Civil WarDemocracyFranceInvasionSpain

English Section Wm. Owen Editor.
REGENERACION Mexican Notes It is too Caught In The Net Of Money Jesuitry 1 WS 1 in No, 184.
mcanly commercial. It tcaches youth, there the same part that we played pcan carth hunger is not dead, and Saturday, April 11, 1914, that its first duty is to itscli; that it when Texas pronounced its indehic instanced the British occupation must get on in liíc, and that it can pendence.
oi Egypt, the Italian war in Tripoli, get on most casily by swimming with Amcrican mincs, Amcrican lumber Now that Villa has taken Torrcon. the case of Norocco, etc.
the tidc and catering ignobly to the camps, micrican grazing land, Amer after the bloodiest conilict rex true, but the most conspicuous, of all powers that be. Thus it trains our na ican oil wells, they believe will be our olution, in which one out of every instances is the invasion of Mexico tion future rulers, excusc for taking over another slice iour of the combatants on cither side by the land syndicates of the United of their territory, and reducing Mex is said to have been killed or wound States.
Thic university owns, as am in ico to klic position of a Central Anier cd, it is going hard with the Span The correspondent of thc London formed, 10, 000 acres, the revenucican stalc as insignificant as Guaic. iards once morc. Villa showed them Times, whose views carry exccpirom which is devoted to providing mala.
110 mercy at Chihuahua, four months tional weight throughout the British As onc approaches the centrall cducation for a class that can weli al. But undoubtedly the chicf reason ago, and he has now ordered the de Empire, gives the following as among buildings the first inscription that ford to pay its own bills. There are why the Mexicans today hate us so portation of thic 600 resident in the leading difficulties which concatches the cyc is Leland Stanford many who procese because. large heartily is that THEY FEEL WE Torreon, thicir property having been ironi the Vilson administration: Dr. Muscum. Henccíorth that name proportion of the nioncy comes from ARE EXPLOITING THEM AND confiscaied until such time as the The failure of Republican Conprecis onc at cvery turn. By a large inic manufacture of wines and spirit. THEIR COUNTRY. Everywhere owners shall have proved that they dresses to compensaic Colombia ior and charming grassy oral, dominated vous liquors, but that seems to nic an tlicy find American capital owning did not aid the Federals. Onc would the loss oi the province oi Panama, by a statuc labclica Faith, onc insignificant objection. What rec ticir sources of wealth. Blondly, thcy not give much ior their chances oi which she alleges, became autonopasses to the departments of Zoology. ognize, however, as fundamental is icel that they have been doirauded. recovery, and the Spanish ambassa mous by the help of the United Physiology and Physics; wherein, that the whole thing rests on land This is low, as John Kenneth ur dor has filed a formal protest with States. The conscqucnt distrust of presumably, researches are conducted monopoly, represents in its origen ner says in his book on Barbarous lour Secretary of State.
American altruism aroused in other on the principle oi discarding faith wealth acquired by fraud and implics cxico, this is how the typical Mex. Villa is voicing a national hatred Latin :Imerican countries, especially and trusting to cxpcriment alonc. in its maintenance a continuous robo ican iarm is a millionaire farm, and which dates back to the Spanish con in Coniral. merica. The possibility Next comes 33 graven abici which! bery of labor. From sucli foul why it has been so casy for such quest; for the Mexican regards the of being obliged to take strong cas.
rcads: Memorial arch to incmory of sources no purc sercam can flow. Incricans as Wm. Randolph Hcarsi, Spaniard as the first of the land ures to cnd disorder in Haiti and Lcland Stanford, Jr. Born to mortalWM. OWEN, Harrison Gray Otis. Harriman. thicres who stripped him oi his nat Santo Domingo. The possibility of ily May 14, 1868; passed to immortal!
the Rockcicllers, thic Guggenheims urat heritage, and the firsi, inerciore, having to do the same on vastly ily March 13, 1884. Through this and others, cach to have obtainesl pos who reduced him to slavery. Zapata larger scale in Mexico. last month once caters Memorial Court, disfig. Why They Hate Us session of millions of Mexican acres. has declared spccitically that he will Review oi Reviews is authority for The Viexicans know that they have show no mercy to the Spaniard, and the statement that it has all along thic laic Senator and Mrs. Stanford Proi. Frederick Starr, proſessor oi been robbed. But they also know has lived up to his dcciarations, in been the vicw of the army oificers and their son, which brings onc to anthropology al the University of that we Amcricans will light ii need Morelos and neighboring Staics. is that we were soon to invasle Jexico. Memorial Church, crected 10 the Chicago, knows Vicxico as few mer be for our so called rights. So they a land monopolisi, a storekeeper and The campaign against intervention, klory of God and in loving memory of icans do; for he has visited it repeai feel the hopelessness or it all, and in money lender the Spaniard has been therciore, must not be relaxcal my husband, Icland Staniord. Fres, eilly and lived among the peons, 25 that hopelessness their hatred takes a universally unpopular figure. With Hlucrta sinking sicadily into cocs and painted windows, which tellonic of them. Recently, he gave out deeper and dccper rooi!
may be well for us to consider also deeper difficulties the central govern.
the story of Christ, icap in the cycs for publication the arricic we print thint similar recling against the ing authority becomes more and more from cvcry sidc.
below. Observe the emphasis lic lays United States born with our paralysed and the peon attacks on on the land question, and the Mexi THE CONQUEST OF BREAD.
Scizure of vast territory after the the landoul proprictors mucct with dcWhat an extraordinary psychology can conviction that we are exploiting Wc creasingly ellective resistanec.
Coxcy announces the speedy start Vexican war.
What pitiful attempt to compromise them. What cisc hayc wc been urgoing of an uncinployed army with hali It is stated that other forcigners note renewed activity on the part of with truth and cach. science that ing in Regencracion íor more than million followers. We can only have been free from molcsiation in Genovevo de 13 whom ilc papers shall be cramped at cvery step by the three years past? The article follows. iruse that among them will be many Torrcon, and that the acting Ameri killed off long ago, and on that of slicil of witlicred clogmas! The whole who have learned the lesson the aviacan consular ageni. Ulmer, has Zapata, fabric founded on the stealings of a Anti emcricanism is a reality in horities and ordinary labor papers posted with Villa consent, notices man who was the champion corrup Mexico! Wc Americans are hatcd as iry so hard to cach them. That les on all American properly which an.
tionist of a socicty and generation a people, we are hated as a nation.
son is that they must trust entirely nounce that it must be held in violaic. OUR LEGISLATIVE CLOWNS.
thal recognized only onc couc Get Why do the Mexicans harc us: to themsclves. The police club them; Joanwhile, as alter the fulcral deT he trouble is not duc to lack of moncy, at any costl The wholc in Primarily and fundamentally bc trades union papers, such as the icat at Ojinaga, the rich have fledline stilution governed, antii a icw months use they are Spanish indian, while bor Clarion of San Francisco, de city, uniting with Ceni. Velasco brains but lack of moral courage. Wc ago. by scientist whose reputation wc arc Anglo Saxon. Our character clare that the industrious, honest, forces. Torreon is toc the emo and, ilereiare, we waste our years in have the ſavis but are not face them; rests on his ocaching oi Darwinism in istics arc proioundly difícrcnt. Our anxious and descrring unemployed porary capital of Coaluila, and Villa its crudest 11 most matcrialistic ways oi looking at things are differ arc not to be found iti this nomadic is represented as having taken the this whole business of lawmaking to ille vinkering. Look, for instance, at forin! What on carth can Prof. Starr cnt. Wc despise thic Mexicans, bc army, and Solidarity, official or sanitary condition of the city cner which our resident and intellectuals Jordanı have had in common with causc thcy differ from us; they hale gan of the I, insists that the xetically in handl. turning his alicno still fondly pin their faith!
ilicsc Christs and angels; thesc spirit jus bccausc wc differ from thicm.
walistic and cvangelistic mollocs? We have sent them quantities of problem cannot be solved by Zapa. tion first to the water supply: Take the cvidence wirich Howard The fighting qualitics displayed on Elliott, now head of the New Haven cannot conceive him as passing to and adventurers who have gone there to appcar when transplanted from the both sides seem to have impressed railroad, has been collecting so carcfro about his daily task without a show them low to do things. They present soil of Mexico to that of the the war correspondents, and will add fully. The railroads udoubtedlynaro constant snoer upon his lips. lose hink çverything in Mexican methods United Statesli then informs inclo myself also in wondering conjecture is a mistakc; tlicy will introducc real unemployed, startling capitals, that intervention will not be illic pic Privilege and Democracy in Ameras to the clicct on his own character, Aincrican methods.
that they must look to the shops nic depicted by the jingo press xenica. estimates that they sical from us and those of the young boncath his But in a thousand ways American and to those who are working there rally and Hicarsi in particular, Is chargc, oi such appalling Jcsuitry. methods of business are ill adapted in; declares that there must be first, we pointed out recently, the, saga though they were presented, by our annually no less than 750, 000, 000; alto Mexican surroundings, and the revolutionary agitation among the cious Los Angeles Times Staníord University has some two altcmpt force them upon the unicmploydil icnding to prevent them among the first 10. sense the ganger would have made the great Napolcon noble lawmakers. with domains that thousand students, abon a quarter of country is purc folly; to other jor: from scabbing on their fellow slaves and declare, smothering its former whom are kirls. The girls, they tell cigners who go to Nexico make that in the shops, and, second, thosc al warlike clamor, that thc Unite kasp. Xererilicless Elliott is right in mc, regard it mainly as oficring alaticmpi. Even the English do not work must be willing to divide up States is cutitled to call on Europe going on irelay, and in saying that the pointing the finger oi scorit at what is promising field for matrimonial ad and inc Germans, the firench, and the work available. There iollows. lor assistence. We are glad to nolcnroduction since January, of 110 less ventures, though a certain number of Talians adapt themselves to the con of course, a strong appeal to organ thai back down has 31tracica thic well to do cxpcci lo acquire a lit ditions of the country as far as pos izc into one big union. line dice much attention. Similarly The Bul. oi our railroads spells hysteria gone than 395 bills affecting the operation crary polish which has an acknowl sible, and not the conditions of the for the starving!
cxcit social valuc, whilc a small mi country to thcir own ideas. So therc nority is bort on passing cxamina cxists between ilcm and the Mexio turns with sclici to fucrza Cons six days or desperate figliling. during the Britishi From such official mockerics one itorially: Torrcon was taken after raying mad.
In the ion years ending with 1909 tions loy which it will quality for cans it much better fccling than bc cicntc, organ of our Spanish speak which about one nian out of cvery inflicteil on their happy hclors no makers at Westninsler caclerships. The boys are there for tween the ladies and ourselves.
ing comradcs in San Francisco. It is lous engaged was. cither killed similar commercinl reasons: thcir cic Another reason ihc Nexicans do irying, at Isast, to do something prac.
less than 832 new laws, and condiwoundeal. Wouldn it be a nice littions in lingland grow cver more unLolion to law. Inedicinc. chemisiry of not forcus is that they have had small sical; proposing immediate relici for holiday excursion for Icw merother special studies, being soncrated (reason to admire our official repre ncods that will not wait.
bearable. But during the same periodi It points can regiments to go down into ex.
by their desire to catch in alicr yours, sentatives among them. Our consular our own lcgislative tyrants tied us up out and can. Think of no:hing ico and drive these senile fighters with 16, 000. and the biller wail of the as casily as possible, inc nimble dol service the world over has been a which requires pointing out so stern out?
lar. Tlicsail of commercialism is over laughing stock; particularly as it lyuthat strikes, as at present CON The campaign against intervention unemployer is echoing throughout the all of its according in the sad cesti been a disgrace in Mexico. Oiton our ducted alike by the and will receive material aid iroin the arcouniry as it nicics did beforc.
The whole representative systein is mony of idcalists whom interviewed: representatives, there have ben men of are really a hindrance to the ricic by Gen. John lioster pub.
which the a philosophy of life, it could not be or social training, and with no morallio recover the wcalth, and opportun March 30. for Gen. Foster is a rec blind us so what is happening in the clowns stir up the clustthat thcy inży otherwise. Von cannot gather grapes idcals.
from thorns or ligs from thistles. We are infornied that ities for crcaling wcalth, of which he ognized authority, having been Scc.
ring. Sot Onc in ten thousand lias an con has been despoiled. It says: retary oi Statc under President ilas.
Youth cannot bc cnthused with love sular officer, still occupying one of of Icarning for Icarning sake when the most important positions in the strikc movements were cmployed into Mexico, Spain and Russia. If the clioris spent in organizing rison and United States ambassador adequate acquaintance with the dictails of the businesses their mca surcs seck lic to control, for nincicc! twenticihs of recd unceasingly to follow the car servicc, had to have the superintend organizing the producers, whether in writes, among other things: The apample of a Stanford. The student will coat of schools in his own town write or out of work, into a mass bort on peal io the Monroc Doctrine, so often themare la 15, who know only bow their lungs. Not onc in 110l venture from the sale path of or his letter of accopiance for him when entering into possession of the wealth made in the press and by public men thodoxy, while walking daily amid his appointment came from Washing it has created, undoubtedly the re to justify intervention, is entirely unthousands of them can have the surroundings that preach respectabil on the affairs of his office have sults attained would be more positive warranted. We should think so in Roud of his constituents whole soulce When been in the hands of a painstaking and the coming social transiormation dccd, for the Monroc Doctrine was kecping themselves in office, and scclaicr life forces him into contact with Gerinan assistant, who is not csen an would reccive a great impctus.
the social struggle, it is casy to forc Ancrican citizco!
sketches al considerabic length the lowers that they must not intcricre ondly, to maintaining their own party cast the coinnicrcially calculated rolc Thc incompclcncc of our in power at any cost.
repre: methods to bc cmployed, and is un in the internal aiſairs of the young he will assume. The Stanford mil, sentatives as officials, their lack of derstand that a movement looking in Republics South oi us, but leave them lions and the Stanford traditions will character af men, their scant mental that and is scriously aſool. As it ca. 10 work out their own destinics and have donc thcir work.
cudowments and total lack oi social plains, this is what the disinherical manage their own ailairs. It is, of SEND IN YOUR NAMES.
qualitics, have done much to make will have to do sooner or later, and all doctrines conceivable, that which Thc publishers of the forthcoming Palo Alto is the university town. the Mexicans despise us.
the idea that a number of intermedi. should bar u irom intrusivc meslo Land and Liberty, who are now The audience that patronized my loc: The Mexicans hate us because we atc bridges must first be crossed is a dlink. Gen. Fastçe says also that installing a printing plant purchased on The Nexican Revolution bare deprived them of territory. The dclusion, cultivated scdulously by la the injuries inflicted on Americans last week, write us asking for the numbered about ſiity, three of whom loss of Texas was a scrious blow, and bor politicians, in Verico are not to be coinpared to names and addrcssesoi thosc to were Stanford students; but it lis they have always ascribed it to us.
thosc suiícred by Great Britain and whom it will be worth their while lo iched alicntively, asked many ques. We look from themi more than HALF france during our own Civil War, send sample copies. That is work in tions and bougiit all the literature their territory as a result oi thc unThc cditor oi this section has been and government ar that timc which all can assist the proposed had. Unluckily it was vacation weck, just war of 1847. We took advantage lecturing at Palo Alo and San Jose would not tolerate the suggestion of propaganda and also that of Regebut the town was full of students, and of Mexico internal difficulties at the where he was the guest of Mr. and intervention, Secretary Scward even neracion. doubt if the result would have been time, and the Blexican war was nors. Niclsen and 31rs. Hipolito. Wc rciusing to receive a joint visit from materially different had term been on srcat credit to our ability, are in great hopes that we may be thc ambassadors of the aggrieved Of necessity our universities have to As a faci, we wanted landmand wc ablc 10 reach mosc oi the smaller countries.
make use of text books which bristle TOOK it! cxico has not forgolion Calilornian towns this summer with the annual mecting oi the with promptings to revolt, for our she will not forget that acu talks on Mexico and the land ques. American Academy of Political and the southern sicer le collowing station great educational are also our great It is not strange that she suspects sion, for, while much interest is al Social Science, held in Philadelphia Qalirousias llaves 111.
olutionary writers. cioco necessitg us in the present, with this record of are shown the General ignorance in April British journalist named the literature conduct laboratory experiments which The idea prevails throughout the columns 10 sho wariare between Fed. it would be easier to explain the at Toth, 123. To the mim Arey, Land as. laugh out of court the fairy: repüblic that we have our cyes on erals and Constitutionalists, but ab litude of Europe toward the Monroe 14. preceived from the Spanish speaks lales. But finitely stronger than spirit of is in lower California and that we are en stains as religiously as ever íroin ex Doctrine in Europe knew what the market blbosted by the Committee to the text Icouraging the rebellion in the north, plaining inc. economic wrongs which doctrine really was, Former Gov. Ele. CEYHAL TOTALI 177, 13.
books, and that spirit is commercial; It is believed that we hope to play have driven Vexico into revolution: ernor McCorkle retorted that EuroVICTOR CRAVELLO, Pio, Ste.
WS to its onc Itan.
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