Regeneración English Section Address By Enrique Flores Magon Suppressed by The Federal Gourt Of Los Angelos, June 22, 1916.
Two dollars a year, montis, 10. Cood Government In Action a terribic judicial crime.
The first step the encrag is planning is to kill The Blast aod lo stile every voice of pro test in this city. Never before in the liistory of the Coast 28 there such need of a fearless rep.
Olutionary paper like The Blast. It is the only local publication that has dared to raise its voice in belialt of Ed. Nolan, Tom Mooney and his wife, Iso rael Weinberg and Warren Bill.
ings whom the authorities are now conspicing to hang as those responsible for the bomb, entirely innocent though they are.
Are you interested in the fate of those who have been picked as victims in bitter warfare against la bor? Do you want to upliold free press and the revolutionary propaganda. Are you in sym.
pathy with The Blast and the work it is doing? Do you want to express your protest against the vicious forces of reaction that threaten to erect in Sau Frap.
cisco the Chicago gallows of 1887 If so, we count on your help to prevent the strangling of The Blast and the driving of the Ariarcliists out of San Francisco.
We are not afraid for ourselves, but we are eager to keep up the light against oppression and it.
justice, and WI NEED YOUR ASSIS.
For this purpose we have opened a War Fund of 1000 for The Blast. friend has already contributed 100 toward the maintenance of the paper, and Einma Goldman has donated 25.
This is the critical moment. Now is the time to slow on what side we are aligned. May we couet on YOU?
From The Blast EMMA GOLDMAN.
For some time we have taken pains to expose and explain the Carranza nytlı. The proposition is not a very comely one, for as pointed out before, Carranza has succeeded to a very fair degree, in convincing many people that he is a gooil man and that for once he wonld demoustrate what a good government can do for the people, ant especially for labor, But recent news from Mexico bring sucli accounts of develop.
ments and happenings in tlie Cam Tranza. goyeinwent that are astuunding over to his most sem vete critics, Notwithstanding the rigid censorship 1111011 news coming from Mexico, tlie: daily press publilised clispatches from Mexico City some days ago to tlic effect that the city was in state of disorder as the result of a general strike that had been declared in that place.
The dispatches also stated that the death penalty had been declared by Carro11 a as tite 1nishment for any workers who dared go 01 strike. And also for anyons wlio dare infori the American government of tlie state of afluirs prevailing them in Mexico.
This looked a little far fetched even to those who cio not se such things as strong in any gover11.
ment, bulv sys later the Merican press (Carranza press, for there is 110 oth press in Mexico attie present ime) brought full confilination of the reports in question and eve st tore anazing than the ones yppearing in the Americant press. El Pueblo. Tlie People) of August 3, from Mexico City, thie leading Carranza organ, gives details of the trouble there and of the attitude of Carranza towarás le workers. The paper sayetliat o! August 1st The General Confederation of Syndicates of the Federal District, among this including the emploges of the liglit power and water works systenis, went on strike, paralyzing all the great industries, the street car system, tlırow.
ing tlie city into darkness and stopping the water suply; tliis, while the strike lasted, which was three days, wlien Carranza turned the city into an arived camp, declaring martial law and using the Inilitia to drive the strikers to work, at the same time issuing his decrce that made it punishable by deatli to go or reiniain on strike or even to advocite sucii treasures The censorklıp of news froni Mexico is so rigid ibat 110 more accounts of the situation liaye appeared in the American press, and those in the Mexicca11 papers are only such as fayor the Carranza ring. But even the papars coining (roiu Mexico admit tha tlie jails are packed with prisoners, even wonen, and that they were to be court iarshalied on the 10th of August; but no papers from Mexico after that date have come to our notice, To j11. tify liis action Carranza dug 111 a. inusty law of 1862, which couisidots as a traitor antyone inimical to the goyermeul, but will not being broad enough, C, irafia stretched to inclaude voukin; in on strike.
Tluis duide, ruxa ordered tlie militia to paracle the streets, led by bugles and druuns and followed by automobile loads of public and military functionaries who, froin the prin ip: (1 of the city rerd s, ilee to the asSumbled people, hich reads as follos. Valslano Carran.
therefore radical. He saw his chance and played the game makEdited by WM. OWEN ing a strong bid for the laboring and radical support. This was about the time wiien he was cllas.
Send money payable to NOTE This speech was prepared forced this man to work for him, ed out of Mexico City for trying No. 243 INRIQUE FLORES MAGON, Saturday August 26, 1916 Box 1236. Los Angeles, Cal. by Enrique Flores Magos to be pronoun that Private Property first sprung to put down the workers by shoot.
ced when asked by the Court if he had into existence. You see how Pri: ing some of their leaders while on something to say as to why sentence vate Property comes from violence strike, and when realizing his za, First Chief of the of the Republic; should not be imposed upon them. But and robbery. These avaricious mistake he made his inemorable Constitutionalist Ar That the conduct of the La.
when the proper time arrived the judge men, too, were the first slave declaration upon finishing his my, Charged with the bor Synâicate constitutes an ato did not allow Enrique to address the drivers and the first votaries of Au flight at Veracruz, that today tack on peace and makes it imExecutive Power of Court, altho he demanded such right, grant. thority. They soon learned that the Social Revolution has startpossible to re establish order, the Nation; in use of thựis makes it riecessary to amplied to them by the same laws that the man is superstitious directly in ed.
Court pretends to uphold.
proportion to his ignorance, and That jolt certainly set the beard the extraordinary fa fj fhe Law of January, 1862 tbat it was to control their fellow. men ed hero wise, for he immediately culties with which perhaps does. üdt cover these cases (Continned from last issue. through their superstitions that hired a force of pliat agitators to am invested, and and persons who are the promoters Against the outrageous conditions the Church and Clergy were insa preach the radieal gospel to the of actual the suspension.
CONSIDERING. In consideration of all the that have here roughly outlined, tituted. And all these institu workers, and it had its effect, for we Mexicans revolted; and now tions have been the very scourge they did it to a But it is well That the dispositions that have afore inentioned have seen fit to bear in mind the causes, for two of us, Ricardo and myself, of mankind since that time.
heen dictated by the Constitution. to decree the following: are facing sentence here for our These Institutions springing in doing so the workers were not alist Authorities to relieve the eco Article The death perity activity in that rebellion and for from Private Preperty are the wholly deluded, but only chose nomic situation of the working shall be uneted, besides of to the striving to gain our political, so source and cause oi all slavery, what they that the lesser of two classes and the effective aid that disturbers of public order tliat is One It is on account evils that confronted them.
cial and economic emancipation. vice and criine.
has been lent to tliem innuiuitu marked by the Law of January We, therefore, think that as a of Private Property that a large was Carranza and the other was dinous cases, far from determining 25, 1862.
principle of Justice, this Court niajority of human beings are Huerta, and as the latter repre.
to lend cooperation willingly to First: To those who inciie to.
should not impose a sentence on slaves; producing all wealth while they sented the abominble Diaz ring the Government to solve the difficul the suspension of work in the facus, for such a sentence would go destitute. It is on account of coupled with tne horrible catholic ties with which it has struggled to tories or enterprises destined to mean a flat denial that the Mex Private Property, which deprives church thouhgt had acursed them implant order and prepare the cs lend public service or who procan people have a right to fight men and women of the just re for so long, and that still was a tablishment of the Constitution, pagate it; to those who preside their own battles and to fight ward of thei. labor, that our menace, tliey decided to join Caal Regime, they have led the said over meetings in which suspentbem in their own way and to women prostitute themselves, our rranza in order to insure the eliclasses to believe that the existence son of work is proposed, discusstheir own satisfaction. Our re children grow weak and consump mination of the hideous old dy.
of society depends cxclusively on ed or approved; to those who devolutionary inethods may not tive in the mills of Capitalism, nasty. them, and that it is them, therefore, feod and sustain it; to those who (To be continued. meet with the approal of the our men become drunkards, dopewho are in position to impose as approve or subscribe to it; to peace at any price gentlemen fiends, thieves, insane and murR. COX.
nany demands as thcy may con those who attend such meetings but have the sanction of Thomas derers. Of the last, as a fine specisiler convinient to their interests, or do not leave them as soon as Jefferson, who said: We cannot men of the product of Private From Emma Goldman cren if by this all those of they know their object; and to expect to pass from Despotism to Property, should like to cite the Proceeds from social at San the community suſſer sacrifice and those who try to make it effective Liberty on a feather bed. example of Dr. Waite, of New Francisco, and 00 donated by daninge and even if fhe existence once a strike has been declared.
York. 1)
Perhaps these peace at anyMrs. Van Herrick, 21. 36. Tis, as Second: To those who on acof the Government is imperiled; price gentlemen know and can Property and fight for its aboliThat is wliy we hate Private the former remittance, is for the That to remove this evil not count of the suspension of work explain how it is that the men medical treatment of the Mavery long ago the Aſilitary Author in the factories, mentioned enterwho have openly backed revolution, and strive to implant Communist archism wherein the ities of the Federal District made prises or any other, and taking tions which have for their purit known to the laboring class that advantage of tlie ocasioned disorpose the continuance of slavery land, the machinary and all the means of production and transiſ the Revolution had held as one der to aggrayate it or impose for the Mexican people am of its principal ends the destruction it should destroy or deteriorate be our own in speaking now of such nen as portation shall comnion, so that all may have an u capitalist. tyranny it should not the contents of the property or Chandler and his associates have We insert below a circular that periit another one to arise that enterprises to which the workers never been brought to the bar of equal chance for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness; so that has reached us from The Blast. this Court to answer for their acwould be as harmful to the well be bélong who are interested in the suspension of other places all being supplied in tlieir needs signed by Alexander Berkman ing of the Republic, as the tyranny tions; nor does anyone very seof the workers would be; whose emplores may be wanted riously believe that they ever will and on an equal social, political and Emma Goldinan. It speaks for to be included in the sirike, and and economic standing, igno jtself and needs no comment. THE be. Thut notwithstanding the suspension of work at the Electric those who witli the same. object We liave found with Proudhon rance, vice and crime shall vanish; BLAST is the only paper in that provoke pnblic disorders, be it Ligit Plant and the others that are naturally and automatically, for locality now, or in any locality.
that Private Property the corplied with them, and that have just civilians. or use force in the peragainst public functionaries or ner stone of the present institu their source, Private Property, for that matter, that has dared to will have been doomed for ever. come out boldly in defense of the tions is ROBBICKY. When Hubern declared struck by the Lason or property of any citizen, or Lor Syndicate, is demonstrating in manity sprung into existence (1) This man, in order to come into splendid comrades that are being a very clear way that the workers to those who appropriate, destroy there was no such a thing as Prie possession of the sum of 500. 000, 00, pois. dragged to the gallows by the or deteriorate public or. private.
have not decided to persiiacle themvate Property. It was only when soned his mother in law and later on his Law and Order crew of San property; and selves that they are only a small some avaricious man wielding a father in law; and was discovered when Francisco. Third to those who, by All those who want the facts, part of society, and that this does club beat his fellow man into sub. he attempted to murder his wife, that he the naked facts, about the bomb not exist only for them, that threats or force impede that other mission and confiscated his por might remain the sole heir to that money tions of the common heritage and (To be continued. conspiracy of the San Francisco there are other classees whose in persons execute the services that Business Bandits cannot be withthe workers leod in the enter: terests is not lawful for them to out THE BLAST, The Law priges against which the suspenviolate, because their rights are as sion of work las been declared.
and Order gang are Planning much to be respected as theirs; Another 11th of November. as Article The transgres. That if the suspension of world THE BLAST well says; they are is llic means the workers have to shall be of the incumbency of the sions of which this Law speaks planning to crush the freedom compel the employers to increase Millitary: Authorities to whom In former articles about Carran and of course eyer keeping an of expression, the strangling of their wages when these are consider. correspond to know those who za, his fallacies, his deceit and his army of peons producing wealth labor agitation, and The Blast, ed low in proportion to the benefits are defined and punished by the treachery to the working class for him, and who before the re single handed has undertaken to of the latter, such means become Law of Jonuary 25, 1862, and have been pointed out in brief, volution were forced to work 10 raise a WAR FUND of 000 to unlawful, since they are not only they shall he persted, investigatand this shall be continued so, as hours a day for a few cents under fight and expose the GANG, to used to exercise pressure on the ed anci punished in the terms and our limited space forbids a detaild the good old Diaz conditions, endeavor to preserve what spark employer, but it resủlts injurious under the procceedings marked by: outline. It has been our endeavor Besides being a landlord, Carran of liberty we retain, as shown by to society in general, who is depriv. decree No 14 of the 12th of Dë.
to show the easiness with which za has always been a politician the following circular: xxl of een such imperious neses cember 1913.
Carranza has succeeded in delud and lawyer, and for many vears sities as water, light and the means San Francisco, Aug. 15th, 1916. Therefore, order that this ing, even renegades. into ex served in luigh official positions oi transportation. did you get be printed and circulated for its.
pecting great things, and even under Diaz. It need not be said Dear Friend: that? And is not thiş first chief fulfilment and consequent effects.
the Millennium, from a good that only the most reactionary No doubt you have read in the the real mad tag? Is not his Glven at Mexico Cite, August lorightness really grand. His nibs, Ist, 1916. V, Carranza, could hold any such position un press about the bomb explosion The tragedy of it is that tie der the Diaz regime.
that took place in San Francisco thic hcarded chief, has just said that There on July 22nd, during the Preparsame old crime of the mercenary But Carranza being an expert have Government in its truc you the workers have not decided to edness Parade. The reaction impress of agrandizing and boost weathercock, saw the currents of colors; fulfilling its mission, its duty of convince themselves that they are ing a fake is ever repeated; and the wind and flopped to Madero mediately raised the cry of Anunly, small part of society and protecting privilege and plunder and pune archist! and the Hearst papers it sticks. When old Diaz had when he realized that a change that this iloes not exist, only for ishing with death those who refuse to he full sway in Mexico the prostitut was imminent, and was rewarded and the Chamber of Commerce are them. but in the next breathe this plundered. There you have Authority in ed press worked overtime trying with the governorship of his State now exerting every effort genius not only admits that the las acties; using with čloquent and telling low clear the city of revolutionists gic the boring rabble are a little more than conferred power upon it by the to make out that the inonster was Don forget that tliis champion and Anarchists. small part of society but that There you have a good Gov.
a blessing and a hero of his time. of the workers still bolds his Ha he Blast office has been But every dog has his day and ciendas (farms) and that the ladns raided by the police, and the Edwithout them society is helpless and ernment and a good man in full bloom; even Diaz was no exception. How he takes from his enemies. the itor and his associete worker, eren deprived of such imperious presenting a glaring example of what can be expected from a clown who vows to ever, the nauseating farce continues, high aristocracy he gives to his necessities as water, light and the Eleanor Fitzgerald, have been and the awful spectacle is re personal friends, or at best to HIS repeated ly haled to headquartera. serve the people while pledged to protect mains of transportation. the thicies that are looring them all the peated with Carranza. The worst government, instead of to those nothing of food; clothing, shelter and there subjected to vile insult tinc.
of it is that those who do the who fought and bled for then, and, well Life itself, Some first and abuse by the Distrit Attordirty work for the capitalist press, Space forbids comment but chief this, When Carranza discovered a ney staff and actually threatenthe most tellinng work, are the military genius in Villa, he join. ed with hanging.
That the conduct of the Labor Syn there is much more to say and radicals or even anarchists, as ed forces with him and made him icate is anti patriotic, is it is de quote about this that will appear The authorities and the selfillustrated by tire writers that General in Chief of his army but constituted Law and Order in our next issue.
terruined by the Government enchave been sent by the american jealous of his great popularity, Coinmittee of the Chamber of mies viho are trying to lead it into COX international difficulties, and make.
press to Mexico to boost and and fearing that Villa wold e Commerce are bent on a repetimake a god of Carranza.
it impossible to secure munitions clipse him, he renoyed him from tion of the 11th of November TO OUR READERS from abroad or even manufacture Having no copy from camrade In order that the reader may his position, causing Villa to re 1887, when five of the noblest and tlicift at home, depriving the factor. Onsen for the English section of have a little conception of this volt, which resulted in the big bravest men of our time. the jes of electric power.
mushroom hero and of what can split.
this issue of REGENERACION, Chicago Anarchists were judi That in view of this it is ne. We are compelled to go to press this be expected of hin, a brief suin Tliis left Carranza in a sorry cially murdered for their devomargofthis career and standing plight, but being a politician, tiontoan ideal. Butsurely we have cessary to dictate without delay time tvithout any article from his pen.
may not be amiss, and in this respect the master of not labored thirty years in vain?
the measures that the situation So we hope our readers will be pa: requires, since public service can tient and bear the monotony of our Carranza, the same as Madero, Villa, he set his nose to the airand Surely there are enough fairnot continue paralized, and such poorly gotten up matter and the has ever been a very wealthy scenting the atmosphere found minded and liberty loving men eximple may be the cause for best efforts we can put forth.
land owner, holding great extensions it surcharged whth discontent a and women in these United States trouble to read to other parte Reg. Orontier of land in the State of Chihuhua, mong the laboring masses, and to prevent the repetition of that The Real Carranza We need not tell you what to do; if nothing else, we reconize a good fight when we see one.
THE BLAST las ONE in its hands Now. It needs the support of every. REBEL that hates to be trampled down and be stripped of his manhood. And, mind you, it needs this help NOW. Neither need we say that the victims in the lands of the enemy in San Francisco are our Fellow Workers. Their guilt or inno cence does not concern us, even if we know well that they are innocent. They belong to our class, the Working Class. The master class never cared, and never cares, for the guilt or in.
nocence of the Butcher and archfiend of Ludlow, Rockefeller; it never cared for the guilt or innocence of the Triangle Factory murderers; it never cares for the wholesale butchery by the Rul.
ing Class today of millions of men, women and children, by slave driving, exploitation and starvation and by actual and de.
Jiberate cold murder.
The San Francisco tragedy ver rs likely could have been the work of some stooi of the Law and Order gang to blame it on the radicals. It is not a new man, game at all.
to 66 masses.
to say The comrades (even if they are not Anarchists) in the clutclies of the master class in San Francisco, happen to be excelent types of dcroteclnces to the cause of Labor, most, or all of them. Tom Mooney and Ed Nolan are well known for their unceasing and Lireless activity in the radical.
mokement. Mrs. Rena Mooney is an artist and musician, and an excelent teacher. When the Fer.
rer. School was ínt session for some time in San Francisco she was a constant voluteer of her services to the children, and her wock was an inspiration. It is said that all the other men implicated bare been active in the labor more.
ment, so, it is little wonder that they are marked for the gibbet by the master class.
Now, to work, THE BLAST has a FIGHT. in its hands and its address is Box 661, San Francisco, Cal. 0. COX,