
ABYM it 16 114 455.
Regeneracion. Program of the Liberal Party and Manifesto to the Nation charge 30 Porfirio DiazBenevolent Despot of the Americas It To His People. Notes and Comments: Jalisco can use a former aband under can man. thłuk gomotimos It must bon Wo fully ronilxo that tho world at party whiloh ta the party of thelrend to much mookory and to nationalworrlyuno tauk tv box loopot. For largo noodled that inal objoot 108oon olnud Intoronta, Publlo opinton ja too gonoral, now tho unbycoopstut uprtolng of. Vallado. you may approuN and anuanalnnto and lo dlolllunion thom of ohorluhod of our country tho prolotarians would In any other party 10 thoku ponsoaslonu.
aduys, and too strong and all ofllolal lid domunda for tho: allogod authors Publinhod overy Saturday at 610 imprison and managers, and over from Dinx iuyth.
Tho ponnitlou providod by the ro lost storioa aro no moro bellovod, Injol tho inovo But for us all, who for bo out of plnoo, mubjoot to tho rullng torru lawa for itn lntractors nro llght implloitly, and 80, another bubblo otimonths of Imprisonmunt, and for tho ponuity of twonty. ith St. Los Angolun, Cal. theo carnago will rao liko a phoonlx suoh a long that havo utood in tho Olmos, tho class of thoso who oxplolt and do not Inspire the clorgy with dictatorial trouson lo buatod whon accomplicos ton months, a Tulophicuo: lomu 1800.
to wpirit of liberty to mock at your Arlog lino for the noor sition of the thom, the proportled olnuod and thair sonr, with tranquillty tlo prionts can tho Judgo of the racond distrlot, Lulo over 80 years. As authors aro dosiktotal of Subscriptiou ratus: elTorte to destroy it. Yot you con constitutionally guarantovd clvlo paraoltical intollectuals, nuo to bupproas and to megacro right and know from our own ox: Wo onll upon thu tolloru to join our infractiong of thogo in wo.
And thuo vuy a little one to got a taste of the a. Caldoron, rolonged Guatavo Ma natod tho following: Por annum 00 without on, trylnis lyy ovor more porlondu tho Impotoudy of unarmod raulu lu ordor tant lu the end wo ronion it bocomoa nodossary to pro gorllo Lozano hold in rigorous Incom mara y Camara, Nicolas Canton, Ifor this dolo, Jugus fllguera Sevilla and Mar Don Lonbidro Droolle, Alonso, CAl or ulx months 1, 101 brutal wothou: to kill that livlug civism against a scloatino dospotlam may uy our jolut offorte ovorthrow vont such infractiono lvy ostablialidag munlondo in the bestilo. of Bolon Manuel Martínez do Arrodondo, co aprit, no radiant, no hold, no mon armed to its tooth into that of Diaz tho dospotlom in power and roostab. ponaltlos lublo to Imposo rospoot up charged with laylas attompted to ronol Juan Bautista Ramiroz, Igna.
Per throo dionthu. 00 neink to tyranny. But It tos liko a with no other law than the caprico gh the ponce that has boon bantahad on audacious accloplaatios, pygmy trying to destroy sod. of that usurpor, the brouk down of crom our lnud.
uribo arby olllcors to royolt.
BUNULIS ORDERS Clericul Soliools.
olo Magaloul, Nloanor Chacon, Jose Tho apirit of borty 18 Immortal, the Anti roolootlonlsru was an inovi.
Amuosty to political prisonors do Batun, Pusonio Vivas, Gustavo ZA 100 coples 00 AN 10118 XLS mon havo human heart tablo ovont.
Tho supprovelou of glorical schools mandod on ogonalon of the ra oleotton puta. Jogo Lopoz. Hellolano Fuon000 copies lu o monuuro which will produce incala of Diaz has beon doufad by the cham tes, Natallo Agullar, Josa do la Rosa 10. 80 in thoir brengta thoro will alwaye bio The outcome of tho olectorni Inrco 101no ono who will give up thoir lives was the fmposition of Dinz and Corral culablo bononte for tho country. To bor of doputlos in session of October Oni, and ag accompiloog Jolo Matlida 1000 ooples 820. 00 for the causo of Ilborty. Sayu Ronan: tu rod, k1, and dogrudo tho pooplo aupproga tho clorloal. dcloola nonna to 4th, tha argumontation being of the Sanchoz, Arcadio Gonzalez, Jouo Do The greatost mon of a nation are for six yonrs lougor, bit tho coutor spol of the divisions and samo ingonulty of macchlayolllan loros Garcia, Manuel Sosayo, Domingo Many of the Editor and Proprlotor, Aunolmo thono that it puts to conth.
batrod amongst tho sons of Moxlco; sophlstry that characterized thore. Horrora, Porario Gonzales, Jose Aud citizone who camo to tho ballot boxos It means to comont upon tho most fusal to consider, the clection fraudſall, Andrea Canloh, Marcolino iriguoron.
from tlu nohou of those great mon, in unpollutod olvio righteousn08B aro Yah, 8011d bagis, for a noar tuturo. tlo atdavita or which we reportod: re Molsos Montoro, Olomonto Chirwal, thego martyrs to the pursuit of human now in the ariny forcibly drafted to Entry na pocond alabe mattor poodios. Priodom, will spring tho iniporishablo corvoo for daring to oxorolso thoir complete brotherhood of tho great contly, it was said that amnoaty Mariano, Quello, Lazaro y Filborto phoonlx, to shod tho light of its wingørights 18 oltizons. Othors roposo Moxican laully: Tho olorical school mouds tho forglying of a gullt, or. che Encalada, Frapolsco Leal, Adrlap RI. upon the world und mako a bundrohepplly uydor ground, out of all thoir oducating tho ohildren in the most lu forgotting of an act liablo of ponalty. goborto Xiu, Polloworu In tho tolorabło fruatlolem, stullug them to accord auch amnesty would be chusa of llborty troublos, Blaughtorod by tho mercoNo. whero thero was only ono bofore. narios of the dictatorship. Still an This Intorcating dooumont, saupa wae, incalculating thom with a horror Thomselves boguugo thoyolalm that oualy from Arizona that tho condlwith produdices and capriclous dog. projudlong to the political prisoners Mexican Laborors Complain serta Octobor 16, 1910.
ETIOL TURNIR. other great number of Anti roelectro St. Louis, Mo. by tho lunta of the for our most prodloua pational glorles, they have committed no guilt to be tions of works in the varlous mining tlonists ls rotting vilo prisons. Liboral Party oť Moxico on July 1, 1000, with tho program roprinted in tho trai teachlug them to 800 as onomios al forgivon, no crime to be forgotten, camps whero tho majority of hands Countlose familles uro this day in Scientific mourning for dear ones anorificod of our perscoutions and prosecutions in church, is the greatest obstacie la tho pity demanded the pardon, but that from bad to worse, ID Metcall and aro Latin Amoricana, aro growing for an ill appllod faith, and countlogs tho United States. Wo want the amarPest othors again anxiously hope and wait loan poople to tako o gniza noo of its way of tho borond rolgn of democracy the serong Yolco of roason dictated not other camps of its vicinity. the emthat the doors of dungoong may be our treatment in the countryone for the that might lond to tho polut at which, necessary to offer guarantees to huo have dovolopod the custom to arrange contents and to deal do cor thomselves in our fatherland, and in the road to concede such pardon bocauso it 18 ployees and foremen or the companlos With tho arrival high oponod to give thom back thelr bo moda Roolorate sustino. ndopondanes amongst all tho Mexicans, may reign man society and that the authorities for the men in thelr charge rattles of muckamuck of tho scientiflo lovod. Many govornmont oinployoos patorual despotism of Mexico, convicted or under suspicion of boing ilments and aspirations, which is tho at the liberation of prisoners hold for all those who show no willingness to Mr. Joaquin CAgasus, there political enemies of the present ad(Continucd)
soul of robust and advanced nation the crime of attempting to change the errich their bosses in this way aro un camo also a yoritablo post of tloy ministration have now thelr hands allties. The Iny school which is free public order. That for the recent discharged under bomo pretext or Bociul paraltos, plaguo of detec completoly tied unable to procuro for Equality with Foreigner.
With cagornons and porgover their families a loaf of bread, from all thoso vlces, which luspires acts of Valladolid, Yucaran, the legisance thoy watch our oflices and ovory Had all these wasted energies boen It is unnecessary to declare in the with an elevated patriotişim far from lature possessed no competency le other, and it does not matter. the ono of our steps.
would program that under equal cond tions religious pettinęgs, which has truth cause these prisoners were at the dis life and energy for the company for, At all hours of trained for the rebellion hia the day and of the night they are on have been better. But the error was proference has to be given to the for its motto, is the only one which position of the federation of the many long years. With the Benevolent to duty. On the doorsteps, on the street committed to preach peaceful meth Mexioan over the foreigner, because can make the Mexicans the illustrious, states, Tho political prisoners in Bellowering of the wages, and the rise or thoods, telling the people that the law that is already consigned in our contratorpal and strong people of a better lem, Mexico City, and of the Juarez the prices for all hocessities of lite, corners, behind tho trees wo have to meet the was the only good weapon for Whom?
111solent E2Zo of the human watch fencing match with the despotism. avold forelgh preponderance and to tained as long as at the side of the getically by an open letter to the press, made still harder by these famous a) stitution. As an efficacious means to tomorrow, but this end cannot be ob prison, Merida, Yucatan protests ener the abject. misery of the tollers, la will put up with anything if they had to learn the lesson that the law tory, nothing seems to be more conferical schools are allowed to sprouti pardon for an alleged crime which in the petty bobaes exact a monthly tria dogs, of patient idlore of a kind that And now you Anti reelectionists have guarantee the integrity of our terri emancipated and patriotic. youth, the agaldet any attempt of. demanding raffles, and to culminate the Infamy can avoid working by doing so, No has no power to unsent tyrants, that ventent than the naturalization as which in einer than your mother thin: Fact was only the cenerelderfeed the bute for the privilege of grantinis Insule per le arritate them, no despisal only arms, rifles, If you please, gon Mexican citizens of such foreigners wat teaching cuantos de ore pe by ste rilehts and privileges guaranteed by work for their rey leone radove pid teachingscomes to keep in glow the the many workers Qubmit timidly to the with Twenty months ago wont with flush of shame.
old discords in the midst of the na autocrat.
Thero they stand Asiatic Labor.
Diaz wanted to exterminato the payment of that trlbute, and take my husband to Mexico. And looked unceasingly with an unfathomable agitators of discontent though that The suppression of The probibition of a Chinese immi tional growth.
without shame the places of Jalisco Reports are published in comfor the benevolence of Porfrio Diaz. mien, racking their liecle brains for anti dynasty reversion of public sen gration is before all a measure of the schools of the clergy eliminates Tor two months was in Mexico trouble, ever nourishing the Illusion timent was led by an inoffenslve pred. protection for the workingmen of with one blow that which always has the press of Yucatán that Governorrades who refused to be bled by such City, the city of terrible contrasts, of of an inherent hidded value to make icator of law and order, and a new other nationalities, and principally of been the germ for bitter divisions be Miguel tween the Mexicans, and definitely se of Jalisco, on September 27, ordered contribute to their own degradation Ahumada: ot the state unlawful petty graft. We deplore it wonderful beauty, or unutterable de believe that they are gifted with arrest of Francisco Madero was Mexico.
bitterly that the workers themselves The Chinaman, generally epair. In the Zocalo, the Alameda, exquisitely rare qualities, and ac imminent. Our man got a tip of the disposed to work at the lowest wages, Cures the rule of democracy in our the release from the penitentiary of land ultimate ruin while the capitalon the streets, in the churches, in the tually believing themselves that they intentions of the dictatorshap and submissive, small to aspirations, is a populares en la pesca datang brother hea. es afty political prisoners, as the govo ist courts sentence a good many men markets, looked for the benevolence are successfully deceiving all the safely fled in the nick of time into great obstacle for the prosperity of of progress, peace arid brotherhood. ernor is about to enter the cabinet, who dare to stand for the rights of of the despot. And round a people world. They think that no one pays thls country.
other workingmen. His competency (To be continued)
thus not needing any more to re elect labor, This lack of solidarity and atarving and lo rags.
any attention to thelr moves when But like all barbarian rulers of the is lamentable and must be avoided self for anything his action is a readiness to do to Judas act to those Starving and in rags! We use as a matter of fact nothing is excit past the tyrant strikes also by proxy.
in Mexico. Generally speaking, the clever stroke of whitewash for Dlaz who are unwilling to bend their backs.
those words glibly, we who do not log more suspicion than the affected When that intrepid newspaper man Chinese immigration to Mexico does who pointing the foreign inquirers to to vile serfdomis. lnfnitely sad.
know. Rags are not torn clothes, nor faux pas of the detectives. These Paulino Martinez had to cross the not produce the least bit of beneilt.
ts stárving just hunger. The poverty little insects in human disguise bear border the despot struck his most diaChurch, cover in all other states, and thus one For do they not realize that they are.
of Mexico City is so extreme that the the earmarks that betray their pro bolical and contemptible blow in arThe Catholic clergy; overstepping Chiapas. Affected with an imagle good act will serve to sidetrack atten ing all hope for the future of their ex jefe poor must wear their clothes till they fesalon; certain air of fictitious in resting the wife, tearing her from a the limits of its religious mission, nary sickness politico of tion from many sins.
own people?
will cling no longer to their bodles, nocence, certain cultivated forced po little baby and placing her incom has always pretended to erect itself Tonala. Chiapas, Francisco de la Michoacanon October 13th, pretill the cheap cotton garments, sitions, certain mannered conven municado in a Althy cell to force her as a political power, and has caused Torre, the murderer of the Veracruwashed and patches beyond naturational grins of a pretended honora by cowardly iniquities to reveal the great evils to the fatherland, be it in zag peyallan The A: Beltran last feet and official murderer Luis VN is evidenced by the following item in endurance, washed and bility which fall to hide the true face abode of her husband.
Ande se angale dominating the state with the con bas been permitted to go home with laseñor was taken from the peniten the Los Angeles Record: patched no more. The poverty is so of the rogue at the bottom of it all. we see the blow by proxy descend servative governments or be it as a policeman to, watch the door but tiary of Chihuabua and turned over Patroimap Louis; Nico and merciless that thousands of the in Right on the very same day that upon the brother of the govern not to stop the patient when he feels to the cblèf of police of Morella who wbo rebel against the liberal Thos. FK Rico have been involved by.
habitants live and die in a state of this pest of locusts settled down in dared to run against Diaz. Mr. Gus ments.
This activity of the clergy, Ilke going out to have a good time. Od bad allowed him to escape before, it Chlet Galloway with PJ Talastarvation, that for months and years the streets adjacent to the bullding tavo Madero, the engineer Jesus Inspired by Its savage hatred and even from the time of birth many we occupy, the entire neighborhood Higuera Sevilla and Mr. Margarito democratic institutions, provokos: an saint, he had a feast in his house with Coalcoman will ever face the courts mantes in the extortion case The have never known what it was to get became aware of what was going OB Lozano have been placed under as equivalent activity on the side of his supporters and accomplices who of the state of Michoacan to get his the police commission and had the chiet. Monday night appeared before enough to eat, that little bables and made savory comments on the rest, locked up incommunicado in honest, governments who do not con with wine and music and speeches due torne foulassarsination of two palr summoned to appear next MonBoarcely able to walk are gaunt with rather entertaining invasion on the the infamous bastile of Belem, Mexico sent either to permit the religious In expressed their Indignation dáy, Cuevas Apolinar charges that City, charged with incitement to re vasion into the sphere of the civil vowed vengeance to the perseri nel respected citizens, devouring hunger, and lift pitiful part of those guys.
Talamantes. attempted to extort 50 eyes to you in the plazas and on the Day after day is passing, and those bellion, Oaxaca IT, is officially reported unAccording to the version power, or patiently to tolerate the of the official assassin. Soclety is sidewalks.
mute dummies are ever present in given out oficially, and of course in continuous rebellions or clericalism. justly indignant over the scandal but der date of October 12 that in La from blm for the return of his kid Homelessness, abuse, the torment the fulfillment of their high du terested in accumulatiog charges, the if the clergy of Mexico conducts it justice has the eyes bandaged, and chigoya, district of Ejutla, on the paped daughterWe need not com ment. It W111 be well remembered of cold pights, a bed the hard ties. If one of us leaves the house, prisoners, la common with the fugi self as in other countries, for 10 the ears stuffed as well as the mouth 9th of this month three bands led by ground and insuffictent sleep, the de there they come forth to the light tive defeated Anti reelection can stance, in England or in the United gagged In Mexico.
seven individuals made an attack that it was one of the RicosandTale. gradation of squalor, the fangs of the from the closets and other hiding didate Francisco Madero, have at States; 11 It renounces Its pretensions upon the authorities killing the chiet mantes who though in the employ wolf within, the terror of the future places which they infest so as not to tempted to bribe several members of to govern the country; if it stops to Coahuila Amongst the high stand of police Lazaro. Luis. his assistant of the city unlawfully hired out to the. these are the gifts that Poririo lose the trail of every one of us, They the army into rebellion against disseminate hatred against the lib ling relugees of recent arrival from Jose Lino Ruiziand denoblo Vega; Firlong detective agency of St. Louis Dlaz gives to his people.
want to know where we go, who are Dlaz. Those militáry gentiemen eral institutions and authorities; if Mexico is Mr, Miguel Cardenas, who and wounding the mayor and severai to arrest Magor stal, three years And we do not wonder at all am sure that on this continent our fộiends, what we are doing, they were merely the tools of one higher it tends to make the Catholies good understood it during a term of six members of the municipal council: ago.
there are few cities as beautiful as are interested in the most insignifi up who was himsell used by the des citizens and not dissidents and trait teen years as high handed governor of Also in Zimatlan the jete político) under these circumstances that one the City of Mexico. Magnificent cant details of our daily life, and in pot to discover and uncover the in ors; if it resigns itself to accept the the stato Soahuila to accumulate at has been killed by rebels. Thus the of the Ricos helped also 50 bravely churcbes, wrung from the natives by the most common place human events teptions of the leader of the Anti re separation of the state and the least fifty millions of dollars. During revolution breaks forth in spite of to find the satchels with dynamite the relentless priesthood of Spain, they pretend to disco yer the evidences election movement, whom they had in Church instead of dreaming of the the recent election Farce he became repression and wliitewash, that revo at the home of Otis and Zeebandestatues, rare paintings, palaces, bou of terrible plots. Harmless persons vain tried to connect as moral au rule of the Church over the govern persona non grata for Diaz on account lution of a people driven to despáir laar, the professional friends of orlevards, flowers, blankets, pottery, who pay us social calls become the thors of the abortive uprisings of ment; in sum and substance, if it of his leaning towards the butcher by the gigantic official land stealingsganized labor.
filagree and drawn work delight the most dangerous conspirators, and Valladolid, Yucatan, and of San abandons politics and consecrates it of Monterey, Nuevo Leon, Governor and expropriations to please greedy of observer eye.
self to religion without alloy; if the Bernardo Reyes, the rival City of terrible con with their grossly inventive faculties Luis Potosi.
Diaz oficials and foreign corporation. On trasts! Even where proud Cuabuc and their inveterate habits of lying We place no credence in that ofi clergy observes this conduct, we can who was officially switched off to Eu October 7th a faithful statë parlla Diaz is a good father of his peotemoc bolds on high leveled spear and exaggerating they manufacture cial version of the affair.
The Anti say with security that no govern rope to get him out of the way. Car ment of Oaxaca set aside a petition ple, who are his honest but as yet you may see them pass. the poor, their daily reports which have for reelectionists have at all times been ment will occupy itself to molest denab was unseated and to gag him assigned by many citizens demanding irresponsible children, and a good haggard with desperation and the tor principal object to convince the Mex advocates of non resistance, of the them for take the trouble of vigilat factor in the nation politics the for cause the annulment of the re father will have to spank them when ment of existence, The statue is ican government of the imperative methods of peace, They preach the lng them to apply certain laws, If state senate of the tools of Diaz in ſelection of the governor. It was to it is needed to keep them straight, beautiful, yet cold and far and piti necessity to continue to its employ gospel of peace as the only condition democratic government adopts re Coahuila asks for an accounting of be expected. one of the arguments. by an apololess, but even in its cast of metal the secret service police for the pur for a contest within the limits of the strictive measures for the clergy, some tenth of thousands of dollars getic promoter of a scheme of. Mexa not so pitiless as the heart of him who pose of watching the revolutionists. law.
We know the men and cannot such does not take place by the joy which had been used, as is claimed, to Puebla By higher orders a young ican exploitation backed by an Amers rules in Chapultepec, the benevolent The little detectives know fully well believe that they ever despot of the Americas.
that Porfirio Diaz used up, by the rebel. And from the lips oł. Mr. Eran persecution, but from the strictest asked for by Mexicor as millionatres Political reasons of September 1766, beaten into a duce, and that is what among, City of terrible contrasts! shall years and by the fever of ambition, cisco Madero the representatives of necessity. The aggressive attitude of must be shown some respects espe and kept incommunicado ever since father Diaż has been trying to ac, Dever in all my life forget the figure is filled with a frantic fear of the the American press could report these the clergy towards the liberal state cially if they could tell too much in in Puebla. Nothing can be heard of complish for a perlod of over thirty often saw just outside the gates of revolution, and they have acquired days that he does nor desire to work obligates the state to make itself side history. The extradition treaty him and rumors have it that he has years. Millions of abject: Iliterate the Museum, scarcely a away the art of exploiting that fear im by means of a revolution.
energetically respected. If, like in provides for a minimum amount of been long ago secretly deported to slaves, servile creatures galore ha from the National Gallery of Art the pudently. And then there are cer But the despot in power wanted to other countries, the clergy of Mexico 25, but seems to scop short at the Mexico Siberia, man killing Yucatan. been produced, and yet, manhood and figure of a woman, an old, old woman, tain little consuls who under the pre eradicate even the most peaceful man would keep itself within the religious million mark, though in minor mat The ley fuga works again in this womanhood are not dead and assert with parchment skin, scant gray hair, text of such needed persecutions pil ifestations of national activity which sphere, political changes would not ters to hold a man desired by Diaz state.
Three rurales having shot Al themselves in these days in glorious fleshless lips and sunken breast. An fer the public treasury and who for ón account of their inoffensive char affect it; but if it stands, as it does, it seems to be permissible to inflate bino Juarez of Acatepec, a well re examples as in the times of the war old, old woman, and yet not so old that reason must needs assist the lit acter ought to have been permitted actually at the head of a militant the value of postage stamps robbed spected citizen, whom the local car of independencë. Men and women.
in years, for she nursed a child of half tle detectives in the manufacture of to stand as they actually were mere party the conservative party it by mental telepathy or of a cord of zique disliked. The same murder fought then a seemingly hopeless bat: a year, a wizened little creature shrip chains of evidence and intrigues to child play. Only coward like has to resign into suffering from the wood up to a truly mythical valua ous rurales took charge of Leonardo tle against an enemy:50, big that he ered as with age from its birth. Poor prevent the drying up of the stream Diaz, an imprisoner of frail women consequences of its own conduct.
tion. Additional inforination of the Quintanilla at Zoquitlan, Puebla; on could boast that in his domain the old woman, poor baby, old, too, with ſet of gold and silver apportioned to where he can not or dares pot get Where the church is neutral in pol Palau mine disaster at Las Esperanzas October 1, to transfer him to the dis gun never sets. And in these days: We.
suffering do they crouch there still. them by the imbecility of the despot. men, will be filled with frantic fears itics, it is out of reach for any gov make probable that a total of 220 is trict of Tehuacan, and that was the see again the women of Mexico City, while the mother extends her with The moral level of the little con of the activities of a bármless clvism, ernment; In Mexico, where it con: Jentombed, Mexicans, Japanese and a last heard of him. Thus inoffensive of Tlaxcala, of Sonora martýrized for ered hand for alms? And what does suls and of the little detectives is What will the Anti reelectionists do spires untiringly, allying itself to all lêw. Americans.
After being buried well respected citizens are assassinat: voicing their convictions, and men the benevolent despot think when he one and the same; they are equally now?
Will they offer the other cheek despotisms, and is capable of high alive without food and water from ed for not submitting to the greed hounded, killed or exlled for darlag of the But the benevolent sees them products of his benevo contemptible and equally tricky, and for further chastisement as advised treason against the fatherland to get Friday, October 1, to doon or to the fancles of a degenerate offi to be of age.
lence. for that reason no one needs to be by the most conspicuous leaders? Will into power, it must be satisfied if the fourth, six Japanese rescued cialdom.
paternal spanking is in fact the boidAh, but there is one thing must astonished at the means resorted to they meditate now, after their down. Liberals, after triumphing over it and from their tomb of rocks and are ber est and meanest fraud ever committed not forget when speak of the ben by them. But we earnestly wish fall, to work for the elections six its allies, impose only some restric ing cared for in the hospital of the Veracruz Under October 11, El upon any people of this earth Does evolence of Porfirio Dioz.
Surely that the money of the people should years hence, or will they, more logi tions to its abuses.
company. Thirty five bodies of the Mexicano reports that without any the tyrant really ape the Czăr of Rusa ust be be benevolent, for when Ell Dot be wasted so ignominiously. cally, make up their minds at last to Exploiting Ignorance.
dead were recovered so far.
provocation a campaign has begûn In sla by spreading the ridiculous myth hu Root was on his way to Mexico Let the authorities watch us if give back blow for blow, to fight tooth Veracruz to place under arrest inol that his acts, of bloodsbed are for the No one ignores that the clergy has Diaz ordered that thousands of pairs they have so much interest in such for tooth and nail for Dail?
of pants be distributed among the worthless activity, but in the name Colimam The district judge repre fensive unfortunate newspaper ven good, that a people can be matured to Only two ways are left to the Anti good monetary incomes, and such are Do the powers: that be really full grow manhood and self rellance poor of the city, that Root might not of common sense let it be done by reelectionists: either cowardly to sub not always obtained by clean proceed sents the federal courts of law. That dera.
Many cases are known of lg. Judge decided in favor of Ignacio Pa belleve they can stop the people of by the elimination of the truly best in regard to the happiness and pros stead of the cadets who apnoy us for the lattere course they would have norant as well as poor people who dilla In his petition for redress against thinking by Jalling street urchins who and upright citizen, by the crushling of ſing for the regeneration of a nation?
perity of the Mexican people. Noth every day by thetr bottomless stu to choose a banners Let it be a ban give money to the church with un molestation on the part of the police try to make a precarious but infinite of the best elements which are mak ing in their stomachs, mind you, por pidity. That pest is not good for ner of principles. It would be a veri heard of sacrifices, obliged to do so authorities of the state, but these au ly more honest living than that Rumors have it that Mr. Casasus shirts, por shoes, por bats nor blank anything and not worth the money table disgrace should the Anti reelec by implacable prtests who exact high thorities pay no attention whatever to their persecutors? The Cazique of ets just pants. think that even spent upon them.
tionists turn revolutionists with no prices for a baptism, a marriage, etc. the mandates of the federal courts, Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz, is certainly Root would have had to laugh in the other purpose than merely to support if they do not get these sacraments at and thus the people are taught by an sfstant judge to file charges of the threatening the believers with a hell and the chicanery goes on as ever, 2n ingenious grafter. He gets the as was in this city to talk over with depths of his crooked corporation soul candidacies. The revolution the exacted price. In the houses of object lesson how to be law abiding. ason, and sędition against seventy local pillars of the law. the filing of METHODS OF PEACE at sight of a ragged shirted, barehave higher aims than the mere elecworklogmen. Those who pay two hun new charges agalart os for breach of footed population betrousered Ilke tion of masters. The revolution must the Lords are sold at excessive prices dred pesos are not gullty and released, neutrality laws, and that our arrest store clerks, had not most of them EXILED FROM MEXICO hare in mind the material well being books or pamphlets with sermons, Federal District With the first of those who do not pay are guilty and will be decreed in the near future.
sold the pants to buy something to Ever since the Anti reelection party of the masses of the toilers as a basis prints, and even ribbons and threads the coming year Justo Sierra, Jose pinched.
No comments needed.
We are ready, and so, we hope, are eat, more immediate need was for food. no person of the slightest reasoning only be reached it the Pasts, well and good, but the of Mexico started upon its campaigo for freedom, and this well being can things alms are asked for, and exploit. Ives Limaptour ana Ramon Corral lands taken Yucatan The attorney general also our American friends.
bile, could not so readily perceive the close the eyes to the probable ulti people.
But Root, from carriage or automo power could for any length of time from the people revert back to the ing the fanaticism, money is derived will relinguish their seats in the cabeven from people who would fight inet the first to go as financial agent state of their stomachs, so what did mate outcome of that struggle by The Liberal Party calls upon the over a centavo did they not believe to London, the second to be embassa prosecuting the people Involved in their hunger matter to tbe benevolent methods of peace. The bad harvest Anti reelectionists to rally around that by spending it they are buying dor in France, and the third to be despot?
One sees in this an excessive president of the senate, Teodoro Deof practical experience gathered for their banner. The revolution consti glory.
Benevolent despotism! Was there a period of over thirty years of Por tutes the solution of the national lucre, at the cost of human ignorance, hesa, Miguel Ahumada, and Joaquin ever so viclous a phrase coined to defirlan tyranny has, implanted deep problem, and the Liberal Party is the and it is only very just that the state Casasus will enter the cabinet. The pid to think? Despotism rapacity, struggle by methods of peace, e. for Mexico.
The propertied classes, Dess, place such also upon this income Teodoro Dehesa will be occupied by cruelty, oppression, Benevolence kindness, good will, generosity.
Felix Diaz and Ahumada place in bonorable kinds.
a struggle begun and conducted with the army, the men in tat Jobs win which certalnly is not of the most inspector of the police of the pation. in the prescriptions of the law with not come to our ranks, because they Jalisco will be given to Manuel Cuesta LAWNot Respected. PROFESSOR OF SPANISH may be dull witted, but to call any out retallatiog violence to lead them are well aware of the fact that we Gallardo, Thus the maniquins are despot benevolent is to me like call to victory, must needs result in ster aght against all special privileges, that the clergy in order to circum cleverly shitted to perpetuata Dlazero And what of benevolence anyway? ural tendency of man to revolt to the their ill gotten land from them to possessions under the names ot igure Britain will TeAd that the Mexicep by this method OLC CAN be able to transact business in three months, isty doly serving to sidetrack the nat and they know also that we sball take vent the referme lamb, hat placed its power. The golog ot higa dnanciers NEW METHOD That makes Spanish simple and ei sy to learn nation to FrADCO and Great The people ask benevolence. They ask for righte. And the time is coming when rection of better political and social poor, the dløloberited, their in the way of an evolution in the dr. give it back to the people. But the heada. Thus the clergy does in tact continue to POSBO88 the properties dollar will benceforth rival with the they will no longer ask.
They will conditions, the prolo which the law prohibite them to owa, rouble of the Cear of Russia to stide 760 LOS ANGELES CLARA ST.
coneclences with business prospects.
tarlaps upbesitatiogty rock to our it is thus Just, domend to put an demand.
on a be oc!
a were 1 must Miss Eloisa Moreno