English Section REGENERACION Mexican Notes He Walks Safe Who Walks Well Armed are ter.
Wm Owen Editor.
No. 182, trymen, pitifully small but armed the rule, and this we believe to be in tant Minnesota, and who adores Mr.
Saturday, March 28, 1914. minority, wield despotic sway over a linc with up to date military science. Bryani, with whom he served in Conpopulation four times as large as that Students of such works as Bloch gress. It is eloquent, but of facts of the United State. Putting aside the Governor West, of Oregon, has re Future of War will be familiar with tor the sweeping denunciations in awful tragedies of ever recurring ſam turned from a visit to the Mexican the argument that masy fighting has which it indulges the article is singuincs, though India is a never failing border and given his view of the situ been rendered for ever impossible by Jarly naked, the one instance given exporter of food supplies, let us re ation in an interview dated. March 18. the destructive capacity of modern being the levy of 50, 000 on a copper member that under the British bour He is reported as saying: am con artillery, before which no mob, how and smelting company, whose Amer: geois rule, and despite its everlasting fident that war with Mexico is coin determined, can begin to stand. ican manager appealed vainly to Lind cant of freedom, thousands and thou ing, and am going to advise the Na Kitchener demonstrated this years for protection. It closes with the It is a haunting thought, wrote sands of natives are sold annually into tional Guard of this state to be pre ago in Africa, but our revolutionists words: Then the unhappy American John Harris, in his recent book, plantation. slavery under what is pared, for am sure it can count upon still talk, and presumably think, as if manager went out and looked wist Dawn in Darkest Africa, that since known as the indenture system, a being called out before long. The day the history of the barricades could re fully at the squadron of American the 85 scramble for Africa, the civ system denounced with un paring se is not far distant when the United peat itseif. Military men are better battle slips lying idly in sight of Mr.
ilized powers who arranged the map verity nearly a century ago by Lord States will be compelled to declare informed and recognize universally Lind office.
of the African continent, ostensit! y in Brougham, Buxton and other noted war. cannot conceive of anything that, if war with Mexico comes, it will The third article begins with what tie interests and for the well being of radicals of that age, who were pio happening in the near future which be a guerrilla war, waged against an a change since walked and talked, the natives, have passively allowed neers in the struggle to abolish chat will reatore Mexico to a settled con enemy who will shoot from shelter less than four years ago, among the the premature destruction of not less tel slavery. That system still exists, dition. With this condition prevail and, thanks to knowledge of the coun flowers and trees of Chapultepec than ten millions of people. The despite continuous attack. and in ing, and the United States upholding try, can pick bis shelter judiciously Castle with Porfirio Diaz, the whitereference is to the French and Bc. The New Review, a Socialist maga the Monroe Doctripe, it is only a mat James Creelman article in The haired hero of modern Latin Amergian Congos, which are but a very zinc which am using freely in this tèr of time until pressure brought to Chicago Evening Post have led to ica! and the statement, following alsmall portion of this profit desolated article, have found an English ex bear by other nations and by Amer prolonged controversy. Naturally, most immediately, that the dignity, world, and the thought would be one magistrate of Mauritius quoted as ican citizens will become so great that they favor United States intervention, power, order and security of the thirof blank despair were is not accom saying: The position of indentured the United States will become forced for Creelman bas been known, from ty year long Diaz government panied by the sister reflection that coolies when charged in the courts is to act. Governor West, of course, the days of the Spanish War, as one gone forever, and the great city news sprcads fast and that in all coun hopeless. Jústice they get only by is an orthodox politician, and the pos of Hearst most valuable tools. They spread out before the terraces of the trics the disinherited, tutored thor accident. They are deterred from giv sibility of restoring settled condi commence with the remark that with 10w vacant castle is merely, the stately ouglaly at last by bitter experience, ing evidence themselves, and unable tions by giving the Mexican back once in forty eight hours have travelled sepulchre of a dead nation. So, you are arming for self preservation. The to procure evideäce. was a machine more the land for which he hungers 100 miles about the great valley of can tell where Creclman sympathies Mexican has led the way. The Mexi for sending men to prison for the con is an idea that cannot penetrate his Mexico, surrounding the capital, and lie. Nevertheless one cannot help recan has been the first to grasp the bit venience of the employers. Do you brain.
that in the villages talked with the minding the reades that Diaz himself ter truth that exploitation, however suppose that England could maintain With the high grade politicians go, gentle, stupid, thin legged, monstrous was an Indian, as was Benito Juarez smiling its mien and honeyed its her rule in India twenty four hours if of course, the military men, and one Following which come for long ar ment is that the Mexican Indian is hatted, blanketed; barefoot Indians. before him. Creelman entire argupromises, has always black murder in it were not that she herself is armed finds the Review of Reviews forticles, written apparently for the pur incapable of progress, yet be finds its hcart. He, first, of all the prole to the teeth while the natives are this month expressing itself thus, in pose of proving that the Mexican is himself compelled to go into raptures tarians, has stepped boldly into the weaponless?
open with the declaration that force One could multiply examples indef bargo on the importation of arms into an Indian who cares only for slaugh over the constructive capacity of Diaz.
must be met with force; that rifle initely, and indeed no American need Mexico: It bas all along been the ter. Indeed there follows immediately One remembers that John Kenneth must be faced with rifle; that human go abroad for illustration, since they view of the army officers that we the statement that the rebel forces Turner, writing recently in Collier s, equality can only be maintained when spring up daily beneath his very nose. were soon to invade Mexico, and what are inspired to fight by their fierce was at sone pains to show that the blow can be returned for blow, on The policeman is as careful of his life fighting material shipped into that love of looting, burning and violating recent intellectual development in equal terms. As one of my corres as any other man, and never will country would be used eventually women; The federal forces serve Mexico one that bas permeated literpondents puts it: When the Mexican swing his clug on one known as going against our own soldiers and would through fear of their remorseless mas ature and science alike has sprung peon got his hands on a modern rifle invariably well heeled and having a make our efforts at pacification more always exclusively from those who he cared nothing for the police and reputation for being quick on the bloody and more protracted.
Huerta the Sensualist. have in their veins, at least a preSuch a In this connection the The first of this series of articles ponderance of Indian blood.
sheriffs who stuck as thick as flies remarked, may go far untouched, and of the European press, collected with is devoted almost entirely to a charCreelman expresses the opinion that of. the made.
of speaking softly. Let him be obvi ion, are significant. The London scribed as sensual man, of low as that Huerta will resign; although Shift the scene to Peru, a country he will be bludgeoned without mercy: touch with government circles in Eng short, squat, muscular Jalisco Indian do so, to avoid American intervention.
pusly without means of offense and Post, regarded always as in close sociation, devoted to brandy, bull once, at the instance of Garcia Aldape in many respects akin to Mexico. The as the unemployed are bludgeoned. It land and abroad, thinks that a situ;of about 60 years, with broad shoul: He is represented, however, as having the development of the rubber indus the apostles of the doctrine of indi the use of force will be inevitable. We are told that it is a brutal, sensu ranza is described as having financed late, thanks mainly to the most heroic defensive lay it all over those who proached it usually bappens that what tellectuality, but that, nevertheless, contributed by Madero, for which efforts of a Perunvian Socialist práte about turning the other cheek, is called an unfereseen event of an Huerta is no ordinary person, and Carranza refused, and most insultingnamed Benjamin Saldana Rocca while themselves going heavily armed accident precipitates the collision.
vame we Anarchists may well afford and yelling eternally for more police It instäöces the Boer declaration of he impresses you instantly as a man ly, to account, when he was governor to honor, since he has set us an exam and soldiers. They are like that fam war and the sinking of the Naine, and painted further as one who plays the has been made in great detail. by Zaof power and a born leader. He is of Coahuila. similar accusation ple of most lofty courage.
from his first exposure, dated 1907, in made scores of millions out of armor natural results of the tension of the man of the people; as one who flirts that the man who now posęs as the day and a night at the extraction of Admiralty, is in the odor of sanctity other place. Unfortunately there of bulitighters, harlots and gamblers, closes with the atatement that Amercific Indians of the Putumayo to work Churchill: First Lord of the British has in putting itself cxactly in the carousal at the Cafe Colon, a resort revolt against him. This third letter rubber, without the slightest remun with his church. He wants the Brit has not been the slightest evidence owned by one of his close friends. ican armed intervention scems eration.
The rob them children, to satisfy the voracity, las navy, and has emphasized bis request making even tire feeblest attempt to building, and has compelled his cab have worked actively to prevent their crops, their women and their sum of 257, 750, 000 for this year or that of any European Power is dentia tu office in this málodorous have intervened already, since we civiousness and avarice of themselves with the reflection: The world is put itself in the disinherited peon inet to hold several meetings there. Huerta from raising money. The sitand their employes.
They arming as it never armed before. All place.
flog them inhumanly until their bones attempts at arresting it have been in According to Current Opinion It is charged also that official corrup. uation in Mexico is described as an are laid bare; they give them no medeffectual.
the London dailies all declare emtion is rampant. Important business international calamity, and wt are ical treatment, but let them die, caten phatically tbat the British foreign of men have told me that almost every reminded that we have 100, 000 naup by maggots or to serve as food for It is even so. Commercialism, cap lice is in perfect accord with Wash sorts are offered privately for sale at States to guard the Mexican frontier their dogs; they castrate them, cut off italism, plutocracy, whatever you ington in the matter of Mexico.
their ears, fingers, arms, legs; they choose to call it, is essentially the The London Telegraph and the any price.
and nearly 50, 000 troops of the rugular torture theon by fire, water, and by most Christianlike of all recorded Berlin Vossische agree in considerThe article concludes with a para army ready to begin the work of octying them up, crucified, head down systems, for it has peace ever on its ing the military force at Huerta dis graph intended to ridicule Wilson and cupying the country and restoring wards. They cut them to lips, and blows out unhesitatingly the posal as much more powerful than Bryan for their dream that such a peace.
pieces with machetes, they grasp chil brains of every foe that dares to cross many Americans suspect, saying that country can bc, coaxed into the path To be concluded next woekdren by the feet and dash their heads its path. It is not amenable to pray, his machine guns are of the best and trouble is that the article does not against walls and trees, until their ers, THEIR TRUE COLORS.
brains fly out; they have the old peo with hearts as hard as the metal of treasury is far from empty. We our Facial Staiticisme. First, the Indian is calls attention to the publication by earthy Gods are walking arsenals, trusted troops regularly, and that his hang together, and cannot, as we sub The New Review for this month longer, and finally to amuse them the sights with which they hit their delays works strongly in navore of the either gentle and stupid, or he is fired the New York Call of an article by brate the sabado de gloria (Easter rifles. They proposent to maintain government, since it possesses arms and vidlating women. It is difficult the real grounds why certain SocialSaturday. they discharge their wea slavery, and to maintain it by force; foundries, has always some pons at men, women and children, or, for slavery is an institution that suits abroad and can force loans and im to imagine him as both. Secondly, it ists oppose the Industrial Workers of in preference to this, they souse them them very well. As for those who pose taxation. That power indeed is self apparent that Huerta has been the World. It invites special attenwith kerosene and set fire to them to wish to abolish it, one would be glad gives it such credit as it enjoys, and occupying, and still occupies, against tion to an extract from the article in enjoy their desperate agony. With of information as to what they do pro puts it at an enormous advantage as difficulty. Men who pass their tips indifference to the welfare of the out a touch of sentiment of hysteria pose. After years of earnest search. compared with those seeking to over in continual carousing and are devo State, the is truly antiI ask coldly if you do not KNOW ing confess that still find myself throw it.
that these horrors were rendered pos. most uncomfortably in the dark. Other leading German papers dis tees of such sexual perversities as patriotic, and on this account is an Creelman depicts, never can hold actual menace to the nation. This is sible solely by the fact that the armed WM. OWEN. cuss the repeated attempts to federcommercial pirates had the weapon 00000000000000000. ate the Northern States of Mexico, down a job of that kind. Moreover, a feature of the that seems less natives entirely at their mercy.
Am I, a friend of human freedom and owing to certain unforeseen dit: American vested interests have done been published, and all convey an general public, and yet it is the point equality, called on to wish a similar ficulties, mainly in connection their citémost to carry out. They speak communicated by Creelman portrait is here that they differ fundamentally fate for Mexico?
The camera does not lie, but from the Socialists, and that the first number of Land and Lib. approached on the subject, but as beure.
Angola, which is the vast Portu crty will not be out before Mnying unwilling to become a party to writers often do, and Creelman has source of greatest contention between guese district lying along the West al. This was decided at a meet the scheme. Their judgment is that a long stablished reputation as an ad the two organizations arises. This vocate of imperialist expansion, organization, in tactics and methods, coast of Africa, tells a like story. The ing of the Bakunin group, held a neither Huerta nor the rebels would Lind Caricatured.
is the direct opposite of everything in San Francisco, March 3i. The consent to it, and that any such atThe second article in the series is that the Socialist Party is supposed to Principe are ruled by some two thou o editor of this section, who will tempt would rally all Mexicans against headed Intervention of Powers Mex stand for.
sand whites, who tise the native popu be also the cditor of the new pa. the United States.
ico Hope, and the head fits the Commenting on this, The New Relation for the production of cocoa, per, earnestly requests readers Patterns After Boers.
article 19 the glove the hand. The view, which is also Socialist but has coffee and cotton. Slavery of the to send in the names and ad o The correspondent of the London argument is that Hucrta has no plan been boycotted by the party official most revolting character prevails, and dresses of those to whom the Times, always certain to be a picked but to hold on to power while he sing in New York State, remarks: the best informed travellers agree that sending of sample copies will be a man, has a high opinion of Villa and his friends are getting rich; that Apparently, the Socialist Party is within the last twenty five years no worth the while. It is the inten o military capacity, and reports his fol Villa has no plan but to murder. patriotic, religious, and opposes classless than 200, 000 men and womention to send out a large number Olowers as being better fed, clothed violate, plunder and burn; and that strife.
have been kidnapped from the main of such sample copies, that the and armed than are the Federals. He the United States! policy is limited Why not? It is a party of lawyers land to swell the island slave gangs. revolutionary. world may have explains that Villa does not handle to the words: Huerta must resign, and preachers. The former have to Do you approve of it, and do you not the opportunity of making up its his men in masses; that they are per Then follows a sketch of Lind, who take the oath of patriotism before know that it has been rendered pos mind at once as to whether it a mitted to operate in bodies of from is represented as a hale, dignified, they can practice. As to the latter, sible only because the armed minority will or will not support the new otwenty to thirty, without any set at old farmer type of lawyer politician, they can neither attack religion nor has the weaponless natives at its venture, tempt at co operation, and that his who loves to talk of the smell of burik advocate the class struggle without mercy?
Address to Har Dayal. o military organization is patterneding brush, the cheeping of squirrels; being false to every one of the proD. No. 1, Hayward, Cal. after that of the Boers. In other the spring call of birds and the plow fesions by making which they earn Pass to India, where my own counoOOOOOOOOOOOOOO words, individual, guerrilla warfare is thg of the soft brown furrows in dis their livelihood. un