
Navarro, who is still bottled up at Mal Paso says, way an. ico. u.
As of defense pronounced before the EUROPE LOSES Idency will devolve upon Doa Ramon judge of Chihuahua who sentenced Corral, the vice president, if any.
Publlahed overy Saturday at 19 him to prison. Mexicaps consider FAITH IN DIAZ thing should happen to Don: Poririo 4th ft. Los Angeles, Cal.
this masterpiece of revolutionary Diaz in the course of the fresh term Tolophuno; Homo 1360.
logic and fire. The book is printed in of six years upon which he entered Labuription raton: Spanish. It may be secured from this Revolution proves rottenness Revolutionists almost annihilate column sent to relieve last month. Corral is not a sole Per sanum 00 otice for twenty five cents a copy.
at heart existing system and dier; he does not enjoy the almost.
Put months 10 er three monthn. 60 special dispatch to the San Franconservative press of world, legendary reputation of his chlel.
which once defended him, aally; bút; as the British organ polnts cisco Call from San Antonio, dated Other Rebel Successes BUNDLE ORDERS.
Dec. 29, declares that the wife of now point finger of accus out; he is an administrator, bitted, 100 copies 00 Francisco, Madero has received a 18. 00 800 copies ation at dictator.
with exceptional strungth of wlll, and Dispatches printed in Los Angeles Jauttientle reports of all are those predicts Chthuahua will be the first letter from her husbard, who writes to be he would not be colorless as chief 1000 coples 20. 00 from the malo camp of the revolu January and say that, to word received from the Jefe po United States from the vicinity of not expect this to occur unth the magistrate. As for those who could tlonists Dear Mal Paso. The courier the income Tanel, Coahuila, the Liberal thio ighting, provided such persons rebels have recruited a constaarable votes three pages to the Mexican rev low the reflections of this authorits Current Literature for Japuary de possibly captivate the people, to fol.
Laitor and Proprietor, Anselmo who brought the letter is reported as forces under Praxedis Guerrero, are not moved by business reasons farmy and have increased their ar olution, although when the three further. there is Madero, who led Bignoroa asserting that General Navarro, comtook the town of Janos, bpt that in to distort the truth. The following tillery by the Do tored a hegoad class matter mander in chlef of the federal troops the assault Guerrero was killed. As remarkable interview printed in the number of machine guns. These, he pages were written the editors had the inglorious rising of the past few fopten bor 12, 1910, at the post o in the field, has been killed, but that this report has not been confirmed Los Angeles Herald, January 3, we says, are being smuggled across the been deceived in common with the weeks, and there is Reyes, the one ace at Lot Angeles, Californla, under the fact is belog kept secret for fear est of the world by the press manip strong soldier besides Diaz the repubthe Act ot March 3, 1879.
that it might cause the troops to de the editors of this paper look upon belleve, will give the reader fair, border and carried in by small steam.
ulation of Diaz Into believing that lic can boast.
No. 10.
sert faster than ever to the revolution. it with suspicion and consider that it conception of the heroic fighting of ers at obscure, ports on the Pacific the revolution was over: It is at the same coast.
Saturday, January 7, 1911, Ists.
Newspapers Complain at Próss CenWe are moved to remark that is most likely one moro Ite that the the revolutionists.
American machine gunners recentOne month ago the Literary Disorship.
whether Navarro is dead or not, this government has sent out to distract time a strong prophecy of their ultigest printed extracts Irom a long list the attention from its own reverses mate success: Iš discharged from the Philippine of conservative American newspap by the troops of Diaz, of the serious Stories of the capture of Madero Is just the way the Mexican governThe cause of the Mexican rebel is ment would act in the matter, jude, and to discourage Liberals who just American Tells of Rebel Successes service have been offered large sumers which, in commenting on the rev wound sustained by Madero sin the cause of Liberty.
at this tinjo aro hurrying homo in the. by the rebels to rapia ing from the past.
Iarge numbers to take part in the seat of a Mexican coach on the alkall fire guns, he olution, spoke unfavorably of Diaz. pitched battle near the frontier of Many Reports of Rebel Victories These extracts went to show that re Texas, and of the ap jearance of MaAmericans who have traveled in struggle against tho despotism. We covered pralrte fire miles west of the The editors of Regeneraclon have cent events have opened the eyes of a dero in this country are alike reMexico other recently or in former recelved a private letter from Ojlnado not believe that Guerrero is dead. city of Chihuahua, is the special dispatch to the Mexican times aro lovited to send in their im ga, stating that after the battle which we believe that he is alivo and fight. American resident of that place, who Herald, Dec. 29, states that an attack Food many publications to the true fected by the European dailies becharacter of the Diaz system, and that cause of the censorship. Eres the pressions for publication on this page. took place in that town, in which the ing at the bead of an increasing body arrived in Los Angeles yesterday, wit on Cordoba, which might be called rebels were victorious, the routed ted. of men and we shall continue to be nessed a fierce battle between the the gateway city to the worst slave publishers who only recently fran London Times complains of this supA dispatch printed in the Oakland lieve this until there is more evidence rebels and federal troops recently. camp regions of the south, is ex: tically defended bim are now darlog pression of despatches, of which it eral troops entered a rancho, burned Tribune, December 30, says that Mox the house and barn, killed all the to the contrary than an alleged tele With the unconcern for his per pected.
to speak the truth The same day the Mexican has been itself a victim, The use of Jolo politico sonal safety that.
Now comes Current Literature with the railroad telegraph lines was proIcan rob hayo bought the former stock and fowl and created general Sram or letter from a that he would have, fent Herald prints a story of of two successextended quotations to show that the hibited. Crulser Detrolt to use la an ex devastation. That no human beings who is trying to boost hlmselt into in watching a football game from es by rebel troops in the chihuahua The policy is a short sightpedition against the gull coast of Mex Wero kliled is due only to the fact that the limelight and at the same time the side lines, this American bade his mountains, consisting in the taking on rative press of Europe, as well ed one, as it favors the disseminathere were none to be found on the curry greater favor with the govern. frightened cochero drive to a point of San Felipe de la Punta and Omeal as that of America, is beginning to tion of rumors of local origin and wake up to the difference between a makes it impossible to verify news dispatch from El Paso, Dec place.
Such is the way of armies ment. If it turns ont that our loved of vantage of the plain, and while ca.
statesman and barbarian dictator.
from the border correspondents, who Theru aro reports of the revolution to ight for any cause but that oland gallaut brother Das rallen, hoy bullets shot over his head and on 29 tells of rebel successes east of Old Faith in Diaz is. Shaken having spread to Sonora. One dlsare frequently hostile to plaz. One liberty. Such is the vandalism, the ever sad, and deplorable that fact either side with nervous frequency he Juarez and says that Colonel Jose Wül be, it will make no difference smoked away at a series of black Perfecto Lomeli Far more serious than any other correspondent in Mexico is not hostile patch has it that an American is leadthe ingurgent genseless brutality of army officers ing ono body of govorament fighters who look to the great butcher Diaz, result of the suppressed insurrection to Diaz the journalist serving the with the revolution. The revolution papered cigarettes and saw men army is in El Paso from Ojinaga, to from the Diaz point of view, against the rebels.
says London May this Amerwill go on, Liberty cannot be at picked off without oumper from the have hoppers made from a machine Telegraph. Hear him: as the highest in command. Have you Ican bo killed at the first volley.
Current Literature, is the revelation There is no tained without the blood of many ranks of the onrushingi rebels. gün which had been captured from revolution on toot in heard of any such Uutrages being it afforded Europe of the existence of Mexico.
good men.
150 Federal Soldiers Killed in the regulars.
There has been disorder on committed by insurrectos? Rest aswidespread disaffection.
Mexicang, get a good sun and 80 sured that if they had happened the Skirmish. special to El Páls, City of Mes not peruse European comment upon brigands, and occasionally, raids on One can the part of low class characters and homo and ight for the liberty of People who trust to their local pa One may judge that it was not a ico, from Marfa, Texas, published hostile press of this country would pers alone for the real news of the play battle from the official announce, Dec. 31, says that revolutionists are London, in Paris and in Berlin the as exist are not organized. They opthe episode without realizing that to small isolated towns; but such rebels your country. But be careful that no qulokly inform you of the fact. Perolutions are very likely to be led ment that 150 federal troopers tailed increasing in number in the vicinity old faith in affairs Mexican has re erate in small parties only, and diAmerican policeman sees you with tho Sun The American policefar astray. At least that is the case to answer joll call when the march of Ojinaga, and that already there ceived a shock. Nothing so delight rectly the soldiers appear at least those of the border towns FURLONG FILES in Los Angeles. It seems that the was begun back to town late that have been four encounters between they rur ed the foreign investor as the unfail. precipitately.
are just aow working for Diaz.
papers of this city dellberately sup afternoon, them and the federal troops, the This authority re. ing punctuality with which the Inter ports the capture of Madero, and de SUIT FOR press the dispatches favorable to the The American spectator sat alone Tost serious one hařing occurred at est upon the public debt of Mexico. nies the Remember, citizens ot the sweet patriot cause.
in his coach for three hours that day, El Mulato, a nearby town on the existence of hostility to has been met. The surplus in the Americans in any Mexican bosom.
land of liberty, that every move made LIBEL For example, Los Angeles papers while his driver discreetly placed his Rio Grande, where there are said to national treasury, the good faith of Sycophants Responsible for Revolt.
by American soldlers at the border to told us that Mal Paso was retaken two þorses between himself and the be about 500 rebels well provided the federal administration, the anxtrom prevent Mexicans Nothing is less easy than an analyreturning IS THIS MOVE PRELIMINARY TO by the federals and the revolution line whence the greatest ire was em with horses and provisions.
homo to nght, Is a bolt driven to upIsts put to rout. Into one paper anating.
Ojinaga, garrisoned by somg 200 lety to make a favorable impression is of a situation thus obzcured by a hold tho tottoring edlice of despotTHE ATTERIPTED SUPPRESSION upon banking houses in the great medley of dispatches and comment, there slipped a statement that the The American is a dentist in Chi men, is in daily expectation of an at: tam, with all its hideous adjuncts of OF BARBAROUS MEXICO? reliet column of Diaz was badiy de buahua and ming owner as well. tack by revolutionists who have been capitals of the old world have all canfasses the London Times.
moralized at Casa Colorado, losing who requests that his name be with encamped about the town for several combined to make the name of Diaz There are, no doubt, some very será slavery, starvation and massacre, synonymous in Europe with solid sta tous defects in the system of governThomas Furlong, read of the Fur 600 men, while the insurrectos lost held for fear that its use would en days, bility. Now even that old and tried ment which he (Diaz) has introduced.
He ar Tho Los Angeles newapapers priatlong Detective Agency. of St. Louis, almost none. But the next day this danger his interests there.
Among the rebel leaders operating lose about the revolution than do the a branch of the Pinkerton detective statement was reported being rived here to spend the holidays and in the vicinity are Bruno Hernandez, champion of Diaz, the London Times, Mexica may be a republic in name, reflects who committed the three false. Other avenues of information will return early in January. He a Cuban newspaper man, and Jose dubiously upon papers of many other American cities, trust, hich elects its president and governs despite the fact that the large aum orimes of false arrest, battery and however, less tạinted, tell us that the might have bad company to witness de la Luzzoto, who fostered an anti come when Diaz has to do it per teøll in accordance with the popular ber of concessionalres here would ar burglary, and who apparently plan statement was false only. In that the the battlė, þut bis American friends government propaganda during the mits itself to inquire il, after all, the will; but Senor Madero, whose candlkuo a greater laterest la Mexican al ned the additional crimes of kidnap federal 2088 was underestimated, whom he invited to accompany him recent election.
Mexican republic has not outgrown dacy for the presidency in June was the patriarchal system under which it conducted from behind prigon wall, falra, Or is it because these conces plog, when, August 23, 1907, at the that General Luque lost, not 600, but courteously declined.
United States Helps Diaz Again blonalres aro located here that com head of a squad of thugs he arrested 1, 000 men. Read this from the Wo Cavalry is put to, Rout.
During the past few days severa: has lived and iourished for more than would probably be able to explain The main engagement of which he reports have come of undue activity a geperation.
Deratively little is printed? Is It still Magon, Villarreal and Rivera, who man National Daily published. Janthat the popular will is very carefully Dictator Best Friends Accuse Him.
aoother caso ot skllfully applied la admitted on tbe witgess stand a little uary 2: was one of the few foreign spectat on the part of American officials. Re One great peril of the times in be in reality a widespread popular te cuided in its course, then, there fluenco upon Journalism?
Meets later that he had been hired by the General Latque Crushing (ors, occurred November 27 at a little ports are that American troops which Mexican government Defeat.
Seven had skirmished for a few days along Mexico, concedes the British daily, volt against the administration of do these place called Las Escobas.
is the persistent muzzling of the Tho United States President Diaz, it is due, this observer government things, who bragged that he had El Paso, Tex. Jan. The Mexi hundred men went out from Chihua the Arizona border and later had seems to be exceedlagly zealous 10 got 180 Mexican revolutionlsts and can revolutionists are in control or bua under the command of Gen. Na been withdrawn wero sent back again pressa muzzling repudiated by the fears, to a growing popular desire for official world, but credited by the the reality instead of the semblance prevonting the violation of the neu turned them over to the Mexican gove practically the entire state of Chihua varro to wipe out a little band of to prevent the crossing of Mexicans Doubtless the trality laws, always taterpreting these ernment, which mads short work of hua as the result of the crushing de rebels in the hills not far from there, iato Sonora. One of these dispatches; Londoners. As serious as the censor of democratic control.
ship, to the way of thinking of the sycophants who from interested mo.
laws, however, la a manner favorable them, who admitted that his object Leat of Ger. Luque rellet column, he says. An advance guard of 100 showing the understanding and the to tho Diaz rogline.
The co operation between the two govern London Times again, is the unspar tives have lauded the Diaz Bystem to Small wonder, in arresting Magon, Villarreal and which was attacked Casa cavalrymen rode out ahead.
ing absolutism of the authorities the skies as official perfection are reslaco capital and tyranny are old cro Rivera was to get them down into Colorado when en route to succor horsemen were fred on by the rebels mients is the following: generally. They rule even a DOUGLAS. Ariz. Jan.
sponsible, partly, ples, both having as their object the Arizona where it would be easy to Gen. Navarro command, which is as they entered the mouth of a can the Paris. Tempe yrlading down of the people for their set them across the line, has sued besleged at Mal Paso. Dispatches re yon and retreated in great disorder. troop of cavalry froni Fort Huachuca paper constitution were best torn up, thinks; for the reaction now setting own rapacious saln.
the St. Louis Dally Times for print ceived here confirming the defeat of When they were about to rejoin returned to the border today, hali. or so the British friend of Diaz in the that lag an interview referring to these Gen, Luque stated Heast the main body of 600 Infantry, which going to Naco and half to Douglas press fears, village, to guote this.
Completo sobriety and perfect dis crimes of his!
1, 000 men bad fallen in the engage was proceeding along the road to the troop from Fort Whipple has arcommentator; is administered by its THE SUBCONSCIOUS MIND.
clpllae seem to bo the order with the Think of detective suing for ment. The first loss of ille, placea canyon, the entire body was suddenly Fived at Fort Huachuca to take the alcalde, who; so long as he does not displease the persoas over him, can troopers sent And Thomas Furlong, of all at 600, was underestimated, these swept by a. devastating fire from de place of the from Is it the undeceivable subconscious Aghting patrioty. citizen arallated libel!
with colther sido took advantage of detectives!
dispatches say.
The retüm of United States practically please himself. higher mind that reveals the truth at bottom, For 40, 000, too!
Gez. Luque coit. hlad an old adobe wall that paralleled here.
functionary is the jefe politico, who in spite of the most rigorous, press unsettled conditions to rob a hospital It is laughable, and it is also welt, månd was nearly annihilated by the the road. At the samei moment the troops indicates that the Mexican of Its Iquor, then to gather band of what does it mean? Would Furlong rebels. The insurrecto 1088 is sala rear guard of 100 cavalrymen was at government wishes to be in a posi rules, the canton and is equally des censorship, when we read in the press toperg together and terrorize some attempt such a brazen thing all by to be under 50.
tacked by another group of rebels.
Elon to withdraw every soldier from potic. Above him is the governor of allowed to be issued in Mexico the the state, whose powers are extreme items reported within the last month halmets. The revolutlonlsts caught himselt? Would he try it unless he Navarro Captures Mal Paso, But Is Rebels Attack from Ten to Twenty the international ling in case of emerly wide.
the leader and executed him.
There is a congress, to be in chronological order given as news AD had the assurance of some strong inBottled Up.
Times Own Number gency, leaving the guardianship of the Bure, for every state, but its deliber first on the robber bands on the borother man, a negro, who attempted to Nuence that the right judge would Tho revolutionists have displayed The infantry made a flerce charge, border to American troops.
8011 liquor to the dghters, was given be found to try the case, that the local consummate military skill in recent cleared the adobe wall, and drove the Arms Going from Pacific Coast Ports, atlong do not usually give the gover der, later on the resolt in Chihuathe scare of his life and his stock of officials would see that the right aģhting. After Navarro captured the rebels into the hills. But the signifi special to the Los Angeles Her: nor as much concern as the remarks hua, and finally on the par in the of shareholders give to the president, north.
bottles wag brokon at bls (cat. jury was selected to determine the town of Mal Paso in a sertes of sharp cant story of the battle was that but ald, printed Dec. 30, would seem to of a company whose dividends are at engagements, the rebels cleverly. be twelve bodies of rebels were found in indicate activity by Pacific Coast offi.
These designations were allowed to merits of the case?
the rate of a hundred per cent. This be given in such goody good papers Limantour is still in Europe deny Are the conspirators against the leaguered the town, surrounding it the mesquite bushes back of the wall, cials. It reads: is not the comment of a refugee from like La Evolucion. Durango, which ing that thero is a revolution la Mex rights of political refugees getting on all sides and planting long range while 150 federal soldiers were killed. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 30. That Mexico.
from It is the careful statement tact can be verified by careful perusaf.
Ico and trying to raiso a loan for the busy agalo in this country, and, as a suns on the heights overlooking the It was later learped that but thirty the steamer Lakmé, bound have government. But the brilliant Anaa. prellminary, taking steps to shut up barracks. Scouts who man ive rebels behind the wall made the Seattle for Mexican ports, is belleved of the best friend of Diaz in the of that brave government paper.
world s, press.
clor cannot succeed in doing so. All some publications which have been aged to steal out of the town and assault on twenty times their number. to have gotten out of San Pedro harNot an Atom of Local Sell Govbla craftiness avalls him nothing. In speaking out of late? Is this a pre pass through the rebel lines declare hale dozen rebéis la front and rear, bor with ammunition for the Mexican ernment.
vala ho wheedtes, cajoles, prostrates liminary to the prosecution of the that great suffering is prevalent in fortifed: In: the hills, picked off the revolutionists, despite a hasty search Could General Diaz be brought to himseil dolore the bankors of Europe. author and publishers of Barbarous Mal Paso. Not only soldiers, but cit. Dlaz cavalrymen at will, made by Collector Cornelius PenPainter, Decorator and Paper Hanger permit the residents. of small towns No rovolutlon tu Muxlco! they say. Mexico for libel and the attempted Izens, are on the verge of starvation. This is the story of the revolution dieton, is the statement made by Colto choose their local officials for them. 1652 San Fernando Street, Los AngeThe regulars have been placed on up to date. Well, wo re from Mlssouri, friend Li suppression of that book?
says the American. In lector Stratton of San Franselves, according to the London les, Cal.
mantour; you ll have to ahow us! We shall certainly watch this case hall rations and nearly all of the every battle the rebels have attacked cisco.
Times, a beginning might be made with interest. We have not the public buildings have been turned forces from ten to twenty times as Stratton is on the lookout for all in the practice of self government. Best work done at moderate prices.
Strange how tho Los Angoles Times slightest hesitancy in saylog that, it into hospitals or sleeplng quarters strong numerically and have always vessels bearing arms, ammunition and will put a hoad such as Federal justice were done in this case, Fur for the soldiers.
Pictures on linen, silk or felvet a cialmed a larger number of casualities supplies for the revolutionists. That Mexicans bave no esperlence in selfDoes that look as it the revolu from their opponents than the total these were being shipped trom var: Troops of Mexico Put Band ot Insur long would not only not be able to government, however, we are remindrectos to Flight, over a story which bring sult for libel, but that he would tionists are losing? Here another number of their force, fous coast ports was the information ed by the Paris Temps, and perhaps specialty. Ļlkeness guaarñtced. Pictolls ol rovolutionist victory! Was prlated in the same paper under the Predicte Big Battle Near Minaca today be langulshing in aq the Diaz system is the best for them. tures in:011, 16x20 in oval or square ierican same date.
the writer of that head so stupid that When dispatch like iven to Stratton and to the authoriThe next big battle will be fought But when Diaz is no more? The pres frame 00.
ho could penitentiary for flagrant violation of this gets past the censor now and on the line of the Northwestern rall ties of Washington by Dr: Ornelas, not read the dispatch Stratton reAright? Or, sface tota very thing has Amerlcan laws in order to serve his then you may be sure that all is not road near Minaca, he says. This bato Mexican consul there.
so ofton happened before in the master, Dictator Diaz.
quiet in the South: tie will be a supreme effort on the ceived particular instructions to seize.
Times, must we conclude that GenSituation Most Serious Yet.
offor forces 10. reVera Cruz, Mexico, Jan. 1: Revolt claim the rallroad from the neth the Lakme, which sailed about tea ern! Otis large concession of land APPRECIATION FREE trom Diaz is the force that creates has broken out in southern Mexico gents, who have successfälly held the days ago from Seattle. The Lakme The Junta duly thanks the symptoms and the situation is more serious llae for weeks. gen. Navarro Has however, did not put into this port; the dellberate 110?
With one year subscription to Regeneraclon.
thizers and comrades of Redlands for than at any time since Gen. Madero about 1000 men in camp near Minaca and Stratton notified Pendleton de The English page of this paper is to be made much more interesting Poeslas is a 108 page book of the aid that has been ſent to the spe gave the signal for uprising to his land is waſting for additional rein. said today that Pendleton had had than ever before. Regeneracion is the only paper that tells in English the pooms and other writinga by Juan cial delegate in his work in behalf of followers in the north. Revoldtion forcements before making the attack time only to make a hasty. search. true story of the progress of the Mexican revolution. Barbarous Mexico. ary leaders have been at in the Meanwhile the rebels, who re Sarabia, vice prealdeat of the Liberal the Mexican Liberal Party.
is the only book that tells the truth about Mexican slavery and the polidcal.
Clayton Herrington, local repreJunta, who is now a prisoner in San The Janta hopes that the delegates 18: reported that Madero: Las southera states for some time and it thought to number 2000 in thawenbeen tire section of country, are mässing sentative of the department öt justice, partnership, between American capital and Diaz which has made it pos sible.
Juan de lua. This book has just and will continue to be helpful, as they there is alagutse. plot has been inele forces for a decisivo engage is said to be in Los Angeles at the Send today and get the book with a year subscription to the Hleded under the direction of Mappel have been in the past, since if they discovered in Yucatan to seize one ment.
present Ume on the watch for atOr send 50 and get the book with six months subscription to paper.
Sarabia, his cogala. Among tho prose are so, the cause of Uborty will relor more ports.
The American from Chihuahua bays tempted shipments of arms to Mere the paperi placen la the book la Sarabia spooch oeiro vigorous forward impulse. It will be conceded that the most tho rebola will eventually win.
He ico.
Address REGENERACION, 619 Fast Fourth St. Los Angeles, Cali to Dear as if The ini at. BARBAROUS MEXICO