
IAWIK 141111 เสพ English Section REGENERACION Regeneracion.
Awake, Proletarian!
Expose Men Who Serve Diaz ro1 AZCONA HELD provides or prepares the means for, nor General Wickersham soon quit lutionist in that case, daes not know COOL. EDITED BY ETHEL DUFFY TURNER REBEL FORCES niany levolutionists In Sonorio Sintou Hovorimont axloos to lilx 10 Chiay go to arrostInk Moxienne for Sunor is lipdilly privulne hor urront, thon tho matter will cartainly this thing, something will crop.
Puulluhod overy Saturday at 10 STILL GAINING ul for rollvlly ilmlar to that in tho Do loud of on the floor of tho Wo prodlot that tho Dallgor sci3. Ich st. Low Angolow, Cal.
unty of Chihu, Alrondly thoro Touro and thu Sonato, 087 will bo mild comparod to the LOT II. 1T (30VERYui TCI. hus licen Hore or load torrilla warTolophuno: Itomo 1B60. Thnt. tio trouty should bo No Wiciorullain soundil If any much annenbacrtption intos: IS ON (UMLARDA WUL 12 Paru 111 Sonnen, white on nccount or nmondod 18 lo stop theo nttomple of mign agullout Mox. czny 18 ugnin By iticardo Foros Mngon. phothors and you will lo mas muali a er annun 32 00 (Triungintod troill Spanish, qoc! 102. robbor und ng ovll as thono, who oxDELOSED. REVOLUTIONISTS COM moltolls anturo of tho atnto onn Dirly to obtain the extradition or 118 launched in thtu countiy. or pix month 01 He rondllly currlod on.
PLUTELY ROLT VIDERILY NKAR Onoulloh, no falr mindod porson will Up. dinas conHClous working mun; plolt you now. Your liboratlou ought Per three months. 60 In Nurojon. letrict of Alamos, Soy deny. but whether it will bo dono boL1. brother.
At this mowont innuy to bo a part of tho Ilborution of all 199. INSURREXTO WORCCS OF eran Tnantes, who less than foto thuro is a Soolaligt group alttu prolotarinus 10 in Arms; but they human bolnga. To Innd whioh is to BUNDLE OR DIRS. SONORA RAPU INCITASING.
two wocks ako lud only two hundrod tu. ongronu is soarooly probablo.
do not know what thoy nro dolns, or bo takon away from the bourgeois, 100 copky 00 The Mostra CRV Oranul haluat revolutionists wltli lum, le now JOHIN MURRAY.
better, thoy do not know for whom ought not to bo for you alopo, nor for 600 copias 19. 00 Iust practically admitteil Jtu Inabil porter to havo toon hundred.
thoy strugglo, as tho common aduyo al low, but for all without dlatinction 1000 copios 20. 00 In Pllares do oras and in NicoBays.
14, cu copo, au ru. with tho tovoluYou who undorstand tho in (of sox, ton in Chihunhan AMINICAN BDITORS SHOW 111 Urterosta of your olnga; you who know llordos Fight Not For Molloy cditor and Proprietor, Ausolmo the tarlos e Iraatle nortepients and in Cuntpas rod Montezumin, dlsWIOKERSIAM, INOX, WILSON what to poor nood, yu ana say to Ralso your porspiring forehead, Biguoroa.
That have of tatu hinted the wrostrict of Montezuma, thoro aro woll TO GIVE GUNS AND OTHER GOVERNMENT SER thom: Comrades, in ordor to ob look straight at your mustors, who VANTS OF DIAZ WALL talu liberty and happinags something tromblo as you slow your wrath; con Untered As Bacond class matter, saying that tho revolution has been armed and mountod bandg carrying Hoptomber 18, 1910, at the post of us heul, is about to be crusliod, or on guerrilla warfaro.
FRIENDS OR MEXICAN LIBERTY STREET SLAVE PARTNERSNIR. moro is noodod boaldog a bravo hoart trol your wrath and put roagon in its dos at Low Adgolos, Califorolu, under will be crushos tomorrow, 1101 tho Other arts of Noxico MAY DONATU MUNITIONS OU During tho post low wooks wo havo and a wonpon in tho hand: you nood place, Wrath blinds, ronson gheda tho Aot of Marob 3, 1879.
Sovoru mont is forced to admit the In Vera Cruz iinfurl Tapin is atli WAR ON THE MEANS TO PUR prlatod Itoms from numbor of nowg an idea in the brain.
Ilglate. Thus you may bettor soo your No. 21.
Truth, that the first rectoy have made holding sway over an important reCHAST TITEM WITHOUT VIO. papors which havo brokon through ship without a compass in the way amid tho shadows of tho tromonSaturday, January 21, 1011.
nupalling onlus, and that the powers Klun, Rovolutionists aro activoly opLATING TIL NEUTRALITY tho mesh of lles oxaltlog tho Dluz immousity of the OCON 11, that is tho dous fight, thus you can undorstand now la contro tuvo fulled to cliock jerntiuk 113 that state, and in TabasLAWS OR ANY OTHER STAT government ind havo bogun to 800 rovolutionist who posadsgos nothing that among thoso who wish to direct the revolt. dispatch luns buen sent. c) Twelve state of Moxioo uro now TES OF THIS COLNTRY.
the truo stato of affairs.
moro than his arms and his valor. you, there are many wolves in sheep Tlie grentest men of nation are out Bayug that tho gato will be supposed to be notlr with rovolt.
Lot no one bo docolved by croolod, And now comos tho Phlladolphia Tho sbip on battlo against tho waves, clothing, thore are many who wlll apthose whom It puts to dentlı.
placed under hartint law and that At Jinuulco, state of Conhulla, the tyrant serving American officials tuto Times, which goos even farther and it can sustatu itself against the winds, pense your hunger for a moment by Rena Torrazns, rich, powortul, for muy rebels captured a largo rancho, and believing that it is a violation of the robukes tho guilty Unltod Statos but how can it and its bearings in glying you somo money lu order that year i veritablo luonarch in Chltook uwLy olyhty (no horses.
noutrallly laws to contributo arms to govornment officials for thofr illogal order to roach port if it lacks a com you may glvo it to your family boforo Regeneración, foui bronths trial huahun, will bo retired from his posiusing their depart pass?
Rebols have recommenced activities aid the Mexican revolution, or to ship connivanco in throwing yoursoll into the night, subscription, 50 cents; six months, itlon ns governor of that state In Porfirio Diaz, the point at those arms into Moxica after they are ments of administrntion for tho up ſu the same way, the revolution 20tio noney for you to go and givo with book, Barbarous Mexico, The dispatch 19 rom the Log A11. which tho rovolution startod.
contributod. The exact text of the holding of the Dlaz rogime. Here ist can sustain himself in rebellion, your blood in order that some one 50; one yor, with Barbuong goles Record of January 18 neutrality lawg follows: is the opening paragraph of a news he can sow the seed of death; but shall mount upon your shoulders!
Mexico, 00. EL PASO, Tex. Jan. 18. Dis Every person who, within the ter Item which recently appeared in that he lacks a guiding Idea for his ac Is that proper? Are you a goldier patches received hero Wednosdny COURT ORDERS ritory or jurisdiction of the United well known dally: tions, he will be nothing more than ot Ilberty or a mercenary hired by Praxedis Guerrero is deud, but like from Chihuahun, Mex. which aro de States, beglos, or sets on foot, or Unless Secretary Knox and Attor. a ship without a compass. The revo an ambitious man?
othor beroic men who have died in clared to be authentic, state that, No, comrade; refuse money. It is a great and vital cause, his soul goes alarmed by the progress of the Maany milltary expedition or enterprise, allowing their departments to be used why he kills, as, the axe does not not right for a man to seek money marching on.
dero revolution in that state the gov REVOLUTIONIST WRITER MUST to be carried on from thence ngainst as adjuncts of thé Dlaz administra know why it cuts down the tree. in order to win liberty and comfort.
ornment has decided to retire Cov. STAY IN JAIL TWENTY DAYS the territory or domintons of any for tion, there will be a demand for a Up, class conscious proletarian; If you should do that, how. shall you IP, as seems to be the case, the Terrazas and to place the state un MORE WAITING PROOF OF eign prince or state, or of any col showing of the records that will put up. You must fiy to the side of your distinguish yourself from the hired treaty between the United States dor martial law.
CHARGES AGAINST HIM. ony, district or people, with whom those cabinet officers on the defen ignorant brothers and say to them: official who shoots down his brother and Mexico reads that a man can be Col. Cueller of the personal staff WASHINGTON CORRESPONDENT the United States are at peace, shall sive in a serious way. Comrades, until today you bave had for the pay that he has received?
held for forty days upon the mere of President Diaz will have WRITES OF AZCONA AND, or be deemed guilty or a high misde Diaz Superstition Losing Its Influence an arm and chisel, now you need to The gun of the mercenary forges demand of eithor govornment, withmand, RELATIONS OF MEXICO WITH meanor, and shall be fined not, exThe Times goes on to state editor have a brain, arm and chisel. chains because it is borne by an egoout proof as to guilt, nen it is high The jefes políticos in many of the JAPAN.
ceeding 3000, and imprisoned not ially: Think For Yourself Istic heart; the gun of the man who time we were havlog a new treaty districts of the state of Chibuahua Juan Sanchez Azcona, who was ar more than three years. The Diaz superstition, we are glad Proletarian, don allow others to Aghts for llberty forges liberty bewith Mexico!
are being retirod by the govern rested on Dec. in Washington, In Interpreting this law Judge to observe, is losing its Influence plan your actions for you. Tho cauge it, is borne by self denying ment in the hope of appeasing the will probably have to stay in jail Maxey of Texas was recently quoted among all sane Americans. In our chisel, at the expense of its cutting heart, He who rises in arms for pay Think of how yearningly those people. Hardly anything could show twenty days more before he knows as follows: news columns street correspondent edge, bows of lumps from the marble carries the idea of personal profit, hundreds of men whom Diaz bas im the fear of the government or the what evidenco the Mexican governi If Jose Rangel, the defendant, call attention to the fact that con without knowing what will result and does not care for others; he who prisoned because they dared to oppower of the revolutionists moro ment ts holding against bim. Tho merely went across the river ind gress is becoming suspicious. rom its actions. The revolutionist, rises in arms for the love of liberty pose his tyranny are waiting for the strongly than the deposing of these forty day detention period for which joined in the fight, he had every right.
The people are beginning at the expense of his blood, attacks carries the idea of the well being of day when they shall hear the trium stuunch and loyal props of despot u. prisoner may legally be held with to do so, and will so tell the jury to understand that the much vaunt the bulwarks of despotism without all.
phant shouts of a free people come to ism, the jefes políticos and Governor out proof of guilt in a case involving in my charge. This indictment is not ed prosperity of Mexico, is a sham of knowing what the form of the edis Christ Did Not Demand Gold get them free, when hammers and Terrazas.
xtradition to Mexico, was upon or fighting in a foreign country, but the first magnitude, great many fice will be which will rise upon the Did Hidalgo, Pipila, the man Curaxes shall resound without, and the Rebel Victory at Ramos Junuary 15, but the Supreme Court or beginning and getting on foot an American adventurers have grown smoking debris.
eña seek money in order to be he iron gates shall fall, when the BasThough the big engagement which on January 14 ordered this period ex expedition in Val Verde county. rich, some of them by uploading If another thinks for you, don be roes?
Can you conceive of any kan tiles of all Mexico shall pour forth has been expected on account of the tended for twenty days longer. It is Now comes the Mexican Herald, worthless securities upon their fellow surprised to see rise, as if the sinis whatever being a hero for pay?
Can their living dead!
concentrating of the government and claimed that the extension was made the subsidized American defendant citizens at home, and the Diaz oli ter edifice which was crushed should you imagine the Hero of Nacozart the revolutionist forces in the south order to give United States District of Diaz in the Mexican capital, ad garchy is, of course, rolling la wealth. rise again, another, more sinister, haggling over the price of his liberty?
Next December Jonn Works will ern part of Chihuahua, has not yet Attorney Wilson time to examine the mitting that it is not an offense But the people are no better off than more fosuferable, from whence there Can you imagine Juarez seeking pay.
be actively representing Califorola as materializer, yet there is considerable papers in the case filed with the state against the laws of the United States they were thirty years ago. will arise, more earnest defendere, for decreeing the expropriation of Senator. Judge Works has activity and every now and then en department on January 14 by the to smuggle arms from this Our Ambassador a Partisan of Tyrant and among those flaming defenders of clerical property? Can you imagine Mexican ambassador.
The spoken very plainly and decisively counters are reported.
into Mexico. January 5, 1911, the Oakland Tribune, too, has the future despotism you will recog Christ demanding gold in order to be.
against the persecution of political Near Ramos, Chihuahua the reb The charge against Azcona is for Mexican Herald printed the following smelt a rat, and begins to suspect aize, those who, today advise you to sacrificed?
refugees by the government. Il els recently won a decisive victory. obtaining muonoy under fa se pre editorial: that news of the revolution coming take a gun and rebel; but they fall Awake, proletarian. Go to the brave words count for anything, and Acording to El Paso del Norte, a force tenses, but Azconn claims, and the Admits It is Not a. Orine.
over the wire from Mexico ig not the to make you understand your own ight with the purpose of fighting if at that time such persecution has of two hundred soldiers and twen evidence all points that way, that he Our colleague, El Pais, published, pure and unalloyed article the inno Interests as a poor man, so that you for your class. If money is given your. not become a ling of the past, those ty five rurales, under Colonel Cere was arrested because of his recent in its issue oi yosterday, a New York vant might cuppeco it to bću. It sayefuay gita Fouw life to thom and not tu Order wat you mini who have so flagrantly violated the vantes, en route from Janos, were revolutionary activities. This play special dispatch to which the opinion in its editorial columnisofor your own interests: disregard it, look at it with suspitraditions of this country as a haven surprised and completely routed by ing for time on the part of the Mex is expressed that the Chihuabua up It turns out that the report arst. Open your eyes, eternal parian, cion, because the one who gives you.
for the politically hunted may well a party of Insurrectos near the town ican government looks very much like rising will soon come to an end, it coming from Insurgent, sources that bleeding food for cannon, inmate of money does it that you may, give your tremble after next December.
of Ramos. Sixteen soldiefs were they were trying to trame up a false the United States, as is expected, General Navarro had been defeated the barracks and garrisons. Unđér life for him, he wants your sacrifice killed and many wounded. case against him, as has been done takes measures to prevent arms and was true. It was officially denied by štană what your interests are; carry that he may gain success, he wants from being Henry Lane Wilson is still as fran Eighteen were taken prisoners and so often in the past against Mexican ammunition smuggled the Diaz government, which sent out in your head an idea, and in this your ruin and the disgrace of your forty more deserted to the side of political refugces in the United States. across the border for the revolution a statement, through its diplomatic Jeet, and from the chaos of the Revo family for his personal profit. Go to tically as ever telegr. hing home to the insurgents.
The following letter has been re işts.
and consular representatives, to the lution you will know how to work the fight; proletarian, but not to eleWashington that the backbone of the ceived from John Murray, who now Federal Capture of Guerrero No That the American Mexican revolution is broken.
government effect that the Insurgents had been out the blessed formula of your re vate anyone, only to raise up your Of Triumph, resides in Washington, and who will endeavor in every way, to enouted and broken into fugitive bands. demption, with the same sureness class, to dignify it, and when the ocsuch mere trifting matters The great glee with which the sub bas been watching the case of Azcona: force the neutrality laws of the. It now appears that the official state with which the sculptor awakens in casion presents itself and you have a as that nearly every state in Mexico sidized press of Mexico and the Juan Sanchez Azcona, at one time United States is unquestioned.
ment was absolutely false, and was the stone from the quarry, the figure, weapon in your hands, take the earth, is now more or less astir with revolt United States greeted the taking of a Mexican congressman and editor of But it seems to us that, in the known to be false when it was sent the attitude, the gesture of the work but not for yourself alone; for you and that almost daily there are reC. Guerrero by the federals is a Mexico Nuevo, was arrested in the concrete case of arms and ammu out.
The incident serves to show of art that without him would have and for everyone else, since it is the ports of outbreaks in fresh places, are thing to provoke the revolutionists to city of Washington, December 6, nition Official as such, it is the Mexican how unreliable statements slept for millions of years beneath natural right of all.
too insignificant to occupy his great mirth.
It also the bosom of the earth; and then, if brain, As a matter of fact the cap 1910, upon a demand of the Mexican authorities that must be on the alert coming from Mexico are.
Class conscious proletarian: fly to busily engaged with that He to prevent their illegal introduction proves the insurrection ture of Guerrero required neither goveroment for his extradition.
in you fall mortally wounded in battle, where your brothers are fighting and thoughts of pink teas and banquets is and impressive ceremonial functions strategy nor bravery, as the town had is charged with obtaining money unBesides, Diaz did not tell you forces, who decided that it:was not no more foundation than numberless cannot legally be stopped or inter taiñiġ more formidable than the Mex execution, raised his hand to his fore gun in the hands.
Tell them that an telegraph. any such disturbing news worth holding, as it could be shell other groundless accusations made fered with. We would refer, in ican government has been willing to head and exclaimed before the execu idea is needed in the brain. And as that home to Washington, did he, ed from all sides by mountain bat by the Diaz government but accusa particular, to the Washington Treaty admit.
Our Ambassador to Mexico tioner and before the people: Here that idea, heed well must be eco. Henry?
torles, but it bad been deserted by the tions, nevertheless, which have served of 1871 and Sections 5281 5291 of appears to have become such a past are some brains.
nomic emancipation. If you don that he continually very population itself! The people, to bold many Mexican political refu the Revised Statutes of the United tisan of Diaz Don enter the fight as a member of obtain that liberty you will once Wall Street magnates bave organ sympathetic with the cause of the gees in United States jails.
sends to Washington false reports a herd, only as a fighting unit which more have given your blood that anized a Mexico Society, whose pur revolution, feared lest the rage of the The treaty between this country For the rest, and referring to the supplied him by the Mexican govern is added to other simllar units, class other tyrant may oppress you.
pose is stated as being to strengthen army officers find vent against them, and Mexico so reads that a man can neutrality of the border in general, ment officials.
conscious and rebellious, that you commercial and friendly relations and as the troops approached, depart be held for forty days upon the mere let it not be forgotten that the may open up the sepulcre for politiLOST PASSENGDIR TRAIN.
between the two countries. Which, ed from their homes till the crisis demand of either gjernment, with boundary line is very extensive, and ALU READY FOR cal tyranny and capitalistic exploiA press dispatch from El Paso on translated, would read: to strength should be over, The federals now out proof as to his guilt, but at the what is more, is as extensive on the DEMOCRACY BUT DIAZ tation, January 17 says that a passenger en the Wall Street Diaz slave part in the city find that the environs are end of this time proof of the charges Mexican side, as on the American Mexico latest census, now near Destroy, but take care to remove train on the Mexico Northwestera nership and devise ways and means held by rebels, who have an en must be shown before he can be ex side, so that it is just as hard for 15 completed, will, it is said, show the debris, to uproot the foundation. railway has been lost west of Chihuato stamp out the democratic revolu campment a few kilometers from tbe tradited. In all probability Azcona the American authorities to prevent that the country has a population of Crush by action the so called right of hua. The train departed Monday for tion which has arisen to dissolve that city, and who control almost all the will be promptly freed on January 15, hostile parties attempting to cross nearly fourteen millions. Of whom property, but not that you shall pos Madera and has not been heard of partnership. Among the vice presi small towns in the vicinity.
for there is now a decided coolness as it is for the Mexican authorities probably about thirteen million nine sess yourselves individually with since. Let us hope it is doing good dents of the society are John Jacob The insureatos are in posession of between the diplomats of this country to catch them when they đo crogs.
hundred and inety nine tho and that which your masters now have, service for the revolutionists, Astor, Cornelius Vanderbilt, Hanker San Izidro, Basuchil, Matanzas, Ca and Mexico, growing out of the rela Warning to Lawlor and Wickersham nine hundred and ninety nine are since then you will convert yourself Schiff, Steel Trust Gary, Nicholas leras, Santo Tomas, Bachiniva, and tions between Diaz and Japan, It is Nevertheless, the threat has con ready for a real republican form of into a master, you will oppress your Murray Butler, slated to succeed Al of all the mountain country Dear charged that a secret treaty is being stantly been held over Mexicans that government. Woman National THE drich as First Hall Bay to the Inter Parral. The railroads from San made between Mexico and Japan, and if they were caught with arms near Daily, JULIO MANCILLAS.
ests in the Senate. What alizidro to Madera, and from Mipaca that land grants to colonies of Japan the border they would be thrown in Painter, Decorator and Paper Hanger pretty lot of bosses we have!
to Sanchez and Creel are controlled ese are being given in localities most jail for violating the neutrality laws.
Daily the editors of this paper are 852 San Fernando Street, Los Angle by the rebels. They have concentrat favorable to the landing of troops in past years they buve been actually receiving letters from Mexicans pro lea, Cal.
SKILFULLY APPLIED INFLUENCE ed a considerable force near Minaca. from Japanese cruisers. One grant is arrested and held in jail, charged testing against the recent execution Best work done at moderate prices. Gstablisbed in 18891 President Dlaz 10 derstands this Four hundred revolutionists, said to have been given, under the with violating the neutrality laws, of our Japanese comrades by the Pictures on linen, silk or velvet country perfectly well When bis s11 mounted, well supplied and armed name of an Englishman, on the Call when there was absolutely no eviMikado. Americans, too, should not specialty. Likeness guaarnteed. Pic. THE ONLY SOCIALIST premacy is threatened by a revolu. with modern guns, are travelling fornia peninsula. coaling station dence against them of any sort, ex be backward in condemniog this out tures in oil, 10x20 in ovel or square tion, he gives a tion of Ferrer.
of Jose seven page adver under the command de la is also alleged to have been pledged cept that they were in the possesNEWSPAPER IN SOUTHframe, 00.
tisement to the American newspapers. Luz Soto toward Jimenez and Com to the Japanese in the Bay of Allsion of arms and ammunition on this ERN CALIFORNIA, Whereupon they unanimously declare argo. Three hundred ipsurrectos Saints, or Bahia de dos Santos. side of the line, and that sycophants that the revolution is a failure and have been seen near Casas Grandes. The revolutionary committee in of Diaz, decided to imagine that they Diaz is not only the greatest man Yaquis in the field Washington, headed by Gustavo Ma were planning to cross.
that ever lived, but certain to rule The Mexican government ordered dero, brother of the anti reelectionist We hope and believe that that FREE forever.
Chief Bule with a force of two hun candidate for President, 18 evidently day is past. When the American And still there are some persons indred Yaquis to take the field against of the mind that Secretary Knox and people knew nothing of the struggle With one year subscription to Regeneracion.
You take the Peoples this country that question whether the revolutionists. Bule obeyed, the forces under him are at present for liberty in Mexico, when they The English page of this paper is to be made much more interesting we have a free press. How strange. and was on his way to fight the rebels Deutral, It is certain that Azcona knew nothing of the character of the than ever before. Regeneracion is the only paper that tells in English the Paper if you would know Barbarous Mexico Yet let us be perrectly accurate in when be chanced to stop in the town has been treated as an exceptional men who have been persecuted in true story of the progress of the Mexican revolution.
all our statements.
what is going on in the Cal.
The American of Chinipas, Chihuahua, where there prisoner and glven everything that this country. they did pot is the only book that tells the trath About Mexican slavery and the political press is not free in the sense that you are quite a few Yaquis. The Yaquis he desires but his freedom. But a But now they know and they care, partnership between American capital and Diaz which huge made it posifornia Socialist Movement can get it for nothing, but you can of Chinipas told Bule not to fight few days more and the exact attitude We call upon our frlends to carry all sible.
buy it any time for a good big ad. against the revolutionists but to fight of the United States government will the guns into Mexico that they wish Send today and get the book with year subscription to the ROGERS, Publisher In that sense It is free as the air. for them. Our latest advices are that be known. If there is an attempt to to carry, And we glve warning to paper. Or send 50 apd get the book with el months subscription to 232 East Seventh Street You bet. Charles Edward Russell in Bule will probably take up arms in hold him for socond forty days on suoh persons ag Oscar Lawlor and the paper.
Los Angeles, Colfonil.
The Coming Nation.
the rebel cause.
like filmsy charges, apd the United Attorney General Wickeraham that it Address REORNERACION, 6194 Past Fourth St. Lou Apgelo, Cal, 27 more course so tń. Pro to. Peoples Paper BARBAROUS MEXICO 00 Year must care.