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BUBSCRIPTION RATES No. 208 What Does Carranza Really Mean?
ture, Manifesto to Mexicans, Karang tens of thousands of humble, ressants last few years. harvest of Icnsana it can WAY.
The country will not be contented with the ating and fraud are th: Lande, inas murh ns men can have pro nifesto because the one and all in articla bund:7, the two great pridcipals of certainly stay of his acies are now perty oily in what their labor important thing is that the out. The return of stulen. lando (un act of imper.
Edited by WM. OWEN in the possession of the pool cullin produces, and no inan labor pru side worki should understand that rivus justice. and clic splking up of thcexvato Dives Carranza propose to duceel the land. He taught that Mexicans are fighting for reati propiuted cultivabıle lands (an act required Send inoney payable to torture Ctriku thua to Terraza, and, the grant of the exclusive nose of ties, and a lealer like Carranza, aliker by jršilce and expedieniy si Singly culty bits ir Ba, where will the peon) come in? a certain piece of land was the who declares that this is an ecoToek away fruithe ceny the means INRIQUE FLORIS MAGON.
One dollar il yerir. 113. Jitlis, snc, Saturday, October, 16, 1918 Box 1236. Los Angeles, Calordities so pa pelle as th se. the contunity to the user, fortion, will not be allowed to subs rotalliers of 1857, the time ben they Surely one, heed not dwell upon grant of a special privilege buyinomic and not a political revolu in shog damine was the wisseistic of the xlorse most cordially, which runs the bondage of monopoly and put surely every intellectually bouest which the user inust pay to the titute the shadow for the suos dipikable classy olutsiamense puissensas follows: The revolution in at the disposition of every human man or women must understand community, as being the only le tance. Fortunatly, as believe, ions which it used models for tlic purjuse Mexico is not of a political na being.
hal if is to be reconized as the sitimate owner, the full rental among Carranza present followof painting compiacius, und keeping clic sole proprietor as he was before the value. If, fur example, the user ers there are many who under cuitry in perpetual disorder ihrough those It is an economic revolution.
So far so good. Mexico is no revolution. and all the rest of a piece of property worth 1000, stand that clearly, and on them, wilitary uprisings which bear sw sending It menns the industrial awaken longer to be a land of special pri of the alphabet will be left empty, a year pays a rental of only 500 anil Carranze ling given the speljal ing of Mexico. During the days vileges but one in which all will handed, and that for them the levo lie is enjoying the special and un them, the future of this great on others who trink with resemblance to the list barsak outbreak, correspondent of The 08 Augeer of Diaz natural resources of the be given an equal chance. Noulution will have been fought in vein. just privilege of getting 600 a struggle rests.
sich also was the fruit of an understandTi:10u a statement which ming loe country were by a fewrichi friends thing could be better; and it is to surely that is self evidr 11t. Surely year presented to him as a gift. inig between the military and the reactionists.
regarded as mnokt significat, for it of Diaz, who were given special be remarked, as showing the ra all who plead for the restoration of George advocated the Single Tax. WM. OWEN.
ols for she reconstructive work of the murka aliko the length to a kiclu the concessions. Only tliosc few de pidity with which thought hasline laud to the people niunt recog as it is called and called, most Revolutim, the formation of a. nelous of 3rxien Ruvolution fine gove and! veloped the country, interests which shall support the new order, Others ripened in Mexico during the last mize that this inevitably implies com injudiciously, in iny opinion as the chinee ir bus still to travels Mexicans as well as foreigners ciis was tic task of the French Resolution, five years of revolutionary activi tiscation of what the monopoliet co lo the easiest and most certain meth Issued by Emiliano Zapata put up to the present day; for it ishish Ijr fruitful results has not had its A« Indrell explain, it is the lateingrad no opportunity whatever. ty, that no man of prominence in fuis property. Yo Carranza inkisis od of confiscating the special prithat will be the hardert, for thirro Mexico was a land of special pri the United States or Europe has that thia is not a political but an e. vilege the land monopolist today divided AND SIGNED BY HIM AND the defenders of things up They are vileges. This could not last for ventured as yet, to propose a pro conomic revolutioul THIRTY FIVE OFFICERS, have piled obatuele on obstacle, and ever, and the result was the pre gram anything like as radical as enjoys, and it was as the enemy of the noblçs und clergy, AUGUST 1914.
llic traits Club The Single Taxers, believe, and of special privilege that lic dewund made the multitude thus farored such there they will make their final sent revolution.
this. It goes to the very roots; such an as Lincoln Steffene, to fended such confiscation. Today stand, Note that phrase, the natural for when special privilege shall muy certain knowledge, hare been Carranza denounces special pri its zenith and it is, therefore, time for the vigorous aclhörents of the Revolution The revolutionary movement has attained My ambition from the begining, resources of tlic country, and re have been abolished and when busily pleading Carranzn caure. vilege and in the same hreatla de country to know the truth, york adult not even Napolcon, with all his unyo Carranza, was prace for Nem flect that it is always by induc. all men and women shall have know this because some of them clrares that its vested interests The existing revolution did not make itgevius, for the Bourbons, with their aristoxiao, or that very 1( fen took ing the law making power to been given an equal chanoe, the have made personal appeal to me. inust be protected.
cratie intransigence. were over able to tracit up the banofis of revolut1031 aguinn give certain people special privi millennium will have arrived and They think we should drop what self for the purpose of sutisfying the interests it out oilietre rouch sittin physical and the dictator Iluorta, because knew leges in the natural resources of the revolutionary movement will they are plenged to call our per out of existerice the land mono of any one party.
Does Carranza intend to tilx of any one personality, of any one group or Driend life.
It is certain that the deluded believe that the that we could not have preare All the country that economic in have done its work. But, just sonal differences, and they more polist special privilege? 0f recognizes that its origons lie deeper and that The existing revolution long an injustice ware committed equality and economic dependence as, in every walk of life, thou thun hint thut the Magong and tlmir course he does not.
country is going to be contented an it wa not contented in 1910. with an electoral pan in the name of liberty. den prime of the many on the few are sands asseverate loudly that they followers are irreconcileables, whom! tion would be equivaleni to conSuch taxa it is pursuing higher finalities.
tounine, from which are to arire new opdap ral placement that ie fine, beisu brought about. It could not be believe in equal opportunity for nobody could satisfy. But how can fiscation, which he carefully rea misery, was suffering from exploitation, and The peasant ivas hungry, was, enduring parently, honest nien who are to occupy the paraphragm of Wendell Phillijos otherwise. Tlie statement can all, and, in the same breath, in. lond be sutisfied?
curule chairs. scale in the legislature and the great Hayiting thout lis han five not be denied unless 011c denies sist that vested legal rights are cale as an illustration. am inter tlurefore, the Single xers anel which the greed of the rich denied him, to Tate my own puliates. As it appears to me, if he rose in asms it was to obtain the bread Previdency. lofty throne, but they who jure: man am and only out puiite to rll. also the statemeut that tiis tarth sacred, so does Carranza declare ested in all movements that have Socialists are engaged once more make himself master of the land which tha the matter thus appear to iw more the fact that 1: courtshus reopsd. during the crisis of the OHHH. utter and exact Jurtire is the treasure house from whib or a new deal and simultaneous as their motive the restauration to in building cas les in the air, and egoistic landet preprictor kept for himself, to Thu, 114 114 guarantaila hall ile we have to draw every ounce of 15 assure the public that privi man of what regard as his natur Carranza own position is this. vindicate the dignity which the slave driver 119ser forget, which will not permit is in love WAYA be fxpedicner, Tiruer our supplies.
in sozlan: las acquired a rolound undere leges acquired uuder the Diaz re al heritage, the land; becanse con. With that wave, le piast swim, iniquitously trampled on daily. He threw standing of the cause of ill being and the could wanna douvince of llist, f0 Carranza goes on to say that gime will be respected. Here are sider monopoly of nutural resources and with its onward rush he must himself into revolt, not to conquer illnsory way to combat them.
ciul pance, would take tim pol. 36 the wealth of Mexico, while na his exact words: the tap root of human slavery; be keep pace.
We onay be mure that the country will not instantaneously and automatically, turally enormous, is at present He does not really political rights, which do not feed him, but hea. icl with the timid relorme pketches They accuse us of being con cause look on the aml. ition to uc trust the wave, for he is not hon to procure for himself the piece of land which IIe of the everywhere txisting social merely potential.
says: In inventourly lay the lawyer Isidro Fibels. Money, and a great deal of it, fiscators. little reasoning will quire territory and live on it at the estly a part of it. His secret pray. must supply him with food and liberty, a Minister of Relaxing in the Corronciats gov.
Carrunza then platex 114k, wbie has to be invested before we can immediately show the fallacy of expense of other people as being, 1er is that it wi subside as quick happy tiresice, and a future of independence erminent and a man who is a revolutionist only in name, since he neither understand noe Huerta was eliminated, be legge o utilize the riches of our country. such a thought. Of what value least one of the great incentives to 1s as possible after landing sa im and growtli.
ryinpathjice with the Revolution ideal, Villa to mories Wifen ina lluvana and We know tliis very well, and for could all the foreign property be that barbarous anachronism known in the pr sidential chair.
Per. They make a lamentable misiake who suppos there oome to an ouderta. eline that reason we want foreigners to us even if we did confiscate it? as war. How can be content wi ha haps he is right, inasınuch as re chat the estabilielment of a military govern inere abolition of pluck me ripre, it exploitbut that Villll considered inkalt to coine and exploit our resources, Mitles, oil fields and other prop arranza smooth avowal thut the volutio ary wases have a halalimant, that is to say, a despotic goverumant, locuint under other the erronger wood was not goodloo but they will come in the future erty are of no value if they are xican revolution does not mean of subsisting, but in this partic. will insure the pacification of the country.
Coormus it will not be satisfied with municipa!
penon. Ilaniela thui he madoriin. under different conditions. Mex not exploited. To confiscate then confiscation?
ular case doubt it. Perlaps tlie! It can be obtained only by the realization liberiics. exceedingly problematical anithey flaut appronclre to 7pate, adica will no longer be a land of a would mean nothing more than On the one hand, Carranzı durunaway will le sublu once if the double operation of reducing to inare, ul. iic the hari pf canonicindependence is still looking: and will ic» willie ha pani.
prompiacal to rury out loin ngrari 11 million opportunities. It will be getting a white elephant on our clares that the revo ution was inem more and driven tamely back into prence the ele nents of the an. ient regime, bis in while it with a patis program of plan, kvut unfuri amutely she para a country where all will be given hands. But when they are ope vitable because Diuz exploited Me the stable, but should not care and creating new interests linked inextricably Teorma in the law dealing will larid taxes, rated by their owners the govern xicu by giving special concession to het on it. Too many previous with the revolution, solidaric with it, in when whui la reine in th: radical solution Anul mobillions of his seorrturies an equal chance, were greater than the needs of shrit That statement also applaud.
mont derives a revenue from such 10 a few ricis friends. In truth, they rivers who calculated on that langer and prosperous if it becomes esta. of the problem rela:ing to the cultivation of mouniry. The reference is to an It is sclf evident that a natural properties, and that is what we were concessidus worth calking at have gone to smash. If a people lished and consolidated.
The country want something more than lafux oud another man whose name resource amounts to uothing unare after. There follows an as nut, for th yumouutud to the gift of once becomes dead in earnest the The first task, that of making ir impossi the vavencases cf Sr. Erbela, which the silence okcapris me. As regurus Pulafux til it has been exploited by surance that fron the outset of principólities. As a celebrated En experiment of feeding them words ble for the reactionary group to be of Sr. Carranza iš istoring. It wishes to nouo of us can rny with certainty buman laber, and it should se the revolution it was the inten glish publicist, William Archer, who instead of bread bécomes quite longer a danger, is carried out by two diť. break, once and for all with the feudal cpuch. bat his perponat ambitione may scll evident that all ought to tion, the honest desire, of the was eend by Nc Clure to musu a dangerous.
ferent methods; by the exemplary punishwhich is now an anachronism. It wirker in havo ben, but it ling alwaça lieen have an equal opportunity. of ex all those who suffered through Dinz gave a way his country as it and short sighted politicians at of the intellectual directors and active cle.
Constitutionalists to reimburse spedal invertigation, reniarked: No! Only foolhardy quacks! ment of the chiefs, of the great criminals, destroy with one stroke the relationships of deratond that lie was a devout ploiting natural resources, re.
ford and ocrf, overreer and clars, which in digiple of Kropotkin. Ang will apagardless of the flag under wliich loss of property and valuables, he bad bet ir blowing soap bubbles. tempt the risky business of run ments of the conservative faction, and by the matter of auriculture, are the only one, which rule. from Tamaulipas to Chispar and and Carranza adds that the On the other hand, Carranz assures ning with the hare and hunting attackng the pecuniary rescurces they em.
pear shortly, much a man was not they happen to liave been born, likely to be patirfied with wlint Co lof the color of their skin or of question of foreign claims is io the frightened foreign investor that with the hounds Only little ploy to work up intrigues and prevoke The co:in:ry people wish to live the lic be passed upon by a tribunal con confiscation is not on the Mexican men play double, and Carranza is revolutions; that is to say, by the subdiviTranza offere, the creed tley chance to hold, of civilizcirs; to breath the air of economie Then comes the prophesy that No intelligent Mexican wants posed of members from various revolutionary progr. In other playing double when be assures (sion of the properties of the lacienda owners liberty which as yet they have not known words, he annucce that, when be us with one corner of his mouth and politicians who have put themselves at atui this they never can do whilc there still both Villa and Zaprti will be eli to put a ring around his country countries and of Mexicans.
minated within the next icw months and keep it as the sacred preser Before considering the basic all be sented in the presidental that Mexico, under his rule, will the front of the organized resistance to die remains af not the traditional lord of the and Carranza gives that as his rea ve of Mexicans. Ile wants the question of confiscation, call chair aud shall have restored order, become a land of social equality, popular movenieni which began in 1910 scaffold anil the knife, who disposes. 21 son for thinking it munccessary. natural resources of the country attention to the extraordinary verything will be so far as the in which speci«l privilege will und has attained its crowning point in whim or the persons of liis falvirera; un parley with them in the peace con lexploited by those wlio can do it frankness of the extraordinary vested interests are concerned as exist no more; wliile with the 1914, after living through the gallows of sister of wine who alilincs them farennes urged by the United Style most efficichtly, producing the statement contained above. it was before the revolulindi. other corner he insists that vest Ciudad Juarez and the reactionary crisis of Trith excessive tasks, brutalizes them by and Latin Republice. With the greatest result with the least ex cannot think of any other man am not a white surprised that ed interests will be protected and the Ciudadela, the tragedy which the muiser! and ill treatinerit; dwarfs and cxha.
rathileseneas which is suid to be one penditure of effort. What he high in office who has acknow the L:H An geige Times, which is those who have suffered by the Huerta dictatorship let loose. sts his rice hy the slow agony of slavery of his main chararterirties lim add docs not want is the exploitation ledged boldly that the reason for par excellence the champ on of revolution. ninety nine per cent In support of this subdivision there mi:in the ciforced withering of human beings that our enemier muri lve was quite of Mexicans, and thiat is an on developinga country, is that the special privilege, priisted Carranz a ef of them having been the holders litates the circumstance that the greater!
irhoss stomachis and smpay traíractice ad completely or there will lover ou tirely different matter. government may extract revenue statment, playing it up us conspi of special privileges be recom1. part, not to say the whole, of the cultiv. hungry.
Firsi a militas und tlieti a pira lasting pence in Mexic, oud bir What have just written is, I had supposed that the real ob vuously as possible on itofront page. pensed. Things are good or they juble lands to be nationalized represents emments shrewdlls: Francisco believe exceptionally true of Me ject of work, in theory at any Ovis and hals supporters will swallow are bad, beneficial or injurious, interests created under the sbalov liamentary volernment, wit hadisiisistrative reforms in order that Madero paid with his life by. com xico. Many of my friends have rate, was to enrich and benefit with complacetey all the denunci desirable or undesirable. Ii lavd Porfirio Diaz dictatorship, to the grave alle reorganization 19ty: codure; promising with his enemior, llar lived in Mexico working on the the worker, and not at all to pro tionis of monopoly and special pri fwonopoly is od it should be en injury to the rights of a multitude of 15 ideal purity in the manage ho eliminated them Mexico would land and not endeavoring to ex vide incotnes for office holders. vílege in which Carranza may in couraged and protected. If it is natives. small proprietors and victims of nient of the public funds, official perlamps by now be enjoying peace. ploit the pcon. Their testimony But apparently it is Carranza dige. Their anxiety is about what bad it should be destroyed, ruth all kinds. who were brutally sacrificed on responsibilities scrupulously csAnd tha respect of the ratio. of the nas becn unanimous, absolutely belief that society exists for the Carrauxa, who now cluins that he lessly and at once. If special in the altars of the ambitions of the powerful.
cted. liberty of the press for tliose who do not know how to world. The Coustitutionalists ar unaniinous, that in no country benefit of the politician; and, this has reven eighths of the country terest is right the more we liave The second task, that of creating powe write, liberty to vote for those 1tot going to make the same mis will you receive a wariner wel beitig so, can understand his at his back, proposes to DO. Wbat of it the better. If it is wrong erful interest akier to the Revolution and in to:whon the candidates are una takes. We are going to benefit by come than in Mexico, provided concluding with these words: they want is some guarantee that away with it immediately. There solidarity with it, will be brought to a happy known, the correct activitistration tha experiences of the past.
you convince the people that you What Mexico needs is not a ihe jwmense concensios they and is no middle ground, conclusion when the natives, individually of justice for those who will ney: Personally applaud that stand. are there to work and er employ a lawyer all these.
not man on horseback but an honest, uther Americans got from Diaz will Observe also how profoundly and in their communities, receive back che deinocratic prettinesses all these oommend it to the attention of ine to work them. And this is energetic man of experience; a not be coulisvatud, as the Magone, reactionary is economic innumerable tracts of land of which theyhave fine: words in which our granit Bryans and others of théChautau most natural, for the Mexican man who understands the needs for example, ussuredly would cour thought of this alleged rovolu been despoiled by the owners; and lathers and fathers took sucli de quan type, who dream that if has a great capacity for enjoying of the country and the people; riscale them. What they want is tionary leader. He pointes out this great act of justice receives its comple liglit, have lost todas their magic they could induce tlie Allies in the good things of life and an one who can rule wisely and sym substantial assurance that, when the necessity of developing Me ment, as regards those who have nothing attrcation and significance to the people. Tlie people have seen Enrope to consent to pence they even greater incapacity for un pathetically. Naturally this things buvo quieted down, turiness xico natural resources a forth and have had nothing, in the proportiona.
would he benefiting lumanity, derstanding that strange philo white blackbird is Carranza.
will proceed us before, the peon do with assumes that this will be repartition of the lands given to the dictathat will electionscand without them. with suffrage and without think they would iuflict on us an soplıy which teaches that work is Not up a revolutionist but as one ing the work and they reaping the possib e only with the help of torship accomplices or expropriated from it. with the dictatorship of Potinjury from wlich it might take an end in itself and is itself life who wishes to applay the most hru, profits. They have been anxious to the native and foreign capitalist, idle proprietors who do no chosse to culti firio Diaz and the democracy of us centuries to recover, and greatest blessing. That the Mexi dinury intelligence and common toring Currutiza to the point, and according to the methods now in vace their heritages. Thus there will be Aladero with the press ranged hold the happy opinion that En can does 119t understand at all, and sense to the solution of a difficult he has come to TIILIN point.
vogue. Grant that and all revo satisfied both the human demand forland and and with the press given thie, full gland will not lay down her irms myself consider it luis greatest ta problem, ask myself What does As understand it, the Single lutionay movements becomes abu the appetite for liberty which is making est liberty. always and in all cir until Prussian militarism has been lent. From those who make a Carranza roally mean? ask my. Taxers and American Socialists surd. Grant that and you are itself felt throughout the Republic as the cunstancias, it has still chew ground into the dust, und wil God of work we get only a slavisti self. Can two bodies occupy the are now booming Curranza as bound to seek the capitalist aid, formidable reply to that savagery oi the hra:of its bitter to endu the autocratically invasive pliilo philosophy of life, and one that same space at the same tine, they formerly boomed Madero, on snch terins as the capitalist cienda owners which has maintained, even re its iniseries; to swallow humil soply it represents has beconx a leads straight back to despotism. and is it possible to leave the broad believing that he will tax land sees fit to graut. But the neces in the twentieth century and in the heart iations that know no end. For loathing to ull the world, take To the lazy, who late work, or to lands of Ne. ico in the posuession of values and thus abolish land mon sity for crawling on once knees of free America, a system which the most: this reason, and with abundantly that position toward the entire those sufficiently intelligent to the speculators who have a srnered nopoly. But unfurtunately Ca to capitalism vanishes when na unfortunate serfs of the Middle Ages in good cause, it fears that the libéx social war, being convinced that understand that it is better to use it. and at the same time return il jo rranza now declares that the tur. res. xırces, and the inter Europe would hardly have endured.
ators of today may prove them only when unjust institutions one bruin ilian exlust one the perpl. Can you overthrow Constitutionists have no inten change of credits based on labor The Plan of Ayala, which translates selves like the leaders of yester have been overthrown çan peace muscles, we owe tlic grat disco the pillars of the old regime and tiwn of doing the very thing Hen applied to natural resources, are the peasants ideals, satisfies both terms of day; who clipped clieir beatifulbecome effective. 0111c1 holding veries and invenciots which dif simultaneously leave the building ry George insisted on as absolute set free; when the reign of spe the problem, for, while it treats the sworn radicalism at Ciuilad Juarez and that no question is really settled lerentiate us from tlie savage and intact? Terrazas, for example, own ly indispens«ble. George taught ciul privilege is abolished. enemies of the people as they descrve to be in the National Palace forgot all until it bas been settied right. are destined to enliancipate the eď the greater portion of the huge that there sliould be no such devote, unusual space 10 this treated, reducing them by expropriation to about their seductive promises.
Next comes a statemeut in race when themselves freed from and rich State of Chihuahuu. Tuelthing as private property in land, analysis of Carranza latest ana limpotence aud innocuousness, it establishes (To be continued till acxit week. any from Somor: Yucatan, of the the grcat land