the ro Critics and Corroboration Taken from the Book Barbarous Mexico Just a Word, Concerning Mexico cven has Wall and these one (ern Llerate tud joined bands with Conoluxion Froo trudo will bo provails and it hau bocomo uo bad Conclusion 10. It bonoovog ovory, auopolitan Magazino of Marolt, 1910, contraata thoy will vo shippod to the middle clasy rovolutionists who establishod bocwoon tho two countrlou that it will be nocoubary to arrest mon workor in tho Volto Statou to tako aro; Hugar and coffoo plantations and hold are now operating against tho Dlaz and tho product of oturvod poon labor for polltlonl offonegu, Moxico inny bo un motivo intorout in tho movomonts 4th St. LON Angolou, Oal. To offset thoso prospecta ot oarly until tho explration of tho apooldod overulent, Wo wish to нау that will tloos Amorican markoto to crowd rollod on to rociproonto tho frlondly that aro bolog Inauguratod by this industrial advanaus la tho contract tormo. 014 puntos JOANDIAN and wo known the contents of this tho Amorluun laborar dowo to a 110 sorvloes of thla dnpttalist rulod coun. sovornmont for the furthor onsln vo inbor systom, and tho contract labor Tolophuno1360.
Govornor Landa rofused Hubucription ratos: article wo would not have peruuttod condition of peoungo.
try by returnlag fugitives from on vont of thoir cluas.
systom In Moxloo is bad Institution. quout on tho ground that tho luw roPar LUID 00 it to bo printed.
Conclusion Whon thin couition proslon. 10. KNOWUIS. Itu ropuhulyo features to our oyog Quirog guch foruullty to protoct tho Por six hionth 10 The liberal arty buy not joined Is tho (not that, whllo tho Inboror laborora, whllo tho roagon for walving Per throu monthh. 60 hands with the Maderlaty, It has not ontoru voluntarily into the contriot, it did not appour logical.
endorned and will not ondorno either tho luw glvos tho omployor a right Tho Moxlaan Iorald furnishes NUNDLU ORDINA, Madero or las program. The Liberal ovor tho workman pornon in the 01. moro corroboration than tho Moxican 100 copies 00 Party Is it working class movement.
toroomont of tho coutraat. Tlocrot. Nocord, Commenting adltorlaly upon 000 copies 12. 00 If it triumplig It will proceed nt once ically, thoro is no argumont to botho announgomoute of Barbarous 1000 copie 20. 00 (o eturning tho stolen Innds of the made for contrnot labor.
Moxico, It said, August 27, 1009: peoplo to their rightful owners. If an opgangbado robols or is 10 In thla Journal during roront Editor and Proprlotor, Anpolmo ho Midorint Party would tnoruly solont or lazy, tho litho rod in to yours, and in many Mexican papera Figuoroa.
rohtore the republican constitution. It By John Kenneth Curner hands of tho boss of the gang winds as woll, tho abusos of tho peonago around him, and ho soon endorstanda ayatom, and the lil troatment of the Roterod as socond class matter would not break up the big haciondna, Soptember 13, 1910, at the post of which are one of tho chtof bulwarks The first flvo chapters of this book on the Isthmus of Tehuantopoc. In the gweet, swoot llborty pf Moxlcoi that ho must fulani hla part of the 100 ongandhados or lontraht labor doo at Los Angelos, California, under of the slavery and peonato uncler whion, in a littio logo oxtended form, various newspapors Mr. Gould was It is too bad that Mr. Coopor should contract. It ho runs away, a roword ors lu somo roglons, have boon most th. Act of March 8, 1870.
which at lennt one third of our peo were published serially to Tho Adier quolod extensively, especially in the bave marred such a rosy ploturo as hoof ten dollare is paid to whoovor frankly doalt with, The enlightonNo. 10.
ple are living Wo bolleve that the Icun Magazino to tho fall of 1909, San Franosco Bulletin, whero ho paints by admitting the man hunt brloges blm back. His clothon are od Govornor of Chiapas has denouncSaturday, December 17, 1010.
timo luns passed for pilddle clues revo called forth a couslderablo monsure speaks of the absolute Inacouray tvg part of tho systom. But bo doos: takon away from him, and bo la clad od tho ovlla of poonago in his atato olutions. Tho revolution of the Lite or comment both in the United States of my writings. Here aro somo of Bhould a man run away, wo can in a gunny back with holes cut for and has recolved the thanks of tho eral Party will be a working class and Mexlco. Both the magazino and his explanations taken from that have him brought back If the amount arms and logs.
patriotic prong of tho country. That revolution, mysell woro doluged with lottore, paper: of tho debt la volved 18 worth whilo.
Mr. Stovons defenso of this eye thero are dark spots in agricultural many of which assorted that tho wri As general manager of the Ban Tho exponse of 1118 capturo lo pala tom, as publishod in the bilmo aum labor conditions, 10 fair minded pertors themselves bad witnessed con Gabriel, send 2, 500 at a certain by the plantation and added to his ber of tho game magazine, to: Mr. President Bon of wide information seeks to ditlong blinilar to those whiob de soason to my ageat in tho City of account. Outside of the restrictions of dog deny.
By Dugono Debs.
scribed. On the other hand, tbore Oaxaca. He opens ad employment Yet Mr. Cooper finally avors: matto controversy thero is only one About the same time Paul Hudson, President Taft, moun Isn It time woro many who flatly averred thatoco and calls for a quota of bevonty. The peons are perfectly frog to phase that malos a wrong right, and general manager of the paper, was for you to take another trip to the was a Pabricator and blanderer, flve men.
come and go as they choose, with that is noceselty. legal enforce quoted in a New York Interview as Rio Grande? Thinks are looking Fact Butcher Diaz has been declaring, varlously, that nothing The laborer is given an average the only legal proviso that they do ment of a contract by using physical saying that my exposures do not advery squally for your Friend Dlaz.
president of Mexico for some thirty, akin to slavery or even to peonage of Ofty cents (Mexican) a week until not swindle any one out of money forco, over the person Is lo itselt mit categorical denial. And in the You, and Roos volt boforo you, dld yours.
existed in Mexico, that, if it did, it the debt he owes the company is liqui tbat has been advanced them in good wrong. On the otber hand, legisla Mexican Herald of May 9, 1910, everything possible on this side to Fact During that time he has was the only practical way to civilize dated. The company is not obliged faith.
tlon now problbiting contract labor Torrey Connor, writing in praise of keep the bloody clutchos of your maintained his hold on that office by Mexico, anyhow, that the Mexican to pay him this amount, but does so Mr. Cooper thought so well of his would work a greater wrong, for it General Dlaz, says. Slavery, doubtfriend Dlaz at the throats of the ten killlug and imprisoning those who working people were the happiest and to keep him conteated. He is ubu defense of the Dlaz system that he would destroy millions of investments, less, is known to exist in Mexicomillions of peons worked in Mexico would oppose his repeated re elec most fortunate on the face of the ally contracted for for periods rang or someone elsewunt to the ex would retard a most beneficient and that is generally understood. In and owned and robbod in Wall street.
earth, that President Diaz was the lag from six months to three years. pense of having It printed in pamph rapid development of the richest February, 1909, in an editorial item You had your secret service thugs Fact He has gold many con most benign ruler of the age, that a in three years, if he is reasonably let form and circulated about the region on this continent, if not in upon the political situation in the and assassins turned into the blood cessions to American capitalists for long enough hunt would discover Industrious and saving, he will not country. There were other pamph the world, and would, by reflexes, state of Morelos, the Mexican Herald hounds of Dlaz and you had every the building of ratlroads and facto cases of barbarities in the only have paid off his debt money. leteers besides Mr. Cooper, too, who work more harm to the very people went so far as to admit the killlog of patriotic Mexican soul who was flghat rles and the working of mines. United States, and we would better but he will draw his liquidation with rushed to the defense of Mexico. One it would intend to aid than an indebt laborers by thelr masters.
Το ing for his countrymon, and sought Fact He has used his arbitrary clean our own house first, that there money in his pocket.
was Mr. Smtlh of Tippecanoe, definite continuance of the present quote. It exactly: refuge here, thrown into Uolted States The gum total Is this: power to establish a system of peon were 900, 000, 000 of American capThe peon Iowa, the man who wired President conditions. It is undeniable that their (the dungeons, buried allve, and devoured age by which the working class of Itul invested lo Mexico and 80 on slavery in Mexico might be called Taft begging him to deny The Amer This Is exactly the logic the alave planters. management is at times 80by vermin, to intrench and prolong that country has been reduced to a and so on.
slavery in the strictest sense of the ican Magazine the malls, and that be driving cotton planters of our south vere. When angry they heap abuse the reign of the decorated cannibal condition of practical slavery tol The remarkable thing, indeed, word, but as long as the laborer is fore my first article went to press. ern states used before the Civil War. on the peons and even maltreat them who masquerades as the president of American and Mexican capitalists. about the discussion was the head under contract to the plantation Mr. Smith wrote The Truth About It will hardly go with anyone who physically, In some instances they Mexico, and whose bloody clawg you Fact This caused these long manner in which certain maga owner he is being done an inestima Mexico, which The Bankers Maga has not money. Invested in Mexican have, in times not bo dletant, even grasped in full and hearty fellowship slave masters to be very friendly to zines, newspapers, book publishers ble good. It is the plantation own zine printed, and the same matter was plontations which are enganchados. taken the lives of native laborers who as you assured him of your profound his administration.
and private individuals in this counsers who prevent the peon ordia afterwards put into a pamphlet. Mr. do not wish to tire the reader, have incensed them, and have gone respect and the absolute confidence Fact. Diaz is getting very old try rushed to the defense of Presi arlly worthless humans with no pro. Smith was so extravagant in his debut, aslde from the foct that have scot free.
of your mutual masters in capitallats, fearing his dent Diaz, These individuals evi fession from becoming public nials of imperfection in Mexican in been most violently attacked, have August 27, 1909, in an article on street, death, are very anxious to have a dently acted on the theory that a charges. Unwittingly perhaps they stitutions and so glowing in his de a reason for wishing to go a little The Enganchado, the Herald said, Do you remember this occasion, man for vice president who will fol charge of slavery in bis domain was block a lawless and irresponsible elo )scriptions of Mexico ideal gov deeper into thủs matter of critics and in part: Mr. President, when your own people low in his footsteps and continue an aspersion on the rule of Presl Iment by teaching the peon to use his ernment that of that governcorroboration. Let us get right down The enganchados are guarded were shut out and one of your most them in their graft of slavery. dent Dlaz, and quite correctly so. hands and brain.
ment warmest defenders, The Mex into Mexico itself, down to the very most rarefully, for there la the over ardent admirers was murdered by a Fact This led to the banish Wherefore, they proceeded to de Mr. Edward Thompson was for Ican Herald, was revolted by the pro newspapers thot are paid a specified present danger of their running away guard in his eagerness to witness the ment of Madero and Reyes, the oppo nounce me in the most vigorous many years the American consul in duction and printed a long editorial sum each week in exchange for man on the slightest opportunity. Often Do you remember the sition candidates for president and terme, on the one hand, and to let Yucatan.
Mr. Thompson owns their a in which it prayed that Mexico might ufacturlag public opinion favorable the cabos are cruel in treatsoldiers that surrounded you, with vice president, during the late cam 100ge flood of adulatory literature benequen plantation, and, though be delivered of such friends as Mr. to President Dlaz and bis system. In ment, a fact which is to be condemnshotted guns in their hands, and paign, thus leaving a clear feld for concerning President Mexico City there are two daily news ed.
Diaz, on the did not visit it, was informed Smith.
It is not in keeping here pressed in closely upon you to guard the tools of the exploiting class. other. imagine that it would re that he held slaves under exactly the Mr. Guillermo Hall, another Amer papers printed in English, the Her to mention the abuses which are alyou against your own chosen people Fact The present and past adquire a very long freight train to same conditions as do the henequen ican who is laterested in Mexican ald ond the Record. Both are prob leged to have been practiced against while you, with ashen, cowardly lips, ministrations in this country have carry all the lattering literature that kings.
Immediately following the properties, considers my articles a perous and well edited, and both are the enganchados, the treatment of delivered the message of your mas used the United States and oficials was circulated in this country by the publication of my first article Mr. great injustice, inasmuch as, since open defenders of the Mexican gov men do shamelessly that they dle, the erament. The Herald, especially, re raping of women, the deprivation of ters?
and courts to arrest such men as had friends of Diaz in the six months fol Thompson issued long statement the poor Mexican knows nothing of Lest you have forgotten your fled from his oppression, and either lowing the first appearance of my that was published in so many pa freedom, he must be perfectly well off peatedly denounced my articles. the laborers of any means of bathspeech on that occasion, will here return them to him to be murdered articles upon the news stands.
pers that imagine news syndicate as a slave. The Tucson, Arizona, believe that con show as many as Ing, and the unsanitary condition of Mr. Citizer quoted Mr. Hall as follows: fifty clippings from this paper alone their houses, lea No planter who.
quote from it as it appeared in the or imprison them in federal prisons.
noxious The perusal of those articles and was employed to circulate it.
newspapers at that time: Fact President Taft, when he this other literature also would drive Thompson began by, denouncing my. The cold facts stated in black type which, in one way or another, at diseases.
It gives me the great visited Texas, crossed the Rio Grande anyone inevitably to the conclusion article as outrägeous in its state might seem preposterous to the tempted to cast doubt upon my state knows the real history of the system, whose ments. Nevertheless, in the course or the inside facts of the neighboring est pleasure and esteem it a special and was closeted with this Occidental that somebody was deliberately dis ments and absolutely false in many Americans of this country, honor to assure your excellency that czar, no one but themselves kaowlog torting the truth.
Who was distort details. But read what Mr. Thomp training and environment are so dil of the daily publication of the news, plantations, will deny for a moment the American people regard you with what took place in that surreptitious ing the truth? Who and why? son himself says are the facts: In the lower country or in the very campaign of defense, the worst stories of the enganchado ferent.
the highest respect as an Illustrious contab.
Since the who as well as the wby Reduced to its lowest terms and along the border, for instance, the both of these papers have, since the are true. Plantation men do not take the ruler who has always been profoundFact 10. There is, at present, a are peculiarly a part of this story looking at the matter without the de so called peon has no conception of irst appearance of Barbarous Mexly concerned in the prosperity of his revolution in progress in Mexico, and may be pardoned for pausing for a sire to produce a sensational maga the llberty we enjoy in America. He ico, printed matter which convinc enganchado labor because they like country and the happiness of his peo United ingly confirmed my charges.
States what It troops being few pages to reply, first, to the ques zine article, the so called slavery be absolutely doesn know It. Nor do they prefer it to any other, ple, and the beneficience of whose rushed to the border, ostensibly totion, Who?
comes one of simple contract con: means. The property owners there October 23, 1909, the Daily Record even the lowest. But there is cerreign will be recorded in the pages of prevent violations of neutrality, It would give me pleasure to pre venience to both parties. The na are compelled by force of circum dared to print an, article from the tain advantage in it, as one planter history.
sent here some hundreds of letters tive needs the money, or thinks he stances to maintain, at present, a sort pen of Dr. Luis Lara y Pardo, one of said to the writer, with a queer thriii the best known of Mexican writers, in his voice: Oh, what a lle! What a wicked, Conclusion The Mexican tyrant which. When you ve got em does, while the planter needs the of feudalism over him.
among them, corroborate ghastly, damnable lle!
in which he admitted that my in they re yours, and have to do what That lle has sold these concessions to Ameri many times all the essential leat labor of the native servant.
Mr. Dwight Woodbridge, a dictment was true.
should have stuck in your throat and can capitalists for two reasons; few lines from you want them to do. The indebted servant is held more planter and writer, wrote at length If they don t, Toures of my account of Mexican slavthe article will Buoce.
Said strangled you until you were as black get the aid of the American capital ery. Bud did do so there would or less strictly to the terms of the in defense of Mexican slavery in the Dr. you can kill them, Pardo Such corroboration from a subsiin the face as the administration you istic government and to provide the be little room left in, the book for verbal and implied cuatract, accord Mining World, the organ of the Am The regime of slavery continues aized supporter of the system itself. were glorifying. No wonder you and sinews of war to put down all op anything else. can merely say that ing to the personal equation of the eriran Mine Owners organization.
your Archibald Butt had to shut out position at home.
under the cloak of the loan laws. would seem rather embarrassing to in most cases the writers claimed planter or his representative. This Here are some excerpts: Peons are sold by one hacendado those individuals who were so zealthe people and have yourselves walled Conclusion These American cap. to have spent various numberg of general fact is equally true in all of Unquestionably there are brutallin with malled murderers as the only Italists who have been given unlim to onother under the pretext that the oua ag publicly to announce that my years in Mexico.
the great industries of our country ties and savageness in Mexiro.
The letters were Outfit witnesses to such an immoral and ited power to exploit Mexican labor unsolicited, the writers were paid by as well as in Yucatan.
rages are lommitted there, both ou money that has been advanced must portrayal of Mexican slavery was a be paid. In the capital of the Re fabrication, debasing exhibition. do not seek to defend the sys the prisoners taken from confinement It will be seen that. my used their money and influence to no one, in many cases they were enThere are two occasions in your elect Roosevelt and Taft.
dangering their own interests in writ tem of indebted labor. It is bad into haciendas and on the Yacquis. public itself trafic in buman flesh has exposures of Mexican slavery were not been engaged in.
llfe, Mr. President, that you ought the first to be circulated in print; they Conclusion In the star cham ing. If am the llar, all of these theory and worse in practice. It is am interested in a large planta On the haciendas the peons live in were merely the first to be circulatnot to forget; the one when you em ber interview between these two persong must be liars, also, a propo bad for the planter because it locks tion in southern Mexico, where we the most horrible manner. They are ed widely, and they went into congidbraced the Czar of Russia, and the arch conspirators against the labor sition which doubt if anyone could up capital that could otherwise be have some 300 Yaquí laborers.
crowded into lodgings dirtier than a erably more other when you grasped the hand of ing people of the two countries an believe were they to read the let employed in developing the resources Throughout the Yaqui country detail than anything the Czar of Mexico. The countless agreement was entered into by which ters.
of the plantation, It is worse for the have seen such things as are pictur stable and are maltreated. The ha that had gone before. The little item cendado metes out justice ghosts of the victims of these bloody the power of the United States govto the that have just quoted admits pracBut am not printing these letters servant, because by reason of it be ed in the magazine, passed the bodies monsters do not envy you the presi lernment should be used to put down and do pot ask the reader to con learns to lean too much on the pow of men hanging to trees, sometimes peon, who is even denied the right tically all the worst features which to protest.
dency of the United States at the any uprising of the people of Mexico sider them in my favor.
Samples erful protection of his creditor em mutilated; have seen hundreds of dealt with in my articles. widespread fear among the comprice you paid for it.
against their oppressors.
of them, and a large enough number ployer.
tame Yaquis herded in jails to be sent (To be continued. The Mexican people are not rising Conclusion 4, The bending of to be convincing, are to be found Reading those lines with discrim to the plantations of Yucatan, or Ta mon people of belog engpared as enagainst the people of the United United States troops to the border however, in the November, December ivation, you will observe that Mr. basco, or Veracrhz; have heard of ganchados would argue not only that the system is extensive, but that it States; they are rising against Diaz to preserve neutrality is a mere pre and January numbers of The Amer Thompson admits that debt slavery worse things.
and his Wall street administration of tense, since there could be no serious Ican Magazine.
is prevalent in Yucatan, admits that There is a certain sort of peonage 18 fraugbt with great hardship. Janassassination in Mexico and they are breach of neutrality. shall pass over, also, the pub it is a system that cannot be defend in Mexico. One may call it slavery it uary 6, 1910, the Mexiran Daily Redgoing to overthrow that bloody desed.
ord published a news item whinh in.
Conclusion Should the present lished testimony of other writers, Then why does he defend it? he will, and not be far from the truth.
diuated that potism, based upon the robbery of uprising assume formidable propor well known fovestigators, who have Mr.
this is true, and also Cooper, an American It is, in fact, illegal, and no contracts suggested one way in whish the gov John Kenneth Tarner began last the people and maintained by force lions, some of these American con corroborated my story in more or less land promoter, writing in the Port under It can be enforced in the courts.
and murder, in spite of the ald and cessionists will explode a pop shot of detall. For example, the account of land Oregonlan, says that he read my The slave is a slave so long as he is ernment plays into the hands of the year in the American Magazine a tree labor sparers.
comfort and connivance of your ad dynamite in some worked out mine or the slavery of the American rubber articles with amusement mixed with working out his debt.
Shord of its head story of the horrors of slavery in lines, the item is: Mexico today, where men, women and ministration in the United States.
abandoned sback.
plantations, written by Herman Whit indignation, and decided that they Of course none of the defenders Oscar Lawler may be in offcial clo Five hundred contract laborers children are bought and sold, where Conclusion These troops then aker and printed in the American were grossly exaggerated. But he of Mexico admit all of my assertione, intended to work at construction they are worked to death or beaten ver at Washington and Flores Magon will, with the consent of Diaz, made some admissions.
be Magazine for February, 1910; the acSaid he: and all of them, naturally, seek to may rot in an Ameriran prison cell, rushed across the border for the os counts of the slavery of Yucatan by The Mexican peon law provides minimize the horrors of the slave camps on the Veracruz and Pacific to death.
but the eternal forces that unmake tensible purpose of protecting Amer the English rallroad, are encamped near Buepathat if a servant for any reason is system otherwise they could not be vista station as a result of their an story. It remained to show that this These articles told only half the writers, Arnold and kings and tyrants, destroy thropes, Ican interests, but in reality to shoot Frost, in the book, An American indebted to his employer, he must defending it. But you will se that willingnesg to sign a formal ontract, slavery Is only made possible by the crush iniquity and triumphantly vin down men struggling to free them Egypt, which was quoted at leagth remain and work out the debt at a one admits one thing and another apDlaz, and that when the bour strikes, the revolution than that which forefather) 1909.
The corroboration which Iployer and the employee.
ed as true.
contract. But, Mr. Cooper, if the employe in Mexico will drive out its dictator fought against for seven years, or shall present here is taken almost the eld of American capitallsts and Among the American publishers Governor Landa y Escandon yes the United States government.
and your friend Diaz will be lucky that which cursed the people of Cuba entirely from my critics themselves, must remain, how can be have any who rushed to the defense of Diaz terday afternoon refused to grant the The whole story, with many vluld If he escapes with his head on hewben we went to war to secure that persons who started out to deny the Y Bg to bow much the wage which was Mr. William Randolph Hearst.
shoulders island as loot for American capitalis slavery or to palliate it, and who you declare 18 agreed upon shall Mr. Hearst sent a writer, Otheman request 11 Davis and Villa photograpbe, 18 gow offered to the demoros, Bigners of a petition to him American people.
tic freebooters.
ended by admitting the existence of be?
Stevens, to Mexico to gather materto allow the laborers to be shipped Conclusion The book may be obtained from the Over awed by the the essential features of that insti. Very naively Mr. Cooper explains lal to prove that Mexico is not bar. CORRECTION out.
the freedom of the peon, With their wlves, children, and author, 1931 Darlen Place, Los An.
power of the great American repub tution.
Says he: barous. Vallantly did Mr. Stevens all their worldly poBeebssions they goles, Califorala, To begin with the least important There is bothing compulsory in his attempt to carry out his trust, but in The editors of Rengeracion wish to dlc, the poor peons will glve up and form a motley camp near the ata.
II be does not like als deallpg with the contract slavery sy8SINGLE COPIOS, 50. postage correct a mistake as to the policy of sink into a condition of more abject class of witnesses, shall take up Orst service at all.
tion, cald: three coples for 3000.
tho Liberal Party This will give the statements of several American surroundings or bis treatment, he sa tem he succeeded in admitting most which slavery than before.
liberty To their petition, Davis and VIIIAto obtain the of the essentiel points, and was able demoros claim thet the railroad com. book, This is the publlaber price for the nately was made last week by con their mastere more money with wbleh planters who rushed Into print to deat perfect tribptor to the English section.
to control the two governments and tend the system of their friend Diaz. Amount of his debt from Aryone else to defend only on the ples of cap pany is sudering large lossen by the Stookboidors of Charles H, Xere tefletic necessity, some of ble ad detention of the laborara and that co, will be forplehed with coplas at Under the heading Political purchase legislation to secure them to There Is George Gould, mapager and leav the property, Document it was said that the Mexl. tbelr srait.
of the San Gabriel rubber plantation, From whom else, Mr. Cooper? Oh, mielope, As they appeared in the Commany of the latter fear If they sign the pogulbp publisher dikovat.
are Barbarous Mexico dicate the right, are at work, and selves from a far worse oppression in the American Magazine of Apr:1, wage agreed upon between the em other until the whole story is confess taken into another state without such this despotism is kept ta power Our