Shall We Go Under?
An Appeal to the American People.
Reaping the Whirlwind We had or to Dety Hill Tumors as acLOOI.
ASSA 1s of the bellet to be able to draw highwayman, og the other the can a production avoid beingi anemic (have nominated as. attorneys for the into the land the United States army credit of the dictatorship, and the where the consumption of goods. 1s defense in the trlåls for sedition, Mr.
In order to sustala in power the re highwaymen tips the scale, what bound to be small? What impulse Mariano Niño. The trial is still in NMlakad orory Saturday at 6118 gime of Porfirio Diaz or of the sucan appropriate fīlustration for the can industries receive where their pro suspense, 4th St. Los Angeles, Cal.
cessor chosen by the oligarchy. financial solidity of the nation. Li ducts meet only with a reduced numTelephono: Homo 1880.
part of the people, for sure, a small mantour in Paris is worried to the ber of purchasers because, the major Sonora. At the close of a banquet habucription natos: one, fears that intervention on. acverge of despair. He had gone there ity of the population: Is composed of given in the latter part of October in count of the periodical admonitions to negotiate a new loan and could a starving people? But Pe upum. if these Guaymas, Sonora; at the Hotel Bor 00 of the dictator press and of popWIII Regeneracļon be suppressed? office. Our application was made in not get it.
starving people stop being such, if boa, some people got the idea to call ke a month. 10 ular economists to consider gravely Has not the United States govern Tegal form. We furnished the necesa How can we loan money to a gov they arrive at a condition to satisfy out, Long live Madero. The pollthe American peril. Other few po ment done enough against us without sary proofs as to subscriptions. All ernment which cannot maintain their normal necessities; in one word, tical prefect the next day fined all He three months. 60 litlclans, with the ambition to con now destroying the only means the legal requirements were: com peace at home? And from Paris if their labor is well or regularly paid, the callers. 25, The state governstitute themselves as an oligarchy in whereby we can make our voices plied with. Of this we were assured came the urgent requests that San they will consume an infinity of ar ment not satisfied went still Turther BUNDLE ORDERS.
substitution of the one in power use heard. by the superintendent of second class tanon be laid low. And El Impar ticles of which they are today de and decided to draft all guilty parties 100 coples 00 the intervention cloud as their We have been on American soil for mall in the Los Angeles postoffice. clal laboriously depicted Santonon prived and will make necessary a into the army, and the all too mild strongest argument against the idea seven years. Seven long years ago Having complied with the law, we as bandid of the most vulgar type, great production of these articles. political prefect was forced to resign.
800 copies 12. 50 of revolution B0 inconvenlent for we came to your country as political were given a temporary permit to and manufactured accounts. of en When the millions of parlahs vege. Warned in time, some of the people 1000 copies 20. 00 their projects and ambitions. But refugees. Our only crime has been take advantage of the second class counters in which Saitanon was al tating today in hunger and naked crossed the border to escape the millthe large majority of the Mexican that we are opponents of despotism, privileges while our application was ways routed and mașy times killed ness, will eat less poorly, will use tary service punishment. So we have ditor and Proprietor, Anselmo people, though in most of them pre enemies of slavery. Because these being fnally passed upon in Wash In battle.
clothes and shoes, and will stop hav in town Fernando Iberri, Luis AguFigueroa.
dominates the firm bellet in the infal are crimes in Mexico we fled from ington, provided we should deposit And Limantour staid on in Paris ing a mat as thelr only furniture, at ayo and Cayetano Navarro; in San lible coming of such intervention, are Mexico, Our experience here has each week a sum equal to one cent and is there yet, busy to the utmost that time the demand for a thousand Francisco, Pedro Cosca; and others Batry ni second class matter pending ready and fully made up in their taught us that they are also crimes for each and every copy presented seeking funds for the Mexican gov kinds of articles which today is tasig Ilke Alfonso Aguayo with his comminds to offer resistance to the last in the United States.
for mailing at the postoffice.
ernment. The difficulties hampering nificant, will augment Novembor 12, 1910.
in collossal rades, Sierra and Gayu, still keep in ditch, they consider the intervention During all these seven years we This rule was complied with and him in his work became quite natur proportions, and industries, agricult hiding and the country is saved No. 11.
as an inevitable danger to be com have not been allowed to rest. The we bavo now on deposit with the Los ally, still more aggravated by the ar ure, commerce, all will materially be again.
batted to victory or to defeat. agents of Dlaz have hounded and Angeles postoffice the sum of 600, rest of Gustavo Madero who was ac pushed ahead to develop at a rate Tema 30 In tho United States the govern harassed us without ceasing and the which we cannot withdraw until such cused to have approached General never to be reached as long as the Tlaxcala, Since the ment and the capitalists would rath government of the United States las a time as the Third Assistant Post Meliton Hurtado, the military com actual conditions of general, misery events of September 16th, when the or impedo the revolution than to protected them and alded them in master General shall send word that mander of the City of Mexico, with are prevailing.
jefe politico of Santa Inez Zacatelco, venture an intervention, from which their iniquity.
we have duly complied with the law. the request that with the forces at (To be continued)
with his rurales and with the moral might rise disastrous complications Again and again we have been arThree weeks is usually the limit his hands he should rise against the for the imperialist policy. war of rested without just cause and with partment to pass upon an application dero in an interview in the San of time required by the Postoffice De dictator. The father of Gustavo Maand physical support of Governor Cahuantzi, assassinated women and Lyuched by Mexicans, we read extermination would havo to be out legal warrant.
10 slariak headlines in the Los An waged against Mexico. And who assaulted and beaten; our homes for the second class maliing privi Antonio Light and Gazette (pub Notes and Comments children, pressure is brought upon an several Kelcy Recoril of Nov. 10th, slving ac could calculate what. such a proce have been burglarized; upright man to resign from office, leges.
of Our application has been on lished in full in last issue of Refile for ten weeks.
generacion under Notes and ComBaja, California.
Your From Santa Ro Dr. Manuel Villegas Barrios, district count of alleged autl American out dure might call forth in all Latin number have been kiánaped.
con judge of the state of Tlaxcala. That America, or even within the territory authorities have been furnished evi. What does it mean? We have com ments. gives us the following lucid salia Purgatorio: come bitter breaks in Mexico City. It is recorded of the United States?
of the Elworthy judge was placed in charge of part of tho dence of thege outrages, but never plied with the law. There is no valid) and graphic insight history of the Boleo company. Fines even in cases the prosecution of the rebels, and but it ypuns ruan was lynched and, Yankecs, the fingoists oľ profes has a serious attempt been made to excuse why we should not have been incident: of sickness, no right to erect even a after thorough investigation had the a hlld atunc to death, weeks But quite sional patriotism, of a type of vhich bring the perpetrators to justice, given the privileges seven Gustavo is interested in a num shack of their own and obliged to be manhood to declare that there was no 11ncantly no hay are given. just thero 19 no lack anywhere, are in Your government has conspired to ago, and we should now have the ber of companies having French exploited additionally by living in evidence of rebellion, but merely evi.
lemindak lle so called Cana favor of. conquest by arms. Ticy deport us so that we might be killed use of our money to extend the cir stockholders.
sit Tucs et av years ago.
Also imagine it to be so easy to be done. for political reasons, when he was put in what the company considers as shel dences of cold blooded slaughter of culation of our paper.
It has imprisjail, the French ambassador protest ter. The worker who dares to buy defenseless women and children and of then American natłonalloin, coup les cannon shots bombard. loned us on false charge after false Does it mean that, by laying an edito General Diaz that his arrest goods outside of the company stores unarmed men, stating that proof ior vir! It ntinentalls, was worked unit of unprotected Mexican bar charge and finally it sent us to the extra burden of 60 a weck upon our damaged the companies and injured is fined and imprisoned to remind such assertion could be procured Try for oť tie tireatened lite or burs. Two or three wholesale kill penitentiary on the evidence of a shoulders, the United States govern French investors.
At the same time them thus that they are free citizens abundantly by exhuming the bodies.
American roll an chlldrin. And ings, called battles, in which the Mexican detective who ment is planning to put us quietly a telegram from, Jose Ives Liman of a republic.
committed Captain Khuld the American creater numbers coupled to superior perjury so openly that if there had Of course, such a stand is unpleasant out of business?
tour, minister of finance, who is now Invincin Purt! to op hoodly Izabal ily of war machinery give the palm Deen any justice in our trial we would been a success from the start.
As we have stated, our paper has in Paris trying to arrange for a refor the guilty parties. In as far as Chiaqas.
16131minset09: Kusterlitzky Great indignation reigns the district judges are elected for a to of victory to Uncle Sam.
But funding of the Mexican indebtedness on account of the release of the ex term of four years, and cannot be promo have been set free and the sala dc2006 (wwn met Wexican winers nade of the fleet all along the coats tective would have been taken to jail we began with no capital.
arrange loan.
who 12. 11. darrere lurthink themselves of Mexico. triumphal march across in our places.
The jefe politico Francisco De La Torre, substituted, the only way is to force only enough money at the start to get. French financiers took the view that the responsible party for the assassi them to resign: oľ dr man het nad to ask for live the country, and on the spot the subA high oficial, the out the first issue of the paper and it was a strange matter that Mexico nation of the well venerated veracru president of the supreme court of the Twice during these past 11337 conditional mission of the vanquished and the years the paper that we were pub even cannot stand ytalesa de eman burdemi should be seeking a loan when just zan physician, Adolfo Beltrain Lagos, nation, has already approached in. the trick to be played new rule established.
It is all solishing was suppressed with the aid be compelled to suspend.
the verge of a revolution as who had to fall a victim because he writing several people offering the rat. Shall :1, a lle Servo as easy said.
of your public officials. in the first Dritt. 1o 1115011 just like in Cil The sincerely candid yet rather instance our second class privileges friends to protest against the con rested on that charge. Then Liman Dario We need help. First, we bes our made when my son, Gustavo, wala protested as a man against abuses in job and has hitherto met with refus: office on the part of that cazique: als. Comments are hardly necessary.
una? Is it Ilir prelude lo il cam superficial people are equally in fa. were taken from us at the request of spiracy to crush us.
Pizazio We have com tour sent a message. Its effect was and the Official assassins will almost of Tepames next. ut imperialist conqueye, staged yor of the idea of intervention moved Diaz.
for the pur to malist Amerilan by the humanitarian purpose of do per was suppressed by arresting ev. your government cease discriminat la denial that any condition approach an be a saia at Larse basking in sunVeracruz. The official report of tolla toolit Sixtean tollers to ing away with the atrocities of the cry editor that we employed, one af ing against us in order to favor our ing a revolution existed in Mexico.
the the killing of Santanon states that in land. rabas mcrican cor. Porfirian tyranny, in the sincere leter another until eight of us were cnemy, the tyrant of Mexico.
the bitched battle five soldiers were wat tons on liholy nillance with the lief that annexation would result for: in jail together and there was no one to the Third Assistant Postmaster. ting the loan.
Writel It was either do this or forego getkilled, eight wounded and five hunVilut oltrehy in Tower 1o the good of the common people of left to do our work.
Colima. Ex commander Dario Pi dred and sixty eight bullets fired by Write Write to jour congressman.
31x! co?
Mexico in as far as the laws and Jil. During all this time we compitted to your local newspapers.
This little incident alone ought to zano, the officially protected assas the soldiers. And quite funny. it is to And yet could the Mexicans he ertice existing this side of the border no crime upon the statute Hooks.
not be more than ample proof to the fact sin of Tepames is being tried upon read now after all that Santanon is to biamed for rising in arms against us would extend their blessings across One half of the seven years wél have support our paper, but to tide us over that the Porfirian dictatorship has his appeal against the imposed deais still aliven that his reported death foreign invaders? What is really at the line to better the conditions in spent in jall, the other ball we have the armienitymiaised is the discrimi led the country to bankruptcy. The sentence, another canard, apparently to the bottom of it all?
Yet been employed in trying to keep out nation that is being practiced against millions of dollars reposing in the because persistent We learn for are cir smooth the way for a foreign loan.
the first time that on November 3d a the jingolsts as well the well of jail, for no other reason thap that us.
white mob of Rock Spring, Texas, meaning lionest and sincere candid we are opposed to the Diaz system or we will lose. everything.
We need this money AT ONCE treasury of the federal government culated that he will never suffer capi Dying to order in ways manifold, and are a blatant lie. In order to cover tal punishment for his dastardly resuscitated time and again, our man burood at the stake a Mexican, Antopeople are both very inuch mistaken. of slavery and political oppression the exhorbitant expenses demanded crime.
seems after all to be an ideal patriot, The death of our paper would be a for the so called centenary celebraulo Rodriguez, the alleged slayer of a Veither is the conquest by arms of and would abolish it.
vho is willing to play possum to ease Mrs. Lem Vexico such an easy thing to blow to the movement to abolish the tion of Independence day but in fact Henderson, Twice our paper has At last Limantour rocky Federal District Vexico.
road. Vill he Respectable suplawbreakers, liardened by decades of complish, por would, as will be seen pressed; is it about to be suppressed slavery, the poonage and the political used to glorify Porfirio Diaz, for the the journalist Rafael Martinez, known ever die?
negro burnings, have again gratified from tils article, an intervention ac a third time?
their lust for blood and content of tually benefit or improve the condi August 3, 1910, we left the peni lish democratic institutions in our Mexico and in foreign lands, for the been freed under bonds after having the law by using as the target of Yuatan. In Valladolid new perLions of the oppressed.
itentiary at Florence, Arizona, country.
SepThink of the hundreds of wages of sin of a leglor of detectives, been beld since the meinorable unsecutions take place. Armed forces their distracted instincts a Mexican, third element that might direct tember 3, with the help of our good beaten and starved to death in Valle row path on the part of American in tion of Sept. 11. In Acapulco Tere search the houses to apprehend Ruz. the side from up whom in their racial conceit they ly in way of Mexican and class even below the negro.
ist policy of expansion of Wall street re established Regeneracion in Los Nacional, in Yucatan all over Hex: stitutions and individuals of the law arested the alleged Times dynamit, and Nicanor Loria, who, after the unThere were to headlines then, Lynched by and the government of Washington Angeles. The paper was a success They are dying today those and order who take it upon them ers.
But since the whole thing was successful uprising, had reached in Americans, such outbreaks of sayis opposed to the idea of interven. from the start. We have been print men, women and children. We bear selves to persecute Mexican fighters hot air, and the United States gor.
agery rather being condoned in tion. This clement is composed of in: 12, 000 copies weekly and bave their voices crying their agony out for freedom seeking a refuge in this ernment did not subordinate any of safety the British territory of Belice, higher up, and no attempt was made the Socialists, Anarchists, Unionists, been disposing of all of them. We to us to help them.
ask that land, for all these things Diaz needs the charges, the men are reported re and were rumored to have secretly One hundred and thirty returned.
to bring the perpetrators of the act and free thinkers iconoclasts have practically no advertisements you hear our voices, that you op the millions of dollars, and This which the leased though still watched.
to justice.
ind, asnostics of all denominations and have sought none, but our in pose the conspiracy against us, that speculative genius of Jose Ives Li treatment is quite at variance of the allegede accomplices in the rebellion Is it to be wondered at that the To these is to be added the anti im come from subscriptions alone has you sive us what you can to help mantour has tried in vain to nego treatment accorded to us on the part have been consigned to the animi and perlallst league the people of Mexico raise the voice of recently been sufficient to pay all of the le us save our paper, that you give it of American servants of Mexico, NOV.
tiate during his jong stay in Europe.
Quintano Roo. Don Crescencio Jimeformed protest, that they tear to tatters the league gitimate expenses of our work.
anti intervontion Maybe there ANTONIO VILLARREAL, The revolution will overtake the some three years ago.
Stars and Stripes, when three years Butwhich is rapidly taking definite form On the alleged pez Borregon, who had been transTen weeks ago we applied for the dictatorship by surprison during the is not enough in it.
drunken American railroad RICARDO FLORES MAGON, ago in all parts of this country with an the capital, is crew tied a Mexican flag to a dog ever increasing host of upright and second class privileges in your postpangs of economic strålts, and that anti American riots reported in the ferred to the military prisor of SanLIBRADO RIVERA. tail, chasing the condition of the powers that he will American press, see article Reaping tiago Tlatelolco of from sincere men and all frightened the Whirlwind. The reception of again transferred to Veracruz for desave Mexico of the horrors of a prodog These portation to Quintano Roo.
with the outraged national emblein walks of life regardless of politics the time being, will break into light of reason might save two peoples longed struggle and notably contri the foreign delegates to the centenn Russian methods are used to quell through the streets of a Mexican or religion. These all represent a rabidly, with shrill outcries, ind im from a grave disaster.
justified discontent. The Maya Intown? Suppose a Jap tried the trick sum of militant energies, all itable in force, inflated and whipped The revolution must needs come, steps of the inevitable, ultimate pic hundred thousand dollars on the peo: dians have burned the village of Tiwith Old Glory in the streets of Los veterans in the respective camps of to the surface by a stupid inter defying the threatening intervention. tory of the freedom.
ple money, according to official re kut and a number of rancherias, capAngeles, what would happen?
their chosen struggles, who as indi vention, as soon as the energies of We Mexicans have the right to mola ports.
turing arms, ammunition and proviyet the Mexicans are supposed and exviduals as well as corporately can an atrocious and largely oppressed our own destinies, however angrily sions, according to reports of Octopected to submit to vile indignities seriously counteract! if not even im people take active form in a strug may look upon our actions the desQueretaro. Vincente Fernandez, ber 24th, just reaching here.
and arrogant contempt of Americans pede entirely any predatory actions gle of revindication. The cleft of pots of all lands. May the lovers of sub rent collector of Peñaniller, Quéin their that ethnical prejudices will widen to an justice bethink well the consequences country.
against the Mexican retaro, makes it his busines to de Whenever people, Inight be attempted from the White abyss which to overbridge or fill out of the intervention, and impede such there are labor troubles in Central spoil people of their land by deed Zacatecas.
reaches Report American republics, in Mexico, in House, and its souffleurs the con again civilization will need centuries. action in whicever form it should be manipulations. Thus he ultimately that on October 23d the American Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, there is genquistador holders of vast conces. In short the intervention will accom presented as being in fayor of tydefrauded a Mrs. Garcia of her little paymaster of the Santa Fe mine near erally some arrogant American engislons and monopolles.
plish just the reverse from the dream ranny or in favor of the Mexican land. She went to the courts, but tte Guadalupe, Zacatecas, sbot the miner Deer, manager or foreman As a matter of fact, as things ac of the humanitarians perceiving it people, for in either case it will prove at the despoiler being justice of peace and Merced Calvillo, because he dared to bottom, whose utter disregard for tually stand, the lotervention is not only as a saving grace. It is bound to a foolish act of tragic if not disasOn the day precivil judge and tax collector, she got ask for his wages.
everything, sacred to the sons of the a sure but merely a possible danger; produce in both peoples a psycholog trous results.
no justice, tbough having proof of for vious the drunken Yankee had anland, and whose absolute lack of tact and from the future attitude of the ical regression; and, alas, by far too PRAXEDIS G, GUERRERO.
gery in her hands. Thus petty offi swered the same requests with curses and decency exasperate the natives abuve mentioned elements will large late the jingoistic Yankee elements cial Mexico impresses upon the minds and kicks, and when our man came the against the arrogant foreign snobs, ly depend the increase or the de will come to realize the turpitude Issued of the people commandment, on Sunday and asked again for his This Interesting document, who try to boss and run all the earth, crease of the naco of the prob of their undertaking. For they will The Financial Straits fro St. Louis, Mo. by the Junta of the Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor money the foreigner said, Then take Liberal Party of Mexico on July 1, 1906.
his though they cannot even run the afrevolver it here, pulled and lem rising before us in such shape Icarn by bitter experience that the fairs of their own country without with the program reprinted in the first conflict will not be decided by great killed the man with five shots.
And today that we cannot disregard it.
issue of our paper, was at the bottom revealing at every step deep seated of our persecutions and prosecutions in San Luis Potosi. The persons ar he has not yet even been: arrested.
The oligarchy enthroned in Srexi battles, or armour plate engines of The corruption, graft, and civic rottento the United States. We want the Amer rested in connection with the abor Thus the foreigner is allowed co, with Diaz, Corral, Creel or who destruction on the high seas, people seems to be fooled with ican pepple to take cognizance of its Hoever bo may be at the head, will big suns are but of rather limited greater facility than even a child. contents and to decide for themselves if tive uprising of Huasteca Počosina, treat us in our own country.
These lines of protesting indigna directly, or indirectly, forco the in value in up to date suerilla warfare for a good many years the people our treatment in the country of the tion are not written by a Mexican.
the supreme weapon of an oppressed of Mexico have been tervention on the government of woefully They are written by a man who, after de was. In the least Justified.
Washington. These scientific people, by which an almost invisible ceived into the belief of the myth his long stay in the country, has a3 Macchiavellis of our days will with Lorce of individuals is in the posl of intangible vast riches accumulat(Continued)
much right to claim citizenship tion day for day to carry destruction ed and stored away in the vaults of out the least doubt play double any single one of the descendants of game is done so frequently in the into the ranks of a wide display of the national treasury.
True Prosperity.
those foreigners who swept the namilitary masses.
past, to make bellevo that the troutive son off his land and who try to In the presidential messages read ble is not caused at all by the ty with all its unholy alliance The rule in the Philippine Islands before the parliament of the Unit: the following part of the liberal proThe practical application of this and PROFESSOR OF SPANISH cheat and beat the last remnants of of rants of Mexico. But the governthe aborgines out of their little re mont in Washiogton will be well on government in the White House with is laid upon the fair condition of the gram which tends towards the betterservations, quite in line with the the lookout and only public treasury, and yet this seems ment of the economic situation of the NEW METHOD That makes Spanish simple and easy to learn methode recorded in Mr. Helen Hunt most numerous class of the country, Jackson terrific arraignment of this fully Its actions, weighing in the bal unending trouble; it is hardly more not to impede in the least our excontains the basis of a true, national By this method one can be able to transact business in three months. dation, Century of Dishonor.
factors, that might be liable to draw vaingloriously and painfully into the continuous and persistent chase for prosperity.
Let og wait for the actual facts in them into disaster instead of an easy new loans.
It is axiomatic that a people is not CLARA ST.
the case across the border.
Let us victory and apogee of their policy of forced consecutive necessity to keep In spite of our flourishing raise our protest to bring about the expansion.
up the prestige of a formidable pow. ances, Mexico must needs: bes year do not enjoy particulari and relative prosecution of our own law breaking few millionaires apmobs of white savages, But should after all the factors, play in painful resignation and as the increase of the national debt propriating all the riches and being Let us call which in those days loom up almost sumed pride of upright manhood the 7, 14. The The American Partners of bome our drummers of imperialism, Diaz.
our idle land grabbers and schemers.
like formidable powers, become re painful badge, but the twitchings to goes hand in hand with the increased the only satisfied creatures among The more millions who suffer from want and 15. American Persecution of the And let us leave Mexico to the Mexiduced to zero by some unforeseen the back cannot dissimulate the pain reserves of the country, Enemies of Diaz.
cans to whom the land belongs by circumstances; or should the proud and real disgust at the bottom of it) money there is in the treasury, the hunger do not make for the common right.
conceit of some mandarins of Uncle all. Sooner or larger debts are contracted. And well being but for public poverty as Let us keep our hands off.
the later savage Diaz Himself.
On the other IS NOW IN TYPE AND WILL BE 18.
Sam grow into complete blindness medal must needs fall of, leaving this is the proof of the solidity of side a country where all is the their And if our leeches down there do bethat we see it in Mexico.
READY FOR DELIVERY SODE 17. The Mexican People.
and the armed intervention become a deep sore of rotting flesh.
have like conceited, arrogant and igthe national credit.
THE THIS MONTH The book will contain 16 pages of Dorant barbarians in a an actual occurrence, it would have Mexico annexed or intervened will conquered as a first result the immediate down: prove worse than the Philippine Isl credit of the nation is about as solid out millionaires.
But it is quite apparent that the needs will be prosperous with or withphotographs and will be bound in un land, let them take their medicine, lail of the oligarchs of Mexico, and ands, locomparably worse.
even if some of the innocent should The betterment of the conditions THE CHAPTERS expensive quality of cloth. The rehave to suffer with the guilty. It will union of the tofling people, of the can shoe is mighty narrow for the as the logic of those scientific gentlemen. The Slaves ot Yucatan, tail price apon publication will be army and of the bourgeoisie to fight foot of be a legson to all to mind their own Whatever so small Acti of labor on one side and the equitable Yankee imperialism. Let The Extermination of the Yaquis 50. But until the first copies of business.
latended conquest in a body. part blm put on the shoe by means of in tious or real disturbance is reported distribution of land on the other side, Over the Exile Road.
of the army, an Infinitesimal small tervention, and mighty soon he will from our country by, shabby penny with the facilities in cultivating and COMRADE. 00 per Copy, Postage 10c. part to that, may remain faithful to be seen to hobble along painfully. ism, it is sufficient to lower the value will produce inappreciable advantages The Contract Slaves of Valle the book have arrived the author will Nacional.
receive advance orders at the rate of low before the soldiers of Uncle Sam great days of imagined triumphal of Mexican bonds, to lower it prodigi to the nation. They will not only same The Valley of Death.
Send money to JOHN KENNETH Country Peons and the City TURNER, 1931 Darien Place, vention.
also be no lack of leaders of peace of the breakdown of all forces, ot of panic the speculators in those fort to, the classes directly benefited.
advising the submission to the ty all strength, devoid of all glory, and bonds.
by the measures, but they will also Poor.
Los Angeles, Cal.
raday at home as the best means to the entire nation will The old question of armed interbe dragged The seizure of Jiminez by the rev give a notable Impulse to the developThe Diaz System.
stop the lovader, But only few will down in the fall, vention in Mexico on the part of the olutionists of 1906 caused a considement of our agriculture, of our induslisten to their stren songs in those United States government is growiog Intervention of American in in values, the. JULIO MANCILLAS Machine.
of interest anace with the factions of days of the terrible effervescence of perialism is also not merely quen the same took place as sequel to the which today are tied down by the gen Repressive Elements of the Diaz In fact, when a people a nation, Those leaders will prove tion of nationalities and flags: It uprising of Viesca in eral misery.
1908 The Crushing of Opposition PAINTER, DECORATOR AND PAthe revolutionary movement which PER HANGER becomes ever visible through of no more resistance to the trend harbors also serioas complications non, the fighting defier of the exist is excessively poor, when its resources Parties.
of the revolutionary events, than a la the social problems complication Ing order, in care mon parlante con le are hardly sufficient for pooremenities Electhe rented cloak of Porfiriad peace.
652 San Fernando St straw to stop torrent.
Los Angeles, Cal.
With these Sroving interests and War will then take the lead. Wartles in all lands.
tion is seeked by advanced minori highwayman, from his impregna of life, and even these in a little meas. 10. The Eighth Unanimous attempt ble on the of tion of President Diaz.
tendencies vary Best work done at moderate prtoes.
the opinions, the ure.
How can Industries be estabwithout quarter, implacable war of avoid them or to switch them oft, Mexico was the cause of a deprecia Ushed, how can fabrics and furniture fears and the hopes based upon the 11. Four Mexican Strikes.
Pictures on linen, silk on velvet spe extermination. Old rancors, slowly temporarily, will not save the coun tion of Mexican values on the ex 60 very much exploited possible inthat had lingering hatreds, them of style be manufactured in a country On cialtý, likeness guaranteed. Piotūres terreption. The reigning oligarchy The Diaz American Press Con lin oil, 16x20 in oval or square.
of Mexico desires an Intervention and down or were merely dormant for later. To face them with the light balance of the scale Santanon, the where the majority of the people can 12. Critics and Corroboration.
not procure any commodities.
Women Own Us Program of the Liberal Party and Manifesto to the Nation goods, of the Dicatorship.
Miss Eloisa Moreno as causes.
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