Hegeneración ots 1916. ۱۴) 11. 1111Y Hawa ni ter By The Way ܙܐ RECEILIS FROIC PREVIOUS RAPOR 19. 15 in tax, Back Again.
Buit are House new TO BE GIVEN IN Address By Enrique Flores Magon Suppressed 542 Main St.
diserialantion always taking terminit at hutzräntlid, istersized pileg of Fruitico whiá Álta, Cenacle. de colos Trudu. NI care, molteyer, to announce that as ever to fight the crieing to the The antagonisin of our ideales 2; Worknieh Circle No. 38, Brocka Edited by WM. OWEN they were properly taken the last ditch regardless of the conseteatrist ihre klar the power su lyn. 82; Perche Name of the goveruthent. against Justice, for Law and Jus. No. 210, Allentown, Pa. 1; Roy No.
Hur duty, the duty of all cláss cons tice are quite different proposi. thaway, Wahoo, Nebr. 50c; Augwa SUBSCRIPTION HATES Send money payable to cious men and women, Siogle copy, to disregard tions. The very spirit of law is Ricuardelli, Needham IIeights, M395, h; ENRIO LORS VAGON.
7wo dolas a yesi.
That tells what is, in reality, our own safety and evcut our own based on the welfart and safety II. Baron, D) tv. Nied, 2; Works months, 110. Saturday July 29, Box 1236. Los Angeles, Cal. All the rodon lives before the great issue at stake, of one set of men, those in power, as indicated by this Court when mens, Circle No. 123. Troy, tecies omninitted by all the thieves Iluman Liberntion, and the loer man people are made Stain insurance that Gumpers it said that it is the duty of TOTAL TO DATE. 1048, 81, Now that we are back again, Government to presserve itself by to lealize ihat they cannot repeat criticizes was Bismarck pet de and bandits in existence are The spirit of Justice, CAPLAN FUND.
the iriuk of 1970. Then only will rice, and the multiplication of mere drop in the bucket as 2011 temporarilly free to undertake the its laws.
it be possible for the people of just such devices has given the pared with the systematic loot struggle in behalf of the disinherited, on the contrary, is based on tlie MAY 22nd, to JULY Germany to make a stand against German Government that gigan ing conducted by Governments while our appeal is disposed of and welfare of all human beings without the anachrouistic social, polo gilu, 1916.
economic differences There is suficient gold and the military classes and the bur tic power which has put half the in the name of law and order. As we are dragged back to jail, we itical and a result, a world which should be have found our dear REGENERA and distinctions that now diville silver in the wines controlled, caucracy.
world in mourning. Gustafsson, ort Angels, Wash. ca; rich beyond the dreams of ayarice CION, that is our cherished weapon the liuman race under the unnatural through concessions gained 1111drags itself painiuliy around in our revolutionary activities, al institutions that we aim to des Wołowitz, Saginaw, Mich. 500; Ada der other regimes. to place JhXfrom day to day, a pauper. And most cruslied to leath by the rus. troy to give way to a vatural. o Wolfe, Minneapolis, Minn. i; Theo ico on a strong financial basis, lut take to be the only at. Iurriztia iury aiter tlic outbreak this is the bottom root of all thic sian like persecution of the brig the right of living with decency, coin Cocte, Carmel, Cal. 2; Peter Steenstra, cial order that shall provide for ora Sponagel, Cincinnati, Ohio, Mary yoct the people of the Republic timud that any one sincerely all of the war pointed out, evil.
ands in power.
Would you help fort and freedom that all human have 110 title or interest in any of xious for the emancipation of Land and Liberty, that the old War. OWEN. us to kcep it afoot?
these natural resources, save it Germany proletariat, and the Internacional had broken dow11 being liave a riglit to enjoy from Paterson, 1; Weir, Min.
We quote froin it letter asyancement of the international iseyonı redesuption and that it Since twenty four years ago when the very moment that they are scapolis, Minn. 1; Socialist Pty. Redo borit into this earth.
lands, Cal. 2; Chukan, Kenosha, Wis.
We struck the first blow to tyranny that appeared in the El Paso revolutionary moyement, can oc: new one must be formed. urged We acknowlege that these Ideals 1; Local Minzanita, Socialist Pey. PreHerall. by Andres Garcia, cury. On this subject write that its programu be simplified and exploitation, wo gavo up our are destructive to the present ther, Cal. c; Los Angeles, very lives for the Human Cause; arclinical institutions, for they Carranza 11 Paso Consul. Does dogmatically because consider enormously, because only the it not strike sou as truc, and, hc it axivinatic that until Germany simple is stroug, and suggested would you help us now to keep up are the battering ran that strik. 1; Cigar Lahers Union, York, Pa. ing trur, as 1110st pathetic? Dorse proletariat frees itself from the that the program be wliittiert Thanks to the timely help of our our struggle that aims to destroy es against the levial castle of Thos. Olsen, Gow Canda, Canada, 2; it not explain things. And is it clutches of its military class arid down to throw them off your comirades innis Goldman and all the present unjust. tyrannical Boixate leroperty, where its up B, Fund 10, 46, Wordside, holders, Capitalisni, Church, anil 1; Fingold, Dorches.
not, as a matter of fact, wliat bureaucracy it will remain the backs. The New Review Berkman, we are back again in our and cxploiting institutions, so as to Authority, are intrenched.
iicals tend to betelit, ter, Mass. Nelson, Thiel River might equally be said of the serious abstacles to revolutionary new takes up the cry and te pro posts when, otherwise, we would be build up a new Social Order amidst these in a 11 kind. they Falls, Nimn. 1; Babers, Saline, United States, of England, of progress it is today. The root of duces an article entitled The done alrendy with the very hideous which all humun beings, regardless all Germany, of every country now all this is the system of paternal Third International, by Anton stripes of the convicts iv our old of sex, race or color, bo brothers, based on Justice, and therefore, a. 50c; of No. 2512, for lile sake of Justice anal Ilu Cle Elum, Wash. 10; Workmen Cirralel by monopoly? There is a ism introduced by Bismark; the Pannekoek, translated from the home at McNeil Island Peniten cqual and free?
Let these lines be the bearers of Ideals sliould not be persecuted, manity, we who propagate these cle, No. 488, New Kensington, Pa. Soc; devii of a row over all these biisi. adoration of the State which he Verbote, which is discribed as tinry, where the respectable eleJ. Robinson, Canal Dover, Ohio, 1; ness in Mexico torlay. Do you systematically cultivated as the giving the view of the extreme ment of this rotten present society our fraternal love and greetings to and for the same reason in our all the rebels as well as to all our case, my brother and mine, this Local Nest love, Socialist Party, Orcait. think it will not sprend, and surest method of upholding the left wing of the German Social hac sent 14.
don you think it is your busi throue. Bismark was 20 a Democracy. Here is an extract:We are back again among you, oppressed and exploited brothers of Court should not pass sentence on Cal. 3; Geo. Weigand, Homestead, Oking ness to lielp the spreading? solute monarchist; the most loyal such a sentence would inean notli II. Jabovitch, Portland, Or. An immense number of new friends and comrades, deterrnined as chains, in general, and the carriers Sesc Con as said at the beginning 50. Chas. Atills exington, Mo. sce. servant any ruler by the grace questions lie before us. First of ever to push forth the struggle for of our contempt and bittercst scom ing but a denial of the inalienaSheet Metal Workers Union No. 54, of God could laye.
Ile knew all the questions of imperialism land and Liberty, the criancipat for the exploiters and their ruseally ble right of llunanity to march John Kennelli Turyer and the wirat he wanted and low to get its economic roots, its connection ing light for hunan (rcedor and supporters that form the large ar: forth toward Progress. Yes, to ton, Tex. 59; Wm. Shepps, Dover. Appeal to Reason have ern it.
mies of parasites that run the old ward Progress, for our Ideals are 2; MaxCharnick, Chicago. 20. He got it. He taught the with the export of capital, procurhappiness.
the culmination of the intelectual Armand, Los Ang. Cal. 37. machinery of Authority and the ployed with crushing effect the entire German nation to believe ing of raw material, its effect We are back again to our posts, progress already attained by Phinney, Springficld, Mo. i; Lorem Church.
deadly parallel to expose wliat in and rely on the State as the upou politics, government and determined as ever to follow the ger, Tilford, 1; Kite they term the record of cliplo benevolent guardian that would bureaucracy, its spiritual power straight and thorny path of the un.
RICARDO FLORES MAGON. To be continued. lecinell, Wliichita, Kans. 1; Workmen matic and official lies regarding take care of them, and that huge lipon tlie bourgeoisie aud the compromising fighter for the het. ENRIQUE FLORES MAGON.
Circlc, No. 166, Milwaukee, Wis. St; the Mexicau expedition, By lie already has slaughtered GerInternational Social press, its significance as Lettish Bnch. Socialist Pry. Los Angeles, comparison of dates they show nians by the millions and drench ideology of and Dance le bourgeoisie.
Cal. 75; John Reed, New York, 10; tliat, although President Wilson ed the world with blood. It is Then those questions which reG. Pellegrini, Alon:rcal, Canada. gave out a signed statement that the great world devastating lie late to the proletariat, the causes Burbank Hall, Jas, WV. Hill, Peoria, III. 1; Workmen the expedition into Mexico was of Socialisny, and that lie it is of their weakness, their psychology Circle No. 274, Syracuse, 1; Mwiny trgust 19, 1911, 18:8.
Ordered under an agreement with the bounden duty of every intel and the phenomena of social imthe de facto Government of Nex. ligent person to expose and cru perialism and social patriotism.
by The Federal Court of Los Angeles, June 22, 1916. Under the auspices of The Mrs. Elizabetli Besisle, Lake Bay, Wastar ico, the sending of the expedi cify: Our cowardly dallying with Added to these are the questions Workers International Defense 13. 33; Jell, Brooklyn, 65. NOTI. This speech was pre Ideals of Land and Liberty and League, for the benefit of the Ma Workmen Circle No. do. 1; Theo.
tion had been announcert oflicial it is costing us too dear.
of proletarian tacties, the signi« pared by linrique Irlores Magon against all kinds of tranny, on gon Bothers, David Caplan and Ippel (list 1, Chicago, II. i; llacs ly before any word was received ficance and possibilities of parlia to be pronounced when asked by pression and exploitation, We Marthew Schmidt.
Tall, Kcrosd, Wis. 50c; Bocabella, from Carranza, and that ou larchi mentariavisu, of mass action, of the Court if le had something to are all figliting to overtlırow the Enrique Magon and others Chicago, III. j; Putters Union No. 15, when the entrance of United If tile Government of the Unit labor union tacticą, reforms and say, wly sentence should not be present archaic and unjust insti. will speak. Music and singing Sebring, Ohis, 2; Pressmens Union No.
Stres troops into Mexico became ed States were weak it would not immediate deniands, the signific iiti posed on then. But when the tutions which are based on the and a general free for all enjoy: 55; Toledo, Ohio, i; Liensner, Pliknown, the Mexican Goverument be dreaming of iniquitous inva. ance and the future rule of orgau proper time arrived the Judge exploitation of Man by luis fellow netit will be a purt of the proExclelphia, Pil. Roblen, Soncia, sent a protest whici it repeated sious, If our governing machine ization; also the questions of did not allow Furique to actress Man, Refreshments aud ood Cal. joc; Fund, No. 217, twice, March 19 and 23. April were small and simple it would nationalism, of militaris and the Court, altho lie demanderi We are all fighting to establish things to eat will be liad at pop May woul, 1; Worknens Circle 12 Carratza foreigu minister pot be bankering to control the colonial policies.
suicl right, granted to them by a new Social Order, an order in ular prices.
No. 110, Prorálence. 50; instructed the ambassa lor in destinies of other peoples wlio are the very same laws that the liarmony with the laws of Nature 500 must be raised within Oser (list za names. New York, 105 Washington to ask for a disocu perfectly capable of attending to Court pretends to uplold. and based on the Liberty, Fratwo months to appeal the case of Workmens Circle Ni. 220, Toronto, Cike pation of the territory occupied their own wellare. It is because Great God! Great God. And, ternity and Iquality of all lit the Magons. Failure to do this nala, t; Electrical Workers Union 6A, by American troops, in view of it has grown to giant size that it again, Great God. Do you not Owing to my brother sick man beings, regardless of race, ineaus their going back to prison New Bedford, Mass. Si; Workmen Cira Villa party having been dles is poisoned with imperial ambi KNOW that the mere discussion ness, which prevents his aildres color or sex.
at the end of that time. The cle No. 352, New York, 2; Forward troved and Mexican forces hav. tions, It is because tens of of such a program would take a sing this court, sliall speak in With the Magons you have cooperation and full support of Educational Club, Philadelphia, 5; ing relieved those in pursuit of thousands feed today at its century? Do you not KNOW his behalf as well as my own.
convicted the Worlds recl blooded all true Rebels is urgently needed Radin, San Diego, Cal. Ru.
the bandits a few days after the trough, and hundreds of thouse that the language used is such am taking the opportunity, men and women who are striving immediately. Prison for the therford, Lon Beach, Cal. 1; Mrs. Ruth event in Columbus, At that ands liope to do so, that it is that no one outside of specially given me, of addressing the Court to halt the piracy and the oppres Magons in their present state of Clrack, Tulsre, Cal. soc; Electrical date we had 13, 000 troops in Mex crazy to extend its spheres of ac miseducated scholastic circles can under. because want to inake clear tlie sion of the rapacious plutocracy lealth means death.
Sliall wc Workers Union No. 574, Brementos, ico. Two days later we increas tion until they embrace the stand it? And do you not KNOW causes behind our prosecution, and its natural allics, Authority save them?
Wash. 1; Buokbinders Union, No. 51 el then to 17, 000, globe. This means continual at once, ou reading it, that the for it appears tliat Court proce and the Church, With us you ADMISSION: 80. 25. St. Paul, Minn, 3; Journeymen Taylors clashes, continual war. And con man wlio wrote that passage had dure was designed to conceal the have condemned all of the inen Union No. 131, Pittsburburg, Pa. Sz; timual war neans the permanent no clear ideas but simply surren facts underlying such cases as and women who thiuk and who Musicians Asse. No. 76, Seattle, Wash, Save for one purpose it is idle MAGONS FUND.
ensla yrient of the masess. dered to the intoxication of his thuis.
feel the anguish and the sorrows Ss; Relici Society for Political Victims in to relaxlı the past. Tiit pur Therefore liate the creed that own eloquence? That is always The Records here show that of the dispossessed, the tortures 941. 26 Russia, St. Louis, 15; Sher.
pose is the enabling us to julge preaches look to the State! the way with the Germans, aud the Magon brothers were tried of the oppressed and the wailing Iron River, Mich. 12; wood, Salem, Or. 1; Elsa Litermann, tre future.
Froin the foregoing, Lvery politiciau at lieart endor for that reason they are the most anul convicted, but tlie Records and the tears of the millions and Pund, No. 25. Brooklyn, 1; do. San Francisco, sı; Workmens. ircle No.
and thucli else that could be prit ses that creed, for to enlarge the impracticable of all revolution do not show, that the case at Bar millions of human beings who No. 136. New York City, 1; Clyde R: 286, Brixoklyn, st.
in evideuce, judge that the puno State maclıine is to improve his aries This all the world now here is the age long liglot of the have the misfortune of being born Kennedy Nampa, Idaho, 1; Sheet Metal Electrical Workers Union 680, Fon du itive expedition is in Mexico to chance of riding on the workers understands, the professional ex. Downtrodden, the oppressed and at a time when all of the means Workers No. 319, Kansas City, Mo. stay until its very presence has Lac, Wis. Workmen Circle 457, hacks. Every weakling indorses ponents of hide bound Socialism the disinherited against the tyr of life have been appropriated by 2; Daindesvicz, Los Angeles. 250, Grand Rapids, Nlich. do. No. 45, bronglit about the clasli it must that creed, for he wishes to be alone excepted. They alone anny, the superstition and op the land sharks and the money. Leiter, New York City, 1; proroke. Then will come that taken care of and lias no ambi seem still ignorant of the fact pression which overburdens Man, grabbers; of the millions of prole Bishop, Lewiston, Idaho, 2; Workpien Pittsburg, Pi. Stuart, Nampa, bokily avowed interyention for tiou to be given the opportunity that during the last two years kind.
Idalio, Socialist Party, Ann Arbor, tarians who are condemned at Circle No. 527, Chicago, III. 1; Inwhich the militarists, and the of taking care of liiniself. am German Socialism has been exposLiberty and Justice themselves birth to a life of incesant toil and nocent Bonzani (list. Metropolitan, Cal. Mich. O, Sullivan, Kansas City, great plutocratic dailies, are Kas. 50c, Polsky, Otawa, Canada, no friend of either tlie welfish or ed completely as what it really is, have been on trial here. actual chattle slavery, without 80; Socialist Pty. Orofino, Idaho, 1; picading witli growing coufithe slieepisin philosophy of life. viz. the incarnatiou of obedience It is not merely the Magons hope of any reward other than a do. Vincennes, Indiana, 1; Debs, 65, Saciulst Party, Bch. No. Rock.
dence, think we should be men and to authority.
who are convicted there, but every death of starvation and expo Petra Flavie, Indiana, i; away, Jose Russo. Superior: woica and take the rights that Monc. Worknen Circle, No. 39, Until we rouse ourselves from Liberty and Justice loying peo Fund No. 326, St. Louis, Mo. Brons, do. 16. New York, aplaud cren the Appeal to properly belong to us as such.
obsession to that sort of lumbug ple as well; for we the Magon ter studying these condi Johnson, Cotras, Quebec, Canada, Reason when it seemnes to me in Sheet Metal Workers Union No. 333, no real effort will be made.
Brothers, liave becul convicted tious many inen and woinen have 1; Workmen Circle, No. 114, San through the technicalities of come to the conclusion that, the Francisco, Cal. 50c; No. 179, Scclalia, Mo. Clara Cashman, the riglat. But never do forget, Santa Ana, Cal. mall inade laws, for our activities only way out of actual chattle Nesv York City, 3; Cronaca Suversiva. 50c: Workmen that it works incessantly ſor soProbably the New Review Circle No. 312, Memphis, Tenn. 50c; cialist and unlimited increase of is the most generous Socialist read the following in a special in behalf of the einancipation of slavery is the way we pointed lynu, Mass. 50; Recry, Santa Barbara, Cal. i; the functions and power of the publication in this country, and, despatch to the Los Angeles the downtroddle11, exploited and out in our Manifiesto of Septein Fund, No. 307; Cleveland, Ohio, 1; Socialist Party, Crofino, Idaho, I; oppressed Mexican proletarians, ber 23rd, 1911.
governing maclıine. That is to picking up the Alay number, Times; As we pointed Intino, for Win. Fesold, Mealfiell, Bouzani (list. Metropolitan, Cal. 25; say, it works incessantly for find a terrific attack on Samuel In the solid Villista districts in particular, and of the disinlier out in that Manifiesto, we aion to Mass. 754; Friends of Art and Education, Molders Union No. 158, Scaitle, Wash. changes which will strenghtlien Gougers. have no admiration there were evidences of prosper: ites all over the world, in gener establish tlie common ownership Brooklyn, 10; No.
the arus of authority and increase for 1:11, but what is the offense ity. The people there declared al; as shown by our writings of the Land, the inachniery and 65, Bisbee, Ariz. 50; Electrical 10; Taylors Union No. 70, Winnipeg. jucalculably the power of the that has brought on himn this at that Villa protected them, taking which are part of the Records here. the ineans of production and dis Workers No. 20, New York City, York City, 2; Wcrkmen Circle No.
Canada, 3; No. 179, New enslaver over the enslaved.
tack? Simply that in the April what he needed from them with As we are not the only ones tribution, for the common use and Workmen Circle No. 148, Brooklyn. Federationist he wrote: Com considerable sense of discrimina. who uphold the Ideals we advo benefit of all human beings, sa 1; Cigar Makers Union No. 276. Passaic, 1; Taylors Industrial Union No. 3, nver, Culo. 75; pulsory sickness insurance for tion. Tlie towns of mixed pol. cate and who fight for the better: as to enable them to work and 299, Middletoivn, Conn. 1; Rode, Fund No. 162, West Frou an article by Ileodore workers is based upon the theory itics, peopled by batli Villa inent of Mankind, for we Anar carn their own living and to en Liberty, Sz; Workmen Circle. 1; Roy. Marbure, former United States that tlory are unable to look after and Carranza partisans, were all chists are. counted by the millions joy the honest, pleasures which No. 13, Patterson, St; Work Wahoo, B, 500 iverkmens Cliete own. mens Circle No. 327, Woodbine, No. 123, Iroy, lotiowing: What Great Britain niist interpose its authority and Villistas in such places reported the world, our conviction is not, These Ideas are destructive of 1; Thomas, Vulcan, Alta, CaTOTAL TO JTE. 205. 87 and lier Hillies insist upon is a wisdoun and assume the relation that Villa was in the habit of in fact, ours alone; it is the con. the present institutions, as pro nada, 50. Chamelin, Scranton, Pa.
change in the Corujan attitude of parent or ijardian. For protecting thein, but of plunder viction, it is the condemnation, perly remarked here by the pros. 1; Maroni, Kellge, Idlaho, 3; Tay.
P, NGEL. Fin, Secku pro, temo his cannot be brought about this fie is dit nounced inost vitterly ing the Carranzista sympathiz too, of every Mexican rebel who ecution and this Court, and are, lora Union No. 40. Norfolk, Va.
fro:13 outside. It must come from by Boudin, whose new book ers.
is up in arms in the Mexican bat. therefore, antagonistic to man Christian Lind, New York, 7; A, J; inside, théougla rcrolmtion. And Socialisin and war. in indorsed They complained that Carran tle fields, fighting with courage inade laws that uphold Capital Beker, Brooklyn, N, 2; Mas From Emma Goldman.
Iere is no lope of revolution by leading Socialists and boomed za commands plundered both Vi and determination toward Prog: istn, but does not mean that tliey sino, Sharon, Pa. 25; Mazzio, Proceed of social and dance til Gurunun arms are overibrown by the New Review. Yet the llistas and Carranzistas without ress; fighting to uphold the lofty are not founded ou sound princi Brooklyn, 4; G, Rossi, Frank, 43. 40, for Magons, grar.