AnarchismCivil WarEnglandGermanyInvasionSocialismSocialist PartyWorking Class

J! 11.
れれれ English Section WILLIAM COWEN Regeneracion Nero Fiddles While Imperial Rome is Burning REGENERACION Support of Madero Fundamentally Decisive Land and Liberty Its Message to. Mankind.
41UATI the Gates of Mexico City HI AN Study Anti Trust Laws of us Attack Poverty But Foster It OD Was 本車 momorlal, but noyor moro ahelduvusly all my lioart that wo could wring and subtly than le is today.
from din anythiude ilko tha aum ho himol oquoozod out of the financlors undirted overy Saturday at 014 Bu for whom he Is tho acont. Wo arol In this city of Los Angolog avory In St. LON Angeles, Oal.
lavice imaginablo is omployod to koop roallata not sophisto: yo lenow that PINDA Home the mos from understanding how the Moxican magsos nro still oxploitou riyuarate comploto is thoir gubjootlon to the bocaueo thoir povorty koopa thom un 00 wealthy row, and how hopeless is their armod; wo know thnt, if they, and foontba 110 cayo until they roguin poshossion of the tho monoy with whiloh to purolingo Min mouth.
60 opportunitios for fupporting No.
arms thoy would mako ghort vort We think that Through the mouluis of oxport spell.
Plutocracy, Playing for Time of their opprossors, is. NDL (ERA) RRS.
bindory recruitod mainly from the day is coming and coralns rapidly: Mexican is Using Socialism as Revolution has Wo would strotch a good many polnts 14 copies 00 bar, the pulpit and the ranks of pro. copleve 12. 30 fosalonal politiclan llos aro taglit to bring it now and got an ongla vod Its Catspaw Erected Landmark for nopies 00 untiringly by men and women who nation free.
know tlom to bo llas. Thus, womou For govoral wooks thoro ligg boon Gross Misreprosontation.
Oppressed of every from the wealthy class have dinuod lying on my dosl a lottor from Manund Proprietar, ARMIRO LA In his Statoment of Dxplanation unceasingly into the oars of their poor.
uol Sarabin, publishod in the Now Mr, Monko who was in Now York Nation Fignores ur sisters (but with the bullet thos Meanwhile Madero Takes Vacation to York Call. had made up my mind city as the Junta agent when the will become Industrially troo. bus, not to comment on it because our New York Call publlshed a torThe following artloo by Voltairino Racord second ola matter those oxcluded from Ilfo table aro space is limited, because the public is rinic attack on Ricardo Magon. do tho Augupt numbor do Oloyro, of Chicago, apponrod hope that 11, 1910, at the post ot told that drink is the cause of all thoir pot Intorosted in minor ngiros, and ples omphatically having told Sarabla Mothor Home TAI Angglo, Oulitornis, under woos. Thus, othors are assured that because Sarabia and those ho is that before leaving Los Angeles Dr. miilshod by the events that have Parth. Its valuo las not boon di Act of March 8, 18T9 tings will right themselves if the So much bus appoured durlug tho, age of Moxico population is fighting champloning long ago, in my opiu rico Flores Magon sald to mo that No. 01 massos are given the right or recalling last fow days in tho daily papers re desporately to galo pogloselon of the lon, put themselves out of court. they woro working in agreemont with taken place sluce its Arst publication, objectionable political wasters, and specting the doings of Zapata that ono innd as the koy to sconomic froodom. However, a letter from Mr. Monke Madero.
Saturday, October 28, 1011.
and could not bo. for. It Yolcos others are cliented with the odlous pre need give them comparativoly little that lo Itsell constitutes a revolution Induces me to change my courso.
Menko writes that he told oternal truths.
Sarabia we were trying to get a We are about to imtenise that it inora) city spells happiness space. The gonoral situation may be of a most important type; a struggle Manuel Sarabia, Villareal, De Lar Itato tho oxamplo sot force in the field to prevent Madero by New for outcasts In a word, no pains 18 gleaned from the following dispatch all revolutionists are bound, in bonor, and others unnecessary to mentio trom doing what Diaz had done. York and publish it as. panphlet.
spared to hide the ugly fact that a which appeared in tho Los Angeles to support Perrono charges are took their aldes long ago, and ar few have possossion of the key and Record of October 28: ridiculous, and to wrangle about them merely using the Socialist pross to tor that is precisely what we have am positive Menke a statement la true At last wo 800 a genuino awakonthat to obtain admission you must MGXICO CITY, Oct. 26. With tho is only to split forces and holst ob cover up their deportion to Madero been, and still are, trying to accoming of a poople, not to political dem pay their price.
Zapatista robe! army within four scurity Into a notoriety it does not under a cloud of pseudo economia plish. On that undorstanding wo are mands alone, but to economio onos, miles of the capital, tbroo stutos al deserve.
verblago, prattling about the wisdom, appealing to the revolutionary worla. Lundamentally economio ones. And, Scattered throughout Los Angeles are Under a shameful play of furthering roady controlled by them, and others give this as preface to my weekly of slow educational methods, and so for support, and are receiving it.
in the brief perlod of a few months, huge billboards which read. Los Anthe welfare of the masses the one real the verge of rebellion, Mexico, notes that may save myself the forth. It our war against Madero 19 geles population will be one billion object of our municipal campaign is to Thursday, is facing the greatest crisis trouble of answering letters asking justified; if, as. We assert, he has the war Mögon did not wish to at sprung to a full consciousness of a Menke statęs farther that during some millions of human beings have in 1920. Read this again. We like to make this city more sale and comfort. since the Diaz resignation.
what this squabble is about. single euchered the Mexican people, giving tack Madero in Regeneración, un system of wrong, beginning whero all hear the numbers. One of these signs able for the well to do; gafe by sucli a thrusts itsell dally on my attention resurrection of Puritanism as tho worla ledoral troops other fighting to pre ters today from San Francisco alone, stead of land and Ilberty; if our fight when he arrested general and They have struck for Land and Lib Practically defenseless, with the ball has brought me three such let (them a mere change of masters in en Madero provoked such an attack slavërtes bogin, in tho sources of life.
and keeps me healthily allve to what. bas seldom seen; pro tably comfort vent Guatemalan Invasion or scattered and have no time to waste upou so to stop this cheating of the basses soldiers of the Magon faction. That erty. And even if their revolt shall beneath all the fine speeches, is the real able by an enormous extension of that over the republic engaging Zapatleta trivial an issue. The Mexican Revo is just, Sarabla and the others, stand statement is entirely in accord with be crushed by the mailod hand of the mainspring of Los Angeles; to what municipal Socialism which Djis the rebels, subjugation of the capital is im. lution will justify itself, and now self condemned, with Madero they the proved facts.
is its religion, murality and motive pocketbooks of the possessing class United States Government (for do minent.
let no less a personage than Francisco must stand or fall, for they are Ma Much opposition shown by not belleve the present nondescript power.
Our approaching municipal without any effort on their part. No election induces me to comment on it, clear sighted person, for example, can News of the expected battle be Vasquez Gomez, who was Madero dero men and nothing else.
the De Laras, Villareal and John thing calling itself a governmont, la for our elections are decided by the fail to see that the Owens River aqueDe Lara and Sarabla Joined the re Kenneth Turner; Mrs. De Lara 05 Mexico, bas craft or power to pacity tween 500 federals, who have ad right band, do the talking.
question of how the real estate inarket duet will raise the value of monopovanced to check 2000 rebels, is awaited action long ago, when, through wha Jecting to Menke paying over money or crush all the seething elements of Tied to Limantour is likely to be affected. That is the lized real estate and result in higher momentarily. The battle la belleved some people call fortunate marriages to an Anarchist such as Ricardo rebellion. yet it has set a foromost Gomez has given out a long lnterview they became financially independent. Magon; Villareal denouncing Magon mark upon the record of human delecich before which bow not only the rents; that our extensive hårbor im to be progressing, and the crowds asChamber of Commerce, the Merchant provements must have the same effect, sembled in the streets apparently hope in which he declares that his quarrel Since then Sarabla has traveled abou as a tyrant, and Turner deprecating mand, from which hereafter there and Manufacturers Association and that a municipal rallroad will make the for a Zapatista victory, as they are with Madero arose solely from the fact writing articles which, velled by radi the exposure of Madero. All were pro will be no retreat. From 20W OD, when an oppressed people reroit, they other plutocratic organizations, but fortunes of those who have grabbed gathered about the city hall, pissing that be insisted that with Dlaz must cal phrases, carry always the moral feseed Soclallets.
still more the thousand and one no up land along the route selected. If the Maderista officials and yelling go Limantour, the head of the Cienti. that the Mexican people are not it Furthermore, Menke states that he will not demand lesg. vivas for the rebels, and He declared that the Madero to be entrusted with their rights. De received expressions of sympathy and bodies who are in on the sure thing the Socialists do not know it the capiMadero ficos. Events are the true schoolmaghis cabinet claim that the government famlly is so tangled up with Limantour Lara and his wife now reside in Mex. financial assistance from several con tera, hear the justifled voice of my gamble.
talists do, proving themselves thereby will have the rebellion crushed within that the president elect dared not take 1co City, which is proof positive that gressmen, but from Victor Berger dead Comrade Lum calling triumph. superior in intellect. Similarly, all First, wish to remark that the clear thinking persons understand that five days after the inauguration, which the step proposed and that he is now they are not considered dangerous. only the declaration that he objected aštly from his grave. For years and absolutely hands remember that years the brothers Magon and their thought suggested by the sign is that the playgrounds, park and kindred has been scheduled for Nov.
cial ring would have had it long ago had ke when the Appeal to Reason de co workers in and out of Mexico have The morning papers of hte same large cities are a blessing. This our reforms, agitated so hypocritically in El Diario, of Mexico City, pub not disgraced himself by running clared the Mexican Revolution at an been volces crying in the wilderness Pillars of Society are constantly in the the name of humanity, serve the double date had contained similar accounts, Villareal is cam end it also remarked that the day which some few thousands at best habit of. refuting; for, whenever the purpose of chloroforming the poor into and their general tenor may be judged lishes a long interview with Almazan away under fire.
unemployed begin to make themselves content and adding to property values. from the headlines in the Los An at one time in alliance with Zapata salire is combina candyante for place of armed revolutions had passed. have heard. But in the storm wind obnoxious these oracles proclaim that geles Times, whlch made it the story. In the course of which he says: Suarez, Madero candidate for vice. Since then five months have elapsed of popular revoit. rising, no prophet There is great popular and the world has been shaken in could have foretold when, nor gazer the rural districts are starving for of the day: Battalion wiped out, Zapata is more than a mere indiLos Angeles calls itself intelligent Zapatistas deleat Federals. Desperate vidual; he is the symbol of the people opposition to Suarez, who is regarded all its four corners by violent up at the aftermath just why it was the labor they cannot get. But here their and is buncoed habitually by such pai battle occurs near Mexico City; small of Morelos; the symbol of the so as another Ramon Corral. No true heavals on a scale unprecedented in chosen hour, in that strong clean own interests are concerned; here they pable thimbleriggiog; erects monu towns in danger. Department of War cialism that has awakened in that radical or revolutionist could take the history; the latest and most gigantic, sweeping of the psychic atmosphere, see a chance of becoming millionaires ments to soldiers alleged to have dis. and Interior decline. to make public region.
stump for such a man, and my of course, being that now taking millions of unlettered and otherwise through unearned increment; In no other State has the here, tinguished themselves by bravery, but the facts.
therefore, their opinions undergo a Cordon of troops trying to pressure of capital on labor made self have read, with infinite disgust; place in China.
Ignorant people sawarith lightcannot produce a leading citizen with entrap rabels operating in mountains. itself felt so long reports of Villareal speeches.
startling but highly judicious revoluPlútócracy Bulwarks. ning sharpness cutting a black night, courage sufficient to acknowledge facts There were exciting scenes in the Indeed, one, tion. Accordingly, my first comment only to glance over known to all business men. We are Chamber of Deputies, and the article that region to see that almost all the.
they endeavor to sustain a semblance At present plutocracy. 18 Bater in the the foundation of all their wrong and is that these people have no opinions bamboozled eternally boy bf relines Just referred to remarks that Franland is in tõe power of the big haci workers to organize in trades uñións, country, for such bodies as the Amer to which the creare were so long de la of radicalism by urging the Mexican United States, than in almost any heard the slogan Land: and Liberti: worth attention; that there is not come whose mission it is to steer away the cisco Madero shared the denuncia enda owners, and Zapatism is merely etc. That is the game, and we should ican Federation of Labor and the viction they will not abandon for the it. raised it, acted on it, sake of money; that they are without masses, and when we talk about our tion leveled at the government by ex the reaction of the peasants against understand it.
Socialist Party:n the latter öficered are acting on it. With that, clear character and, so far as public moral respectability it may be well for us to cited deputies, and the galleries àp the big land owners; a conflict, at the remember that nineteen out of twenty plauded. Meanwhile Madero is re bottom, between capital and labor. Mother Jones visited the Junta mainly by ex preachers, lawyers and and direct perception of the needfüi ity is concerned, corrupt beyond rem of these Judases walk in the odor of ported as on his vacation, studying up He recommends that the government twice last week, on just the same professional office seekers have drl. thing to do which lettered men, mer demption. There is nothing astonishsanctity, seldom, if ever, take a drink the Sherman anti trust law!
ing in that, since privilege invariably and are most careful as to their sexual was not present at eithered the workers out of all effective of complex lives, nearly always lack, buy out the big landowners and di interview, but am assured that, com protest. The leaders have disciplined being befogged by too many lghts, corrupts.
The burning of two rallroad bridges vide their property in small lots ing straight from an interview with the rank and ale to abject obedience; they move straight upon thefr purreputation. Respectability is their In the case of Los Angeles the cor and leaves no incriminating blood beported October 23, and other Times greater evils.
stock in trade; the stiletto that kills Zapatists and Federals bad been re cludes. do it immediately, to avoid other good things if the Magons would cated the shameful doctrine of peace the records of the title deeds.
and two other encounters between the among the peoňs. But, he con Madero, she promised safety and many day in and day out they have incul podė, hew down the landmarks, burı ruption is worse because hidden under go to Mexico, join hands in the work at any price. they have devoted all So do the plain people. Temporiza cloak of sickening hypocrisy. None headings read: Another revolt in With none of these State purchas of organizing the Mexicans into union their energy to making their followers ing men, sophisticated men, men of knows better than do our leading citiA man may be a drunkard; he may ico now, Sinaloa State. Five uprisings in Mex. ing schemes does the Mexican Liberal connected with the American Federa slavish worshippers of law and order. books and theories, men made timid zens that, from the summit of Mt. W1. Party find itself in sympathy, but we tion of Labor, etc. etc.
be petty thief. he may be so foolishi That is the Not a of this article but with much mind, Hamlets all, they son to the edge of the Pacific, everyas to waste his health and faculties and From the very first have treated point out that the remorseless push game.
knows speak truly when saying that devise solemn indiroctions; they Algthing was gobbled up long ago, and the Mexican Revolution as the most ing of the agrarian question to the substance in all sorts of dissipation, Politicians Puppets.
men of the Berger Gompers type ure on compensation schemes, that they are inviting colonists simply and he may be at bottom a good fellow, important event this side of the At front is forcing all parties to take it In some cases it is being played would be the first, the very first, to taxation foolerles, on how to do and that the land monopolist may levy full of the milk of human kindnese, lantie since the civil war; as being under consideration. Privilege yields directly for money, furnished by that put down any genuine attempt at pop how not to do at the same time. The tribute This they reckon on with the and their lleu simple man says, No: you hare told enemy to no probably more important than the only when it is compelled to yield. astute. politician. Madero. In other ular revolt: They an one save himself.
coldbloodedness of a calculating mathis land chine, and in all their plans for the But deny the possibility of a man Abolition movement and as ranking a truth to which Socialist and Single cases it is being played voluntarily tenants would be out on the street us, and truly, that being a good fellow when he is schem by reason of the influence it will Tax politicians deliberately close their by simpletoas; by men of the fanatic corners in an instant; counseling pru Alched away from us by a páper title City Beautiful they picture themThe more dangerously objec type, who cannot see an inch beyond dence, pleading for delay, using all scheme, Its power lay in our admit selves in the foreground as the Astors ing to grow rich at the expense of exercise, with the great French Revon eyes.
Mexican others; when he lies awake at night lution of the eighteenth century. Ex tionable disinherited their labor union or Socialist hobbles the plausible eloquence which years ting its right. Well, we no longer of another New York. They see, as The land is Clearly as do, their own palaces and plotting to get possession of the means perlence has caused me to hold that make themselves the better their to which they are perfectly willing to of stump speaking in pursuit of votes admit it; we destroy it.
They would be ours; we take it. And they have the slums that will be their natural of living in luxury without doing work. Opintos more tenaciously than ever, chances of getting something worth sacrifice the freedom of a nation. It has taught them.
would take the Mexicans fifty years then openly what they are today driven off the paper title men, and When he gets to that pass his bloodt being impossible to edit Regener the while.
accompaniment, but they pretend that, Madero Promised Freedom to form such an organization as the secretly plutocracy invaluable al are working the ground on hundreds despite the tribute levied, we shall be has changed to water, and when he acion from week to week without A, of possesses in this country lies.
covers up his criminality with deceit understanding that in Mexico there of ranches.
able to avoid the blumg. Thereby, is a tremendous struggle to secure Privilege is fighting in Mexico, as and Madero plutocratic backers ask Mexico itself furnishes the inconassistance chiefly with the water has congealed to ice.
of the Great Landmark Established the rights of man, or without com it always has fought everywhere and for nothing better than such a frit trovertible proof of the Justice of my church, they crown their infamy, This is Los Angeles as it actually is; prehending that the battle to trans always will fight. Under Madero, astering away of time. When finally charge. There, for the moment, pluIt is true there were other millions Apart from the pulpit this hypocrisy a city of schemers, of real estate gamb late them from theory to reality has under Diaz, it is putting all objection. formed it would be the backbone of tocracy has been reeling in the sad. asleep in the storm; true that many finds its most convenient mouthpiecelers, plying their unholy traffic under only just begun. To me it represents (able editors in jail, and we have no conservatism, as it is in this country dle, and who have been so eager to of the awakened have been quieted in politics, and especially in that of the mask of religion, morality, reform the tensest phase of the giant up ticed previously that Madero special in Germany (where the Social Demo come to its support as the leaders with polltical hocus pocus; true that heaval that is commencing to shake pet, Pino Suarez bis candidate for cratic Party plays the role. and in of the Socialist Party; who so indirLa hundred and one reactionary forces the reform brand, which consequent and even Socialism, for know many the world vice president is the greatest sio England. Again, Madero backers ferent to the struggle of the Mexican are battling on the same, ground. It ly has become abhorrent to straight. well to do Socialists who object strenIn emphasizing the importance of As Governor of Yucatan he bas ask for nothing better.
proletariat as the officials of the is true that the world at large, outthinking men and women For, there uously to any attack on real estate.
been making wholesale arrests, the This is the one important point. American Federation of Labor? This side of Mexico, la but little informed all is pretense; there it is always lo To such men the struggle in Mexico the Mexican Revolution have fallen latest we have seen recorded being Madero has been endeavoring to ac gives the Mexican Liberal Party 20 as to the real struggle. But that sisted that black is white; that we can makes no appeal, for they themselves foul of the Socialists who place their stand by the grabberwbo puts up the are doing here what, across the bor political ambitions above the life and those of the editor and of the manager complish by guile, under the cloak concern, for it is now fully persuaded does not alter or diminish the truth campaign funds and also benefit his der, has forced the Mexicans to take death contest of a nation, and have of Revista de Merida. They have of a pretended radicalism, what Dlaz that the Mexican proletarian mus that the Slaves of Our Times, in a naAnd, of course, the greater round myself at outs with the Single Diario reports their offense as mak brutality. Diaz was the cruel soldier; to those of us who are interested in Beast of Property in Land, And been kept Incomunicado and El vainly tried to carry out by sheer fight his own battles for himself. But tion wide revolt, have smitten the victim; that we can free the slave up arms.
without knocking off his fetters. Of their treason to the fundamental tenets Taxers, because consider that from the truth of this Los Angeles, wherein of their faith the more loud mouthed Mexico there came to them, above all ing comments unfavorable to the gov Madero is the far more dangerous once a great human demand is 80 has been heart sickening.
ernor. By the way, when Mother Jesuit, and in his Jesultry he has the of the non essentials. others, a call tbey were bound to an Jones was endeavoring to seduce the support of Socialist politicians and local politics are directed exclusively their advocacy made, it is never let go again. Fugwer and did not.
toward making the city safer and more It is about Galture revolts will go on from there; they will never fall behind it.
attractive for the well to do, furnishes With such conditions it is preposter leani, editor of Cronaca Sovversiva, Magons by promises of security in professed radicals of the labor leadMexico they replied with the produc jer stamp.
ous to talk of Los Angeles as revolu that, much against my inclination, conclusive proof.
At present the great press is saying tion of a long list of recently impris The personal charges made by Mantionary, for it is reactionary to the now find myself compelled to write.
little of the chaos in the Mexican Galleani has made a huge mistake, oned editors. The good lady knows uel Sarabia do not interest me beAll thinking persons recognize that very core. We are dominated by the situation, though for the last. fex nothing of Mexico but what she was cause, as compared with the one great Burbank Hall has been taken for a days, since às news purveyors they in our civilization the penniless are real estate interests, not one and he should be man enough to told by Madero agent, Villareal, and central issue the diversion of the mass meeting in commemoration of the cannot keep entirely silent, small, No educator is worth his salt speaker among the army of candidates acknowledge it. On the word of a It took her breath away.
Mexican masses from their revolu judicial murder of the Chicago Anar ninting editorials sho does not understand that it is in this campaign has dared to face cigarmaker, who spent three days at tionary activity they cut no. figure chists, Nov, 11, 1886. The date falls on pointing interventionwards, l1 case are creeping in, necessary to make the poor see their them. As men not one of these polltl Tia Juana, Galleani felt himself justiI am assured, however, that the ac a Saturday, but, because of the diff. disturbances are not pacified.
slavery as it is, and comprehend quite cians can hold a candle to the desplsed filed in saying that the Mexican Revocusations against Villareal are abso culty of obtaining a hall for that even doubt the United States Government No HURRAH FOR LIBERTY olearly the methods by which that Mexicans who have the courage to fight lution existed largely in the imaginalutely true, and know that Ricardoling and in order to avoid conflict with slavery is accomplished. If the slave for land and liberty. As practical tion of the Junta of the Mexican Libwould prefer to preserve its hypo Brown October Ale, the delightful Magon bas challenged their denial, simllar celebrations, we have engaged critical pretense of abstinent imparcomprehended these he would rebel, statesmen they are incompetents, for oral Party. Prents have proved hina song to Robin Hood. under the promising thereupon to publish the the hall for Friday evening, Nov. 10. tiality. It hopes its catspas and accordingly he who would lord it campaigns that attack poverty in the wrong. Events bave proved ban, by decree of a In oticially recorded proot.
The meeting will be essentlally cosmo safely pull the chestnuts out of the over his fellows must keep them ig shrink from attacking the causes tbat that Madero is precisely what the Ohio. They want something inspiring Il, several years ago, the Magoas politan and the names of speakers reparo.
All that is elementary politics created poverty can only aggravate the Liberal Party sald he was, and it is written around root beer, opines an got 800 out of Madero for Regon resenting the diferent nationalities and has been practised from time im evil.
WM. OWEN, Dow sell evident that a large percent exchange.
eracion am glad, and wish with will be announced in a later 188ue.
To be Contioned severaly to merele: Brlatine with patriotic utterances hind, reader op an was 16.
the the ner, Remember Nov. 11 and slaves norant