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Mexican Notes The Assyrian Came Down. As Wolf On the Fold.
Our છ.
saving devices, of which in their own, Tiirst, that Diaz put through his gi The Rothschilds need strong cards to. words: With him the word constiTURNER TO SPEAK OUT.
country lley kuew nothing.
gantic schemes witli Rothschild m011 beat that combination.
titional had an almost sacred sigThe Exile Handicap.
In letter just received from Now ey; the go between being the celenificance.
What of Madero, i11. all this tremenThe foregoing is liquest testimony, Brated 11glish engineer, Weetman dous dijama of plot and comerplot?
York City, Julu, Kenneth Turner Now, in the opinion of those who given because it seems necessary to Pearsons, 110w Jord Cowdray, who Mr. Wilkins writes of him in kinally prefer decals to words, and bread and In a recent number of El Impar imprisonment Mesley. We do 1100 gives interesting details of his recent give it. What apparently is not ap was for years his right hand man. strain, hut says: Lillle doubt exists butter to paper promises, that was cial we read, Owing to recent cira rec justificat in piibliskılı, the condiz ters the United States becomes dazed field to oust the Rothschilds from the ment to accomplish the first grcat) is any one thing now becoming uni find ourselves compelled to suspcnd may stare till Turner snys he was hy a civilization so complicated that Tampico oil Tell, and furnished Man step thie overtlirow of Diaz.
he cannot place himself; that he finds dero with the means to win. Thirdly. himself among an alien people whose that the Rollschilds have hit back fallen into listeputem inerea in reppe ing mirage; that legal guarantees of hemice into the secolitorial wit of Tais. Under date of Marchi What of Ornzco, a minor actor, now stitutional reforms are but a glitter teresting articles on the agrarian proba writen gaitist Dullar Diplomacy, language he cannot understand; that. and that elix Diaz triumph puts sented at having been undoubtedly a free speech, assemblage, and the like. plunkel. intne fulsome yang since parte as the San francisco Rullem casa wall in the scramble for work, and shows us Orozco, huit yesterday a penance with Huerta and Diana supports homic inequalities endure; that to From the bottoina on pure coensejenige Turner toll the story of his escatie. forcerl into an unwilling idleuess that niless pc011, ivarching victoriously at Cüntinually we receive requests for is most demoralizing.
lie argument.
imagine Dives and Lazarus legislat we have applauded, unreservedly the thanks to the stupidity of a drunken Inmense al the head of 12. 000 nien, equipped with ing hand in hand, or meeting on equal work of. Sr. Limantour. Limantour most. officer. 116W. ngliste pamphlet which shall lowances should be made; but they rifles of the latest type, long range of the Mexican masses, around wlion lerms in tlie council chamber, is prob has been tlie creator of order in the to bring the Mexican Revo made, ourselves artillery and ample lution clown) to date. Money matters lack thought and sympathy.
These and many other important. ably tlie, willest hallucination that cederal finances; the founder of the factų meubeless will be brought to drawn from the Rothschild war this figliting swirls? To auswer, one are always hard witli 19, 2010 we are forced to cut printing expenses to the phaticaily that tliese people are not when Torreon seemed to be at Oroz ditions had passed the bearing point; economic injustice care le poti vitse end which he hoped to make, and succeed us that artiles from this pen, will marchermore. it should be said em chest. Ile takes us to the moment can only repeat that, under Diaz, con le abolition of special privileges city of savings and reserve funds from ligluthi mediately after Turner writes This is my apology sy nature quarrelsome, and that their co mercy, withi Mexico City within that. thus far, the two greatest money bayther aspects that stern but simple obligations secure against alleemeer liers of April. Many revelations ed in making, payment of national Call, the Metropolitan and Colo.
for occupying so great a space this greatest weakness scems to me at easy striking distance, and says: weck, ud 11ecd only add that we leastman in shall issue in pamphlet form the arti words, which inarks them as the easy button, there arose hoarse cry for itse it for their private enes, Then, as if some one pressed a powers in the world have souglīt to fact he would have been supported by gencies. It is probably needless for are just about dure, and they should cle that follow s, and hope to give it prey of spiciers. Their needs are intervention by the government of the mircty nine Mexicans out of xpuse lligl finance as it seldom wile publicity. Tt seeks, at any rate. simple and they know precisely what United States. Clearly that was the dent: viz. that thousands of Mexicans eventually in history as the one true pin in the Cientilico systein which One net result, however, is self evi hundteil, and would have gone down been regarded generally as the king has been exposed. lior the niontent, to throw light on certain phases of a they want, but not the way to get it, program of those interested in the who, tree years ago, did not know statestiau of his day.
forced the overthrow of Porfirio Diaz and interventiup made more difficult.
at least, the piume has been blocked complicated struggle whicli, at last, since they rely too explicitly on those fioal adjustment of affairs in Mexico. the butt of a rifle from its muzzle, and ushered in the present Revoluis beginning to rivet the attention of who, like the ill fated Madero, prom To which he alds: Americans resi are 110w well armed and hardened solOnc remembers Great Britian tion. ITe is Rothschildism personithic wortel, If it succeeds, cvell reise glibly.
dent tliere: familiar with all the facts. diers; skilled in guerrilla tactics, war against the Boers, and how our fied.
motely, in accomplishing that end it The Diaz epoch divides itself into expected daily the consummation of trained to endurance and profoundly tails, while maintaining guarded siIn anothier issue of the saine paper Thants largely to the tfforts of will be more than worili the space it two (listinct periods, according to Mr. wide spread atrocitics that would jus discontented. They did not know they lence with the inhem frenin icrason the we had read a report from Orizaba, Jelin rebus linkin Single Taxer, we occupies and the financial sacrifice we Wilkins. The first was that of con tify intervention in fact, take the were fighting for Rockefeller. but ware die gereedsco regolare ancor months Veracruz, from which we had clipped sent mountains can be either structive statesmanship, when great occupation of the country by our they are beginning to find it out. Tew millions of us react daily how kopiereached the Santa Rosa, Nogales and following: When engincering works were carried to troops incvitable. But this crisis did liaci lucard of the Rothschilds, but Ti does not require a very active commotiou.
able to create in these United States, No. 202 had been taken, while No.
compulsory education not come to pass, and the President they are getting an education on that 203 was still holding out; and at the Rio Blanco factories the workers marle Willre Scich mien as Louis. lost and imagination to rcalize the significance rigidly enforced, the law simplified contented himself with an order for point. lev hated Diaz; they hate end of a year we knew 110 inore than liostile demonstration and stoned William Marion Reedy xsemain obstinof the liscovery of an oil field, grcater inmengely, and something donc for bidcling the further shipment of arms the Money Power; they are discover when we started. So it is with Mexi them. Col. le la Llave gave the or than all others combined, and so lo the welfare of the masses.
ately silent. Reynolds Newspaper der to fire and a number were killed and the Manchester Guardian have catel that 119 products will 1xc avnil. periost, Mr. Wilkins testimony is: alysed his hands and, for the monent, gamblers against whom their whole co, and the press that keeps alle for all thc world. If the Tam ever saw hefore, and never hope to saved Marlero.
published most excellent articles repico Jistrict overlais a solid slab of sce again, such an alısolutely happy.
soul is in revolt. And the gamblers nerves on edge with scusational bat and wounded; but exactly low many cently articles that give inside views To Enslave the Race.
mean to keep it up; they nican to get ing us what all those battles are about. news abstains studiously from tell is not known.
Doubtless Mexican workingmen, aud illuminate. Both those papers engoll, the. discovery could hardly have contented people. or the Diaz of been more significant. Whatever in those days lic has unstinted praise, One could quote many authorities to be educated into the trutlı tliat if Regeneracion pas lind its reasons, wealt will exercisc a power in world Diaz mace was in 10t lying in the Treat select simply a contribution by them. Whc11 that is 110 longer pos than thic following, takct from a Sa. soldiers they themselves must be crent, may control its fountains of but lic adds that the great mistake which uplold Mr. Wilkins position, erwise; they intend to use the Mexi Yct that is the one thing worth know like those of other nationalities. Itave joy an enormous circulation.
can images as long as they can use tinn with which to end this study they mean to go tp against, armed in the past, for being by no means friendly to Gutierrez de Lara, but lic affairs, greater than any Trust, great zenith of his glory, inasuch as luis Caracristi, recently published sil le they will try the Anncrican cialist weekly, he Rebel, of Ital armed; but, at any rate, itenis of this has been explaining most lucidly the fr than any potentatc, greater than policies suddenly underwent a revo) in the New York World. TIC is an workinginan; playing on bis patriot, lettsville, Texas. Under date of March character shake our confidence in the cverlutionary change. Tiic date of that engineer of international repute, lasism, tempting him with promised land it said: The first belrock fact to colmns of El Imparcial and other agrarian character of the Mexican ilny luoian combination fras srcanel ofIts hands will est on change Mr. Wilkins places at some for years in Mexico and with which Revolution, and abroad he is being grants, and tising cvery to quoted extensively. Nothing could be every lepartment of industrial lile. twelve years ago, bue, it must have lima y el historine United States the wheedle him into ile game. By coax what is going on in Mexico, de this. Mexican City papers at present bulge.
better than his letter to the Los A11That ihe Mexican oil fields are been earlier, for Ricardo Magon was Hial report for the by 7, 500 families geles Tribulue, of March 19, in whick Were we to believe those reports we own the land upon vil today controls, or is aboutt to con ling newspaper criticisın in favoralic in Maclero, the stock of tlie 112incans to own Anuerica to the Pana tv live per cent of these millions are lcacer known to the public, has been he explains how indefatigably the Orozco, Mexican population of Texas, New 1rol, the commerce of the world; and to the government. At any rate there ionally owned Mexican railroad had ma canal.
Tt exhaustect it home Mexico, Colorado, Arizona and Calithat the war between the Diaz and rame a profouel change, for which been hypothecated to Wall Street 110 more to blame for what is going market long ago, on than is an unborn child.
converted into a tamne domestic cat, fornia, worked against the extension Madero Corces has been one between Diaz growing entanglements with usurers and the country saddle with But what about our owii Revolupurring amiably by IIuerta fireside. of chattel slavery in the United States.
the llouse. or Rotlısciuild and Stanel uropcan financiers must have pre an additional forcign ileht, including Is not that an economic question, What we actually know, on the other We shall reproduce it next weck.
and what is there in all this world hand, is that there has been continuard Oil this is the prith of three most pared the way. Mr. Wilkins describes unoaid intcrest, of nearly 100, 000. tionists the professional fire caters; remarkable articles publishıcıl by the it ilus: 000, lie adits: those who live only to bing about wide tumult outside of economics? ous fighting all along the frontier: POLICE INTERFERENCE San Pirancisco Bulletin, over the sigCaught in the Meshes. Those of 119 wlin have been on the the death of capitalism; devotees of What is there today that can interest that the Huerta forces seem to be in wluch nnture of Jaines IT. Wilkins, March We are informed that the proprie Ilic interests got luim in the end ground and have had an opportunity the Communist Manifesto, seriously a serious man outside of tlie great economic problem wirich we much the worst of it; that after dea lopeless minority and to have had 10, 11 and 12. give the cxact dates and that was liis finish. Perhaps old to investigate thic situation have felt enjoins participation in the economic tors of Sampson News Stand, 120 in the hope that many niny purchase age may he urgeri in mitigation, but for a long time that the Mexican war struggles of the proletariat, wherever ourselves must solvc or perish? 5th street, are being harried by the fcats anct forced evacuations at Agua 11 original; but summarize in the that is Ilie hest that can be said. Alias been carried on with American those struggles may break qut; de police. who liave insisted on their On; to the Logical Endi.
Tricta, Nacozari, Nogales and FI conviction that few will take the classnicknamed by the Mexicans money in order to bankrupt the Gov votees of Henry George, who hold taking down notices of our protest trouble We have, from one point of view, Tigre, Gen. Ojeda is being besieged cientificos, or scientifics. from thic ernment, take the 11, 000 miles of rail that private ownership of land is the against the continued. imprisonment at Naco, which is in Sonora, hetween of the Magons, Rivera and igueroa, a civilization infinitely grander than Mr. Wilkins adds the following re matliematical way in which they gob ways from the nation under foreclos one cause of poverty, and that their Nogales and Agua Prieta. His posiany the world has kuowl. a. literaand also the announcement of the Cection, It is passing strange that is led 119 cverything in sight, gained ture, and drive out the British petrol mission is to abolish it what about those addictol 10 hero worship lave absolute mastery over him.
Almost without extion is represented as heyond redempThey enni interests that control the am these people?
ture so luxuriant that already we are coming Ettor meetings; both of which 1031 generally selected the great lcadi proceeded to an exploitation of the pico field.
ception they have taken refuge in the losing ourselves within its mazes; a tion, but it is widerstood that the were put up conspicuously at the enzel of Standard Oil for nicir admira poor people, at once complete and science that, within a few decades, rebels are adopting the slow method trance to the store. The police are Ilıc majority bondholdiers in the plea that the Mexican pheaval is of starving him into subniission, since 11011.
has unlocked secrets with which hureported also as having insisted that Here are men greater than pritiless. They acquired vast tracts of National Railways are the Standard political, and the fighting merely orer offices Thaunibal or Napoleon; men without public lanıls an evicted tons of thou Oil interests, and the largest individmanity grappled vaidly, for centuries, Hatties on the border give rise to Socialist, WW. and other literanation behind tliem; who have sands of poor families wlio liad lived ual bondholder is ITenry Clay Picrce complications and and thereby has poured into our lap Anything more contrary to the tiire of a revolutionary character, be may precipitate an apparently inexhaustible stream of that intervention they are so atixious taken out of the window and, stacked wigal ng war of conquest for fifty on it for ages and vainly imagined it of the Waters Pierce Oil Company, truth it would be hard to find. The wealth.
years and all hill subjugatoil the worit was theirs. Through a system of who are fighting Pearson Sons, Mexican Revolution began as the upto avoil. Tear of intervention: dread But that stream is flowing: away inside.
of that powerful Northern neighborinelustrially. They have heir ambas vineli me, stores, ritk rents and! var Limited, and the shell Trading and leaval. of a people, clamoring for ore and more, into the pockets of Doubtless this sort of thing liapdevoted to the pursuit of dollars and saders in every court, far more inilu ous droll outs. tlic grcat cmployers Transportation Company (the Eng bread, and. demanding that they the few, and today we find ourselves pens coustantly, and it is precisely faced with the spectacle of nen gathcver on the side of moncy probably cutial than those commissioncc by had it arranged to a nicety so that a lish Rothschild interests hailed by should have that access to natural opbecause people do, 1100 yeşist such. petering their millions by the hundreds, las done more to delay and check our government. They make and 1111 montlı wages barely gave thic mcans Sir Marcus Samuels) for supremacy portunities which would enable them ty, tyrannies that gross abuses spring Mexican aspirations for economic lih.
make treaties, like sovercign prices of a narrow subsistence. There never in Mexico.
o supply, thensclves with bread. It while the masses sink into a poverty up and, iltimately neessitate, bloody.
erty than all other causes combined.
They entered and dependence which probably is was any money in sigtit except scerct compac This statenicrit may explain why ias continged, and continues, as the revolution. In the present instance it We should write formal intervent seeinsto, 118 without parallel in the history of the that the proprietors with Russia. hy wlich they gained prostimo, or sort of loan which was Mr. Taſt did not act in the affairs of struggle of a starving people, which tion, since that of the informal, but Control of the Caspian oil fields in hung up as a reward for working Mexico, although American property should take the officers! numbers. Tem cares nothing about politics, has a race: Osiris civilization is obviously Top exceedingly cifective, type has exist port them and make a roar. We are return for certain lcgislation licrc re twenty six consecutive days ju a and lives were daily destroyeci. ileep and well founded distrust of goved from the Revolution start.
glad to learn that the Secretary of the specting the residence of Anarchists inonthi. This prostimo, amounting. The follow these terribly siggestsided, and it is lop sided because, alernunelits, knows that officials llave Meanwhile it is reported that a Socialist Party expressed much indigin the United States, though we have passed through a Thic Targain to one or two dollars a montli, served ivc paragraphs: sold its country from beneath its feet, plot to assassinate Hiierta has been nation, and we should think that body, was carried out punctually l»y the con as a basis for a debt trat kept the gigantic revolution, we cling to dis The interests don desire interven and liates, with an indying liatred, cliscovered, that wholesale Maderista tracting parties. All Purope, China, unfortunate toiler anchored to his tion until after they can acquire contributive institutioil dating froin and others interested in the economic, alake tlie traitorous seller and greedy arrests are the order of the day, and Moses and the Caesars. Clinging to education of the jublic, might act.
Japan, India, Australia, fell before job.
trol of the National Railways of purchaser.
that Mexico City once more is under Like other inerchants, those who these moulcru condicrors, o be sure Mr. Wilkins then points out how Mexico, the oil fields of the Gulf of arrangements so absurdly out of clate Moreover, as have tried to show, martial law. Zapata, Orozco, this, we naturally cling to all the obsolçte Full bookstores display most promithey played the ganic of war as a fearful were the penalties imposed on Mexico and the potash of Lower Calthat and the other, reported only yesall its clevelapments are economic; nently what tlie public seeins to want.
game is played wliere cycrything is indehtedness, among them being ifornia machinery that keeps then going, and thanks to the rebellion of the terday as pacified, are said to be in Of tliat the police are not supposed to fair.
ciralting into the army, to fight Yathough with constant halts and violent syndicate of United States muutiBuble Mexicani, the veil lias been volved.
ahound, Tu short, rumors collapses to Czars and priests and Four Central Points.
ouis in Sovora or rebels in Yucatan. millionaires is so fully satisfied that be the judges.
torn aside that we may see the great and, until there is some possibility of tricky politicians, who patch for the At the outset, therefore, four points campaigns froin which nobody cver intervention will follow at the proper fmancial powers of the world at prey.
siſting the grain of truth from the DARROW WILL LECTURE.
must be gripped: came back.
moment here and oil a little there, but Respecting this and time that it has employed lawyers tremendous and invaluable expos. all in vain. Life will not be denied: bushel of falsehood, are not worth rel irst, that to cominand the oil sup much more, familiar to renders of and agents to take options on over Clarence Darrow will lecture on the cording. Tor this reason we cut this ure, such as only a true and lasting ply is practically to command the in Barbarous Mexico, he says: It is 600. 000, 000 worth of Mexican lands.
there is a logic in evolution which Land Question, at Teniple Auditorirevolution can compel.
weck notes unusually short, preferdustrial and commercial world. idle to pretend that Diaz was not cannot be gainsaid, and the revolu Today, in Mexico, lands that in lini, Fifth and Olive Sts. Thursday ring to devote our space to explanaTo dle that is to perform a great tion that has worked itself out interSecondly, that Standard Oil virtual aware of the hopeless misery into the United States are worth 50 can tions of the causes which, as it seems evening, March 27. Adinission will ly commanded the world supply.
which his people were drifting. The bc honght for or less. Anexation, service to humanity, but there is more nationally, gathering the world into to lis. render the continuation of the be free, and there is sure to be a to follow.
Thurilly, that in so doing it came cvidence is only 100 conclusive that to those who have framed tliis terrible It must be fully seven its grasp, lias to reach its logical conThose who wish to crowded house Revolution inevitable.
athwart a power which bitbierto liad he was. But he relied on lis ability conspiracy, would mcan the intrenchycars since certain of us explainel clusion a compctent and just disget seats, therefore, will do welt, to 1o allegedly revolutionary agitators Tribut101 of the harvest for which all suiled supreme; the Tlouse of Rolli to bcat down opposition with brutement of capital against society at secure thich io advance; which can Achild.
force. The most primitive attempts large.
visiting Los Angeles that, along the humanity has toiled. Until that shall MORE AFFIDAVITS.
be done by applying to Griffes, Tourthly, that the oil fields of Tam of labor to organize were crushed Impartial Washington!
Southern border had appeared a cloud have been accomplislied thie physical. 512 American Bank Building, at this In this week Spanish sectiou appica, Mexico. had been discovered: ruthlessly. Ou several occasions, wlucli gare promise of a storm.
The argument that Madero was We force uplieavals we speak of as reynoffice and doubtless, at the Auditoritold them that throughout that vast pear two more affidavits bearing on flint they probably arc richer than all, when men leſt their work at mines in Standard Oil man, and that our gov.
lutions must multiply, and wliat is ;11111 itself and many other places, the trial and conviction of U18 memllic others combined, and that the a body, because of intolerable condi crnment was ailing him as such, was inaccessible radical happening in Mexico must repeat itbers of the Mexican Liberal Party Darrow recent speech before the Rothschilds had obtained possession. tions, they were forcell back at the advanced in Regencrncjon months thought, a ferment would take place: self elsewhere, on a scale continually Single Tax club guarantees that lie Junta. The first is by Francisco IsarWhat is resulting is a little to the point of the bayonot. Despotisni liad ago, though we lacked the definite and we laid every possible emphasis vaster and with an intensity continuras, who testifies that he heard Fran will not nince matters, and we shall cleathi a battle that, in all probability, reaches its limits. To be frank information now open to the public. on the propaganda it should carry.
in ally more determined.
bc astonislied most profoundly if the cisco Salinas say the following to Gen.
As a mass the Mexicanis cannot unTirom such a lonce thought him (Diaz) lwy all odds We were able, however, to point ont, has only just begun.
its tram, We urged their lo utilize Limon: attempted raid on Mexican natural Why don you testify derstand the good side of our civilizacombitation of circumstances what the grcatest living statesman. Then with what we lopedwas crushing tliat opportunity, but they did not reTesources by the Money Power does against the Magons? am a Secret clue was possible? saw everything crumble away under. force, thic fact that Madero had martion; they know nothing of our poets spond Nevertlieless the propaganda not furnish him with some of liis most Service employe of President Madero.
has made itself, and bave not edited gorgeous visions, inventors Let us go back to 1876, the date at the most short sightcl, crucl and in shalle forces without the slightest commanding illustrations.
and the Mexican Government is going which Diny ciambered to this throne, tolerablc system that organized greed opposition from Washington, while this English section nearly two years dreams, the glowing liorizons càr to convict the Magons on account of and consider the people over whom hic ever deviscal to exploit lumanity. And all attacks on liini were punished, Revolutionists begin to glimpse. But without knowilig, by my correspondMADERO CATTLE. their newspaper activity against Matulel. Mr. Wilkins writes as one who prophicsied freely that it could not promptly and severely.
they understand our civilization rotence, how great has been the awakEAGLE PASS, Tex. March 17. dero, even if we have to give false uns lived in Mexico sixteen years, lias last.
ening in Arizona, New Bexico and lie ordinary inan can never get at ten side, and they have reason to un(By Tribune leased wirc. Gabriel testimony against them. If you do 11a (1 exceptional opportunities for Helpless Because Poor, grcat Statc sccrcts, but about six derstand it; for it lias stripped them Texas, which adjoin the Rio Grande.
and Emilio Madero, brothers of the 11ọt testify aga:nst the Magons we making a thorough study of 1lie cotinT lic writcr thien points out tliat months ago was so lucky as to obof their land, made then penniless As for the Mexicans, the last three late President Madero, are here and will have you arrested and sent to the Jslimaclites and lerded them into a try, and likes the coinmon pcoplc. IIc Diaz and the Cientificos relied for tain a long and confidential interview ycars unquestionably have wrought in were in conference today with reppenitentiary. Don be a fool, because freely admits their failings, which, lic safety on the people poverty;. 01 thc with a man from Washington who, as grinding slavery against which tlieir them a transformation such as few resentatives of Carranza, leader of we will give you a lot of vuoney.
present revolution is an inevitable and nations can boast The patient ox has says, are largely the impress of con fact iliat few of them had ever seen a it iscemed to ine, must have known the revolution in Coahuila. The MaThe second is by Pedro Martinez.
impassioned protest.
turies of unkl suffering and wrong. gut, while the Interests haci an army (pretty ncarly what was going on be revoited against the yoke he bore so deros claim that the purpose of their and states that lie took the stand and As he puts it, lese ſailings are more at thcir coniniavd. Such was the cori. hind the scenes. The sun and subHitherto the people of the United patiently for centuries: the slave visit is to arrange for the removal testified to the effect that he, Toe than offset by distinct virtucs. They cition when the great Tampico oil stance of that interview was that the States have been singularly indifferwhom it was fun to whip has liad. the from Mexico of all the cattle upon the Reese alias Johnson and are an easy light heartexi, good lui licids were discovered and grabbed by political powers at Washington, and ent to the struggle beyond the Rio (emerity to pick up a riflc and has ranches of inembers of the family.
Capt Paul Smith, had been given five Grande; an indifference, as believe, norca, bospitable lot.
learned to 150 st Anyone can the Rollischills, to the threatened heavy financial intercxts, were solidly Into the hearts of Several thousand head of Madero catdollars each and pronrised 160 acres got along with them who understands ovcrthrow of that monopoly which is for Madero, and would stand by him due largely to racial prejudice. We millions calloused by despair there tle have already been seit into Texas of land in Mexico, as the result of two or three racial peculiarities and to Standard Oil the breath of life. to the last ditch; but that they were are awakening, however, to the fact has crept, at last, a hope, and those More than 30, 000 head which they had enlisted against the are to be that the Mexicans inhabit one of the treats them not lalf but a varios de lat was a little more than threc beginning to doubt his power to pro wlio thought themselves secure richest countries of the glabe, and Madera government.
Martinez now brought in.
cently. They are industrious, liave years ago, and Standard Oil immcdi tect them. On that head our inforn privilege and power have been startled That the Maderos are heading testifies that such evidence was false, that there have gathered to the prosnatural artistic tastes and a consider alcly began to move.
ant expressed a strong opinion that irom ilçır slumberous seats. sugnew revolution; that the Maderos and that he himself, before the trial able incobanical gift. After a resi Others haud inovarl long before. Re the revolution had passed entirely bepective ieast all those financial vul.
gest that, while it may be impossible have renouinced all of said case, was employed by the in public life tures whose true characteristics we olenes among then covering years, sceneracion liad been founded, in yond Madero control, and that when for a pauperized and unanied peasanthat one of the brotliers has been ir ourselves, at last, begin to linder Goveriment of Mexico for the pur.
can say in all siiccrity that consider Mexico City, by Ricardo and Jesus this became established fact he wouli try to start a revolution, and inevitaSan Diego, recruiting troops, etc.
stand. In scores of conversations and pose of gathering evidence in said theit a highly improvable people, who Magon, as far back as 1900, The find laimself immcdiately deserted. ble that such revolutions in their etc. these are the conflicting rumors case.
in a library of letters Americans have will come to their own jullie eucl. story of the persecutions that fol Big Business knows no sentiment, earlier stages, shall fall under the conwith which the press is feeding 11 Other affida:its, showing how perlot my part, labor under the lowell has been told in the columus and apparently events have verified told me personally that, thanks to the trol of those who alone can supply Mexican Revolution, they now tider jury was used against out comrades from day to day. All that we actually great disadvantage of over liaving of tliis paper, under the title of Mex the forecast.
the neans with which to begin the know is that the Maderos are enorstand the social problem as beiore 110w in McNeil Island, still await been in Mexico. On the other handica Struggle, as the Magous Know Rothschilds on Top.
fight, the future may be different.
mously wealthy, and that they hav publication.
they could not understand that they for the last two years have lived 11, and it is sufficient licte to say Thus, then, the matter slands. In Change is the universal law, and nothbeen busily cngaged in defending ev needed the visible instruction received with the 08 Angeles Mexicans most that a revolutionary moveinent, orig the duel l»etween the Rotlıschilds and ing ends is it began. Hitherto the from watching the jackals at their ery portion of their possessions nov active in the revolution; sharing their inated liy the Mexican Liberal Party: Standard Oil the former, defcated Money Power lias regarded the peas am feast; that this business of buying up single taxer unlimited. so open to attack. Consider then the table and being in hourly contact was in full swing when Standard Oil originally, are once more on top. Will ants as its pawns; but, to pursue the don want merely a new fiscal sys fact that Roosevelt special organ the earth must stop, and the system with them. speak tlicir language struck in. There had been lighting at Standard Oil, and its all powerful al chess simile, pawns often queen themtem, a new systein of taxation. The Outlook, in its laudatory arti wliich subordinates all Life to profitsufficiently for all orslinary purposes; nuncraus points along tlic Amcrican lics, rest satisfied? It is not credible.
selves and sweep the board.
want the earth for all the people all inaking he revolutionized from top to cle on Madero, describes him thus lrave 1011e my best to sinly then in frontier. igliting under tlic bauner) The Rothschilds are probably the Madero Mirage, the carth for all men.
That was the Madero was a country boy, a nien inc. In truth, with that great end in partially, and find myself largely of that bore as its motto, Cand and Lib greatest international this power In short, the Mexican sittiation is doctrine of Henry George before it ber of the small but growing an view we ourselves tore loose from The dead the opinion expressed by Mr. Wilkins. crty; llic lighting of poor men, poor world has known, but Standard Oil is became too respectable.
pregnant with possibilities, and tliere England, more than a century ago.
prosperous middle class of Mexico According to inv experience thic Mex ly cquipped but excccdingly deter no weakling and it has the enormous is special reason why all wlio sense WM. OWEN.
liave no right to legislate for the liywho made their money in busines trail, when understanding the task ex imined. In diose preliminary strug advantage of figliting on its native the overwhelming importance of the ing. When one generation is dead it and not through political favoritism.
pecial ollum, in conscientious auch gles Trancisco Madero had ac neatli, with all the ambitions of Amertconomic problem sliould feel interought to stay dead and 110t reach The Outlook has sent a specia industrious, unless he thinks iliat hcquired some prominence, but princi ican plutocracy behind it. That plut est in Mexico. That reason can out its dead hands to tell us who are We have received the first number and well known, correspondent tis being swindled. TIe has artistic pally as an outspoken opponent of the tocracy hungers for Mexico; lungers best explain by referring to Preston alive how much of the carth we have of The Social War; a new and mort Mexico, and annonces a series and musical talent, and, in all prol never ending presidency of Porlirio for the untold wealth of which Tam Krecher long article, entitled The a right to have. Clarence Darrow. outspoken reyolutionary journal, pub.
articles on conditions there. If the al»ility, much mechanical aptilude, for Diaz. Suddenly he becaine the center pico oil is but a foretaste; has satis Personal Side of Madero, in The lished at 229 West St. New York impressions reported should be a cvery one wlio comes to Regcnera of a tremendous movemcut; one with fied its conscience if it has one with Outlook of March 15. Therein, City, by Robert Lee Warwick. Our misleading as the one just quote Admirable articles taken froni The cinn quickly masters the typewriter: amply resources at command, well lie declaration that Mexicans, and writing as a profound admirer of the congratulations, for now is the time World, The Rebel and other leadthey will not be worth the price of in printing offices their work is good, an med uld officered.
other Latins, are incapable of self late president. Mr. Krechner depicts such a paper is needed most. It came steerage ticket to Veracruz, Howeve and the women are most anxio119 10 Money Money Money!
ing Socialist papers, are unfortunately government; above all, means to own Bull Moose is a constitutional relorit him as pre eminently a Constitution to hand too late for extended notice crowded out. They are already in 1156 sewing machines and ouier labor Mr. Wilkins articles tend to show: straighit away 10 thic Panama canal. al Rcformer, and 115es, in fact, these in this issue, Type od will appear next week.
er and not in the business of supply ing cconomic trutlı, al area, SO to Out 111 I