
Regeneración English Money Received For The Magon Defense.
RATES Or The Indicted?
and Wm. Owen. 10c a copy.
grar 26 coples. Te, per CoDV illy Telegram To Wilson.
say is Think of the danger Lucy 011 of protest to arise, and the blow act of breaking his chains. three rebels against State, Church would fail; the authorities would The Wilson dynasty seems to and Authority, is in showing the Edited by WM. OWEN liave to retreat and fight a runn. be well determined to crush any direct connection between the ing battle, without obtaining the thing that interferes with Wall political rulers of the United SUBSCRIPTION Send money payable to establishment of a legal precerl Street and Carranza, and expects States and the plunderers of MexReport of the money received Single copy, cts.
No. 234 ent by means of which, be able to do so by strangling free ex ico. They preached armed resis by L23 A1332) Braair Work ENRIQUIC FLORES MAGON.
One dollar a year. 1110ntiis, 5oc.
wlio tance against all Saturday April. 15, 1916 would ers International Defense Lea. Box 1236. Los Angeles, Cal. to legally persecute at will any pression.
editors, radical, la bor and even If the Labor and radical press withlold the land from the peons. gue for MAGON defense: simple independent papers that In each of these cases the printy. In my judgment, and have gards the United States as ready does not look around it is lieaded Collection from League mere bother or be on the way of the for a rude awakening.
ciple is the same: the inailed fist bers, March 00; collection considered il my duty as a jour to do anything for the sake of nalist to exness it frankly, Wil money, and any nation that has.
privileged classes.
of the litaster class is user to fro11 Leaglie members, March 6, Therfore, the american authorNOTE. The BIAST has asked maintain tile existing order. In 27; collection ſrooi League son was a coward: a moral cow earned that reputation is booked ard; the sort of moral coward for a masl. It is not to be trust ities look for the wekeast point of us to announce that the forbidden both cases the duty of the work. members, March 13. 00; Gece (Continued from last issue)
who da res not speak which it is ed in the matter of Mexico, and the press in this country to effect issues are numbers and 10, and ers is plain; they must fight. not Duval, Chicago, 00, Protest The entire the first attack, and one that that it shall go right on blasting for the persons who are persecut Meeting, San Francisco; George do nºt imagine for a momenc likely to lose a vote or jeopardise and it is not trusted, that President Wilson is a man a cliance of being elected to an Latiri world distrusts it, as does will guarantee the safest and as long as those interested in its ed, but for their own self inter Speed, 00; Atkinson, work will supply the necessary ests by resisting every attempt Foreston, Minn. 100; Th. Ilwho loves bloodslied, but do say oſlice. In my opinion, at that all the British world. And; easiest triumpli, That accounts for their choos animunition, to suppress freedom of speech empliatically that lie is of just moment prompt, outspoken, de which is more important still. cck, Chicago, Ill. 00; Dr, Rose The suppressed numbers (they and press. Fritz, San Francisco, 00 that type wlicli, with its endless nunciation of the great crime that great cosmopolitan force, ing Regeneracion and its ediResistance to tyranny is an irantes, St. Louis, Mo. 00 shifting of the canvas to every German militarisni lial commit which ultimately stiapes all. pub tors to be the first victims of the are a gem) can be had by mailing Steven Byington, Ballard wind, eventually tipsets the boat ted would lave brought Germany lic opiniou, viz. the world think muzule they intend to apply to all 10cts. postage to THE BLAST, Box duty. Industrial Worker Vali, Mass. 00; Grigge, and lands us in war s, whirlpool. to her senses, and would have ers and observers, distrusts it the labor papers of this American 661, San Francisco, Calif.
Seattle, Wash. do say that iſ Wilson had kept saved tlie lives of many, many utterly. Ail the well infornied Russia.
Chicago, Ill. 00; Current Eve liis fingers out of llie Mexicau lionest Germanis now rotting in and reflective know that the trouWilson and his minions have ents Club. San Francisco, Lucr pie, instead of starting war on the grave. In ny opinion, such ble in Mexico is the great landed ained well the blow, LAND AND LIBERTY: Mexico Battle for Robins, 35; John Grigsby, World Wide struggle. Selected from writinge Louisville, Ky. 1, 00; Socialist Huerta, things would have been a repudiation would have estab monopolies, and that the United The Magon brothers being of In Mother Earth for April of Ricardo Flores Mngon, Antonio de Araujo a hundred times britter than they lisher the United States, once States cannot, sumion up the Mexican nationality, in orders of Party, Branch 1, Worcester, Magg despised we see that Emma Goldinan, was are today; and have not thic and for all, as a nation of char pluick and honesty to acktowledge greasers. to the American mas to appear for trial on the 10th of Wu, Sharpshooter, 00; Charsliglatest liesitation in declaring aeter; a nation true to itself and it. Every scholar knows that ses, these, thanks to race prejud this month, but up to this date lotte IIubert. Santa Ana, Oale that, in 50cs; Kate Hubert: Santa Ana, estimation, to its destiny; a nation unafraid. Mexico is passing out of just that ice, would care very little what we have not heard more about he ancl luis Cal. 50cs; Local Upland, Socialcowardly Today there is none, absolutely. phase of feudalism which rendera was done to our prisoners the mení hér case.
policies are at thi sy moment 11011e, so poor as it reverence, ed the lrench Revolution inevi bers of the jury, thanks to the Most of our readers inay know Tlie Libertarian ist Party Brownson, 2, 00; Juvenile defuging the word with blood, Wlat table, and they are astonished true. The saine race prejudice, would easily, that she is under indictnieut for Group of this city, sends us for Net proceeds Los Angeles Protest At this vist link the Mexican Frencit, for example, are a really tllat a proſessed historian, such and even gladly, return a con advocating birth control.
publication the following com MIceting. March 22, 8, 45; Remunication that the same Group generacion. balance, 37. 23: revolution with the European great people, with a character of as President Wilson. is, dare not deminatory verdict against our The holly brigade still seems received from New York: Van Cleave, Bishop, Cal, 00 war, and besjedd attention.
steel. do not believe that, for open liis lips to give the masses prisoners.
to be fuming at their unenviable that information scliolars and Mr. Woodrow Wilson, Presi Frank Coruitolo, Indianapolis. Wlicu, in Aug 11. 1914, Gera generations to coine, you will. find The Magon brothers being att experience with Margaret Sanger, dent of the United States.
Ind, 00: Lishinam, Oak ny nade lier sulden spring, in a self respecting renchuan wil. laistorians are expected to impart.
Washington, D, vading rance and Belgium, an ding to honor the United States They say to themselves, Ahi archists, the American inasses, and seem to be desperate to re: land, Cal, 010; Workmen Cit.
prejudiced against anarchy, and coup for their fiasco, but we fear We demand the unconditional cle. No, 45. Pittsburg, Pa, 00; inexpressilly iinportant fact took could (1uote any amount of leadIf lie were 110t a politician he its could speak out. And they say propagators, would be glad to they have got hold of the wrong and it denied we make you res: Dr. Wesley Van Nett, Clyde, Our place, What was liat fact? It ing Ainerican publicists wlio, rightly.
see our prisoners convicted and battery agaiu, ponsable for the consequences.
25cs; Albert Steinhauser, Mer was that tlıe world at large found writing in our most representative even hung. The jury, thru the Is all this lese inajestó? do Those who are intersted (or Briat Group, itself confronteå with an intense publications. are now testifying Ulm, Minn, 00; Otto Werner same prejudices would harbor the even if they are not. in the ly vital query; one that searched to Comrades of Libertarian Juve Ocean Park, Cal, 00; Comme that effect. And as the not care. lave been a writer same wishes and would convict Birth Control Movement could do enile Group: Greetings.
ist Library, Trenton, J, 1, 00 busithly the very vitals of its conscience; French go the great Latin fami all my life. It has been the Magon brothers.
no better than to read Mother As you niay see by the head ay Lews, Rockford, III. 00; one tliat it should have answered ly of nations goes. From the ness to tell the truth as near as And the legal precedent, a pow Tarth for April, which is specially ing, we send you the authentic Mrs. Kotsch, 50cs; Mrs. Kiesshthen and there; one that eventua. Rio Grande to Cape Horn you could place it. That has been erful weapon that is required by dedicated to this work; it is a copy of the telegram sent to the lly it will be forced to answer, will find not a single nation that my life job, and at this late hour the American authorities to le masterpiece on this most impor to defend the comrades, that fall Nirs Geo. Wright, Oakland. auer, Los Angeles, Cal. 00; and answer unequivocally. That today lias the slightest confidence shall not quit it.
gally muzzle the press, would be tant subject. copy may be in the clutches of historical jus. Cal. 00; Sheet Metal Workers imperative question was: Which in tne 11011or or integrity of the This article was not written estahlished; the jail doors would liad for 10c. to Mother Earth, 20 tice for daring to defend their Union, Sedalia, No. 00; do you believe in and stand up United States. am a student of for that purpose, but it seems to be thrown wide open to the 125th St. New York, rights; so you can unconditionally No. 439, Brawley, Cal, 00; forMight or Right?
papers publislied in the Spanish me that it may indicate the line lionest count on our support, in every. Waiters Union, No. 30, San Franpress.
a 11 thing within our reach, say the world at large, but tongue; am familiar with their which, in my judgment, Be on your guard, yuo labor believe tliat, 01 rellection, you cartoons; kuow that their domi friends of the Magons should We haye united to become cisco, Cal, 00; Theo. Schroed.
Parsons To Take Tour. more powerful and help to over cr, New York, 10. 00; C, will acknowledge that the United nating conviction is that this take. They should not lean throw the present damnable so Everson, Palmyra, 5, 00 States, above all, was called ou country intends, with suave sinil. the treacherous reed of legal you are in if the Magon brothers are sentenced.
By No. of The Alarni for cial system, and we shall not Workmen Circle, No. 390, Erie, Kad imperidiensten kertkategtetet es aud under cover efmuch talks technicalities or eloquences they De on your gaurdt Cosult any Aprit we see that comrade Tüicy cease of our work so long as we Pa. 00; Workmen Sick and retain an atom of life.
and answer straight. For, 11ot about humanity, to gobble Mexico sliould take the firin ground that Death Benefit Fund, No. 106. Greetings and Anarchy, only liad we pledged ourselves and extend its sway to the Pa the Magons have been nobly lawver in this matter and you will Parsons contemplates a tour of best wishes.
Chicago, Ill. 50, Sikes, most solemnly to uplold tlie per. nania Canal, and fartier. That right and President wilson most see that am right. Your dang the East on a thirce fold purpose er is imminent if with your si which is explained in the repro By Briat Group, Lconarsyille. Ka 11. 00; wrong. They petual neutrality of Belgium, universal conyiction means in li ignoninionsly lence you will help to convict the duction we niake below from Freijomil.
Jolinson, San Diego, Cal, 00; but, which is inch inore impor. vite trouble aliead; foresliudows should point out that, just as. ey The Alarm. We need not say Magons.
New York, 22 1916.
Per il Grupo Risveglio, Ybor tant, we were regarded by all nucli bloodslied; will be, to put it ents have shown us right in our Therefore, to save the funda that our old and true comracle City, Fla. 00; Tailors Indys.
men as the world great demo on the lowest basis, exceedingly distrust of Villa, so events will trial Union, No. 266, Oaklaul, cratic power; as the great rapidly bad for busiliess, since it will lose justify our distrusts of Carranza, imeutal principle of free thought Lucy Parsons has our full Cal, 00; Unions of Russian growing nation that was en tis markets tliat properly belong As this is a political prosecution, and its derivative, free press, and confidence and any aid we may be able to offer.
Workers, Chicago, Ill. 500; deavoring lo establislı tlie rule of to us, It is bad all round; and, in and as the Mexican question has to avoid future and easy persecu.
Ironi Regeneracion. 50. 00; Right; to bring justice into hu my opiniou, the real fountainhead become the center of this presi. tions, it is necessary, it is urgent, We are making preparations To Comrades: they that all papers, without quibbling stor 111, Ivycurgus Einerick, Jacksonville, man affairs; to work toward that of all this barness is Woodrow dential election for another Magon protest meetI am contemplating niaking a ing to be held Saturdav April 29, America, Cincinnati, 25, 00; IU. 100; Joscpha Fels Eund of great end pointed by Emerson Wilson lack of virilits; his inca should throw themselves boldly about vile personalities, or differI intend going sp. Symphony Hall, Wilson favorite author, am pacity to take a stand; bis slav into that storm. As Wilson has ences in ideas, agitate by all pos tour in April.
M, McQuaig, Chicago, Ill, 00; told when lic sang: God said; ishness to wliat, as he conceived, scen fit to indict us before the sible means, with diligence and east, providing comrades will af back of Blanchard IIail, Local West Branclı, Socialist Par ain tired of Kiners; suffer would bring him popularity, federal courts, they should indict perseverance, for the release of range meetings.
IIill St. The meeting will be My object in making this trip under the auspicies of the Span Brillhart, Oceano, Cal. 00. tv, West Branch, Ia. 55; them no more. That was the The Englislı, to whom myself liui before the bar of public opin the brothers Ricardo and Enriis threefoldi. want to try to ishi and Latin Groups, but there position; and snid then thiat the belong, are a powerful people. ion, by whose decision he must que Flores Magon.
And they Proper conservation and free raise money for the defense of will also be speakers in English. 00; Socjda, Chicago, Illi. Lucy Parsons, Chicago, Illie man who would condone the in anel 110110 but an ignorant fooi stand or full for ever.
our Comrades, the Magon brotlıvasion of innocent Belgiun would doubls it. Their battle lite of in. should iudict hiin boldly as a man dom of thougt deniand action.
It will have the cooperation of Up and aliead. 2, 00. Total: 212. 58. also wisli to discuss the The Workers International Delabor ers.
surely wink at that of Mexico Muence is far flung. know niy who, with pence ever on his lips; Mexican situation from the fense League. Noel and probably fomut it. am people, ſoi read their literature bias led lis steadily into the paths papers!
JUANITA ARTEAGA, otlier side. showing that there Anouncements later, not, 011 tliese subjects at any rate, attentively and have talked with of war; as a man who, with moral Financial Secy.
is an economic question. As a lazy mat. mike it ny busi mamy most thoughtful English saws always at his tongue end, read Spanish, can show what ness to talk to every one consil nien since this war began. Uni has brought a great nation into do not write has been acconiplislied in Mexico, er worth talking to, and have versally they think this adminis deep dishonor.
all this because love the Magons think.
asked lundreds of iner an tration wliicl Wilson heads cowLastly, sliall try to increase woinen whic ur toi ration of the ardly beyond expression, and so much, but because love the invasion of Balę woull 110t Inglishnet despise a cowarst. true, and because wish well for the subscription list of The And now it is The Blast Alarm. thus making it possible imply cual teleration of the in Occasionally an opportunist will the country in which not only that has drawn the ſire of the to enlarge and improve the paper.
thyself but my descendants have Vasiyli oi Mexico or any other sliriig liis shoulders and Comrades. in New York and Trough the present persecution of Regeneración and Ricardo and weak nation. callnot think Well, after all Wilson is playing to forge their lives. In an at enemy and brought the wrath of the gods upon its head.
other eastern cities, will you ar Enrique lores Magón, of its editorial staff, the American authorities of a single person who failed to our ganie, That is the best inosphere of lies neither nor The last two issues of our conrange meetings? Address the at contemplato to set a legal precedent with the already fixed conviction of agree witli ne, although have that can be got out of thein, and they can breathe with comfort.
temporary, pliblislied weekly in 3130 Troy St, Chicago, Ill.
the Magons, that afterwards might be used tu persecute all the labor WM. OWEN, tuet many wlio declared that it it is a damned poor best, should San Irancisco, have been denied papers and, therofore, supress freedom of thought and freedom of press, was tlie full of weakor nations to late to be thouglit of in that Lucy Parsons.
admission to the mails notwithAll the comrades, sympathizers and liberty loving people most avoid be gwallowed by the strong, way. sliould hate to find mythat such crime be commited, for it shall drag North America back to standing its right to the second chattel slavery. We invite all of them to sigu the following Coupon of That is a cannibalist creed in self as distrusted and isolated as class privileges, Undoubtly The Protest, to get many others to sign it, anrl to mail it to Woodrow Wilson.
which do not believe.
the United States has become 10Blast in its short but lively car. Wliat actually happened? der the leadership of Wilson.
proven a very unruly What happened was this. The That otliers differ from you in and stubborn youngster to the influential element in the United opinion is nothing, because hondelicate tastes of madam AuthorStates that element which has est differences bring respect. The blow is well aimed, the say and is able to make its But when a nation no longer las Attlie same time that the goy tion by the postal authorities are Woodrow Wilson.
say go was doing well enough; the respect of others it quickly ernuent is useful to the loyal several articles on birth control On Feb. 18, in Los Angeles, Washington, saw, in many instances, war prof. loses its own self respect. Then watchdog of Wall Street in Mex and one headed Villa or Wil Cal. occurred the arrest of RiConsidering as a vicious attack on freedom of thought, and as its ahead; had the prize pig plii it become truly a mob, a milling ico, Venustiano Carranza, to put son Which is the Bandit that cardo and Enrique Flores Magon, an unprecedented and tyranical attempt to muzzle the press, the losophy and was content to let hierd of cattle. Then it is ripe his enemies out of the way, by appeared recently in The Blast. Mexican Liberals, and the indictarrest and persecution again initiated against Ricardo and Enrithe whole world go to the devil citler for violent revolution from persecuting the Magon brotliers, and But of course what caused the ment of William Owen, anarque Flores Magon, now in jail in Los Angeles, Californi so long as its own trougli was within or for still more violent it is preparing the ground to real crack was the pertinent car. chist. They were jointly chargbranding such procedure of your Administration as a shameful efCull. And Wilson, instead of invasion from without; and one suppress and persecute the other toon printed on the front page ed with using the mails to incite fort to help your Mexican peti Venustiano Carranza to recetablish lending, followed; Wilson, the or the other is perfectly certain labor papers and its editors in of No. io of The Blast under the murder, arson and treason, thru the Diaz regime, with which you create among the Mexicans ill great moralizer, instead of boldly to come along.
this country.
title: General in Command the columns of REGENERACION.
feelings against the American people that should not exist, prodonouncing obvious wrong, delib. say all this to point a definite The blow is well aimed.
and which depicts Uncle Sam Enrique Magon was severely test against the said persecution to the Mngon brothers and de eratly indorsed it by keeping si moral; to say a thing that, how To attempt against free army crossing into Mexico under beaten by the arresting deputies.
mand their immediate release from jail.
lent; or, when events ultimately ever unpleasant it may sound, bas thought and a free pless, making the stars and stripes emblazoned Wm. Owen, who was at the forced his longlie, by babbling to be said. The United States some editor of a nierican birth the with the inseparable dollar mark time in Home Colony, Wash.
that we were too proud to fight today is not to be trusted, just as first victim, would arouse the in and going to the rescue of the the federal officers and is still at Address and that lic woull be as nucli a Woodrow Wilson is not to be dignation of the good averican plünderbund who is in imminent eluded liberty.
blamed of being raslı as coward trusted. The world today re patriots, it would cause a storm danger of a peon who is in the The particular crime of these Dated.
Olit Another Magon Meeting at on yout THE BLAST To Save Both, Freedom of Thought And The Magon Brothers.
say: 3: Be on Your Guard The State Attacks You Labor Papers!
ity. The main points of objec. Free Speech And Press.