SocialismStrikeWorking Class

nee follows: day According to ordinary justice these plitting 10. 115. 11ds to work on the ihe German Anerican Alliance, which Dechses are set jor trill, Jan, hatilc was lost 10 tbe Anericant means of raising Money; but it 49for of slance whole, we habitual trainDx, etc. who lave irseel acted because it is Business; and into the blondiest kind of revolution, shows conclusively that the one im. soap lox on the streets of El Paso.
Dec. He was sentenced immedi prove, but beside the United States til andra Solists of the Cosulit.
play: last WC help out for liare 20, 001, Our chief of האן lice milicially Tas ase. while metropolis, with is the world weary monili as best they coulel.
hee wn Trommen who have lyceul pan! Otir livelihood. Ench set, its it seems to catch Villa between two fixes by otraf llic. reniedy suggested ing that they may well cxlaust our tives, etc. These, and his immediatc lave. condyned it with the most cats is 11aking his sensation by at fur their continued and crized ex. work out of his soldict in the send section it is not at all obvious. agn.
rich the works, will enormously en from which Onlar un 15 nens having course, ed absolutinit and reward. We are DUIT Pritisni tain.
Their agents and not lised trenibles for anal.
most girl his catered nhat will Managers wealthy hy getic and.
of thoiley of me that all along lic rhilda :TC 10111 ed out that Los Angeles mount Tricks 1011 ac ciupine 110 1111111 has became the Mecca for the OC tehitty natural wealtlı. Tlalt 18 ent nuditions. All lis inrichtices of the same with the consent of innwn had not be a time have learil the endle that there they 41 made much of, and CT want to feel insured that their will get is a slight decrease in Mesieau. in ardinary session the Agent ethan who always played ientiary, wlieré ticis doled out to the 113 IS rallsea 16 Jinye am skeptic tacthat, but WA idica la have got rid of wenty years we af van1Pyres, This is the time to stop gives. It is the fear that there 1118 y will cncl.
by marryis consid Was a noted pillar of the Church 10 sone offense or Crin charged with being led course, stoelcrican banks, December 18 Zapata was reported or candics at Bishop s, or rivets at to enable it to scek its cm DJ1CC more our protest against that and to lielp ourselves. That is proa terrific is ising. The best religious text know. Here lic thinks he will he safe; liere, surrender. The Zapatistas have been over the conspiracy to supply mainly not travelling in accordance with belittling of the Mexican Revolution World not even in the darkest and through it is not in the biblc. i5. Go Mexicalis alike, he hopes to be able Tlaxcala, and Emiliano finiseli camc lic expense. Yet our Labor Council poses o ll conscious workers. On ticular man or set of ment. It is ilic earth, but one has to come to Texas ers the pulHS 110 has beeld varicil. and has fillet me e that this tiemployed problem Tlie better opinion seem to he hat lie though it is well known that they are structing of the c111se by with. contempt, irut am inclined to end lim selittling back to Riesien, Villa laas workeit lsis way Soutlı. Angeles to the skies, in the hope of its col111ns. In cerlain articles of the most rutlilegs kind has brought ke at cleptiart of thiet hell at as being, itfter all, the safer place for justiell be possib.
gillitst Mexico City selling their real estate at the lamine scek only to take the life out oi the vc tliroivul her 1110 violent reyotninder the 5011 to have him convicted.
come гоаг yorst English Section REGENERACION alu. com in drive the matter further home fiat alwious reason we inppress Here The Position: of Mexican Notes The Unemployed Our Men in Jail. we reproduce an extract froin Renuines and other details ihat would heneracioni Sept. 27, which ruum lentily lie writer. He is anything sity but oi deliberate choice that they So far as the Los Angelca press is might preket millions Mey are concerned the sensational Mexican discerent, las owakeiten suddenly to on Wednesday, which is thic ziglit dle of the killing of 00 Moros in Ilic workera fiul it impossible 19 sympuLos Angeles, hitherto singularly. in Christmas compel: 116 in go to press SA Francisco, July 34 The story so many of Isis aristocratic fellowHow About It?
really criminals, merly anti social ligadlines are showing of their own inarchiale Appetites: lat it lors il lexican problem of its employed problem on lier 11:12 ls. The tise denileil Berount of money reippine Islands by General Per. thize, Wc sitnice loch lois tendency in Rangel Clinc Deiensu 1111cets.
has is was here that of his fellow prisoner 10 by.
dichean, a civilian enne. The station in the United Sites, vinobricusly ieguts. Tliere are not langible 113SCI grauregullsi was finally set rolling at the Junclicon financial secretary tells 115 it will. the broken homescauses Staten my, as thic 1wo leſenice. It is not an TILI and on the Quarterinaster Deparmest. wla renable share as monthem, and the the Jawyers exceedingly mureneming porno cu ce we nase by heart. The workless proletarians the nii 16, which resulted in the meeting nt for these faurice trials call for heavy children were killed brolidays receipts will be will largerPersin. He said to me and 340 the spending of much time will be innsney and en los monopoli, mxious to release enter Charlotte autocounters and supervisors. cum charity organiza: Blanchard Hall, mentioned in cur edi expenditures!
asic day involvel. One of the men has quite pre product of his theits. ilic situation proprietors viour finns, etc. sie, are iull of schemes trial. Since then, as we are informed fighting. When the morns saw The is threatenilo, me as ifle ui his ilzily press seli cledicated to the mise Sien of lielping 10 minit him discourage people standing the whippelistened whey roads. It is dollars in Gauges til at has taken up the questions are the tility to those corner oli her and the cüre from the sites ama and county membership of some 12, 000.
they liela icin women pears that every effort las treen made of his Sint Setting up in its hos. Children o. it is most promising. According to ne puscandl the story, they be improvements will be made witt Times las to admit cilitorinlly that are endeavoring to plead for lleir im; Chine guns of the troops mowed the sich inward alle poor, especially if Sticla is the course hubiehalpies. com States Labor Comisioner som en routing serverine and which consistorio de empresas el cor people begin to interest Settle for en el contenu printing Straving lighting was strictly censored at Ma tionalities in bare monex of of These people act as they have value. In Los Angeles the laud ques thenuseisest. but of Villa butcheries we do not ap may lie for months in jail on themselves from the habit of toiling. as a remorselessly. Ji they for the robit. It is also esclusive ting them in 1lint vilo walitoideSitt should be up at would seem injust, therefore, if of the eren larger number of workergy tlie unemployed themselves lis. after which he is to leave the town hers of the Order of the Carabao means they will be isolated and all cilinan Wheeler kind ables: those a debauche! and crip: het punish Thic khດນາ operations of the At the meeting named with member of the Alexienu Liberal Party, pled loy our unnatural socicly that it imaginable pressure brought to bear would require omnipotence to get a way back the they Od then, that they may trust their house sismissed Williams, secretary of the Socialist whom we know well. He is a good Have a week in alexico cau fained by ialse pretcises, all bricily At Guaymas. Ojcıla troaps Party, in the chnir numerous civic speaker, of the seriously logical lype. AGAIN THE REBEL. liberty to sonic slyster with whom slay. labor out oi iliem.
vught 10 the wit and pluck to The surrender loy the Federats nt this Labor Temple, and other Yo hare been deserting au mutinying 1ssocinions, representatives from the That is his crime.
11 ur last issue we criticizell am Finally, let us not forget that our On the Pacific Coast the situation put that Through inillions conarticle in The Rebel, which attrib. Texas comrades face trial for their stitute the proper funci eu vu important port appears.
is exceptionally bad.
out of which radical Indies were on the platiarm FORMAL PROTEST. uted the Mexican Revolution solely lives in a state that is the most 110tor. Federais are most strongly entrenched ind expressed their views. resolui We publishi, as requested, the inl to Roman Catbolicista. The demands jours of all for sucht injustice as is Wakiljamise was estimating this should not be stingy in tlietadministratione contier. Villa, 1410 buthitvall, njempinged of London the ration. The men and women flayed hans hentet var det som inte in prediately couplay the idle anche per the Wat Plopenix, Ariz icisın, and we now publish the seanslated 98tc.
miles from tion enlling on the City Council 19 lowing protest, in which two braucies se space compelled as to cut or crit sketched most briefly in the letter Angelek by these millionaires bare hadith Chiluahun. is reported. 18 dcelariu intoduced toy Grow, en behalf of Regeneracina and is against hehalf Lét tis add that in all these SouthIA Of course the article in anestion ern. States the fee system prevails, The GO, CO.
vrais battled up at Ojinaga.
al instent of the 500. 000 e express llic love and belief that exanple. is correct when he says that ing rewarded in proportion to the snakes preparations taking our originally proposed callopeedo siglu ar nille millions. Los Angeles This the period of personal attacks, bas Madero fit once proved the sincerity under of arrests and convictions is all overgrow parasitic village, will terested in having this No more iniquitous filles enero 2500 cetiyingira ne shtepi ne sert la Scarpe der og dereitos day following and referred to is li Vesicau and minemployed agitatione reainshame pranines. bet every scheme was cyer devisest, and for mac tliese facts is to tell the story. ployed: secondly those of us who yance from the North, wlic forces The pilli lis writers. for from on. Labor Council is contained in time and energies.
attempts to a military the following clause: Whereas it is regime vigor they could comhand. That down the coast recently gather that is mc, should attend tn its own busi. However, little confidence appears to ohvious that the employment of these not a int whether Gen. Otis wis or all sincere Mexicars of whom there the fortune di oliciais outweighs ani Our English speaking readers care oncethe. The makes in San Francisco conditions are even ness. The uncinpinyed shonld see to be felt in this oificial threat although idle men, eillier on the public lancis or was not interested in some company are many thousands and, whether argnirent. was necessary Huerta may to better on public To the calitor of this trave been purchased several years triguc or not. his speedy fall was cer.
cannon are alleged to his death was dide to Jesuitical insiue he was What they want to know is if commit shall enure to their sote and exclusive What cvidence is TEXAS, THE BEAUTIFUL.
there that ere Jesuit In speaking of rotten conditions let led in brand daylight. In Partland profit, and that they is reported in him that this statement is a lic. and Sling bravely for emancipation, and obtained an international le protested accordingly. The that of us well first on those that exist while. is Seattle. Washington. the wentelis. As for whom the when hindi a jol. sufficient to meet the govern lands arc prisoner under the Law.
whether their American brothers are Public doult if there is any. If it seems to be little heller, and over played. we should see that the bill is Law in ille State of Texas is a faree; there il Vancouver. To the ChinaPest, due next month. works are improvin. The rnals, etc. All land think Spuisbi rendiers wild is. it is the absolute duty of every win going up for trin in (Bexar Co.
paicí bylisse who ought 10 my it. all such work, and lic statement by wliere single tax limite de 10 an imprare hold similar views, and we expect freethinker to drag it to light.
ments, conice erotinnusly the value they do. The protest follows: as thic, enemy of the Roman Catholic lenieć, put the sentSai Antonin on most flinsy crienormous honin. soup kitchens are With all this the Mexican Revolu louses are ready to of the adjoining properties, Figing day and nighi and the situile orition is mixerl. ime and again. All the ir is desperate. Reliable she needs.
If since 110 pwed by private persons, anil ollen 212 y 11ther of 3214 revolution can ilestroy who are god standing of the Industrial Work clonais e don have been word witnesses in jail and threaten them, 10 by the Juig lanci in numbers. of it. not liave beci SACO overwitness does kreater Cyell than in latial riving Leyond its truc, but it the lon!
Local Arizona, to the rieli, with whom the up eder.
the a repetitim of lose any warga serial healers vile vitt, one ander (and Wall, ect is gained: will to Church of is.
that a reins of gnyernient: 10. 1he.
lic liare maldoned men. few such will ac ist, anul 4ih, of its tlle city charity, tendered in the agreed unanimously to launch an. crer: and the self solid with the Savernment middle made limof work, and there the thing on the penal farms. irst of ing a Roman Catholic woman wlin inany of of all, ivc ses meii who are formerly lield is Hulya Generajrotest in chains. There not. evident today a determination to root for example, has just lis efasesle no government in Mexico which makes the bankers hesitate.
around the streets with chains around anwa fine words and unemployed in making averalis in the instruct. cducate and organize the vagile abstrac.
Mexican holdings, but he has suill, trifle ni 8, 000, 000 poked Zapata Nearly Caught.
tions to distrust the brittle promises alicy sami tri Brownstein, Newmark, Lewis factory working class in the form hest suiteci detailed criticism of the article. fof their necks, like wild animals, some of politicians public functionaries, away in which we have no space, we register thing that does not happen in any other Statc Butas in the Union or in the fered straight for this as having formally demanica Huerta Llewellyn Brothers, from Labor Temlike the constitute the is when a Africa or Russia the it is consistered oi the helps.
coulry on My experience of mass meetings Sirsiku ni work, lave some failit within thirrcea miles a Mexico CIE: 111npolists with that very thing, al cated itself to the obst diving space. to or de jon who incans to have bread.
talities, such ather country or an and he in As we see it, economic State would allow. nie liappens to Ise unfortunne anal belong nart, hy in lonk out; for tlicy try every way Planchard Ifalt. December 21. Not becarise 11ic hall was preken to en Sevolutionary movement of Mexico trou Fruth is truth. No The stream of life has brukes and all the tinc Texis is advertising In this article append un editorial. ble in Mexico City. the Blue of Lon; amount of for the Northern caple to coinc down cruthusiastic. ptt because it slowed taken from the Los Angeles Records on and testice din con and fined that clear sightedness wlic COMIC of Dec. 20.
settle in the beautiful State of nd. Instead preiensions of wise Intellectuals, the ution 10 divide thc proletariat Insuits, politicians 21 all amil comes outly, the moral to the National city a job. nasses, To the jails one ünds the most filthy brecil sses, sowing hatred, no means ille oi carest.
mely and calumny, in who made re identical is man struggle to ferestah accoris moderne allegal lioliday, tlus al slaukai be given free access in rolines to eat, let alone buna declared their last ten days land still ligler, the unemployed ican Liberal Party.
form specches of the instonary typu lish, on th sides of the border, cm of this in ac distriously great central fact. more or better, he gets ever worse the banks from necessity elemental In incans of production, that sider that its principles pursue tlie sion sowed sind nicht so than he was served before. Then if houtsc rose almost as one man when payments during Ille Clint is the belief that the struggle is upon may exposure reglats af happiness no.
In San Antonio County jail there humbng. Until the American people are here change et the terminate confidence for their abili pessimistion of the problem. The me pro it to degradle or deflect the course of the Alexican Revolutionary movement are men wlig have done nothing get out of the habit of loving to be shaji find our highest joy. feel justi time, to take it. But the federal gunthan flim flammed, nothing worth doing in can he one De la Barra reachel Tokyo, Japanis trile. As a rule the mem Xo. 14. of November 22, of the same point oi view zallasi and Guaymas.
of In.
the. at fortune to fall into the Bands of one Perhaps may be parcioned for say. could do sn without writing myself of it, and of these mal hunters, who caritunt IN THE LAW CLUTCHES.
their spokęsinen voice that sentiment.
iny that myself lenotniceel the prop down as a disguisting humblig.
same stripe, entitled: Questions for Everywliere the poor man is liable State of Texas, unless he has some holl his office as Sheriit in the sisition that the templayer he sct WH. OWEX.
tan to answer.
grew plentiful. Ju fact, know it.
he to work on wliat are collect crron up. cously publieworks. stntcal list Japancis Lepresented as an already should be clear to every one who that the organ ni tite Industrial Work worst reputation in this regard, and yoga y me enes bas killed me what such a course would hencfit mainly shipped lica canuon and much am takes lite trouble to think into the ers of the world. calling itself liucl it is recognized that which the victim ol shoot be is. The Voice of Die real estate speculators and monopsubject.
is carrying on making is a Begro or Alexican there are lists. wlin are themselves llic cause stranger than sich au alliance may happen, for, as ObsereIn. we in more than of, 1dl this troubic. The important THE A, F, OF GABFEST.
ourselves have thing is not that said it, lut iliat it er atid many others point out there put in what they do for themselves: dare to sign their articles for fear of written much on this subject, more Gen. Villa, low brow and ex bandit, is great fear in Europe that United virility: In The Voice of the People. Juliet attitude, the section; Dumont reviews the recent of stantly graspel the truth and shoutei has come what might have saved Ma Slates intervention will mean perniathe organization.
are of Ict. convention at Seartlc in a manner the manhool is en al. 200 Cetcom! Labor dr. He has confiscated. so far as 70 annexation, to which many Esistency clearness of their hecoming known and being expelled particularly in the ice with that appeals to lis, because we hool tliey display. Ji ropean powers, and probably Great Ilie in Tlierefore. name of the or ters setting out the believe. the in. and the. picnic and Fahfest for the meetings spontaneousarrests have been to the truth. The writes of would he fed still fatter try the cheap the property strall be given to the dustry, the Russian ficid is playing necasinu. If they don nobody else asking them to take into considera law, are still regarded as innocent. overpaid and employed, widows and replans of his soldiers out and, whatever else happens in sure will. The force needed for the nec tion the matter of this formal protest Here is one, just received from a pris deed, all these nonser. sical consenAs an illustration. Councilman Terraza land holdings comprised Britishifleet must liave.
not in the well to in. against the manner in which, Helga oner and dealing with his own case tions.
Reed is responsible for clabostte. shout two thirds of the state of Chifundoubtedly fias taik, but in they may General is proceeding.
however sympatheticallyed them.
and that of fellow sufferer. We thing. since they are always coinmunicipal railroad schemes, which buahua, and if the rebels win, this grown most complicated; and, apart selves. The day of charity is passing. Signed) Luzo, Linsey, that both men are entirely innocent those agitators who bear the heat aud Phoenix, Arizona, Dec. 1913. have the best of reasons for believing posed mainly of leaders and not of center largely around Griffith Park.
They will make Col. Griffith, who land may be divided among the peo lion, which goes on merrily, all the exploded: no manna falis from Jose Torres. Nick Mortensen, of the serious crimes with which they burden of the fight. He makes these Ameliya millionaire. multi suillion ple, providing that Villa las his say. Stoll. Enixek Beel.
airc, and adel greatly to the of to get connsel for them. The letter labor housand dollar massions is a land animal. It is not well that macy is lieing played which lias for its ered their right hands Meanwhile, the agitation is spread0000000000000000od muis: DIRECT ACTION paradimo in se ne prenesti Prospect and here in the recent the file hastale and. wrote you on the 3rd, but reci ile mely fights for his petty arafe and. other questions and other Latin American markets. ing ilierein be consequently. moon, mis terenacerinin ne for promoted to male that the ingeting called for and property of Jacob Toelic, cused of murdery is field incommunis work for 22. The bome very sure you never got it. ac graft. He has no ideal of Solidarity Fis idea of Solidarity in to that thong people for the release of a sister, Touche he has avritter. He has sent about inore ready for a scrap on the job teil letters, soliciting and lot his de: than are ihe officials. who are tied nenes hat gohidace eheinously the lastingls. been povs, miserable and lowed to deal asistentabide de location the is the Mexican peon fras Searned.
Teilse. Alawyer, muy lawyer, should clown by cowardice and the antion large fortune in Mexico after a come to see for he will be paid that they must sct, acxample as bir hoc reperty for hoe waint Socialist an oppressed people sexe dhe peres feministered are some two miliona is a fool who expects that wiien reptionists pause, and another powerentering the country many years o As for myself, surely can raise 50 law abiding cool headed leaders.
GEE! WHAT LUCK! ago with nothing more than a more through the man for when Any revolutionary or fighting spirit crnacilnic or stupid Central Labor of reformation and restitution, the fitional employed in the Univer worked.
Bodies 10 maa sis duwe still further will being consente de records at they do in Sintes, and plutocracy may well if the San Francisco police have for the sights of the city Tlie Woolen Sling is in luck, for bome in Chihualin was one of Court is il session today and they workers nitst be squeiched rulliswith that sort of burzlesi.
Villa has struck at the great curse dedicating that it needs defense at vidden nu sate on that saintly city 000000000000000000 was arresied for going into a store He courageol.
When we squeeze out the humbug of Mexico. He has done, to an exstreets. We remember that Benjamin to make purchases and showing 200. 000000000000ooo oo.
we shall solve the problem; not be tent, just what the masses of Mexico TuckerOUR ARMY AND NAVY CADS. They accuseet him of having stolen DONT FORGET THIS!
facerea clientes em phone niemand intensition legislation to temo itoni me 900000000000000000 carne dollars on publishing ceonoinic honorary membership le accepted te cerinin en be tree. but we wiWinot get a lecture cali Labore empleo este The of this section will o musu get them sy insistence, and they persists in this policy and his exam. MAKE WHEELER FACE YOU works for tlte instruction of an in cently in the Order of the Caraban, the money back. At llie Jast session lay evening. Dec. 30. on The must get them from the robbers, not ple is followed by other victorious If the tinemployed would take vincibly nnappreciative public. Next composed of army and navy officers of Court held last April. was from the robbed. not go. it o Our. whining Confiscation by right of might las o Park, the king them in Griffith crx lave it, virite finally comes into during the four years that succeeded without his knowing why. They free and the lecture will be fol.
who have been bled already to Sherchemselves must alsiy look so does the knife to find out about it. they would into this head tá transiate and person siater that the President resigneti bes sense en la plecase let mention he real lines of boys telem asking and answer. holdly to the holl up men tie surgeon who fute sto sare lile understand ile brace game they. Kreutzer signata. That cause the order, at its banquiet. Dec. have never received the paper, sinn.
ing of allestions, and lyy discus.
The Sosialist olendrage do that they will anse. Ins oppressive wonopoly. Laps is proposing to work them or sexual asceticism. nus postnéfice de pine policies. We trust, however, times. It is five months since have hall, and a profits will go to plenty of hacking in this city. for Angeles Record. ninety per cent of us know how the as Socialist Councilman o an indecent pablication and forbade in chorus, and have been in the babi bas iseen to see ine here, and love in aid of nur imprisoned Texas speenlators have been ſaying lis, anel Wlieeles. Some capable radical it the rise of the mails. Tucker, they for years of singing in cltorus, the been much alarmed by a recurrence comrades. The speaker of the o we are sure all through aly about it.
Young People Socialist should force Wheeler to delate o say, made several llousand dollars: following brutal refrain: League devoted the collection at its llis question of the inside lige all he ever scooped sp. or is likely to Damn, ilamn, damn the insurectus, 10 answer letters, and in every way be expects to start a ton de of my old sickness. They have not evening will leave next day for Crimc, or the most impardonable. Lobby tright meeting Hecause inostuitterly unsacin claracSaturday men rlie public, uyes. inhing scong up, put of revolutionary propa. Crosstyee. Kadliack ladrones. ganda. So; bappy and prosperolis Underneath ille, starry flag possible they put difficulties in my voted to lecturing on illis and o 1er: las lieen the stendly accupatinut week 16 1lic Rangcl Clinc Defense 000000000000000000 New. Ycas to you, Brollier Cook!
of the leading citizens and institutions Fund. The receipts were 01.
Civilize em with a Krag path. This letter goes by llic grap kindred rernlovlinin Muhajoetso OOOQOO000000000000 bruexploitation nf they live Suspended. rhetorie op waters Texas.
Gun loc and who make for a orners We are the with fied call it, and the nf baciloscil in with reforın te Atfernt was crowded sliould felp, at least, in illustrate how ay ihe only halks of issue. Huerta ious and running up the price of Horteneracion, organ of the Mexiques of others, are fishing tah lo. it Jalliatives which would not ditions that shall neei miciis SkiCo is being attacked oncc own pockets the full worth of wliat this organization, and that we ought, the laws of nature. That central for all the tortures, from bread and water, to LIC The paper, since they may Promising. The indiebie work is in the belief that it will lear 15 ore, and the rebels, wlio are said to ever their abund and permanent solu and not permit any one enlisted in have to make it clear because it. kuits we c011 11. line is that conamic Hundreds. at least, of the wem struggle. as Huelga General to that of the world at large. Ever going to the rescue of the working the 11 Cliristmas and Hapoy a boats are still there, witu lieavy was New Tow know that what we are supondent has been doing, in Nos. wliere similar causes produce similar class in alexico, and wlio liad the Dec. 22, and talk of a lexical Jap The Single Taxets know it. The So his wlinie cilucational propaganda Irut the Southern States have the nutches in his. arcan boast of to others to for the fincmplo. self 110thing writors who do not ities will sths to rlich tlie authorGeneral. is not go, in tlie of TOST anese and Villa Example Things much what We our their He wc mandanber of dirim the Council it as propositioit, by wliicli tlie piratic few razas 2114 tlse Creely, declaring that poser. Ojl is the king of modern in some signs that they may rise to the of this institution of the out to those who, in the eyes of this already ocials. Ile coudemns, 111labor of the Thc situation heaven 2:12h On or feel art. charged, and we have been trying general reilection can represent me It AE withering one stroke (of work, ihly expect loyalty to law and oriler, pean papers, and especially those of a record breaking crowd. Luckily the 500, 000. was confiscated by Vi. any answer to the numerous letters und filc are niore courageous rank cash outs and il Tune to their fellow work. Ifuertas not be long before the single instance, such as the proveriteless, is the Sunday school prin who served in the Philippine Islands acontecl. He is still lielil a prisoner, Opportunity. Admission will be crsstion has men vine ronte.