
English Section Regeneracion.
of Revolution. Sonorai. The large and important Shall It be allowed to Crush Mexico Fight for Freedom? rose.
Worse than Diaz.
is it CO, 事本 ufacturer. CO.
we De ADHIBO WILLIAM OWEN the little on08; the crime that the 11st.
It has been the invariable rule.
Christ slagled out for special denunin this state, when a town is taken, to must shock the Appeal to Reason.
Published ovory Saturday at 610 clation, declaring that for him who release all prisoners and burn the 4th St. Los Angeles, Cal.
should be guilty of such Intamy it public records. The People Paper. Los Anwere better that milletone should be geles. which led the coupiracy of Tolephono: Home 1360.
cast about his neck and he be thrown silence that a portion of the Social Subscription rates: state, in which so much foreign capinto tho sea.
ist press was bamboozled tita considPor num 00 ital is invested, has been the scene ering politic, has been aronged Por six months. 10 There are others. What must hon. Continued from last week)
of constant fighting, both for the posinto commenting on a Mexican millPor three months. 60 est men. with MORELOS is a small state, which session of border ports of entry and The International Committee of the. KNOW It is a farce. You KNOW that, ionaire banquet recently held fi blood in thelr velns and not water runs like a dasger into the heart of of Interior towns. April 29. we re Mexican Liberal Party Junta has made for the sake of the almighty dollar, LOS Angeles. It writes strongly as BUNILE ORDERS.
Iced by schemlag political calculations, follows: The people of Vexico are 100 copies 00 think of the Appeal to investment of Cuernavaca has been atter a stir fight; that Caborca had and Reform papers, throughout the oified and the uprising of a nation starving and dying of pestilence and Reason?
300 copies 12. 50 What MUST they think of the article, widely noticed by the daily papers fallen into the rebels hands, the Al country of a special circular headed: drowned in seas of blood. YOU KNOW famine on the richest soll beneath 1000 cuples 20. 00 Dlaz has resigned, which appeared in Yautepec was reported, May 6, as calde dying that Bavispe had been Intervention shall it be allowed to that the army of the United States the sun, and while their ute blood Its issue of May 27? That article be having fällen alter flerce fighting. As sarrisoned by 150. and Izabel by 400 crush Mexico fight for economic free your country, with its magnificent is. poured out in the cause of treeEditor and Proprietor. Anselmo sins: The Mexican revolution is at usual, ali prisoners were set free and rebels, and that Altar, capital of the contain this document will be trans revolutionary record is to be used to dom; while cries of hungty children Figueroa.
Bands district of thats name the most im lated into a number of foreign lan. protect the dollar and suppress an end, and continues with the bomthe public records burned.
the are mingled with the dying workbastic and lying statement that thus of revolucionists were said to be rov. portant in the staten had fallen. guages, and correspondence from those man, though it may cost a hecatomb ofer shout of Tierra y Libertad!
On Pitiquito and several other smaller interested and willing to assist in the lives.
ends a these parasites, rolling in their lliremarkable historical event log at will throughout the state. Batered a second class matter The arduous work of distribution is earn.
that was practically inaugurated by the Hacienda San Vicento the peons towns also had been occupied.
Soptember 12, 1910, at the post of This is the question that shook the sotten wealth, gather about the banthe Appeal to Reason. Furthermore The insurgent chief, Emilio following week Sinigulle was report estly solicited. In view of the attitude United States to her foundations from quet board far from the secre of suf.
dca at Lou Angeles, California, under It says. It is the most notable case Zapata, is at the head of a owerful ed as having fållen, the rebels exe taken by The appeal to Reason, and 1861 to 1865, and it is up again; but in fering and strife.
cho Act of March 3, 1379.
In history of a newspaper, by its exforce in this state.
He is a veteran cuting four officials and burning the other papers from which co operation a vastly larger and more formidable Meanwhile its political solleague, Another misfortune that had been expected, it is evident to the shape. In particular It is up to you.
the Appeal to Reason, considers Yo. 10.
posure, overthrowing one who had for ighter in the revolutionary cause, records.
the trouble over and speers at Hex.
more than twenty five years held dic and when he heard of Madero peace befell the federal forces was the loss committee that the work of educating From the first there has been United Saturday, June 3, 1011.
tatorial powers and whose reign was overtures he immediately blew up a loe chinapa, where sixty two members the people as to the true nature of the states intervention at the command of ico periodical revolutions.
buttressed by the flattery of thousands bridge, thus severing all connections of the garrison were killed to thirty economic struggle in which Mexico is Wall Street to cow and to cripple the or beneficiaries of his tyranny in There also now engaged must be prosecuted on revolutionists.
with the capital. In this state the nine lost by the rebels, The Chicago Daily Socialist plays The widow the largest scale and with redoubled America. The Appoal Army really did city of Jonacatepec was captured re officials were executed.
Now Madero has joined hands with ly issued by the International comup prominently the manifesto recentmore than Madero army.
cently after a bloody fight, only thir Talamantes had gathered round her vigor.
the old Diaz government forces to put mittee of the Mexican Liberal Party ty two federal soldiers escaping with 500 Indians and had set out on her mission of vengeance which, as is well down the revolution, and the money Junta, declaring that the revolution Surely treason Dever made itsell their lives. Regeneracion, official organ of the We sub Mexican Liberal Party, issued the folo ing through the United States as its ces of Mexico have been restored to power of the world is at his back, act must go on until the natural resourOAXACA This state lles far to the known, proved successful.
moro ridiculous; but with all of us there is a deeply implanted conviction south and it has been hard to get in sequently noted that1 Nacozart had (lowing warning, May 6, 1911: Most executive arm.
orces hav alarming are reports from El Paso, the people for their free and equal that treason is the one thing too seri forniation. April 29 we reported that been taken, the federal It is stated that Madero is Madero alone cannot put down the use. It quotes freely, selecting with Dlat has fiets, and Europe has an ous for jest. And treason knows this, Teposcolula had fallen to a body of ing been ambushed and having lost. Texas.
other aillition to its colony of ileposed for which reason it never ventures to 300 rebels after several days of large quantities of ammunition which agreeing to unlte his forces with those revolution. Already he is calling for excellent judgment the strongest and siege. Next week we learned that fell into the rebels bunds.
of the Dictator, in order to crush the help, since Mexico aflame, from most lucid passages: Evidently but by no means down and outs. For, laugh of its guilt but seeks to hide it Ana Rayon and Cienequillas bad Revolution. It will not be the first all these distinguished gentlemen have under specious argument. This is the North to South and East to West. The has studied the course of events in Tabasco. This is a small and fartime nation is demanding its heritage and Mexico, which the Appeal to Reathat the bourgeoisie, terrorampio fundu. Ho hail been reported course the Appeal to Reason natur been taken and that Teotitlan del CaSouth State, facing the Gulf of Meximino was being besieged by a force will not be put off with phrases. Al son wilfully ignorés.
It has recourse to the ay dying a prey to the hideous dls ally follows.
stricker at the sight of its own work, April 29 we recorded the seizure 290 known A9 claphantiasis, from evolutionary argument; declares that numbering 400. Juqulla and the rich of Cunduacan and Jalpa, both rehas made common cause with the des ready, therefore, Madero is calling on district of Jamiltepec were said to potism against which it had rebelled the champions of aw and order for Solidarity. New Castle, Pa. which ingenlous correspondents man capitalism will now begin to work out sulting in the acquisition by the reThe assistance; already he is planning a organ of the again writes for.
much maudlin sympathy, its destiny in Mexico; that henceforth be overrun by guerilla bands.
bels of much money and ammunition, and has alded it to smother the true Dext town to succumb was Jamiltemilitary campaign against the Mexi ibly on the Mexican Revolution, calling When he reached the depot ho fairly the Morgan crowd will use Mexico as Revolution that of the disinherited, The public records had been burned.
loaded into his privato car.
an ally in waging the battle against pec, a place of considerable importMay 26 the United Press despatches can Liberal Party, as the staunchest special and excultant attention to the Subsequently Plchulcalco was taken, upbolders of the people economic large number of United States solunionism to the United States, at Tamance, situated in a wealthy district, read: Gen. Viljoen. one of Madero the public funds being confiscated.
Etlas also was taken, the officials most trusted war lords) declared that rights.
Dia has a thougand murders on his pa, la Westmoreland county, Pa. and diers who have deserted to join its. fleeing.
Tcplc Territory. Lying immediate he could start in a few days to bring What will you do when the United ranks. Letters from correspondents soul, dut Marlero troops saved his at Los Angeles; at the same time ticklife.
Navarro bayoneted wounded 1106 Its readers with the promise that 15 South of Sinaloa this Territory has the Lower California insurrectos to States aids him with her bayonets? in Los Angeles and Globo, Arizona, Puebla. There has been hard and he Ingarrectos by the score, and Madero Socialists also will now begin to make constant fighting in this state, which been the scene of much suerilla ac time. understand, sald that What will you do when they attempt to emphasize the effect the revolution is saved his life. Madero is a humani Soclalists in Mexico, and the hopeful touches the Federal District of Mextivity. May 13 we noted that a large there are about 700 men in the So realize their coldly announced determi baving on the army of discontent in carlan, you understand. That is why statement that the Socialist innlags In April we noted that the fra band, headed by Romero, bad taken cialist army. will take about 200 nation to annihilate the Mexican Lib Southern California and along the border.
Madoro hay ordered Viljoen to subju. come later.
portant town of Matamoros bad been Amatlan de las Palmas. The officials men from here, with three machine eral Party forces in Lower California?
kato, or annihllato the forces of the captured, the sebels emptying the were made prisoners, and the public suns, and will pick up the other nec. What will you do when Americans The Industrial Worker. SpaMoxicau Liberal Party, now operatlog What will the men who have gone jails, burning the public records and records burned. The following weekessary troops en route. do not expect members of your own industrial organ!
of we reported the formation Into Mexico, rigked and laid down taking all the funds.
kane. adopts a similar line in a leadThe following two any hard fighting.
izations, liberty lovers of 10 Lower California.
your Own new guarilla bands, said to be large their lives for economic freedom, think week we reported guerilla bands as Put two and two together. Consider filesh and blood are being butchered in er headed, Madero a Fake, in the and well armed. The rebMadero knows well that tho Mexl of the Appeal to Reason statement exceedingly active. Atlixco, Chiantla the news you are reading dally in the Lower California to uphold the rule of course of which it says: els care nothing for the PEACE can Dooa must have access to the land that the handful of Socialists who are and Jalatlace had been captured, to Vera Cruz. Here reported, papers. Diaz flees and would have Wall Street. What will you do when AGREEMENTS that this millionaire boforo he can riso from slavery. Ile conducting an Independeat revolution gether with many smaller towns, and May 6, that the authorities at Necox been captured by the rebels but for the this crisis comes on you, as it is coming?
gentleman has signed; the war will knows woll that his people desire eco in Lower Callfornia will be crushed numerous ranches had been raided. tla and at La Cuesta had been forced intervention of Madero troops.
go on and on till the land is in the nomic freedom o ardently that they now? These men know that they The train service was entirely in the, to turn over arms and other neces la Barra, formerly Diaz secretary of. We ask you to express yourselves; hands of the toilers that have to lay down their lives gladly in the have jeopardized their all, not to start hands of the revolutiopists. Subse fary supplies, and that San Andreas state. and one of the most notorious frankly, openly, manfully, as we ex york it.
The slaves who make up the struggle to attain it. He knows well an independent revolution but to help quently Tecamachalco and Tepeaca, Tuxtla and Catemaca had been taken. of the cientifico group 80 pick press ourselves. We ask you to get the American army, should they be sent that, sooner or later, the people will atong a vast national upheaval; one both Important polnts, were captured, Public records burned.
Next week oamed because they have skinned the opinion of organizations in your neigh to Mexico to interfere, will realize their heart desire; that 14 tie extending, as our own columns amply as were also Santa Cruz, Tepeyahual we noted the fall of Alcapongo and people according to the most modern borhood, and those with which you are the tools of the American millions cheats them today there will be in prove, from boundary to boundary of Co and Acatzingo. The mounted Capozales, the Justice of the Peace methods is made provisional presio affillated; to give that opinion all the gires and will be used to delp rivet oven heavler reckoning tomorrow, HO Moxico; one to which capitalism Itselt police of the City of Puebla deserted of the first named having been exe dent, with Madero Indorsement. Ma: publicity you can command, and to the chains of slavery more tightly on knows that in bamboozling tho ignor. bas given birth; one that is actually to the rebels, taking rifles, cartridges cuted. May. 20 our information was dero announces that he will pacify potify us. We ask you to do this with a mass of tollers that already knows ant peon ho ls plantlag In his lamost tho breath of a nation life, that horses, etc. On the capture of a that Jampa, near the port of Vera the people on his way to Mexico City. out delay, for never in history did the color of dry blood from the lash Aoul seed of hatred from which, by pants and struggles for relief. What town in this State it has been the al Cruz, had been captured by a guerilla Under threat of arms Madero forces, events move as rapidly as they have of the master. The soldler that will the storaal logic of tho universo, there will these men think of the Appea) most lavariable rule to burn the pub band, and that the federals had been the legislature of Coahuila to appoint moved, and will continue to move, in go to Mexico to deter the workers will aprins harrest of bloody retrl. to Reason bellttling misrepresenta. Jllc records. Our report of Mar 20 defeated in the neighborhood of Fur as governor his nominee. Madero is this Mexican Revolution.
from taking back something that bution. This, the most monstrous of tlon of the vast movement to which stated that there had been a bloody bero.
banqueted by United States officers.
Diaz should never have given away, all crimos he, a man of allegedly 11 they have dedicated themselves? will encounter at Nexaca, that three other Yucatan. This is the southernmost Madero quarters are thronged by the is a disgrace to his mothes that gave eral thought, dollberately commits. they regard it as a warning to Social towns had been taken and that the State in Mexico, and the slavery exrepresentatives of high finance, seeking him birth.
lsts to leave their comrades in the rebel arms were victorious through Isting on its hemp plantations, which concessions. And so on, ad infinitum.
It urges workers to contribute Observo how this man, originally Purch? Will they construe it as an in out the state.
constitute almost its entire industry, Do you approve of human slavery?
nancially to the revolution, superior to his class, degenerates when vitation to the money power to wipe In chorus, and with intense indignaQuintana Roo Territory. This is has been graphically described in The same number has an excellent the passion for rule winds its teata. these agitators out; coupled with the the southermost point of Mexico and Barbarous Mexico. As far back as tion, you shout, No. Did not the The International Socialist Re account of the capture ot Tix Juana, clea around him. Yesterday he was assurance that, so far as the Appeal adjolns the highly disaffected State April 29 we chronicled the fact that United States battle to the death to view for June believes that Taft has in which men Agured so of free thinker. Today he to Reason has influence, plutocracy overthrow chattel slavery?
It lias been most dif the governor, hoping to stay the tide Proudly decided on invasion, and confided his gallantly.
of Yucatan.
courto the Roman Catholic church. will have the backing of the Socialists? cult to get news, but as far back as of revolt, bad issued a decree order. Yes. Do you not know that chattel ing newspapers charged with the duty you expand your chests and answer. intention to representatives of leadYestorday he was all for free speech; Is not this the natural construction to April last we reported that the Maya ing the release of all political pèiso La Union Industrial. Phoenix, and Indeed, understandlog that free be placed on such utterances?
ndians, of whom Turner had so much ners. Most of them, slavery, far more atrocious than any of preparing the public mind. These Ariz. organ, praises en.
obtaining speech 19 popular, he still announces yourself were in arms across the bor. to say in Barbarous Mexico, were their liberty, joined one or other o laid to the door of your own Southern reflections it follows with an article thusiastically the work and aims of flamboyantly that under his regime it der would you, COULD you, make any.
in full revolt.
the rebel bands operating at different planters, runs full blast in Mexico, up: headed Workers and War, in which the Mexican Liberal Party.
shall be untrammeled. In his heart thing else out of such an article?
held wilfully and knowingly upheld it says: points. Let us speak out in no unhe knows that it ly the cruellest of San Luis Potosi. In April the rebby United States dollars and bayonets? certain tones. This war against the Propaganda, on behalt ot the MexIronles to talk of free speech for the To add the sting of brutal Insult to els blew up nine bridges on the Na Zacatecas. We reported, April 29, What are you going to do about it? workers of Mexico is a class war, a ican Revolution is belag actively economically dependent serl, and per. its heinous outrage the Appeal to Reational of Mexico, between San Luis that Nleves and Sainz had been cap: we put it up to you, straight. What war of masters against slaves: Our pushed among the Poles and SlaRonally ho 19 no much afrald of cen son, which bids fts followers wait, Potosi and Saltillo, thus severlog con tured, and the Jefe Político thrown are you going to do about it?
You, masters here wage that war vonians, no small percentage of the Next week the news was trades unionists, represented by Sam against the slaves of Mexico vnly be population of the United States. The sure that he orders Rogeneracion since evolution will work the problem nection between the City of Mexico into fail.
Under date that Villa del Refugio had passed into uel Gompers and his council, to whom cause we, the American vage slaves, influential Dziennil Ludowy (Chicon flacated and its newsboys driven out and their turn is yet to come. this and the United States, from the city.
Before us is the list apologist for indefinite delay has the of May we reported that 25 more the hands of the rebels, while Zaca we have appealed in words that, as it are ignorant and divided.
cago. gives front page space to the the same line had been tecas itself was being besieged by a seems to us, should have drawn tears, of Regoperacion subscribers. Just audacity to telt the Mexicans with bridges on All that is admirable, and it is fol manifesto recently issued by the InWe subsequently re body of 500.
prior to Magon last term of impris. tondness for procrastination, solemnly destroyed.
The following week from stones? What are you going to lowed by yet a third article which ternational Committee of the HezIt contains of remarking that the Mexican method, corded the capture of the State capi Tlaltenango was recaptured by the do about it?
is even better to our liking, and runs ican Liberal Party Junta.
Francisco Madero, San Pedro, Coa with its everlasting mañana and pert tal, the municipal president being revolutionary forces, who burned the What are you Socialists going to do as follows. The present need is The peons were said hulla, and Gustavo Maclaro, Parras, odical revolution and presidential dic executed, and the taking of Xilitla public records.
about it; you for whom Debs and the MORE CLEAR HEADED REVOLU As always the Italian working be rising in large Bumbers Coahulla, This last 1s the brother tatorship, will give place to modern and Salinas, which latter was aban to Appeal to Reason formerly uttered TIONISTS. Without them we can do men papers plead powerfully for Madoro talks of sending to Lower Call push and nominal republican forms. doned by the authorities. The rec throughout the State.
such burning sentiments, crying nothing; with them we can do every the Mexican Liberal Party, Era forula against the Liberal forces. Could the blindness of self conceit beords and public buildings were bura The foregoing gives in condensed shame on the United States that sent thing. An avalanche of Socialist Nuevo. Paterson, devoting illustrated better?
ed. The Federals had been defeated form such révolutionary events In her troops to enforce wage and chattel votes will be irresistible if there is a columns to the subject. Il LavoraMadero kaowa full well tor what the with heavy loss near Cardenas, and Mexico as Regeneracion. single, slavery? What are you going to do revolutionist behind each vote, but tore Italiano. Pittsburg, Kan. reLiberal party stands, and has stood Plutocracy can well afford to pay a train carrying large quantities of banded, was able to get news of with about it? To you, in particular, we any votes that we may gain by em viewing the treaty of peace between from the first. He knows full well generously for the crushing of the government war supplies had been in the short space of four weeks. To put the question straight; for you have phasizing petty reforms in our elec the Maderist and federal forces, says: Mexican Revolution, since it has fully that its demands represent the true two billion dollars seized. Throughout the State, which his record Spanish made this country ring with denuncia toral programs will count for noth The real war begins from this moof May 20 the most seriously aspirations of the people, who recog Jeopardized, to say nothing of future is situate in Central Mexico, guerllle editor, Enrique Flores Magon, ap tion of wage slavery.
ing when a crisis comes. Capitalism ment the war between the Revolunize restoration of their stolen lands loot. The first step in the crushing bands were extraordinarily active.
pended a note in which be said: You Socialists, at least, understand is rushing headlong to its downfall. tionists and the Maderlato.
as tho loltlal step to redemption from program is to allenate sympathy by Sinaloa, In this State, which The foregoing notes give only the the situation. You, at least, know because the events of every day tend pooh poohing the uprising as an instarory.
every thinking Solidarity has an extenent and He knows full well that signifcant atrair of scattered. lawless faces the Gulf of Callfornia and lies barest outline of the actual move that, with all the resources of the to convince Laura merely to substitute his rule for that brigands, with whom no right think directly south of Sonora, revolution ment. An Infinity of more or less country cornered by plutocracy, the worker that his own life and liberty most sympathetic. letter by of Dinz Is to add another to the longing persons can ally themselves. This has been busily at work. April 29 Important towns, villages, hamlets Mexican workingman has exile or can be secured only by doing his part Emerson, descrlbing a recent visit to 11st of barren revolutlons that have is the more imperative because of the ever present danger that the confia we reported that the important town and estates have been threatened by whatever plutocracy may see fit to give in the class war only through REV the Mexican Liberal Party forces at facts Tia Juana. The closias sentenco Wore be an torn big race asunder.
gration started in Mexico may spread of El Fuerte had been captured, the the insurgents; and the thing worthy him as his only choice. You know. OLUTION. hail the Mexioaz revoluhonest toan ho would acknowledge and involve in universal ruin the Jefe Politico advising the national of special note is that on the last that. What are you going to do about home to the understanding of every rins: frankly that without, at least, some capitalistic system of the world, believe it to the beguard to join the rebels. All tele named the peons are beginning to re it?
wage worker we can reach this is tion with joy.
is, therefore, the What are you Single Tax men going the need of the hour, by the side of. ginning of the end of economie slap.
Ineasure of economic freedom the con Arst step. Read the passages quoted raph and telephone lines within the bel without any one directing dition of his fellow countrymen must from the Appeal to Reason arti state were then reported as having spontaneously, not following the flag to do about it; you who hail as prophet which all else is triiing.
Somewhat different from the utterromala as bopeleas as it is at pres. clo, and ask yourself it it is not de been destroyed, and electricians, be of any political party, Implied by the land monopoly bitterest assailantCORRECTION ont fut, whatever he may have been aberately playlng capitallsm game. log in sympathy with the revolution, miserable conditions in which they Henry George? What are you going to ances of the Appeal to Reason!
whon ho supported Regeneracion, bad refused to repair them. The next have lived so long.
The social to be given by the InThis is the ele do about it?
In the Mexican Revolution Ameri week we learned that 700 rebels had ment that will give the Social Revo The Finally, what are you labor and re Christian Socialist Madoro today is not an honest man.
pob ternational committee of the Verican Polttical ambition, can labor ig oftered an unparalleled tho most opportunity of displayiog that inter taken Chinabampo; that the Admin lution strength. Once launched on form editors golng to do about it; you lishes a short but strong appeal, by Liberal Party Junta, at Italian Hall, mous of all polsons, bas rotted hlm national solidarity of which it has istrator of Correos de Los Mochis had the struggle; once conscience of the whose mission it is to denounce the Menke, urglös immediate help for will be held June 18, and NOT June to the very marrow of his bonos. talked for years. The Latia races are one over for the insurrectos, baking power theme many centuries of slave tranny, beneath which labor a groene the Mexican Revolutionists and ex4, as stated in last seeks issus. The tunity. Will the Anglo Saxons, wired with him 5000 of the public funds; ery have caused them to forget: they and to point the way to labor Indus posing the pretensions of Madero. editor of this section understood that Who can measure the crime of which in politics and money making, re that Concordia bad fallen, and that will not yield easily to Maderist trial emancipation? What are you. The paper says: To place the Ma the ball could be had for the lastdero government on Diaz throne named date, but it had been ongaged this man la gullty? It is the crime of mala shamelessly inert: shrugglng the valuable port of Mazatlan was promises of political reforms but will going to do about it?
crimes, the betrayal of the most sa their shoulders carelessly, like the besieged. Later the rebels captured strive with all their might to gain Will you, all of you, rest satished would only be a change of capitalist by others. Arrangements for plan crod of all trusts. zation CORAdeath. struggle of atteen millions of another port, Topolobampo, and we that of which they have so long de with such a farce ás that in which Ma masters and would do Do good to the nic, the date of which witz: Do anSuch sentiments nounced next week, are progress.
denos. It is the crime of deceiving their neighboring fellow workers?
noted seven other towns added to the prived THE RIGHT TO LIVE. dero today. plays the clown? You people in general.
Army of Disconte.
Il you on can Oniont.
the names wagebring these To ery.