Taft sends Troops to Crush Revolt.
as. 60 19. 61: 10, Ta eng tari PEOPLE OF AMERICA says: ness.
ho will return to Los Angeles to replacement there to become erakaman or our rector andere dereitos de viananta, parente Marine e materie de este people; contulet out conscience people can say that you are ignorant of newspaper in prestico city hic.
upon the most melancholy sght that den Jose la Luz Blanco, the rebel have ever To ve ever seen or expect to see.
Mahod every Saturday at 0194 leader Irom the state of Chihuahua, has day and yesterday and the day be. 4th 8h, Los Angeles, Cal.
Thirty thousand United States troops (the Mexican revolt?
abandoned the captured, town of fore that have been looklog upon Tolophone: Homo 1840. are mobilizing on the Mexican border. And above all, don you know what Tigre, and after augmenting his the most Inspiring sight that have debription raten; Twenty thousand are being rushed the Mexicans are fighting for? Have force to, aj total of 470, men; has ever seen or can expect to see. The Por ADNOD 48. 00 over land and sea to border ports you not read the beart:rending, storles force to a total of 470 men, moved a thing that saw, two and one halt Por a months. 10 The mask is oft, and the shallow. ternational boundary.
tast as transportation service of Bļavery practiced in Dinz Mexico Low mlles distant evidently awaltlng years ago was slavery of human beings pretense of maneuvers is being swept President Taft, on his way to Ati er three months.
can carry them, twenty thousand men slavery Bochuman that it has earned an attack by the regular troops from such as could armed and supplied with munitions of tor that country the title of Bar Sahuaripa and Moctezuma.
passed in Itsine e been sur away. It is practically admitted now larta and Augusta, for ten days detalls in any Taft and the that the more of cation, passed through here at 7610 BUNDLE ORDERS.
war for a prolonged campalga, car barous Mexico. When General Blanco entered T1. age. The thing that saw was an troops to the border 18 to crush the lo clock tonight. He appeared satisfied 100 cople 00 rying 200 rounds of ball cartridges Don you know that massacre, stargrehe had with him 383, men army of earnest men with rifles bent Mexican revolution.
500 copla 12. 50 with the situation.
1000 copies each; in short, making just such prep vation of the people, the suppression while there 127 others voluntarily vion abollshing that slavery 20. 00 United Press dispatch of March. There was little doubt in the minds arations for activity as were made on of every right which man dlizst have joined him, Increasing his force to At close of the article Mr. Turner sent from aboard President of officials that the true meaning of Saltor and Proprietor, Anselmo Le the eye of the war with spaln. Every to raise himself above the beasts. has nearly 500 men: in this force al reveals the methods the United States Talt private čar, Mr. Aatry, Ga. the maneuvers soon would be Figueroa.
thing is being done with the greatest been the practice of the tyrant in aro armed with rifles excepting nine; government at thë behest of Otis, the says: of rush and baste. Over tour thous Mexico?
known, and the logical Interpretation and 211 are mounted but forty.
Wall Street, has Southern Pacific and Untorod as second class matter and marines are cruising to Mexican The army will not hesitate to in so quickly put upon the movement of The latest reports say that Blanico employed in its effort to choke the vade Mexico or it be deemed neces. the troops unquestionably disconcerted It is these things which the soptomber 12, 1910, at the post of ports. And all this for maneuvere! soldiers are at the border to perpetu. is about 12 miles from Douglas, Ariz. growing revolution. Here is made clear loo at Los Angeles, Callfornia, under the administration oficials, from Pres.
What does this hypocrisy of the ate. It is these things against which BIG REBEL VICTORY.
the early steps in the conspiracy, sary to maintain the Diaz regime.
the Act ot March 3, 1879.
Read also this Associated Press (ident Taft down No. 28.
United States Government mean? the Mexican people are in revolt. Couriers coming to El Paso on whose culmination has come in the dispatcki prlated in the morning pa Whatever the inner and diplomatic Let us see.
Are you going to let this revolution March report that Madero has won past few days in the wholesale dis; pers. of March 10, and which we moves may have been, there no longer.
Halonlay, March 11, 1011.
Th ing. The revolutionists have. totter be crushed by the butchering king a big battle 15 miles west of Mocte: patching of troops to the border for quote in part below: is any purpose the movement Rouso yo. Amoricans! The yoke of gaining control on every hand. Dlaz less, soulless clay in their hands?
cloak the movement Federals, capturing a large quantity for Mexico freedom.
Washington, March That the administration to the part of the ad.
despotism is desconding on your own has been reported as dead. The up But mark you, if you don pro of ammunition and field pleces ana Åre the American people golng to no longer its reasons for the sudden ministration has decided to dissemble of troops with mystery.
holders of his regime are in mortal vent it the despots of capital will possibly having taken prisoner the stand for the crushing the Mexican and unprecedented movement of troops it asked help of this government or The Mexican government, whether terror. Like condemned men a walting seize their chance, and Barbarous Whole force of his opponënts. The révolution za askom mo. Turier.
newspaper. correspondent at to the Mexican border is indicated by, not, has been given the greatest as.
the execution of their sentences tbey Mexicou will be the model from Federale were under the command there such a thing as the American the following dispatch received tonight šistance it could possibly have desired.
Juaroz, recently captured by Mexican see the end approachlog nearer every which will be fashioned Barbarous of Col. Escudero. The rebels am naoźle, abyway. redorals in the nearby mountains while from the statt correspondent of the As. There is no telling how long the day. They are desperate.
United States.
bushed the government troops in a out on a search for newg, had an exsociated Press who is accompanying big army sent to the Mexican trontier But slavery and tyranny have one ETHEL TURNER. deep ravine, pouring a withering fire porleace with the upholders of Diaa true frlend, and that is capital. And President Taft on his journey to At will have to remain there. It will Into their ranks and mowing them thich ought to make him staunch the slavery and tyranny of Mexico PROGRESS OF down.
lanta. The dispatch, dated Charlottes: not be withdrawn until conditions in friend of tho revolution.
ville, Va. through which place the Mexico are much more stable than they have no truer friends than the capital.
In regard to the conditions about ists of the United States.
THE REVOLT Chihuahua an Associated Press report President train passed at 7:10. to are now believed to be. Though it has beon proven that Blatt Your silence at the present moment night, is as follows. The situation in Lower California Wilson, ambassador to Mexico, reand Coavorso, the two young revocently rushed to Washington and went ONE BIG REBEL VICTORY HAS All doubt as to the purpose of the is said to have caused more concern El Paso, March 15. Despite the 1s crime, because it is a crime to relutloatst Americans, who are now In into close conference with high officlals. OCCURRED IN SONORA, AND assertion by Federal oficials that main indifferent when you know that government in sending 20, 000 troops to to the United States than at any other Jall at Juaroz, were kldaaped whilo Otis got busy pulling wires. Then camo on American soll, they have not been the secret news of Diaz death or dear.
ONE IN CHIHUAHUA. THE RE the city of Chihuahua has provi an outrageous act is going to be. com the Mexican border has at læst been point. It was reported that the revoVOLUTIONISTS COMPLETELY sions suficient for two months, El mitted. Your Government, obeying the swept away. The United States has lutionists were exceptionally strong roleased, and no laternational compll death, as the case may be, almsot torty.
DEMORALIZE RALROAD SER Pago: merchants in close touch with perflalous Insinuations of your execu determined that the revolution in the there and threatened to set up gova catlong have as yet resulted. Well, VICE FOR OVER ONE THOU the market line beeight hours before the report reached conditions Morgan doesn caro what happens to at the Méx. tioners, the capitalists, is giving its republic to the south: müst end. The ernment of their own.
tho public.
hand to ald the bloody tyrant of the American troops have been sent to tween the United States and Lower Action was immedlate.
ican clty assert that the food situthum.
The excuse was that the mobilization ation of Chihuahua la rapidly becom southern republfc to order to save him form a solid military wall along the California is but an imaginary one and.
Word has just come of the capture ing serlous.
from certala destruction. You have Rio Grande to stop fillbustering, and and was for the execution of military mathe revolutionary government Oscar Lawler, notorious as a hirellas Duavers, or war game, as it is of Tecarte in Lower California by a El Paso is the base of supplies tor nothing to gain in this crazy enter to see that there is no further smug there would be a source of constant of plaz and persecutor of Mexican re called. The excuse is of the filmatest band of armed Liberals under Sali an imports to Chihuahua and mer priso; you are not going to be happler sling of arms and men across the in worry.
fugcos, and author of the Talt latter and baldest kind, and does not bear a nas and Rodriguez. This seems to chants here are informed that coffee because thousands of good: Mexicans exonoratlas the fofamous Secretary perish, mowed down by your soldiers. regard to the misery and the tyranny are Mexicans. The first scene showaBallinger, is reported to have re (second scrutiny. But let us examine be preliminary to a move on Tie is selling in Chfhuahua at a pound Crime can never be a source of happi. which weigh upon the necks of the un. the interior of the newspaper office it JUANA.
and sugar at a pound, with other fortunate Mexican race. You have of Jose Calderon, editor of the The signed as 23sistant attorney of the Military manuevers, long since During the past week there has staples in proportion, Interior Department. It is sald that planned, would not be undertaken in occurred flerce battle between inyour hand to your heart, bina that you People, revolutionary The Mexican Central railroad apsay aume als law practice here. We recom: be received with surprise and unpre the famous copper mining camp. of Insurrectos both north and south of drugged by the dollar and by businegg: what happens in Mexico, you can lend lond, the study of Capt. Alfonso Figuemond lostoad that he be sent to a des paredness by army and navy oficers, Mexico. Passengers arriving at Chihuahua, and no suppiles have stop thinking of the falso tranquility your ald to the conspiracy of the cap roa, in whose home a ball is being ert lalo la the South Pacific in com.
As has been the case. Ships hall Naco, Arizona, report that wagon passed the blockade since the latter that you are going to get by saying: italists to crush a movement so noble given. The third act shows the patio pany with Ballinger, Roosevelt, and painted and repaired would not be or loads of wounded Federals had been part of a tow other undesirables.
These game is at algtanda. Pasaenger traffic throw away the idea of making mili, as the one which the Mexican people of the residence of Don Pedro Rocrime have undertaken against their oppres mano in the northern part of Chihuaions, since dered out of dock, as with the York brought into Cananea.
from Juarez south, sors of wealth and of government. hua, where a party is in progress to town.
passengers report having been Fed and the Wells Fargo Express Com can anyone become a millionalre.
You Ought to Protest. celebrate the birthday of his piece, If you want to know why the Mexl.
Think of your future. All the world Tralns bad not been made ready eral capalry in illght. These indica pany has instructed its agent at As civilized people, as you call your Margarita, which is interrupted by can Doople are la revolt against Dlaz to transport troops. No umpire has tions are taken as decisive proof of Juarez to receive do shipments for is throwing in your face the outras and wbal connection Morgan and the been selected, as is customary in war a big rebel victory. It is thought points between Cludad Juarez and cous acts of your government. The selves, you ought to protest against the the entrance of rurales who come to intervention of your government in arrest her and. Jose Calderon. bit rest of the United States capitalists games. The mobllization of 30, 000 that the revolutionists were under Zacatecas, a distance of nearly a Filipinos believe that you are their Mexican affairs. You should refuse of open country, with an adobe ruta have with his sway of diood and mis mon to prevent four cruisers getting the lead of Red Lopez.
executioner. The Porto Ricans curge thousand mileg.
ory, subscribe to Regeneracion for into Galveston, as it is declared the The correspondent of the Los An OTHER PARTS OF MEXICO.
the hour that Americans planted their to give a single cent for the war. But in the foreground, is the scene of the six months and get the paper and feet on their 2011; the Columbians if you remaid game will be, is absurd.
geles Times can not but see that the The following dispatch shows conwill suffer the consequences, because. Mexican dances will be introduced in Darbarous Mexico for 50, the price The movement of the Pacific fleet on Insurgents of Sonora are using com Jaitions in Torreon: stoned your citizens in the streets at the book. Or subscribe for a year the west coast could have no connec mendable strategy in their campaign, Japad is spying on the movements of the third act as a part of ry Torreon, March of Bogota. the Turks insulted your Mazatlan, for 00 and get Barbarous Mexico tion with a war game in the Gult of He saya: in addition to the paper. Or wo will Mexico, 800 miles away. There seems a probability that by the revolutionists, according to noted as covetous, cruel, as an abuser started on to conquer us, the yellow costumes will be as correct as it is race will make you slaves. You will possible to have them and the orchest send you the paper alone for tour The war department would not be there is some controlling force han advices that have been received of your strength. Your masters are months for alty cents.
the ones who abuse and you are the be the ones who will lose in this game tra will play only Mexican music rusblog inaterials for the construction dling the Mexican revolution in So here.
of inance which is nothing more nor of pontoon bridges, as it is doing with nora. The descent upon Fronteras Communication ones who suffer the contempt, the hatTbo os Angeles Record publisbed a the evident purpose of using them to had the desired erect of hurrying to completely between Torreon and Chi. red, the universal aversion. Central less than a move for conquest.
masterful cartoon on the front page cross the Rio Grande, 12 this were that polnt a couple of hundred Mexi buahua Passenger traln No. 7, America detests you. cordially, South To March on of its (ggue of March The picture merely war game.
can regulars, just at a time that the which left here for Chibuahua yesAmerica repells you, all on account of representa Dlaz in a posture of terror The provisional regiments of coast regulars were particulariy needed to terday mornļng returned here today. the leeches who drink your blood, of Across the Border.
the hard agalost a stone wall, sword artillery under General Grant, com defend Naco, a much more important It went no farther north than Jimevampires who work you to death dripplog blood to his hand, around mander of the department of the East, polnt, from a threatened attack from nez.
Rehearsals for Across the Border, in the factories, the shops, the mines Passengers report that word the Mexican revolutionary drama by, march on Ensenada. Al is harmony Berthold and Leyva are going to blm a rala of bullets, and at ble back would not have been hurriedly organ the southward, probably from the was received at Jimenez to the effect the workers of the whole world.
the monaciag tips of revolutionist bay. ized to act as infantry, same large band of insurrectog re that it would be dangerous to pro and the fields, and who wish to exploit Ethel Mowbray Doisen, are being held in the ranks and the men are ready oneta. But at tho top of the wall, and daily at the Gamut Club Auditorium, to fight together till they win or die.
Military manuevers would not be un ported to have been holding a strong ceed farther north on the Central.
What Are You Going to Do Now?
tals is the polot of the cartoon, comes dertaken when there is scarcely a dol position in the Cananea Mountains. This news bas already had the et The soldiers of your masters march 1044 South Hope street, where the We have direct Information that the Morgan and Aldrich with the United lar in the treasury. President Taft URGE SOLDIERS TO DESERT fect of sending certain vegetables in great baste to the Mexican border. performance is to be given Saturday clashing and quarreling which the Statos Army at their backs, poloting recently refused to give money to the The correspondent says further in and commodities sky high. Some The war ships are salling fully afternoon and evening. Miss Ethelyn.
correspondents are making so much thoir deadly cannon at the army of army for improvements, on the plea regard to conditions in Sonora: produce has advanced 100 per cent equipped to the waters of Mexico. The dal McMullin, under whose direction of does not preval. Any element Moxlcan freedom, bringing to the blood of poverty, and he would not dare to The main force is supposed to be in a day.
money that they have extracted from the play is being staged, has gathered which may have caused lack of com stalnod Nero the ald of tho song ot go to this enormous expense for simple in the neighborhood of Altar and is your pockets means of taxes they a very capable company about her, the glorious land of liberty. And manuevers.
sald to number 600 men, all mounted those in which bands of revolution are employing to buy war supplies to every member of which is working men stand together and they are des the taco of Dlaz himsoll could be no The whole thing is for one purpose, and well equipped. The largest com ists are operating.
kill the m:ijority of the people of my hard to make the play a success. Miss termined to win. On to Ensenada, more pitlless, no more ruthless, than ao other. It is for armed interven. mend of Federals is at Nogales. The following dispatch was printed race, to kill my brothers who never Josephine Dillon, an actress of considcompañeros, and may fortune go that of Plerpont Morgan and his ton by the United States to crush the about 250 men being held in readi in the Mexican Herald of March 3: have harmed you, whom you do not erable professional experience, who re: with you!
valet, Sonator Aldrich.
revolution and to perpetuate the des ness for an expected attack from the Cuernavaca, March An encoun even know, agalost whom you can cently. returned from Chicago where potlem of Mexico.
direction of Altar.
feel hatred because they have never she illed a long engagement with a ter between Federal force and a company, will take the lead.
Government of Wall street, by Wall Fellow countrymen, implore you to Attempts have been made in all considerable number of insurgents is tried to enslave you; on the other theatrical IMPORTANT street, and for Wall atroet, sounds try and understand what this means the encampments of Mexican soldiery reported to have occurred yesterday hand they are revolutionists, Bghting ing role of Margarita, the girl revolu: The correspondents at Calexico, eso mighty good to the laterosta. LOBbefore it is too late. Don you know Ito provoke desertion, and posters near Iguala, in the state of Guerrero. as you haven realized, to solve the tionist. This Mexican girl is not the Angoles Record.
what sort of pressurs is being brought have been stuck up around Nogales Several casualties; on each side are same problem that you have not yet type so many American writers have pecially that of the Associated Press, to bear upon the United States govern. calling upon the regulars to lay aside alleged. The rebels are said to have succeeded in solving. My brothers are described in attempting to delineate bave been out doing Munchausen is ment that it should undertate such the uniform of oppression.
Won dollars call, Uncle Sam can an amazing course ot action? Don bers of Mexican laborers are belog march from Iguála.
Num attacked an Indian village two hours giving the example of what ought to Mexican character, jealouis, passionate the stories made out of whole cloth be done to assure economic liberty, the and revengeful, but a girl of high which they have been sending from got his army and navy in action mighty broad minded base of all liberties, the base of fra ideals, and you know that Harrison Gray Otis, the impressed into the army all along the tander Mexicali. The Associated Press story quick Los Angeles Record.
most violent enemy of progress and border, according to reports, a fact ternity, the base of equality. hearted who has dedicated her life about John Kenneth Turner sent out Yon Can Plead Ignorance. to the work of helping the revolution. on March saying he called the Ol coarso tho property of big basi. begging for just this thing ever blace into the United States. About all The existing conditions in Mexico (Her participation in the plan to bring lationists outlaws and so forth its 1684 la Moxico must be protectod, no Lower Callforple was attacked? the valuables of the cities of Sonora are well known to you. You know about an uprising in Mexico City, entirely untrue. It is also absolutely matter if everythlog the United States Don you know that Morgan is in are now concentrated in Douglas, well that the people there are victims where part of the scenes are laid, the false that Berthold and Leyra to In sopposed to stand for 1s overthrown. mensely interested in keeping Mexico Naco and Nogales. Nogales espeof all kinds of infamy; you know well fallure of that plan. her escape from tased to recognize the will of the ma. Los Angeles Record. under despotic rulg?
cially has gained in population full page of photographs of grip that slavery in its most hidegus form ber uncle home in the northern part jority or the will of the Junta.
Don you know that this move of through the addition of the familles ping interest, with the full length por is the rule in the case of work done oe chikuahua, where she has filed; her no time bave they refused to recog mize either.
the capture by rurales, form the basis of sending troops to the border is the di of prominent. Federallats of the so trait of Berthold in the center, with in the field; you know well rest result of their plotting, and the nora towns who seem to be fearful pictures of the soldier dead, insurgents Mexican worker only earns a few conto the plot of the drama.
With the exception of two Demand Belligerence Ameri plotting of others like them to crush of the inal result of the revolution. in the trenches, and several clear and dally for working from sun to sun; you distinct group pictures of the boys of have seen in the magazines, in books, cans, one a a newspaper woman corre For Mexicall, is a feature túre of the article dally papers photographs which spondent and the other a mining en Mexican Revolutionists!
From the Pen of Praxedis entitled Revolution in Mexico, by can leave any doubt in your minds in gineer, all the characters in the play Dias to reported doad. It may be John Kenneth Turner in the current tho trath this time. Of conrso, Oroel Discontent to the nervo force of progress.
188ne or The Coming Nation, dated nad de la Barra havo denied it most March 11.
strenuously but that he what we have If by walking you can overtako Uberty, then run.
This article, which deals in the main to poche dispatch received at with the situation in Lower. California, San Francisco over broker wires ro Create an Idol, and you place on your necks a yoke.
is a strong and convincing presentaWith one year subscription to Rágöñeración.
ponto the vom of the death of Mex.
tion of the facts which have aroused The English page of this paper to be made mach more interesting ico despot. He has been seriously meak individual thiy be a martyr, but never a liberator, the interest of the country since the than ever before. Regeneracion to tho only paper that tells in Köglish the for wooks. It is a significant thing tatăt Ught of dawn stole upon boys. true story of the progress of the Modena revolation Barbarous Modcom that a prou alopatches were forbid Sacred customs of yesterday are the crimes or the puerile idlocies of from Holtville marghing into the sleep to the only book that tells the truth about Moxican slavery and tho political On th of (Established 1899)
den to bo sont from Marco Olty today, ing town of Mexicali on partnership between American capital and Dls which has made it por Tho oldeat Socialist Newspaper Wort Wodnonday night.
Jangany The author wrote the story who of the Rocky Mountains Whether allvo or dond, the revola You may bare water without fish and people without tyrants, bat yon on the ground where these incidents Send today and get the book with year subscription to the ONE DOLLAR YEAR donists are not going to lay down onn y bato fish withogt water and trants without people took place, just after the victorleus paper. Or sena 50 and get the book with a months subsoription to that arm till they accomplish what battle. His impressions are thing exto pape.
Address Rogers Publisher Best Seventh Street, they wo atming for. They do not It u onetom a yode, let us breat the custome, hotfriend and it may praised in tho opening paragraph: RBORNERACION, B13 East torta St. Los Angeles, Lo dogodou, Cala Want mother coupot tu bata pinca appear to be By offendbag oantoms cirkulation advances TWO And one half years ago looked is democracy in this country, has been which is stimulating immleration Turner Writes On Revolution At that: Report Death of Diaz Nation dated BARBAROUS BARBAROUS MEXICO FREE THE PEOPLES PAPER alam apresenta