WER English Section Either Way We Hold The Winning Cards be 中 eriment.
a Wm. Owen REGENERACION Editor.
No. 185.
is worse than much of the suffering testifies to the success of a long prop. rom another standpoint we of the Mexican Notes Saturday, April 18, 1914.
endured by the men in the battle of aganda, conducted by many besides Mexican Liberal Purty have 10 cause Torreon.
ourselves, which at last has opened to complain of President Wilson The important questioni for us in This receives further confirmation ho public cyes to the fact that the course. For years we have been sendthe United States is not whether and from a Washington, DC, despatch struggle in Mexico is economic, and ing Regeneracion to all parts of such and such an engagement Villa of the same date. which reads: The that the learsts and their like arc Central and South Aincrica, Cuba, has defeated the federals, or vice endurance of the mw and undisci inviting us to sacrifice our lives for Ttaly and Spain, that we might arousa verra, but what our final attitude toplined Mexican troops, both rebels the land monopolists and speculators, the opposition of the Latin race to ward Mexico and the Mexicang should and federale, in the battle at Torreon for leartless ugurers and Wall Street. sense of what invasion by the United On this we are rapidly acquiring 9 surprising army officers here. It Unfortunately, thankful as we may be States would mean to them as well an education, the grim logic of events is estimated that for days past to the present administration for its as Mexico. We have striven to array or nearly four years the leaven of exterminating one by one delusions these soldiers have been engaged in waiting policy, which has allowed us racial solidarity as a barrier to tho the Mexican Revolution has been at hoary with age One of these is that almost constant battle with little op time for education, we cannot shut encronchments of the Money Power; work For nearly four years the Mexicans fight for the love of fight portunity for sleep and practically our eyes to the fact that our politi and we are now most confident that plutocratic press has striven uniir ang. As to this we are all beginning without a commisariat cians, from the President downward, if armed intervention is attempted it ingly to conceal the true issues of to understand that, on the contrary, Should Practice Gunnery.
stili represent the Mexican Revolu will arouse active hostility from the the struggle For nearly four years they are naturally most peaceful but tion as a political issue, to be solved kio. Grande to Cape Horn, and cost our labor organs, dominated by offi. are now fighting because they have that Villa army, 5000 strong, hurlea ing they grossly deceive the public, and many other ways, a sum tio Equally suggestive is the statement by constitutional methods. In so do the United States, In loss of prestige petty and inadequate that they excite inunopolists, as we ourselves are be itself on Gomez Palacio after sev for, as we have repeated until it must tellect can. estimatc.
entcen hours hard, continuous rid. have become tedious, the Mexicans Even Senator Falls now declarventured to inform their followers ticular phase of the question is breaking from Bermejillo, the artillery as a whole are indifferent to the per ing himself as opposed to interventhat the Mexican peon has raised the ing in from every quarter our edi: riving until the following morning. dero at the height of his popularity tion to be prefaced by the solemn standard of revolt against landlord torial shows. Another delusion is that one would hazard the bpinion that got less than twenty thousand votes announgement that we are not mak.
ism, and declared war to the death Mexicans are not much of fighters such haste, while speaking volumes but long exceedingly for a restoration ing war on Mexico and do not with the usurer and tax gatherer But anyhow As to that we reproduce the for Villa confidence in the dash and of the old conditionis inder which all pose to acquire their territory. The movements born of vital truths are following despatch, taken, from the endurance of his troops, was ill ad were sure of access to the land by line distinctions he draws will be dissuns whose says no cowardice can El Paso Herald of April 11.
vised sinother, and today the American peoIn reality the federals, after which they, like all others, have to trusted by all who reflect that her GOMEZ PALACIO, ple and all the world begin to under March 31. The story of the attack and drove the rebels back with great view still held by President Wilson, reseuts. have acquired already vast Mexico, a temporary repulse, rallied in force live. How stubbornly political is the and the wealthy corporations he repscana The peril of intervention, with upon Gonzez Palacio and Torreon slaughter it is stated also that the Is shown by the official notice served slices of Mexican territory. Former: the long and dangerous war it would should be written in Mexican history federal marksmanship, especially that on Huerta, which the article in the President Taft also has pronounced entail, has broken the conspiracy of as one of the bloodiest chapters, lies and silence, should also be written down to the that of the rebels, and it appears prob verbatim Le of the artillery, was far superior to North American Review reproduces strongly against armed intervention, We call special attention saying: It would involve the garThe threat of war has done it. The can not the rebel nor the federal original advantage, the result might requirement that Huerta should re every, town.
credit of the bravery of the Mexi, able that, had they followed up their to paragraph 5, which followed the rigoning with a sufficient force of It would involve the troops congregated on the frontier alone, but the Mexican, for both sides have been very different. In all such sign and the suggestion that a group organization of columns to chase the and the fleets hovering off the coasts faught with the utmost bravery, suf cases, however, argument as to what should be appointed, charged with the guerrillas into their mountajn fast: of Mexico have set tongues wagging fered the inost trying hardships and might have been is useless. The rec duty of forming a constitutional gov nesses and across trackless desert and 11ds enquiring, as no pleading showed great courage, moral and ord simply proves the necessity not could have set them It runs as follows: plains, and the subjugation of fifteen. from of but stili mankind great schoolmaster, bore up without a murinur as they how to use them. The moral for us. Cracking the Whip. The million people don know when would through; know has made them think Their own dragged themselves, bleeding to the is that the unskilled mob is always That such a course is absolutely how many lives it would involve; agony and their own cruel experiences rear; inen stormed what seemed to helpless against police and military necessary, to the end that her the don know how much it would cost, in their own bitter struggle with plus be impregnable fortifications without trained to shoot straight.
chief executive (Huerta) merit the but do know it would be a drag tocracy have prepared the soil, and so much as debating whether success Another and still more useful mili approval of the first magistrate (Presupon us, and then when wc had got.
already the crop that has sprung into were possible or not; men went for tary lesson is conveyed by the in ident Wilson. for the reason that the the thing done the future would still such luxuriant growth in Mexico is days without food or water, without forination that in Torreon, as in government of the first magistrate be doubtful and still be a charge and sprouting vigorously throughout the complaining. The campaign has Gomez Palacio, the federals were has firmly and irrevocably decided, a burden upon our government and United States In every jungle camp shown the capacity of the Mexican congregated in big bodies all over the by one method or another, to elim. upon our treasury.
Mexican news and the possibility of for suffering with fortitude; it has city, while the rebels charged in open inate completely all assistance that intervention are constantly discussed. shown that he is as brave as the brav order.
At this writing, according to the The men in the bread lines and the est. The battle has been one to test guerrilla fighter, and understands the foreign sources, if he persists in re despatch from Vera Cruz, dated April In other words, Villa is a Huerta believes he may receive from San Francisco Examiner special blanket stiffs, who traverse the whole the nerves of the Anglo Saxon, the folly of massing men to face instru maining in power, it being a further 13, President Huerta has ordered country in their hunt for jobs, debate Latin or the man of any race, and ments of destruction so deadly as are fact that only a few days longer can General Zaragoza at Tampico not to them eagerly. Even our most con, the test of the Latin has stood the modern guns. In this he shows him he, Huerta, be free to select the accede under any circumstances to servative labor press is being forced acid. Hell could produce little that self in line with modern military sci. course he chooses to follow. His Admiral Mayo demand for ham salute to write of them My own particular business is largely the keeping track ence, and those who are clamoring wtihdrawal, and the consequent ab of the American flag within twentyof newspaper opinion, and am as try. He has issued for intervention may as well recog solute liberty of action in the Message to tounded by the admissions wrung, at the Wonien of America, in which he nize, once for all. that the warfare establishment of constitutional power, rest of American marines an arrest last, from unexpected lips Let me says, among other fine things: Your one of guerrillas; a warfare such as, magistrate. This government cannot niet for which apology had been previously made. It is difficult, aiter stady, give some illustrations.
sons are in danger! Your lovers are in all probability, the North Amer urge with too much insistence, now ing the orders sent to Huerta, as givin peril! There is a damnable con Jican Indian would have waged suc that the outcome is inevitable, that en above, to imagine him as şaluting While Colquitt, governor of Texas, spiracy to tear them from you and cessfully against the white invader Huerta reach his decision wisely, and the United States flag except as somea is howling for intervention and vow kill them, or return them to you çrip had he been supplied with the repeat at the same time give, full. consider W. or other reber is compelled ing that he will send State troops pled, diseased in body, diseased in ing rifles the Mexican today pos ation to the terrible consequences to; from time to time, by: vigilance across the border, the United States soul. Owners of great newspapers sesses; such a warfare as revolution which will follow his vacillation or committees. Such a man yields to Senator from Texas, Morris Shep are also the owners of great estates ists perd, opposes him at every point in in Mexico, which will be tripled in throughout the world against govern.
unquestionably will force and fear, but in his heart of Many a proud Mexican wil have hearts he curses the flag more bitterno less a publication than the Re: value the day the Stars and Stripes mental forces if they, in their turn, regarded that message as couched in ly than ever, and in the inmost recesview of Reviews. In this month wave over the land, Senators stand are compelled to resort to arms. The the language of a master to his lackey, ses of his mind regrets that he cannot issue of that conservative up in the halls of Congress and de day of the barricade is past, and we with the threat of a whipping added. turn it to the basest uses. How holperiodical he declares that President mand intervention in Mexico because should stop thinking, in its language. Harvey says properly that it was a low a sham is outward respect so vioWilson policy of waiting is a prom their own interests will be made more ise of freedom and opportunity to the valuable. They talk of honor, but said: Many of the telegrams cred on another President. He adds, with pose that hungry outcasts can reverlands below the Rio Grande, and they think of dollars, take the ited to Villa have not really been sent evident approval, that the old In ence a government that has made adds. Let it be remembered that it quotation from The Public, and am by him.
is no ordinary warfare that now pre delighted to see it there.
Whence they came do dian coolly ignored the demand. We them what they are, or that Mexicans not know vails in Mexico Villa is using guns and for our part detest Huerta, since he can forget that the Stars and Stripes It is a war of extermination; a war of a large section Lack of space forbids my intended told the correspondents at the front gime, but we condemn unequivocally their own!
hand grenades, not typewriters. He represents the old Cientifico re represent vast territory that was once of the masses against the domination multiplication of quotations from frankly that they could send no des. the high handed course taken by of as cruel an aristocracy as ever other well known publications, with patches until he had taken Torreon. President Wilson, precisely because crushed humanity beneath its pitiless their frank admissions that the land One reads also with satisfaction: it rallied Mexican sentiment to Huer, ANARCHISTS PROTEST.
heel No quarter is asked; no quarter question is all important and that the Villa is a fighting man. He was ta side and added greatly to his The International Anarchisted is given. And, before denouncing entire system of monopoly must go everywhere, and his greatest delight strength. We direct special attention eration of America, having Brooklyn the aristocracy which has pillaged. They cannot, but affect enormously was to join the assaults on foot and to the fact that of all the plenipoten as headquarters, writes us that these. outragedf these ragged, bare opinion in this country, and thereby throw hand grenades himself. tiaries sent by our President to Mex it has decided to invite all Anarchist.
footed masses since the landing of that revolutionary world thought now Cortez, thirty years after Columbus, in rapid process of formation. The it is forced on us by the tyranny of the country and its language That States and Canada to join it, for the Fighting is ugly business; but, since ico only one had real knowledge of Communist groups in the United made his first voyage, he writes: work is greater than we of today can one side and the stupidity of the one was Senator del Valle, of Los An purpose of carrying on more efficient The present contest in Mexico is an estimate; for it goes on beneath the other, it is well to have generals who geles, and in the San Francisco propaganda. It has singled out for their roots in the past, and it must! minds, preparing our race for that all, generals who do not sacrifice the wrote as follows the idea of con Mexican comrades now imprisoned at be fought to a conclusion before per great transformation which the pow. business in hand for the sake of grati quest. the loss of national entity San Antonio, Texas, and that of the manent peace will ever be possible ers of darkness cannot delay much lying the curiosity of non combatants, through the aggression of this coun Italian, Masetti, who shot his colonel It a.
In these United States we sadly need try, has been a national specter in in the hope of stopping the slaughter inevitable as was the war between leaders with the courage to say: The Mexico for over sixty years. of the Arabs in the infamous war of the North and South in our country Nevertheless we may be certain public be damned! This is my task some fifty years ago conquest now being waged by Italy, Intervention that Money will put up a hard fight, and mean to put it through without Foreign Suspicions.
The Federation also desires to reby us would therefore mean either a Towering ambitions when thwarted paying the slightest attention to the Harvey fills pages with extracts mind all comrades that an Internapostponement of the inevitable con stick at nothing, and greed can in public.
from leading papers in this country, tional Congress will be held in Lontest between certain elements of the vent a thousand methods of disguisEurope, South America and Mexico don the end of July next.
Mexican people, or our permanenting its sordid ends. Let us rememWar Would be Hateful.
itself, all strongly condemnatory of occupation of that country.
ber that this is a straight struggle be Even Geo. Harvey, who in this President Wilson course; and it is The business manager of Land tween Big Business and the moral month North American Review, to be noted that, outside this country: and Liberty, the first number of The editor of the Review of Reists, and that in all such struggles the as editor, appears frantically to Pres the opinion is expressed most freely which is to appear May 1, informs us views. also has his say, and tells us proletariat hitherto has been whipped ident Wilson to save Mexico; to save that the United States government that it has practically been decided experience in Mexico fifty years ago, that Roosevelt is strongly in favor tending official recognition to Huerta. the Berliner Courier regards our will appear as a weekly. Economies and they are not likely to become em of policing the Latin countries declares himself strongly opposed to President as aiming at stripping rendered possible by the purchase of broiled again He reflects the more South of us, and that our late Repub intervention, He uses the following Mexico of her political independence; a plant, freedom from rent and volenlightened opinion of our own age lican president boldly claimed for the language: all that when he writes. It is not the busi United States suzerainty from the sentatives who demand action which country the economic supremacy of untary service, are considered suffito justify the management in ness of our government to follow ad Rio Grande to Cape Horn. In a word, would lead to armed intervention may the United States. It adds that. if making this decision. The money venturers or speculators into unstable intervention may be forced on us, but, reflect the opinion of their own re that government bad desired nothing assistance has been, as yet, comparaor revolutionary countries, with their forced it is, we shall have most stricted constituencies, but they more than the establishment of peace tively small, but many encouraging idea of guaranteeing their projects precious consolations. We may now wholly misinterpret the wish of the it would have recognized Huerta long letters have been received.
at the cost of the treasure and blood be certain that this country will be country. Never was a war so un ago, and it denounces our course as of those who pursue less adventurous a house divided against itself, and that popular, so hateful in the eyes of the sly. As for El Imparcial, of WE MOVED careers here at home. Finally he temporary victory by monopoly will people, as would be a war now with Madrid, it says bluntly: We have Taxes must be reformed, but prelude for it more serious trou Mexico.
every reason for deeply distrusting Our Offices to lands must be sub divided.
ble. Either way we win, for the com How is it that we find the editor the United States. We have already the ing revolution will not be denied. The of such a periodical. as the North frequently pointed out Herbert Quick is one of the most world is aching for it.
American Review condemning armed Northerá Republic is attempting to noted syndicalist writers in this counWM. OWEN. intervention in Mexico? Surely it take Mexico in her net.
wage refusal.
most that says: how 2205 Court St