AnarchismCommunismEmma GoldmanEngelsEnglandMarxSocialismSocialist PartyStrikeViolenceWorkers Movement

197. 41 Hotel IPITER PY English Section WILLIAM OWEN Regeneracion.
נועניין REGENERACION Press Censorship Maero Thnero Violence of Revolutionary Worse than Ever Beset by. Focs Hurricane Increases Daily Mexico Plutocratic Press is Forced oi True Freedom to Admit that the Situation Says Magon is Desperate or Conspiracy of Silence Broken cago, III.
a or Its rewe uprising on individual ranolog and II. Kolly, Organizor, Irunclsco Forror plantations Tu Moxloo tho bou of in Assoclutlon, Now York.
Publlobod overy Saturday ut 619 44 livelul royolt lv at the flooil; and for Alexander Borkman, ditor, Mothor. Itu St, Los Angeles, Cal thin. for overything Olse, there is 21 Earth, Now York.
William Engllah Walling, Author, Tolophone, llomo 1300.
Now York, Subeoription raton Iron so unch it supporter of the Hutchins Hapgood, Author and JourPar 421 ui 00 Debox. Berxos llie olier solili oxluting rogind is. Dl Darla, Moxnalist, Spiring Lako, Por montlin. 10 In will toll you that the Moxloan 11 Pholps Stolos, Stamford, Conn.
Ice Clly, is complaining that telago ignorant, thinne die 14 anorgundedi. tout aus sent to it on the subject of sorfor throu months William Marion Roody, Editor, Mirthe mouse OTTHONI of evolution will ious uprisinge in the southorn porror, St. Loule, Mo.
110be donted, and that by long and top of the Repubille havo been 41BUNDLE ORDHRS.
Gilvort Roe, Luwyor, Now York.
100 copies 02)
Pener JHS llt hinsell for TeSSOU 11. ໂs. Ut the tollAlden Freoman, Eust Orange, 600 copies. Sto government, But they forgot to Fraph consorship still apply to mustBolton Hall, Lawyor and Author, 1000 copies 00 toll Jou Lut the Mexican a ono sages for tho pros?
Now York. mol cul Vanake which the finitori Notwithstanding this censorship wo Tholmiorican peoplo think that Paul Kaplan, Treasurer, S11111 worker, with full his organtan Russian invo record! within the last row everyths is quiet in Mexico, that Socialists Ilevolutionists, Oditor and Puputetor. Alleimo 111311 loafex milucution, lark. 11 Figueton duyg such ltem is the following: to revition is over and that Mox: New York.
Tho Mexican hurricane blows moro sequonco of continuous outrages 11:15 luut makes the Mexican In Morrlog numerous peon uprisings, 1co is out to undergo a period of Simon Pollock, Attorney, Russian ferooly tban ovor; but do not take against Society and proportiod Intorthe rule of the English, thu Gei the nativos having taken possession unprocintod prosperity. But they Socialists Revolutionists, Now our word for it, as we may be pre ests.
Amatored 8ound clage inntter the American in flglitii of the land, which thay aro cultivnt lavo bei decolved. One of the prin York.
judiced. Here, for example, is El It is an advantnge the rulinging on their own riccount. In Ahuehuetitlan, Stato of Oaxaca, doptombor 12, 1910, at the post of power.
Madoro cipal cues for the deception is the Rosa Pastor Stokes, Author, StaniImparcial editorla) of July 15, a Madero forco made its apoparande to at Los Angeles, Callfornia, under, kunst alunyo understand, and Madeusks an appropriation of 46, 166. 92 act th all nows reporta are cen. ford, Conn.
beaded, Whither are vo Drifting? and demanded forced loan.
The obo tat or march 3, 1879 NOW his consciousness of it lny to 84111 CGS these uprisings At sored government Theodore Schroeder, Attorney, Froo El Imparcial is recognized as one citizens refused and a sharp combat 11 fesenish energy with which ho 19 Nalca, State of (hihuahua, miners The beruls have not laid down Speech League, New York.
of Mexico great papers, and is pub. engued, many being killed No. 17 and Platatiuk to unite his cw foros on striko and appeal for troops dos thelrids by any means, although Voltairine de Cloyre, Author and Iished in Mexico City, the sent of em wounded.
Saturday, July 2, 1911. with those of the lito government, on Tort clied. Madero troops constantly tho Aghng during the past month Lecturer, Chicago, Ill.
pire. The following is a literal trans But why go on? We could All the one hand, and to bring out fingaged in this slato with gucrulla has beenittio noro thun guerilla war James Morton, Jr. Editorial Stay, lallon: column after columnn of our daily with Tulsarmuunt, on the other rebel foices.
faro. Henever a battle or skir The Truth Seoker, New York. For forty eight hours the press similar notes, Moreover, these In Jallsco the Indians solzing landsmisli in lt placo between the liberal Edwin Walker, Publicist, New has fuithfully reflected the situation tbings are well known to our readers the troops, York, For the momont, at least, the Netof which, thcy cialm, thoy nro the forces ILL the Madero of the country, without blue pencil and they reveal a act of which tho owners. At Ciudad to nowspapo reports invariably state Daniel Kicſer, Cincinnati, Ollo kun onber has this incalonabiu ndnightrid ing a syllable. It has gathered to public is fully aware, viz. that AnSlrunsky, Journalist, New sullage. There is no stronie, centrul Aguascalientes 200 workers on strike that ther was a brush with a gung Rose gether carefully all the news re archy rules throughout the Repuband troops brought 10 ized to restore of bandit These mou are not ban. York.
Rivernment to hold hini down, ceived from the four corners of the lic. Those wbo bave bound themstrangle his initiative, and keep him order. At La Concepcion, Oaxaca, dits by ft. They are revolutionists Barrows, Boston, Mass Republic.
selves to the wheel of that famous by Aghting a causo. They are form. Winifred Heath, Journalist, The horizon is wearing. clearlog from the assertion of his rights. To ache limense plantation owned New The summary is instructive and, saying, the Revolution is the RevoluYork.
vory day Witheut intelligence thornlarge extent in Mexico it is a case of Harold Woodhouse, an Englishman, ing for usystematic, organized war.
taking at haphazard a few sheets tion ought to be well satisfied. The can be no strength and the Moxican man against man, without the soldler, attacked for the fourth time.
In rare with two weeks the Madero Greer, Author, Chicago from the mountalo of printed mat Revolution will continue to be the 111.
question has xrown sing because it the policeman and the hangman to en. Zacatas three miners strikes and a forces will bi confronted with forces ter to our hand confined solely to Revolution, has gatherel intelligente The unor force injustice at the command of priv. fourth at Guadalcazar, San Luis Po the strengt of which will surprise Solotaroff, Journalist and two dates we can strike a balance Lecturer, New York.
tosi Feltral forces sent to put them them.
Omoial Blull mus issues int stale are becoming injilege Whereas in these United States, that is terse and substantially correct.
derstood; the part player ly Mailero cor example, there are millions of the Also, in the same state, strike Madero is between two fires. On Hulda Potter Loomis, Author, Chi First in importance comes the Ter El Imparcial then comments on has beeu flooded with light. the net of disinherited who would reclaim their of workers on the electric roads and the one hand the opposition of the Itable battle waged in the city of the fact that on the very day the at the Fabrica de Clavos.
political Intrigue 11 which, at the briglits within twenty four hours but Two up Diaz force, ad the power of the Morton, Editor, Freedom, Puebla between Maderists and Feder papers were chronicling these and hest of certain leaders, radicals have that tbe strong arm of a highly central. Alve cents a day insuficient pay. Ma than is general, supposed. Madero risings of peons, who think twenty Cientifico party is still much stronger San Francisco, Cal.
als; a mountain of dead, great loss of similar facts, Sr. Emilio Vazquez Justice is the official organ of allowed themselves to be entangled is ved government holds them in its Iron property, factories sacked and tho Gomez, Minister of Government, isderist troops despatched.
being dragged into view, and soon recent tilt withpe la Barra will tend the Social Democratic Federation in threat of more sanguinary events to sued a proclamation headed. The grasi. Il you doubt that statement, In Sonora guerillas more active to strengthen th opposition of the England; the oldest and, as it claims, come, it being announced that Emil elections will not be postponed. The there will be such a turning of the ta ask yourself what happens in this than ever; in Yucatan grave disor Cientifico ring. With the Dlaz sup the only true Socialist body in that lano Zapata, with a goodly body of Revolution has been pacified.
bles as, in this generation, the inter country when, through strike The ders, and in Tabasco great activity porters is a strde branch OL the country. The protostants whose followers, is marching on the city. country is tranquil.
national hus labor Movement not otherwise, authority for the moment This it stigamong the Yaquis and Liberal forces, Catholic church Mexico which is names are given above, are almost koowa. Without leaving the State of matizes as at once a humorous and loses its seat. This is the truth such governmental troops not venturing to opposed to Made because he is a without exception, men and women Puebla we find the leader of the Ma cruelly sarcastic utterance.
a man as Berger evades, and he evades interfere.
of international reputation as See how tlie papiers are discussing it because he is on the side of strong derist forces, at Tehuacan, refusing view of the situation concludes: The foregoing items, culled at hap On the other and is the Liberal writers, speakers and organizers; the financial assistance Madero to recognize the authorities appointed Meanwhile the Republic is askre government This is the great object hazard, are but an infinitesimal por Party, made up ofthe poorer people, many of them being leading Socialceived from Standard Oil! We dis lesson the Mexican Revolution is glv. tion of the news the official censor the producers of Mxico. The strikes by the Governor.
ing itself with gasping amazement ists, The weight of their authorcussed it in Regeneracion offices ing to the world, and it is a lesson that ship is endeavoring to guppress. At Guadalajara the first political Whither are drifting? TO of the laboring clas in the various ity should go far to crush the injury convention degenerated into a ter what tragedles, shocks and confiets weeks ago.
See how impossible the will not be wasted.
the infamous calumny rible scandal.
parts of the countr, and the actual worked by We conspiracy of silence has become!
Various clubs had met will these conditions lead: That uprising of the laboers because of the Justice. circulated so indushave been telling tbe great American for the purpose of upholding the can terrible events will follow in their economic situation sow that the peotriously.
With the strengthening of the gen.
didacy of Sr, Gutierrez Allende for train, and follow without truce, 18 public week after week that chaos in ple are coming to relize their rights Unfortunately there are others. Governor of Jalisco.
Mexico was growing continually more eral situation that comes from clearer The partizans (indubitable, while armed rebels exand that they see hat Madero has The Appeal to Reason. for ex of the recognized Maderist candidate, ist, while the directors of the revochaotic, adding always the assurance grasp of the principles involved the pofailed to make good his promises to ample, has done its utmost to traduce Sr. Roque Estrada, opposed them vio lution have no authority over them, that from that chaos the poor of Mex. sition of the Mexican Liberal Party Better ten thou 1s becoming strengthenod. Its Mexican improve the economi conditions. In the editors of this paper, and the lently.
ico would win relief Arms were drawn, and, it while mouths are blowing the unexfact, the economic siuation is grow question that naturally arises 1s no casualities took place, it was not tinguished coals, while they say, The sand times for them, as for the disin supporters are standing pat with a ing steadily worse.
What powerful influences stand be tor lack of means.
revolution is herited of every nation, the turbulent Armness that passes praise, and the aid We have received a letter from the revolution, and la.
bind the scenes, prompting such The imposition of an official can while papers criticize such a praibesage of the juggernaut car in which the truth of the position dawns upon ton, the first part of which filled of the haciendas, or large ranches, didacy for the governorship of the worthy, step as the arrest of General By every means at our command State of Mexico has caused an up Abraham Martinez, author of the drathe smug and well to do ride with so them, is most encouraging. We are us with delight; for it contained and the proprietors are fleeing to the we are working for that International rising among the citizens of Sultepec. matic events at Puebla.
satisfied an air over the bodies of the not bluffers. We state our financial the most forcible assurance that the These strikes are Court of Investigation, and we shall City of Mexico.
situation as frankly as we state our United States In Chihuahua a Maderlst leader It is to be observed that El imcountless millions.
never bad contemrevolutionary priaciples. Last week plated, and did not now contemplate, and it will be but almost of a revolutionary character, get it.
arrested a deputy, who, as such, is parcial summary deals mainly with matter of a short temporarlly immune from arrest. The the political feuds now reading, the Before me is the Los Angeles we thought it possible that, in view of intervention in Mexico, Unfortutime when all thele strikers will be mob demanded that he be taken to Republic, and is silent as to the upTimes of July 16th. and let me tell the wave of unexpected expense that nately the letter ends with the phrase come associated with the Liberal prison and the Governmental Secre risings on country estates and plantayou that if there has been a paper in bad rolled upon us, and the dislocation unless the lives or property of movement.
tary exclaimed pathetically: Let tions. Yet it is there that the Revothe world interested in belittling the caused by the arrest of so many active American citizens are endangered. The governmeft of Mexico will the people will be done.
lution is being fought out; for, igMexican Revolution it is the Times, workers, it might be possible that we which seems to beg the question.
never be a stable one until the pro At Progreso a phenomenal up norant and unarmed though the peasUnder date of Washington, July 19, for Otis and the men who hang onto should have to suspend this paper for ducer gets at least partial control of heaval occurred, provoked by an en ants may be, the landed proprietors United his skirts have enormous interests in a time. This week we say that the dan. the Press reports: The the machinery of government and is No one has stood higher in the es counter between the partizans of the are isolated and even more helpless.
Wednesday Mexican lands. Always the Times ger is vanishing, and vanishing be State department inable to better is conditions. The timate of English Socialists than two candidates for the Governorship The story of the great French Revohas ridiculed the Mexican Revolution, cause of generally increased support structed Ambassador to Mexico Henmembers of the Liberal Party believe Tom Mann, and justly so, since for of Yucatan.
olution is being written once again playing it up in leading article and car. No millionaire has come to our assist ry Lane Wilson to complain at Mexthat this is the only solution of the fully twenty five years he has fought From Colima a commission has in Mexico, and with an iron band.
toon as opera bouffe of the most pro ance, but the public has shown that it ico City of the depredations of Mexsituation and are fighting to this end. the battles of his faith under most arrived in this city for the purpose Such conflagrations cannot be put out nounced type Yet in the Tinies op grasps the situation and sees the need ican Liberals in Lower California.
Economic liberty is all the liberal trying circumstances in almost every of interviewiog the President of the with the rosewater squirt of political the date mentioned find these heads: of lending a hand. It is most encour congressman Berger already has party wants, and we feel that the only English speaking country. His res Republic and explaining the lament Socialism, since evolution happens to Magonists Active. Forming Armies aging.
way this can be secured is when the ignation from the Social Democratic able situation in that region in con be, for the moment, in a hurry.
to Fight Madero Juarez Not the There you have the core of the so lands and the machinery of production Party will set many a Socialist thinkPeaceful City Painted by Mexico Net Our field of activity has become cial problem property interests as are in possession of the laborer. ing, and for this reason we reproduce Government. Fear felt that Reds much enlarged; the movement has Marx and Engels clearly showed Madero may, hold his place for sey. some of the many cogent reasons be May Be Planning Attack on Frontier taken an ipternational sweep that jus when they wrote the Communist eral years, but it will not be for long has published. Part of his letter of Town. Former Insurrecto Chief Has tifles us in calling on the international Manifesto.
dear people may With the Cientifico party conspiring resignation reads as follows: to Wire Money to Allay Grunbling labor movement to clear up a situation spout about liberty to their beart to overthrow him and am sure that My experiences have driven me Troops. Madero to Act upon Disarma that has needed clearing up these many content, but let them lay a finger on this is a fact with labor in revolt, more and more into the non parlia: ment Plan, Soldiers at Cananea Hold years. It is in no spirit of braggadocio that monopoly of property which Tight to Arms. Puebla Men Likely to that we have called for an Interna renders all talk of liberty the cruelest and with his own soldiers refusing mentary position; and this find is to lay down their arms till they are most unwelcome to most members of Undergo Arrest (this bead being over tional tribunal to investigate the con of farces, and the soldier and the po given possession of lands, a change the party. After the most careful reOffices of Regeneracion, 51932 4th St. will be down them.
an account of fighting between federal duct of those who have abetted Madero liceman will come soon. Madero is growing flection, am driven to the belief that troops, Maderists troops and strikers, in his efforts to suppress the Mexican Every government claims the right to Los Angeles, Cal. July 21, 1911.
more unpopular every day, and we be the real reason why the trades unionDear Friend: in which 175 had been killed. Priests Revolution. Papers come to our table intervene, for in every country there lieve that this is the time to strike 1st movement of this country is in Given Orders to stay Non Partisan. from half the civilized world breathing are foreigners who call on their gov: for liberty. Ricardo Flores Magon, such a deplorable state of ineficiency To you, as a radical, we make appeal on behalf of this paper and of to protect their vested Spaniards Leaving District of Tor utter disgust with the political in ernments It is an international league as interviewed by Record. is to be found in the fictitious im the Mexican Liberal Party, which is in a life and death fight not only with reon. Pretty good for a single Issue of trigues in which the great internation rights.
Madero and the world wide forces of capital, but also with certain Socialist portance which the workers have labor movernent has tbe Times. become en for the subjection of man to money, been encouraged to attach to parltaParty leaders.
meshed, and there is a general feeling and because the Mexican Revolution mentary action, The Mexican Revolution is in itself an event of incalculable importThat same day issue of the Los that the Mexican Revolution will bring is a protest against this the Mexican find nearly ance, and the action taken by these Socialist Party leaders has made it all the serious Angeles Rerord had a big double to a head the dispute that has been Revolution should bare the support minded young men of the Labor and infinitely more so. They bave started an international quarrel that MUST column head, Chaos and Revolt Stalk smouldering for years. Our correspon of the labor movement of the world.
Editor of movement Justice, London, Eng Socialist be fought out. The labor movement of the world, and the Socialists them.
have their Why should we be taxed for the through Mexico, and a flesh creeping dence shows the temper of those who land: minds centered upon obtaining some selves, MUST learn exactly where they stand; MUST ascertain, once and account of the cruelties practised in are very far from being without in protection of adventurers in strange We note in your issue of May 13, position in public life, such as local, for all, whether they are to be the plaything of personal ambitions or are Lower California by Vega, Madero fluence in the labor councils of the lands? As they reap the profits let in an article entitled Anarchists municipal or county councillorship, to be given the opportunity of working unitedly for economic freedom.
them take the risks. jefe politico Next day Tribune world.
Agents, the statement: or filling some governmental office, In that fight you are interested most profoundly, and will wish to do The fight is vital and international, and we of Los pareil on its front page the bitter It is not generally known that or aspiring to become members of your loyal share.
feeling created throughout Mexico y Most bitterly is the Socialist move.
Emma Goldman is in the pay of the parliament.
Angeles should not be required to carry the whole burden.
the charges that Madero had fived ment regretting at this very hour the police, though the fact has leaked am driven to the belief that this Six of our most capable writers and speakers are now in jail in Los the fortroming elections, and printed madness of those leaders who seduced out recently. At one time she was is entirely wrong, and that economic Angeles, and five are imprisoned in San Diego. They are charged with vioalso a special iteni to the effect that it into endorsing such a monstrosity employed by Mr. Olarovsky, of liberty will never be realized lating the neutrality laws; for apparently it is a crime not to remain neu.
by Rivera out on Bail United States consuls reporter condi. from the labor standpoint as Madero the Russian Secret Police in Sansuch means, So declare in favor tral when 14, 000, 000 of the down trodden are striking for liberty. Their tions as most critical. Ana S0 one 18 10w shown to be. Most gladly would We succeeded in procuring the Francisco, as an agent and a spy. of Direct Industrial Organization, imprisonment cripples us badly, for the moment.
might go through other prominent dai. they slur it over with the apology that Twenty one thousand copies of Regeneracion are issued weekly from We write to protest in the most not as a means, but as the means bondsmen necessary for the release lies were the task not too tedious Once the best of us occasionally make mis of Ricardo Magon and Rivera, and emphatic manner against this out whereby the workers can ultimately tbis office, and go to all parts of the world, including despite Madero more remark that events have rentakes, and that all the world is more they regained their liberty, Tuesday, rageous slander. It passes our com overthrow the capitalist system and rigorous boycott Mexico. We issue much other educational matter, and dered the conspiracy of silence no or less mad But our charge is that July 18. It was expected that bonds prehension wby you should soil your become the actual controllers of their our work, especially at this crisis, is vital to the international movement of revolt, there was a method in the madness.
But this entails enormous expense, and financial assistance we longer possible men would be obtained also for Encolumns by printing such an abso own industrial and social destiny.
rique Magop and Figueroa, but up to lutely unsupported charge against am of the opinion that the MUST have.
We ask you to fill out the enclosed slip, writing in the largest sum yon The official censorship in Mexico the date of going to press we bave one of the most devoted and beloved workers fight must be carried out tries to be more vigorous than ever, met with constant disappolotmept.
representatives of the radical move on the industrial plane, tree from possibly can spare, mailing it in the accompanying envelope and doing so ACKNOWLEDGED GRATEFULLY.
and wp carinot fatter ourselves that ment in America. Emma Goldman entanglements with the plutocratic AT ONCE.
we get one hundredth part of the ac. Among other contributions toward has given the best years of her life enemy.
RICARDO FLORES MAGON, tual news Nevertheless the last issue the Mexican revolutionary cause we Always the capitalists attack; al to the Anarchist cause. Her integENRIQUE FLORES MAGON, of this paper had detailed reports of hare to acknowledge specially the re ways the workers defend. Always rity is above suspicion. There is not Corruption is the process of deLIBRADO RIVERA, thirteen strikes, noted endless clashes ceipt, through Emma Goldman, of the capitalists win; always the work one iota of truth in the charge. сау. By Its very pature corruption ANSELMIO FIGUEROA, with Maderist and federal troops, bent 50 from Kansas City and 45 ers lose. If you doubt it walk about (Signed. has lost its virility and is weak. All WM. OWEN, out to pot down rebellion with the iron from Portland, Ore. From Wil your cities and note where and how Leonard Abbott, ABboclate Editor, that is needed for its overthrow 18 CAMINITA, the two classes live. Current Literature, New York.
hand, and gave a long array of peon bers, Home, Washington, 12. 35.
bold attack VICTOR ORAVALLO, Intervention?
Well, Perhaps atruggle of revolt than the steady pas. We are receiving from Americans, as the Secretary of War. in Washingtoring people are taking possession monstrous utterances?
No more Politics for Tom Mann The This is the Workers Fight.
on Protest Most Just Ricardo Magon and police, though the fact has leaked