Madero, it may be observed, scem struggling they have authorized is the Labor at this moment is said to be of that popular discontent which, made up of contingents fron the Eu to have had two frightful weaknesses gathering of dues and an occasional in the high tide of revolt, but trust sooner or later, will wreck their en: ropean Powers, it cap esay shut up First, he, was more optimistic and game of who can starve the longest. it is largely against the worthless lead tire economic and political system. We in Mexico City and it must be fed, trusted all sorts of people, including should not worry.
ership which has brought it down to though every Mexican from whom Carranza. Secondly, he let himsel The proletariat has a right to be where it is. trust it is in revolt you try to commandeer food will be run by his own greedy family, and indignant. It has looked for guidance against those who have used it chiefly Commenting on the recent despatch knife you at the first chance. Such, especially by the arch financier, his and has not received it; has looked for to feather their own nests: against which informed the public that. a fortunately for the weaker nationali brother Gustavo.
simple statements of exceedingly sim. those who have dragged it into futile member of the Terrazas family had ties, are the difficulties that beset inple facts and has been answered with nolitics because they have personal been forced to turn to work, Ricardo vaders.
An owner of mines in Mexico say flowery orations which side step all ambitions to serve, and against those Magon writes: It will be the first We observe that Senator. Works, the United States should intervenc the risky points. Our Intellectuals who have induced it to castrate itself time during his vampirish life that lawyer and apostle of Christian Sci because over 1, 000, 000, 000 of Amer: know well that the situation is one of by committing all power to their own he will lift to his lips a mouthful of ence, is outdoing Hearst himself in ican property is tied up by the war.
social war, but they seldom warn the intriguing hands. trust it is in re honestly earned bread. Today, in his clamor for intervention. For Why should a 15 per month patriol masses to prepare themselves. These volt against all the red tape with the United States, as in Mexico, there God sake let some one shore a gun get filled full of lead and army bee hundreds of thousands wito crowd our which achemers have tied it up, and are millions of whom the same might into his hand also and push him to protect someone else 1, 000, 000 0002 Critical Electrical Worker. labor meetings nightly, are they being with the everlasting wrangles over be written. Yet the workers stand it. across the border, lame.