English Section The European War Mexican Notes rrez only country in which Socialists and revolutionists made a deterinined stand No. 20 against the military power. August 8, a week after war had bcguo, Repre Saturday, November 14, 1914, sentative Khaustoff, in open session of the Duma read a protest against the war, after which the Social Democrats and Laborites (radical peasants who SUBSCRIPTION RATES.
believe in land nationalization) withdrew from the session, declining to vote Despite the appeals for strict neutrality issued by Federal and State for the military appropriations. In his article on Socialism and the War, Single copy, 5c authorities the European wat is being more and more discussed in labor and published in the October number of The New Review, Isaac Hourwich One dollar a year. Six months, 50c.
revolutionary circles; and, if our experience is a guide, it is not being dis called attention to the fact that thirty two Social Democratic members of cussed with that impartiality its phenomenal importance should command, the Duma have been given life terms in Siberia, on trumped up charges. DOUBTFUL COMPLIMENT.
Few of the many speakers to whom we have listened seem to have mastered Surely it is incumbent on us, and on all who sincerely wish that intolerThe August number of The New the cstablished evidence respecting the first declaration of hostilities, and able conditions shall be abolished, to contrast the action of these Russian Review bas an article entitled The almost invariably the discussion has left the safe ground of facts and wan Social Democrats with that of their brothers in Germany, who voted unani. Great Amcrican Scapegoat, by Max dered into those bazy generalities which can be debated fruitlessly for cen mously for the monster appropriation demanded by the Kaiser for a war Eastman, editor of The Masses. It turies. The past history of the various nations involved, as seen through that led to the immediate and most ruthless invasion of an entirely innocent is intended to defend the nationalist spectacles and inost imperfectly digested; the question of whether country. Belgium. Surely it is incumbent on us also to consider that the for it represents them as being inRussian militarism and autocracy are not to be feared more than those of Socialist movemeot in Russia has been nurtured on idealism, and bas pro finitely less dangerous and illegallyGermany; the question of the comparative culture of the various countries duced its martyrs by the thousands; whereas the German movement scoffa minded than they are made out to be these and simil. themes, as to which libraries could be written, occupy tbe at idealism and fails signally in the hour of need. or example, he reminds his readers time. All that spells death to action and efficiency.
One word as to invasion. It is imperative that we should study the that the agitators of the Side by side with this runs another line of lurious controversy, which evidence as to the origin of this war, because as between invader and invaded have conducted the two most peaceperhaps may be more profitable. Socialists concentrate all their attention no honest man is justified in standing neutral. In all ages and everywhere ful big strikes that our industria his on economic causcs, insisting that the struggle for the control of markets has the invaded have felt themselves called on to resist, and cowards if they tory remembers. While the been at the basis of the present catacylsm. Their invaciable tendency is to failed to do so. On the other hand, the invader knows himself in the wrong was organizing non resistance in Patscoff at the alleged omnipotence of governments, which they regard as and all the world feels instinctively that he is in the wrong. Without a clear erson, the United Minc Workers were merely the spokesmen and puppets of the commercial power behind th distinction between invasion and resistance to invasion there can be no waging armed war in West Virginia.
position, thereby showing that the theories and economics of Socialism still other evils precisely because they invade the individual and rob him of that sugestive truth in this, but it is truth dominate their thought. It could not be otherwise. Maintaining as they do to which he is entitled tbe will hardly welcome. It Again we say that the true revolutionary movement, strong in clear. represents them as merely a big solve the economic problem, their natural tendency is to regard the great and acknowledge it. We must not be such cowards as to throw up the sponge Conomic Freedom and its Relation to Labor LAND.
employers of labor as the one enemy worth considering and the authors of at the first knock down blow.
World Wide Struggle, Selected from writings all Labor woes, including that of war. There is also observable among WM. OWEN.
of Ricardo Flores Llegon, Antoglo de Aradjo them a very general skepticism as to whether war is such a bad thing for and Wm. Owen ide s.
the workers, and an insistence that the horrors of our modern industrial life may well outweigh those of the battlefield.
ceedingly practical gentleman, Napoleon the First, is cited as proving the WORTHY PAPER, It seems to me that our friend The Anarchist Position.
wisdom of this policy.
ven she On the other hand the Anarchists, while fully alive to the enormous advertise the real merits Now that the Aguascalientes conpower wielded by the captains of industry and great economic monopolists, vention has agreed on Eulalio GutieOFFICIAL STATEMENT.
of his own paper, LAND AND LIBERTY, in this English Section. able enemy with which the workers have to cope; that, holding in its hands though only for a term of twenty amended by Act of August 24, 1912, therefore wish to do it for him.
maintain that the gove ning machine, in every country, is the most formidIn compliance with section 467 of suppose that he does not like to do Provisional President, al the Postal Laws and Regulations, as so because he edits this section, and seize railroads and telegraphs, put an end to all exchanges, take the workers pudiated the action of the convention of its statement, filed October 8, in ple copies of LAND AND LIBERTY Willy nülly from their homes and industries, and, in a word, create a chanst it becomes more desirable than ever duplicate, with the postmaster of Los should certainly send for it to Those who have not received samit is usually to the interest of private employers to keep labor employed, three leading figures in a struggle Cook, a notary public. The state No. 1; Hayward, Cal, and do their since only then does it produce profits. Military governments, on the con that appears to be now entirely un ment shows that A, Figueroa is best to circulate it, because it is doing millions into idleness for the sake of gaining the one goal they have in view, Carranza, Villa and Zapata Fortune and business manager; that the paper ably the same work that REGENa military triumph.
This conflict of opinion necessarily produces differences as to the attack ord recently and out of their own that there are no bondholders, mort with the Mexican Revolution. It is which all are eager to deliver. The Socialists and their followers mouths we can judge them.
consider that it must still be directed almost solely against the Rockefellers First, as to Carranza. In the Red gages or holders of any securities. edited to expose the causes that must present tactics, trades union and political. The Anarchists, on the other the Mexican Bureau of Information. SERVIA LEAGUE OF DEATH, States, and our comrade oven para and other great employers a theory that will lead them to continue their Papers of Mexico, issued recently by The circulation is given as 11, 000. lead to revolution in the United hand, see a colossal concentration of gigantic power in the hands of the very, New York City, which is Carranza exhas a inevitable that the conclusion of this European war will be the sigual for the text of Carranza te vergeten Statement tion known as the League of Beath acil the course dels individual, retaliatory tactics on a scale far more extensive than anything the Convention of Generals in Mexico Enrolled in this society are thousands lish Section that of explaining and system, the logical method of attacking war is to overthrow tbat system, stated definitely his position on the in the regular army or in the reserve method is making the people of the which indeed all Anarchists desire. If, on the other hand, war is the deliber land question, as follows: The res. All the inembers, both male and fe United States understand, at last, the ate sport of kings, and of those who run the world governing machines olution of the agrarian as Tolstoy always insisted then it is just and proper that those who wilfully through the division of the NATION for the country.
problem male, bave sworn to give their Hves true economic character of the MexThe League of selves be punished as ingrderers.
decrcc the murder of millions, and the ruin of tens of millions, should ther AL lands, of the land which the goy. Death was called into being in 1908 ican Revolution. The same method ernment may BUY from the great at the time that Scrvia burst into the revolutionary position they have educate the American people to Study the Evidence.
The origin of this war is a question of evidence, which must be studied expropriated for public profit. That Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ever since to face, and this is the most neces carefully; but most revolutionary speakers do not seem to have done so. In the municipalities, for the public wel: then the organization has been kept sary, and valuable of all propaganda.
the judgment of the editor of this section the evidence shows that the Kaiser rare, should expropriate, in all the set up. The women are drilled and given As it seems to us, no one can do deliberately drew the sword and started the avalanche. It seems to hiot even tlements of more than 500 inhabitants, practice in the use of the rifle, many better than it is being done in LAND questionable whether the Kaiser did not do so, at the last inoment, against lands for the building of schools, mar of them having developed into expert AND LIBERTY, which is therefore the advice of many members of that military autocracy which he has devoted kets and courts.
marksmen. Ex. unique and most worthy of support his reign to building up. It appears more than probable, that, when it was Nothing could be clearer than the ENRIQUE FLORES MAGON.
discovered that Great Britain would take part, there was much hesitation in language employed, and we have first many of the military circles that previously hrad burned for war.
to remark that, as shown by Sr. BulThese, however, are really side issues, important solely because the views vies and other experts on Mexican Receipts of Rangol Clino taken will affect materially the propaganda and action of the Socialist Trades economics, the public lands worth Our fellow comrades in Texas haye Defense Committee Union movement and the Anarchist movement respectively. The one, all talking about were seized by the mo been tried, and with the exception of F2am laue No. 2014 important, central fact is that this war is a frightful calamity for the workers, nopolists long ago, the position there Rangel and Cline, all are sentenced that it was recognized as certain to be such by the Internationalists of all today being similar to that now ex to prison terms ranging from five to PEAD 19 Deayer. Colo, Walter Pin.
sections, and that the ineasures taken to prevent it the election of working istent in the United States. Carranza ninety nine years in the Texas pris ze, San Francisco. Salas, Wacom Todo men parliamentary delegates, peace congresses, anti military propaganda, rcal proposition is to BUY out the ons, that you all know what that Pattern makeat Lestue, Denter, Color Sandoval, Rosebud, tem 18 o, Lenton, etc. etc. have proved absolutely impoteot to prevent the calamity. We land monopolists, and that is the very means.
Tacoma, Wash, 21, Mar have to acknowledge frankly that, as opposed to the few who wanted war, thing they have been hoping for ever The juries that tried Rangel and chester, Budeimiltec, Singletoe we, the incalculably many, have proven powerless. As a defense of the since Porfirio Diaz fled. Indeed, the cline would not agree in convicting Tex B7Detrolt, Miel workers against a universally admitted evil the revolutionary movement las belief that Madero government them. see two reasons for that. Ea Matsiseita, CHICAGO, 10. 26 proved itself a farce. It has been knocked out at the first blow, and it is would buy ont the great landholders, the first one is because to the men workers, 158, Sea Francisco Pattern Mat.
self evident that new methods and tactics are required.
actually resulted in land being priced composing those juries, although The Lord. Knoxtilte, Team Bro, of Paint Concerning Italy.
up, despite the revolution willing to do most anything asked by ers, 275. Chicago, No. 967 Street Rs. Enoplos As to Villa, Here something should be said concerning Italy; for, in our opinion, the which he has been regarded by the penalty was more than they would talumuuso chanten. Die eerste in The suspicion with the prosecuting attorney, the death. ceo, 340, Irenton: No. o Mumtor.
Italian Syndicalists and Socialists are being given credit to which they are revolutionists is traceable to the fact give to men who, in their mind, were maid hochwater rode Eur 100 not entitled, and again we are building on illusions instead of on realities. that he was, and appears still to be, Innocent of the crime for which they made. Erotildet The other reason, and Geo. Bemport, Dayton, fex. 1; Bricklayeri of Northern manufacturers and Southern agriculturists, but she has had a devotee of the Madero family, Raoul were tried.
another excellent reason for refusing to throw in her lot with Germany and Madero being his right hand adviser, the one important to us, is the agi: 0913, toontled 40. Sonths Austria. The British fleet, allied with that of France, is the reason. Look According to the Los Angeles Daily tation that is spreading to the public Park, Cuttey, Texa2 ben capca, clarion, of of. extensive a seaboard as has Italy. On it are almost all her leading cities; Villa told me that he did not want comrades in this country that boasts Of 1868, Georgetown, ul. Baller at the map a moment and you will see how true this is. No country has so by a Mr. Powers, who reports: prosecution was using against our Sichonectado instantly inflict on her an incalculable damage, from which Germany and to have a division of the wealth of so much impartiality and fair play Alakers, 28. Sapo Francisco 22:11Valencia, Austria, by their geographical configuration, are immune. From the moment Mexico among the poor, or even to when trying violators of law. Wc De 16:46: Dani tepatite are the when Great Britain came into this war the course of Italy was determined assign free lands to the poor. He said knowing that agitation has accom Sera. Rodgers, colacare pot by considerations infinitely more powerful than were the speeches or threats States had been the making of the duty to keep agitating in order that other 88 CM holi, Anatis, Tez, M, that the homestead laws of the United plished so much, feel that it is our custor Alaas. Jose Abantinuna New Bed of Syndicalists and Socialists. The first essential to successful warfare is not to deceive yourself as to either your own or the enemy strength, and we country, and he felt confident similar the protesting element may increase nigon Post. De Los Santon, Nora should not attribute to the revolutionary movement in Italy a power it does laws would have a similar effect upon to such proportions that in the future them. The 20 taboa Peruandes, Thurber trials of our comrades, the courts Carpentere Dintelet Council Detroit, Mich.
not possess. If we wish to be really strong we must be realists, discarding Zapata, on the other hand, has re will not dare to act as the past onea 06 Lacat Novice ano Olo. Slicet Metal Worker 410, City, Mont Almittedly the Social Democratic movement in Germany, under the test from the revolutionary standpoint, is manifesto which, bave acted.
In order to keep this so much 186. Bir olagliam. All. tboa!
of emergency, has proven itself a rope of sand. All the discipline and organ magnificent. In most outspoken needed work in defense of our com alerto. WestvuzeOklass. By 2Toha amounted to nothing as against the few authorized to issue orders and terms he declares that Mexico dis rades, we must have the cooperation Loger Foto, cal, 111, ma Francisco, 12. 08: Gormont workor or 128.
organization in itselt does not give power, and this lesson trades unionism, political reforms, as Carranza is and play, and to them, in the name of God, MO Michele Rochvalent is Madero was; that they took up Right and justice, we ask for all the Luaca, 2016, GAIAI. st. Chuadelphia in all its varieties, will have to master. It is equally obvious that the con arms to get the land necessary to possible help witbin your power to int. volucrate Onion, 148, o citas centration of power in the hands of those who direct the governing machine their life and independence; that the give. Be liberal and send every help to slees dentesmat, 18.
tion of power renders absolutely helpless. It seems to us that the revolution is reducing the reactionar to Victor Cravello, Room 108, Labor too, Creambate. ee, orx, 484. Little Rook, Ark, 1: Trbor workers, which has been split up over the question of centralization vs. decentraliza ies steadily to greater impotence be Temple, Log Angeles, Cal.
28, Now Weetminster, Bernhard Co ANSELMO FIGUEROA.
10. Cambridge, Mase, 1: Beaumont Tery tion, may well take this lesson also to heart. Lastly, it is overwhelmingly cause it is taking from thern the huge obvious that the real revolutionary movement, which shall free the masses based and that the way to attach the HELIOO APPEAL.
PritchettSohenectady, Brewery from helplessness by equipping them with power, has still to be born, and peon to the revolution is to exproprio anche interrogaren pamphlet form the Land Colvita wan. 0, John Sprague, Carillo Reprinted from LAND Workers. Scattle, the soon we set about the task of bringing it into existence the better.
ate the land monopolists and hand and Liberty Publishing Co. at the bacolo Nev. Radmitere Angleton, Texas Take Note of Rassia!
over their properties to the actual Price: de Anglo copy: 10 bundles ot couler Jerney City, 8. In this connection we shall do well to take note of Russia, as being the workers. The example of that ex cod more, e per copy. To be continued. Our Texas Prisoners 2: Talloce Ind. Vnion, 198, Macon, Ga. 32; 898. , 82Waco, Tex. 41, Local 107,