SocialismSpainWorking Class

were case.
More Skillfully Applied Influence.
er nient.
seeds oases, 1810 1910 calfan. 5:8, views.
and а papers one week ago last Friday eadared to organiza a peaceful unarmed an impoſsibly adorned uniform, questing that his occupation sent the same to the Appeal of Rea parade against the re election of Ber: with its stupid old monkeyish Ber. caanged. His health had been any litico Aldan Franco, but refused by days ahead of the fucependent press.
be lerty adjudged to him by the defe po erament papers arrive always many he son. Respectfully yours for the Rev Dardo Reyes as governor of the state. Quanešg, could but call forth a peal thing but good and he had reason for the local petty authorities of Aldama. The fault is said to be with the postai Published ovory Saturday at 519 olution, tbe llberation of our en Soldiers massacred the paraders en of merriment; and that personality thinking that he was threatened with He appealed to the courts which de authorities of Hermosillo who favor sth St. Los Angeles, Cal.
slaved comrades the world over, masse. Students of the college of law. bas been substituted for that of the W, WELLS. and of the colegio civil were arrested leader of the people, a century ago B1B; 80, when set to work cided in his favor. But again mattresses with moss which local authorities ignored his claim and semi official press though the subscripthe in the service of distribution, the Subscription rates: whoesale charged with having ar for the centearry celebration is ar was thought to 5194 Dast Fourth St. be Infected with a policeman called out: You ll see tions to the press of the opposition ranged that parade. Some were kept ranged for HIM. The privileged class germs, he entered a protest. He has what will happen. Fifteen minutes are paid as well, and by the subscribPor Andum 12. 00 Los Angeles, Sept. 9, 1910. in prison for over a year, and all stu of today living In idleness and luxury, a wife and family dependent on him. later the same policeman without a ers to that.
Per all months 10 Mr. Wells, dents were expelled.
enjoying the millions produced by the It happened before my time and further word pulled his gun and fired 299 Seymour St. San Jose, Cal. In 1906 in Saltillo, state of Coa tollers, immense riches many thou can speak of it, therefore, only from two shots lodging in the thorax of the Par three months. 60 Dear Comrade: Your letter of the nulla, all the students of the state sand fold larger than those of a cen bearsay; but an attempted all break unfortunate victim, and the Jefe por Veracruz On August 21 were at 24th of August recelved with delay. schools were, expelled for expressing tuty ago, has made of Dlaz hero, that took place some years ago 1o litico, when appealed to, yelled, Get last released the workingmen Vicente, BUNDLE ORDERS.
As to your inquiry with regard to the thelr opinion that they were opposed though he 18 But their executioner, Yuma shows the lengths to which this out and go to the courts. with all Murillo, Ricardo Castro, Vincente 100 copies 00 National University of Mexico, to to a re election of Governor Miguel the hangman ever ready to have his punishment of solitary confinement the pain and covered with blood, been designated as the promoters of 12. 50 which Professor Benjamin Ide Wheel Cardenas, 800 copies er is to become godfather, we can tell In the same year in the state insti ple dare to raise their heads in revolt were fresh in the memory of many and to reach the home of the judge they had accepted to represent their 1000 coples 20. 00 you that the honor would be equal to tutions in Oaxaca, capital of the state in insurrection against the privileged (men with whom talked, call to a simllar position at the ot the same name, all students were idle class of today. Dlaz makes fran frequently saw; three tof the partici ficial merely said that he was very myselt to place his complaint. But that of comrades before the exploiting terEditor and roprletor, Anselmo Imperial University of St. Peters expelled for the crime of being op tie efforts in the face of the pegple to pants who are still confined tile firm, After being severely lecFigueroa.
burg, Russla.
posadtomonedalection of Governor assume a heroic attitude, but he is Florence, and have no doubt what Sune triends brought the unfortunate tured, and led through the streets in Educationally the institution will Emilio Pimentel.
no more, no less than a lackey of the ever that the accounts given me were man to his home. His, would be as: out of work forced to emigrate. The Entry as accond class matter popding certainly be of the highest standard During the recent presidential cam privileged class. It is their uniform substantially correct. in the different departments of sci paign there were several students ex he wears.
sassin walks the streets free. Report But his crimes place him Twenty five men took part in this of August 21, 1910.
same fate awaits the workers Manuel September 17, 1910, ence, it we draw the line at civics and pelled in Guanajuato, and wholesale even far lower. He has ceaser to be attempt, and it is Bald they Garjon, Fernando Pereda and Aupolitical economy. But in all other expulsions took place in Guadalajara human and seems transformed into driven to it by the atrocious food süpYo, matters it will be an Improvement on and in Puebla, in the latter city the a gigantic hound imbued with the plled. None succeeded in. getting Rendon has arrived in the state capColima The lawyer don Serapio rello Gonzales who escaped the hands of the authorities.
30 tidc in its methods of mental en of students and citizens with vnheard the lower order. And when he slays, killed, and the remainder were kept Dario Pizano, the notorious official asRussla, belns up to date and scien police breaklng up a peaceful parade insatiable passion to kill of a beast of away, several were shot down and ital to take charge of the defense of Yucatan With the arrival in Meslavement and not of belated medie of brutality, a good many of the un when the blood of men, of women in the dark dungeons twenty seven sassin of Tegames who appealed his rida of General Ignacio Bravo, vallsın.
armed students being killed outright, and of little children reddens the soil, days, on bread and water. Thence As in all other educational institu and all this because they were in the privileged class asserts with in they were removed to the chronic by public oplolon and by the defend coming from the territory of Quin: Governor La Madrid, charged chief of the Tenth. military. zone, tlons lo states as well as in the Fed favor of the candidacy of Francisco creased firmness, their power of ex yard, mentioned in my last letter, ant to be the real instigator, to the tano Roo, accompanied by the oral District of Mexico, the studnt will Madero, the rival candidate whom ploitation, and Dlaz receives another where they were placed in cells in the disgust of the decent people of the surgeon Jose Canseco and his lieube bound by Iron rules and regula Dlaz had imprisoned at the last hour bright plaything to be pinned to his doors of which large stones had been state, was sensationally acquitted by tenants Anastasio Sanchez and Mantlons like those already in operation, in order to re elect himself unani funny unitorm. His figure is that ot Inserted. Fo each of these stones two. Judge Miguel Mendoza, who refused vel: Suarez there are persistent ru; The student is strictly forbidden to mously.
a cheap, funny actor, but his soul pos prisoners were chained, and there to prosecute his master. After stay mors that he is to be governor ad take part in politics in any shape or It will be similar happenings that sèsses the Idiosyncracies of a bar they Were. confined another By John Kenneth Turper. form whatever, under severe punish will be godfathered, or rather step barian that: existed six in Mexico City Governor La Madrid, Interim to replace the incumbent :Mr.
thousands of months, still on bread and water. Sub stin guilty in the eyes of the people, Muñoz Aristegui, who will ask for meat, even wholesalc expulsion. He fathered by Professor Benjamin ide years ago when man was vet solely seguentiy they were removed to spe returned to his capital expecting to permission to be relieved and to leave must nelther form por join political Wheeler, if the people of California agitated by the instinct of the beast. cially steel cages; tore another caso of skilfully ad clubs. He must not write for any will stand for the acceptance of such the privileged class is in power. And which they were to serve another five crowd had gathered to give him cat frequent conferences with the goverplled Influeace upon American Jour papers of the opposition.
doubtful honors on the part of one of how about the people?
years, Most of them are now dead, calls. His political opponent, the pop por deal only with decidiog on steps nullum exerted by the Mexican govLet us have a few examples of past the foremost educators of this state, For long years the people have suf and it should be mentioned that in ular candidate, Trinidad Alamillo, how to dispdse of the 250 individuals and recent happening: Hoping that this information will fered under the despotism of the their attempt to break from prison was cheered: follower of La Ma imprisoned in Valladolid, mostly naAbout the Orst of this year Dou In 1902 some 125 students were be satisfactory, we remain, beast. Long years of fruitful toil they seized the superintendent and as arid yelled: He should die! Weap tives, as sequel. of (ke uprising in that bleday. Pago Co. one of our larg imprisoned and later expelled in Mex Yours, for the cause of freedom, It that has transformed little things sistant superintendent, had them for ons were drawn and in the tray one city of the Mayas.
ent and most reputablo publishers. Ico City for the crime of protesting that VILLARREAL. into big things, deserts into put out a book entitled Yucatan, they against a re election of Porfirio Diaz.
a time entirely at their mercy, could person got killed and several Injured. General Lojero took along to Mexico RI FLORES MAGON. darkness into wisdom, ignorance into have killed them and refrained from so state the report of the government City the acts of these cases so that no American Exypt, written by Arnold In 1903 in Monterey, the capital of LIBRADO.
and Front. Englishmen. The book the state of Nuevo Leon, the citizens one knows what to do with them unThe riches are brought forth in a mighty, stream swelled by the from Florence while was there; one Several men succeeded in escaping papers.
fortunate people. Amongst the priswas a lungo one, and was mostly about th ancient Maya ruing, but It Durango La Evolucion, of Du oners is Mr. Pedro Aguilar and Mr.
waves of the inexhaustible fecundity in January last. On the other handrago, not a revolutionary paper by a Jose Fernando Perez, assistant judge contained Ncore or so of pages exof the labor of a peoprenim Gigantie two made a failure of it shortiy be long shot, has the news that tne legis of Tlxhuadatan, and also uebe landes posing the bencqucn Nuvery of Yuobedient to the service of the brain fore my release. They were working lature of the State of Coahuila is. go owner Maximiliano Villanueva, who is fullness Mexico a hundred years ago can of such and in the ordinary course of publishat ono ness and the brawn of the toller: No more anti Diaz and Pro Madero ing and circulating hooks, this expen be defined briefly as follows: Human with a people heart desires grow have we ta deri 80 much with the to climb over the wall with the aid ing to proceed by law against Miguel charged of being implicated because Hlvo work should have been for sale soclety divided in two classes, the the supreme, exuberant and heroic tillers of the fields of a bundred years bent into a hool.
of a piece of piping which they had Cardenas, the governor unseated by of his Diaz, to give accounting for class and for from three to five years after its privileged the working ago.
One of them was 869. 60, money not vouched for and Today we and to a Federal It disappeared from the mar class, the former generally living in Ille, and those inspirations of human steam pulsating within the giant or month; the other, after a few days overpaying public officials. The paper agreement has been made according District. Mexico. AR ket Inside of tlve trionthy!
the cities, the other day for day in liberty like invigorating delicious obedient to the intelo in Flero ly a letter which have just tho fields tilling the land in unendingslumber grown out of pain, lectual potentiality of modern collecon it quite carefully: to which Diaz will receive the foreign received, it having been forwarded to toll.
On the night of September 15th. tizities, and that new rising manhood one of the cells set apart for those Should for similar expenditures all newspaper men participating in the condemned to death.
mo by the addresseo: The privileged class composed of the conspirators came to a decision 18 ripenirig fully to engage in combat public officials be prosecuted, there centennial celebration only in excepI particularly remember the case of May 18, 19. Mr. Cunningham, Jr. the clergy Owning vast territories of and at dawn of the 16th the agree with the privileged class, ot today a Hungarian, mere boy, who, de would hardly be in this world (they tional cases, and the legacies ot their the richest tillable land, of the landed ment was turned into action.
clared himselt a Socialist, не Mexico, of course, but dare not respective countries will to Box 136, owners of vassal aristocracy, of the At o clock of the morning Miguel The rumbling of distant thunder and Salt Lake City, Utah.
was. an excellent mechanic.
officials who could escape going to list of questions on the subjects they Being employees of the vice regal govern Hidalgo read the mass in the church lightning of Justice of the approach employed in the tinsmith shop and say so) ministers, governors and high such demand and hand in with it the Dear Sir: Since writing you on ment, and of the army oficers of the ot Dolores, the mass of the disinhering storm crash and flash across our prison, We heartily agree with that want to interrogate about, so that the lat ot Aprli, Yucatan, the Am same. Tho clorgy formed of thou ited who were about at sunrise to be heavens and purify the atmosphere baker this was at Florence phosom sentiment, and always in the past per the answers can be regulated and the our fatherland and absolutely no coples are avall. tho secular clergy lived in plenty, and to that mass came the filters. ith the sparks of Indignation in the eyes the stool pigeons and the baker was urican Exypt has gone out of print sands of monks and nuns, who with gin on their daily task of slavery their heads from the daily toil with piece of bread, which was given him sisted emphatically in producing evi audiences shortened. It is not always to be and the The offense was reported by one of dence, and that is why able.
of Russian methods is often advisable, that be love us so much for.
so that one needs not answer pagalble for us to fill your valued os than necessary to satisly their needs to become tree, the richness of the ready to make an end to the heinous thrown into the dungeon. The Hundor of the first instant.
Jalisco In Guadalajara LuisR. A!
and well led animal passions and to soll which brings liberty and which submissiveness of so many years. garian came forward and announced Thiy leaves a balance to your credit extract from the tillers of the soil the they had to fight for in struggle of justice and free themselves, and the wereupon he was sent to the dungeon been sentenced to imprisonment for and pro Reyes satirical paper Tlin Lin The masses, make ready to deal out anti Diaz that he was the one to be blamed, varez, editor of El Combate, has: Federal. District The to his labor twenreceive your instruction regarding its eithes, arsttruit sites. and lande rent ay men had gathered, Hidalgo saldeta sering of the chastiding Fivendication sortive days. ite was understood at six months for having insulted with six months ago suppressed, gets out no harm and Helect Homo Olber book from our cata same way of the product of the toller the independence of Mexico! Down more threatening, ever more divine, longer sentence but for the fact that Mexico it, is lese mejeste to bark at in Europe they can do logue, a copy of which is going for in the fields. And the men of the with bad government! We must Dght being revived to light our land for.
The divine epic of a century ago is his work was greatly needed.
the moon.
The people are entirely incldentally it furnishes a welcome po.
ward to you: undor other cover.
At Yuma we saw nothing of the ignored in the dispositions coming temkin village sample of the :freeYery truly youry, To Counalso in die luxury and threw them. The people were ripe for the rebel ever. cowardly fear seizes the prla superintendent, as he was at Florence, from the scientific central dom of press in Mexico.
governThe chief of the military zone, teract any derogatory DOUBLEDAY, PAGE CO.
effects Mr.
Maui Order Dept. the product of the tillers of the land started to act, and these men of the old Beast, as his people call nim, prisoneselves were moved there are fallisco until the end of the constitu and its newly published hership to the After these these words thing wrought with terror, and Diaz, the prisoners tas caseras possible. When General Clements Villasedor, will rulé Reyes Espindola of the Imparciali who bought up that book?
hought up the publisher? It the book plague of social locusts.
Who like horde of wild beasts or like a common people went from the church the incarnation; of crime, weakly wig came but little into contact with him, tional term of the present incumbent Feraldo, has made another trip to the the he and the publisher had not been which se ngate ant bislite, gripped fered confinement, chastised by the signed role de a hanginan and almost is beiners, are the Humanae nanesubise the war of the people. Mr. Ahumada Berries stages on eraldin, was far pos had hela bouche by the seneral pub working man bent over the held, to people, brothers in exploitation, sut sles with the sad efforts of a poor, for he was occupied chiefly with office Ahumada. Men ot army training arë Taited States to acquire for the Dlaz promptly thanked his luck and put with the other the wounds indicted the prison daars and gave freedom futile in his miserable showing of a quently at Florence, was in the hands will do the same in Michoacan to end bish subsidy to her in, as far as pos: out a second edition.
upon his worn body by the lash or to the prisoners.
Actitious derceness trying to Inspire of the assistant superintendent, a hard there the term of Aristeo Mercado, the sible, the growth of the independene Mr. Cunningham replled from Mex slavery, while his lips got just enough act. The first step of the revolution of his cold hearth frenzied, cowering years and no doubt had become indir avenge the official assassination of spite of all persecutions.
step to legally and of such tremendous vitality in lco to Donbleday. Page Co. the of miserable food to give him was to give freedom those lo reputable, in part, as follows. El CODfear and remorse form a chorus of ferent to human suffering. The cap Ignacio Chavey Guizar and son, enough strength to serve his sen bondage. After waiting so Revolution is liberation, voices never to be stified that will fol tain of the yard and the inside guards. Which Turner told in our last issue of today could be likened to a slave long hear tence of lifelong exploitation. priv is freedom. The police and the pris low unrelentingly as an eternal hor were men of an inferior type, and and who therefore to protect him is longing for liberty, forced to cry out stitutional of Mexico says: Mexico from you began to think there might ileged class of idle drones and an on guards, agents of the despotism, rid nightmare his faltering, steps to none of the prisoners, with the excep reported to be of incompetent old age. that he is free, and cries it out with have been something that happened, everlastingly tolling class of peasants were disarmed. And that action and now Inform the grave. Aomothing did happen, but as do government of Spain.
And the latespising: con tion of the favored stool pigeons, bad Thus the legally responsible, yet prac bloody tears in his eyes. No wonder The privileged class upheld by the was equally logical: if the people tempt of a people and the inexorable a good word to The class of want to be free, they must need dis spirit of right and Justice already be stated before there were no fogging, erly shifted from state to state to use tion, so that the foreign guests of the say for them.
not know what it is, in this part of the peasants submerged in tically immune, higher ups are clev so much is being spent on Illuminathe world we generally think he was slavery, tilling the land to maintain leged class and the despotism, Hol largest orale olmamity porn the dark but blows of the fist and rough usage there weri trained inherente qualities teplote that the foreion starts not the of a similar character were not infre time and again to keep the common the tears and the blood shed for the ykllfully applied in fluonce upon Jour and mooks, the auns, priests and aris pong by a struggle for a good cause, an effeminate object of charitable The despot of Persia converted into quent.
nallum. or, in othor wora. the Mex: tocrats, the employees of the govern From there the mere handful of in guardianship. Abdul Hamid ot Tur up thirteen hours out of every twen on August people in subjection, and to keep in benefit for their entertainment and To men situated as we were, shut immunity local Piżanos like those who Diaz maintainment in power, 10, Ican government has bought up all ment and the soldiery. That was the surgent went straight to the privi key locked up like an oia hyena with ty four in our noxious cells, recrea burner Ortiz in Etzatlan after steal sparkling in fictitious splendor.
killed the charcoal only millions of blood red coples and arranged with the publish situation of Mexico a hundred years leged class, the exploiters, the leech out teeth.
ora to suspoad further publication.
es sucking the life blood of the peo tally unbalanced by a continuous cessity it life is to be preserved. There Nicolas of Rụssla men tion of some kind is an absolute ne ing his cattle.
This, as readers who have followed Between these two classes a third ple. First, liberation of the victims state of terror. All are going down were no games of any kind at Yuma, Par Daum Fratres. Was Itanaccimy articles in the Appeal to Reason element led a rachitic and presump then, chastisement for the victimizers under the chastisement of an upright but in such brief moments of idle promises given at the election time by that placed the two following items of Morelos. Aug. 23. One of the dent, or the grim humor of history will remember, la a duplication of the tuous existence, a material containing of the people. The leeches were im people. And thop, Dlaz, the murderer nessi as we enjoyed when not in our re election candidate Pablo Escandon mock Christianity into the same. colktory of the suppression of Do Zayas all from the lickspittle of a lackey prisoned, and their riches that had of thy race; are already almost cells we could walk the narrow space was that as governor he would abol umn of the Los Angeles Herald. book. Porfirlo Diaz, which was put to the pillar of science and wisdom, been torn from the hands of the lib drowning in the tears and the blood between the prison wat and central ish the personal tax out by tho Appleton Company in 1908. harboring in a hodge podge mixture erators who hàd produced them from of thy victims. The head tar. Skillully applied Influence of Incongruitles the germs of high their toll upon the land, were con thee, the women hate thee, and the had been laid out; meni despise buildings. At one spot a tiny garden Shortly after taking office he had stoppod the publication of Barbar virtues, as well as the counterfeits fiscated and placed in the service of children curse thee. thing law abolishing that passed Mexico City, Sept. 10. With 019 Mexico in the American Maga known as adulation coupled with im the cause of freedom in purchasing longer that thou mayest sutter and for the eyes.
Live a little enough in itself but a welcome rest which amounted to cents per silver key President Porario Diaz unThere was a small 11ralsed people who. Influenco a tremendous ruar potency, here carried by the impetus arms and provisions for the insur that the people, might chastise thee brary, but it contents consisted of month for each individual whose locked the new home of the Young been following this Mexican story pettishness ot vlle treason. This 80In all our history there has rever a little longer. whilst thou art ditve. Live Live very old books, largely ot a religious daily emoluments did not exceed one Men Christian association, the dedidollar.
has compelled The American, to save called middle class, ilke pendulum taken place a struggle of clearer conAs this money was destined cation of which was the chief feature cuaracter, and out of date papers and The 1th 11to, to announce that it is goius swinging from the state of power and sciousness of purpose oor to pay the department of public in or today centennial program.
LAZARO GUTIERREZ DE LARA. magazines. At Florence there was no struction quite naturally a consider building is a five story stone strucback to continuo Its Mexican expos luxury of the privileged class to the plainly defined aspirations of a peolibrary, but we had a small reading able deficit resulted. To cover such ture, occupying a corner of a block room.
condition of misory and blavery of the ple than manifested in the struggle Wo are gathering moro facts, ex worklog class.
There also such periodical literature as was furnished was all of deficit all landed property was re val and extending halt a biock on both plain the editors.
of 1810. It was in reality not 80 ancient date. In Delther! prison was luated, which valuation was to be done streets.
What facts?
there any school, and not tfie slight by a special uninterested body pro Passaic, Sept. 10. The czar The most important facts about los, Rayon, Bravo, Aldama, Jimenez, was the constituting of an action corest attempt was made to teach the scribed by the law. But instead of that of all the Russias is now known in Mexico are, Arst, the story of the Chico and all the other leaders of the responding to an idea distinctly and Prison Life prisoners anything that would be use the taxation officials assumed such po Passaic as one of the city leading partnership of American capital in the revolution of 1810 were fully aware intensely preconceived in the souls ful to them after their release. Orice sition valuating the properties just philanthropists. Announcement Dlaz aystem of slavery and political of the crimes against mankind com of those people.
Ten years of bata week Protestant and a Roman as they pleased, la nany cases in made this week the czar has given oppreuklon; and, second, the story of mitted in Mexico by the privileged tling, in which the souls of those men Nefther at Yuma nor at Florence Catholic service in the creasing the value fictitiously by two 40, 000 toward the erection of a new tho peruecution ol Mexican political class against the working class. were llumined by the greatest ideals did they employ the strightfacket or chapel. We had none of those visits hundred per cent, imposing upon that Russcan orthodox church at Passaic, As The structure will cost 120, 000. refugees in the United States. FIC All we have to comment on to the tren months ago the American Maga.
crime inspired them with the idea of tated with the most heroic senti. flogging, the water cure, the hum cieties which, for good or for evli, are it was to be expected ene landed own.
Christian ers replied by increasing to their sub benefit of our American zine was in Ponchylon of the facts in the redemption of the common peo ments that inflamed the stormlest ming bird. etc. which have brought so common in many penitentiaries.
both of the matters. Why did it ple, and at the same time the thought passions, annlhllating men and mak snch well deserved condemnation on have said nothing respecting the renters the rates far. in excess to the readers is a recommendation to read not pudlish them theo? will it pub of a necessary rebellion of the masses ing gods of men. That period was the management of many American female prisoners, because taxed amount, and the merchants in in this connection the gospel of St.
ligh them now? Will It? If it does, Peninst the privileged class came an epoch of the supreme glory, of su penitentlaries and reformatorles. The practically nothing Tere were only. creased their prices for the necessities Luke 13:24 28.
waged by the friends of Mexican unseat and to annihilate the privi iguration, of supreme manhood, in confinement, on bread and water, in they occupied separate quarters, as run the tolling and consumire people Thiat Mexican Senator Did freedom havo compelled it to do so. leged class. The people of 1810 were which the revolutionists of 1810 lived the underground dungeon. In both stated previously, in one corner of pays the whole billachundred cold.
fully conscious of their condition of and died. It almost seemed as 11 a prisons this underground dubgeon the yard.
The head tax is abolished all right, really forget him? Poor senator Isaclass slavery. Every drop of sweat new humanity, strongly sublime, was was absolutely dark; Bt. Yuma the Tainted Honors.
Florence has been mentioned inch and the good people pay seven times bel, as the papers called him recently when he grandi lequaciously spoke of pearling on the forehead of the pro populating our Mexican fatherland. floor was ordinary earth, while letarian called forth a protest, every at dentally from time to time in this let the price after all.
the terrible, things that were to hap1910 Florence the cell was a hole in the ter, and had expected to reach with 209 Seymour St. San Jose, Cal. humiliation whipped into line an im hundred years have come and ground wherein a steel cage had been this issue a consideration of the conSan Luis Potosi The rival candi pen to wicked, Regeneracion? No, Aug, 24, 1910. pulse for revolt, and every chastise passed.
Comrades Magón, Villareal and The epic. of apocalyptic inserted for the occupancy of the vic Jaitions existing there. The space and date of Dlaz, Francisco Madero, and he did not only we did not consider recelved with a curse. splendor of glory has long since been tim, write to ask for Information as of the people are revolt telt teelte vitale supplanted by a tragi comical farce in bucket, that had been used for years Hausted and postpone the matters are not prosecuted and tried by, the securities to waste time to his han de really to tho purposes and scopo o tbo 10w crops, theirs through the labor of crimes of darkness, the same crimes a pall of water. The water was usu then of the bull pen, in which ser the bonds and go to prison as they brother ex Governor Isabal, despoiler national unisorsity of Mexico, to be body and soul, torn from the hands that were committed a hundred years ally such as only a man, desperate enty five of us were confined; of the are tired with a freedom that is equal and exterminator of the Yaquis, of holding a bundle of Yaquis dedicated noxt, month, and on which which sowed and reaped to enrich ago. Hidalgo was the leader of the with thirst would drink and has been prevailing types of prisoners and the to confinement in San Luis Potosi, whom. a photograph exists showing occaston President Whecter of the the idle masters, monk and bour. revolution of a people. Diaz is the known to contain dead rats, crickets causes of their troubles; of iniqui impeding them from going on with The farcical bands, of hands of peaceable tillers of Volvorally of California is to tako seois, pillar of government and mera unclean miscarriage of a leperous and and other objectionable matter, Eight, tous práctices with which the prison their regular workin tce soil, men, women and little chilpart and accept the soulathorship of cenary petty chlet of the soldiery: pestilential patriotism, covered with twelve and atteen days detention in life is rotten, and of various human: prosecution is still in the connection the last stations the name of and And that spark of consciousness of rage and glittering trimmings, with these awful holes was an ordinary interest features respecting which, a cause, establishment of connection of people mentales et continentesent a spoliation, accumulating fresh fo crosges and medals, apparentiy the sentence, often imposed for a trifling it seems to me, we should not keep with the Valladolid. Yeartache ummia benevolent assimilation, for progI am planning to have our Social dignitles day by day, bad matured the prey of the greed of a bird of prey. Infraction of one of the innumerable silent.
And the Amerfat local pass resolutions agalost his common people for the revolution of Dressed in a clownish uniform, every rules spoken of in my last article.
ANTONIO VILLARREAL. steca, San Luis Potost uprising did. table capitalization.
not materļalize in spite of all the ef Lear in the dead of icans settling upon these lands will doink 10, and remiading him of the 1810.
inch of him breathes all the stupid 10 Occaclonally the term would be exthe right the.
conditions that prevall there, and the Miguel Hidalgo and his compan iquity and all the false haughtiness tended to twenty daysi or forts to stamp it as a pro Madero remaonor in which thoy consor public tons of strlle were of the common through which he has turned crime month.
signs of outraged Fomen, the shrieks The mental as well as the volt, and as a last resort they are ot little bables dashed to the rocks, scanning now the manifesto to the the splashing of shiploads of living mon, the press and the educators. people. They vibrated with the vi into a religion, and open assassina physical suffering involved carinot be Notes and Comments Pienso send me something comprebrations of the awakening immense tlon into a pedestal for his miserable expressed in words, and the appearpeople given out by Madero from the bodies thrown into the ocean to feed hensive and brlet to 50 uacd in the masses. They lived the almost super personality. Were Diaz not possessed ance of those who had just emerged. resolutions that we will draft.
Chihuahuán What is in a name? they may make it yet a case of the sharks of the sea and of the land, and the wbizz of the lash falling upon the backs slaves in the Do so at onco, as our time is short ever frultral, ever suffering collecte a laughing stook. Should we tor description. am satisfied that the Pizano, San Diego, 400 wo Want all tho locals of the tivity, capable of great sacrifice 89 get or one on ont the tears, the health of many a man was ruined for Aldama, Chihuahua renampality of iese majeste?
under atate to fotor us by similar action. well as of great passions, and in their blood, the immolation of human Ilves Ite.
August 21 that it has produced a Sonora. The subscribers of the in Yucatan, Will they be happy and Please No0 tho comprades in Los An velns pulsated the best lille blood of upon which he rosta, his so gravely Librado Rivera was given three Pizano of its owă. The sixty year ola dependent press living in Serig, so prosper in Yaqulland?
roleu. saw the lavitation in the the heart of an entire people, and out! comical, narrow personality, draped dłys in one of these dungeons for re peasant Pedro Orrantia claimed prop Inora lodge complaints that the govto of to 09 you ule that As rubies ago.
or poor tax a 20 zino.
of more ureg.
Dr. Verdad, Miguel Hidalgo, Moro much the awakening ore al goods at Reminiscences of My was was we ment was even: a.