oshirishga Hegnisració English Section memild ten volpinel and shows atau ked nud terv et ali testle Warugrein ware, we estastoked mesyle of the lbs out of the fologie. 4 HOW ZAPATA SOLVES Agraria?
Problem ten THE CARRANZA HUMBUG. To مياه tr ماه ما ful to remain in silence, Ald their worki his government. he and learn tiul misery. These and other edited by WM. OWEN riie lidrid of Authority has fal.
From the above succössion of ačts ed a wholesome lesson, and in oë highsounding expressions are used, lex knusually leavy upon us of against, freedom of the proes, and in der to gain the favor of the it. Is their an meaning in them?
SUBSCRIPTION RATES Send money payable to late and blow after blow has been particular against the libertarian dustrial workers, he proclaimed To save American lives! Pure Single cony, cts.
No. 238 dealt to mention a tew of these work of Regeneracion and the Mam at the end of his run in Veracruz, bunk!
If American lives are 80 Onc dollar a year. 10utus, Soc. Saturday May. 13, 1918 Box 1236. Los Angeles, Cal. during the past week: Owing to gons in behalf of social and econo that from that day on the Social important, they could have startet Ricardo delicate state of health mic emancipation for the Mexican Revolution had started and that long ago in the American indlusa long and arduous Canipa yn with pose them, writing President application was made to have his people, we feel certain that the if all the workers rallied to his tries, where 35, 000 workers are so well entrenched a leader as Za Huerta as follows: We shall lay bail reduced in the hope of get merican plutocracy, thru its instru. banner they would be fighting murdered and some 700, 000 maimpata, so lie turned a deaf ear to down all diferences and, as two ting him out of jail to receive ment, the government, is in concerted for their real emancipation, and crippled yearly in industrial The the pleadings of the upper classes brave men, fight side by side a proper treatment. This was campaign to wipe out any libertar This had the desired effect and accidents. Ilave the papers now who liad fallen under apata gainst the invader from the North met with stern refusal by the ion activity that may interfere with many labor organizations and shrieking about the killing of Alla When the laye of a nation las lispleasure, and tlie distribution The moment the army of the court, the Deputy Dist. Attorney the plans of the American and fore groups banded together in what ericans in Mexico ever hollered for going as far as to say that even ign plunderers to crush the Social they called Batallones Rojos. a war on the United States Ssteel passed into the posession of the of lands went on. In the two Uniter States starts inland from few, tlie masses, if they are to years wlich have claspel since Vera Cruz my forces and myself if Ricardo were lying he would Revolution in Mexico and establish or Red Battalions and took the Corporation, the Colorado Fuel and recover their lost independence that tine, more than trn thou are at your orders.
fight the motion to the last. The a reign of bondage and slavery with field in what they considered a Iron Co. and other homegrown Dunn adds and escape fron poverty, are sand square miles of fertile, well that at that critical moment Ca. most that was granted by the an iron hand to protect the aristo most worthy fight. They were bandits that have snuffed out sa compelled by the necessities of cultivated land liave been given rrauza cringed and Villa hid becourt was that Ricardo could be cratic looters.
guaranteed absolute liberty to many thousands of lives yearly?
taken to a hospital, After being But we are not to be silenced or organize Unions in any way they No! On the contrary, every effort life to expropiate those icw, to men who before this time never hind him.
taken there he found the treat deterred, and persecution will only desired and even encouraged to on the part of the workers in these When it comes to thic orcaking ad even a lioe of their own, let point the masses alwa vs recognize alouc land on whicle to use it. revolutionary leader; a type of that he is actually anxious to re efforts in a cause we consider most. The Worker Home. In short, Zapata is essentially a ment so much worse than in jail intensify our determination and establish La Casa del Obrero industrics to make them decent and and safe places to work in has been that to buy out the inonopolists oor laborers who 13. been those who, when confronted with turn to the tanks, is to burden themselies with the born and lived all their lives in the social problem, do not ask needs the most is fresh air, sunWhat he sacred.
branches in all the cities, fought tooth and nail by these papsupport of parasites and perpet hrush huts were given fine stone tliemselves how they can solve shine and exercise, but he is kept cion from the mails we shall be com liberality shown by the Carran tervention With the exclusion of Regenera An idea of the adroitness and ers that are now howling for inuate their former rent vassalage houses, while inen and women the riddle without breaking laws confined to a small cage without pelled to use one cent postage on eve za machine to bait and trap the under anotlicr nanile.
Before the who had never slept arywhere To bring the Mexican people dispossessed can get back their Silva ou a dirty floor rolleri in their tution, but only how they can sities.
or infringing the national consti any chance for the above neces. ry copy, which will about double workers way be gained from the out of their frightful misery Nothlands, or obtain compensation, Triinis found themselves possess solve it; how they can give the the present expenses, or cost an ad. fact that the most aristocratic ing was heard of their frightful mistiney have to regaiul 1311 rol oito el of maguificent beds wii se cost, admitted victims of injustice exclusion of GENERACION from issue in postage alone. The paper ed The Jockey Club, and only and other leeches were quietly sucQuick in succession came the ditional fifty to sixty dallars per Club House in Mexico City, call. ery so long as Hearst, Rockefeller, governing machine. or tais. as Jail down in interior Mexico, had quick and sure relief. Napoleon, the second class mails; while at may not come out every week as frequented by millionaires and king the blood from the Mexican far as can construeiti:story, they hundreds of risos cacli.
whom men call The Great, was stick at nothing Out of the funes lie liai gained of triat type, and the French forthe same tine Raul Palma, a before, but we will get it out as of aristocrats, was confiscated and workers under the protection of tireless and ardent young worker ten and as long as our unceasing ef given to the workers to establish Diaz. Nothing was mentioned of came soine five year ago, when mules and tools and said with murders because he restored their In Mexico the breaking point by (out Zapata gave the people gave him a hundred thousand for Land and Liberty was given forts wil perinit.
their headquarters.
millions of the Mexican people bethe Revolution dreve porfirio which to work their la 18, and lands and stopped, to some exa prison sentence of 30 days for We ask those who care to help us For a while all of this appear ing bought and sold as slaves, liv.
Diaz into exile, It came of this his in hundreds of instauces Lovileci tent, the greater and more cruel speech. Palma was addressing their community to send us their workers were beginning to con reeking with vermin and filth, the right of free out in distributing Regeneracion in ed to be the real thing, and the ing. crowded in little vile hovels. whole familie. with food until slaughter land mnonopoly entails. lis follow workers as usual, at names and addresses and we will gratulate themselves and to actu women violated with impunity, pecessity, for the 12411 had pi:89ed into the native of the yery, til y could liarvest their si cron. When we pass to Carranza we the Plaza, speaking mostly of send them a bundle with the neces. ally believe that at last the New men, and children lashed or killed very few, leaving tlievasses help ilishud what Isınael Pala ox later TI11 tii sazing bandit esta.
pass to the consideration of an conditions in Mexico, when he sary copies of the paper to cover Order was about to be establish for unwillingness or inability to less, for example, it our issue entirely different type, which caller, in a speech to the Clanle works by differet methods. Him But a very rude awakening work as hard or as fast as their was arrested for inciting to riot the subscribers in their vicinity. ed.
of January 22 reproduced an arber of Deputies, newa istucria also we liave to study as closely that even the law and order sent situation has forced the paper but the charge was so ridiculous We need not repeat that the prewas in store for them.
masters demanded. You know how tliclc from the Tacoma Tribuie, Just as soon as Carranza felt he friendly IIearst and Rockefeller are wliich rau, i11 part: The size of cy of the soil.
and impartially as possible, for these estates (in Mexiro) is almost Trater in the article ? tells between these two types all coun. Change it to disturbing the therefore, we ask those who care to his teeth and proceeded to carry plenty of expeirence with themgang found it convinient to into twice the ordinary expenses; was strong enough he began to show to American labor we have had incredible. The progurty lisld by His how Zapata levied. priests tries will have to choose in that peace. In the trial the prosecu sce the paper live to redouble their out his real intentions and program. and you can imagine how benexoMrs. Phvelie Jiea. st in West to wliom various terrified land great struggle which, as is now tion with all its police witnesses efforts in its support, if they think He began by dispossessing the wor lent they are towards Labor in Mexera Chihuahua is saisi to comprise owners las entrusted their self evident, cannot be deferred But the much longer was badly worsted by councel for its work is worth while.
kers of their mansion in Mexico ico. It is only now, when the Mer3, 000, 000 acres. The kockeleller wcalili, and writes: the defense and everything point. Yours for Land and Liberty, City, forcing them to vacate and ican peopic, learning their lesson Aldrich sindicate owns a 2, 000, 000 Master Bandit was too wily to take Carranza, wlio at present enjoys ed to an acquittal, but things preacre ranch in the Sta e of Zacate. possession of any propery him mucli support among the SocialREGENERACION GROUP driving them to the suburbs, while through betrayal, are taking possess cas, British and Ainerican in self. Wien le looted a tow, he ists and Single Taxers, and of at the same time restoring the pal sion of the land, the mills, the terests hold under tille, or lcase gave permission to the pour of the whom Lincoln Steffens has writace to his aristocratic friends. workshops, the railroads, for themmore than 20, 000, 000 in the Tain place to occupy whichever louses enthusiastically in this Today the harlot has thrown the selves, that Hearst and the others pico oil region. There are huge suited tliem best. If these PLONIS month Everybody s, will be mask aside altogether and stands weep crocodile tears over the poor, ranches and plantaticus owned by could not agree in distribution of the subject, therefore, of next naked with hardly any more predowntrodden, people of Mexico.
Arical attend all through content on impaticides week editoriat, co wg o saictYBESA, nekiranuchspros: Phineas Barnum no doubt gain we were mistaken.
their blood for the land and emanerty do you own in Mexico? What is Northern Mexico. Most of the them, allotting to each fanyily WM. OWEN. voiced a sound truuism when lie said There are men who call them cipation from all exploitation the meant by American property If a what lie considered a fair tract of that the American people love to selves anarchists who are actual peons are told to move on, that bunch of Scotch, English, Jewish, property in question was formerly known as community lands. farming land, and a good home be humbugged. Of course this ly hopeful and even anxious to they must buy the land from the It was divided into small farms in which to live. In the towns would seem to be a fitting classi see Carranza come into power in government or the landgrabbers if German, and American plutocrats are America, then there is American held and worked by peasants he wrecked. such as Yautepec. Regeneracion? Barred fication for the average every day Mexico and establish an era of they want it. This in the face of without titles.
property to be protected there.
sucker and not for those who freedom and peace.
It supported in Jojutla, Jonacatepec, Cuauhtia, Wliat a stu the fact that even if the land was But if you refer to the ninety odd free it would ammount to nothing millions of American people as modest comfort a great populam and others, whose sack was des. From The Mails claim to do their own thinking pid mockery!
tion whichi, since tl3 land was cribed in my previous article, he but it seems that it could well be Why should any man with com if a pack of thieves and exploiters merica, there nothing to be lost, taken and consolidated into big allowed the lower classes tho distreched to include the whole The expected has happened.
mon horse sense expect a vulgar are allowed to gamble with and for not vno in a million of these estates, has been redi sed to help. vide the land and buid such owns anything in Mexico.
houses as they could. None of Regeneracion has been barred flock, the wise ones not except politician who solemnly pledges grab the products of the farmers.
less peonage.
When the workers go on strike this land is allowed to be sold, from the mails as second class ed. We are all humbugged, no himself to protect private proper.
The workers of Mexico are fight.
Such being the indisputable ex Carranza and his lackeys are ever ing the same enemies as we AmerWe have just received doubt, some time or other, and ty, corporations, investors, nortagaged, or seized for debt; it matter.
condition let us see low Zapata nust descend from the father to notification from the Third Asst. Perhaps like it. as Barnum would ploiters and slave driyers of all ready to protect the interests of the ican workers fought at Ludlow, Cathas dealt with it, and for that the oldest son, though a mem Postmaster at Washington to the say, but this being a matter of kinds, to do anything in the in exploiters and shoot the workers umet, Paint Creek, and Youngse purpose draw ono article by bers of the family are to share in effect that the second class mail degree, we can help wondering terest of the people, or rather the down if they don belave. few town, only the Mexican workers are Harry II. Dun18, lublished in tlje products of the soil, Inas privileges enjoyed hy Regenera how easy some thinkers will working class, who are the only words from Carranza himself are going far ahead of us in the struggle The Wide World of this montlı, much as all deeds are cirefully cion have been revoked and that take their dose.
people worth mentioning? The perhaps not amiss, here is what he for industrial freedom. Shall we be May. Dunn has been in Mexico destroyed in eaclı town captured tlris paper can no longer circulate In this particular instance have very idea is idiotic and sickening said in a recent speech: If the loyal citizens or traitors to our several years, and published, in by tlie Zapatistas, as well as all thru the mails as heretofore.
reference to the easiness with The only redeeming feature revolution has combated the tyr class if we help Big Bnsiness in the same magazine and as far The reason given for this ac which Venustiano Carranza lias about Carranza, as with most ev. anny of the capitalists, it cannot their atempt to force the Mexican back as September, 19:12, an arti municipal and State records, it is cloubtful if the rightfull owners tion is the same as originally ad succeeded in making a lot of ra. ery politician, is his crass stupi sanction the tyranny of the prol workers into slavery once more?
cle on Zapata. After an exlaust Clean up Mexico! howl Hearst of these properties can ever recov vanced, viza that Regeneracion is dical folks believe that a polit dity in trying to play the tyrant etariat, and this tyranny they are ive account of the stody consolinot regularly issued, and that it ical clowa can actually do some. too early, as is naturally the reaching now, especially the mem and the rest of the pack. The first dation of Zepata po jer, the story comes down to ile date at have quoted at considerable is not a newspaper or other pub thing for a downtrodden people. case with all would be dictators bers of the Workers of the World truthful expression that has passed Home, who are not satisfied with their frothy, snarling lips. They which Ilueria had become Provi length because Dunn knows his lication within the meaning of How any socialists, radicals of all who crave to be rulers, and in the law, sliades and even so called an. their anxiety betray the people the benefits and concessions made want to clean up Mexico to clean sional President, and Dum les subject; because his art cle apAs to these charges, we have archists can pin any faith to a and try to impose themselves be to them, but instead persist in mul out Mexico and with Mexican la.
cribes apata cuirse as having pcars in a magazine of weight, that enjoys an international cira dealt with them in former issues cheap fraud like Carranza, and fore they are strong enough. Of tiplying and exaggerating their de bor. And they want American Laheen as follows. Zapata voluntarily evacuated cult10t. and because he srens to and little more need be said along expect him to do any thing just this the bearded savior has given mands, until they become a re. bor to clean up Mexican Labor.
proach to the constitutionalist Refuse!
Cuernavaca, withir wall his be by 110 means an eniliusiastic these lines beyond pointing out because he proinises, is more than ample proof, able to conceive. From THE ALARM. Chicaraiding bands into the compact admirer of Zapata; although the absurdity and discriminating one is Like all his predecessors, Ca. authorities, who have been their but unfortunately there rranza has been long on promises allies and supporters. The const go, Illinois.
army of close on thir y tlousand 110te that his presentarticle is far nature of same.
and quite numer but very short in carrying them ant efforts of the agitators tend to tclired During the last two years Re such cases to the mountains of Guerrero, from bring as condemnin; as was Report of the money received Ous too. This would be bad e out, and as no politician in Mex. make the workers take advantage years generacion actually failed of pub.
by Los Angeles Branch Work.
and lay do in quiti, kur nearly swo tir it he published fours of circumstances to force their depeoHvisiently ile has become lication for a number of times, nough if it were something new, ico dares come out before the 17! nt. iltihing only such foilys but when it is a threadbare and mands.
gue for MAGON defense: ple today without promising the as we re necessary supply liis iuprissed, for bie tells us. lat Za but as these lapses were caused The government must recognize Workers International Defence arıny with food, ti. wliile he pata has been twice in pc session for very good reasons, the Post wortout game like it is in Mex land, he has gathered his followwaited to see what this old warrior of the City of Mexico, has named office always accepted our excuses ico, with the continuous rotation ing from these promises, but had the right of the companies that ask League.
Receipts fos week ending May who had lped to orritarow Ma two esments and their cabinets, as valid, and without any difficul of would be Nupoleons, it be neglected an element which he for aid in forcing respect of their comes really plzzling, discovered over two years ago rights and protection of their prop 15th. 1916.
dry would do. Ilur ta did notlı and had the Presidency lur times iv. So, it is strange that now that Regeneracion las come out When Madero took advantage when he entered Mexico City, erties.
Previously reported. 383. 21 ing, and ti en Zapat made the within liis graso.
This is only a brief outline of Grupo Risveglio, Ybor City, Tampa ten strike of his lit. 111 pro. Indeed liis article closes with with strict regularity for the last of the despoiled and outraged He had not reckoned with the clamations posted all ver More the declaration that Zapata today seven inonts, its privileges sliould people of Mexico to induce them city or industrial workers, and things as thoy now stand in Mexico, Hla. 37. 15; Fund No, los, Guerrero, Puebla, as parts conuiand: au solmost as be revoked for irregularity. The to follow him and put him in pow. when he entered the Capital on and the way Carranza is carrying 276. Evergreen, 00; Ahof Tlaxcala und Mexico, le a 11 large as that of The existing Cil charge of using the mails to er with tne promise of giving what he thought to be the crown out his promises. Much more could archist Red Cross, Regene11owed thiet teie poor of all the ter sranza goverumet; that he has circulate matter that incitei them the land frce, it was not so ing triumpli of his ambitions, he be said about this matter but space racion) 25. 00 Total for week 64. 15 ritory len controlled could liave the loval support of a mis on co to infirder, arson and assassina bad to expect the people to rise met with the rudest jarr of all his will not permit. However, more He found there wide. about this will appear from time to Total received to date 447. 36 farms for je asking. Inuinediate ple who, thanks to him, re now tion is still niore ridiculous and and use any means to overthrow summers. Noel, Fin. Secy.
ly he began tlie dispossession of landowners, and that nine resi utterly discriminating when we a dynasty that had cruslied them spread discontent among Cox.
such foreigners and wealtlıy na sents have sought to suppress only glance at the continuous for over thirty years, and espe workers which was very disturbThe trial of Ricardo and Enrique tives as liad not already been him and been worsted in thio exi murderous scream of the daily cially when Madero actually ap ing to liis peace of mind.
Flores Magon is set for May the flowever he thought it was an driven out of the live States niaw11 counter. And, althoug by die lays press and especially the Hearst peared to be sincere. But when even this paragon of democracy easy matter to settle and proceed31st. All those who disaprove of ed and the repartit, un of their mucha stinss 1313 the ruthles bru organis.
the procedure against the Magons All of this is so obvious and betrayed and outraged the very ed to order the most active rebels tands among the penis of the tality of niany of Majala hinth may send their protests by writing This aroused such storm country.
xls, he also testifies to luis unlisi self evident that we consider it a people he so zealously professed shot. IIllerta, occupice with the ching courage, saying that lie waste of time to dwell upon it. to set free, it would seem that the of inclignation that he was forced The Hearst and other papers are to Judge Benjamin Bledsoe in financial qitestion and with tle was the ouly revolution wlio, But when we see our most sacred question of expecting a political to leave Mexico City in a hurry urging intervention in Mexico. To charge of the case, and Dist, Attor.
opposition of the Uited States when cuir forces Jarded Vera rights being snatched from aus savior to do anything for a peo and to stay away for over two save American lives, to safeguard ney Albert Schoonover, Federal was iu no posision no enter on brul, inmediately offered to ope with a brutai and ruthless hand ple wus settled iur good. But a years. By the time he reached American property, to bring the Bldg. Los Angeles, Calif.
er tiem.
are ment, ers International Defense Lea.
11111 the time, Intervention