न No. 255 onc any.
nes his labors to humbug the Mexican Revolutionary Drama, said, What difference does it that the merchants had been struck by workers; but they are wise to his Land aud Liberty. written by make so long as you get paid for a sudden gang of conscience. The dirty game and turn their backs on Ricardo Hores Magon, will be pro. it?
politicians scampered about, almost breakliui, while going to swell the re duced for the second time on the With such jury and witnesses, ing their necks in their haste to investie bel ranks, 7th of April, P. at Lyceum Billings was sentenced to prison gate and put a stop touhe amentabıle siPublished by voluntary Send money payable to the EdiThis means that the mexican Flall, 231 Spring St. Mexican for life. With the same social Subscription.
tor ruacion.
ANRIOUR FLOR MAGON, scum, Mooney has been sentenced And here again was demons proletariat has gained more ex orchestrn will open the program Saturday Marc. 24, 1917 Single copy Bc. Box 1236. Los Angeles, Cal. perience with the decepsion he with the new marches Regenrra. will be Israel Weinberg, for whom agg egation of hairks und jackals. For to crathi. And their next victini trated the mendacity and stupidity of this has suffered at the hands of Ca cion and Land and Liberty. financial aid is badly needed. instance, THE ple into the european slaughter: proletariat shall be free from some of the most depraved Can there be ang sirapletos who of NEYMDU CURUT. Paragraphs of the beautiful Mam, all threats of intertention, Let rranza, and he resolves to reme General admission will be 25 cents, them, such Whitman, dy the error.
Shall he ert astill believe in the so called J115Revolution (Translated from the Spanish section. nifesto speak thus: Who knows us precipitate the gain, probably, because poverty REGENERACION had not ticc? Can there still be those governor of New fork, came out with what may happen within a few in Spain, that the people of that forhids that we libertarian pron come out since the 24th wlio do not understand that the the scaternene that the cause of high Shall the spanish people be the Teb courts are nothing else lout a prices as that the people were extravagan!
days, perhaps a few hours? country may set an example to first European people to arise aud agandists inake the intense and ruary owing to the crisis thru which hatchery of crime, to protect tlie in buying, aul thac if they only practiced The unexpected Boats in the the other peoples of Europe of overthrow the system of private atmosphere reddened by the deve what the proletariat must do if he extended propaganda that the we pass at present. It is a hard interests of the rich? And cau cconomy such things as high prices would property which is what makes will astating fire of the world wide be ordered to shoulder a rifle and that from deception to deception der the circumstances, but we shall frightfully cynical new crime of fact that millions of people are starving moment requires; but it is certain matter to keep the paper alive in there still be cowards who be unknown! This in the face of the possible the conflict or the pa conflagration; the dreadful is ex shoot his brothers in other coun. the intelectuality of the mexican get it out as often as means will Au tions among themselves?
because they have not even garbage to eat.
All the indications are that the erywhere, and it may fall on our tries: rebel. The example of the worker sliall forge ahead, until perniit.
We beseech Nemesis that this heads when we least expect it. spanisl proletariat shall liave the the generality of then shall end The remarks of the said governor give horrible crinie may 110t go Uplo ons a fresh reminder of a certain ruler of ele spanish people shall be the first Let events not fiind us unpre eflect of causing the insurrection by realizing that the emancipato arise, and the signal for the Carranza has crowned his polit ished!
And it shall not. The Social who upon being confronted by the ep of uprising slall be the declaration pared; let the moments of trial of all peoples involved in the col of the workers has to be achiey ical furces with his unanimous Revolution approaches with yi the people for bread guid: find us firin and determined; let ossal carnage. Let the rabe ed by the workers theoiselves, and unopposed election for Cons gantic strides, forced by the un ble wat grass! few minutes later the of war that tlie Monarchy of Alus know how to oppose destiny REGENERATION will open and that the only solution of the titutional President of Mexico.
fonso XIII may make against the bearable conditions of hunger, rabble paraced duwn the street wich by overcoming it. that is a Pro. Spanish. Revolutionists tentral empires. The declaration present armed conflict, rests upon So unanimous was the election misery, tyranny and injustice in the head of the haughty monarch decoratwbat we must dot section, in which an account shall the poor themselves taking pos that the country is shaken from which the proletariat is forced to of war may be made at any mo For our liberty, for our lives, be given of the ammounts that session of everything that exists one end to the other by uncontrol Mooney and his comrades shall very luscious grass sticking from his mouth.
jog the point of a shiny spear and some ment, since the governmental, for the lives of our loved ones, our comarades may send destined for the benefit of all.
lable revolution against Carranza. be one more cause to lasten thic good hint for the overlords of today.
magnates, the magnates of golio for the lives of our fellow beings, for those braves.
tics and money, who shall be the We most not be dismayed. The And so Constitutional is his elec holy Revolution, leveler and jusSend your mite without delap. Mexican Social Economic Revo tion, that the Constitution itself tice maker; and which we, all the stupid, attribute the high prices to a shortwe must be on the alert, disposed Some others, little less rascally and only ones to benefit from the en.
to be stronger than the wrongs Let the old, priest ridden Spain trance of Spain into the european lution advances. March on! At prescribes that there must be no workers, must prepare to wortlicarnage, have already agreed to confronting us, superior to the blaze, that the good ones may ly receive, no matter what our age in production and advocate the back the end of the journey. the red elections when the country is in a murderous unslaught.
replace it with a confederarace may happen to be, since the to the land scheme and even the cultivapush the spanish proletariat to banner of the proletariat shall state of revolution.
workers of all the world are tion of back yards as a remedy! This. It is urgent to be united as tion of free and happy commun.
the slaughter.
wave in the inexican plains, the And as Carranza is a Constitu brothers and bave the same rights while the brigands are burning food by the In the face of tlie spectre of the never before in this doleful hour ities. Let us stir the conflagra.
banner of Land aud Liberty! tionalist Chief, he is the first one to defend and the same grievan carlovac before the eyes of the starving peoof homicidal fever, it is necessary tion, brothers. That is our duty war against the proletariat of March on!
to sit on the Constitution that is ces to avenge all over the earth.
other countries, the spanish pro division, all occasion for diss. ists, that we abandon all motives of as proletarians and revolutionrespected by fools.
The excesses, the exploitation ple because there is altogethr too much, The Revolution of the ENRIQUE FLORES MAGON and violence exercised by the and while even the most pitiful sot knows letariat becomes indignant and dence, world shall be the powerful arm social parasites. invite the pro that the more there is the more they bnig ducers to also exercise violence on and dump in the ocean to keep prices up, rather than go and die like cattle It is imperative that this that will free the Mexican Revol HAIL RUSSIA! To the Gallows!
their part.
So, tlien, let us be in the trenches for the benefit of wrong, if it comes, shall find us ution from threats.
To help! The European carnage has begun prepared; for (lo not think that The war and profit mongers wallow in the rich and the goverument, he as brothers in resistance: bro RICARDO FLORES MAGON. to bear fruit, showing that its rav. Translated from the Spanish section) our american brothers are a race gold while the multitudes starve! And prefers to raise the redeeming tliers in the hopes of the redeema ages are not wholly in vain after all.
Indignation stirs my pulse up ing the noble example of their thing but stop the thieves, sinugly declare of eunuchs, incapable of follow. the stall fed crooks in office will do barricade in his own country to ing triunph; brotliers in death, if THE SITUATION The overthrow of the Czar of Rus on writing these lines, and inen inexican brothers who prefer to ing that they have no legal way of doing it.
carry on the war against liis exit be necessary. Translated from the Spanish section. 818 and his monarchy that for cen ory evokes the mexican fields of die worthily fighting to be free But they have a legal way to protect them ploiters and tyrants.
The The spirit of the intelligent. Other labor papers of Spain mexican revolutionary turies had accursed that hapless action, where tlie proletariat, er rather than to live shamefully as The at movement goes forcibly on in country, is a healthy indication of ect with virility, 110 longer asks higli duty of class solidarity calls protest or refuse to be gouged.
slaves. Let us be prepared. in their loot and to club the people if they and dignified proletariat is re speak in similar terms.
how the wind blows at present and for justice, but makes it.
dected from the following para, mosphere is saturated with protest spite of the bragging antics of a us to stand shoulder to shou der graphis copied from El Hombre and rebellion, and the good ones two by four american senator for the future. While some are in labor, never expected the Moo any part of the Earth.
a good augury of what is in store Being fighters in the ranks of with our brothers of chains, in Then the pious Woodrow and his cote erie call upon the people to uphold the Libre. pothe Free Man. of prepare to arise in arms against one William J; Stone, who says clined to regard this event in a neys, Billings, Nolan and Wein ENRIQUE FLORES MAGON. honor and dignity of the country and to Madrid: We believe that days the government which wants to that the United States should prepare to hold their starved carcasses in of trial aproach for anarchism, drag the people to the european give a good spanking to Mexico light way, arguing that only a berg to be freed by the bourgeoireadiness to be shot full of holes in defense and we can clearly see the moral shambles; but those good revolu and make the mexicans undertand change of tyrants has been accom sie; but neither did believe that THE FOOD RIOTS of the war and profit mongers 100t.
greatness of the mission that cir tionists have no money, They that they must behave well; and plished, as it really is, after all, it would so boldly dare to conIf there is a tore outrageous The present discontent, as manifested by cumstances have assigned to us, are in need of help to strike the who remains as cool as if to ad when it is considered that this was demn thein to death. But was and colossal crime than that of the food riots, is a hopeful sign of soffieth If we want our movenient to first blow to the capitalist hydra, minister spankings were as easy done in a few hours, as it were, with sadly in error.
so little sacrifice and at a time On the 17th of last month, food which makes life possible, to believe that no such spirit had been lepriving a people of the very ing better that is ahead. It is perhaps safe duly avail itself of the crisis that that later on they shall acquire as braying braggadocio.
approaches, it is necessary tliat the elements for the fight. They Villaism. which has become still when the dynasty would seem to be Ton Mooney, implicated in the while a pack of monete changes seen in this free country before, altho, want their class brothers of Am stronger, couting now with some stronger with the people, having a San Francisco bomb explosion, gamble with it, it is indeed hard we prepare at once.
needless to say, erica to help them, and all the 25, 000 men, 30 cannon and 75 foreign enemy to face, one cannot was sentenced by Judge Griffin to think of it, unless it be the it is always the damned We opine, with Malatesta, libertarians of the New World machine guns, after occupying but conclude that this is a real big to be hanged on the 17th of May; driving of this same people to the foreigner that does things worth while. the that now inore than ever, is the must answer their petition. Let the positions evaquated by Perstroke, The versions as to the which sentence was appealed by shambles, which is done by the Ainerican is too civilized to do such time to deepen the abyss between us help them, brothers, in the shing, prepares to attack the city causes of the rebellion are many, the defense, and for the expenses the alert to profit fron human ing to wake up now that his belly is geto same beastly crew that is ever on things, you know. But even he is begin.
capitalists and workers, between but whatever they are it is evident of which a call is made to seud inisery.
the rulers and the ruled, and to understanding that all the op of Juarez and to invade the State that it came from BELOW and funds to ROBERT MINOR, 211) And this is just what happens ting the habit of sticking too close to his preach in an open way, tenacious, pressed of the world are bro of Sonora, where our yaqui bro No wonder the word social rev.
thers, and have the same thers have made a stand to form that it was actuated by a truo rev. RUSS BLDG, SAN FRANCIS at the present time. The great back.
persistent and audacious, the exolutionary, spirit.
multitude that ordinarily is on olution is finding echo even in the colo propriation of private wealth, and interest, that of the disap anew and go on with the canithe verge of starvation, is now umns of the capitalist press these days, This is well attested by the fact Mooney innocence was confronted with the dreary specthe complete dissolution of the pearance of exploitation of man paign.
by man from the face of the In all the other States the rev.
that the uprising started with the only proven, during the trial, by tre of utter want in the very Someone has said that the rulers heves States, as the only ineans of asEarth, olutionists have also gained cry of the people for bread and the testimony of 21. witnesses and midst of plenty. And all because learn from experience, and this has always suring fraternity among all peoA Committee has just been ground, being in the oil region many other unmistakable signs. as by photographs which, in com a ring of buccaneers are allowed been attested in all ages by their utter di ples snd Justice and Liberty for all, setting ourselves in readiness formed in New York to raise where the carranzistas have lost seen by the press dispatches, pany of his wife Rena, were tak. the mile; cheat and jugele with regard and blindness of everything bet primal.
to realize them in brief terms. funds for the revolutionists of the most, which already is under Among these the most gratifying en of him at the same hour of the we have these insatiable themselves in their power drunkness. Bur From another anarchist paper, Spain, The said Committee is the dominion of the rebels head. are, that as soon as the monarchy explosion, a mile and a quarter ghouls hogging all the means of everything has its liinit, and sooner or later It is for this reawas overthrown all the ministry from the scene, but it was also subsistence while insolently tell the people tire of eternal thralldom and Tierra y Libertad. of Barcelo: composed of such pure and gen ed by Pelaez.
na, we take the following: la ini personalities as Roman Del son that Ingland seems to want was thrown into jail, and as the proven that the prosecutors, Fick ince the people, who have pro then the furies cilt loose, sweeping every view of the attitude that the gado, Herminio Gonzalez, Ven. to send troops to Tamaulipas. national flag was lowered from the ert and Cunha, assisted by the duces it helps thet they cannot eat thing on their way and finding expression tura Mijon, Iglesias and others Vain dreani, palace it was replaced by the red lackey Martin Swanson, made use prices set up by them.
in a French Revolution or a Paris Com.
Governnent may assumc and that well knowa by the anarchist ele. In the State of Veracruz car. flag, which also was the decoration of a thousand chicaneries and Not content with the stupendous wealth mune that have come to do justice and pass which solte influential geotlement of mexican origin. We ranzism fights in retreat and the generally used to celebrate the even violence upon the prisoners, of amassed from the continuous stream judgement upon the heads of the gods who have assumed who do not stop at regret not to have the space to Zapata forces approach Orizaba, triumph. Another most gratifying and resorted to the human sewers implements for the European cornage. they in their lordly arrogance had grown to believe themselves inmune from human and the sacrifice of thousands of the publish the declaration which wiere they recently blew up four feature was that the soldiers in to bribe witnesses and manufac now must also grab the food from the that Committee has issued, and trains demolishing the Carranza many instances shot their officers, ture evidence against the accused. ple and ship it to the war mongers of let it curihly power.
sons of the people when these in which a call is made to all forces.
when ordered to fire on the people, Notwithstanding this, a jury, a rot if they don get their own price for it. Then the lords discover their mistake, crimes will bring them great pro good hearted men and women, to Hilario Rodriguez and Manuel with whom they made common droitly picked for the case, found so bold have they become at sceing the and seeing their finish at hand beg on their fits, we, the workers, all the peoMooney guilty; and a judge of utter miasma of the mass, that in the last knees for mercy, but it is too late, Suck ple, are also in the necessity of help our Spanish brothers with Medinvieta operate with 4, 500 cause.
But one of the greatest benedic little scruple sentenced him to few days they have more than doubled storing come most inauspiciously and when money. defining our attitude and express men in Durango, who are moving We second the initiative with northward headed for Chihuahua, tions of the revolt was the libera. death, without anyone of them the prices on the most indispensable con least expected. For instance, our feelings oppossing the warenthusiasm, and urge all our With the appearance of several tion of all polititical prisoners, in all being siruck by a blush of odities, like machinations of our tyrants the Mexican people were in the most ab and oppressors, replying to the friends to contribute, to place in rebel groups in Lower California, cluding the nihilists and all those sliame, or feeling the bitterness How the masses can stand for this out ject and hopeless state of bondage that im.
the hands of the braves of Spain there is no Federal State or Ter: held in Siberia, 60, 000 in all. This of the fruit created by their crime. rageous travesty is indeed more than can agination could conceive, But before war of the nations with the reve olution of the peoples.
the elements they require to start ritory of the Republic, that is not alone shows the magn tude of the One of the jurymen, named be imagined, but it is history that we will year had passed after the glorious Revolu.
their work of demolition of the a theatre of the activity of the shake up, even if it cannot be call John Miller, who deals in hard always hear torture to the very limit of en tion broke out, the monster Diaz was in The Spanish people are not bent upon slaughter. The capitalist system, rebels, who constantly see their ed a revolution.
ware as well as with his cons dvrance. However, it is also known that exile, the Military Despotism was banish.
War may be declared at any ranks increased with those who And still, the greatest good of cience, had the irony to tell Jolin even the worm will curn, and this point ed and the Church and the State were people who in 1909 knew how to all in the example that this will be Lofthouse, a labor official, just seems to be neat at hand even ir the be gasping for lite, Todas, plutocrats, oppose the criminal designs of moment by the syphilitic Alfonso beleived in Carranza.
the Governments and of the great XIII, and if such thing happens, Wilson, still wishing to help to all the world. It can readily be after the trial: don know nighted free America, ne marked by the prieses and parasites by the thousands are our brothers of Spain, when they Carranza, has stablished the most seen from the start that the kaiser whether Mooney is guilty or not. food riots that have recently taken place in in exile, glad to have escaped with their speculators, the people that knew arise against the war, may have strict embargo of arms and mu.
and his dynasty are now shaking We convicted him on his past re some large citics of the East, hides, while many others didn t, leaving how to express theinselves against the africanwar which portended to exchange stones for bullets, nitions for the rebels. But these, in their boots expecting their finish cord. For being a fighter. These riots have come to demonstrate the rebels in possession of the loot they had and the generous movement of to attract the attention of the at any moment. The blow has But there was no evidence pro some very important facts. They have usurped for centuaies.
to absorb thousands of their sons insuerrection shall be condemned american soldiers guarding the been a most deadly one to Au duced at the trial proving that served to attest for the old saying that the It is unnecessary to say that free Am.
in its grotto of death, shall kuow to die.
if the occasion arises, how Let us put in the bands border towards soue other point thority in general, not only to the Mooney was a criminal or that he scornach is one of the greatest factors in erica is no exception to the rule, and when to refuse to be cannon fodder for of the good ones the necessary of the same, while thru other crowned heads but to all tyrants. hiad a criminal record, Lofthouse forctng the kind of action that leads to bet that day cones, then, and not before then. the european war and set an ex.
elements that they may be in points, they pass large contra such as presidents and the like. urged. Oh, Fickert told us all ter things.
It forces Direct Action, and the problem of the high cost of living readiness to initiate the work bands, have adopted the practice Whatever theirdecisions and actions about that, Miller answered, we there is nothing more effective than this to will be settled. When the people deteta ample for the other peoples of the civilized nations of Europe But that help must be sent quick taking on their way everything that is promising of triunph, of invading american territory, in the future, they will REMEM wanted to get Mooney out of the soften the hearts of the gods.
mine to go, rope in hand, after the thieves, BIR Russia.
way. Fickert wanted Mooney and of the world.
Just as soon as the women (the won then a change of heart will take place We must declare war to the ly, before it reaches its destina they can. Of late, the rebels The world indeed moves these hung, men, mind you. decided that it was time mighty quick tion too late.
have crossed the border and at. days; Life becomes more itself; AuMrs. Edeau, one of the Princi to go out on the streets and help them. Nothing less will avail. Authority. And our war is the Revolu Brothers: the future of the tacked Soledad Ranch, near Ti thority totters and we have good pal witnesses against Mooney, sclvcs to the things they could lay their that old prostituted hag of all the ages, is tion.
mexican Revolution depends on gre, Texas, another ranch in reasons to rejoice!
said to Thomas Stout: What lauds on and destroy those they couldn ever ready to protect the plunderers and The Anarchist Federation of the Revolution in the other coun Zapata County, Tex. and the COX.
difference does their conviction get, while at the same time administering executioners of the people and to punish Cataluûa has issued a Manifesto tries of the Earth, With the in. Nogales and Corner ranches, near make. They are only working a good thrashing to the bandits who pleas. the latter if they dare refuse to be outraged.
in which it warns the comrades surrection of all the countries of Hachita, taking from this In response to the many requests men. Besides there are too many ed to call theinselve dealers, a great But every dog has his day and Madam of Spain to be prepared, to pre the world, as it has to happen as latter place threc bourgeois am for its repetition and in connection working people in the world. change took place.
Authority is no exception.
vent with all their might that the a result of the presept eu ericans whom they later killed, with an entertainment for the ben Stout told her he thot she would Prices in the affected localities ceased Arise you wretched slaves, arise!
spanish government cast the peo. ropean conflict, the mexican Carranza, on his part, contin efit of REGENERACION, the hang a man for 50 cents and she to rise and actually went down, showing COX.
not Here peosix years ago DOW war.