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Our TE themselves ENGLISH SECTION REGENERACION Regeneracion. ho never seen any mandolong dem Veracruz Captured by the site of some kinderen In Deadly Parallel Madero Faces New Peril Socialists Reject Haywood Resolution, Ettor and Giovannitti League Shows True Solidarity All Caught In Net of Land Monopoly. 生 Nevertheless, no man or set of men, dent own words: Rightly on THE PANAMA CANAL ho Politics, personal politics, the only consider themsetües quite capable of the spirit of the times. Evolution will Published every Saturday at Kand of politics to which the United directing thein own national destinies have its way and Democracy eventualStates has been able as yet to rise. 914 Bosto. St. Los Angeles, Cal.
They thetefore resent the American ly will find itself. First, as opine, obscure, for the moment, all other is: Telephone: Home 1360.
theory thet salvation is of the Amere among the simpler peoples, sho live suệs. But do not imagine that the icans only. The doctrine to them, is closer to nature and have not faddled SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Panama steal has dropped out of now the foundation of the menace of with hundredth part dimonths, 60c; months, 10; gested knowledge, which plagues. Them American domination and over lordsiglit: Europe is very much alive to it, and the comments it is passing atay year, 00; Single copy, Sc; with the itch to talk instead of doing.
weir make our ears tingle.
in bundles, 3c per copy.
Such is one of the niost important As have pointed out repeatedly in Current Literature devotes, fife: fruits already ripening on these columns, we are living in an age 0000000000000OOOO the tree of pages to the subjecti and declares that of revolutions, and it is the simple Felix Dha, nephew of Porfirio, Mexico struggle for economic inde No. 112.
people who are doing the revolting. the former president, has. cap. Pendence. It will be found, unless. We we have displayed a bad faith so flagrant, according to dailies in Lon Saturday, October 12, 1912. The French peasant was the man who tured Vern Cruz, which is Mex mistake greatly, that this first great actually forced the nobility to relax ico most important harbor. He o check io plutocratic aggression is don, Paris, Berlin, Viennia and Rorge that America has sunk to the level of its grip. The one rcal revolution Gero o seized two gumboats stationed about to bring other and still more Moliammedan power, in the moral inany has to its credit is known as the lo there, this arsenal and the gar difficult complications in its train. Peasants War. Whatever effective o. sison, and took possession of the While news from the Northern procedure we have verred in the inat olutions, adopted by the Ettor and Through our ignorance of Socialist We have received the following res sense. stand thie unfortunately peaceful Rus lo government offices, there being States has been coming in very disa ter of Haywood resolution calling for Giovannitti Defense League of San with two cartoons; one representing In England. Punch leads the way sians were able to make against Czar. practically no opposition. jointedly, it appears that guerrillas a general strike in case of intervention Francisco, October They differ Uncle Sam as blocking the entrance dom was the work of the peasantry. Madero has ordered all his o are constantly on the warpath, and in Mexico. The resolution will not considerably from the arguments tused to the canal, and the other depicting The agricultural millions of China otroops to concentrate in an effort that there is great interruption of come before the Socialist Party as a by the majority of the National Ex. the eagle as declaring he is not al prove to be the greatest revolution That leaves free the hands of Za bridges etc. Thus, the important tive Committee, voted it down. Ney Party in voting down the Haywood diation of Treaty. The London die Balkans are today throwing all o el leaders who, until recently, Coahuila, is reported as having only fore the party informally, and indeed resolution: view and any number of inſteoriál An olet country. sich England, Europe into hysterics by their des were grouped under Orozco.
onc line open, that from Monterrey before a vastly larger audience which Whereas: The Associated Harlots Papers take a similar position the Theo sleuco, are those which shows the peasants in Mexico have been causing latest development as foreshad of William Corte contractor for me is passing silent judgment on the So of our daily press are urging inter Post considering it now demonstrate America most esplicit sucial problem in its bollect and most plutocracy many a sleepless hour dur lowing the restoration of the Diaz o Mexican Northwestern, yielded rich vention by the United States in the ed that Haywood and Irvine voted in favor internal affairs of Mexico; and Per regime; or, at least, as the ap booty and fall an easy proy, although of the resolution: Harriman, Hilquit pledges are of no more value than the a comparison of shuise wo countries hape these people do not know enough onearance of a Napoleon, who it was supposed to have been guarded and Spargo voted against it. Berger sinister, end the Mexican revolution Whereas: In furtherance of this paper, they are written on.
Among German papers one notcs that truw invite the reader, assuring to hold conventions, tie themselves up will restore order with an iron and Hare abstained from voting.
horn of hocs Hiat rollections on the with red tape and discuss everything. hand. They forget Itat Napoists are systematically belittled and the Frankfurter Zeitung as saying Flooded with Protests.
from Esperanto to Christian Science. leon owed his strength, solely nited Suites will not be licking Job Harriman said: do not think their motives impugned by referring that this country has grown accus: Mexico City papers represent con that we, as a political party, have any to thein as bändits and robbers, so tomed to apply to its intercourse with Perhaps they are like my dog, who o and entirely to the fact that he ditions in the crucial State of Mexico right to attempt to call a general that the minds of tlie American peo foreign nations the business methods knows that he is entitled to his bone o restored the land, formerly mo itself as growing more and more crit strike. cr siue lue vernom cil Charles and fights for it. Te gets it, which onopolized by the feudal nobility, Cical. In fact, La Naciori, of Oct.
I, which takes its back nearly 11:10 Hillquit said: cannot subscribe narcotic of prejudice to tolerate such to any other principle but that of the more talkers do not.
to the peasants. In no other way carries as its front page head, the to the entirely unwarranted assertion an outrage, and hundred years, the Ilonse of Coorforde, by the magnates of the Bourse can Diaz, or any other man, hope words: The condition of the State that the Socialist Party has steadily stions has ruled England It has been Les Terops.
Mexico also has been until quite re to become strong in Mexico. Whereas: This nefarious campaign and of the Trusts. of Mexico grows worse, and the ar. refused to do its duty in regard to the is being conducted in the interest of which is the organ of the French for: termed the gentleman club, anal cently in the feudal stage, but it seems o Diaz proclamation states that oticie subjoined declares that formet so most appropriately for. every tlireatened war with Mexico, nor do II certain lus me that the difference between he will strive to enforce full a governmental department is flooded believe that the Mexican insurrection. Sharks and labor exploiters, who, with treatment of the Panama canalhas notorious American land eign office, writes that the entire til que recently, it has been com Tingland and Mexien has been not so o respect for the life and property with appeals for armed aid against the ists, many of whom åre reactionaries theit Mexican and European allies, been in violation of solemn pledges, posed of ile Innded geiltry Probhly such a difference between tlie gov of Mexic a more able govern nient never existed. erned as between the governing class that is his aim he is merely an o following is représented as increasing by the Socialists of the United States purpose of combining the despicable velt breach of the treaty by which for it gol everything at wantcıl, and In Fingland, as it seems to me, the other political pretender who continually. It says categorically as fellow revolutionists.
with thia: masterly liplomacy which governing class has shown not only seeks to perpetuate the very con that the federal forces existent in the system of peonage, which has made the sovereign independence of Colommakes the goose cluckle with delight: consummate diplomacy but also great ditions that made the revolution State of Mexico are scarcely sufficient which he criticised the wording of which can no longer be abated by, poSpargo made a long speech in Mexico a graveyard, the stench of bia. was supposed to have been assured while being plucked. It closed in a qualities of tenacity and courage. It against Porfirio Diaz imperative. to garrison, and even then inadequate Haywood resolution and protcsted litical disiniectants, and The Independance Belge declares common licrc and bought, when This is an economic struggle. lly, the places of the greatest import against Haywood statement that the has struggled bravely against the rishad to, an additional piece of real es.
ing tide. It has had ideals, and has it is not possible to leave the ance, such as Tenango, etc. which are Mexican revolutionists might be in a tocracy has evidently forgotten the has been materially, weakened and Whereas: Our thieving dollar aris that the force of the Monroe doctrine tate there, until it had all the material not yielded readily to the argument land monopolists in possession. finding themselves threatened on the far better position today if the So revolutionary traditions of the Unit this is the general attitude of the Geri resources of the country within its that the best thing to do was to sell o and also to give the people back o save date El Pais published a lead cialist party had not steadily refused ed States, and how we have ever de man and a portion of the English clutches. Only a few abnormal indiout and enjoy oneself in Paris. It their land. If the latter is not ing article in which it declared that to do its duty. He recited the fact manded freedom from interference by press, which considers that Europe viduals objected. The masses were has wanted to keep its hand on the o done; if the people do not regain its offices were deluged with protests that in March, 1911, the committee is foreign powers, be it perfectly conlent, for the traders lived helm, and has believed that it is not possession of the natural rights by the landed gentry; the lackey class. proper to abandon duties for a life of from which they have been oust gave no protection, coming invariably Troops. and that De Lara had spok vannitti Defense Leaguc, an organiza and South American affairs Resolved, by the Ettor and Gió its position and interfere in Central The with which Fugland still swarnıs, had pleasure. This. think, has been moed, all the blood spilled during too late, when they came at all. It en in favor of the revolution before tion whose sympathy with the op: Tribupa. of Rome, says that the good food in its stomach, good clothes fortunate for England, just as the the last eighteen months, will warns the public that the idea that the last national convention.
on its back and a good roof over its kinully slave owners of the South were liave been spilled in vain. There there is no remedy for Zapatism is pressed reaches beyond all national seneral shock at our head; the workers were given ema hindrance in progress, because they is, however, good reason to sup Obecoming general, and that the grav that Spargo is a liar. He knows that mers of the earth, that we hereby proWe hate to say it, but the fact is boundary lines to the utterinost cor: bring the old world powers closer together. It remarks that we stand ployment on the estates, and the class Anttttressel a system that bind to go o pose that the Mexican disinher est consequences are sure to follow the leaders of the party have done ev test against the United States govern among nations as. Judas Iscariot stood priđe of iny Lord and ady Bountiful The very virtues of the English land: oited understand that thoroughly, Its news columns stated that Toluca, erything in their power to boycott the ment serving as a stalking horse for among the apostles; a betrayer, an forced them to see to it that those owner have given him a strong hold and that until the land is seo a city of more than 25. 000 inhabitants, Mexican Revolution. He knows that international capitalism, and be it fur outcast, a criminal.
workers did not starve. Everybody on the afiections of the masses. Events stored they will continue to fight was threatened by three Zapatista Berger declined to have anything to ther In St. Petersburg the influential lelieved in that feudal, Protective sys are slackening that grip but it still on with the persistency, they chiefs, who had demanded its sur do with it, writing publicly that the tem. Everybody was convinced that exists and its influence is entirely con have exhibited liitherto. Like the renter, and that Eufemio Zapata was revolutionists Resolved, that we warn the powers Novoye Vremya explains that RusHe prosperity had to filter down from at Washington that any attempt to sia, not being a sea power, has no renders o proletariat everywhere, they have o at Coatepec, rear by, at the head of knows that Debs wrote against the suppress the righteous revolt of the personal interest in the question, belt above, and that My Lord lavish exmore and painful the of of penditures kept money in circulation, through whichi England has to pass. Oworld to win.
other towns in the State were record tional Socialist Review.
gave work and set the whole machine 000000000000000000 ed as having fallen. The American that for months, while men were being a feeling son contempt for any ad abroad. They cynically defy the terms He knows tyrannical taskmasters will, by creat. the Americans to their reputation in motion.
On the other hand, it seems to me that the feudal lords of Mexico have The Times bulletin boards of Oct. of a special force to protect his coun; were dying on the battlefield by the smouldering embers of revolutionary pledged, and they smile sarcastically Protection is only this feudal sysbeen personally a contemptible lot. 16, which are posted tlıroughout Los trymen employed in the El Oro hundreds, the Socialist press main sentiment in the United States to be at tem under another name, dressed out When they had no conception of any Angeles, blazed with a statement to camp tained a steady boycott.
in new togs to suit the lastuon of the From Oaxaca comes an account of that the proclamation he boasts of other than the facienda life, they. the effect that Taft was believed to He knows fanned into full flaine; and be it also world wonder. If the Yankees think tinics. The basic idea is identical with treated their serfs as no civilized man have given Madero notice that he must fierce fighting, at Vista Hermosa, be was issued during the Madero revolu to use any and all means in our power may be undeceived. The consequences Resolved, that we pledge ourselves they have played a clever trick, they that of leudalism, and when Republiwill treat his cattle. When new ideas restore order by Oct. 18, or abdicate. tween Indians and federals, the latter tion, and was so issued because the to make this protest effective.
can papers flourish the empty dinner Lawned in upon them and adventurers News of that character we distrust being routed. The general complaint Socialists inade the gigantic mistake B: MORTON, All this is making for the triumph pail they are only rehashing the argu dangled purses before their eyes, they utterly, for it appears to have no other the despatches relative to this State of upholding Madero. Finally, he of the Mexican Revolution as nothing SELIG SCHULBERG, thought nothing of their duties to foundation than the fact that Ambas is that on the approach of the fed knows, or should know, that De Lara mint that has done the English land.
cişccouid. DAVID MILDER, It has heated to fever monopolists service for the last three ward dependents, but only of the good sador Wilson has left, Mexico City, erals the Indians take to the moun sided with Madero, and fell into dis Committee. pitcli the distrust of American plutotimes they personally could have, dis ostensibly on a vacation, and the sup tains, and that pursuit is useless.
hundred years. It is the same old plea.
grace because, being given the comcratic aggressiveness; a distrust that that when the lord of the manor has sipating money in foreign capitals. position that the time named in a premand of troops, he ran away under FOR GOD SAKE, GO SLOW! is very actual and smoulders unceasmoney the workers will enjoy good They sold out their birthright, over vious notice calling for the suppres THE PEON TRUE NEED.
No Mexican Revolutionist has The Toledo Union Leader, which ingly. Thereby it has drawn all the times, and there is nothing else to it. Cotton Weekly and over again, for the merest mess sion of the revolution is about to ex(Canada) is the sliglitest 11se for De Lara.
Furthermore, when write of the today. when their pire, pottage. and advertises itself as owned and con Latin stock. alike of Europe and Cenrunning a really admirable series of English landed gentlemen as able gov: It is a lie that the Socialist Party, trolled by Toledo Central Labor Un tral and South America, more closely, Nevertheless, such suppressive abil, articles by Antonio Araujo, encountry is in trouble. most of them errors am thinking of the extraorarc Wding in Los Angeles and other ity as Madero may have possessed titled The Truth about Mexico. Mr. done anything but discourage the eco tional Cigarmakers Union has pro tion; for the money bags of Wall as represented by its leaders, has ever Jion, is delighted because the Interna together. That of itself constitutes a dinary fact that they not only have licn cities, wretched crew, from seems to grow steadily less.
kept their own people comparatively very reason quickeners of a transition has come that of Gen Felix Díaz, led him for years into prison and now was disgraceful enougla. To lie: about extract the following sentence the character standpoint. but for that heels of the desestion of Gen Aguilar cause of Land and Liberty, which people are engaged. That in itself in lengtliy resolutions, from which we Street hunger for Ísatin trade and contented with that sort of talk. but thñt they have made it gospel wher that is inevitable. The net result is nephew of Porfirio. Diaz is reading holds him in exile, understands his it makes the matter ten times worse.
ever the Britisli flag is planted, and that, whereas the English disinherited another itprising in Vera Cruz, and is subject well and writes on it from the The American Federation of La country is likely to be made the subimpregnated the New World with the have still a lingering affection and believed to have a considerable fol. inside point of view. He contrasts CAMINITA OFFENSE.
bor realizes that a chain is no strong ject of a cigid and most bitter bojer than its weakest link, that the grand cott. Furthermore, Mexico feels now sajne preposterous delusion respect for their rulers, which makes lowing. The immediate surrender of the situation of the Mexican with that The United States has taken its thought, ihem hesitate to attack, the Mexican Ciudad, in the State of Jalisco, a sec of the Canadian worker, pointing out palm trees and more thickly with gib wance much further than its most Street invasion, assistance will pour plain, sprinkled, sparsely, with army of organized labor cannot ad assured that, in the event of a Wall as it took the common law which disinherited are only too anxious to tion previously free from revolution: that the factory slavery, to which bets, from each of. which hangs a backward column.
in from many quarters, and that is rules it, from England; and have get at their masters throats and pay ary activities, is demanded; and it is thousands are doomed in Canada has Turk. Across it strolls an Italian ofstiffening the backbone of every revoeternallyNowheard an Irisit rebel Dennis Kearney, of old grudges. That helps a lot.
noted that the rurales at Puebla have no parallel in Mexico. In the follow ficer in full uniform, with a woman, that is just what is the matter with lutionist. Fear of the armed Colossus mutinied. Meanwhile the censorship ing paragraph he gives the reason, representing the Catholic church, lean the whole American labor movement of the North has been for many years in fact yelling for Protection and using the self sane arguments with which his bitterest foes, the English president of the Chinese Republic, a sign of governmental trouble.
roots of the present Revolution.
and is an economic revolutionist, has gentry, fooled their own people for Current Literature probably hits at the ghastly fruit the gibbets bear. these last fifty years. It is, and always ico. That fear is beginning to be ex Climate in the Southern countries That is all.
The entire treatment of lias been, in a position that calls for posed as the bogey it actually is.
written a remarkable article which the the nail on the head when it says, se does not demand and never will de: the subject is singularly restrained and relentless attack; but it is paralyzed generations. According to the Kearney type, unless the Carnegies, the International Socialist Review. clusion from the foreign world seems mand such varieties of clothes and refined ROOSEVELT ASSAILANT.
It merely suggests, and is by the contemptible collectivist doctranslates from Le Jouvement So to have become the main purpose of dress goods as cold countries, like quite free from brutally realistic de trine which teaches that no one can Schwabs, the Morgans, etc. are perFor fully two months past the Los mitted to take in the shekels the com, cialiste le says: If, at the outset Madero existence. Even the ambas Canada, riced from factories and mills.
Angeles Daily Times has been assailmove unless the whole mass moves.
mon people cannot expect anything, of the career or our Chinese Republic. sadors, whose rank entitles them to Mexico producing coffee, tobacco, It is for having drawn this cartoon Instead of recognizing that its ranks ing Roosevelt with every phrase and When the manor house flourishes all we do not take thought to defend our personal access to the ruler of the sugar, cocoa, rice, all kinds of fruits that Caminita is in jail, and it seems are fiad of garlant spirits who wish for epithet it could rake out of its dicthe tenantry does well. It is the same selves against the establishment of country, have found occasional diffi and vegetables, corn, wheat, beans, to us the most monstruous thing we nothing better than to forge to the tionary, of invectiveAccording to this oli cry; prosperity has to hegin at capitalism, then in the very near fu culty in penetrating as far as the press etc. must take care, and will take care ever heard of. If it were not that we front, its leaders invariably hold the Times he: bas been everything from the top and trickle down.
more terrible than that of the Manchu of incessant representations on behalf from which life comes to the people. might spoil the sale of cards, on which entire body in check for the sake of a sneak thief an incurable para dynasty, awaits us, and rivers of blood of German sufferers. French sufferers, and that is the reason why the land defense, we should reproduce the car them and you will wait for eternity: crazed with the ambition to found a The Old Toryism in Great Britain root of all this rev toon in Regeneracion.
has ruled for centuries The Old ToI quote that paragraph because it rep his capital have long ceased to be safe olutionary movement.
At the very best you will talk, as ali dynasty.
Tyisın in this country has ruled rathresents the position in Mexico, as the to the casual pedestrian. Every mornMoreover, it was not even published the Socialist leaders talk, of a revolu term argument persistently for every er more than half a century. Both Magons and the Liberal Party lave ing brings to the exccutive car rę. LIFE S: OUTCAST NUMBER. in paper. It was merely exhibited tion as ultimately inevitable; but, of ounce it could be made to bcar, That argument seems to have gat on are now in trouble, and they are in at the Sociological Library as one of course, not in our time.
Let us take off our hats once more the specimens of Caminita talent.
seen it from the first. They have con newed intimations that intervention is, the sort of trouble from which no inHis bulletins from the to Life as the cleverest comic We are proud of that talent; proud to ly preachers.
sidered that in their country capital inevitable.
That means that you are still mere the nerves of a Alt. Schrank to such an extent that he deemed it his duty clividual genins, however colossal, can ism has only just leaved into the sad seat of war seldom fighten the weight weekly in the country, and a Revolu think that he co operated with us as haver constructed a paradise, just as to remove the would be man on horse extricate then What they are up tionist without fear and without re editor of the Italian section of Re has the church, which lies only in the banks dle, and that it is still possible to un of luis official grandeurs.
against is the changed spirit of the horse it. They have not considered it The same authority reports Euro: proach. It is always on the firing generacion; confident that liis pencil future.
times; begotten mainly by the treThat means that, although comes out with monstrous cartoons, necessary that the Mexican proleta. pean, military experts as saying that line, but never has it puured in hotter will get puncture manyaa barbarity you may have the soap Box urge, you calling on the authorities and public mendous economic revolution tlırough riat should be saddled with this new ehe best strategists are on the side of shot thart in its Outcast number. and injustice, and render invaluable Haven any urge for action. That opinion to drive Anarchists out ex yyhich we have been passing, but part and most oppressive rider for genera the rebels, and that the Madero forces Get it and study the cartoons. Above service to the cause of the disinher means, on the contrary, that you want How conky by the political revolutions to which tions to come, whatever may be the seem incapable of holding the initia, all, read John Kendrick Bangs The item.
to go on talking forever, because you those economic changes incvitably If you are going to hold writera and led. The world has changed, and transition has been gradual. and the point out that the situation is such ditions to which hitherto workingmen fore whom Caminita was brought said your job will stop: We are informed that the judge be: knoy that when the talking stops agitators, who stir up discontent, changed profoundly. Huge cities spring up like mushrooms, in obcdiAs for the grand army of organịzed answerable for the deeds of other They consider that in the henequen mass tactics is at a dreadful disadvan nowhere political schemings, havejectionabilem in the cartoon, but the labor, so that is all buncombe. Labor unknown to them according to ence to the centralizing demands of fields of Yucatan, the tobacco planta tage. It is a war of individual action, been blind and deaf. Lifecartoons prosecutor insisted that it was dangers today is prostrate beneath the heel of infamous precedent created in the text manufacturing and commerce.
Tije tions of the Valle Nacional, and sim: the man with the riffe, knowing how are of the stuff that forces men to Dus hecause Camiñita was an Anara capital. While it has been orating and ecution of the Chicago Anarchists grouping of workers by the thousands and tens of thousands engenders a ilas hells, their people have had a short to use it, being supreme.
think Would that one could say as chist! So, he and Gallo, in whose resolutionizing, and waiting for the you should do the thing thoroughly and sharp experience which is quite class spirit which no amount of moralSympathy for Mexico. much of Sbor press!
ten per cent of the pro store the exhibition was given, are stragglers! to pick up capital has and do it right. For example, it any the enough, and they have raised izing can talk away. Democracy held for trial. They are accused of gathered into its clutches the entire outside individual was responsible for standard of revolt. They think, with The European press has been disborn, and democracy crowds the old Sun Yat Sen, that Mexico still has cussing most actively the probability.
inciting, revolt against the Italian resources of the country and now the shot that killed McKinley, that landed geutry more and more from government Please think it over.
time in which to defend itself against of intervention by the United States, Mammoth Big Hall; 517 S: Broadway, reigns with a power no plutocracy in individual unquestionably was. Witliam Randolf. Hearst. Similarly if the seats of political power Veverpast history ever attained.
not neglecting to dwell on the fact the establishment of capitalism.
Sunday, Oct. 20, pm.
theless the landed gentry is economthere is one individual more than an: MONTEVIDEO RESPONDS.
that it will be the task of putting WM. OWEN.
ically, far more potent than it ever was other who has spared no pains to co Admission, ten cents.
down nation wide guerrilla operations By letters received from MontiThe following will be the program: video, Urugiray, it is evident that the before Owning the sites on which. Syrups of all flavors. Conserva. ate the impression that urged Schank BERGER BACKER, and that such a campaign mustofa Address in English by William conviction of Ricardo and Enrique tion, Socialism, Initiative and Refer to attempt Roosevelt life, that india toslay iinniense metropolises stand it Samuel Untermyer, head of the Sessity, be long and costly, botherin Owen, editor, English section, Re: Magon, Rivera and. Figueroa, prosendum, Federal Control. Votes for vidualis unquestſonably, Hifrison enjoys incomes of which its foregeneracion.
fathers never dreamcd Owning the his vicws on what are called, ironi seems to be on question that the II. El Hijo del Pueblo. Revolu of the revolutionary element there, bor Privileges, Recall of Decisions, Ceat supplies, the iron supplies, the It is by and because of the direct water powers and all the other natura! appeal strongly to his humanitarian in the matter of the Panama Canal. tionary bain, to be sung by the aus which is keenly alive to the encroach Commission Rule, Race Suicide QuesTesources, it evies, from manufacturments of American plutocracy. Au tion. It is the picture of a soda acts of the fore fürners of social. by Zeledon; instincts, and especially does he ap has gone far toward alienating Euroand workers. a tribute which would have turuled the brain of Wil prove of the insurance palliative, now pean sympathy. It has caused the recited by Senior Francisca. Men sust, fourid an immense crowd as fountain bar, with Roosevelt as the change, whether they be of peaceful liam the Conqueror. It holds the whis and addresses were delivered by Car ing smilingly. What Yours? Thus Conscience, the conscience on the with that distinguished statesman, looked at askance, the powerful Le Irand, and when. Democracy thinks it IV. Address in Hebrew by D: Gissllos Balsan, Antonio Loredo and ath Mayer, in the N, Times holds mass, becomes aroused to, the need has arrived by electing a few memVictor Berger, as its champion in this Temps (Paris) stating bluntly that er well known revolutionists, who ex the Bull Moose party, and indeed our for change. It would be very atupid Farewell to Thec. Voltairine country. Nir. Untermyer remarks that Nicaragua is engaged in an effort to bers to the House of Commons, Democracy inerely proves itself an ass such propositions are regarded as the preserve her autonomy against a pow. de Cleyre facorite sonis, rendered by plained the Mexican Revolution as whole political system, up to ridicule to say that no good results are ever The old rulers still rule, because they Precursors of vast quasi Socialist that is endeavoring to crush for Comrades Linda Lopez, Eleana ca part of the world wide struggle of the At the political pothouse every kind Scought about by political ction have the wit to know that rule de stiture or a compromise by the cap Panama Canal more secure Similar piano accompaniment scheme, which is suggested as a sub the sake of rendering its hold on the naiz, and Tomas Farrell Cordero, with dicular the part that stipuld be played your vöte and if you don sce what that way. But never until individu bellion, followed by mass rebellion, pends on possession of the purse italist class for Socialism.
ly thë London Times has collected kas forced it: Direct action is always vi. Address in Italian by Michele verywhere by the energetic minor you want, ask for it Moreover, tliey have not that fatuous If you think Mr: Untesmyer doesn the opinions of numerous papers Fasano, The so called good politician. is the clamorér the initiator, that belief in big words with which Deknow what he is. talking about, or that throughout South America, all of through which the great sum of in!
mocracy drugs itsell, and they are. Address Spanish by Rsues at stake launch themselves boldhe hasn discussed this very question which yoice open hostility to the in: Palacios editor Regeneracion.
ly into the larger revolutionary move but the connecting link between the working differentists, becomes aware that op and always have seen, ready to sight with Rockefeller, Morgan Co. you vasive itendencies of North American. class.
thé proletariat VIII El Hijo del Pueblo, etc. ments, that appeal, of necessitý, to all bad politician and th for their privileges at the drop of the pression is getting intolerable; Vol have another guess coming. plutocracy. To quote the correspon. All the piano accompaniments will Itaitine de Cleyre hat. That counts a lot.
Jbc by: Comrade Linda Lopez.
of istence.
come. WS VAI. 19