AnarchismCapitalismEmma GoldmanHermanos Flores MagónSpainWorkers MovementWorking Class

REGENERACION English Section Regeneracion.
WILLIAM OWEN Mexican Patriots Tried and True Vincent St. John What They Stand for; Who They Are. Leaders of Mexican Liberal Party Junta Put Under Arrest.
mon forin.
WO ble as profoundly and essentially eco not be allowed to slide. But for this They had not heard of Danton ta.
LA JUNTA DEL PARTIDO LIBEnomic; not one of them believes that money, and much money, will be mous saying that boldness and boldRAL HA SIDO REDUODA Publlobod overy Saturday at 519 Madero or his fellow political trick. needed; needed to drag the whole case ness and boldness is the key to sucB. 4th St. Los Angeles, Cal.
stors can play the game more suc Into publicity and conduct a campaign cessful revolution. That did not matA PRISION.
cessfully than Diaz played it. Diaz of education that cannot fail to bring ter; they knew it instinctively and Tolapbono: Home 1360.
Ricardo Flores Magón, Librado Ritook to forcible repression because the invaluable results. Some of the money had the pluck to put their knowledge vera, Figueroa, y Enrique FloSubscription ratos: Mexicans objected violently to his must go for law expenses, but it should into practice. No wonder Diaz feared Last week we reproduced the let res Magón fueron sorprendidos por Per LDDV 00 habit of parcelling out their country be only an insignificant proportion.
Por sl1 months. 10 ter written by Ricardo Flores Ma une turba de esbirros la tarde del among foreign financiers. Now Ma. The vast bulk of the sums collected gon to Vincent St. John, general sec d1a 14 del corriente.
Per three months. 80 dero is courting alien support by prom should go to the propaganda arising Their experiences in North America retary and treasurer of the I: Décimos esbirros; porque escuda1slog to be even more generous than directly out of the case; should be dehave been a twentieth century, Odyssey, It brought a lengthy reply that was dos bajo el cargo de autoridad de los DUNDLE ORDERS.
Diaz Was. Could anything be clum. voted to that broad education on fun100 coples 00 ranging from the Texas border to Can not only prompt but quite the most Estados Unidos asaltaron, a nuestros aler?
damental truths which koits us all to 800 coples 12. 80 gether, regardless of parrowing isms If you had been a ada and including about every hard sympathetic of any yet recelved from compañeros en sus Oficinas, junto a Mexican, proship that civilization can impose. They Roted labor leader.
From the sus maquinas de escribir, 1000 copica 20. 00 No; the true Mexican revolution 18 or national differences. The editor of foundly. Interested in the discontent Se acercaron al compaiero escujust beginning. It has been well sired, this section has talked with the men Dow shaking that country to its have starved in the city and on the many excellent remarks with which Caltor and Proprietor, Anselmo has been long in gestation, and is an in Jall upon that very polnt and knows foundations, what desert; for months at a time coffee the letter. fairly bristles we quote dandose con el velo de la hipocresia, would you have and bread have been their only fare; the following: manifestándole que ellos son tamFigueroa.
exceedingly healthy latant with a vig. it is their most ardent wish.
done? Surely you would have endeathey have been hounded by the border note your quotations from the bien trabajadores esclavos para que orous career before it. Already it has vored, first of all, to ascertain the many friends and it will make very causes of the police and run repeatedly into fall; manifesto issued by the Liberal Party se entienda mejor. Pero que los hadiscontent, that you Thaterod as second class matter and through it all they have been to the Madero soldiers, and trust that blan mandado hacer el arresto de many more. Above all, it is most in. THE EAGLE AND THE SERPENT might work for their removal. That loptomber 13, 1910, at the post ofbuilding up their party, it will be widely circulated in this ellos.
gathering telligent. It knows well enough how is precisely what the Magons, and Sin ofrecer ninguna resistencia ai dos a Lou Angeles, California, under Noble Impulse, away! am the Ma other prominent members of the Mextheir adherents round them, Insisting country, as it makes clear a situation its neighbor, the United States, che Act of March 3, 1879.
groans under the yoke of what for the heels of the vallant and of the eleven years ago.
derlem that creeps about and bites Ican Liberal Party, dib; more than on free access to land and economic that is more or less misunderstood. uno al otro de los que tenia orden liberty as the keys to industriai eman. In fact, some of my personal friends directa de arrestar se entregáron No. 12, convenience we call Wall Street, and udselish, clpation, and looking confidently to the with whom have corresponded on su disposición notandose en los preIt proposes to make the shortest work Saturdny, June 17, 1911.
possible of the octopus that has been derisin Incarnate; am the repre was being given away in huge slices Away, noble impulse! am Masocial revolution that is beginning to the Mexican struggle, trying to get sos una discreción digna de admiraIf you had found that your country rock Mexico and vex the slumbers of them to be up and doing something, ción. Son los martires del pueblo windlog its tentacles around it. The sentation of the Money God; the the easy going outer world, No woncountry is volcanic in every sense of God that has no nerves, that has that thousands of your fellow counhave written me that they consid trabajador!
to domestic and foreign financiers; der Madero fears them, ered the fight there simply a middle Solo al compañero Enrique, aunthe term.
no heart, that feods on the sufferclass fight, and did not think there que siņ orden de arresto para el, se le trymen were being ejected from their Meanwhile the common people of the the blood of the humble.
log, pa the tears, on the sweat, on homes and compelled either to slave was any working class side to it: Iultrajo de la manera más cobarde These men are scholars and thought think that fully understand the que nos podamos imaginar. Con pige United States are asking themselves for the financiers or leave their fath ful students; proudly self contained status of things between the Diaz tola on mano se le acercan al pecho Noble impulse, away!
why the armed rebel Madero has been say. You erland if you had observed such facts, and habitually reserved. Naturally and Madero forces, and sincerely y después de intimidarlo, miserable are a pulsance. You are the eagle feted by United States big wigs while would you not have concluded that the they have learned to write but they hope that the Liberal Party will be mente, lo esposan, formando un moand am the serpent. You fly, the unarmed Magons are thrown into cause was economic, that the robbery have never acquired the knack of pub able to get all of the dissatisfied ele tin escandaloso. No respetando ni a Jail; why the insurrectos of Juarez crawl; but have an advantage over must be stopped and the people in llc speech. In fact they detest ora: ments together, believing that, if los pequeños niños de Rivera, ni su are banqueted by United States offyou in that can easily hide myself. duced to insist on restoration? That tory and were tickled to death when they do, they will furnish a force suf esposa, nl amigos, visitantes, y por My legions croop like mo.
cials while the Mexican Liberal Party They are is precisely what the Magons, and quoted Franklin saying: Here fciently strong to be able to take altimo ni el resto de los empleados envy, avarice, disloyalty. cupidity, is treated as an outlaw; why the mere treason, Infamy. All who follow me ican Liberal Party, concluded; more and his ounce of wisdom. It is prob. of course, realize, will take money other prominent members of the Mex comes the orator with his ton of words care of the situation in Mexico. This, que se ocupan en las oficinas de REFour of the dive members of the politician is halled as GENERACION. conquering hero and the profoundly honest eco character in Franklin story.
have an axa to grind, like the than eleven years ago.
ably one of the secrets of the confie to get into communication with Juola of thu Mexican Liberal Party, Cuando esto pasa en los Estados Some nomist ia barried from court to court.
dence they inspire, for at bottom most the widely scattered forces.
vls. Ricardo Floros Magon, Earique Oaldos y en pleno siglo xx, en la tie want to be governors, others are satB lores Magon, Librado Rivera and An. The man in the street Aads it dimisited to become but deputles and and were sweeping all before them, der they have no taste for politics When the people had been aroused of us distrust slick talkers. No wonrra de libertades y tiene. uno que volgo Figueroa, were arrested ja cult to REIGN OF TERROR IN MEXICO asombrarse ya es tiempo de protestar there aro those só miserable as to Loy Angoley, June 14, charged with rebel of yesterday, Francisco Ma.
would you not have kept a keen look and abhor Madero.
Darker days are threatening in Meso con la Justicia de nuestros hermanos aspire to have but the job of a comviolatlou of the nouirallty laws. Tho dero, is ordering his troops to annihi.
out for dangers ahead; and, if so, what policeman.
ico. In the press dispatches from that de México, con el fusil en la mano, Το be but odicos o Flegopuracion woro stripped late the Mexican Liberal Party, the cuico means a good deal to some danger would you have feared the If write of the Magons almost ex unhappy country the heroic movement ¿Qué nos espera tras los pasos de latter should not defond itself by most?
by cho authorities, who confiscatod all La prisión, la Would you not have feared clusively it is because know them of the Liberal Party, which for years un nuevo tirano?
lucklegg onog.
that as has happened lso often the best; but like attracts like, character has been seeking the political freedom horca y la venganza.
correspondenco, No pueblo; no malling every means at its command.
liste, etc.
Away, noble impulse! am MadeNeverthology Rogeneración people, in the very moment of their creates character, and fancy could (of Mexico and the right of its work te dejes enganar; Ifjate en el ultraje still rism; to me tho end justifies the There is but one way of judging anbe triumph, would cheated suakes Ito appearanco; although, for del capital.
means: Loyola is my preceptor. Soaronce lay my hands on a dozen of their more ers to organize labor unions, is vague.
Nos hacen prisioneros jefes, lar this luo. In a nacessarily shrunken tasonlatic theories, and that is the ox: ing aloft as you do you cannot hide agaia; accepting fine words for deeds, familiar adherents about whom a simi ſly and ominously referred to as a glittering promiseg for economic 80 lar story could be told.
Our readers will perimental method. It is the method understand As they have widespread anti Madero plot which terceptan la correspondencia bultratho dlincultios with which, for yourselt; I, on the contrary, creep curity, the shadow for the substance? an exceedingly compact organization contemplates the kilning of the na jan los niños y humillan los homof science, the method all business the log about, may utilize crevices, mon employ; the rule by which every moment, wo aro contending, the Span.
slip away in any crack, however sinThat is precisely what the Magons, of fully 5000 members in this coun. tional hero. Madero supporters are bres; pero en campo de batalle, son and other prominent members of the try, and one in Mexico of whose num spoken of as the revolutionary party. cobardes.
19h oultors having been thrown into one of us guldes his or her daily life.
tous, may come across, a briar bush Unlversally we want results. What Mexican Liberal Party, have prison, and all tho data for the makefeared bers they have lost count, they rep. All of which reveals most clearly the Fill serve me as a covor and conup of the paper solzed just as pays under one set of circumstances these many years.
cealed there lie in wait for you in resent a very actual, vital force. Dlaz condition predicted by Revolt in the were about to go to press, may be worse than futilo where the order to bite you when you come knew it; Madero who was formerly initial issue of this publication that LOS HOMBRES MUEREN; LA IDEA conditions are different; and by this If you had been in a position of re of their party and is now their bitter Madero, seeking in his own interest NUNCA.
philosophy the Mexican Liberal Party sponsible leadership would you not est persecutor knows it; all Mexico the continuance of the feudal system El movimiento revolucionario está Progress will not be stayed. When am Maderism; am treason Itmust be judged. It has done and is Institutions become Intolerable they doing its work as it had and has to selt. Ideals are beyond the. Comes have considered it your duty to point knows it; but the papers do not talk and virtual slavery for, the peons on en ple. La plebe de Hidalgo se agita out that danger, and to warn your fol. about it.
aro alwayy overthrown, with the pre do it, la accordance with the condl: What want is to get into power, by which the cheating of the people is to it. That idea is that an economic made up in great part of the much Attila? open to him Their strength, of course, his great estates, would make terms en Tierra Mexicana; no dejemos a the portals.
elso amount of Yloloace necessitated tlons under which it had and has to and if the Yankee will guarantee to lowers agalast the political trickery lies in their idea and their devotion with the larger capitalism of Mexico nuestros hermanos de la mano, No porque los Maderos desaten la by the resistance offered. ID Mexico work. For example, not even Madero ALWAYS accomplished?
radical, Would you revolution profoundly un talked of American interests. persecución sobre nuestros compare monopn y has been latolerable for a place me in power over the people, not have considered yourself a coward Ainchingly remorseless the Impera.
bimself, whoso rally cry 18 Free Elec pelcome be the Yankee. I, like the and a traitor if you had falled to ad tive requirement of the hour. The plots will soon be wiped out, ros de pobreza y de infortunio, debegeneration past, and monopoly will tlong, could do anything in Mexico They and within a few weeks Mexico. will mos desmayar, fall with all tho greater crash for cientificos, will go even to 18with the ballot; bis necessary resort vise them that shouting for presiden. have no monopoly of that idea and, be entirely rid of themi, Madero is re¡No; nunca! Hoy más que nunca having obtained trittlag spell in nominy.
was to the Inancial alliances hls po.
which to rot still further. Land and sillon enabled him to make and the debemos mostrar nuestra rebeldia (Translated from the Spanish of tial candidates can fill do stomachs, unlike those who would gladly crush ported as saying.
or alleviate one jot the sufferings of them, they have no wish to put a Saying it means no more than the ante la faz del mundo. Mexicanos: economic liberty aro fundamental ne.
Ricardo Flores Magon, by George arms of which those alliances gave the exile and the glave? Would not patent on it.
On the contrary their sayings of other rapacious politicians tomemos una vez más el fusil y marcensillos, and sorry will be the flnal Petersen. him command. The position comDlight of the Madoros who have un pelled direct action, and direct action you, as an individual, have felt that ambition is to make it universal, and anywhere in the world, from Tally. chemonos México; nuestros comdortaken the task of cheating the one of the most drastic kind.
way about it? That is precisely what the recruit they most eagerly welcomed rand to Taft, but if Madero thinks it pañeros luchan bajo la Bandera Roja, The Mexl.
the Magons, and other prominent was an exceptionally intelligent Jap he is a fool.
que es el símbolo de la Libertad de tion of its own, DO NOT FORGET THE The revolution the can Liberal Party had to achieve remembers of the Mexican Liberal Party anese with whom scraped acquaintFor many years, the organiza los Pueblos esclavizados de la Tierra.
real revolution for cconomic Iberty: Social to be held at Italian Hall, sults, and has achieved them, felt.
tion of the Liberal Party Junta in se. Los hombres emancipados querefor breal not talk 19 not over.
It 13 644 Maln, corner Macy, Sunday cret in Mexico, and before that while mos ver la humanidad convertida Just beginning.
Think of the colossal task per of the International Committee of the had actually occurred, the politicians evening, June 18, under the auspices If the danger you foresaw. so clearly the plan of the revolution was being en una sola familla y considerar al formed by this handful of poverty.
formed, the monster Diaz had used all mundo entero en una sola patria.
It will be dimicult to kill Regoneri.
Mexican Liberal Party Junta. All arFROM OCEAN TO OCEAN through whom special privilege and stricken, ostracised and apparently ¡Adethe means he found in the cruelty, cu Abajo, el odio de razas!
clon, for the paper probably has a rangements for a thoroughly enjoyMuera el inmonopoly always act having obtained hundred thousand readers, and what that can compare with it la tho hismost helpless mon. There is nothing able time have been made, and all for the moment the upper hand, what ing ipterest in the Mexican Revolu to drown the movement in blood. The flujo, la influencia y el albedrió del Emma Goldman reports increas pidity, stupidity and treachery of men lante la guerra social!
hundred thousand want they infallibly profits will go to the Mexican Revolucourse tory of the American labor movement, would you have will get. Within a few hours of these and Russla alone can furaish ätting followed? tion all along the Pacific coast, dis dripping dungeons of the fortress capital frente a nuestro lema TIEtion, Admission 15 cents.
Junta arrants we have had otters of as.
It is now that your co operation 1s Would you suddenly have changed tance from the scene of action mak prisons of San Juan de Ulua are filled RRA LIBERTAD.
Los hombres la idea parallel.
mueren; But in Russia the intellecmost needed.
your mind? Wouid you suddenly have ing apparently no difference. From with political prisoners, dying of conRistance from Spanish cultors of in.
tual class has been tar more numerous declared that, after all, this was not Portland, Ore. she sent the Junta sumption contracted there. One of Dunca.
ternational reputation, and the diffl.
than it is in Mexico; there has been an economic but a political question, 30 and the same amount from Seat them is Juan Sarabia, vice president culty of Anding men to all the breach much available material NO FAOTIONAL ISSUE properly belonging to the politicians; tle, Wash. the sums remitted being of the Junta. For every man placed will nev trouble But which to draw; the climatic condi. Rogoneraclon be euppressed the This is not the special cause of so and that, as for economic wrongs, time in each instance the result of special in those living tombs, for every one TINTA, DINERO, FUSIL GUERRA tlong stimulato energy whereas those Ideas It represents will find their vent, and the politicians must be trusted to collections taken up at her regular secretly assassinated by order of Diaz clalista, Anarchists, Single Taxers, El pueblo mexicano después de 30 of tropical and semi tropical Mexico Trades Unionists, or other individual correct them? This is what many, lectures.
or executed after drumhead trial by the stream growing more formidablo años de esclavitud Porfirista entre all tend to inertia. Yet the entire City na ita channel is artłſclally contineu. Alexican nation has been aroused to tent. It is a straight case of millions members of the Mexican Liberal Party. committee of men and women known In New York international military courts, there has arisen a wings of the great army of discon very many, others have done; but not the Magong or the. When the people are no longer per the realization of vital economic truths of our fellow creatures having been other prominent conferences have been held, and a score of new revolutionists to fight on juegos politicos y Religiosos, ha veAnd Madero will smother the spirit nido convencerse de los elementos malicou to ask they will be compelled the very exlstence of which the great driven from the lands on which they to take.
the world over as leading figures 10 of the revolution, the hope of freedom eficaces para, conseguir la libertad In Mexico, ag in all other mags of Its northern brothers still and their forefathers had lived for clvilized countries, plutocracy is sallHow the Magons, Rivera and others the fight for liberty has the devel in Mexico; will crush all the manhood del mismo pueblo esclavizado por el dinero, la política, el fusil y la guerra.
placidly Ignoreg. tremendous feat generations, in order that absentee have laced the situation has been sug lopment of the work in charge.
We of the race in three weeks.
tug dangorously near the wlod.
If verlly you Nada se ha conseguido con somNo, Senor Madero!
of education; accomplished, as always, syndicates may reap colossal tortunes gested; and it is precisely because should reproduce the names but that brero en meno: Las halagueñas pro a think that, you are doomed to disapWhat tho Mexican Liberal Party has ing altogether beyond the at cost of selt sacrifice and suffer by indescribably revolting slavery. they have so faced it that their move the subscription Ilst bent us range of belleve it to be the most brutal in ment has become the formidable power sample is now in the hands of the pointment. You may carry the Ter mesas de los gobiernos sólo ha ser been working at levon long and ar computation. One forgets how many stance on record of, absolutely heartvido para formular leyes que no dan it actually lg. If you doubt it consult United States authorities, ror through the country to which your de comer.
duous yearg 18 economic education; years the Magons and their most falth.
less expropriation that economie Oducation of the simplest tul co workers have spent la prison, the chapter entitled American Per In Chicago Voltairine de Cleyre lying tongue has promised freedom; money Esto ha pasado por muchos años. worships the power which secution of Enemies of Dlaz in Tur and other noted workers are bestir you may, at the biddlog of your partdollar nada se ha realizado; todo el mundo Whetherners in iniquity, the ner Barbarous Mexico, noting par ring themselves actively.
owners of the lo entiende, menos los patrloteros.
can understand.
telllag. the from Si, los patrioteros del dinero, los the poon that what ho needs is to bo Yes, Indeed, the Mexican Liberal Party mastor of blmself, and that he can movement has been and is a most qualle Mexico cannot but affect most. proThe ight for human liberty in infundidores de la ignorancia entre eral refugees given on page 294. It tances have reached Los Angeles we Otis to Morgan, slaughter all the is always the formidable rebel who is capnot say, the marshall office hav men who now bravely struggle against never accomplish this so long as he lied success. Above all others we can foundly the labor movement in this attacked.
permits the resources of his country think of It has produced results.
ing taken our mail into its. tender slavery and oppression; you may out los esclavos inconcientes, entre los enfermos del cerebro, con que no descare.
Diaz Diaz, the Little Eagle with to bo cornered by a low speculators, country and throughout the world.
The story of the Magons, in particcentar vuestro elemento y dando un mostly foroignore.
Having been deprived of both cor måny eyes, and spread your system mayar, compañeros mexicanos; acreThis doctrine Thought will be engendered and to all The. we are of spying and assassination Tolsteyan da 18slmplicity has fallen ing in the tracks marked out by Diaz, apathy dispelled; the road will be ular, is a tremendous story; one that respondence and exchanges cleared on receptivo soll, und trom Sonora to once more has shown its tear and hator fundamental changes. can well hold its own with any that naturally kept guessing and are comparts of bleeding Mexico; you may paso adelante seréis el ejemplo de los have come to us from Russla.
It 18 pelled to leave our readers in The more successful the struggle the make your name a symbol of horror esclavos de la tierra y el asombro de los tiranos de la política y el dinero.
Yucatan you will and the speculator tred of these men by demanding their now twenty two years since Ricardo same predicament.
and a loathing to all mankind for cenAdelante, compaeñros, de la acción Bubject of universal dlgtrust. It is an arrest. It It could get them across the there, the easier It will be for every was first thrown into jail in Mexico turies to come but, Senor Madero, We should reciproestá TIERRA LIBERTAD.
exceedingly healthy national frame of bordor unquestionably it would shoot cate, going to the very edge of our one of us here.
City for participating in a demonstra.
you cannot drown the revolution in IMPLACABLE.
mind, for tho speculator is a gontle them down llko dogs, calmly wiping tion against Diaz; it is ten years since MOVEMENT OF SOLIDARITY blood, in three weeks or ever.
man who wants to got rich at other out of existence men who would do opportunities. Regeneracion was frst suppressed The confiscation of our exchanges Some day, Senor Madero, having, peoplo exponge.
credit to any raco. The demand and Ricardo and Enrique, as editors, has made it impossible to publish perhaps, defended should not be allowed to pass unchal.
Incarcerated in the Mexican milltary our customary column, The Army ests so well that the American ex con el perverso fin de desprestigiar in the purault of its herculean task lenged; for such gallant Aighters we The Mexican revolution is now of prison. No less than six other papers of Revolt. We have to acknowl ploiters shall have wrung billions of nuestro movimiento, se pretende hatho Mozlcan Liberal Party has ren should put up an equally gallant fight, world wide interest. Our sphere of did they start, editing them repeatedly edge the receipt of the following, dollars from the sweat and blood of cer creer que Dick Ferris tiene algo derod Incalculablo serviço to the though not so much for them as for action has increased enormously and from Jall and smuggling the copy out enclosed in private correspondence: an oppressed people and let you have que ver en él.
worldwido movomont of revolt, and the principles they hold far more pre with it our expense. We are not begin loaves of bread and by other kin. Cronaca Sooversiya, Barre, Vt. a few millions for yourself, if you be Protestamos contra tales supercheSi Dick Ferris da un paso It can today congratulato Itselt on the clous than their own lives and Uberty. gars but we lovits more than your dred devices. Nothing could daunt 50; Detroit, Mich. 19. 56; Water not hanged, you will follow. Dlaz, weep rías.
fact that the service 19 appreciated. We should put up a fight that will go merely sympathetic ald.
Our cause them, and they had even the audac bury, vt. 11. 50; Boomer, Va. ing as he did at having to leave the territorio mėxicano, será fusilado por Hundreds of the best edited papers in to the bottom of this matter, showing is yours.
ity to sign their names to every arts 75; Esteve, 48. 25; Tierra, work of horror while there still were los nuestros.
this country and Europe bear weekly up the piratical Interests that are pull.
Nunca hemos pretendido pedir la clea step then unheard of in Mexl. Habana, Cuba, 70; Tierra y Li brave men to be killed and submissive testimony to tbat etrect, and the best 10g the strings and illuminating the anexión de la Baja Callfornia ilog Don Dicker, over trlfles or think can Journalism. Already they had be bertad, Barcelona, Spain, 175. 45.
men to be enslaved.
Esa fábula absurda edited papers aro those that most entire situation for the instruction of you know it all. Solidarity is the gun the formation of a party, and the Recent communications from Senor Madero, all thinking mien Estados Unidos.
correctly Bense tho deep, underlying the world.
There is a hideous cese: Keynote, and the world workers are public had to be famillarized with Spain testify to great enthusiasm on know that you are a scoundrel. Why ha sido inventada por Madero para curronts of national thought. Every pool of financial rascality to be an being knit together as they never their names and be set an example the subject of the struggle for in try to make us believe that you are desprestigiarnos.
Conste de 10a vez por todas.
000 of thom diagnoses Mexico trou. covered, and the opportunity should were before.
of boldness, at all and every cost. dustrial emancipation in Mexico. also a fool? Revolt.
he more on us.
even 11 ag kind, that the most un lettere de color but one remembers, always that online alone, and is deat, dumb and blind to ticularly the long list of Indicted Lib. or no promised reports and remite Camericane interesat,