AnarchismBakuninCapitalismCivil WarInvasionSocialismSocialist PartyStrikeWorkers MovementWorking Class

Wm. Owen Editor.
Inglish Section REGENERACION Business Is For War.
we This Great Issue We Must Face.
to We sents.
have pose that the fellow who has all the Saturday, July 4, 1914. face it helplessly as long as we igjore This gentleman, whom cards is going to throw up the game No. 194.
this jundamental question or toe land.
been compelled to notice because he because the other side inakes faces at From Single Taxers to Socialists and is a man oi genius, has been interhimn? Upon what stuff do these our Anarchists. from the most conservviewed once more on the subject of miners feed that tliey have grown so ative Gompers men to the most rero Vexico; this time by the New York tarne and stupid. ctionary we hare to tackie Herald. Here, in part, is what he This Thomas letter concludes: It this question, discuss it thoroughly, Let us uzderstand, once and for all. makes men say very often, How long clear our thought on it and then take that the commercial element gener has to say: The What, then, is the solution, you will the Government allow such prompt and eiiective action.
things to be done by the men who land question will not be denied, and Venice, a chance to line its pockets. ask? Vo halfway measure will suf; flutter of excitement, rice If we must have a quiet instead own everything and don do anytling. After you give all the lands in upon it we shall continue to kick when our stroops were hurried down of a turbulent neighbor to the south Dear, trusting Mr.
homās, our Mexico back to the Indians are you rainly against the pricks.
to Veracruz, this truth cropped out of us, we must assert and maintain WN. OWEN.
Governinent, any Government, will alNot on any moral cur right to a guardianship. We must going to give the United States back on every side.
low these things just as long as the to me? The speaker, as represented grounds but from the standpoint of pacify Mexico by force of arms, and men who do everything and own in a Los Angeles Daily Times carits effect on business did the busi dominate it and police it as we did Loon, is Lo, the poor Indian, and he Zapata His Man ness world discuss the expected war. Cuba and the Philippines. This may nothing allow them. If the unemployed WILL starve in the midst of is addressing President Wilson. It Nothing could be better than John On every side one heard opinicas that require years of tedious work and receive a heavy expenditure of treasure and It seems to me a most significant car Kengesh Lurber article, Why am stagnant markets would may require the plenty they MUST starve If thou.
sands of hardy miners who do every must be thing WILL let a few men who do which all this struggle and bloodshed Review for June It is a timely re ployed would be solved by drafting period of a whole generation, but it nothing take it all, no Government in Mexico has evolved. As the result minder that, from the very first, Za them as food for cannon, that the is the only way.
will stop it. Nobody can help it; for, United States itself, home though it ery or extermination and has stood forth. disgusting exhibition oi the that would school her to civilization of these four years of conflict the pata has proved impervious to brib stock market would pick up, and so held with the iron hand, and the hand as a gentlemau named Shakespeare wrote it down some thrce hundred of.
of the almighty dollar, is asking by seems unnecessary to add that the things but the immediate dollar.
Let us remember that Jack London years ago, Caesar would not be awhat right the few claim exclusive Mexican Liberal Party also has never In our hands is one of Babson wolf if Romaus were not sheep.
title to that earth without which it swerved from that position, but it recent reports, issued confidentially has built up a reputation and a forEDUCATORS AND WARRIOR.
That greatest of all queries has passed in that stuck idithfuli alle ties It discusses the possibilities of war garly, on the strength of his revolus far and wide from mouth to mouth; or that line for fourteen years, while as being the most important of all tionary writings; that he is the author (Concluded from page 3, COL has crept gradually into all corners of the Wagons activities and those of business topics; discusses it exclu of The Iron Heel and other works; the land, throwing a black shadow of Rivera run much farther back.
sirely from the business standpoint; in which the social war against pla educator and warrior. It gives an doubt over our entire social structure; the Idea to the Mexican proletariat and Turner article is also a nuch describes conditions as being diífer tocracy is proclaimed as the first duhas climbed finally the steps of the needed rebuke of this superior atti ent from those at the time of the ties and the reader wades at the same time induces him into Action.
White House and forced the padlock tude maintained by the aristocratst of Spanish American war, and urges the bridle in the blood of monopolists, An Idea, without action, is a dead from the lips of Woodrow Wilson, the American labor movement, the invasion of Alexico because business slaughtered by a justly indignant pina useless one.
It bas laia bare the lowest root of men like Gompers, whose highly paid today is in the midst of depression. letariat; that tens of thousands of the the great social problem which, as work of generations has produced Here are some of its arguments: Rangel; Cisneros, Alzalde and the every one of us knows, we have to only a shapeless lump, that is at pres Expenditures of one million dol champion, and håve believed sincere.
other ton Mexican conrades who are settle. Naturally now imprisoned in the Texan jailsstrive to dodge the issue, but that al ent little more than a survival of the lars or more a day for field opera ly that, whoever else was cowed or The result tions can but stimulate mercantile bribed to silence, in Jack London, unjustly charged with murder and.
ters nothing. The thing is there and is continuous and bloody civil war; clients and others to institute a vis author of Children of the Abyss, facing the gallows or long jail sen. bloody because incapable of looking orous sales campaign which should they would always have an incorlences are active members of the iarther ahead than dull conflicts for result in considerable business activ ruptible ally.
One handles this subject with proMexican Liberal Party, and, therefore, Of course the Times misrepre a temporary shifting of the pack be ity. For instance, a great demand for they are class conscious workingien Of course it is impossible to neath which it staggers.
And this many commodities would be created, found reluctance, but one has to hanwho, either by means of the press, the undon today the wrong committed brings Turner to a third point, the such as for leather, cotton, copper, dle it; for, while little men sins may word or the action, were exerting themselves to awaken the unconscious our greed to put a ring around their mitted against American citizens in and horse rations, comprising grains, those who mould a nation thought lands and lay acre to acre that we Mexico during the three last years. bay, etc.
liexican workingmen and to orientate This demand would also devastating crimes which call to It is no them toward the conquest of their might be alone in the midst of the He expresses himself thus: be felt in certain manufactured ar heaven for chastisement.
emancipation. For that reason, they earth a phrase take from the old Certainly am prepared to pro ticles, as, for instance, army shoes, light thing to betray the trust of thouwere marching to Mexico to fight for Hebrew prophet, Isaiah, who cursed duce a list of atrocities perpetrated harness and accoutrements, clothing sands; it is no trifling matter that Land and Liberty, land monopolists with an eloquence during the same period of time upon and canvass goods, not to mention once more the world finds itself justiCharles Cline, an American by the inhabitants of West Virginia, automobiles and aeroplanes.
fied in saying: The United States is course the Indian had no more right Colorado and Michigan, by private birth, but a cosmopolitan by ideas, for Of course, these suggestions could so hopelessly corrupt that even its he is a class conscious workingman to land he did not need and could gunmen and State militia, that would be exteaded much further, but this most noted revolutionary writer can who, therefore, do not recognize not use than has any other member make Senator Fall list look like a will be done in the regular Com be bought as men buy herrings at neither frontiers nor difference of of the human race. Of course he report of scratched fingers and modity and Mercantile Letters. All the market.
races, when he learned of the emanwould have been just as much a rob bruised knees at a Sunday school pic the above means that commodity The responsibility of the man of bes in exercising monopoly for the nic. Why does not Senator Fall de prices would strengthen, except in genius is the heaviest of all, and when cipaling principles of the Mexican condones his sake of levying tribute as was and is mand intervention to preserve the the case of certain luxuries and ar literature cr society Liberal Party, condensed in its Manifesto of September 23rd, 1911, and his white antagonist, and of course lives of Americans in West Virginia, ticles which are not necessaries of treason it proves itself thereby, bethe Times no paper is better post Colorado and Michigan?
yond redemption. What should we that Rangel and the other comrades ed economic questions underAnother contemptible delusion, were on their way to Mexico to fight Then comes this suggestion, which think of our forefathers if Garrison stands all this most thoroughly. The carefully nursed by the political So is set in capitals: had been caught trafficking in slaves tlic battles of the Proletariat, le readprinciple, the vital principle, is clear cialists, in their anxiety to strip the Moreover, in the event of pro and they had excused the crime? On ily joined them, answering the call of as a Southern California summer day, movement of its international char longed war, there would be less un what can the reputation of great writhis duty, as a class conscious man and but to dr hom once more give acter and concentrate all attention on employment. In addition to increased ers rest save on the assurance that proletarian, to lend his help in a quotation from The Public, the the domestic field, is that the Mexi demand for employees there would they give the world their truest the fight against Capital, Authority national organ of the Single Taxers. can Revolution is merely a quarrel be a heavy enlistment which would thought and scorn and Clurch to peddle their whenever his clíorts In its editorial of June it says: The between two rival oil corporations. absorb large numbers of men. There talents in the halls of Mammon?
should prove most useiul for the evils of landlordism lie not in the Turner shatters that by writing: would also be a tendency to postemancipation of the proletariat, form but in the essence of private Foreign capital, either American or pone strikes and disputes to. Uníortunately, they were overtaken ownership. So long as any human European, has not initiated one of future date.
NAIL HIM TO THE CROSS! by the Texan Cossacks; one of these being must pay another human being the various revolts of the past few And these people talk of Patriot Don tell us that the Mexican Rev dogs of Capitalism was sliot to death for the mere privilege of using the years. The machinations of foreign isın! These people flaunt to all the olution is not an international edu in self defense by one of the Mexican earth, just so long, will the evils of concessionaries have complicated the world the lie that they are invading cator.
Look at the bulletin put out, comrades, José Guerra by name, and landlordism persist.
situation, as have the personal am Mexico for the benefit of the dear June 12, by the Socialist Party Press wo has disappeared, and the combitions of various leaders, but the lexicans! These people, when want Service, hitherto almost completely radts now in jail, aiter two of their It is to be considered most gravely struggle at bottom is and always has and unemployment have hounded pro indifferent to the land question. It party were brutally murdered Silthat those evils have persisted in spite been a struggle between land monop letarians into enlisting, shed tears has discovered that the governmental vestre Lomas and Juan Rincón, Jr. of terrific national upheavals intend oly and the landless. American money over those who fall in the fight into. figures of concentrating land ownerWere arrested, maltreated, torture, ed to drive them out; that, notwithhas been decisive only in its influence which the business world has driven ship are startling and that the and finally placed in jail under the standing a change of form and names, upon the policy of the American gov them! Can cynicism farther go? Did United States is in as great need of clastic charge of constructive mis.
feudalism exists today as it did before cleri the French Revolution, for By tracing the history of ever a ruling class reveal itself more land reform, recommended for Mexland the past four years am able to prove brutally indiiferent to all save profits? ico by President Wilson, as is MexiThese mnen. now, are at the verge monopoly was its basis and 121 that the American government has, IVe submit that on monopoly still flourishes; that it has again and again, interiered against this magnitude all true rebels against a question of co herself.
of being taken to tria) next fonday; What we like best of all is that, afclie 6th inst. which means to railroal survived the desperate Land League Mexico struggle for liberty, unfair existing conditions must take a stand, ter giving lists of most convincing them to the gallows and the penitenstrugle made by Ireland some fifty ly, even unlawfully, in favor of des, and firmly.
years ago, has weathered the attack potism and reaction; has interfered no time for shilly shallying. We sug what he is going to do about it, inWe submit that this is figures, the letter asks Wilsou sraight tiary because ior kck of money in they are poor, they have been wait of the Russian revolutionists, and decisively, and as a result oi such in gest that when our admitted enemy as much as all he condemns in fexico to secure proper counsel. delay in lords it today over the whole indus terierence is directly responsible for comes out so boldly, we of the other exists in an even more exaggerated trial system of this country in spite the continūation of the war and the side cannot be backward.
their cases is needed and for this you, of the declarations oi Jeiferson and loss of thousands of lives.
It is to iorin in these United States. If, as comrades, are requested to wire your his followers that this earth was for the ultimate interest of Business to Wilson says, the day will come when protest to Oscar Colquitt, Goverthe free use of the living and of every Turner in conclusion, will be under their ultimate interest to stifle the lossession oi the land, the liberty and Intervention, if undertaken, says hare war with Vexico, as it is to the Mexican people will be put in full nor of Texas, Austin, Tex. leinanding their unconditional frecuil.
one of them And now once more taken pretendedly this same imortal principle raises high moral rcice of discontent, however right the peaceful prosperity that are rightRangel. Cline, Alzalde ind Cisne.
grounds, but actually it will be ior er us.
its indomitable head across the Rio ine purpose of promosing the schemes mediate and ultimate interest to block about this country own disinherited, Contrariwise it is to our im fully theirs. what has he to say ros, are the comrades pointed out by Grande, and cries with a voice 11? prosecution to be liangel.
strong that all earth i rich Americans to grab the national their most nefarious scheme and its own unemployed?
In the face of such condition what powers forced to listen.
resources of Mexico for themse ses stare solidly for the right of the would you do. comrades? What would and faster their own collar and chain fexican peon to achieve that ecoyou do, workers of the world? Would The principle is basic. Tepreserts a There would follow a war oi con sc iar toward winning upon the neck of the Mexican peon. nomic freedom he has gone already MR. THOMAS PLAINT, you let those innocent men be lianged natural law which it is 200 in the One Sidney Thomas, presi of on a falsc charge of murder, when in power oi man to break without suf the United Staies uest, disastrous both to lexico ard On this ques:ion the attitude of the Keweenaw Miners Union, No. iact they are waqted executed only: fering the direct penalties, and, thereindifierert neutrality is well nigh as 129, has written a letter because they are active militant menfore, may properly be called immor rention is here, and all the force our Ii undertaken, is a sin. Inter trec nable as that of a Jack London to Congressman 12cDonald. It has bers of the Working Class?
ta! It is being asserted most valbeen syndicated by the Socialist Party If you are convinced that it is your iaatly by Mexico, 2rd i: is at once is being brought to bear against the government dares, as yet to exercise Press Service, which properly deDo you fancy that the Mexican scribes it as a hopeless appeal for duty of solidarity to help your fällen oor duty and self evidert interest to brothers, and want to help denotice posh the right which she has starred preomina frantic escort to pro:est problem is near solution. The study iederal help.
wherever you go tlic crinie that the ronopoly.
The letter describes Slowly but steadily we are sicking of the Mexican problem, which is also conditions in the Calumet, Michigan, Texn antliorities want to commit on into times iar harder t2arr hi, your problem, is only just begin copper fields since the failure of the these fourtcen honcst nich, and send country tas experienced; slowly but MEXICO APPEAL, ning. The more keenly you study it, strike, and relates how the mine ownyour contribution to the fund for their steadily the problem of the enem Reprinted in pamphlet iom iron do the better it will be for all listing union men and doing their utand the more you induce others to ers are breaking their promises, blackdefense, to Victor Cravello, Room ploved is growing to a point at which Regeneración and irom Lani and of us.
108; Labor Temple, Los Angeles, Cal.
eren tempora! y relief becomes in Liberty by the Land and Liberty rost to make a job look so good to At the same time, do not forget to Dossible; slowly and mos: reluctantly Publishing Co. at the Bakuzin Instia man with a large family that he hold a Rangel Cline Protest Meeting our tabor organiza:ions are proving tute, 1, Hayward, Cal Price thiemselves hopelessly incapable of cents.
Whenerer he reads the details of fore he will go will put up with most anything benext Sunday, July 5th.
saying the dizinherited from Clean cut revolutionists like sode oi our recent southern lynch Good heavens! What on earth else Help the propaganda, ordering bun ings General Villa must feel that he did Vr. Thomas and these miners exstrike again.
comrades in jail in Texas arc badly Smash.
We face a national crisis oi dles of this pamphlet the most serioas cbaracker. aad we price in bundles on aplication Reduction of is hopeless wanted in the Labor niovement.
aiter all. pect? Do they imagine that the mine hanged. Grand Rapids Press. Therefore, let us not let them be Owners want strikes?
on as a some ernment, OTI 50 are on Otir amateur Do they sup