Edina WILLIAMS OWEN Spell Take English Section REGENERACION Impossibilists!
Lull Succeds Long Spell Take Stand!
of Storm Drop The Bone To Grasp Its Shadow. O OOC So, now 車 Municipalization were invented what they conceive to be a Regeneracion.
Monroe Doctrine cure all, they have lost all sight of the original disease and do not even think Published every Saturday at it worth their while to watch the paWhat is this Monroe Doctrice, tient. say that the ordinary So Impossibilists! This is the word The editors of 914 Boston St. Los Angeles, Cal.
generacions have yoked so feverishly by the sterests sent the letter given below to Les now clamoring lors intervention in cialist indifference to the great Mex: bandied once more from mouth to Tolephone: Home 1360.
ican Revolution is because it is not mouth by the shepherds terrified lést Temps Nouveaux, of Paris with the Mexico It rests on Presidedt MonSUBSCRIPTION RATES: statement that they jotend to give it roe message to Congress in working itself out at the ballot box, the flock should get beyond control, 1823, months, 60c; months, 10; and that the average Single Taxer is Impossibilists! It is time for us to the widest publicity in the revolution nearly a century ago, at aktirde when year. 08; Single copy, 5c; hostile because the disinherited peon enquire what is and what is not im ary press, Les Temps: Nouveaux is it was belicved the European powers in bundles, 3c per copy. has not adopted the plan recommende possible.
the successor to a Revolte, would try to establishe monarchy in ed by Henry. George as the casio It is impossible to cure helplessness which Kropotkine was long cditora the western hemisphere and thereby from which all poverty springs method of doing away with private and it has Jean Grave as business imperil the republicanism of the Uáit No. 64.
property in land. personally had while leaving in full activity the causes manager, It enjoys, therefore, consided States. The passage on which the Saturday, April 6, 1912.
acquaintance with some erable prestige in Europe, but not on doctrinel is founded runs as follows: Henry that make men helpless. Minimum George, and was always positive, wage compulsory arbitration and sim that account have we singled it out for We could not view any interposition alike from his letters, his books and ilar measures so dear to lawyers and notice, since we are not worshippers for the gurpose of oppressing them, of, the one conversation cvijoyed, that officials who thrive on the multiplica of big names or established sepata controlling in any other tions. We even to him the abolition of land monopoly tion of laws, cannot belp us so long as even think them usually a destiny, by any European power in mander their was everything and the method gub. monopoly endures. They cannot for 100 00:00:00 about the passing of the Dick law or handicap, for humanity is too prone any other light thar as the manifest that the When American and other even today realizes that it has made to sit down, congratulate itself on tation of an unfriendly, disposition tosidiary detail.
commands the situation and dictates plutocrats bought Mexican possible conscription, after the most what it has accomplished and become ward the United States. approved European model, When took hold of this English the terms.
ella conservative stựmbliog block. TheThe doctrine rests, therefore, on a When, in bitter need and without land by the Sundreds of square From various newspaper reports it letter has been written as notice to mere presidential message: section nearly a year ago had no milen did they ask what right? appears. certain also that the army and more than ones revolutionary editor That message was delivered nearly conception of the extent to which the being able to give good security, you the vendors had to sell it? Did navy boards have been continuously and writer, that the Mexican Revoluşa century ago, when tho United States mass of Socialists and Single Taxers try to borrow. money, the anti usury they ask how it was that a few in joint consultation, enquiring into tion is a subject too large to be strad were really republican, there being No one can become a real champion is in bondage to the slavery of plan. laws do not protect you in the least.
transportation, facilities by sea and alcd, and that to ignore it while pro great economic liberty, substantial were able to dispose of princiwithout brains and courage, and it Knowing that the Mexican Revolution You must pay the loaner price for länd, wo battiçships and a cruiser fessing to stand at the head of the economic equality and no class war have been sent to the Gulf of Mexico revolutionary movement is an absurd between the rich and poor. les Daily Times is a real champion merous letters to active Socialists of business and not the law decides the palities? Of course they did pot They took their alleged Despatches from Washington, dated ity. The letter is as follows: prohibition legislation. That class April 2, declared that, as the result of It was intended obviously to preof plutocracy. We may not like the my acquaintance, and was astonished bargala, and this is typical of all titles knowing them to be abå cabinet meeting, Madero had been vent intervention, for it was a declarapaper, but no onc can deny that it has to various Single Taxers, for knew of remedy is impossible.
It is impossible to get richer by solutely fotten. They knowing the sagacity to recognize an enemy, that the land question was everything informed officially that the Vera Cruz. In your issue of March there ap tion that the powers of Europe had ly made themselves partnera in line must be kept open for the delitz pears a letter by Froment on the no right to interfere with weaker nawhen it sees one, and the pluck to in Mexico, and assumed that the municipalizing industries while: leav.
one of the most gigantic crimes erv, of arms to Mexico City, and that Mexican Revolution. In our opinion tionalities, for the purpose of opsaid for ninc tenths of the labor and followers of the great writer who ing land monopoly intact. You mere.
failure to do so would have the that letter is most unjust to the revogressing them or controlling in any on record By every Principle traced all poverty and tyranny to priely enrich the landlord. His property so called revolutionary press.
of justice they should be pungravest consequences. It was relution, to the Mexican Liberal Party other manner their destiny.
ported also that fous army transports and to Regeneracion, of which we Yet on the strength of that mere while these latter have ignored the watc property in and would be pro rises in value and he raises your rents foundly interested. They were not. proportionately.
Mexican Revolution or been too in: From one man, whose name is known It is impossible to win by hiring ished. Most certainly they are at Hampton Roads, full coäled and are editors. We enter, therefore, pub message intended so obviously to should not be upheld by Amer. ready to take aboard 4, 500 troops, to lic protest and shall take special pains check Authority, plutocracy has made that most ominous upheava! to every Single Taxer, received an Legislators and other to fight for you: enforce the keeping onen of the line to bring that protest. before the claims that the United States has a yourselves must stop In its issue of answer of which the following is the You are the ones robbed and you o icap bayonets.
its special study, essential part. OO All ships of the Atlantic fleet have world revolutionary press. In this right to assume the role of Authority: a revolúbeen ordered to be at their home we consider ourselves justified, both to play the policeman; to step in and that revolution inwardness and ten are concerned, we have nor objection involve risk, and always, the bireling Orozcos expected advance on Torre March 26 the following true sketch of As far as our Single Tax interests Paid agents never yet tion and never will; for revolutions According to despatches of April fitting ports by. April 15, for repairs and re because the revolutionary movement see that a nation struggling for eco cannot afford to be misled on la sub nomic freedom shall pay its tribute dencics appeared: to having people dispossessed, for, to Meanwhile another scare has been ect of such enormous importance as regularly, to absentee landlords and Socialism has found a remarkably having planted and nourished the tree the past fifty years plutocracy has one has been checked by Campa fail: started in connection with the report is the Mexican Revolution and be money loaners.
because you relied on your paid repforce estimated at 2, 000, under the of Magdalena Bay, as part of the est stab in an attack that has been United States is actually on the beat; the last few years. This doctrine is plain of the fruit.
bcing promulgated by agitators in it will be observed that not only resentatives to fight it, which they command of Generals Villa, Tellez, 000, 000 acres and 360 miles of Mexican carried on for months by the under is patrolling the border with thou: hand methods of irinuendo, depreca sands of soldiers, although no Mexiof. seeds does this best man rather like it did which these cmissaries are now sowo when people are driven off the land. It is impossible, quite impossible, pelled to fall back on Jimenez. The speculators as their property a typ the good faith of an immense upheaval is policing the distribution of arms hints ing may spring into a harvest of trou without which they cannot live, but to give the many their rights without. correspondents unite in the opinionical case on which we have comment which, so far as shown by your pages, and seeing that Madero, who stands distant future. Already, the masses back they receive no sympathy. They Reformers, and many who pose as bled to investigate.
that the rebels, who are expropriating and to this fatter face is largely duc Single Tax plan they are unorthodox. that they can perform this miracle was elecom Porsico whichingen, merta venes in Mexico a Japanese force will Making much pretense of faitness property interests, do not get them are being arrayed against the classes, are not compaigning according to the revolutionists, tell you perpetually borhood of Timinez, before be can ad the moment the United States inter the strength of the Zapata and Gomez cape of Gen. Aubert after the federal revolts. In the opinion of persons who Press censorship in Mexico is, if leave our readers to be sole judges of who tries to cross the border that he have made a close study of the pop yourself if the spectacleris not patban those who are raising this Impossi porcing his cay North, the threatened gets hisingen, there is no cessation of the great central facts on which alone like interrazzina Look at the matter straight and ask other side fathers the lie.
Such is the general program of defeat at Corralitos evidently gave the possible, more stringent than ever, the facts, the letter in question pro may help his country in her struggle Mexico, the time is closely approache sands of people quite in carnest, quite béniat hart hey he anticimien masses of the base of supplies at Chihuahua He guerrilla Warfare Particularly does adequate judgment can be formed, but this the entire State of Chihuahua and the so called aristoca kind is a racy, or financial powers, must be necessity. But it MUST be accord classes be left to eat it undisturbed. where he was defeated by heine Lebeds Cruz, through which the arms for what has been a long and most ardu sreatest of all land monopolists.
fought to a finish. This day is coming to their special pattern, and it cv It is itself the most impossible of pio after an engagement in which losses Mexico City must pass, and in Sina ous struggle. Even those it distorts, How faithfully, the Mexican Revoink, irrespective of what may be the olütion works otherwise so much the grams We, on the other hand, wliom on both sides were reported as heavy. loa. Orozco is said to have received presenting them in that half lightlition mirrors the struggle isat is rending every nation! Yet there are result of the present internal turmoil. worse for evolution. They have heard they brand as irresponsible dreamers, thenfled through the mountains a letter from Zapata urging co operas which always misleads.
thousands of radicals, and even revoFully one third of the cominunica lutionists, who cannot see that there the temperament and secret aspiration of affairs unmatched for Brutality only possible but are the very things pursuit having at their command to have acquiesced. Many of the land barons who know that in Mexico there exists a condi suggest that the following are not with Fernandez, Salazar and Campa in tion in the attack on Mexico City and tion consists of quotations from a pri is anything in it.
tions of the masses are preparing for in Darkest Russia, and undoubtedly which sooner or later, you will have forces estimated at 2, 500, but he evertually cluded them, PEACEL GENTLE PEACE!
vate letter by some unnamed writer, what they believe is to be the inev. they would like to see that condition to do itable result of the general discontent overthrown. That the Mexican peon, in which is reiterated the charge made It is quite possible for you to insist The Tevolt of the Twentieth Battal Within a single column the Los by Cronnaca Sovversiva, to the effect that is now manifesting itself by sell misunderstood as being the most hum that monopoly must go and a genuion of the Federal troops at a critical Angeles Daily Times of April man that Magon had circulated a reing their vast estates at a sacrifice, ble of persons, has risen against his inely square dcal be started. Thou moment in the battle of Corralitos aged to convey the following Pacific actionary prospectus, as to which it There has been a general exodus of sands of Mexicans have so insisted has occupied much space in Mexico. Coast war intelligence: remarks: send you one that you In the California Social Democrat arrested yesterday country during the last few months. poses, mental satisfaction. They may have started the square deal: Unless, Officer who tried to stop the revolt, tators This is particularly true of the Span: cessione sepolt in one country furthers therefore you are inferior to them in Distöhin ihanide cierge killed instantes Around the planet of the Stade mais ceiving those who are so stupid as to requests received from Socialists in iards who in times past owned many the revolutionary movement in others, pluck and intelligence it is quite pos but the mutineers were subsequently were string fifty special officers believe them sincere revolutionists. towns where municipal elections are vast acreage tracts. It is claimed that als no speeches or small political vie sible for you to do what they have attacked bỳ Gen. Blanquet coluinn armed with shotguns and with orders it then comments in the most hostile about to be held. He cites Pasadena dene.
the cxisting down trodden and op: torics by any possibility can further to shoot any one who attempted to manner on the alleged fact that Ma Columbus, and many other cities pressed condition of the peons is The mob made a desit.
It is quite possible to insist that the But, though they feel all this As it is impossible for any revolu cross the line.
gon has written of Zapata as com 40 prove that electric light and power liave been cheapened greatly by muthe. sates, rade.
them by their wealthy, ranch and instincts, for they have sworn adher to all, and the productive capacity of big battles continuously the six days retary of the I: was repulsed; Having reproduced this nameless fact that rents have been promptly nicipalization, but says nothing of the plantation employers, and it is owing ence to a special plan and into the the race be allowed full play by giv fighting at Corralitos has been suc Lmade a second attempt and was beat.
letter and thus with your kindly as: raised, thus leaving thíc worker not to this fact that there has been aroused Framework of that plan they hope to ing it, free access to the machinery of ceeded by a calm, broken for the first en back by police clubs.
a strong sentiment in favor of confis. coax or force the rest of us.
production it has evolved.
time by the news as to Campa reAt Hoquiam, Wash. fifty regular sistance préjudiced all readers against one penny better off. He is awarc, cating and dividing among the masses It is quite possible to insist that no verse at Parral: Meanwhile thë Unit and these big properties.
When, more than three centuries one shall bar you from the use of this ed States press has run over with rehecked the WWqutbreak and selline on teflections on the obvious the entire chain of Municipal Social: Emilio Zapata is conducting his revesle hurled defiance at Rome, drove from which you must make your liv indirectly, with the all important ques and all others who openly preach se: land they need not worry about wages for he closes his letter thus Boost This is the platform upon which ago, England was truly great; when carth, to which you were born and ports and articles dealing, directly or care arresting the W. leaders plaining that if the Mexicans, get the ism argument worse than worthless, volution in the southern part of the the Spanish armada from her shores ing. This is not merely possible; it is tion of intervention.
republic. Individually he was a long and, by asserting the right to express imperative.
ed the day previous all except two or dently not sufficiently acquainted with but be sure and emphasize the neces Who, then, are thc Impossibilists. For American Defense, three, were ordered to leave town, og het grandi cing and ali powering that great movement of emancipation Simple way in the labor politiciansson, the nursed the mention the shipped out the relay Rayimning asli, e Regeneracion in which, for the ben the reason of a few targelandiordes One hundred Greeks who were our perpetual teaching, and we think they are operated for the benefit of all.
land owner.
vengeance upon former oppressors of gave birth to science, the struggle was cisco They were in power there for thousand Krag Jorgensen rifles and a again, with two hundred angry citi until recently. so numerous in Mexico, it adds untruth to bolster up previ him and his people. In many respects conditions in line. Men perished at the stake, but years. Did the result satisfy you? million rounds of ammunition were zens prodding them along.
Mexico afford to the politcal ccono in so doing they bade their comrades They have been pursuing this safe sent from New that lesson is not driven home.
City to Vera Also at Hoquiam, Dr. Titus, So On the other criticisms of the letter place, that the objection is not that ics of the age. Here are to be found Jay lighted a candic that shall never stools policy for generations. Sec 30 brought the news that the rebels hearing and bound over landlords are enabled to reduce their taxes but that they are able to inCaps never confronted any other gove know where the battie would be mitians o ewenemployed and life hard tice that they would do all in their He is charged with sealion in. com and had näụscam, that the Mexican even by municipalidation than it ever.
power to stop delivery, and that, if nection with the present labor dis Liberal Party bas evolved, and that tries or other methods a neighborhood of indusmands of the lowly peun class which standard the fighting would be ficrcat the same time serve and protect the est; but they knew the battle was. on; PROFESSOR TALKS STRAIGHT: city, they would attack the American In San Diego, Cal. the day produced long since abrogated: Furthermore of first class importance because here, element the rights and increase in mests of then the greatest thing in life, viz: special lecturer on economics in the many quarters that the sending of the series the claskësi between two wives have explained thát copies found in Los Angeles, sonce or the necesi the higher and wealthy members of liberty of conscience; they knew, as ali University of Berkeley, recently said these arms to which Madero consent and sailors from the cruiser cause at that particular moment we raising heñven and earth to have the questions that is denganding attention that the letter Killeth and the spirit stop the work of either the reformist based on the admission that the center Blick hered started beheer Benjamin propaganda muries and had no other community taxed for improvements on the part of those who want to giveth life. Standing for authority of the revolutionary Socialists. The listing Mexican government is no long. Anarchist, is to be deported. 2) We cannot remeniber that any the value of their real estate. Did: As we go to press the news comes of us has ever written of Zapata as space permit, and were running a uation preserved.
Times knows well that the spirit Blishi what they inwisko ten accomplish sestädtere openedes she pitwenty sixth that armed Vigilantes seized all comrade but if we have, we are local paper, would gladly give ele?
going to learn a lot by session of Congress, April 1, with a prisoners, who had been turned not ashamed. When Zapata bids the tails and names as they have come, Angeles right: absolutely right. It is a thor Scrous of foes; and we also, who are trying, and; incidentally, they are go characteristically long message of 10, over to them by the police, and trans peasant dispossess the land monopo and come daily, within my personal of the. know naghly reliable watchdog of privilege spirit lies the promise of a future they will not be able to accomplisti peace was near but that United States ported them beyond the county bor list, and actually helps him to do so, with a noge that acents infalliby the which will not be denied. The candle Socialism through legal reform. The intervention would mean bitter war.
radeship than we do toward the talk most uncandid in suggesting that the In the second place, Mr. Lewis is approach of danger to its master. It of economic freedom has been lit and samc gentleman said, with a wisdom He estimated the federal forces at: 40, ing revolutionists of the parlor On landlords would not reap the farvest dey nnt care how the unwelcome vis shall not be extinguished.
which happily will be lost on Gen. 000, apart from those maintained by NO CALL FOR TEARS.
the other hand, the files of Regenéitor is dressed; it does not care whethWM. OWEN, Otis, that the capitalists had been very the governments of various States, but Guarded as he sits in exile. Gen. racion bear ample witness to the fre would not be true, and that could not or hc labels himself Socialist or An.
foolish in fighting trades unions, for said recruiting would increase the Ter Fazžas shares with Djaz war son quency with which we have declared be true, until Socialists had abolished archist, I, Trade Unionist or THE PROLETARIAT WING. they were bulwarks of the present number: within a short time. row: imber peaceo contespatched into the Mexico Iron Man secluded that if Zapata should become author the Tand monopoly which enables and what not; for it uses all these terms order, and he remarked that Pittsimpartially. What it cares about is Ten thousand unemployed and burg, where they have been crushed Madero. to Gomez were reported. decimated by rebel looters. That is should be opposed as sturdily as we charge all the traffic will bear. That that its master sleep is disturbed to San Diego; new contingents to be out was rapidly becomingja seething April 3, as having returned with the the Times head for its front page always have opposed the personal am: is the first thing Socialists should do.
that its master property is threatthe air which trodes no good. What Angeles and all along the line, the added that and had talked with Frisk sigrand the wat would continue. Ad caption under the cut describes has developedis come safely, with vast advantage to which has grown, and is growing fought to a finish; then a return to mistic and worried over the outlook to the Los Angeles Evening Herald. caption is good and the head is good from the charge of being monstrous. It is because Socialists deal in halfZapatists ly unjust you must judge our move: truths that their propaganda is so unwith cyclonic rapidity, a contest be the lumber. mills of Washington, THE LAWRENCE LESSON. around Mexico City. They had given Don get mawkish over Terrazzas ment and ourselves not by some spe: satisfactory, and it is because fween the disinherited and the privi where a general strike has been called Thel fact that workers of all na notice of intention to take Puebla by troubles. He is stopping, with acial passage in a large literature, but Mexican Revolution accepts the whole level with a set determination on the docs that look like social peace?
part of the former to strip tlie latter Does it look like a contented people? tionalities acted as one man in the assault: The Hearst papers in particular have ily and a retinue of servants and at by our writings taken as a whole. We land that its propaganda is so satisof their monopolics. It docs not care work, or as if the American laborer all sides as a triumph of organization been full of alleged details of the tendants, at one of our most swag do not about the incidents, and is does not ballot in hand, is the self satisfied and a testimony to the strength of in United States plans for the invasion ger hotels. Of course you understand.
own writings go who face instead of dodging the issue.
one in cutting Woad and that both the factory. One is dcaling with people.
goal the recovery.
What it cares about is the general con. There has been fully a generation of of the kind. What it really testifies army is to embark from Mobile, Ala; doing other serviceable chores to pay their inheritance by the disinherited: More and more this section deals For all we know our writing may with the land issue in the United ico) is now in the throcs of parturi constant revolutionary talk by the in. to is the fact that action is the great another cross the Rio Grande from the bill, not be as polished as that of some of States, that it may make clear the tion and is giving birth to a child who the inen at the bottom have got tired brings men and women together in a shipped from San Diego, Cal. It is the intellectuals, but no one dare! solidarity, which should exist between may make trouble in the futurc; that and begun to act?
day as years of solemn business meet declared that the camps have been se Torce forged and riveted the chains: question its straightness and honesty. the disinherited of this country and those of Mexico.
from her loins has sprung the conings and red tape flummery, cannot. lected and that detachments from fora toteco economic slavery. Fräud teaches In this particular We have to suggest to you also that flict between the peon class and the It is so in Mexico. Under the cement ty three States will take part. Gereçono matter of municipal ownership we it is not your business, or that of have to do over again the work done financial THE SILK STOCKING BRIGADE. ing spell of action Mexicans who Lorbes so called aristocracy.
sbes of California, has been te the slave to hug them. Les Temps Nouveaux, to pass judg. which must be fought to a ment and decide whether the editors by Henry George in Social Probso splendidly nearly thirty years ago and in Will the United States en Regeneraclien That is the one important with Socialism and affords encourages speak a score of dialects and can bare ported as saying that the camp at are, or are not, lems. It is the work the Single Taxgood Anarchists, as measured by your ers ought to do, but they turned their to the Times for having the sagacity progressive. press. so called, tcems pest conjeration are acting in perfound satisfactory; that within a few Your business is someto recognize and the frankness to ac daily with assaults upon wealthy men, the sense of common interest, and the placed in San Diego, and that the Intervene in Mexico. yardstick, backs on it long ago.
their knowledge it.
thing quite different, for it is your wealth, Big can be increased to fully 10, necess ties 67 the combat cvoke fra number business, special privilege, predatory Send for copies of paramount duty to put yourself to the trouble of ascertaining whether there We will speak out, we will be ficard, 1t is unfortunate that the general wealth. oathsome capitalism with ternity Continuous argument, on the 000 within three weeksi other hand, jatensifies private differ To Amend Dick Law. Regeneracions is, or is not. in Mexico an economic Though all earth systems crack; Labor press of the United States has these and other pet phrases assaults ences, and that is precisely what is Meanwhile a Congress is being revolution, the people having risen We will not bate a single word, not the nose the Times possesses; are made upon those who by indus: the matter with the intellectuals. urged to rush the new militia. bill against and being engaged in over.
that it cannot recognize its Mexican try this and activity have accumu; Mlosti pt them would rather die taan which will permit the president to throwing privilege and power. That Nor take a letter back friend when he walks straight into latod, válth, of who have inherited receda from some erroncous position call thë national guard timto service on the is what you tcach, theoretically. It is they have takmi in debate without waiting for a déclaration of by teaching that you carn your sal. We speak the truth, and what care we it is still more unfortunate in the case. Los Angeles Daily Times.
war, thus remedying what is consid Mexican Revolution ay, and on the sirength of teaching of the Socialists, the Single Taxers, ered by the autocrats of government that your paper applies to revolutionPor hissing and for scorn, and even a small portion of the Anar. Notice has been given in the Span: Bj a very little personat trouble a fatal defect in the Dick law. It we Its Progress Causes, ifts for support and receives it. When While some faint gleamings we can chist press. But one need not imputc fish section that after April is the our readers can assist our propaganda are not advancing on the path of mit the thing liself comes along, you, at dishonesty, and as regards the So names of those in arrcars with their enormously Sendi in names of: itary despotism one would like ito Purpose and Probable, least, cannot afford to ignore it. Still We know what country is, and one would of Freedom coming morn.
cialists and Single Taxcrs it is clear subscriptions will be struck off our those likely to be intereste Results IC66 can you afford to depreciate, it that they have fallen victims to their lists. Our English readers also will will at once mail sample copies and also like to to enquire what percentage hecause you have not taken the pains own fallacious cleverness, for, having kindly take notice.
other matter: Sixteen Pages Price 5: cents of our population to investigate. James Russell Lowell. two hundred ernment.
the rest of us a experience. of. or powers, finish. ZURE Special Pamphlet.
SES and we. anything