
English Section REGENERACION Wm. Owen Editor.
War. Because Wilson Dare Not Speak The Truth Their Mouth Drops Honey, But Their Guns Spit Fire masses drs new No. 186.
the roar of Cannon, the stain inflicted because on it hinges the entire qileswhose natives those troops and canon its hitherto untarnished lionor! Sotion of wlicther Debs has been maSaturday, April 25, 1914.
non mean to blow into cternity. niay you sec a drunken prostitute ligned and calumniated, as he asserts say bluntly that thc man who sets Asserting before a jeering crowd her in a letter dated Feb 10, 1914, to the in motion such machinery and then right to be treated us a lady licrald of Revolt (London. announces that he has no thought Naturally, I, as editor of the Eng.
of plunging us into war with a friendWe are made the laughing stock of lish section, tested against that ly nation, is either a knavish hypoall the world, and that evil reputation attack, which regarded as an appeal crite or a fit subject for a lunatic for bluff with which our time serving to Socialists not to support the Mexasylum.
politicians have saddled us presents ican Revolution; and argued that The fact that Congress passed initself to millions of thinking men and if the disinherited were to wait until The curtain is about to fall on the stantly a resolution identical with that women as more deserved than cver. they had become completely organ first act of a tremendous drama. The adopted immediately before the war Against a struggling nation that has, 1zed and educated they would have to second? Ah! Who can tell us what with Spain shows conclusively that if remember right, three petty gun wait forever. pointed out that such that second act will show? Not in it understood most clearly the real boats, we send almost the whole of a position would be absurd in these the mere matter of the blood that meaning of the message. At this mothat monstrous fleet with which plu United States and doubly absurd in may be shed, but in the intellectual ment the great dailies of this counWiien saluting women we uncover tocracy has burdencd us. We appear Mexico, where thic would and moral slaughter imminent; in the try are assuring their readers, in our heads, signifying thereby that we as Jack Johnson would appear If he have, under such a doctrine, to ad tragedy of consciences that wilfully screaming headlines, that the United place the noblest part of us, our in were to assault me for some fancied stain for centuries from asserting that blunt themselves and eyes that turn States treasury is bulging with cash telligence, at their command. When insult. And all this we do with an air claim to equal opportunity which deliberately from the light; in the vcil and that there is plenty for moving governments do obeisance to one an of lofty disinterestedness which de every man should have by the very of deadening hypocrisy which will soldiers. They are selling millions other clicy explode gunpowder, sigceives no one. With all the world (act of his existence, however unedu be thrown over a crime we dare not and millions of extra copies, in which nifying thereby that they place their assured that we intend to establish cated or unorganized he may be face; in the silences and compromises they dilate on the completeness of the all, brute force at the command of our lordship to the Panama Canal, said that plutocracy waited, above that will be made by thousands, and war preparations that have been going the saluted. This they do with a and open up to American speculation everything else, delay; time in which the national degeneracy they must on for months, and they inform us world of sulemın ceremony, as if it the untold riches for which plutoc to gather forces and crush the revo bring. Many a faint tongue will burn note this well, you Americans who were the most important thing in life, racy mouth is watering, we make lution. It seemed to me that Debs, lo speak the truth and be afraid. hitherto have prided yourselves on and our civilian press reports the pro our quarrel on a trumpery side issue, with his plea for a hugely long delay, Many a man will lock his lips for your frecdom from conscriptionceedings with fulsome reverence, fur and sneak in by the back window of was playing directly into their hands, fear of losing money, social prestige, that steps will be taken immediately nishing its readers with cuts of thela petty officer stupid error.
Our and said so. It seemed to me that all those narrow personal Interests to make provision for a first draft big chici in charge, cuts of the be, foreign policy is criticised universally his entire argument was a reversal of that chill the soul, rob us of heroism of not less than 200, 000 volunteers, dizened underlings who surround us hypocrilical, and we affirm the crit all he had been urging so many years, and keep us still crawling in the mud giving us, with about 117, 000 men him, cuts of the Jackies who insert icisin truth by allowing a handful of since his teaching had been that the We are sneaking into war with Mex of the national militia, a total first the cartridges and pull the ropes, men, burning for war, to commit us workers should take possession of the ico, and already we are more than call of 359, 000 troops.
cuts of the frowning guns themselves, to the very course we have been pro means of production. That is how hals ashamed of it.
All that means war, planned and and so on, down to the minutest de testing our anxiety to avoid. Why felt about it, and did my best to President Wilson, above all others, prepared with long and zealous care.
tail On occasion Mr Hearst will don we cone out flat footed, as hon express my feelings in the plainest is the man who, with honeyed words, the country has been lied to. Is it sacrifice his precious front page to est bandits do? Why don we say language, has lured us into this net He is not monstrous to maintain unbroken the reproduction of hideous tubes frankly that we are out for the stuff Debs replied at great length in the ostentatiously a scholar, but also an silence on the robbery that has made which possess the interesting faculty and mean to get it? Why does Wil Appeal to Reason of August 19, avowed adherent of that creed which millions landless outcasts, while of dealing wholesale death and de son pretend an eagerness to estab 1911. and dissected his reply. in regards same as predistinedtoetër shielding the robbers withºut with the lie that struction to the detested foreign foe lish constitutional government in Regeneracion of August 26, 1911 nal happiness and others to everlast Mexico ills are all political? How Perhiaps, however, these papers are Mexico and equip the dearly beloved showed how carefully lie side ing misery To me the profession of can mankind be betrayed more basenot so foolish as they seem to be pcon with a votc, when the fact is stepped the one great issue, viz. his such views today marks crookedness ly? How can the chains be fastened Perhaps we need, above all else, the that he means to save the billion we position as defined by the passage of mind or character, and in ninety more deſtly on the American masses lesson that our adored government have invested in Mexico and give quoted from the International So nine cases out of a hundred it is the than by covering up the crimes perrests on brute force and on brute American monopolists a field cialist Review; showed further that latter, The views are professed be petrated across the Rio Grande by force alone for the investment of their surplus he had maligned the Magons by ac cause they insure personal prefer that gigantic money power which allout? Great Britain would have tak cusing them of having concealed their ment, and thus hypocrisy becomes, ready according to President WilI have been reading some of Profen, from the first, the brutally blunt Anarchistic views, than which no as is almost universally acknowl son own written publication holds Ross articles in the Century and attitude; and it would have command greater misrepresentation could have edged, the age ruling vice. the industrial life of these United other high class magazines Appar ed the respect that brute force, as been made; slowed still further that Throughout these long negotiations States in the hollow of its hand? Of ently they are eager for his contribu exemplified by our latest naval dis. he had muddled dates in charging me President Wilson, to my thinking, has this assassination of truth indict tions, though one of our leading uni play, of necessity commands. We, with having abused the Socialists and played the sorriest part. He should Wilson the politician, and say it is versities Stanford if remember on the other hand, creep in on gum alienated their sympathies from the have spoken straight out, and he has a murder ten thousand times more right branded him as a dangerous shoes; and all the world, including Mexican Revolution at a time when never dared to do so. He should have injurious to mankind than was the social heretic and cast him out with especially the Latin speaking coun my connection with the movement informed the public, which looks to killing of Madero. President Wilson contumely One of his teachings is tries, shouts in chorus We told had not begun and had never writ him for truth on public questions, as professes to be a religious man; and, that crimes of the State are moun you so ten a line for Regeneracion. That to the real causes of the Mexican borrowing a phrase from that great tainous, and lie writes that calling seemed to nic very bad, and set out Revolution. He has refrained most champion of liberty, John Milton, the State lies diplomacy, its vio. Last week wrote that opinion had the facts most carefully, adding that studiously from doing so, that he say that he has hit his God in the lences war, its murders punishment become divided in this country, and they were part of the printed rec might shelter the wealthy brigands very apple of his eye.
and its robberies annexation or in quoted Senator Shepherd and others ord, and Debs should be truthful who are the cause of all the trouble. challenge him to lay before the demnity cannot change the moral as admitting frankly that if we went enough to acknowledge it. To hide their crimes he has repre American people a full statement of complexion of such actions. Now to war in Mexico it would be on be Now we have Debs jumbling dates sented Mexico troubles as being the real causes of the Mexican Revoand again some W. or Anar half of the land speculators and usur once more, and writing indignantly purely political.
lution. say, boldly and confidently, chist mounts a soap box and gets offers forgot that Congress is com to the Herald of Revolt; his argu deem it my imperative duty, as that he dare not. And because he similar sentiments He needs all the posed almost entirely of lawyers, and ment being that he supported the editor of this English section, to point dare not he is dragging a foolishlycourage he can muster, for he runs that the laywer who has risen by pol Mexican revolutionists in every pos out that millions of Americans would confiding nation into war.
imminent risk of being seized by an itics is always an oportunist. Such sible way and thereby risked arrest never dream of sanctioning war with armed vigilance committee, and men are utterly devoid of principle, and imprisonment. Its editor Mexico if they understood, as Presiforced to kiss the Stars and Stripes and just as a life without principle is straight to the point when he replies: dent Wilson understands, the land WE MOVED That is the comniittee method of doomed eventually to tragic failure It is sheer nonsense for Debs to re monopoly of which the disinherited honoring our national emblem, which so Our Offices to a nation led by the unprincipled fer to his support of them. the Ma Mexican peon is the victim.
tliey worship as the representative of is bound for utter smash No sooner gons. therefore, prior to this date and am confident my readers will that brute force which protects them had this ridiculous incident taken Feb. 25, 1911) when they severed uphold me that silence on that imin the advantages they have obtained place at Veracruz than one found the connection with Madero. We chal portant phase of the question is at over their fellow men, and to which politicians of both parties and all pre lenge him to produce a single letter once the most cowardly and injurious they naturally bring their own brute viously announced opinions ranged from the Magons, thanking him for of lies express my opinion with force as the most suitable of offer solidly on the side of the administra his support subsequent to their expos a proud freedom which President RANGEL CLINE DEFENSE FUND.
ings tion, and understood immediately ure of Madero. If he cannot do this Wilson, for all his official rank and this committee, casting unpublished, Pas. that none would have the manhood his present protest is a lie, and carries power, has never dared to exercise CALIFORNIA: International Hol Carflers. This Our government is now putting to stand against popular clamor for its own condemnation. At any rate.
Therefore I, for one, do not be E. Savtry. Cigar Makers Int. Union of. Shoving its threatening gung into his was so when the war Fever struck and not refer to the events of 1910, special messāge to Congress, and second Femittance, 318. 70 Total 25:20 Huerta through the third degree the sake of championing the right. It let him give dates in his next letter, lieve President Wilson when, in his se Era Nuoro, first remittance: rad. rs stomach and ordering him to his this country with the sinking of the when he knows that the question at speaking for the American people, he speaking a contra este intend to the Spanien kuces, to kiss the flag That flag Maine, and bitterly have we paid for issue turns upon his attitude a year declares that we do not desire to Section of this issue, which gives a6 GENERAL needs purifying more than anything lit. since it gave plutocracy a renewed later. Honest men do not deny can control to any degree the affairs of TOTAL, 31. 45.
know of, for today it protects, by Icasc of life and plunged us into an lumnics in this way.
our sister republic I, for one, do VICTOR CRAVELLO, Fin. Sec.
brute force, the most colossal andera of wild speculation and increase Debs is nothing to me, and have not believe him when he says that cunningly organized system of rob. of governmental and military power! no taste for threshing out old chaff everything that we have so far done The business manager of Land bing Lahor this world has known; the sour fruit of which we are now consider that exposed the kernel or refrained from doing has proceed and Liberty, the first number of shelters beneath its folds the most harvesting It will be so once more of this matter three years ago and ed from our desire to help the Mex which is to appear May 1, informs us heartless and Successful industrial in the case of Mexico substantiated the exposure with icans. On the contrary, believe the that it has practically been decided thicves on record, and flics, as an inWM OWEN proofs most positive held that the newspaper reporters who wrote that that, beginning with June, the paper evitable consequence, over jails and man who found it subsequently con Congress knew, when listening to will appear as a weekly, Economies lunatic asylums thronged to over Who Was Lying?
venient to declare that he encouraged President Wilson lisp of peace, that rendered possible by the purchase of flowing; over morgucs from whose 2nd ailed the Mexican revolutionists, he meant war with Mexico a plant, freedom from rent and volcold slabs the remains of those who In Regeneracion of July 8, 1911. after their lireach with Madero, was Men in authority do not send war. untary service, are considered suffihave stepped deliberately out of an called attention to the article pub living, and still hold that view TF ships by the score, and assemble cient to justify the management in unbearable life are never absent; over lished by Fugene Debs in the 111 there are any who doubt it can only troops and cannon by the thousands, making this decision.
city slums in which no self respecting ternational Socialist Review of the say that they have not examined the out of deep, genuine friendship for assistance has been, as yet, comparadog would voluntarily kennel, and previous month In that article Debs evidence, and that they know nothing the nation whose seaports those war. tively small, but many encouraging luge armies of the unemployed who punted the leaders of the Mexican of the boycott instituted by the So ships are intended to bombard and letters have been received, would gladly loot this republic if they Liberal Party as declaring that the cialists and prosecuted vigorously undared slavery far more extensive taking away of the land from the cer the leadership of Debs and deaf to human sympathies than hands of the rich inust be accomWMC OWEN that against which Garrison and Phil plished during the present insurrechpe thundercal monstrous hypoc tion On that plain statement le risy, rendered infinitely more hideous passed the following hostile AMERICA THE WORST.
by the humanitarian cloak with which ment, which copied verbatim from Dr Carlton Parker, Professor: it drapes itself In the name of jus the International Socialist Review. of Economics in the University of fice it slays coldly on the gallows or If the land can be taken from the California, whose official report on in the electric chair In the name of rich in this insurrection, so can also the Wheatland tragedy set all tongues race perfection it sterilizes those the mills, factories, mines, railroads wagging, has spoken out again, bravewhom its unspeakably corrupt offi and the machinery of production, and ly and bluntly, his subject being the cials adjudge immoral In the name the question is. what would the unemployed Lecturing at the First pf law it sets at defiance every fun masses in their present ignorant and Congregational Church in Oakland, damental law of life In the name of unorganized state do with them after March 15. he described unemployment industry it clothes the few with spe having obtained them? It would sim as being by far the greatest problem cial privilege and digs between them ply add calamity to their calamities, now facing us, and said: Conditions and their multitudinous victims a gulf granting that this impossible feat are worse in this country than in any which bloody revolution eventually, were capable of achievement civilized country in the world. know may have to bridge This is the so That was Debs declared attitude twenty Russians who want to go back ciety which is hurrying battleships to toward the struggling peon, and ask to Russia because conditions are betVeracruz, that it may wipe away, to a careful reading for it once again, ter there, and ten of these are Jews.
goes say, 2205 Court St by Thomas Stelegerwald, NEW JERThe money comINTERVENTION IS FACT NOW.
What Are You Going To Do, 11 REBELS OF THE WORLD?