AnarchismDemocracyEmma GoldmanEnglandFranceInvasionSocialismSocialist PartyStrike

Regeneración cts, 1916 Surely Against Invasion suprenile was peon leanad, no naine out June 10. pags that her wishes were realis. clergy loudly applauded MIS, Los Ang. 1; Socialist Pty, Owing to hly condition his bail ed, for just a few hours before Drennan wien she declaimed iter, 1; Roblen, 60; Ra.
Edited by WM. OWEN had been reduced to 3000. 00 on the celebration started the jail this conservative utterance at din, i; Rutherford. i; Mira motion by attorney Ryckihan at toors had closed behind Enrique, an Irish meeting the other day. Ruth Clark, 50; Socialist Per.
the time when sentence was pro who was the last to be released, Bullet, bayonet and assassination San Luis Obispo, 2; Volonta and SUBSCRIPTION RATES Send inoney payable to Siugle copy, No. 240 noudced. When bail had been and he was on his way to join Ri are advocated daily by the Irislı Blast Groups, 12; Priscila Tay.
Onc dollar a year. montlis, 5oc.
secured for Ricardo all the ina cardo, both taking part in the af: element here but there are no lor, 1; Protest Meeting, Burbank Saturday July 12, P: Box 1236. Los Angeles, Cal, chinery of the Cuurt was set to fair which was very well attended prosecutions, because the same Hall, 21. 86; Collection Meeting, If its people do not agricultural people, wedded by the release of the prisoner; the work in an effort to prevent the and enjoyable.
about it.
element is ready to crack the do. 55; Clara R, Cushman, ke; Enrique addressed the assem heads of other rebels when the Mrs. Arthur Lec, 2; CONN; stand together as a unit it goes habit and tradition to a simple District attorney going so far as bled joy seekers in English and automaton Wilson orders them. Nelo Fillippini, 50; Workmen to the wall and becomes just as and independent life.
Toward the close of the last Circle 232, New Haven, 3; 1, All Must Unite. truly enslayed as if it had been dy, therefore, in the revolution to intimidate the bondsmen in o his speech was very well receiyed.
pen court, and even after the bail collection was called for by patriotic denonstration at the Zucchi, GA: Workmen Circle chained to the conquerer chariot ary movement should have recog had been arrauged, but all in comrade Emma Goldman, the re Columbus Auditorium three com No. 383, 50c; IDAHO: Zapata was at war with TIuerta. wheels. Thenceforth it will be nized immediatly that to such a women and a man, Stanton, 10c; IOWA; Wyken In Zapata eyes lluerta repre governed by the victor and will people possession of the land, vain; the security offered being sult of which, 30. 04, was turned rades, two by far higher than required. over to the Magons.
were distributing announcements ILL: Horseshoers Union sented tlie cause of the rich, the liave its life administered as he and the independence of such Enrique was released one week Our comrades are now taking a of Margaret Sanger aná Emma La Salle, 1; Lucy Parsons. l; cause of the goverument wliich decrees. Thenceforth, during cvery possession gives, are was trying to exterininate him, inoment of their future existence. necessities. and every revolution liter, July ist. and by this time much needed rest and have shown Goldman lectures. They passed Geo. Markstall, 1; Theo. Aperit everything that was infernal, its inhabitants will be made to ist should have recognized in the law and order gentry had improvement since their release, out about a hundred before one of (list. 6: Boccabella, 5; Cloak)
learned such a wholesome lesson COX.
the Padres got next. He got Makers Union 44, 10; Wm. P!
But when it was ruiniored that feel tlıat they are the vanquished, mediately that to talk about putthat they not only did nt offer atwo of the cards Birth Control, Hunter, 2; Jas. Hill, t; Wm the United States troops, already that they are inferiors, that they ting such a people through the Emma Goldman, huh! good Lynn, 2; Brewery Union, at Vera Cruz, would push on and liave to occupy the back benches factory life to which we haye be ny further opposition but actually Peru, 2: Find occupy Mexico City, wliat did Za and do as tleir betters bid them. come babituated, and to expect appeared fair. Enrique bond had remained the same as before, Don read them. So the women, 106, 50; Workmen Circle. Chi pába do? IIe sent a message im This isn vague theory; it is them to acquiesce cheerfully, is 5000. 00 The Groups of workers, men and who before seemd to be intel cago, 1; 1177 Suville Ave, mediately to resident IIuerta, as. liard fact, written down as such to talk arrant 110nsense and write As liad been announced before, women, who have agitated by means of the ligently perusing ther, tore up IND. Wright, 1; suring him tliat lie and all his in the universal history of our ouceself down a fool.
scutence pronounced on spoken word and the press, making stren the cards and virtuosly marched Becker, KY. Seberstein, forces, then almost as large as race, Always and everywhere have had a good deal of exthe federal army, were at tlie ser the people that does not resist in perience with Mexicans, believe tion of his illuess received a sen of chains show solidarity to the striking comrades were marching down Kalecinelt, 1; 0 June 22. Ricardo, in considera vous efforts to the end that our brothers away. And the last saw ibe Jr. 50c. KAN: Lesueur, l: vice of the Mexican government, vasion, and resist it succesfully, they liaye considered me their for defense against the common suffers the fate described in the friend, and know that they also if of one year in Nicode in Island Stevedores. from San Diego to Alaska, on West Sixth St. with a husky hi Sullivan. 5oc. MINN.
chemy. Against the invader, as last sentence of the foregoing ways have listened courteously Penitentiary and a 1000. 00 fine. che Pacific Coast, protest against the trea. bernian goat with a Roman collar Weir, 2; Workmen Circle 167, 1; it seeined to Zapata, all factions paragraph. If you doubt it you to such little advice as have Enrigue, who was solely, responsible cherous conduct to the interests of the on it. bet the Anarchists are Nelson, MONT. have only to ask yourself what is ventured occasionally to giye. received a sentence of three years the Pacific Division of the International them.
and all classes llad to unite.
make a collection of Russo, 2; Zanon, 2; Organi.
My judgement is that Zapata today the lot of our own once But most rarely lias it been Tosco, South Slavic Sodalist Ora in prison and 3000. 00 fine. It is Union of Stevedores in ordering the strikers is a real revolutionist; the most proud and independent Indians. taken, for the Mexican has his JAY DEE.
ganization No. 134, 25. MICH.
evident that the intention of the to immediately resume work at La Playa cleat hearted, practical and suc If you doubt it you liaye only to own views of life, and those Wolovitz, 50c; Socialist Party, cessful leader operating beyonel ask yourself wliat Korea amouts views are not Anglo Saxon views. judge was to giy each a two and supply with the necessary coal tho warCladstone, 3; Union of Russian The Postal Gensorship Evil.
the border. Zapata, unless all to under Japanese rule, or what Ever one of experience knows year sentence, but uanable to ig ships detailed with the holy mission of Workers, Detroit, 10; Work mens the reporters lie, bas produced is the world standing today of this; and every one who has stud. nore the awful condition of Ri going to murder Mexican workers.
Denial of freedom of speech Circle No. 457, Grand Rapids, results; big results, of a perman. the natives of Last Iusia under ied the subject at all knows that cardo, he was compelled to appear During the strike nothing has caused us and of tho press in belligerent MO. A, Greenstain, liberai by taking one year off cst cliaracter. For, whatever Great Britain rule, comparativ climate, long historical usage to go back.
We have suffered, with heroic countries is explainable, though not Chas. Mills, 50c; Workmen Circle happens, it will be virtually im ly beneficent though myself bed and tradition, language and from Ricardo sentence while at resignation, hunger, misery and all sorts of excusable, on account of the war. No. 63, 50c; Phinney, sli, possible to dispossess the thuus lieve that rule to be. Why is it many other factors have combin the same time putting it on En privations to show our decided support to But in the United States, though it Socialist Pts. Sedalia, 82. MASS: rique.
andsof previously penniless peons that Alsace Lorraine are now ed to make the Mexicanis very the striking Stevedores against the exploit is not at war, the same evil exists Gutino (list. 50. NEW The prisoners were to be taken ing bosses. But the disgraceful action of and is growing.
who, thanks, to the Zapata niove. ſiglating to the death, except that different from us. Their nationIn the matter of JERSEY: Steenstra, Jue.
ment, are today cultivating their under Germaii administration ality and our own, therefore, are immediately after sentence to the Foley has altered our conduct of class postal censorship it cannot be saiil Annaccone, 2; Del own lands and reaning its full their individual life had been ex the stubbornest of facts, and no penitentiary, but attorney Ryckman conscious workers, faithful to our class.
that the present administration is Fund 92, 2; do. No. 217, t; moved to have the case appealed fruits. A11 tliis Zapata has been tinguished? Why did little Bel amount of vague talk about inIt is public and notorious that the im« an improvement over its predeces Branch North Hudson, Socialist able to do pricisely because he gium reject with scorn the offers ternationalism can by any posto the Supreme Court and this pending war with Mexico is the war of sors, if, indeed, it is not worse. Pty. 1; Isaac Chrisman, scire went to the licart of the problem of the Teuton invader? Why will tibility blot out that fact. Acenabled the comrades to remain the American capitalists that robbed the The suppression of Regeneracion Fradkin, Socialist Party. and did not lose himself in the web France fight to her last man for cordingly hold that every revin jail here pending the next hearin the time of Porfirio Diaz; it is the the Los Angeles organ of Mexican Bach. No, 1, Workmen Circle of dogmatic theorizing in which the recovery of her Northern olutionist should recognize im ing which may not take place for war of Capital against the oppressed pcon radicals. is one of these inexcusablo No. 362, 50c. YORK: Works about a year, And this is where that has fought for economic, political and American revolutionists insist on provinces?
mediately that this people must outrages. Another more recent is men Circle 29, Emma Gold.
Emma Goldman visit came as social liberty for more than five years; it is debarring from the mails, on very man (Solomon Debate. 12, do.
entangling themselves. Zapata No amount of theorizing will be left to goyern themselves, and said to himself: want the sup get away with these liaid facts, that the attempt to impose on a benediction, for the comrades the fight of the poor against the rich; the strained construction of the postal (Phila. Meeting. 814. Huber. port of this man, and cannot and the facts prove most of our them by force of arms our North would certainly have remained in fight of the oppressed against the oppressor. laws, of the San Francisco paper, Kitchelt,.
get it until help him to get what theorizing false. should say, American government is a monsa jail all that time while their case Those who favor a war with Mexico The Blast. The question is not re B, Fund 28, Astoria, he so obviously wants. That is for example, that in fifty per cent trosity which all should combat came before the biglier Court. are the Rockefellers, the Morgans, the levant whether the offending arti do. No. 44, Fingold, 31, a piece of land on which he can of life actual situations the energetically. That revolutionThe course of the trial was ac tises and Hearsts; they are those who sup cles in these papers were right or Workmen Circle 123, Joha support himself. his wife and fam class struggle theory is false. for ists should hesitate, sputtering companied by several unexpected port Capital, and the interests of Capital wrong. Any despot will unhesitat Reed, 10. Cornelia Breekli events and surprises, One of ilv; together with such help as he over and over again the interests stale revolutionary arguments are opposed to the interests of the working ingly concede the right to spread Fond 3, sing these was the brilliant and eloclass.
needs until his crop comes in.
o employer and employed, ins and voicing a hundred doubts, generally accepted ideas. But do. No. 17, do. No. 308, SL quent final address of attorney If it is the business of a revo tead of being opposed, are iden only proves that our own moveBrother Stevedores, do not allow your Freedom depends on the right to do. No. 276, Workmen Cir lutionary writer to clarify ideas tical. Inyasion by a cominon ment as yet is young and crude. Rycknian to the Court before sen selves to serve as instruments to assassinate spread ideas not generally accept cle 274, do. No. 80, 50c. do tence was imposed. It was so and puncture the absurd doctrines enemy is one of those situations, the slaye of dogmas it does not your own class; do not be deceived, and on ed, ideas which may seem false, ab No. 320, 50, Electrical Workers bold and powerful that even thie with the strike!
with which the revolutionary and if you insist obstinately on really understand; unequal to the surd or shocking to the great ma Union 247, Anna Coch Riedanarchists and movement perpetually deludes itu denying it you are simply build task of facing facts.
radicals in the Los Angeles, Cal. June 25 1616. jority. It is high time that a halt el, Sam Solomon, De self, feel sure that it is the busi ing your liouse on a sand foundacourtroom were yery pleasantly For the moment we have to surprised. For lack of space we ESTUDIOS RACIONALES, LOS SIN FORTUNA cial acts. REGENERACION GROUP, CENTRO de be called on these outrageous offi Russi, Cable, Hero ness of action leaders to get an tion and the first storm that wait. But if, as anticipate, the cannot quote from this speech, GROUP, juvenil Livertario GROUP, Burleton has an opportunity to do Black, Workmen Circle 348, Pustinaster General man, 46c, NEBR. Charlie effective following, as distin comes along will knock it into realinyasion of Mexico has begun, but soon expect to be at work on ARMONIA SOLIDARIDAD GROUP, Luz democracy a service by putting an 50. OHIO: Th, Sponagel, guished from one on paper which smithereens. presume there can be no doubt a pamphlet that will sum up tlie displays its helplessness by words. VIDA GROUP.
By the time a man has reached as to the part the various revolend to them. Congress should call Socialist Pty. Zanesville, 76 case and speechs by the attorneys Such a following the action lead twenty one he should have got utionary factions will find tliem and the defendants.
these postal officials to account, if Socialist Pts. Marietta, er can get only by sternly dis out of the habit of shouting selves compelled to play. prethe Postmaster General does not. Montpery, 45, Robinson, Another surprise the carding non essentials, and by Death to the Rich. because sume that Zapatistas, Carran. YOLNE LISTY SUPPRESSED. Potters Union 59. Social.
getting down to what individual that is a mere letting off of zistas, Villistas, Magonistas, and unprecedented action of the Judge (NEW YORK CITY. ist Party, Portsmouth, man, whose support he desires, ac steam and obviously settles 10th others whose namnes do not know, in refusing Enrique his unquesORE. Anastasoff, Now tioned tually neces. Zapata lias done ing. By the time movements have will have to sink their differences right of addressing Volne Listy. a revolutionary NOTICE.
deff, OKLA: Geo. Weigand, this in the case of the peon and reached the age now attainted by and stand together against the Bohemian monthly has also been suppressthe Court upon being asked to Owing to the condition into Jr. 50, PENn. Cigar Makers his need for land, Zapata offered Socialisin and Anarchist they common foe. They will have to give his reasons why sentence ed by the postal authorities. By letter re.
instantly to do this when Amer thould liave got over their child do, as other inyaded nations have should not be imposed. Not only ceived from the comrades of that paper we which we have been forced by the Union 242, Liesner, ican invasion threatened to be isli slavery to dogma, and sliould had to do for the simple reason that this, but the solemn magistrate are inforıned that it was not only suppress barring of RIGENERACION from Fuad 243, do, come a fact.
This shows pelled to increase the subscription Fund 64. that he will pursue the same place themselves in harmony existence, and their theories and que fire that he not even confer of the paper confiscated.
In the future DAK. Loranger, 82 Taylor Union, Charletus course once 1110re if the alleged with the proved and acknowledg social dreams will come to nouglat. ed him the grace of asking him that the Government is stil, hard at work rate of the paper.
punitive expedition turis out to ed facts of life. In the case of Fortunately for all of us necesto give is reasons why sentence stamping out any thing that displeases it. REGENERACION will be 00 a be a genuine invasion, and ima Mexico, for example, everybody sity knows no law.
shuold not be passed, forcing him It is also very significant that all papers year instead of 00 as hereto TEX. II. Radelmiller, 82 Fischer, Killaughi, gine all Mexican revolutionists knows that the Mexicans are an War. OWEN. to rise and deniand his right of ex crushed so far have been the ones that fore.
Regeneracion Group.
50c. Socialist Pty. Lyra, 36. 05 will drop their differences and do pression, which was denied with champion the Mexican Revolution. PerVA. Workmen Circle, 130, the blunt remark by the Judge haps the continuance of these outrages UTAH: Pearson, 50c.
Report of the money received They will liave to if they wis (1 tliat if the defendant wanted to will arouse just and effective resentment, WASH: Krub, 10c. Circolo by Los Angeles Branch Workto survive; and presume that speak he could do it on legal lines, ers International Defense Lea. Studi Sociali, Cie Elum, 50; self preseryation will present it. Released on Bail Pending Appeal. but that he was not going Room For More Prosecutions. gue for MAGON defense: Laidies Garment Workers Union self to their minds as tlie first to hear a political speech. EnReceipts June 5th, to 24th. 1916. 28, Mrs. Bond. Sager, 756 and inost imperative of duties. After over four montlıs of con is so all the same.
rique had a long speech prepared Now that the Magons are con 520. 36 Leme, Cigar Makers Nothing is more certain than finement in the County Jail, after No power in four months was but upon being robbed of this victed of inciting to riot the goyVictoria, Ciccozzio, nion, Seattle, Gustofsson, ihat, if the United States annexes persistentent and vain efforts by strong enough to release our com most common right, he had to ernment attorneys should indict CANADA Thos. Olsen, 2; 50c; Barone and others, the Mexico, as it ainexed Texas, the Defense League to secure rades, but it remained for Emma cool off his heels as best he could four or five hundred of the Pellegrini, 1; Polisky, 65 WISS. Electrical Workers Uniot New Mexico; and California, se their release on bonds and atter Goldman and Alexander Berkman, and sit down rather than avail Hibernian are CAL: Lillian Woodward, 1; 680, 50c. Tall, 50c. WYO. venty years ago, the Mexican being convicted and sentenced to coming across the continent, and himself of his opportunity to daily inciting the Irish and the Caples (loan. 5; JohnU. of Aemrica, 2318, 10.
people, as a people. will disap the penitentiary, our comrades, at the most difficult time, when speak legally.
Irish Americans of this country son, 5; Newman, 1; Mr. FaRebate for transcript not used, pear; for their future will be that Ricardo and Enrique Flores Ma Ricardo and Enrique were almost The coutroom was packed to to rise and wipe England off the bintinovitch, 1; Mary Coote, 35. Benj. Tucker, Paris, of amounting to just what they gon walked out of prison last bound for the pen, to open the overflowing with simpathizers of map. have attended two meet Bonine, 25; Socialist Pty: France, 10.
amount to low in the life of Calç week, free nen. so far as the TOTAL to date. 941. 26 ifornia, New Mexicu or Texas. jail bars are concerned, and in jail doors and set them free. From all shades who took unusual in ings of the Irish element here in (Woodland. 50; Schenthe speechs eider, 50c; Hopkins, 5; Lee, the terest in the proceedings of the case. Los Angeles, and day they arrived, NOEL, Fin. Secretary.
That, of cuurse, ir practically stead of being put aboard a train Long before the release of at each meeting were direct in. 50c; Fitzgerald, 1; Martha AMERICAN BANK BLDG. Les nothing.
for McNeil Island which yawned rades Goldman and Berkinan set Stopping all its tlie rizing; stop. for them, as their fate liad al, themselves the task of releasing the comrades Emma Goldman citements to riot and murder. Smith, 1; Newlove Socialist Angeles, Cal. July 1916.
had announaced a social and But the Irish liave BIG VOTING Party. Orcutt. 3; Electrician ping all itsi babble of internation ready destined, they stepped into our comrades, and they went to dance in their benefit and in be POWER MARSHALLED by Cardinals Workers Union. Los Ang. 5; work seeking bondsmen with a REPORT OF CAPLAS FUND alism, of the rich and the poor comrade Pece automobile and nefit of Caplan and Schmidt, ConGibbons, Farley and Chas. Cathcart, 25c; Socialist Pty. NEXT ISSUE.
nothing in comunion, and so for. were driven to the little colony tenacious persistence that did not She had signified that both nell and old Wilson is scared (Lakeside. 2; Wolpert, i; and so on, every nation has to where their loved ones awaited cease until their object had been Ricardo and Enrique had to be to say a word, accomplishida. The difficulties Armand, 38; Mrs. Steele, 50c; sink, for the time being, its class them with open arms.
present at that gathering and and barriers they met were many The Irish liave gained every Lettish, Socialist Pts. Los Ang.
All money for REGENERA struggles and intern«l feuds, the More than four months in prison, most of us realizing the task be concession from England, by di 75; Jno. Strathaus, 1; Carpen CION should precisely be sent to moment it finds itsc? facing an only twecause Emma Goldman had but all were overcome by their fore her took hier optimism and rect action. The land was freed ters Union No. 1913, 2, 50; Cen Enrique Flores Magon, Box armed invader, If it doesn it not cone to town! This perhaps zeal and determination. goal as quite utopian. but much by systematic shooting of the tral Labor Union, Santa Barbara, perishes, and that is all there is sounds queer and strange but it Ricardo was the first to be re to the surprise of all, it came to landlords live Roman Catholic 5; Hungarian Bch, Socialist Pty. 1236, Los Angeles, Calif.
tlie Sanie.
PREVIOUS REPORT. orators wlio com