
me for this kind of a be tervention LeagueOught her to most Was no is la to not wore.
車事 Dame grew.
90 young, foolish lad, in The army of the future must be one good salaries as their labor deserves be molested. Now if these proposals Jesus Barbosa tried to calm the sol Anti Slavery Society for the protea fatuated by a prostitute so that he of citizens, not of people forced to the teaching profession must be are agreed to Mr. de la Madrla 18 arers, but was beaten with swords: tion of natives. And now it 18 al Published overy Saturday at 610 Gear the hiciese asking for a chance serve agalost their will and in order brought to dignity by procuring to its ready, and willlag to drop the three The soldiers fred in all directions) most fun to see the official press buz E, 4th St. Los Angelen, Cal.
hoacanhe nelle fread, such a foolish that the nation may and voluntary members the means for a decent 11y. Ayon refuses to agree to the above ent stores. In the store Las dos Esta oficial iniquity high and low is about Tolophero: Homo 1360.
boy is not a reasonable leader even soldiers to do service, the nation must ing. e Jabscription rates: for old, antiquated conditions as pre offer a decent pay and must suppress The Instruction in the rudiments his character as governor impede coffee vendor. The unfortunate moth darkest recesses. Also the Morn.
Per LARUT vall in Portugal 00 But though they may have sut the military ordinances that harsh of trades and professions in the your appeals to the federal courts of er uttering piercing cries was equally ing Post of London deals with the This 18 going some, but silenced by a bullet brlnging death. same subject and the reports are be Par ur month. 10 tered, the people of Portugal have nebe, that rigorous brutality which schools accustoms the child to look justice, not tasted of the dregs of despotism destroys and orends the human dig In natural way upon manual labor of facts as seen by a jefe politico who Oslo was shot while trying to close ropean press. puncturing the glory of a. honest The owner of the store. Mr.
Por threo months as have the Mexicans who were sup nity.
develops a liking ought to know.
posed to have a representative gove Free Press and Free Thought.
the door.
work, and prepares it, by, developiog BUNDLE ORDERS.
in the store of Mr. Morals in Action, as Porfrio Diaz ernment for more than thirty years.
Benito Quintos where glad crowd is called in English by some of his 100 coples 00 For more than a generation they The: manifestations Federal District. Mexico City was gathered for frolic a hail of bül hired adulators.
of thought its capacities to adopt later a prohave been living under the Iron Heel must be sacred to a lession or trade instead of using After over three months of impris lets killed two musicians and besides, 300 copies. 12. 00 truly liberal onment in the vile bastile of Belem Mr. Benito. Quintos. Bon, of a tyrant as old Rome and the Dark many years to conquer a title: From Mrs. Juana. Gutierrez de Mendoza, father and Benito, and his son Anio spent in Blackwell Islard wearing government; the freeaom of speech the school up that aristocratic and his Carlo de Fornaro free after a year 1000 copies 20. 00 Ages only knew, The curse of that beautiful country and press must not have restrictions spect for manual labor has; tre proprietor and editor, and Mr. Ga ceno were seriously wounded. In the strljes for: daring to be a man Bditor and Proprietor, Angolmo wag Porfirio Dlaz.
that make government inviolable in be bino Santiago Orozco, business man Panzacola eleven were killed, among and to tell the truth instead of being fought against, which Migueroa. little story of his methods may certain cases and permit public of education has Implanted in Blonary ager of the suppressed independent them the well respected men Xlloc a cringing coward of a hired press, paper Vesperbeing and.
glvo an idea of his character. Porfirio Gatry as second class mattor pondio Diaz had a brother, Felix. When they ficials to be unworthy and corrupted people. We have to: form workers, their attorney Dr, Emilio Vazquez, Or under. to the of is good news for us. He wrote a powerful Indictment Diaz, Czar of Mex.
The pub factors of effective and useful pro course they had to be held incom an independent paper of Mexico, re tendant could do to him was to hire wero lads together, Porfirio one day outside of the public life.
Veracruz. El: Sufragio Libre, ico, and all the high standing dehis brother asleep under a tree. lic order will be unalterable under det tona mestiere de revente me militare municado during Independence weels ports on Oct. that at Zacatecas just an institution of the law of Uncle 30 new crop to up very softly and turned a good government, and there wili pen and desk thn regard to military so that the foreign press guests of arrived a woman who survived the Sam for the purpose of getting the No.
his powder flask 10ose into bls broth: not be a newspaper man desirous ar sidered convenient to place the citi not hear the truth about the condi care fields of the state of Veracruz. while for libelling the defendant. October 16, 1910, Then er nostrils.
touched the match to tho powder. It did not kill much less capable to trouble it with zens in capacity to offer their gery tion of the common people of Mexico In poverty she was engaged by one No! merely one Espindola, the Mexisugar accusing voice gagged for: Ilttle lasting for Felix. The people called private life the public order can not alone they wiw. perfect their conditary petites for the banquet. Mr. Emilio tions, called employment offices in thus the defendant did not deny one mat frother, but the result was life: out motive, and with regard to the ices to the Nationale contenedorimitary which might have spolied their ap of the professional slaving Institu can incarnation of a Creelman, And An Anti Mexican In him El Chato 10 Pug nose. quire such knowledge they will be tense of the people arrested and held the hire and the promise of fortyled in silencing for the time being ed Latestavihishing permanent martial ters falling under the public domani able to defend the father and when for the unlawfully dispersed lawful cents wages a day and board and the plaintift. The plaintift is out Later, when Porfirio had succeed respect it if it is relatloned with mat knowledge.
bawains established as governors and other knaves abusing these libertles dominance of the professional, 1806: tained already a hearing for the re the woman, and others engaged with his ground. We heartily thank him to be Organized in officers in all parts of the land, he there will not be lacking severe pun dler, el militarisn, impossible, lease under bonds for Mrs. Dolores her by that firm found that they had for the work done on behalf of opgave his brother Felix the fat posllehment. Without Infringing upon The preference to be given tojinstrucs Jimenez y Muro, and Messrs, Diego been deceived, that they had to spend pressed Mexico, and we gladly wel.
this Country tion of governor of the stato ot democratic equallty one can not estion in clrics does not peed to be de Arenas Guzman and Enrique Lail their five pesos to buy food, as none come him back in our ranks for the Oaxaca.
The hated El Chato proceeded to tablish special courts to sit in judgson Banuet. To be continued)
No dates have been was given to them, and all there arduous task ahead of us all.
set for the habeas corpus proceed ceived was such vile and brutal treatAs the people of tho United States seo to lt tuat bls people wero proper ment over press crimes. To abolish Tags for Messrs. Leocadio Carrillo, ment that two of the unfortunate vicAre becoming better informed on thely taxed to insuro an ample tund for in one department the court martials Adrian Romo, Francisco own and his friends squandering, Esco tims died. Unfit to the task she was Mexico Internacional states more courts bedo, Jose Notes and Comments: Pineda.
political alluntion in Mexico, they are the people of the town of Juchitan, and to establish elsewhere Fernandez and Juan set adrift with two pesos and pain definitely concerning the Mexican on August 30 the political fully managed to reach excluded home children from the Теҳgrowing more and moro in sympathy had something of an organized move against publicists, would not moan prefect of Ixtapalapa, Don Romulo city of Zacatecas.
with the Mexican nation in its tragic ment to oppose the extortionnte taxes. democratic but capricious activity. It Campeche. Great indignation Luna demanded of Thus happened in an schools that the respective légisMr.
came Then Covernor Fellx Diaz ample freedom of press and speech is reigns in Colima over Feliciano the state of Veracruz under the iron lation does not touch so much the strukslo asalnut extermination. The an attack Turcio, respected; inhabitant Juchitao with many soldiers to enMr. Ramon Sabas) that locality, to pay him two dollars to the vice presidency of rule of Antonio Dehesa past aspirant really Mexican children, the sons and Mexican revolutionists, who have force his arbitrary regulations. They established no distinctions, no favor committed by of Mexico. daughters of parents of Mexican naFlores and his brother Felix upon for the oficial Independence festival. Under date of Oct. the press of the tionality, whom the authorities of Itism for delinquents in that line Mr. Jose Angel Castillo, the one at Turcio not owing anything refused capital reports that on that day there Texas are ready and willing todas people modu berolc gacrifices in the light they lived in revelry on the of are wigion against the despotic Dlaz Juchitan and proceeded to get drunk will exist, and there will not be as tacking with bullets the other with to Day.
beautitul Luna had him ärrested for arrived by direct train from Mexico cate in full accord with the treaties many in existence. Under govern a knife. Both perpetrators and his rapaclous clique, have thou and they took the enjoy lack of respect due to authorities, and City bound for Yucatan and Quin of reciprocity between the two na. young girls as their just rewards of fullest freedom, state congress hav on October Turcio ments of the people there are Handy ul will wishers in this country, stili in tano Roo another batch of 162 poor tions, but that it is aimed at the chiling refused the surrender of the prison in free Mexico.
and, is the truth about Moxico is be Then the people at last arose in repress crimes, one who is a state senator, and the creatures who bitterly complain of dren of Texan Mexicans, or of MexCourt Martials.
the brutal treatment on the part of icans who have become citizens of police refusing to issue a warrant comlos more widely known, as it is volt and they lynched some of the solGuanajuato. And not it the the chief of their The suppression of the standing for the apprehension of escort who an the United States, and whom the other, inhabitants of San Luis de that being told in tho press of England dlers and the hated El Chato was killed, it is said, by the infuriated Paz, swered their demand for food by country and not Mexico ought to pround france, and even in Spain, that father of two beautiful girls that had court martials is a measure of equl claiming that he is out of town. Gov: Guanajuato, who get tired of the acts of brutality. Information reach tect. It is quite interesting to know: ernor Gual has not done anything in governor of their state, Mr. Obregon es us that on October the Supreme that under the pretext of So died ty. If one wants army of well wishers ls growing. But fallen victims to his lust.
suppress, to the matter, of course, and thus the Gonzales and appeal to the president Court of the Republic overruled the cleanliness of the little tots of the lack of crystallzo Felix Diaz, the bated Governor of the make out of the soldier a being with people are taught to love their mas of the republic to get freed from the State Supreme Court and ordered re tollers an uneducated aubject and sympathy that does into helplul action lg worthlegg. It state of Oxaca, more than twenty out rights and keep him under fronters.
years ago.
Intolerable tyranny of a local cazique, lease under bonds of Angel Juarico abject race of slaves of toil is to be which pest cannot be eradicated by Francisco peoplo s time tho American For some time comparatively lit servitude, they might be useful, these Camarillo Chihuahua. Juan Panadero of local efforts.
and Gabriel allowed to be set aside in the land their We fear their faith is Gaona held for five months in prison of the brave and free instead of upexaggerplanning to Do somethlog to help the tle notice was taken of the revolt of court martials with Mexico City reports in its columrskill applied.
Mexicans to secure the re establish the brave and desperate people of ated severity, with their implacable under date of Sept. an item worth charged with being agitators. lit lifting the down trodden to cleanse Juchitan.
tle publicity across the border seems their lives and limbs by proper teachharshness, with their ment of a constitutional government.
tremendous investigating by the Political Refu Jalisco. On the last day of Sep to be helpful sometimes.
About three years later, some regiings and applications to mold desirIt is stated tember the students of Guadalajara Wo cannot send arms or sunboats ments of soldiers came to Juchitan, punishments for the smallest offense. gecs Defense League.
able citizens of the best kind. WIII that in the the But If one desires that the military huahua are being held the editors of a memoration of the nation struggle state of fermentation, the penitentiary of to to Aloxico for the revolutlonists, as supposed to be on thelr way Chi demonstrated in the streets in com Yucatan. The entire state is in a liberty loving Americans allow there was have the same liberties and rights paper which was published in the for independence a century ago.
people pass such perpetuation of wage slave way operly done recently in the case southern border where The government of trouble on the Guatemalan frontier. enjoyed by the citizens, it from the United States under the The chafing under almost unsupportable breeding in ignorance and filth?
of Nicaragun.
of people joined and cheers went up for wholesale and retail robbery and petIt was a in. teast day It is further stated Francisco Madero. The police ty persecutions.
tho Unltcu States wouldn allow the Thousands of the citizens in boliday discipline is taken this brutal rigor La Carteta.
The article based because it would be in violation of attire thronged the beautiful Plaza osity enslaving man, if one desires fact that the writers promised to pub ders, and, strange to say, withdrew sonal investigation but pilfered igno the query put to you is: Have a baThe Gold Brick is out of date, since that the imprisonment is due to the came, saw that there were no disor upon John Kenneth Turner per instead of getting handed a lemon, As long as Amer. while the military band played the to dignify the soldier and at the same lish a leaflet dealing with the much in peace, so that there were no dis miniously by some gentlemen for use nana?
tho ncutrality law.
There is actually in the Ican Annnclery are so hospitably music.
We wonder what foreign in the last issue of the American northern part of this state a reverend ed by DIAZ, as long as he continueger and ever more alluring the music time to strengthen the prestige of the discussed question of the notorious turbances.
of civil authority, the court martials Banco Minero robbery. It is inally high muck a mucks were in town to Magazine gave an insight in the meth who abuses the Socialist rostrum for to allow them to exploit and rob the cuitan heard music entranclog. must not subsist which in general stated that there seems no doubt to be officially bamboozled. Three for ods used for expropriating the terri bogating a Mexican, banana Moxluan people, anis 50ernment will like to the Pied Piper of tradition, have been more the instruments of the fact that individuals publishing eign traveling salesmen arriving in tory of entire townships that had scheme backed by a Pittsburg, Pa.
in the unfortunate been held by the peaceful inhabitants company. sic. and the follover of riglily enforco that law.
the people flocked to bear. Suddenly But this can be counted on only so the band left the stand in the Plaza Oppression than suarantees of jus some way or other been transferred state of Colima report that in Colima for ages unknown. Receat exchanges the lowly Jesus, who drove the money tice. Only in times of war, for the across the border into the peniten they were searched for weapons, de from Mexico make it apparent that mongers out of the temple, speaks to and rather hurriedly marched away.
long as the American capitalists are As soon as the musicians were well most especial and grave of circum tlary, of Chihuahua, Mexico; disre tained for three days in a foul prison during independence week the peo the comrades of this good business gardlog extradition laws and treaties. without cause to the disadvantage to ple of the city of Tepik were for sev proposition, the functioning aatlydes with conditions in Mexico. out of range, the regiments closed instances ot these asserting incidentally The matter ought to be verified and their business interests, and that eral days in a state bordering revolt that there are good laws protectiog court martials might be authorized.
Should Diaz, who is old and falling upon the unsuspecting populace and Volley at the guilty official, American hirellngs newspapers were torn from their on account of unheard of officiál the people in Mexico, and no peons rapidly, Illu letore tho Regarding the other points con of a Mexican petty despot branded hands by higher authoritative orders. baiting and that strenuous methods doing the work but free laborers getrevolution opened up a terric fire.
ter volley was fired into the unarmed breaks, his death would be the signal people and at the end of the day cerning capital punishment and re by public exposure for their act of What a blunder, Mr. De la Madrid, had to be resorted to to re estab ting one dollar American money a thousand for the spontaneous tprising of the butchery over four men, sponsibility of public to tackle foreigners, now Don Por lish order. The laws of the state day.
officials, it We wonder why, or for whose firio will call you down for sure. It forbid gambling, and yet licenses are interests, he stumps the United States People against hly ministry.
women and children were lying in Coahuila. Only some four or five is rather kind of the governor of Ja issued for gambling and boozing and hands banana talk instead of The American financters do not in their blood. The wounded that tried would be waste to demonstrate their months ago forty miners were killed lisco to try to soothe the shocked dens taxed with to drag themselves to their homes to convenience.
one hundred and raising banana fruit himself. Does by an explosion in the Palau mine nerves of the three foreigners by al twenty five per cent revenue (most that reverend comrade really exEducation.
tend to allow the progressivos of Mex. ward evening. were clubbed or shot The instruction of the at Las Esperanzas of the Coahuila lowing a peaceful opposition demon of which going children Ico to carry out thelr reform program as they moved in their helplessness.
to middle men. pect to stalk as cockroach Don QuiCoal Company, and the company stration to pass, and he will get his signed by the corralist highest offi xote into Mexican territory followed 10 for a minuto. Alinast before Thus did Porarlo Diaz, the despot t! volutlonary fun 13 fred, unlegs of Mexico, avenge the death of his must reclaim more especially the at showed its humanitarianism by pay reward from higher up for the clevercial of the government of the district, by some investing dupe of American Mr: Octavio Barocio. The govern Sancho Panza in order to fight effecthe people of this country prevent the brother Felix, the extortioner, and tention of a government which truly ing to every mother, daughter or sis move.
of young girls.
aims at the aggrandizement of the ter of a killed wage slave the gloriment has adopted contemptible meth tively in the ield of competition the dollars of twenty five This massacre ol Juchitan Is one fatherland. In the primary schools Michoacan. Ex political Atop being taken, United States troops prefectods to oust every honorable element wind mills of the mighty Banana will be pouring over the bordar, sent of a series which have cried for a resides the profound basis of the they were indemnified satisfactorily. lol a prominent merchant of Coalco. by threat or by contempt on account backing, licked the republic of Nicaagainst signing the statement that Luis Villaseñor, the vile murderer seated in the state congress, elther Trust that, aided by Uncle Sam by th14 governinent to enact the tar Revolution under the blue skles of greatness of nations, and one may And now again the news comes of an exico!
the advocacy of amnesty of all politi, ragua, forced two of its presidents to Guizar cal prisoners.
cical performance of protecting What can brave mon and women do say that the botter institutions are explosion sacrificing over seventy men man, Michoacan, Mr. Chavez At session of the 29th resign, and seated a tool of its own American Interests. great war but respond to such a call of Liberty of little value and in danger of be to the greed of an unbridled corpor and son, arrested under pressure of of September Manuel Heredia Ar choice?
The Socialists better look will result: the blood of thousands Are they traitors when they plan to lng a loss if at their side do not ex ation, which did not pay any atten: public opinion and held in Morelia, guelles created a sensation by a man cut for the foolskiller.
tion to the warnings of old ful protest in the chamber against a will be shed and another Intamy will deliver their native land from such ist many and well attended schools on the easily to be remedied unsafe fied under the protection of the po. mis use of his signature by forging a professional. butcher? How into have been consummated by tho greed There is. peace in Mexico, thanks be condition of the mine. Seeing from litical prefect of the capital of the it to documents, and he stood the to Porfirio Diaz, significant seem the grlevances of the in which those citizens we hear time and of criminal interests.
people of the American Colonies in formed who in the future will have the papers that in Illinois the mine state, has surrendered to the authori storm alone and with great moral again. But not one of the adulators It is the duty of tho people of the comparison with those of Mexico to to watch over these institutions. If bosses attack the safety laws for coal ties of Chihuahua, driven by hunger effect in spite of the vicious attack of that ruler dares to dwell on the miners in the courts to have them de where the jele politico reassuringly on the part of representative Mo cost of that peace in human life, libUnited States to prevent the carryday?
we desire that our sons guard un clared unconstitutional we fall to see Let us take courage, Comrades!
Ink out of this conspiracy. We ought contaminated the conquests we are in that respect the difference between told him that he would be acquitted lina Solis, alone, because the well re erty and happiness. Go from one ena Liberty is calling the to begin now to demand of thly 60V lands onward to victory! You. who making for them today, we have to both countries in thelr attitude to of all cbarges. Will that Jefecito po: Novelo, attorney and poet of renown, and west, in the wide domain the other, north and south, east ernment salr play with the Mexican have lived under the most absolute enlighten and educate them in their wards thesis whes do the work at the litico be stronger than the facts and Jose Millet Hube, Jose Camara Chan, Czar pes the Southland dumaalount the the evidence in the case and stronger Peniche Lopez, Pedro Peniche Lopez the highroads and byways of every An nati intervention league despotism of modern times, the Re civic duties and in the love of all the nation.
lberties, ought to bo organized with branches public of Mexico, bare more cause Colima. All the adherents of the than ever more awakening and rally and Jose Patron Correa had handed state the little crosses marking the for Rovolution than ever had the in already their resignations from The suppression of graves of the victims the clerical candidate of the people, Mr. Trin ing public opinion?
in every stato in the Union, of the ofice. This was followed up on Oc Fuga, tenths of thousands of them; There American Colonles; more cause than Ley gubernatober by the resignation of Dr. Jose and you will begin to think.
are thousands ot who has Portugal and Spain liberty calls schools places upon the government idad Alamillo against the Annericans Delve would eagerly support such a move to you to lotte the bands the talhind the unavoidable duty to replace them Mr. Enrique de la Madrid, are be pelled herom the state college the front as well as from his position as direc sincerely into the jun written a history Its membership noed not be have the bandage taken from heruntarryingly by others, that the pro ing officially terrorized, The lead lowing ten students: Ricardo Cabre, tor of the Institute Literario, an ac termination of tenths of thousands of restricted to the country; undoubted oyed. Forward all, who are slaves to portion of schools in existence be noters of the people candidate Mr: ra, Nazarlo Valerdi, Dayid Ahuazín tion due to pressure brought upon Taquisa and Mayos, the mankind diminished and the clericals cannot Manuel Alvarez and Attorney, 18. Jesus Rojas cid, Juan Calderon, Ri him because he manfully and vigor from Veracruz in the seventies all massacres of ly it could to extended to Canada and the common enemy nacio Padilla have a Constable cardo Fernandez F, Meliton Flores, ously stood for application of the law England.
levy charges that public instruction their doors, armed to the teeth, with Rafael Adana, Wenceslao Tellez and of amnesty, to political prisoners and Now is tho timo to start Modern Capitalism.
way down to Juchitan, Papantla, Berthn Wilkins Starkweather.
has been prejudiced.
the work. It will not do to wait until Tomochic, Santo Thomas, Monterey, The necessity orders to follow them on every step. Salatiel Martinez after having spent over four bundred students brought Cananea, Rio Blanco, Tepames, Tiaxtho are of revolt in Mexico bursts of creating new schools to provide Padilla tries to get relief through ap many days in a filthy jail, all for the an ovation to their beloved teacher the country with all those that are peal to the district courts. From Co: awful crime of having cried out with and entered enthusiastically into a Read up upon the martyrdom of free cala, and you will become pensive.
into ttame: tho league should be The next step of the govern thought, the thousands called for by its population, can be wala a good many citizens have been in the school territory: Viva Ma strike.
ot formed now, campaign of educatlon upright The other students called of ment will be repression.
recognized at first sight by any one amongst them the well respected Mr. an entertainment in protest against eftizens who manfully denounced the should be commenced, so that when who is not an enemy of progress.
Toburcio Valencia. The Independ tue brutal act. Thus we see it again eyils of the government and of its Some relief domes with the news tools, who had to pay for their daring the time comes and the United States To obtain that lay lastruction be ent writer, Mr. Odilon Ayon is still exemplified how brutal governmetal that on the 5th of this month on with their health, their freedom, their government attempts to intervene in given in all the schools without a sin held and shamefully refused the con ism produces just the reverse of in board of the good ship La Savoie very lives, a steady tide of the best Mexico, thoro will Do. millions ol privilege tended effects.
stitutional guarantee and gle exception the obligation will have All those boys as expired one bad man Rafael Izabal, minds, the best blood of the people volces ralsed la protest against the of babeas corpus. The whole case to be re enforced that the private is stated in a nutshell in a published will vow never to yet imbued with chivalrous idealism ex governor of Sonora, the infamous ebbing in the sterile sands of reaction learn to yell: exterminator, enslaver and persecu and oblivion, and you will schools adjust their program strictly interview between a relative of Mr. Viva Porfirio Diaz. Hands of Mexico.
ctor of the Yaquis and the shameless palled. And figure it all up, and then:slaughterer of the miders of Cananea, look at the abject misery of the great This interesting document, issued to that of the public schools, estab Ayon and the Jefe politico. Carlos MI.
St. Louis, Mo. by the Junta of tho Ilshing llabilities and fines for Meillon. The answer of that man in bombastic San Luis Potosi. American read the brother of that Mr.
the Liberal Party of Mexico on July 1, 1900, teachers who fail to live up to such know is such a ine document that ers will be interested to hear that the Isabel that predicted the dire doom masses, at the present day wholesale with the program roprinted in the drat and finally ask yourselt the question: man who dared to of and. we reproduce it as far as available of Diaz during the last presidential ing for the Devil that gets him.
ispuo of our paper, was at the bottom duty. Did not that reign of peace of Diaz of our persecutions and prosecutions in For a long time the noble profes as a conviction of the scientific sysa election has considered it advisable to the lips of bonds to take in The Daily News of London has actually. cost more in human lives, Yuchitan.
the United States. We want tko Amersion of school teacher has been one pillars: Now hear, Jobe, you under the United States. Mr. Francisco struck a hornets rest with the artilberty and happiness than all the ican people to tako, realiza. tp of the most despised ones, and this stand what the public administration Madero 18. at present in San Antonio cle: Whole Nation. Driven Into pa révolutions of Central and South America taken together for the same Tho Moxican oslles, who havo but our trestmont in the country of the only because pald fered in Moxico, and who bave seen tamed Declaration of Indopendenco mksjudges the merits of that profes the head of the country nominates in sad humor. Will he join Flores spondence exchanged between the for period of time?
tenir dear ones and thelr fellow was in the least Justined. sion, nobody will fall to designate it his mandatories and the elections Magon Co? That all that needed eign ofice of Great Britain and the workers suffer are glad to the with the most honoring epithets. But ernor Bandala of Tabasco and Gover: penny a liner wit may be balanced, prove him unbalanced. That Itselt express spirit of Justico (Continued)
Auch revolutions as are being waged have at the same time nobody truly re nor Ahumada of Jalisco re but he ll never really amount to anyt in Portugal and Spain.
It proves spects nor pays attention to the poor celved instructions to resign as can thing as a maker of history li spite Army.
didates for re election. But Mr. de of his puny etforts at witticism.
that the people are still virilo and teachers who on account of the scarThe compulsory military service is full of initiative to do for themsolveg and their tellows one of the most odious tyrannies in city of their pay must live in lamen by Mr. Porfirlo Plaz to re elect himTiarcala. Additional reports from table conditions or social inferiority, sell, and that is a matter for which Tho people of Portugal and Spalo compatible with the rights of citizens The future hwich is offered to the there is no remedy, because Mr. de Santo Toribio Xicotzinco, on It is said, are hungry there are many of a free country. This tyranny is young people, who embrace the pro la Madrid will re elect himself inalaughter of citizens on independence.
PROFESSOR OF SPANISH thousands who are out of work the governments of those countries saprome, and in the future when the lession of teaching, the compensa obedience to these Instructions. And day telt that the hordes of the reac; have taken ao steps to provide yores national government will not need, tion which is tendered to those whom she never these los line the state police, and Governor ca NEW METHOD That makes. Spanish simple and easy to learn able to erro living.
It govorne bayonets to be upheld, all those will education, is nothing else then a por: He must abstain from any med men invaded that locality firing upon mant refuses to answer that question ding whatever in local politics, and the quietly retreating people, and or that question service, those will remain The LOS ANGELES for it is question whiloh domande ap la the army who feel desire for it.
paid more in that more two dead. Member of parliament ous sum are Ines ment.
at. Program of the Liberal Party and Manifesto to the Nation be move.
to tro who. The Pied Piper of to вее Miss Eloisa Moreno the.