Wm Owen REGENERACION English Section Editor, Mexican Men Say That Even Worm Will Turn Bakunin Program.
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men No. 181, ities establish an boreau, destructive, as we Per all else, that a scientific hierarchy finish. As a result, a which registers names by thousands. haps some day our Intellectuals will would creep into the seat from which shot dead by the police and team Saturday, March 21, 1914.
was pushing the icans are now serving long team Urhapp:iy it cannot manuiacture jobs. have the boldness to tell the prole modern thought The pressure the awful pressure of tariat that the destructive part of their priest His special prophesy was that, jail, with torture thrown in by iaced by is the one name of winter increases and wrings ominous pence. The reasons are as clear as authority, subordination, discipline, all mutterings even from those whose dar. The disiaberited cannot build, the paraphernalia of the barracks, THE PUBLIC OPTIMIS spirit the mills of misfortune have for the other side have monopolized would be worshipped; while the great Our people are awakening ground to dust. leader arises; a the materials. The class is in posses ideals of emancipation, solidarity and the Almighty Dollar is one o poses, the innate flame of rebellion The means of supporting life hare as Utopian. What a wise and far. feeblest of all forces, writes If what is going on East and West has not been quenched by time. He been cornered, and the corner must be sighted man was Bakunin!
Public editorially. We wish we in connection with the unemplored proposes that they invade the church broken up.
believe it, but our impression her does not show American workers the es, where the doctrine of human brothhollowness of words, clinch their erhood is preached. At least the ited increase their power for attack Follow Kropotkin has been that more than ever This is by massing, it is more donbtful, Hithgrowing distrust of cater to the rich buildings promise shelter.
This is a queer world, and every sweep everything before it. Abone leaders and kill their self conceit, the man, says the moby always long erto it is the individual guerrilla who thing seems to depend on who says it is plunging into the most exte they will prove themselves sunk being for a Messiah, and it follows him. bas struck the really effective blows. disagreeable things. If you are a Car speculation in and monopoly of neath all possibility of education. This is the man, say the authorities, Hitherto our huge labor organizations dinal Manning, you may declare pub ural resources; and especially their ears by interested officials that Christ, who stirreth up the people. strate the axiom that large bodies right to help himself to food.
Say pect of an immense Panama lentes they are the salt of the earth, and So Tannebaum such is this rash move slowly.
that as an Emma Goldman and they tior has set monopoly afire with they are being treated as offal. Eter youth name is arrested; his bail is will shut you up in prison for a year. noble ambition of skinning it aline Dally they have been told to look to placed at 5000, which is subsequently Prince Kropotkin may proclaim In the same issue The Public the State for protection; and in their raised to 7500, and they write me the social war in specific terms, with torially deprecates the criticise definite instructions how to carry it the fundamental democrat hour of utmost need the State has that he faces a sentence of not less mocked their misery with the fire than five years. The workingmen, or to success, and society will murmur, complains that President Win man hose, the policeman billy and would be workingmen, will attack. How interesting! Let a Mexican or specific proposals as regards the the soldier riile. Eternally they will they? Let them learn that saother workingman talk in that strain called regulation of the Trusts have been told to hold the fort and ciety our goods society mcans to It is easy to put things on paper, and there is no telling how long a merely lead to a change in formare organize on the job; and now it is protect itself. Who are the onem but to translate them into living fact sentence he will get.
out really destroying the substante being demonstrated ployed, or, for that matter, those is often a Herculean task Look at It is a good many years since Kro of monopoly.
th them, one whom we still keep at work? Super the Anarchist movement, for example! potkin published his Conquest of is not a fair estimate, and des hopes conclusively, that they have not so much as one inch of shelter against fluities. Most of them are producing It is now 1914, and we are thirty two Bread, in which he virtually put in that this message will do more mere luxuries, with which, at a pinch, years from the date of the Geneva other words the faith he had pro establish their enemies, while their jobs are fellow feeling in either non existent or held by a thread we can easily dispense. If the others conference, at which, under the magic claimed so stoutly in What a Rebel economic world than any other so so frail that the master whim can prove a nuisance we will get machines hand of Bakunin, the Anarchists pub has to say. It was greeted with paper for a generation. It adds break it at any moment.
to take their place.
In San lished the following brief but most shouts of delight, and one remembers just as passive resistance is made Francisco the carpenters, for examcomprehensive summary of their that Zola, in particular, wrote of it as coming the Mexican Dictator, som The San Francisco Bulletin has views. a true poem. It has been translated President Wilson appeal to the bar ple, number thousands and hare We Anarchists been treating our Pacific Coast labor prided themselves on who into many languages, and, thanks to ness man better self pave the their union strength. Today, according to the troubles gravely, and Pauline Jacob would be without rulers fight against the efforts of the Mexican Liberal for social justice.
Go, Mr. Cabinet Minister Peste best information at my command, two son has handled the Sacramento end all who have usurped power, or who Party, circulated largely in Mexico.
like a civilized being. She has written wish to usurp it.
thirds of them are out of work and Our enemy is the Quite recently one of this country trustee as you are of Henry George dependent on the charity of those still philosophically, and passed in review owner who keeps the land for himself leading art magazines was reproduc great revolutionary doctrine and Well and the homeless wretch, shivering under able to hold down a job. They are since Coxey marched to Washington. advantage. Our enemy is the manu good! We certainly have no objec some New York archway this bittere tion of the superfluous is a universal that have taken place; shows how the slaves.
She notes the psychological changes facturer who fills his factory with tion, but, to emphasize the contrast winter night, what he thinks and inevitable law.
Our enemy is the State mentioned above, we call attention to passive resistance! Go and ask the magazine muckrakers started the whether monarchical, oligarchical or the direct advice given by Kropotkin, Mexican, risking his life daily in the ball rolling by exposing the infamies democratic with its officials and staff almost at the start. Having only a battlefield, whether he believes About two thousand of these artiand police Spanish edition of the book at hand, this which is making Huerta thre of high finance; dwells on the attacks of officers, magistrates ficially created superfluities for made by Single Taxers, Socialists, spies. Our enemy is every thought of we translate, quite accurately, from totter!
whom my sympathy is of the deepest, Anarchists, all the great army of mod authority, whether men call it God pages 27 and 28, in which Kropotkin since myself have been one of them ern thought which has been setting or Devil, in whose name the priests insists on the following as the direct YET MEXICO WON BITE recently set out on their pilgrimage into motion the avalanche of national have ruled honest people so long. Our action which the people MUST take, from San Francisco, where they had Our government is spending a and world wide discontent. She enemy is the law, under which the if their revolution is to be successful. nually huge sums of money on like herded under conditions that would knows the mental make up of the weak always oppress the weak, to It must be recognized and pro ing literature, that it may tempte have goaded an Esquimaux into running amuck. From their first halting present armies, and warns us that it the justification and apotheosis of claimed, he writes, that each and youth into the army or navy. the every one has, before all else, the while the which hasmi place, Oakland, they were driven in is vastly different from that of the crime.
men who followed Coxey; that it has But, if the landowners, the manu RIGHT TO LIVE, and that society cense to help itself to public coatino the early morning, still breakfastless, no longer any belief in the good wili facturers, the heads of the State, the ought to distribute to all the world, has the government, is circolaza by the policeman club. At Richmond, their next stop, they fared a lies in the future; that it is not han we are also theirs, and or ability of Washington; that its hope priests and the law are our enemies, without exception, the means of ex photo. cards which tell a very dit we oppose istence which it has at its disposal. ent story. One of them is now bee trifle better, for the town is a small kering for jobs but for industrial free thern boldly. We intend to reconquer We must work in such a fashion that, us and presents a group of more than one and the authorities inclined to dom, and that it is marching on a cru the land and the factory from the from the first day of the Revolution, thirty unemployed, recently encami caution.
But they had to move on, sade for the spread of enlightened landowner and the manufacturer. We the worker may know that a new era on Fifth and Howard Sts. San Fiel and they got to Sacramento.
the Oakland experiences were As yet it plays passive mean to annihilate the State, under is opening before him; that in the fu cisco, and now scattered, God alal peated, but with infinitely greater defense an Te resistance, stands exclusively on the whatever name it may be concealed; ture no one will be compelled to sleep knows where, in the old search endur meekly the tor and we mean to get our freedom back under bridges beside which are palaces, work. Back of them is a banner with cruelty. They were doused with wa ture and abuse to which Authority, again in spite of priest or law. or to go hungry while there is foodreads: ter from the fire department hoses, at the behest of barbarous profit How strong that terse declaration to be had, or to shiver from the cold Pacific Division, Co. M, comport and blinded with steam from the rail. mongering, subjects it. Perhaps, how is; how it covers the field; how easy while there are fur stores in the neigh of ex army and navy men of ever, the day is not far distant when it would have been make the borhood. Let everything be for every world. We have fought in Cuba, dered incapable of retaliation they it will move to the attack, copy thel masses understand it if it had been body, in reality as well as in principle, to Rica, China, Mexico, South Africa were clubbed most brutally and driv military tactics today en across the river bridge into an, against it, and improve on them.
employed preached in its compelling simplicity! and let us produce, at last, a revolu Central America and the Philima But it has been taught only in frag tion which will think about the peo Islands, and are fighting other county, which also had armed ments, as this or that other section ple NEEDS instead of reading them bread in America. Are you with o itself to repel them. For more than Having alluded to the basic impo of what should be a uniform move a tract upon their duties.
Incidentally it may be said that a week past the military tactic em tence of trades unionism and instanced ment has made itself the apostle of This cannot be realized by decrees, finer looking body of men it would ployed has been that of starving them the out of work carpenters; bethink some special phase. Yet, if the An but only by the taking immediate hard to find; or one more determina into dispersion. Whither they shall go their enemies, the me that Pauline Jacobson quotes a archist philosophy is grasped in its and effective possession of every They are not fighting any longer full comfortably professional investigator as reporting entirety only by the few, we may say thing that is necessary for the life of Wall Street or the Wall Streeted well to do, care not one jot. What that in San Francisco he had found confidently that there is not a phrase ali. This is the one truly scientific stitutions of this country. On the cox there are thing is inobedy a businesse 2000 kits of carpenters tools held in in the foregoing to which tens of method of procedure; the only one trary, they are out on a life long an The one thing is, to get rid of these the Wells Fargo Express Company thousands do not pay mental alle the mass of the people understands sade to overthrow them. For workingmen Oh! Irony of warehouse, the owners being unable giance today; not one which has not and desires.
rounded by every opportunity for prot guage of these obnoxious superflu to pay the expressage charges. It is passed into this century current In the name of the uprisen people ducing wealth beyond their wildest ties.
a little bit of evidence, but one that thought. Let us consider them. to take possession of the wheat gran dreams of avarice, they find them proves conclusively how impotent, First, observe how the land ques. aries, of the warehouses stuffed with selves compelled to hunt a bare exist How do the papers, which the even for ordinary defense against the tion is thrust to the very front. Hun clothing and of the houses fit for habi ence as no savage is compelled ty workingman reads and supports, han breakdown of a worn out economic dreds of thousands today indorse the tation, To waste nothing, and to or hunt it.
dle this question. When the move system, the unions are. As such it is position taken at Geneva.
ganize immediately for the filling of pretty civilization we have to of ment is still young and its future un worth a ton of Gompers oratory or The whole proletarian world is in empty stomachs, for the facing needs fer Mexico!
certain they feel their way. When it the mouthings of organizers revolt against factory wage slavery. and satisfying them, one and all. To bas grown and begins to show its who tell their audiences that at Pat All thinking men recognize our huge produce, not for the purpose of beneteeth they scent a big story, and put erson, at Lawrence and oiher points and highly centralized governments fiting any individual, whoever he may The money received by this committee their human interest crack writers to where the W, has been promi as the greatest menace of the age. be, but that society may live and de varch 18th, 1912, was sent from the fatoria work on it. When it weakens, since nently active, the workers dominate No class stock has fallen so low velop.
CALIFORNIA: Local it has no economic foundation and is their job. They do not. Sowhere in within the last generation as has that Enough of the old ambiguous 20. IXDIANAPOLIS. 50. International Worker Defense Tenge Collected hs trying to make bricks without straw, the United States do they. Nowhere, oi the politician.
formulas, such as the right to work. Perrachon, 25. 0HIO: Pistilo, they smozber it with contempt The with the unemployed threatening The Church? Free thought has Let us have the courage to recognize PHILADELPHIA: Rossi, Carosa Los Angeles Times urges the them on one ilank and impending me swept the field, though timidity, be that weil being must be realized at Local 338 52 Total: 82. 76, to which is army again what irony of lal chanical charges on the other, are the gotten by dependence, forces millions all costs.
the following. Received guage! hike hot foot for the would be workers secure; and that in to conceal their tea! convictions. Pretty definite, eh? Yot a passage Spanish of this issue, 30. From BE Colorado Riser. where a ship! oad oi security will force them to the attack, The Law? How universal and cyn standing in solitary isolation, but but SERACIOS, as published in the Spanish Set beer. abandoned by smugglers, has With the realization of the situation ical is the current conception of the tressed by an entire chapter and in GENERACION as printed in this issue. Sensor been discovered. Other papers follow as it is: with tte mental change which law as a net in which the little fish harmony with the whole book. Not Section, 70. GENERAL TOTAL: 728. 26 Occasional. y a radical paper, will take place when the attacked be are caught, while the big escape a sudden burst of thoughtless VICTOR CRAVELLO, Pis. such as the San Francisco Burietin. cores attacker; with the point of treats the problem with some sbow of view revo:utionized there will come. dom, which is the cornerstone of An carefully elaborated by Kropotkin for As for the general idea of Free thusiasm, but a complete philosophy, OFFICIAL STATEMENT.
dignity, but this is the exception. The ins:anty. Dew tactics. Let us pray archy. what an enormous impetus it years and celiberately entered in general attitude is that the men cog rat they may prove as ciiectire as has received within the last generation books for which a large and perma the Postal Laws and Regulations, In compliance with section 46752 cerned are cearly seper:! cous and those now in use 2e impotent. for it in the comain of sexual relations! pent circulation was expected.
tavs, you understand. are for the pro sny in which we are writhed so long cat:erec, has to be bound together. that for taking this advice, the Mexi oi its statement, filed March 19, We don object, but we point out Regeneracion publishes here deti teccon of property. Trat human life VH. OVEY.
that it may advance in its full bulk cans are bringing down on their heads duplicate, with the postmaster of Ls is in itself ise bizhest form oi propazzinst the antiquated institutions that the iury of a1 the world. In parie Angeles, and sworn to before erty only crack b:zined Anarchist Kould dream w. what we see organization this house it must be obogated the Plaza meeting 11 Los Angeles. ment shows that Figueres haring the clearest coaception and as a whore and propelled in that last Christmas Day, was broken up by the editor, publisher, managing Step across the crazinent to New mana. estation is an anization con aplicar thieves the restest the police because jeda madea and business manager; that the propony ploved are estimated at 350. 000. with we is consecure mission is to the asses.
God only knows how many who hice says Ishire Gooi, excep: tha: cated by Kropotkin.
In this connection it may be well to water knows this because he listened gages or holders of any securize The present that there are no bondhoiders, morti to Dow lanRANGEL CLINE DEFENSE FULD.
States: Spanish speaking comrades as published suit.