
ܒܐܐܕܐܕ EDITID BY REGENERACION Thousands Join town.
The Warrior and the Beast.
ome. 80 the ல DICE. Whitaker, Slanderer would have to act more in accord position for San Francisco, to.
to English Section ETHEL DUFFY TURNER diers and MORE STATES better defense for his Regeneracion.
trality laws. CHANCE FOR FREEDOM uultsaed every Saturday at 619 ARE IN ARMS There was battle near: Matais all we ask: Let us ight and win 4th 8t. Los Angeles, Cal.
moros, In Coahuila, the result of our freedom Ilke MEN. Why allow Totopkuns: Homo 1ac.
hubscription raten: REVOLT SPREADS THROUGH NEW which the government is carefully.
permission for transportation of fedTERRITORY; EVERYWHERE concealing. In the Laguna district 00 Por ADXUDA The meeting held last Sunday eral troops on American territory and REBELS ARE GAINING. INSUR numerous small bands are operating. 10 Per month decline night in the Labor Temple Auditorthe same privilege to us? Sit RECTOS Ip the district of Nieves, state of STRONG IN LOWER or chroe pontba lum for the purpose of protesting up and take notice. This is CALIFORNIA. ALANIS ÁRRIVES Zacatecas, there has been an uprislag thing Guerrero dead! with radiant face he sirode lor us slaves to digest In congalost the unfair discrimination of of revolutionists.
Into the seething maelstrom of your hafe, officials and troops in regard clusion, we again ask you to aldus 100 coples 00 The fighting in Lower California In a cotton factory in San Agustin, o Mexicati revolutionists, and of de In our cause. FOR OUR FIGHT IS And thronging thousands follow on the road oopla 19. BO has begun and the situation looks Puebla, the workers rose and killed manding rights of belligerence for the YOUR FIGHT: Co feed or crush the Beast insatiate.
five rurales.
Iww ouples 20. 00 good for the revolutionists. part OLUB REGENERACION, PRAXinsurgents, drew such a blg crowd For warriors die and glory in their fate Near Matamoras, the sea port of lof Governor Vega troops encouathat it overflowed aisles EDIS G: GUERRERO.
Baitor and Propriotor, Apsolmo Loltered a small band of the rebels near Tamaulipas a strong band of insurAnd laugh at Death, a Death the desolate.
and upon the platform and all about Bit Phoenix, Ariz. Feb. 4, 1911.
Tigueros Joopa, on Feb. 8, and a fight occurred, rectos well supplied and armed with the walls, even then many were Guerrero dead; his soul dazzling light!
FEDERALS: FIRE ON urned away at the door: the outcome of which is uncertain. Winchesters has been seen. Tatersd a vocopd clast matter For heroes slain are never beroes dead, RED CROSS FLAG Resolutions of protest and belliThey live lo guide their brothers in the fight, daptador 11, 1910, at the post ot The waln body of the insurrectos, Ice at Los Angeles, Califorala, under who are now said to number five hunBe sure to read elsewhere on this gerence, were adopted unanimously, The Red Cross flag, that banner And tyrants fear when armies thus are led.
the Act of March 2, 1879, page, Let Us Poor Devlis Gain Our dred, was not engaged.
ol and a telegram to Governor Johnson So take the ghastly laurels from your head, newspaper which is held in almost Yo. 21.
Bul see! Your hands are dripping, dripping red.
Can you read that and corresponder telephoned from Camúrging him to act in preventing una respect by all civilized naSuturday, February 11, 1011.
po to San Diego the information that remain cold to the cause for which lawful abuse of power by officers tlong, was fired upon four times by Guerrero lives! Chis man you cannot kill, they fight?
the rebels are strongly intrenched at It is signed, Club Reunder his control was read, and the federal soldiers in Chihuahua on His deathless life illuminates the east, Liven the Mexlean lleraid, sub Picacho, and without an overwhelm: generacion, which club ts but one of nanimously voted upon to be sent.
Feb.:5; notwithstanding the fact that His thousands quake your fastness on the hill; Aldized Diaz paper as it is, has been ingly superior force it would be dimi many recently formed in this country collection of over one hundred dol Pr. Bush, who carried it, had the Live on! Live on nor stop the blood stained feast forced to cry out against wholesale cult to dislodge them.
He says. The to aid this paper in its work. Each lars was taken up for Regenera permission of the Federal commander little longer live to learn at least lying by Moxican government offlcountry is rough and wild, and assailclub takes the name of Regeneracion.
at Juarez to operate on the battleChat Mexico wants MEN, and riot the beast: clals in regard to the revolutionary clon, and then another special name, ants of the Picacho stronghold will The speakers were Stanley Wilson, fleld. Two women camp followers Picador.
such ag in this case, Praxedis isturbancy in Mexico.
be under fire long before they can A, Holston, Antonio Villarreal, were killed. news agent, Evelyn Guerrero. This week five new clubs Chicago, III.
effectually strike a blow at the rebels Mrs. Bertha Starkweather, John Ken George Ash, who runs from Los AnIf newspapermen hadn been lookwere formed.
Jan. 22nd, 1911 He states that they on the heights.
Zeth Turner and Job Harriman.
geles to El Paso, says he was an tok on at that ultle bloodlesy skirmish outnumber any force Vega can send letter from Jack London, who was eye witness of the affair. The Red between Rabago and Orosco just outagainst them.
named as a real American revoluCross Society: but recently. entered Alde of Juarez, Rabago would doubtOn Feb. 6, a correspondent states tionist. was read and received with the field. Diaz is opposed to the order tegs have reported a great victory, William Yellow Kid Hearst is just ivilization and democracy before us; and has inculcated enmity to it that 14 Mexican soldiers at Campo approving laughter and hearty ap.
among with 170 rebels killed were been deserting to the rebels.
plause. The letter follows: his army officers because he knows now posing as the benefactor of Cali be it Jack London Letter.
that if the Red Cross were allowed fornia in having according to him Resolved by the sebate of state Joaquin Casayus, special wire puller JUAREZ ATTACK DELAYED.
Dispatches from El Paso on Feb.
To the Dear, Brave Comrades of the to enter Mexico freely his soldiers self secured the Panama Pacific ex of Texas, the public eoncurring, that for Diaz in Washington, reThis fel we congratulate the people of Mexcently savo a banquet in honor of 8, say that Alanis had arrived and Mexican Revolution. We socialists, anarchists, hoboes, with civilized methods than he would low Hearst is the worst newspaper Ico upon the splendid progress of her Phllander Knox, Secretary of State. that he and his men are now virtuhave them do. That the Red Cross fáker and all around mountebank in people socially and politically during ally joined Orozco chicken thieves, outlaws and undeforces. Ittle later Cayasuy held a secret. There was a person once, Alfred sirable citizens of the United States was allowed to enter Mexico at all America most probably in the the last quarter of a century, and we conference with Taft, and almost im Alanis detachment is estimated at mediately afterwards several 300 mounted infantry.
addiasked to write a hurry up story for effort to overthrow slavery and auto brought to bear at the border. Henry clpled fakers to operate his papers. declaration, proclaiming to our peoAt this writing Orozco is entrenchtlocal troops of cavalry were Lane Wilson, ambassador to Mexico, The Hearst News Service, as a news ple and to the world, that the governthe Cosmopolitan, to counteract the ed in the hills near Juarez, in pocracy in Mexico. You will notice rushed to the border.
effect of the terrible slave articles ap that we are not respectable. Neither ment at Washington to investigate through and through. in San Fran part in the late so called revolution has been ordered by the state depart gathering organization, is a swindle ment of Texas has no sympathy or no sition from which it would be madAlter the battle with Orozco when ness for the federals to attempt to pearing in the American magazine, are you. No revolutlonist can posthe matter.
cisco Hearst Examiner is a friend. of the republic Kabago forces allghted from the dislodge.
Orozco appears to be modestly began, Personally know sibly be respectable in these days of has become frightened at the of unionism and unions; in Los Antrain on route to Juarez, the latter enthusiastic over the number of re as much of Mexico and Mexicans as the reign of property. All the names protest and has promised to have geles it is an enemy of unionism and THE IRON HAND HAS FAILED!
air that on his arrival ini. you are being called, we have been the cruits coming to him.
border city It is reported any, then proceeded the soldiers take more care, in the unions. For the United States in called. And when Graft and Greed Mexico, it must be admitted, is printed bulloting saying that the fed that more than 200 Mexicans and knowledge by saying that Standard 011 had been kicked out of Mexico, get up and begin to call names, honfuture.
general Hearst poses as a friend of failing in the program of ruling with orals lost but one man killed and Americans have already crossed the and that there were no trusts in Mexdemocracy; for Mexico he defends the iron hard. When a band of fifty his one wounded, and this in the face of border and united with force.
est men, brave men, patriotic men DEMAND BELLIGERENCE and advocates political oppression and armed men can come into a town and the fact that there are twenty six The attack on Juarez has been de ico, besides making a dozen other wild and martyrs can expect nothing else The following letter is being sent slavery. Hearst is in many ways a frighten the inhabitants so that they of hly federalg la the Juarez hos layed, supposedly because the insur jazd ridiculous flinge in the face of than to be called chicken thieves and out by the Socialists of Los Angeles (more despicable enemy of decency desert their posts, their stores, busifact.
federalg pltal, and that the outlaws, wero gent leader is waiting for the forces But his achievement in literary into all the Sociallst and Labor papers than Harrison Gray Otis himself. nesses and fee without a sign of a So be it.
geen to be hastily burying their dead. under Blanco, which were to join But for one wish that in the country, and to locals through lotis is, at least, not a hypocrite about struggle, it denotes one of two things him at this point, and also because vention pales quite beside that of there were more chicken thieves and out the country, the names of the yar it.
Tho Mexico Society of New York, he is figuring on a possible attack Herman Whitaker in the February outlawsi of the sort that formed the ious Senators and Congressmen be TEXAS SENATE the race is cowardly or else the rulLike ing classes have lost confidence in the recently organized for the purpose of from Navarro on the south and is number of Sunset Magazine.
gallant band that took: Mexicali, of ing of necessity changed for the difDlaz government and know that there The where Lewis, he would first have you know the sort that is heroically enduring ferent states.
the furtherance of better relations preparing to meet it.
PRAISES DIAZ is no use to combat the inevitable.
between the two countries, in other abouts of either Navarro or Blanco that he is a man who knows condi in the prison roles of Diaz, of the Declaration for Mexican Revolutions in Mexico today, a man who sort that is fighting and We reprint below, some amazing re, we do not believe that the MexIt is supwordy, of a stronger alliance between are not at present known.
dying onists.
solutions passed favorably on Jan. 28, icans are cowards. Their glorious American capital and Dlaz despotism, posed that Blanco is lying in am knows his Mexico. And then we are and sacrificing in Mexico today.
treated to a series of astounding Rights of Belligerency demanded. by the senate committee on federal record of bravery exhibited when. it.
boasts as one of its members, Melville bush waiting for Navarro. subscribe myself a chicken thief The great mass meeting held at relations in the legislature of Texas. was worth while to love their counE. Slone, head of the Associated After the battle between Orozco declarations, such as the day of revo and a revolutionist Labor Temple auditorium on Sunday. The senate committee on federal try and fight for it forestalls any, such Press. JACK LONDON.
Can you wonder that the dis and Rabago on Feb. 5, following lutions in Mexico is past, the disorevening, February 5, to create senti relations today reported favorable a conclusion, ders in Chihuahua were the result Then the fact remains Wilson introduced the subject and ment in favor of having the Gov concurrent resolution offered by Sen that the stalwart, law abiding, quletescaped to Juarez, patches in your daily paper are so which Rabago distorted and patched up in favor of American eye witnesses gay that the (note the past tense; please) of the treated it in a general way. Hols ernment declare the Revolutionists ator Murray, and others, giving to loving Mexican citizens have lost con the federals and agalost the Mexican federals deserted fast to the side of hypcbiog of Rodriguez in Texas, that ton analyzed belligerence, Villarreal of Mexico as belligerents was a great president Diaz and his administration idence in the ability of the Diaz govrevolutionists?
the rebels.
expression of loyalty and support of rnment to further protect them.
The Los Angeles Herald of Feb. want and staryation seldom obtain ing comparisons between the attitude About twenty five hundred people the Texas state government and dis It is not only in this part of the ordrio Diaz, desperately impress has the following dispatch of vic In that country, that the ragged peons of the United States toward other crowded the Auditorium and hun claiming any sympathy with the revo country.
The revolutionists have along the railways each have. chick Latin American uprisings; and log men into the army as fast as tho tory in Chihuahua: to dreds were turned away.
ution that is in progress in that coun stopped the great Mexican Central authorities can lay hands on them, MULATO, Mexico, Feb.
8, vla ens, a cow, a plg and a patch of corn ward the Mexican revolution, showNot until the United States Gor. try. The resolution was offered at the railroad by blowing up the bridges has been after the Mormon colonists, Marta and Presidio, Tex Mexican and beans, which all furnish him a ing that what was freely allowed in ernment declares the revolutionists equest of Governor Colquitt, it is outh of Juarez; they have even suctrying to force them to join the red soldiers made a desperate attack on comfortable livelihood, and so on till other cases was considered a violation as bona fide belligerents can the aid, and it will probably be unani ceeded in getting a whole trainload your head swims and you wonder if of the neutrality laws if done by Mex United States Army on the border mously adopted by the legislature. It arms into the heart of the city of eral forces and fight. The Mormons Mulato today: The federals Aneurt most strenuously that they are repulsed by the insurgents. Troop you were not crazy when you imes. Ican revolutionists.
become truly neutral. Under the reads: vexico; their cause is being made Ainorican citizens and that they will of the Third cavalry viewed the ined you saw on your trip through Mrs. Bertha, Starkweather, to When in the course of human De laws of belligerency the revolutionMexico faces gaunt and haggard with whose energetic labors in getting it trong by their courteous treatment got fight. These same Mormons at Aght from the American banks.
ists would be accorded the same events it becomes our pleasure and starvation, bodies clothed in the time of the uprising of 1908, TRAINLOAD OF FEDERALS f: women and children they give rerags up the success of the meeting was not rights which the soldiers of Diaz privilege to vitñess the advancement elpts for all property taken and caught revolutlonists escaping from worse than you thought rags could be a little due, made a strong and stirCAPTURET. now enjoy.
of a nation, climbing by leaps andromise to make them good when in Casas Grandes after the movement The Federal forces in Sonora are everywhere misery and squalor and ing address about the heroic women All citizens of the United States bounds and hops the ladder of social It looks to an outsider that John had been betrayed, and delivered too busy with troubles of their own despair. For Whitaker: assures you of Mexico.
Kenneth Turner who desire to help the cause of the and civil progress, it is but natural Diaz, 80 years old, has failed to build them into the hands of the govern. to send ald to the worried troops of it is quite otherwise, and he is a man save instances of the brave deeds of Mexican patriots. as France helped that we as Texans should express our on a solid foundation the great rement. When the revolution is weak, Juarez. The government suffered a who knows his Mexico Mexican Patriots during their fight us at the time of our war for inde pleasure in its achievements, as an public of Mexico. Nearly a million the Hormony aro Mexican citizeng; disastrous blow near Onavas on Feb. Of course it would be a horrld of the past three months, showing pendence in 1776) can do so by writ unselfish people our ecstasy should be chattel slaves are worked in the rewhen it iw gerong they are american 1, where a special train carrying 250 thing to do to remind the reader, at how fearlessly they have fought again ing personal letters to their con untarnished with the oxide of selfish publie; six million peons are kept in citizens.
troops was held up by rebels, and the this point that the Sunset Magazine and again against many times their gressmen and Senators in Washing ness. Hence, in the almost unprece debt to their employers for their whole federal body taken prisoners. Is a Southern Pacific organ, and that own number. Job Harriman made ton.
dented advancement of the people of whole lives; the government that is in a mass meeting of Mexicans in most of the men were impressed into the holds vast concessions from an appeall for funds for RegeneraAsk these representatives to urge the republic of Mexico under the wise built upon an abhorrence of the mas El Paso on January 29, one of the the rebel army, which is said to num Diaz, but we are moved to do it, and ion, for the purpose of helping it to be more horrid still by calling up arrý ahead its propaganda for the on Governor Johnson and President and constructive rule of that peerless ces of common people cannot hope to speakers sold, The hand of Diaz, dlc ber nearly 1000 men.
Taft the justice of declaring the Mex statesman, Porfirio Diaz, we behold stand. It is the wrong basis. Calextator and murderer, has made more portion of the Federal army is the fact that this man Whitaker has ause of the oppressed.
ican patriots as bona fide belliger a people rapidly evolving a splendid leo Chronicle.
widowg and orphans in the last thirty hemmed in by rebels in the smelter long since! proved himself an adept at ents, fighting for their constitutional Before the LET US POOR DEVILS on the Yaqui river, serpentine journalism. years than all other causes in our city of Telde RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED AT MASS MEETING rights against Diaz thë autocrat and slave articles in the American Magacountry. The audience did not lis southwest of Sahuarina. Whereas, Porfirio Diaz bas maintained himself in the office of the GAIN OUR FREEDOM the destroyer of the Mexican Constiten to that statement and stare in of Nogales. The banks Sonora, zine came ont, he happened to learn ution and Republic presidency of the Mexican republic for more than a quarter of a cen.
stupid placlilty at the speaker. They have become frightened and have of them and hastened to prepare fu: To the American people who are By writing personal letters, public tury by military power; and whereas, by his military power he has denied of the same publication a 51017 oi the raised a mighty shout of Down with placed their funds in the banks of free speech and free press and assemblage to the people of Dlaz, and they meant it awful slave conditions on the rubber watching this struggle against this opinion is being expressed more and the right of fr Too ex Nogales, Arizona.
cltable, too passionate, were they? dispatch from Cullacan says that plantations of Mexico, leaving, how despotic and barbarous Plaz; to those, more and in this way, the people are Mexico, and by force and fraud has made all elections. a farce; and hat sympathize in our movement to exercising law making powers, which, Whereas, by his military power he has conspired with foreigo capitalWoll, the individual who can listen a band of revolutionists at Tamaz ever, Ilttle loophole at the end who for to such a statement unmoved, and kia, near Sinaloa, secured eight hun through which he might later wrig overthrow this cruel.
He slipped years has proven himself a most black formgit under a representative ists to despoil the people of their property and reduce them to a condition.
of abject poverty and slavery; and knowlng it to be true, might just as dred dollars from the merchants of gle into Diaz favor.
The following are the Senators Whereas, the people of Mexico are now in open rebellion agalast the well bo chewing cud in a green pas that place. Eighty insurrectos were through this loophole not long after speciment of human being; to all who ture, with his hoots bunk deep in the reported to be heading for Culiacan. wards to crawl in slimy praise of the love peace, progress and the welfare from California. Frank Flint, Geo. tyrann cal rule of the despot; Diaz; Perkins; address Washington, Now therefore, we the Socialists and other liberty, lovers of Los Anmud. dispatch from Mazatlan, the sea Butcher of Mexico over the pages of of the common people in general, gelės in mass meeting assembled, do hereby express our heartfelt sympathy port, says that the authorities are the Sunset Magazine. And now that we appeal to you, to your manhood, Representatives: Duncan McKIN.
with the struggling patriots of Mexico and wish them prosperity in peace Agents of the Mexican government afraid of a rebel attack, and prepara the revolution has scared his patron honor and decency to at least let us lay. Smith, Julius Kahn, James and victory in war.
have bcen golng around among the tops for resistance are being made. Diaz nearly to death, Whitaker (togaln our freedom like men.
the tune of how much, Herman. TO ALL MEN. McLaughlin, Wm. Engburgh, We call upon our government at Washington to immediately recogSoclallsts of Los Angeles, saying that SLAVES ARE RISING.
the revolution in Mexico is an upris. Oaxaca is alive with the spirit of rushes to the rescue, calls the Mexi Who are now feeling and suffering the Hays, Nowland, James nize the Mexican insurrectos as belligerents and to maintain a strict neutrality between the Mexicaä government and the insurrectos, showing no ing against Dlaz because he is a revolt: Three towns have been cap can people a lot of lazy, Ignorant na crushing hand of power, the power Needham, favor to the Mexican government that is not shown to the insurrectos on Mayon. It seems a pity to huve to tured, Jalpa; Ojitlan and Tuxtepec, tural helots and praises Diaz to the bound in silver dollars, you slaves of equal terms.
give space to a donlal of this absurd the latter at the very mouth of Valle skies for saving them from evolution today who toll for a bare existence, Dick Ferris, theatrical manager, we men of your same class ask you It is said that a number ary effacement.
statement, but it is necessary, because Nacional.
promoter politician and the like, bas some Sociallsts seem to have been so of enganchados of Valle Nacional To Whitaker, king worshipper and for all the assistance that you may be rullidlo as to be decolved by it. Diaz have been armed and have joined the despot lover, no slander of a people capable of giving us. You know, our wired President Diaz asking him to 18 member ol tho Masonic order, but rebels.
is too great, no abuse too far reach fight is the same fight that you will sell Lower Callfornia and thus get If he wants to The authorities have ordered the ing, it by use of them he may lawn sooner or later be forced to put up out of a bad hõle.
to show what sort of a Mason he is it FREE slaves into the at the feet of a monarch stained with yourselves. We had to choose be sell, fine, says Dick.
1s only necessary to state that he is passage of contract If he don t, With one year aubscription to Regeneracion.
a gocret Catholic and has the support valley stopped till the revolutionary a nation blood. And yet this is the tween WAR OR STARVATION.
we ll raise an army and take the prova The English page of this paper is to be made much more interesting HOW The leader of same Whitaker who looked with his of the Catholic church, and everyone disturbances are over.
ince. Don be foolish, Dick. Diaz than ever before. Regeneracion is the only paper that tells in English the The capitalists, our masters, are knows the attitude of Masonry to this movement 18 Sebastian Ortiz, own eyes upon the slavery of Mexico ward Catholicism. The who who bas been a member of the Lib and admitted its horrors, a slavery alarmed. They are now devising is in a bad hole and is going to stay true story of the progress of the Mexican revolution. Barbarons Mexico woro martyred in Vera Cruz on the eral Party for years.
hideous beyond the power of the mind schemes and means of adding MORE in the hole. And say, in regard to: Is the only book that tells the trath about Mexican slavery and the political famous order of Dlaz Matalos en cal In Vera Cruz at the little town of to depict, a slavery encouraged and DOLLARS to their immense fortunes that filibustering expedition, did you wartnership between American capital and Dlaz which has made it pos.
lento were Masons and died making Debesa, near San Juan Evangelista perpetuated by that very mogarch Watch them closely. The reason of never hear of the neutrality laws that Send today and get the book with a year subscription to the Whitaker, the Masonic signs. Corona and Mar the rebels were vlctors in a battle. himself. a man who orders for more 13 a month släres, the United States aas become so anx paper. Or send 50 and get the book with months subscription to man! God tools of the money power, is to protinez, killed by order of Dlaz, were they control the surrounding region. knows his Mexico!
Masons. Juarez, the enemy of Diaz, The Jete Politico of Minatitlan Is save the mark!
tect the masters and their dollars in lous, oh, so very anxious; rigidly to the paper.
Address REGINNERACION S19x Bart Tourth 8toLos Angelea, Call ETHEL TURNER: And so on.
vested in Mexican soll, not for neu enforce?
WA Hasoa.
making a frantic plea for more solwere ower.