AnarchismBourgeoisieCapitalismFranceSocialismStrikeViolenceWorking Class

musly Regeneración English Section.
WE THE POOR ARE No. 250 tor Agonizing.
The poor for the Lohuoleht Wilson lo dual hands and sub, ODEH IH allall ilot tid mited textion of tablish conscription in this coliu. their pestilent hearts. 1, that tlle earth, but it shall be the try by approving the law author have spent so many years behind whole world, because we shall izing the President to DRAFT ci the bars, finding myself away ALL BROTHERS have a right to all, the world nyer.
tizens into the army, an outrage from action when my heart aches Published by voluntary Send money payable to the Edi(Translated from the Spanish section. as the producers that we are. stupendous that the double to be in the firing line, could unWe the poor shall not look upon Subscription, TURQOIC 160R19 MAGON, dealing Wilson himself was for derstand what these fighting men Be it in the United States, France The poor are everywhere poor. the poor of other countries as our Single copy Bcs, Saturday Dic. 9, 1916 Box 1236. Los Angeles, Cal. сed to declare that it was too must feel surrounded by iron eneities.
sweeping. and that he hoped to bars, like wild beasts, impotent eries, the same pains, the same who upon taking possession of or China, he suffers the same misOur real enemies are the rich Mexican people; but that such and baggage, to Pancho Villa; in get it limited at the earliest op: to go to their brothers to uplift thing shall not happen with the Santa Rosalia, Jimenez and Parral, portunity.
Carranza government.
the proletarian scythe mows down them from the mire of Capitalism anguish, the same contempt from Could more be expected from towards their emancipation.
the lordly rich, the same oppress and the product of our lahor, have our common heritage, the earth, Events have demonstrated that the bourgeois heads of all nationthe worst tyrant? despotic sion from tlie domineering rulers the Carranza govornment is as bad alitics: mexicans, chinese, arabians, By the way, let me say that by and task masters.
forced us into misery and social, ruler is infinitely better, because The days of carranzism are num as any other, and it is due to this americans and germans, since all he shows his hand, and his teeth, January 4th. 1917, the judicial force On the other hand, the ricli, economic and political slavery.
shall start to which Tom Mooney wherever they go thru the world.
Our enemies also are the sup.
bercd. Without the reelection of that the people, determined to con belong to the same casto: that of and the people know where he will be cragged by those con never suffer starvation, miseries justitutions. Against the rich porters of the rich and of their Woodrow Wilson, the organization quor its economic independence, the exploiters; the carranzista csstaudis, despotic ruler makes corts who guard the railroad con rebels while a a benevolent one temptible Fickert, Brennan and or want; and never scorn, oppress and their supporters, the Governof bandits known by the name of continue up in arms.
The situation is desperate for car voys, are exterminated en masse by makes submissive and cringing the Law and Order Clan. Back of Swanson, three fine specimens of sion or exploitation. constitutionalist. would bo a and the Churclı, is against whom thing of the past.
ranzism. The workers of the cities, the rebels; like a tragic magnet, the slaves.
The nationality and race of one the lackeys ickert, Brennan and or the other, in no way alters the the poor of all nations must figh We behold tho last gasps of the ruthlessly awakened to the reality Cerro de las Campanas (the mounIt is time even for the most Swanson, the main ones to bribe social, economic or political con: Mexico and tle United States, ne In the pending conflict between corrupto political organism that on of the brutal decree of the 1st of tain where the peoplo executed candid to realize that if we ever degenerato human scum for their ditions of the individuals of ly could live thru the decided sup August, have turned their backs on Maximilian) attracts the Tirst expect to shake our chains, we the Mexican poor musc recognize port of the american government, him; with the ghost of the peons Chief. who sets out on his march must refuse to be led by the nose star witnesses, are the large vam. either castes, The rich do not that it is not the American poor which requires the consolidation of of the Pacific Coast before him, the to Queretaro. under the kisses by politicians, leaders or saviors pire Corporations of the master lose their power, the comforts who will bring about the war with government in Mexico under petty tyrant makes haste to calm of two Judases: Pablo Gonzalez and of any stripe. Nature has en class. Therefore, back of the Mooney, and advantages derived from the Mexico, but tlie rich who covet the shelter of which business, greed down the excitement by ordering Alvaro Obregon.
dowed every one with common et al. defense must be the exploited, money amassed by the sweat and the wealth that lies within the Such is, at great strokes, the sitand fraud may agnin prosper as in his lackeys to proceed inimediately sense, and if it only were used we not just for the sake of the prison sacrifices of the poor.
Romoyo the names of confienes of tliat region, and who fhe good old days of Diaz. Carrin with the repartition of lands in the tuation.
should realize that a society of ers, but, in fact, for the sake of the never ceases to be a pariah or to do not wish that wp mexicans hu za was the most logical man to el Territory of Tepie; in the state of persons and places and replace them free men is saner and better than proletariat at large, for in this fight die of hunger and want, even if frec, but that we continent to be fect restoration: pliant, opportu Oaxaca, the Mountain of Ixtlan is by others, and it is the same situaone of masters and slaves. it is not the Mooneys, Nolan, Bill. he constantly work like a beast nletic, menial; baso, greedy and ablaze, and the Istmus of Tehuan tion of two, of four or six years ago, Down with Authority! Long ings and Weinberg the only ones of burden, and, being he who, exploited slaves as in the time of Dia.
brutal. he was the man to gugran tepec is in the hands of the rebels; with the difference that to day the live Anarchy!
thut shall perish if they loso, but with his brain and brawn proAgainst the rich, in that case.
teo the capitalist class, a bountiful Chiapas and Tabasco, the far away mexican proletariat have opened R, COX Labor itself. IIence, for self duces all the social wealth.
since there, we must unitc; against the rich era. or that roason he was sup States that were said to be pacified, their eyes a little more, defense, every working man and All the poor that inhabit this and their retainers we must fight; ported by Woodrow Wilson; but are pastures of the Revolution; tho is no better school than that of exwoman should help to save these carth, no matter to what nationbut not against the american also for that reason he is receiving zapatistas sustains battles in Con perience.
BACK FROM FRISCO prisoners. as the many others now Heilongmase connay happen to the workers of this country bu?
the last kicks from the people. treras, a short distance from the. To the foro!
belong, must consider ourselves cause they generally recognize Since the rovolution started six City of Mexico; overcome with tor We shall not see our brothers aall brothers Invited tliru Alexander Berk financially towards that end, Send that the poor of Mexico are their years ago, we signified that no gov ror, Carranza wants to cut the head gain, the workers of the cities, We the poor are all brothers, brotliers and they are opposed to man and provided with the means contributions to Robert Minor, ernment would consoliclate again in of the agrarian movernent at one shouldering a gun to shoot down to go to the Bay üity to speak at Room 210, Russ Bldg. 235 MontNo matter what the color of war against them. Thanks in Mexico. Many were those who single stroke, and he orders the re their brothers of the fields; we shall Carpenter fall last November gomery St. San rancisco, Cal. our skin, our eyes and our hair that opposition, the American laughed and even looked upon us concentration of the inhabitants to not treanble with indignation again the 12th, addressed in English with pity. No reasoning was of determinate places in the State ol before the caravans of peasants and Spanish an intelligent and at Sara Bard Field place in San guage, our habits or customs of realization.
Finally, and arranged by itzie, may he; no matter what our lan. Armed Intervention has failed of any avail to demonstrate that our Morelos; Villa in the North, is he coming in pilgrimages to the Na eager crowd of men and women rancisco, delivered, the night of the region in which we happened But sooner or later the said in predictions were based on facts, pre longer a thorn on the carranzista tional Palace asking for lands, when of inany races that warmly res November 20th. a lecture on the to be born may be; or tlie race to tervention shall be a fact even a cisely on the scrious causes that had sides. he is a mass that crushes the they would have to do nothing else ponded to the hints given by the Mexican Revolution. to a group of which we may belong; we are all gainst the will of the am rican poor and, therefore, all brothers; workers. And at that time in are misery, tyranny and oppression. who dreamt to substitude in rapine convince themselves that well being not treat their subjects with kid followed by a lively discussion of it, other; as brothers love each other; war shall be originated by the speakers who, being radicals, did writers and social workers, that was and as brothers we shall see each must not only remember that such Superficial people, those who never that gang of intelligent and cruel can be attained by merely laying gloves but calling each thing by of our Ideals and our methods. as brothers treat each other.
had been in contart with the work brigands who called. incinselves their audacious hands upon the so its real name, and who pointing While speaking and referring to rich, but that we all the poir ing mass, and did 110t know the iin los cienti cusis. the scientists. cial wealth. If we have two hands, out as the weak spot in ourselves Woodrow Wilson meddling in All the poor of the eartlı carry brothers, regardless of the raci, mense opirations for conmie liber Torreon, the great strategic point. let us use one to thrust a dageer in the proletatiat our tameness, Mexican affairs, antagonized exploiters and tyranny that we belong, and that against the rich on our backs the crushing load of color or nationality to which then humble and now rebellious, any moment, and then, goodby car, plant with the other our redeeming passive forbearance of the out that, most unfortunately. as hap class, the rich, and of its ser ment and Clergy, responsible for asserted that a change of personnel ranzism in the frontier. already flag in the common wealth.
rages, tyranny and exploitation in the governinunt would suffice to maddened, Carranza sends thouForward! To the front! Long that the rascally privileged few pens with many other honest peo vants, Authority and Church. We our ills and wars, is aganist whom sands and thousands of men to the appease the people The facts have come to demons border in the hope of crushing Vil live the Manifesto of the 23rd of see fit to heap upon us, gave the ple, believed with their cyes shut ail Irag at our feet the same we trust fight and declare war to the two faced Wilson that with chains of slavery. We all have the death, without truce or quar.
trate the error in which that su la, and by which he only succceds in September, 1911! Lots live Land workers tliis, wortliwhile advice: and Liberty!
Since those above use violence the fine words of his smooth tongue the same obscure death in the ac ter.
has succeeded in chloroforming cients while at work, in the numperficial people were. government adding fuel to the bonfire.
RICARDO FLORES MAGON. on you thiru tlieir soldiers, police Let us not then cry, death to falls and another riuos to fall again, because his solliers desert, boots and legal inachinery, you la ye many to the extent of overlooking beredt bed of the public hospital the gringoes! because with such and so on in succession, why? Bem how Wilson, or Morgan sake, or hierded in the parks, or in the cry we shallıdemonstrate our mar.
the perfect right to buy a gun cause governments do not sive The Eternal Humbug this system, are avowed uphol with plenty of aminunition for keeps American marines in Nicara treshold of the rich, where we al pettiness by extending our his bread to the hungry. That is the ders of the present reign of exyour own protection. Therefore, gua to uphold the newly elected die of hunger and cold, we who tred against the americans, whil reason, simple and plaini With his atrabilarious acts, the The election just gone by has ploitation and slavery, and that from now on believe in prepared under the pressure of the Amer have produced all, while iraside, the majority of them, the work petty carranzista government hus given another good illustration they are solemnly pledged to pro ness and be ready to meet the ican buyonets President Chamorro those who never have produced ers, are our brothers and app on tect the exploiters and their loot depredations and the violence of who is a tool of the said Morgan; anything useful in all their para posed to the war for the sam greatly benelited the anarchist of how hopelessly stupid and and to keep the exploited in subtriotless the mass is; of how easyour masters and their hirelings how Wilson, for Wall Street sake, sitical lives eat, drink and laugh. reason.
causo, because, it has not only projection?
is having his dogs of war murdering We the poor are all brothers; with your justifiable violent resThen our cry shall be, ani very ven that governmiets do not give ily a shrewd and crafty politician However, all of this is not istance. Then, and only then, the Santo Domingo natives and we must never hate each other; loudly: Death to the rich! Long broud to the hungry, but that it is can stainpede it to his banner you are determined to make crushing down the Haitians; how much less kill each other when it live Land and Liberty!
bread from them, since it forbids doing something which he has ways wait for a calamity before yourselves be respected, and that Wilson, through his Post Office hire is convinient for our masters to ENRIQUE FLORES MAGON an institution created to snatch the with a few sweet phrases and by enough. The multitude must al. you be prepared to make good lings, is encroaching Frecdom of send us to war.
the workers to ceasc work when by been forced to do, Suffering the same fate as we It is bad and sickening enough it is liere, and they do not see it!
your determination, your tyrants Thought and mainly one of its most means of the strike they try to force for the multitude to be the eternal Unquestionably there is not a and exploiters shall fall on their important manifestations, of the all the poor do in all the counMass Meeting the rich to concede them an addiknces begging for mercy! Press, by suppressing all papers that tries where we happen to be, we At LABOR TEMPLE tional crumb for their daily piitance. prey of the political hucksters, more dangerous tyrant than a venevolent one. Wilson certaintlio not strange, since it has cver On the 14th of November, in would not praise Capitalism; how must recognize that it is not by Carranza fulls, all governments been their easy meat, but when ly is an artist at the game. ForWe must recogUnder the auspicies of Rt.
in Mexico have to fall, unless the we see an almost general rush of ced by a clenched fist, he grants troduced by our Socialist comrade Wilson, although proven innocent, killing each other that we shall SATURDAY, DEC. 17, in.
J, Snyder, Editor of the Oak and he himself confessing to Sena change our lot.
miracle of the existenco of a gov radicals flocking to the siren the hour day, to railroad men nize that our condition can never Refugees and Exiles. For the lief Society for Russian Politic. be changed so long as those that benefit of persecuted refugees.
ernment that shall give bread be songs and calls of a politician, only; the rest of the herd didn land World. to the Socialist tor Smith from Arizona to be conrealized; but as there are no mira seeking galvation, it becomes ask for it, you know, and the Local of that city, and invited to vinced of it, kept us (the Magons, cause it, the rich, continue to Comrade Brillion, just out of him as a savior. speak; let them know the Mex Figueroa and Riverantwoor long have sufficient power to exploit Siberia, will speak in Russian.
clus in this age any longor, we must more than disgusting.
ronounce to that horc, convinced And Wilson lias turned the The mass works itself into a fur. ican proletariat appreciation of years in MvNeil Island Peniten us into fightiug each other when in Yiddish. Admission free, by experiencə that all governments trick. llere we liave socialists, ore to gain a paltry sop and when the solidarity of their American tiary, just because he using his us, to tyrannize us and to push femeique Flores Magon will speak brothers in opposing armed inter: words did not sec it wise for his it serves their interests to cause are created to guarantee to the rich unionists and even anarchists the politicians, thru sheer pres.
their dominion over the poor.
wars of conquest on other counworking like trojans, hand in sure, are compelled to grant it, vention in Mexico. Afterwards, policy to let us free; how Wilson.
at their request, explained to But think it is needless to contiANNOUNCEMENTS tries.
The very henchmen of Carranza hand, to elect a man who has they become idols.
find themselves forced to confess kept 113 out of war. has, as if by And the irony of it! They can the Mexican Social and nue enumerating Wilson transgresIn such wars, craftily instigat The speech delivered by Ri.
that peace is impossible in Mexico, the stroke of a sorcerer wand, stab the mass right and left, but Economic Revolution that for six sions on human freedom. Those a ed by our masters and their ser cardo Flores Magon last Sirur so long as the workers be not eco« given the eight hour day to the if they only wear a smile while years has already been going on foresaid are enough to convince any vants, Church and Authority, we be translated and published in the nomically free. In an article writ railroad men. and all but estab doing it, the sport is perfectly without flinching, thanks to the thinking huinan being that while the poor have nothing that is next issue of REGENERACION.
ten by the carranzista propagandist, listed heaven on earth.
safe and sane.
determination of the slaves to Wilsop caresses the cheeks of Frce ours to defend, and nothing to Modesto Rolland, and which he Whiskers or no whiskers. Here we have Wilson and his reach their goal condensed in dom calling her aweet names, conquer, for ourselves.
We shall also announce in our LAND and brutally stabs her back.
to such wars to defend the pow next issue the Mexican Suicial he entitled: Why is a Government The issue could not be clearer, administration, the best ever, if these two words: Needed in Mexico. the following as Robert Minor puts it in his you please, and never since the LIBERTY, My words might hurt the feelings er, interests and the riches of our Drama, Land and Liberty.
words are read: They the mox cartoon in TIII ETAST. Only that time wheu Elijah Lovejoy was On the 16th, my life mate fe of Wilson admirers, but Truth masters; we go to conquer more written by Ricardo Flores Magon after his release from jail, and to icans have always maintained an it is still charitable, since the real murdered, when William Lloyd resa Magon and inyself, admust be spoken regardless of con power and be given in conjunction with a ideal of liberation, which at the dilemma was to select the execu Garrison was dragged with a dressed our Mexican and Italian sequences. Besides, Truth, crush That, in reality is what we un meeting Saturday, Dec. 30 at bottora is only oconomic freedom, tionar of the people for the next rope by the neck, and when Wen comrades in Spanish at the Ita ed to carth, shall finnally brace up, consciously do by going to war. Hall. While the play is to but thoy have always bcen devcived four years. And why should not dell Phillips, was hounded for lian Club in San Francisco, on and then Wilson friends, whose They talk to us about going to be produced in Spanisti, social, by the government.
the radicals. at least, realize it? his abolition propaganda, has the subject of Why we are poor beliefs might antagonize now, defend our country; but, where is in Mexico are so vividly portrayed economic and political conditions Further on he says: If the oco. Ilas the appalling thing not been there been so much persecution and how to stop it. This meetshall see clear and be careful for the the country of the poor if we are that its meaning can easily be un.
nomic processes do not change, repeated enough? Are the pres as right now. Revolutionary ing was arranged thru the help next time not to trust politicians, always and everywhere poor? derstood without a knowledg things will be the sume as ever. ent conditions, whereby millions papers are being ruthlessly sup of comrade Fitzgerald, and not to trust leaders, no matter how Do we have a country? Yes, tlie language, And then:. the people who know of people find themselves in the pressed in large numbers, the pri was a moral snccess.
velvety their tongues may be.
when we the poor be the owners that constitutions wero merely yerge of starvation while a few sons are packed thru the land Ciceroned by comrade FitzgeIt is not the duty of the revolu the owners of the earth under our of what we produce, when we be David Caplan to with workingmen who have done rald, We had the opportunity to The case of comrade Caplan is blows at them, what would they of life, not frightful enough to no more than to protest against, meet Tom Mooney. Ed. Nolan, tionist to pat somebody back and feet, the machinery with which in its critical stage; witnesses for want a government for? What make the itſasses realize that and try to change the miserable Warren Billings and Israel praise his idols, but to wield the we create all that is useful and his defense are soon to be pre the Mexican people want is land. whether they elect a clean shaven or conditions of the present; and Weinberg, the men wanted by the pick of Truth and to handle the makes life agreeable, and when sented and all tile funds in the At the close of his article Rolland abewhiskered quack, it is all the things go from bad to worse.
ogre of Capitalisti to crush La shovel of Reason to demolish the we be the owners of all the social treasury have been exhausted.
Bays:. the only salvation of Mox same to them? Can they not see But this is not all. No president bor and drag us back to the Dark falsc pedestals of the idols and wealtlı.
If Caplan is to be saved moon ico lies in the change of its econo that no matter how sweet in all the history of the country Ages that the ones in power may shove aside prejudices and atavisms Then, when everything will be must be rushedd at once.
mic government.
their disposition and how good had ever burdened the nation prey on us without a disenting that always stand on the way of for all and not only for a few that Send all remittances to KarneProgress.
Of course, Rolland says that all tlieir intentions Wilson, or any with military expenditures as Wil voice of protest, without any have grabbed it, then we shall RINE L: SCHMIDT, Box 935 the governments have deceived the other professional saviors under son has done. And it remained manly effort to steady their crim ENRIQUE FLORES MAGON, have a country; and that country Los ANGELES, CAL when rabble accl them We go wealth for theni.