AnarchismBourgeoisieCapitalismEmma GoldmanKropotkinSocialismSocialist PartyStrikeWorkers MovementWorking Class

HOTED BY WILLIAM COWEN English Section Regeneracion.
REGENERACION Mexico Men Lives Struggle Plot away Army of Discontent.
as Our.
beon selzed on with avidity by such The True Crisis.
the first two sentences say that they papers as the Los Angeles Times.
We begin our manifesto by saying are childish, for it is by the acquisiPublished every Saturday at 6194 The Appeal to Reason has even that the Revolution has reached tion of natural resources that capital. 4th St. Los Angeles, Cal.
elaborated on the original text, and point at which it must elther degenism has entrenched itself in these explained how the 117 members of erate into a mere political movement, United States 50 powerfully that The Peoria Star, one of the really Telephone: llomo 1360.
the Mexican Liberal Party realized from which the Mexican workers will Bubscription ratts: many believe only a bloody revolu influential dailies of the country, dethat the Steel Trust was after the Iron profit nothing, or realize itself as a tion can drive it out. 00 of the last votes its leading editorial to the mani.
Por annum deposits of Lower Calitornia, and detrue economic revolution, which will Por six months. 10 sentence say most emphatically festo recently issued by International termined to forestall it. In the Unit. Mngon Appeals to Vincent St. John. place the Mexican people in posses Turner Writes in Pacific Monthly. and the Magons ask me to add their committee of the Mexican Liberal Per tbreo months. 60 ed States alone the membership of sion of their lands and of the machinindorsement that the Mexican situa Party, the article beginning: The the Mexican Liberal Party groups is Among the many difficulties with ery of production, thus securing the John Kenneth Turner has an article tion is on all fours with that in the manifesto issued by the Los Angeles XILE (IIRS.
more than 5000. So far as any of us which the Mexican Revolution has to well being of all. may add that no entitled The Mexican Revolution, in United States; that, if there is a dif Junta of Mexican revolutionists, de 100 copies 00 know there are no fron deposits in contend ono overtops all others viz. one who keeps track of the titherto the June number of the Pacific ference, it lies in the fact that cap. claring land and liberty to be the only 600 copies 12. 50 Southern California.
the persistent and industriously cir victorious course of the Revolution, Monthly, the first part of which has italism is more full blown in Mexico, terms on which they will lay down 1000 copies 20. 00 culated reports that the rerolution as we record it from week to week alled me with delight. Therein Turn works with a freer hand, is more their arms, should make the lexican Naturally all the world does not is uosy a thing of the past. To cir in Regeneracion, can doubt that if er does the work most needed, showmaster of the situation. Against revolution worth while. Without the Editor and Proprietor, Angelmo read Regeneracion, but probably culate such reports is obviously to the Mexican people continue as they ing clearly that the Mexican Revolu this, against modern capitalism, all restoration of the natural resources of Figueroa 100, 000 do, for our weekly issue is dampen the enthusiasm of the pro. have been acting during the past few tion is the spontaneous uprising of Mexico is in revolt; and this we are Mexico to the people, all their saerifice of blood and treasure would be in 21, 000. Every one of those readers lotariat and of all who, yearning for months they can bring about a true an entire nation, fighting desperately most eager to demonstrate. Halered Second class matter is well aware that we are supporting the abolition of human slavery, bave and most beneficial economic revolu for ECONOMIC freedom. As he himvain. Socialist papers, please notice.
urely it is not to the interest self says: The determination of the Political Humbug September 12, 1910, at the post of the Mexican Revolution throughout begun to understand that in Mexico, tion.
Turner describes the Liberal Party doe at Los Angeles, California, under lexico, and know of no paper rep at least, a truly heroic struggle for of any sincere worker to discourage people to take part in the revolt is Tierra y Libertad (Barcelona, tho Act of March 3, 1879.
resenting a movenient that gives such its overthrow is belng made. To cir them at this most critical moment! shown by the desperate efforts to put as saying nothing of political rewide gathered news from week to culate such reports, in the face of all Surely we can leave that to pluto fighting groups in the field in the face forms. That is directly contrary to Spain. gives more space than ever to fact. do not believe Ricardo Magon the Mexican revolution, and sets out So, 11.
way of week. That very fact a niost dim evidence, is obviously an attempt to cracy, which will spare no pains to of every handicap in the capable of writing an article without a long array of facts to prove that equipment.
Saturday, June 10, 1011.
cult accomplishment when one con stop support that otherwise would dampen their enthusiasın!
Following this our manifesto calls Furthermore, Turner shows that touching on political reforms, and the Mexican revolution is not the siders the rigid press censorship and low in from all quarters, rendering that the European It is necessary to state certain facts the unsettled condition of the countle triumph of the revolution certain. attention to certain facts which beg the fighting has been on a scale of exposing them as the utterly perni miere Maderism It says, and says which the American public, studious clous rubbish that I, as editor of the bourgeois dailies are trying to make try Itselt proves that the Mexican To circulate them is to work for the to impress on you.
about the Mexican Revolution and The subscription Liberal Party has most extensive ram isolation of those, gallant fighters truthfully: Madero and Diaz have ly misled by a plutocratic press, has English section, also conceive them it out as being.
tho Nimrican Liberal ail) in outlet ifications, reaching into almost every who hitherto bave carried all before entered into a pact whereby the no conception. He gives particulars as being. Both the Magons and are list it has opened shows 309:40 alto clear away misconceptions indus nook and corner of Mexico.
transform The en them, planting the banner of Land forces of Madero them of encounter after encounter; and, never weary of repeating that the ready contributed.
triously circulated the hope Df tire country is honeycombed with and Liberty on a hundred hard won selves into federal forces, that they while admitting that only the rough people want not the sickening bumovorwhelinlug them.
groups wbich represent the arduous fields. To work for their isolation is inay crush the heroic Liberal com est kind of an estimate can be made. bug of elections but the comforting Revolt (San Francisco) writes In the first place, JAVICU dues uut work of more than down eleven years. to work for their annihilation; for, rades who do not lay their lasserts it as his belief that six thou reality of bread; not the farce of free most caustically of both Diaz and stand where France stood at the time Does it become allegedly revolution if the revolutionists now lie down arms, It is said that Orozco or Villa sand already killed in the Mexican speech for slaves but that abolition Madero, and adds that in the muchof slavery which will enable every times saeered at Land of Manana the of the French Revolution, and Mexico ary organs to belittle such a move submissively they will be slaughtered are to be sent to smother the Liberal Revolution, or twenty is not struggling to overthrow feument; picturing it as a hole in the to a inan.
movement in Sonora. It is said that losses in the Spanish war, would be man to speak his mind without fear dawn of a tomorrow, filled with the dal system that has had its day and corner affair, confined to one ol mex To offset this we are compelled to other Maderist leaders, Joining hands counted a conservative guess by those or favor; not a change of masters but ico minor Territories?
was doomed to perish.
movement already is lightening the maintain an immense correspondence with the Federals, are to crush the who have closely watched the situa the eradication of masterdom. These promise of a potent working class On the couare the ideas that, for eleven years, explaining the true situation. The Liberals of Central Mexico. It is said tion, war darkened sky.
trary, Mexico is struggling against Again, Turner has done admirable the Magons and many others have following letter, written by Ricardo that other Maderist leaders, combined The Chicago Dally Socialist of modern capitalism in its most nodthe been propagating throughout Flores Magon to Vincent St. John, with the federals, are to crush the work in calling attention to the treIn a powerful leading article headern and virulent form; is indeed the May 29 carried on its front page a huge cut of Madero, with the cap. is reproduced as a sample.
Secretary and Treasurer of the revolutionists of Veracruz and of To mendous odds against which the Mex length and breadth of Mexico. They have borne god fruit, and rpobably ed Madero, the Thiers of Mexico, latest and most conspicuous victim of hasco, of Campecle and of Yucatan, Ican revolutionists were and are. contlong: This is Jadero, who unseatCultura Proletaria, up to date finance. Misconception on (New Mexico is riper for the overthrow of La of Chiapas and of Oaxaca, of Guer tending. He points out that every od Díaz, and Liberator Madero, as Mexico social rerothat point is robbing the Mexican rero and of Moreles, of Durango, of city had its garrison; that the police capitalism than is the United States, York. says: sketched by Valentine, This is hard 51914, th St. Los Angeles, Cal.
Revolution of the support it should on the Appeal to Reason, which (Oſlices of Junta of the Mexican Lib Sinaloa, of. Tepic, of Jalisco, of Gu were very numerous and that polit which is still fast in the grip of poli tution will begin when Madero asanajuato, of the entire country.
have from the labor movement Is ical spies were everywhere. This tics, and the corruptest politics in the sumes the reins of power, and it will in claims to have been the author of eral Party. world at that.
be the Mexican Liberal party that not that a tremendous treason to the portion of his subject he sums up general and from Socialists in par the job, and about all have to say June 1, 1911. have stated frankly the position will conduct the struggle against the revolutionary movement?
thus: For that very reason the remember viewing the Inticular.
on that head is that every thinking Mr. Vincent St. John, Gen. Scc. and of Regeneracion and of the Liberal new system of government. Once pholding Wall Street.
dependence Day parade in Mexico misconception is being spread abroad person recognizes that Dlaz wrought Treas. I, 518 Cambridge Party, as understand it. The Ma more it has been demonstrated that ask you if that last short sen City, in 1908. There were miles and by avery means available.
his own downfall. Not Madero, or Bldg. Chicago, Illi.
gons desire me to say understand a political revolution cannot satisfy tence is not literally true. It is trea miles of artillery and artillerymen, it rightly. have condemned Turner the aspirations and necessities of the the Jagons, or any Socialist organ Dear Sir and Comrade: son to the people cause that we are The Government had mnade the Mexican Revolution, but We have received letters from Mr.
Let me show you. The same num the instinct of life struggling to pre Jullus Menke, who has been urging would it become us at this crisis to buy food.
now engaged in fighting, and little money to buy more equipment, to article as misleading in the points workers, and, for proof, here is the criticised, and the Mgons say my. con last declaration made by Madero in ber of the Pacific Monthly that serve itself. That, however, is little the cause of the Mexican Revolution waste our time and energy in discuss It had everything.
It had its base of supplies.
demnation is just. If had not a manifesto directed to the North contains John Kenneth Turner arThe ipsurgents more than platitude, and does not in Chicago, to which he tells us that, ing what the ballot might accomplish bad nothing nothing in a military tire to give my thought expression, örst tasks of the new regime will be thought so, and considered it impera American capitalists: One of the ticle. reviewed in another column)
Interest me. What does laterest me by your advice and that of Mr. Trautbas an admirably balanced survey of in times of peace and under condi way.
is the reason for the Chicago Daily mann, he is not circulating our maniI should not have written as have. to disarm and punish the socialists, the Mexican situation by John tions the very opposite of those now United Agninst Slavery. Socialist sudden conversion to wor festos; or, at any rate, not at SocialThere is praise for Madero in (meaning the Liberal party) who prevalling in Mexico.
Naturally he asks how the revoluLathrop, who quotes an American ship or Madero, since the cut is fol ist meetings. The eason given is To do so would be to play directly tion has been able to fight its way so Turner article, but on that it is not have made trouble in Lover Callformining man as follows: Madero Is nia. know lowed by a lengthy article of fulsome that the manifestos ignore political worth my while to dwell.
into the hands of the tyranny in Mex triumphantly against such odds, and that my own company did not have flattery.
action. This is why write you, ico and the American tyranny in Wall naturally he gives the only answer now in the limelight and events are an investment of 10, 000, 000, and at We of the Junta, being strangers showing exactly what he is. Il Lavoratore Italiano (Pittsburg, Street; and both would pay millions possible that the people were a unit WM. OWEN.
no time had ever actually invested At this point reproduce the state and speaking a strange tongue, find to whoever could assure them that their opposition to the terrible Kan. and Era Nuova. Pater son, N, keep up a steady propament given by Gustavo Madero, brotb it hard to steer our course through the robbed and outraged proletralat debt slavery, the feudal system of more than 27, 000, and that the value ganda for the Mexican Revolution, of our property was not investment er of Francisco Madero, to the the conflicting currents of the Amerof Mexico, whose cause we uphold, peons and million acre farms, the United Press, June 1, remarking that Ican labor movement, with its pum had lost courage and given up the poverty of the cities, the oppression emphasizing their conviction that the, by us but actual wealth of Mexico, such an laterview could pot have berless factions, but we strive real struggle that against Kaderism of which we simply had takeu posight.
of the factory workers, the farcical been manufactured, and that, as most keep headed directly for our goal, and is only just beginning.
session and were now reaping subI am sure that both you and your administration of justice, the absence Socialists know well, Madero whole belleve the absolutely straight course We have received the following stantial profits from it. In an earlier organization will understand that we of any vestige of popular governcourse substantiates his brother to be the right one. We are neither letter, which: we submit, justifies our Le Reveil. Geneva, Switzermust speak plainly; that we cannot ment.
portion of the interview the narrator statements. In fact the meetings with seeking enemies nor compromising heading: equivocate; that we must tell the It will be noted that the grounds land) reproduces in full the rani.
stated that after the first four Limantour, etc. have been noted in that we may make alliances.
Mexican Liberal Party, Los Angeles, festo to the workers of the world, truth, no matter whom it may offend; of discontent set out in the foregomonths work he and his partners thego columns. The pith of the in Misrepresentations Scored.
issued by the Junts of the Mexican that we must fight on. ing paragraph are mainly economic, had received back every dollar they terview is as follows: The sincerity Unfortunately the question of the Gentlemen: Liberal Party, So also does Les Most fraternally, and precisely because they are ecoput in, and power of the Madero movement ballot has come up in connection with Through Emma Goldman have Temps Nouveaux. Paris. nomic the Mexican Revolution is enwas fully understood in the great the Socialist Party. While we are RICARDO FLORES MAGON.
received your collection list which titled to the support of the revoluam herewith returning to you.
That is what has been going on in Anancial circles from the start, Most sorry to give offence, we cannot igtionary movement of the world. That Commune (Philadelphia. Whenever workiog class will be Mexico, and it is obvious that it repof the world financial leaders knew nore such misrepresentations as those this is so Turner himself admits, for gives front page space to two lengthy resents modern finance and months ago that the revolution was in the Appeal to Reason, nor can letters urging all radicals to gupport he says that so far Madero las not ready to take possession of means of not bound to succeed.
production the start will be made in When Limantour we pretend that it is other than the mediaeval feudalism. In short, while faced the real issue in Mexico, He the economic revolution in Vexico.
Paris, Berlin, London and New York, returned from Europe three months cruelest of farces to suggest to the Mr. Lathrop expresses the opinion has flirted with it, but he has not where is the seat of capitalism, not a50, be stopped in New York for the Mexican peon that he should be pathat American investments in Mexico faced it. On the other hand, he em in Niexican prairies, where one of 200 Il Libertario. La Spesia, Italy. purpose of discussing the financial tient and wait for rellof until the More distant than ever is the day the warmly espouses the cause of phasizes the fact that the Liberal have been exaggerated, he sums up could not read.
situation in Mexico with New York political party of the workers shall of peace. The Madero Diaz pact has Party, weaker in a military way only Mexican Liberal Party, declaring that thus; The truth is that the, Diaz demonstrate capitalists, many of whom are heav have obtained a majority at the polls. served solely to two think that you are agents of because it cannot furnish as many it has a program boldly internationadministration has given away the American capitalists, who brought ily interested in our country. Liman The lexican peon is fighting a life facts that Madero is not the leader gups, goes directly to the land guesal, which admits of no equivocation.
natural wealth of Mexico in untold you like to become permission to octhat the people tour apparently resided at the Plaza, and death fight. He must either win of the revolution, an tion. Tierra y Libertad, Land and It scoifs at the Diaz Madero pact.
fortunes, and that out of the corrupcupy Mexico. but spent most of his time at the or forfeit his life; for, if he now are not satisfied with a mere change Liberty. is its battle cry. Saying Inclosed find card with which you tion of his tyrannical rule foreigners Istor. It was in his room in the gives up, after months of victories, of tyrants.
nothing of political reforms, it bold Avennire. New Kensington, can make good agitation for class from this and other countries have Astor where the most effective work he will be slaughtered without The people want something that is ly announces that the basis of liberty Pa. publishes a stirring appeal or revolution.
gone there and had handed to them, for the revolution was done. Father mercy.
That is the true situation, exceedingly definite the abolition of is land, and that its first step will be The editor of this section intended behalf of the Mexican Revolution, by reason of their machinations with and went to New York three times and we should be infamously false hunger; and inasmuch as the elector to divide up the haciendas among the to append the sender name and ad signed by the directors of Justice, Diaz officials, gigantic slices of the and conferred with Limantour. We to him if we were to represent it lal ballot is not made of four but of people. Il Proletario and Avenire.
dress, but finds himself too sensitive told him that the richest men in MPY otherwise, natural resources which should have paper it seeks something more subto the world wide tragedy of ignorAll Robbery Denounced Ico were behind us, and that he had From my knowledge of your past, stantial: Bread.
DO NOT FORGET THE gone to the enrichment of the people Turner must know better inform the world financial and from the record of the well enough ance and stupidity to aid in crucefySocial to be held at Italian Hall, That, in a word, is the aspiration that the Magons and myself do not ing it.
of Mexico.
For the cold blooded profitInterests that we were going to orer am sure that both you and they can of the toilers.
throw the Diaz dynasty.
appreciate that situation can underattack only the large land owners, mongers and crafty politicians who 948 Main, Sunday evening, Juno do not care how it may interfere As for the bourgeoisie, it is split but that we perpetually denounce the play on ignorance and stupidity he 18, under the auspices of the Internastand that we are in a position in up into various factions: Reyists, tional Committee of the Mexican Libwith their political programs, or how which we must speak out, whether Maderists Obregonists, Científicos, tyho have fastened their tentacles and money leeches, the finaheial pirates, reserves his flings: eral Party Junta. All arrangements You will observe that this corEveryone recognizes Limantour as bitter may be the quarrels between it offends Socialists or anyone else: Figueroists, Orozcists, and so on ad the typo par different factions of the Army of Reexcellence of cold claws on Mexico; using it, as niy. respondent, though obviously ignor for a thorougbly enjoyable time bave And tirgo on you, as have urged blooded financier, and this is the man ipfinitum.
volt. say it is the duty, the imperion Mr. Menke, that his and our duty self have said repeatedly, as a mere ſant both of the Mexican revolution been made, and all profits will go to the Mexican Revolucion. Admission, whom Madero took to his bosom is is to speak straight out, and not to head and presents itself boldly as the limyself have written many articles which never start in metropolitan Clericalism, for its part, litts up its counter in the game of high finance, and of all contests for popular rights 15 cents.
ous duty, of Socialists, Single Taxers chlet confidant, counsellor and friend!
and all the multitude that has been No wonder the Mexican Liberal Party he and we have to present the case cater to prejudice in any form. Both Catholic National Party.
directly on that subject, and have centers, where revolt is easily supA SUGGESTIVE IT.
howling for years against modern call revolted Chaos has come; the much wished good reason to suppose that Turner pressed does not hesitate to By direct wire to the Los Angeles 29 it stands; as the revolution for piracy. to stand by the Mexicans in WM. OVEN.
for chaos, from which there will issue read them. Similarly all articles by men of whom he knows nothing capeconomic freedom it really is; as an Times, El Paso, Tex. June Six the magnificent struggle they have something good for the poor people the Magons abound with denunciation italist agents.
out and out fight in which the Mexthe been making, are making and yet will of Mexico.
of the entire capitalistic system, Yet he himself is a propagandist, hundred and fifty employees of ican workers stand to win or lose make. Those who for years past have PACIFICATION!
everything Those who hoped that this revolu under which life is subordinated to for he sends us the card of the. In Asarco Smelter, the property of the Smelters ana Sacurities ternational Publishing Co. represent American been denguncing modern finance have Recently the employes of the AmeriI am sure that is the bonest thing tion would be an opera bouffe revolt, the dollar.
no business skulking in their tents en Smelting Refining Co. of Mate to say, and that the honest truth is ending in the enthronement of a new This position that the Mexican ing the Pyramid of Capitalist Sys Company, near Torreon, are on a strike tem. We are not unfamiliar with for higher wages. The plant is shut But, if they cannot face the situation, huala, San Luis Potosi, demanded an what the workers of the United States tyrant, are panic stricken: Anarchy Revolution is merely for the overhaving down and under guard of Maderista the document in question.
these they should at least be silent They eight hour day. The reply was an at. want.
poor throw of an antiquated feudal sysNaturally we are most eager reigns in Mexico, say soldiers.
should not stoop to wilful misrepre, tack by the so called soldiers of lib for their sympathy and subtsantial spirited ones, who do not know that tem, bound to fall of its own reight, distributed it at many meetings.
Meanwhile, we think the joke is on sentation for the concealment delusion that the of erty under the command of Navarro, aid; both because a revolution cannot Anarchy is, order based on mutual aid. is precisely the Emma Goldman. That is what political rights are.
their prudence one of Madero generals. Thirty four be fought to a successful inish on What is happening in Mexico at Appeal to Reason, and other SoFreedom of the press and freedom of to workers are reported killed and some wind alone, and because we feel most the present moment is that passions cialist papers. are endeavoring The people, especially those of the association, the inviolability of the most mis1 seventy wounded.
Another misrepresentation strongly that we are fighting labor of all kinds have broken loose; pas spread abroad. It is most universal fight.
sions good and passions bad; the bad chievous delusion, for it alienates Latin races, want the independence home and all the rest, are respected of provinces, communes and groups of only so long as the people make ne industriously circulated is that the the in the same state, at Morales, the Mexican Liberal Party operations cannot express myself better than passions of the petty chiefs who are support and therebø imperils laborers; they want, pot to submit to use of them against the privileged any dominion, but to league them classes. Kropotkin. are confined to Lower California, and employes of La Compañía Metalurgica by quoting from the manifesto just seeking to gain power that they, in revolution success.
declared strike. The employers at issued by us to the Maderist soldiers their turn, may oppress; the good This is not the place for economic selves together freely. Kropotkin. that it has sought to establish an inIf once applied to Navarro, who promptly and Mexicans in general.
it passions of the liberty loverswho argunent, but direct special atten Our prisons are filled with criminals dependent commonwealth there This the following sentences: despatched from the state capital a should seem that am troubling you seek to put an end to privilege, that tion to He who is politically or economical which our virtous state has made what yare started, so far as have been force of soldiers and reduced the with too long a letter, beg to lay they may establish equality on the Practically speaking, there is no able to ascertain, by the Appeal to strikers, for the time being, to sub it to my own conviction of the im firm basis of the econbmlc emanci land problem in the United States. 15 privileged. has his mind and heart they are by its iniquitous laws, its Reason. is about the most prepogmisslon. In their case six have been portance of the subject, on which, pation of the proletariat.
Our problems are of machinery and depraved. This is a law of social life grinding monopolies and the hortible that result tron terous fovention that a sensational reported In Mexico which admits of no exceptions. Ba social conditions killed labor of Ricardo of finance, principally.
and number somehow or other, American (From the Spanish them. Tucker. Jourpallat could conceive.
Flores Magon. and wounded.
these proplems are secondary. OP) kunin. bat must be made clear.
The Champion Ass! er to La PEACE! a as a