English Section REGENERACION DITAD Regeneracion.
Spirit of Revolt. cailor UP This is up Syndicalism and the Revolution as has nato, the army, tho Judgos apd govorimont would bo moro ompty words Published evory Saturday 519 with no moro power than the threuth iud comanda of Xorxon Oyor tu. 4th St. Angelun, Coul WIL VOS of the liclogpont.
So ун Again Postponed World Agitation Milwaukee Hard Tolephone Home 1:160)
MAX Nordun.
Hubucription ratos.
Tlie collowing circular spoaks for Per in hull 00 No sensiblo man will cito a f16 Per a month.
stsole and to reproduced us a sample African Editor Shows 10 aliout tho triumph of Soolullen or Murder Charges PAT by which othor cities may well copy: ir mouth 00 Annrohim ns nucl: On the contrary, July 19th, 1911.
warned by the tragody of human hisAgainst Laflin and Moxican Revolutionary Contoronco Up Transparent DUNIU ORIHIS.
tory, ho will drond the elevation of of New York, Forrer Center, St. 10 coptos. 8. 00 any lum into a fotish, What wo Bitter Political Campaign Merely Fallacies SIM) coples 149. 00 are after ls royulty, what we want 19 Reed Dismissed Murka Placo, Conrados and Friends: 100) coples 20. 00 lllo that shall bo worth tho living.
An ronds lend to Union Squaro on lavo 10 Socialists in the city counIn Johannegburg. Africa. wo Il scoma liko working a hardship Saturdny afternoon and evening, whoro And the hopeful sign of the timos is Fans Flames of Discontent among on those inon to koop thom in prison a Protest Mass Meoting will be hold bership of that council dla nat Inoll.
nad Proprietor, Anselmo that the workorg grow impatient; During my throo years menFixuoron that thoy wunry of holding the bak any lovgør, sald Judge Wellborn, on to denounce in emphatlo terms the at.
for caders who load nowhero and of ordering, July 25, dismissal of the Impoverished Masses titude of the United States govorn. of tho sobaunesburg capitalists. They Huence, the municipalization polloy mlangors who only manage to drive charges of murder preferrod by the ient toward the Mexican Revolution. Encered 89 gecond olaga mattor them into the broad line and to the Mexican authorities asuinat J, havo munlolbal street cars, municiIsts.
Hoptombor 12, 1910, at the post ofshelter of the municipal lodging Laflin and Samuel Reed, In connocpal wator, municipal light and. gas, Among the speakers will be those 804 at Los Angoles, California, oader house, weary of serving as food for Madero Vehemently Denounces Strikes and tion with the revolutionary struggle foremost in the radical labor movemunicipal markets, municipal slaughThe Act of March 3, 1879.
powder in political battles; weary of in Lower Callfornia. It appeare, ter houses, muntolpal stock yards, ment of America: ne continued, that the Mexican con Just back from her tour of the conthe niñana policy with which 11 Emma Goldman, calls on all save Government municipal parks and farms, munici: Vi. 18.
has hecn the fashion to twit Mexiyul 18 not even acting for his governtinent; Joseph Ettor, General Execupal shops and houses, etc.
Saturday, July 22, 11)11.
cans, though we ourselves still ilyment, and am reluctant to continuo to date Forces to Disarm tive Board member of the Industrial Capitalism. See how it tou subraissively to pald party ornthe imprisonment on those charges.
Workers of the World; Harry Kelly, tors who preach patience and exude Laflin and Reed have been in cus Organizer of the Francisco Ferrer AsCheaper stroot cars transport the Having been accused of exaggerating the upheaval in Mexico, and even at every pero inoralizations on the tody since June 26, when they vaof manufacturing evidence to support our asgertious, we Alied more than sociation; Jaime Vidal; Jean Jacques wage slaves to the distant suburbs slow processes of ovolution It ja cated Tia Juana and surrendered to where land two pages of our Spanish section last week with clippings taken from such the United States at Fort Rogecrane.
Coronel; Boris and others.
and ront are cheaper.
well. say, that the asses are capitalist papers xa the Times, Examiner, and Horald of Los An From the first the Mexican authorOn June 14th the entiro organizCheaper water, light and gas enable showing signs of Impatience, 1t1s yeles, anel El imparcial, El Diario, and Di Pais, of Mexico, every) Ities, who accused them of murder, ing Junta of the Mexican the shopkeeper Liberal to add a smaller excellent that they are beginning lo one of which supported our statements, margin to the cost price of his imIn the English section our fafor have pursued their customary polley Magon, after two weeks in jall, was Party was arrested. Ricardo Flores understand the strength that lies in mation was taken, as it has been almost invariably, from leading American of proorastination, failing to appear able to obtain 5, 000 bafl, but was ported goods, Markets, slaughter What is especially alarning attack and the fatal weakness of houses, cbeapen the price of meat about Syndicalism is that it appeared standing everlastingly in the apolo and Mexican dallies, specially selected as unlikely to magnify disturbances. in court or present evidence of any hardly out when he was again im fruit and vegetables. Cheaper llyand guddenly manifested itself in the getle attitude of defense: It is ad While containing 10 accounts of pitched battles, it was probably the stordescription. Notwithstanding which, prisoned. Various attempts have been ing all round means cheaper wages, immediately every new mirable that the adividual syndical mlest number we have issued, so far as guerrilla activity and political enJudge Wellborn had same manner for cost of living and wages are made to suppress. Regeneracion, the rendered his deoision Reed was reforce in history The quotation is ist is recognizing that if he wants counters, strikes and peon uprisings are concerned.
official party organ, and Madero, the synonymous terms.
There are no signs of the storm abating. According to É) Pals, the from The Birth of a Now Power, his life looked after he must look urrested on a warrant charging him The Industrial Capitalists caq leading Roman Catholic organ, Madero dellvered a long speech at Atlixco, with robbery and signed by Diaz new Czar of Moxico, has been allowed by Max Norduu, published in the after it himself, July 19, devoted mainly to what has been his favorite theme of late. dis Prieto, Mexican consul at San Diego. Purtherance of his plan to crush all to use United And means of disposing of profis States territory in which come from municipal concerns. Los Angeles Examiner, of July 23.
armament. He declared specifically that only the troops necessary for the Nordau leaped into fame is the au Men are great precisely in proporThe cases against Gene. Rhys those not satisfied with a mere change Under Capitalism no Socialist Party thor of The Conventional Lies of tion to their capacity for discriniin. Preservation of order should bear arms. We treated this subject last week, Pryce and Jack Mosby, Ricardo of rulers, can find a means of spending profits our Civilization, one of the most atins between the essential and the in connection with a Times telegram which stated that, at Puebla, Madero Flores and Enrique Flores Magon, had asserted that throughout the Republic the Maderlsts should be dis Librado Rivera, Anselmo Figueroa, olution Conference yesterday it was At the meeting of the Mexican Rev.
from municipal enterprises, from outspoken books ever written, and, non essential; to the vigor which the capitalists wiú gala with armed, since their insubordination was a danger to the peace It is noto Pedro Salls and Dick Ferris ng therefore, suppressed with great, which they waive aside were ceremony rious that in numerous states the Maderists have been in open rebellion, continued until July 31, at the re natures, protesting against Taft vioalso decided to circulate lists for sigadvantage promptness by the Austrian govern and go to the heart of the busiBesides, her municipal businesses The rapid advance of Syndi negs that they have in hand, to the demanding back pay and elaiming that they expected land as the result quest of the assistant United States lation of the neptrality laws, the same ment.
are run on the cheap, for a whole of Madero triumph.
calism in France has now attracted boldness with which they strike a Our own advice was and is that. if they render attorney.
to be forwarded to Washington.
community acts individually aş volE. Kirk, who is defending Gens.
his attention and the article men bee line for their goal while medio themselves helpless by giving up their arms, they may whistle to the wind letter was received from Judith untary administrators and detectives tioned should be read by every one crities are bunting round for sale for the fulfillment of their late leader promises.
Pryce and Mosby against whom As bearing on this point we quote the following United Press dlspatch, there are charges of murder and ar the Western Federation of Minérs, exMountain Miner Union No. 107, of to see that got a cent is unwisely who desires to find his way through and easy paths. What applies to Martial law was enforced here today. son Salis, Laflin and Reed, sald: pressing sympathy and sending money tion is rank Capitalism, the ruling spent.
the mazes of the social movenient individuals applies with incalculably dated Agua Prieta, Mex, July 20: And knowing that municipaliza.
Its bearing on the Mexican Revolu added force to movements, and all No one was permitted to cross the international line into Douglas, Ariz. do not believe the government has order for 25. 00.
tlon is direct, for the work of the that Nordau says of the inherent The order was a result of mutiny of Madero insurrectos against being dis sufficient evidence to conviét my eliarmed. Bloodshed was threatened when the soldiers refused to surrender ents of a violation of the neutrality the evening of 41. 30, and expenses of The Treasurer reported receipts for Capitalists slyly and with apparent Mexican Liberal Party is, and has strength of Syndicalism must be reluctance permit Socialists. to, edu.
And as to the accusations, of been for the past eleven years, Syn said with even greater emphasis of their arms to Lieut. Col. Rafael Romero, the officer detailed to superintend laws. 75. or the balance, 30. 00 was for.
cate the people to that sentiment, dicalism incarnate.
the movement started by the Mex their discharge. Romero was taken prisoner by the mutineers but was re murder, arson and robbery, it is my warded to the Mexican Liberal Party knowing that a Socialist administraican Liberal Party and now rlpening leased after a promise to increase their pay.
opinion that these charges are being in Los Angeles.
tion will not have a mandate to do In his Atlixco speech, reported at great length by El Pais, Madero made by the Mexican officials in an: An appeal and call to action 18. bo Capitalist character, it can do nothCiting the fact that the union of into genuine economic revolution, more. and, this much being of wa.
laborers has recently tied up two im it is a great movement precisely be quoted from his election manifesto, reiterating what he said therein as to effort to hold the men in a United ing sent portant railways in France, and ser cause, like all born conquerors, 11 wealth being acquired only by frugality. He then addressed himself to States prison as long as possible. throughout the world calling upon the Ins for the unemployed, and in the others, Nordau considers that we are ness of its power; because it haser that it must be understood clearly that wages fluctuate, like merchan allowed by law for action on the ex Mexican comrades against the common in the International Soclalist Re.
iously threatened the activities of has been reckless in the conscious the question of strikes, which he reprobated most strongly, telling the work When the 40 days, which is the time workers everywhere, to support their end becomes discredited. Craw ford, Editor of the Voice of Labor. We should think even his pwn tradition charges, have expired, witnessing the beginning of a new sounded the economic note so loud dise, according to supply and demand.
enemy, Organizations in other cities look for the Institution of new com should form. similar conferences and he eniphasizes and clearly that it has brought a Socialist organ, El Radical, must find it hard to stomach. this.
historic epoch, and view. The conclusion the exhausted his rhetoric in the denunciation of per plaints, and think this practice will co operate with us to help the Mexican as most important the reflection with whole nation into arms, fighting to. which this article begins. He points the death for. life true essentials sons on the frontiers Mexico, recognized as ou renemies. as the enem be continued by the Mexican govern Revolutionists, in their struggle for ment until the United States fails to Land and Liberty.
ostel that all the great conquering Land and Liberty; bread and eco ies of the people the Mexican Liberal Party, of course.
movements of history have acted as nomic security for all. These are The same issue of El Pais states that traffic is paralyzed in Yucatan, recognize them.
The Mexican Revolution Conference syndicalism is acting; have sudden the true earmarks of greatness; of that steamers are unable to discharge, and that ithe bakers strike in Mexico of New York meets every Tuesday ry become conscious of their strength the greatness to which international City was for a time most threatening, the strikers stoning buildings, and evening at Ferrer Center, St; Marks and have swept everything before Syndicalism must rise if it is to play the gendarmes, whose duty it was to protect the property, flying in confusion. Its Pachuca correspondent reports a panic due to the rumor that Place. All radical organizations anà thet, attacking without quarter in the conquering role sketched out by progressive unions within distance are The following resolution was stitutions commonly eighty cases of dynamite had been stowed away in preparation for an uprisheld sacred Nordau.
urged to send delegates and contribute adopted by Branch Palo Alto, Local ing. The editor comment is that this does not appear to be a remote but, in reality, rotten to the narrow to the Defence Fund.
Santa Clara County, Cal. Social st of their bones. It is in no spirit of French Syndicalism has brought probability, for throughout Pachuca the talk is of conspiracies.
CHARLES LAWSON, Party, July 23, 1911; Turning to El Imparcial we find much space devoted to a rumored controversy that note his observa two national railway systeme to a Chairman.
We clip the extract given below Resolved. That it be the sense of tion that Syndicalism is powerful be standstill! Have you read the news plot to assassinate President De La Barra, and a detailed account, dated this body that we most emphatically cause it springs spontaneously from from Mexico, and do you know any July 18, of an audience granted by Madero to a committee representing from The International Sociallst, protest against the attitude of the the proletariat, whereas Socialism is thing of the complaints with which those who favor the candidacy of Don Pedro Barrenechea for the governor. Sydney, Australia. which took it Appeal to Reason towards the Mexrailroad a monumental theory. the intel Mexican managers, mine ship of San Luis Potosi, in opposition to Madero candidate. The commit from the Voice of Labor. Johanican Liberal Party. We believe lectual work of learned men trans managers, cotton mill managers are tee urged that the latter was legally ineligible, and insisted that the consti nesburg, South Africa. It contains that the Mexican Liberal Party de. planted into the bosom of the making the welkin ring? Get all tution and the San Luis Potosi agreement be respected. The satisfaction what Australian and South African serves our undivided support and the masses.
the enjoyment you possibly can out they received is suggested by El Imparcial head, which runs, will Socialists evidently consider importsupport of our press.
of life, and do so with the least break the constitution and the plan of Luis. This is the latest deelara ant truths, and the article is one that We admire and support the brave Nordau then explains the philos. amount of work possible is givention of Sr. Madero, made to the men of Potosi who called on him for per might well have been written in Regeneracion offices, for it is essenAn exceedingly well known Social and sincere fight being waged by the ophy of the Syndicalist movement, by Nordau as the shibboleth of Syn mission to elect their own governor.
ist, haping protested. vigorously Mexican Liberal Party and their offiThe same. issue contains a special letter from Sonora the state in tally, the lesson we are teaching: and that is far more important than dicalism!. Why, the whole of Mexagainst Congressmap Berger desig clal organ, REGENERACION, and any mere recital of its victories. He ico has gone on strike, declaring it which so much American capital is invested which contains the following Because we are teaching what Socialshows that its doctrine social struggle, now begin ists in British colonists recognize as nating Mexican Revolutionists ban deplore the attempt of the Appeal to is the will work no longer for the absentee pithy summary: It is not the political bu basic truths we are assalled without dits, the congressman secretary, Reason to belittle and vilify, this the foreign money ning, which is the grave problem in Sonora.
simplest workingman can understand, landlord and That is what the intense anfor it tells him frankly to be as sel loaner.
Also there appears in that issue, occupying more than two columns, a mercy by American Soclalists of the Mr. Ghent, rushes to his defense in lite anid death struggle for economic the New York Call. Here is what freedom.
fish as are his masters, to get the ti foreiga feeling generated by the denunciation of Madero by Sr. Serrano Ortiz, who asserts that Madero has Victor Berger stripe.
he says: utmost out of life; to pay no atten revolution really means; It is notice formed his camarilla in the first place for the benefit of his family, and, in Comrade Roland Sawyer seems Workers are encouraged to yote outside world that the second place, for that of the Maderist leaders. From all which it is tion to all the ine talk about pa served on the triotism, the welfare of society and Mexicans mean henceforth to work e vident that the election campaign, instead of leading to peace, is begetting because it keeps them amused and to me to mistake the Socialist posiThe Los Angeles Times, of July 26, says edi doesn hurt the capitalists. The de tion in regard to revolution and to the other catch words before which for themselves and not for Mr. Mon the bitterest animosities.
It is the most significant of torially: If we are to judge from the present outlook, still more troub. lusion that they are helping to make misunderstand the character of the insurrection in Lower California.
men have been taught to bow the eyhags.
The pending presidential election may the laws keeps them from organizing knee; to be frankly individualistic, all the surprises this revolution has lous times are ahead of Mexico.
This insurrection was no more a looking out always for No. It sprung upon a sleepy world, and it is cause things to settle down, and then again it may not. The true friends against the exploiters. Parliament is but a repex of the class war than would be an inyasion mass meeting will be held Monpure and simple, It of the republic are disquieted.
should be needless to remark that Syndicalism prevailing economic of Comrade Sawyer front yard by day evening, July 31, at Mammoth: system, The aspirations of the Ju dispatch from Berlin, dated July 20, the Associated Press says: such a creed adjusts itself without crystallizes the and co opera working class movement in difficulty to unionism every The government regards the position not only of Germans but of all for capitalists did not establish parlia a dozen haboes intent upon starting Hall, 517 South Broadmay, having a rough house. The warriors were for its object the collection of funds tion on the most extended scale; for country; the passionate longing foreigners in Mexico as dangerous, on account of a strong anti foreign movements before they had selzed propa sensibile individualism always seeks the day when the worker shall work ment and the difficulties of the administration in coping with the former erty. They first seized property, and not Mexicans, and they had no more for the defense of Gens. Pryce and then made their seizure moral by business across the line than would Mosby, Lailn and Samuel Reed, the best methods of accomplishing its no longer for his master but for him revolutionists and bandits.
the hoboes have in Comrade Sawyer and the enlisting, public sympathy in Act of Parliament. Let the workers, There is more trouble in Lower California, as shown by the following ends. Let me quote another para self.
dispatch to the Los Angeles Record. San Diego, July 25. It was then, learn the important economic ward. They were not Socialists, but the cause. for which they are in jall. blanket men, direct actionists, All Liberals should consider it their graph.
No more steroly practical move learned today that La Paz, capital of the southern district of Lower Cali lesson that when they have the pow.
and Anarchists.
duty to attend.
The garrison of 400 Mexican troops re er and the will to take what they It would be foolish, says Nor ment than that of which the Mexi fornia, is in a state of rebellion.
Note the sheer at the workingman Twenty five; dollars for the defense dau. to expect to see this movement can Liberal Party is the champion elled against Gen. Augustin Sanguinez last Tuesday, attacked the capital make, the legality as well as the stop or disappear Even with force has yet been launched, and its suc building and wounded Gen. Sanguinez, who is the jefe politico of the terri morality of their actions will be who, instead of stretching his legs of the above named. were collected at self evident.
in comfort beneath the table of a fat an open air meeting held this week The cess has been commensurate with tory. The latest report is that a gunboat has been sent to restore order.
you can do nothing against it. The fraud of Parliament is best official job, has to hoof it with his on the corner ol. Los Ángeles and Seccharacter of statistics the practical its dehave learned workeres Numerous papers and letters just received all testify to greatly inseen in the case of labor leaders blankets on his back.
Meetings of a similar They count the:nselves and see that demands and the practical way increased disturbances, alike in the form of guerrilla activity, peon uprisings they are in the inajority They have which it has set about enforcing and strikes, and in the political arena. of these we shall give a detailed who, before election, are stalwart up sweeping condemnation of all direct character should be held at numer holders of the rights of the workers, actionists, and the flaunting of the bus points and repeatedly, for money In Mexico the labor move account next week.
learned to understand the machinery, them.
but, after election, become subserbugbearAnarchism.
Is badly needed for the defense, and of the state They see that a few meot has been getting the spooks How do the Socialist comrades of the workers are all too ignorant of vient tools of the exploiting class.
people issue orders, which the many out of its bead; has been showing NOTICE OF RECEIPTS. mittance is designated as part of a One cannot touch pitch without be Simon Berthold and the the claims those who fought and are obey because of their respect for old its contempt for the cheap genoa11comrades of Stanley like that sort of ighting for the Mexican Revolution But those who obey are ties of selfish politicians; has gone Judith Mountain Miners Vnion, fund that the Freie Arbeiter Stim ing defiled.
traditions Both men had splendid rec bave on their sympathy and suppeople of their own class, and, if they straight for the realities of life, and No. 107, Western Federation of Min me collects for the Mexican revoluords in the labor movement, and port.
Every revolution is an exceptional both laid down their lives most galreaged to obey, the state would be thereby has set a lead, that, it is mosters, manifests its sense of the inter tionists.
be prayed, Syndicalism national solidarity of labor by send The full, statement of moneys re opportunity, which one or the other lantly, fighting for what they recogonly a small group of ministers and devoutly to If Regeneracion can help it the councillors without any more power throughout the world will have the iog 25 through the Mexican Revo celved from all sources is to be found side is bold enough to seize. Il we nized as a genuine and nation wide Mexican Revolution shall not be of lution Conference New York, each week in the Spanish section of have not the pluck to grab it we may revolution of the proletariat.
than marionettes everybody sense and fortitude to follow.
whom stranded on the bar of empty words WM. OWEN which remits by the same mail a this paper, be sure the Morgans will.
It is for this reaAs for the would laugh at.
As for the statement that the and fraudulent political promises, as further eum of Our Italian supplement, under the Socialists, they declare Morganism In warriors were not Mexicans, it is a was the Rugslan Revolution. This son they are trying to make those My party, right or wrong. When We also desire to acknowledge the editorshlp of Caminita, is now a evitable. They are fatalists, and for straight lle. In all the fighting to country is full of Russlan retugees who obey see that there is no reaof years fataliem son why they should continue to do the followers once get that drilled into receipt of 25 from the Frete Ar handsome four. page weekly, and Re thousands has which this revolution bas led, Mexl who have learned their bitter lessos, just 0: and they know that. If they suc their heads there are fine pickings for belter Stimme, the well known Jew generacion ls enlarged from four to spelled thing Orlental cans, as is natural, have been enor. They should be us to man the coromands of the the leaders.
Ish weekly of New York, The re six pages.
ceed in this, slavery, mously in the majority, and women.
Socialist Local in Full Sympathy These Socialists Must be Bandits Slanders alike the Living and Dead one All Radicals should attend Meeting Observe the ond streets: оре