AnarchismCommunismSocialismSocialist PartyStrikeWorkers Movement

EDITED English Section WILLIAM QWEN write Regeneracion.
REGENERACION Madero Climb Ends in Tem Politicians Side Mexicans Will Do with Madero Their Share porary Triumph New Political Clouds gather on the Blackening Horizon Los Angeles becomes the Mecca for Expatriated Plutocrats Wag Mene, Tekel, Upharsin is What to to ipto cess.
by experience tbat they bave become fatuity, to serve both God and Mam. All thinking peruna, political yurant? Why did it suda 1) A11011 101N 1hor of Thio Am Honly, with tho appronching fall of Junroz, chung Ita kontine attitudo, 10Publintoud overy Saturday at 014 lok: leconomto LKKO Hyundato lotter, ronllco that axlatlar; 100coming a ttor opponent inntoud of an oton Ht. Angeles, Cal.
licite conditlong compol nearly ev.
enthuslantio nlly?
Telephone: Ilono AI300 (by olio lo buelther a cobber ol Thu Soolallat arty know boyon all dubrariptiva rutin victim of rubbery. Lolbim betake guostion that the Moxican laborat Part Jamos J, INI may be oxpostod to for 4L NU 00 ulusalt thon to tho kooping of a ty through TT wonths 10 brothel, to tho lumuug of a gambling It lenot that to attuok and allonato plutocratlo npoataclor, but holta al per thron Lout.
60101110. lo blackmail, or los 11 y uno of thund occupations We nympathy from tho Moxican Liboral ways woll Informod And he luu the lvavo 11Demand Economic Party WAR do that which Madoro babit of talkiga good deal or comBUND ORIFLS.
uinctivuly to lower types and pulll.
doslrod abovo all other things. Yot mon vonuo. llo ls roported as hav100 cuples 00 ale only on the ground of brim no.
Freedom this was the polloy it pursued romorsolug oxprosed haol AB followo: 400 20 12. 00 cogity. But let him rofloot thal, put lopoly. Ignoranco cannot be plondod, The strlio of the slopmon tø, vory, 100 ople 00 into the cruciblo and analyzed 118 Laot wook o gynopste of tho history for it find its own adhoronts as odl. untimoly. Iloro lu Sonttlo and on tho Honry 0000 Inalyzod tem, 1000 of tho Moxicau Liberal Party and of cora of tho English sootlon of Nogon. Proillo Coast you do not havo ouch a up those occupations begins to injuro Aitor und Propriotor, Ansolmo Rokotoracion, since la rouurrootlou oruolon, and through its Lou Angolog Largo porcontago of unemployed won humanity ay lumut upoculation Injures in Soptomber, 1910, dovotod Figuoгoд.
orgun the pollcy and attitudo of the 20. provalio in the East, The const Lot him reflect, moreovor, that malmly to nn exposltion of tho cloar. Junta was known to the warlo mora bos boon fortunato lo this rospoct.
this, lilch Honry Gouryo. cut position occupled throughout. It morit.
The nuinbor of omployed workmon, Fotofod av gocond olaus mattor should regard as the type par oxcarried 48 As far as the final ropudla My own bonviction is that it plokod skillod and unokillod, in the Dautrud Grytomber 18, 1910, at tbo post of collonco of 99ngsin occupationa, 19 atlon of Madero and John Konnotla Madoro ns the winner, and resolved to the Middlo Woat, 18 so largo that tho How at Loangoloa, California, ondor Pollowed by them not prom nocosolly Turnor rotiromont from the tuovu. stand by the winner ovou lr it liud to Bhop omployoos of tho Harrimad the Act of ch. 1871.
but because overy ono oleo la dolng mont. Wo slınll now 800 otlior forcos throw ovory principlo ovorboard. Doubt roads and tho Ilaola Central bayo You cutule thio croaturo to No. 08.
with the doparturo of Royos t10 ovonlug a pupor Oct. brings Hows Industriously at work.
1088 it thought Madoro could bo usod, no chance to win.
pour brust, yol would have tho poo triumph of Madoro at lagt Suodny of a sorloug Royou uprising in the Saturday, October 7th, 1911.
Tho Moxican Liberal Party hag bad as he himsoll ung ugod so many othwhilo wo hopo tutn prediction may plo regard it as tho inost vonomous primarles bocumo IL forogono conclu province of Vorncruz, whoro Rnoul an oxtonulyo organization throughoutors.
of voors!
bo falso, all accounts show that tho An astounding misconcoption, slon. It altorb nothilus. lie hod is Ruso, at cho head of a torco number. Moxico for many yours and must be which las lost tho soolallat Party its army of unemployou this wintor will mnordly slıltod from ono shouldor Lo Ing 600, capturod San Juan Coscomto sivon crodit for hnvlug understood con charactor anong hosts of radicals and bo largor than ovor, and it is tho do not writo as a moralist, but the other, us whou a Tuft eucсoodu a peo after novon hours lighting.
ditions. It fenow woll that tho ovor. brought us shonls of frlonds!
unoni ployed who dotormlue the OnarELS uno who brtos his onomy and Roosovolt Tho ocotomic 9utorius Pross con19orslılp has boon excop throw of Diaz by Midoro, with heavy cial position of labor, pulling down Prior to iny assumption of the edilongs to sou him overthrowu quickly that lod to Dluz overthrow is just 18 tlonally govoro of lato, which lg Mnancial baoklog. was almost inevitawagoa and rondoring Jobs moro Ingotorabip of tho English sootion thoro and at any cost.
curo. It is in this connection that and my natural great as ovor, savo, indood, where the ways ominone; novorchioloss roports of blo; but it also kBow that Madoro woro soveral Intorviows botweon the tho Mexican Revolution should ap.
allion in those who make a powerful peous havo taken possession of the Lormidable olection riots have found trluniph would mean merely a change Junta and myself at, which we lound Porhaps should fcel compliment attack on land monopoly, add ny an land and tillod it to all their empty tholr way into the American papors. of officials and that only tho rostora: ourselves agreed that the Mexican States workers who, ovon if they lack peal most powortully to United ed by the fact that the Americantipathles in those who weaken the stomachs. Madoro doubtless will be 19 REGENERACION 10. K tion of the land to the people would movement was part and parcel of the the sense of laternational bolldarity, Economic Longo dovotes one of its attack and prolong the rooster como president but his actuni Oght is ono reads of sovon killed and talſty. abolish the povorty and oppression world wide economic revolution; weekly syndicate lottora to criticism life. stand by the Mexican Liberal now beginning: since, in additiou to seven wounded at Sallnag Cruz, Stato against whleb it bad rleen to arms. that, consequently, an International ghould undorstand how gorlously exof iny hinublo Bell. lo reality, how. Party because it has struck, and is the economic problem, lo has now coloc Oaxaca, 300 armod ludlans havios It could not recognize the triumph of propaganda should be set aloot; that their own Jobs. It will do so more patriated Moxican labor threatens ever, am so interested in the Mex striking, powerfully at Honry Pace a hurricane of political hostility. invaded the town and attempted to Madero as other than the first stage we should have to fight the politicians and more until the land question la ican Revolution and the issues it has beorge foe; because it has ralsed It is recogulzed that more time should destroy the ballot boxes; of twonty. to a revolution that must run its of all parties; that we should get Moxico is settled by the restoration raised us to be impervious to blanie land beroically upholding the have been allowed, 113 order tliat che vive killed and more than a bundred course, if blood and treasure wore not aothing from the Socialists but words to the Mexicans of that soll which or pralse. have ax to grlad, wo standard of Land and Liberty. country might be districted in accord wounded at Juanacatapec, State of Mo to have been spent fa vala; and it had and apologies for those delays wblch they are passionately eager to have Interests at stake, oo ambition to pur because in inany, many districts it ance with the law. The Maderists hav. relos, where Zapatistas and federal spared no effort to make that position we regarded as fatal to the masses, the chance of oultivating.
sue, and am getting old.
Why has restored the land to the people; ing defented that demand the Reyistas forces clashed; of 700 Zapatistas re absolutely clear, an the quotations since they give the classes the opporshould anything but the problem to because it was pushed the agrarlan inmediately withdrow and they bave treating South to join their malo body, slven above will demonstrate.
Meanwbile it may be stated condtunity of cementing their power.
sell interest me?
that question 80 We It is from remorselessly the dently that no workers are more lost not a moment in declaring war, and of a real battle between 900 Zapa. emphasize is that it reckoned on the were positive that the Socialists standpoint, tberefore, that reply. front that even that prince of land ready at the present hour to 48sert Naturally Madero instinct is now tistas and 1500 federals at Textopec, support of the Socialists, and of all would side with Madera, inasmuch as the solidarity of labor than are the monopolists, Madero, to be success to secure peace at any price, and al on the borders of Guerrero and Oaxaca, who had been preaching for so many politician always supports politician Mexicans, as an instance of which we As it seems to me, one should go ful in his politics has been forced to ready he is treading the old and fatal which resulted in the defeat of the years that access to natural opportunt against those who stand for direct ac quote from a circular just issued by into fight or one should not. As it bend the knee and promise concesroad. The Los Angeles Times cor former. All this Information comes ties is the first step toward economic tion.
Furthermore we considered meems to me, if one goes into a fightsions which, believe, our agitation respondent puts it thus, Oct. 3: Fresno Local Union, No. 66, The from Unlted States papers, the latest freedom. It had a double reason for that true wisdom lay lo belog unpo relative to a strike near Coalinga. It one should want to win that fight and is strong enough win it in sbort order. And to win, somethiug more than promises. Con campalen acalust the trouble makers recel ved from Mexico City dating the supposing that it could rely on Socialist iitic; in hewing close to the line, re rends in part: support, because the entire Socialist gardless of where the chips might one should grasp, if possible, the se trariwise, criticize the alleged fol. in Southern Mexico is being pushed day before the election.
strenuously, now that the election is Contrary to the accepted potion Welcoming the Prodigals philosophy has as its cornerstone the fall; 10 neither courting alllances nor that the Mexicans won stick and that cret of that power which spells suc lowers of Hepry George because they Most: eloquently suggestive of exist restoration of the means of produc being afraid of making enemies. you can do anything with them, It over, and no mercy is to be shown. It All this is very clear to me.
lave lowered his standard and run up the white flag; because they have has been decided by the Cabinet that ing conditions is the article on whicbtion to the people, and because the re. This is the sum and substance of the gives us great pleasure to state that There are rules so well established endeavored, with almost incredible some of the subordinate officers of the the Los Angeles Times spread itself lease of the Imprisoned members of the conversations that took place, as the the majority of the men were MexiInstinctive but that Zapata and his chief leaders city on the sudden influx of members Party with peans of joy. Nothing could from which Regeneracion has not from Mexico) and they insisted the.
with the human race. mon; because at the end of more That to sit on two stools is to court a than thirty years of agitation one cannot have any such concession and of the oldest and proudest families of bave exceeded the enthusiasm of the deviated and will not deviate. There hardest in their demands.
These will the heart be also; that it is im tion that in the United States, far conditionally, if they surrenedr at all, ranked right along with that of Diaz and his colleagues at an immense mass sults attained have exceeded expecta of solidarity for you American possible to serve two masters whole and above all other countries, and be held for trial. The other men in the olden days, The names, it meeting called in Los Angeles. Yet tions.
the Peons to pattern after. All classes heartedly these are not merely the cornering of nature is deemed the will be pardoned if they surrender says, belong to former governors, th position of the Mexican Liberal Par.
Fundamental, Education. of conscious wage workers should precepts of one who unquestionably most honorable of achlevements, in their arms at once.
statesmen, yealthy planters, mine ty Junta is today. précisely what it The role of mere muckrakers does back them up in their light: By: fol; proved himself, for good or ill, manstead of, as it should be, the most. In Diaz Footsteps owners and land operators who will. was when its leaders were sent to the of enormous influence, but are also dishonorable and dastardly of crimes, According to a statement issued by in the future direct the development Yuma penitentiary for breach of the pot contānt us, and we alm to make lowing this policy, to the end you conclusions hammered into us by life It is true that, as Single Taxers, they this paper something vastly more im will find that the Mexicans: are your Minister Alberto Garcia Grandes, of their vast properties in Mexico neutrality laws.
friends and that you should organize In the earlier part of this article it portant than a mere chronicle of Itself. When say, as said recently have kept to the letter of their mas Felipe Morelos is to be second la com from Los Angeles, bringing here a with them into one Big Industrial In Regeneracion, that a real estate ter teaching; but, in my opinion, it mand of the federal troops in Morelos, wealth that cannot be estimated. Log has been shown that, as far back as events. If we call attention to the exspeculator with a deal trembilng in is also true that in the spirit In what Romulo Figueroa will occupy a similar Angeles will actually rival Mexico Dec. 17, Regeneracion declared most propriatlon now proceeding so rapidly Union and fight the boss, and not If it takes four the balance cannot be expected to should constitute the revolutionary position in Guerrero, Gen. Eduardo City in the control of estates, giving precisely that it was not working with in Mexico we also explain that the among yourselves.
days for Peong from Mexico to learn attack land speculation as flercely as life of what should be their own Paz will be at the head of operations pleasant and safe residence where all Madero, since his trlumph would not people have been accustomed for genIt needs to be attacked when say revolutionary movement. they are in Chiapas and Pascual Orozco will be that is the best in American civiliza mean the breaking up of that land mo erations to a communist system of how to fight for better conditions, land occupation for use, and show how long should it take you Amerithat, utter what every one of my dead.
given the task of attempting to bring tion can be enjoyed.
nopoly which is Mexico curse.
cans to get zext?
readers instinctively recognizes as a about order in the South. It is a regu. Among those singled out for special withstanding this the speakers and why radicals should support the moveWe commend this incident and truth, based on eternal verities, rootPersonally am unable to underlarly military campaign that has been notice are the former governor of writers of the Socialist Party such ment of the Mexican peasantry. If we marked out and testifies in itself to Guerrero, the former governor of men as Debs and Turnen continued record strikes it is to demonstrate the comments of It to the ed in human nature, irrefragable. stand how any one who really hates the truth of our constant contention Sinalda, Luis Torres, former gover to give the Mexican Liberal Party what that the Mexican is playing his part in notice of organized labor, but it must No Speers at my own supposed povland monopoly, as the followers of that Madero, being the frontispiece of nor of Hermosillo and a notorious was apparently their sincerest support. the labor movement of the world. unlearn a lot of the aristocratic, raceerty will get away with that. ap Henry George are supposed to hate we expose the trickerles of a teaching it bas peal to common sense and it indorses it, can look with indifference on such wliat bas been merely a political revoland monopolist, Jesus Almada, who But, with the obviously approaching a struggle as that which is congulgJution, will have no other alternative recently sold one of his estates for fall of Juarez, a sudden change took contortionist as Madero it is to point ping up from the mouths of schem ng ing Mexico.
to catch the vote.
Yet the Henry George but to rule by force of arms, as did his 3, 000, 000 and Bernardo Garcia, a place, its herald being a most bltter out that politics is everywhere the politicians, who habitually flatter it When Henry George WILS writing men stand by as coldly impartial as predecessor, Diaz. But he cannot com multi millionaire bachelor. However, attack on Ricardo Magon and the Jun game of getting office while cheating the poor with promises. We seek to. Progress and Poverty his soul was the grave.
mand the resources Diaz wielded and dozens and dozens of others are men ta made in the New York Call, a Personally do not unon fire, for be himself has told us that derstand how men can devote years lie has to do with a people no longer tioned caspally.
Socialist dally. This was prior to Mrs. educate our readers to the basic truth SOCIAL PROVES SUCCESS the misery of our great cities would of energy and apparent enthusiasm cowed. It makes all the difference in The spokesmen for these people all Turner retirement, and from that that he who would be free himself must strike the blow.
The Social at Itallari Hali last Sun.
not let him sleep. When Hevry to explaining how deadly is the Upas the world.
declare toey are out of politics; the moment the attack was almost continGeorge first gathered following tree, and be actually hostile toward Meanwhile there is frcreasing talk fotider governor of Guerrero, Who has cous. cannot think of a Saclallst Events are coming fast enough. day evening drew: lärger crowałania What is needed is ciear, fearless in proved in every way a great success.
about him he did not beat about the those who pick up the ax that they about the secret preparations for in properties valued at 60, 000, 000 for paper that did not either boycott the bush, or seek circuitous paths. Не!
bade his readers get out of the mire can explain it only by supposing Antonio, Tex. as his headquarters and compliments on Madero, and all an silence as in the case of the Los Ange ities the opportunities now offering something more than ten dollars was may bring it crashing to the ground. vasion being made by Reyes, with San sale. goes out of his way to shower Mexican Liberal Party movement by terpreters; for until we free ourselves We have not receiyed the full, finanfror illusions and learn to grasp real cial statement, but understand that and climb without delay the height American greed members of the old cientifico ring as avance their intention of living in Los res official Socialist paperwor attack it themselves on every side will be neg cleared for the benefit of Regenerathat for money that, later, be American greed for place, and Amer his financial backers. Enrique Creel, Angeles on the labor of their fellow directly as in the case of the Appeal lected. One of the greatest of these cion propaganda.
climbed. He pointed to the goal and ican greed for notoriety, have cut so who was Diaz right hand man and is countrymen. Every one of them looks to Reason or indirectly, as in the opportunities is the Mexican Revoluurged that it be reached by the direct. deep into the patton life that it immensely wealthy, is reported as hav forward to a life of luxury without do case of the Chicago Daily Socialist, tion, but it is being ignored by the est route; he demonstrated that land may have passed already beyond the ing visited San Antonio under an as ing a stroke of work; şvery one of which ostentatiously played up Ma.
Anglo Saxon workers, thanks malnly monopoly was the cause of poverty stage at which a eure is possible. If sumed name, and various rumors are them is confessedly an absentee land dero, with flamboyant cuts, as the to the political ilusions in which they and be demanded that it be a bolished.
and glories in it, and so agree with Henry George that in circulation which are said to be ford the Liberator of Mexico. While Mrs. have allowed themselves to be. enInstantly he was charged with preach the plowshare of history must pass urging the United States government Times congratulates Los Angeles on Turner was still editor of the English tangled.
The Ferrer Meeting, Burbank Hall, lng confiscation and be avowed it over us to make room for a simpler to added vigilance. Reyes himself the influx of this horde of pirates. Is section of Regeneracion a committee Politicians of all parties war on us, 542 South Main street, Friday, Octo boldiy, exhausting argument and rhe and more honest race.
has sailed from Havana for New it any wonder that those who, like the from the Socialist Party of Los Ange and we for our part have no inclina ber 13, p. Addresses will be de toric to prove that landlords were pot Orleans.
Mexican Liberal Party, are urging the les waited on Ricardo Magon, insist tion to make peace. Why should livered by Ricardo Magon, WM. OWEN.
entitled to one cept of compensation.
It is not to be supposed that every. Mexican workers to make these pirates ing that he should state whether he we, when the very stars in their Palacios, Caminita, Owen Forthwith he was denounced as The thing will break at once. Time is re walk the plank are being hounded was a Socialist or an Anarchist, since courses are fighting on our side? For and well known local speakers, the Prophet of Iniquity, was branded as quired for reflexion and, just as Ma down by the wealth and power of the in the latter case the party would with. is it not becoming patent to all the meeting being essentially interna an agitator of the most pernicious CARNEGIE, FOR INSTANCE dero was the hero of the hour when (United States, which gazes on the Mex draw its support from the paper. Ma world that the EVENTS now taking tional. Admission free.
type, and became a world wide power.
Juarez fell, so for the moment his elec fcan peon with disgust whlle idoliz gon answered, quite truthfully and place in England and Ireland, in The judicial murder of Francisco Sometimes when read American toral triumph will bring him another ing the parasites that feed upon him? naturally, that what he and the Junta France, Spain and Austria, every Ferrer by the Spanish We all write from our experience, editoriais deprecating the removal of Aush of popularity, until the public Have we not here the social problem wanted was to restore the land to the authorities, where and my own experlence has been so tyrants and then turn to their angu: has had leisure to consider how little in a nutshell? On one or other side of people. By pure accident was present Germany, are doing more for the edu on except in ballot bedrugged (Oct. 13, 1909, is commemorated yearly, the date of his death, by undevlating as to leave no room for rents against war, more than half that triumph really means.
Never the Mexican Revolution must not at the interview and heard the whole cation of the people is a week than radicals and revolutionists throughout doubt. As an Anarchist should have incline to the belief that at the bottheless events are moving fast. This every one of us take his stand? discussion.
politics have accomplished in a cen the world. It was one of the most no use for a professedly Anarcbist tom of a good deal of the guff talked Los Angeles Is surely the most extra lands in various States of Mexico, the Appeal to Prejudice tury? For thirty years the followers heinous of historical crimes and also lawyer, in the character of public edu about universal peace is a desire When, at the insistent urging of John of Henry George have been talklog one of the stupidest of blunders, for it cator, sipoe no man who takes an upon the part of people of power ordinary city in the world, being at same belng concessions obtained from cathloe fealty to the law and wins and property not only to abolish war, once, as capitalist papers put it, the the much lamented Dlaz, one of whose Kenneth Turner, assumed Mrs. Tur about the restoration of the land to stirred the revolutionary forces of Eufrom it his daily bread can attack the but to bring about the submission of cradle of the Mexican revolutionary favorites he was. Although all my na ner position the attacks were re the people. Within six months thou rope as they seldom have been stirred Taguas, according to Anarchist convle the people to wrongs imposed upon movement and the asylum for those tive sympathies go out to refined and doubled, the Appeal to Reason and sands of Mexicans, under the leader and kindled a flame of revolt that has As a them by their ruling classes. Anti against whom that very revolution is courteous gentlemen, express the others promptly pointing out that an ship of the Mexican Liberal Party, burned with increasing intensity ever tions, it needs to be attacked, since.
No making war. The colony of exiled profoundest hope that Sr. Flores pira Anarchist was in charge of the En have got back their landb.
free thinker have no use for those war talk 1g anti revolution talk.
The date Oct. 13 1s loyally All over the world the masses are observed annually by the international who call themselves free thinking one has talked more of it than the) monopolists and officials is growing tical enterprise will not bring him in glish section. For my part had come And there with startling rapidity, and one of the one Blngle dollar. If it does so it will into the matter purely as a volunteer, discovering what the Mexican peon has labor movement to exemplity its sense clergymen, since, by the necessity of Czar of all the Russias.
Cheir position, they seek to harmonize is nothing more disgusting in Amers latest arrivals to attract the attention be at the expense of American tree anxious to do what could to assist discovered. All over the world they of solidarity and emphasize fts dethe harmonizable, confusing coun ican Journalism than its attitude of of our newspaper fraternity is Sr. Dam booters as gulity as himself; would be the Mexican people to their struggle are rising in forcible revolt against termination to struggle on until freetot ide tracking the attack that discouraging revolution that appeals tan Flores, late governor of Guerrero. slavehoiders who regard Mexico as a to regain possession of the land. Any. the absurdity that as our capacity for dom sball have been tully won.
They want omelettes witb 8r. Flores 18 described unctuously by paradise of profit mongering, in which how, it seems to me that personalities producing the necessaries of ute in. Come yourself apdi notify your Booner or later will stamp out super to force.
They want revo the Los Angeles Tribune as a splen labor was meant to be exploited by the should cut po figure in the case, for we creases the difficulty of procuring those frlende. Send or ask for literature stition. As a hater of land monopoly out breaking eggs.
by or rose water. did type of the true Mexican gentle absentes landlord and the foreiga have to do with a profoundly serious necessaries increases.
All over the and assist in glying the meeting all have no uge whatever for the Sin Intions gle Ter speculators whose vice com They believe that even the continued man; quiet, reserved, courteous. Pot money shark One dislikes giving Sr. enquiry, Yl2. Why did the Bocialist world they are realizing that the El publicity. It 18 a work in which all pels them to buttress up a system existence of brutal slaughtering Jowing which we are informed that he Flores the free advertising but the Party continue for months to support pro minera, spoke the truth when they can be of service, thue doing their that, according to their master, 18 Stolypie 18 bettor than to have buss. has opened an once down town for the statement of his case may throw lishe the Mexican Liberal Party, despite the declared that the time for fine speeches chars toward bringing about that great obstacle to bumen ness disturbed to the least. Wm, disposal of 50, 000, 000 worth of siticul: on the true inwardness of the Mesleen latter clear statement to Decomber hed ended and the hour for bread Ar emancipation of humanity for which Marlon Reedy, in The Mirror. tural, timber, rubber, oll and mineral Economio Korolution.
last that It considered Madoro moro prod.
Forrer died.
freedom Notme.
900ner or must Don Forget med as e 000 What