
Regeneración Relaciones Internacionales pe No. 211 1915 America Also Has Her Kaiser.
secure hien, were 11eur thie greater.
were ever ence was and the still Castillo and told him to go Presidents have been assassinat greater autocrat of politics sum home and forget it Edited by WM. OWEN ed. And if express the hope mons them, To the campaigti Castillo went home but he that there will not be a fourth it of those who hold, or are likely did not forget. He had 110t is certainly not to guard my own to biold, political power they fought to remove one tyrant to SUBSCRIPTION RATES Send nionęy payable to la presso liberiaria del cuteriss.
Sluglu cops, skin but because consider assas. inake, and most unwillingly, place another in his stead, In cts.
One dollar a year. montlis, 004. Saturday Nov 6, IP. Box 1236. Los Angeles, Cal, şination a detriment to progress, their contributions. To buy the his native hills of western Chi He aqui un tenia necesario, think, lowever, that the day is good things politicians have for huahua be to gether with hoy, nas que sunca, de ser desa: press çeteruination of extermi safely respectable, sanctioned by be impeached, as Charles of tacks they are capable of mak cialism and, swearing allegiance very bear when a President may sale, or to buy off the deadly at rozco, raised the Red Flag of Su rrollado. La relacion internacionating his opponents is being the authorities and conducted ac England was impeaches, and ing, even the most powerfull ca to the Zapata cause, started a nal libertaria americana, hasia actually wielded by the United cording to the book of etiquette.
ahora la hemos descuidado mua States. If Villa for whom my That is ny opinion of Wilsow, much mistaken gentlenien. Ithik maintain costly lobbies in Wasli traitor, Madero. Teir army may lose his lead, as did that pitalist groups are compelled to counter revolution against the cho. De tanto dominarnos los a: personal adwiration is very for he has shown himself a hare contecimientos de Europa y los that the American people are ington. The employer may be scant and other Mexican lead before Germany but a lion toward was known as the Zapata ariny The United States government or are defeated it will be hy the weak but struggling Mexico. In about to discover that they liave a law to their immediate work of the north, and cuales comentamos diariamente, fought an han quedado en olvido los puenow formally recognizes Carran force of the United States, and tuis respect regard him as no use for kings, and antici men, but they tliemselves are gainst Vic. Huerta both before blos americanos, pues podriamos za and invites him to send a di the widows and orphaned child reflecting most faitlifully the pate that this will be the great under the law, and the law itself and after he murdered Madero.
plomatic representative to Wash ren of Mexicans henceforth slain inherent weakness of the United lesson driven home to them by is at the mercy of the lawmaker. But the love of gold was too decir que de pueblo a pueblo mas de las fronteras nos limita.
ington. Brazil, Chili, Argenti in battle will say, and say cor States, whiclı is a lower only in the European war, We want no There lies the power of peace or much for Orozco. IIe sold out mos nosotros. esto es sin nin na, Guatemala, Bolivia, Uru rectly. Our men were killed words; a comproinise between de autocrat in a dress coat to in war, of ruin or prosperity, of soto the greatest landholder guay, Colombia and Nicaragua by the United States.
volve us in quarrels for which we cial equality or of those inons Mexico, Don Luis Terrazas, and guna exageracion. En efecto, que sire to do right and a moral cowsabemos de la propaganda en join in the recognition, The may bave to pay There should be also no niis ardice which dare not live up to price. If the rights and wrougs cial privileges, granted by the lIuerta, against Villa, Carrzaa, a frightful trous inequalities to which spe joined lis former opponent, Chile. Peru, Bolivia, Colombia theory on which Republics are take about this matter of auto its convictions.
supposed to rest is that the acts of social controversies are to be lawmakers, have given birth.
etc, y alli que saben de lo misllenceforth let us liave In the speech criticised last decided we want to do our own and his former caniradc, Max mo en la Argentina, Uruguay, of their governments reflect and My Lord, said Queen Eliza. iino Castillo, who was holding the bonesty to acknowledge that week President Wilson had inuel: deciding.
Paraguay, etc. conste que a carry out the people will. Yet beth to one of her bishops, out in western Chihuahua, bethe theory hs which our Presi to say of the Statue of Liberty pesar de todo hay movimiento who will dare to tell us that the isnt poses as the SERVANT of and the Declaration of IndepenThink how this matter of in frocked you and, by God, can set by enemies on every side.
anarquista en toda America.
inhabitants of the United States, the people is all a sham, for in dence. Imagine yourself a pen, stands, and consider the auto capitalism, which today the law tervention iii Mexico really unfrock you. And so it is with Finally after fighting until impone, pues, una accion or of the other countries named, reallity he possesses and exer niless immigrant, rounded up as liis ammunition was exausted, mas solidaria en toda America.
have been consalted and have cises the power of a Kaiser, lle one of a drove of cattle at Ellis cratic authority our President makers cloth sumptuously and and he was unable to Nuestra prensa deviera de tener expressed their deliberate condresses as does the ordinary citi. Island; asked a hundred insulto has had the audacity, the wh tomorrow inay strip to the skin.
interes sobre este punto y estu.
viction that Carranza is the prop. zen; but acts as if he wore a ing questions with all thie prover speakable audacity, to assume. Who bankrupted Mexico? Sure any more, Castillo and his adjutant major, Jesuis San Martin, diar los medios y proyectar los er person to be President of Mecrown. Tle need not consult lis bial insolence of oſlice thown He alone, and contrary to the ly not any mere money hays, together with a hand full of, actos de la solidaridad continenxico?
subjects, and he does not consult finally on New York streets a judgement of such countries as but Porſirio Diaz, formerly a forced across the tal. Por eso va este suelto a la Following the official rocogni then. Tueir is not to yues. helpless waif, to be watched sus Great Britain, took it on himself penniless soldier, who carved his border by the Villaists prensa libertaria.
tion came intervention by the tion wlly; their but to do and piciously by every vetective and to decide that Huerta had insule way to possession of the lawmakColumbus, M; where they Ya que esta por celebrarse un United States, in the shape of a die.
bouled by hunger from agency teil the United States flag and ing power. Five years ago the Congreso ro Paz y Anarquista special permit allowing Carranza to agency while bunting desper every one kndws well today that Kaiser summoned the leading surrendered, empty handed to American troops, Hirom Sud Amsricano en Rio, debe esWe are concerned here with to transport troops across Amerately a job. Can you not iwa this was inerely a pretext. and bankers of Berlin to his palace, tudiarse esta cuestion y llevarse things incomparably ican territory, for the purpose of a finalidades practicas.
than the immediate question of gine it? Hlas it not been, and is he alone gave orders that the in and rebuked them sternly when there they were sent to Ft. Blcutting off and defeating Villa, Ft. Wingate, N, M; where to. Con ese mismo fin el Centro at Agua Pricta. That is inter wlio hall or shall not be Presi it not today more than ever, the sult should be wiped out in blood, they declared themselves unpre iss, near El Paso, and later to te of millions? Finding your IIc aloue now decides for the pared for war. Today our own Social Cientifico de esta localivention, as effective, as actual, dent of Mexico. We are concernself in such circumstances wliát South American Republics have King in clress coat virtualy de gether with several thousand dad tiene una Secretaria Interas real as if this government had ed with a problem that is much would you think of the grandilo. acted merely as an echoing clio. clares war on Mexico and, how. Huertistas and Villistas, they nacional de Eclaciones que se undertaking were finally released by the detailed its own soldiers to parti. more than Mexican, that is also War Department, and altho all encarga de los informos locales cipate in the hostilities. Ilas American, that is world wide. quent promises the Statue of Lib rus that Carranza is the man, ever costly the erty represents? Wliat would and that he is to be supported eventually may prove, every one y recibe los del exterior. Luego our government, which in theory Primarily, and always, think podria ensayarse alguna accion of myself as adding my little you think of the assurance given with all the force of this Repub of us, whether worker or capital the rest are still at liberty, reflects and carries out only the by the Declaration of Indepen: lic, Yet adventure to assert ist. will liave to foot the bill. Castillo and San Martin solidaria en el continente, contribution to the exposure of a will of the people, cver asked 118 dence that you have landed in a most positively tliat if the pecWhat centralized power has done re irresteil by the Immigration Por loy, decimos esto e invitawhether we do or do not wish to blatantly audacious shani; a decountry where all inen are free ple of this country understood for Europe centralized power is Department and ordered deportmos a los colegas del exterior intervene?
lusion fully as ridiculous and, in and equal?
As a matter of fact the Mexican situation as and doing for this country, but be. ed. They have remained in the para una propaganda en dicho Forthermore, the citizens of my judgement, far more perniyou would curse the lying fraud most of lieve that in the near future county jail at El Paso our readers undersentido; the United States are now forbid cious, than any of those alleged of which you are the victim. As stand it. the last thing they there will be a magnificent job since and are still under sentto be deported. It (De Prometeo. Asuncion, den to whip arnis to Carranza ly miraculous fakes which for a matter of fact you would be would think of would be the in lot of crowns for sale, with no cominonly believed here Paraguay)
enemies, but he himself may buy centurics an anibitious priesthood cone, then and there; a revolu dorsement of intervention on be purchasers.
has foisted on a credulous world. alll he wants, provided he can get tionary Anarquist at heart, al. half of a man who has made the As one supposes, Carranza, elsewhere that they had been the price. Assuredly that will it is more pernicious precisely though in all probability, and declarations Carranxa resently thanks to the assistance given deported, and Castillo friends not bother him, for he who or because, it has inmediate, far, most fortunatly for the Authori« has made.
by President Wilson and with were wondering what had beTanto la prensa carrancista, como la cientifica y los escantains a special privilege from reaching and intensely practical lies, you would not have the abi Most positive am that the the vociferous approval, as come of him, until recetitly his wheredalosos diarios burgueses amerigovernment can always obtain results; because it affects most credit in proportion to the value directly the personal liberty and words and hurl it, another fire indorse the given of one penny lity to clothe your thought in people of this country would not notice, of General Otis, will step friends learned of his into the ill omened shoes for abouts. In consideration of his canos, anuncian que las tropas de Villa se estan desbandando; of the privilege. Can you imag, personal security of every one of brand, into the already seething of compensation to the great merly worn by Francisco Ma life, Castillo was perinitted to dero.
say to which faction he want.
He will side step very ine a more valuable privilegen us; because it works witli us, furnace of discontent. land monopolists whose titles que generales y politicos villigtas se estan pasando al carranciso, than that which our government eats with 118, sleeps with us and An old fasliioned monarchy are drived from a military adveu much as Madero side stepped, ed to be delivered, and knowthat it meant y que pronto quedara Villa abanhas now conferred on Carranza, shapes the whole course of this, fall may be a Powel, because it has turer who waded through slaugh, and the general discontent, ing full well our carthly life; the only life wc and when or by whom have we. donado. No es dificil que asi sea; liands of any the people, been consulted?
ever can hope to understand and granted no concessions to the peo ter to a throue: Most positive grown to a vastly greater stature instant death should he pero eso significa solamente que hini.
muere di villisno, esto es, un So, again we have interrened master; the life we have to live, ple and has made no promises it am that the people of this coun during the last four years, will into the cannot meet. But such a coun try, instead of seuding to prison come to an even more dangerous Zapata, le designated But Zapata holds port, partido personalista, mas no la iu Mexico; as we intervened, but in opposition to that of whichi, comrades are being Revolucion, on a sthall scale and timidls, for at best, we can but «lream With try as the United States lacks the men who, like the Magons, head. Disturbances on an even Madero; as we intervened on a tlie shani of pretended self gor. courage of integrity, for it is faught against such infamies, larger scale will be the conti and our conscious that it lias played a would have lauded them as he nuous order of the day, and held without bail until such time as he can be turned over cruent; with the lie of social efar larger scale, and to the ac.
Most positive am that tliere will be constant presure to Zapata or until is Jose Valdez.
couraniment of much blourdslieal. Luality, unler such institutions bunko game, knows that it has roes.
cheated the masses into believ. the American public, if it only on the United States to take ut Vera Cruz. The excuse tlen ils we have at present; with the ing the insclves sovereign, and knew how financial vultures gor more and inore drastic action. nominally declared in Mexico, Este firme, abregado y sincero in which case Castillo might bocus pocus swindle of popular Tliat much is easy to forecast, was that Iueria 1114 mot bcc11 (cowers before the Frankenstein ged on Mexico postrate carcase, as well be shot on companero de ideas, se encuentra lected by the Mexicals; thalt sovereignty while the few ate it has created. Strikes which would have 110 patience witla this but what will follow is ite merprego en la carcel del Condado de they had not been consulted as, clothed with the power of life or give Germany no apprehension, new adventurer who, that he est guesswork. History is being of the river, for neither Villa or Carranza will spare his life; esta ciudad. En legitima defensa in the opinion of President Wil leath which is essentially the for they would be dealt with by inay seize the presidency, gives made with lightning rapidity in dangerous a to the hirio a un individuo que, se dice, these stirring tinies.
son, the greatext of all tlieoreti power of Gods wliile untold drumhead courtmartial, here cager assurance that liis countryvested interests is he considered.
penetró a su casa y agredio a su cal stickers for popular repro millio is creep through life more cause wille spread panic. The men sliall be taxed to their last WM. OWEN.
We here in El Paso will do, familia con un punal.
sentation, they should have been, helple is than the newborn have centavo reimburse those v11)lineinployer, who Los tramites lentos de los tri.
and are doing all we can, but When we now accuse Wilsån of chick; with such a colossal fraud inade an Liriperor lose one wink tures. Sume five years ago we must liave lielp if we are to bunales son la causa de que el having intervened without con every honest man and woman of sleep, are liere a constant spoke on Mexico at a dinner Save Castillo Life save Castillo. His case must be buen companero se encuentre should be at war, sulting us, the people, whose nsource of anxiety to all who have given by certain of the Los A11re opened and pressure brought preso todavia.
bedient servant le assumes to Thiese articles are meant to anything to losc. It is proposed geles fost distinguished citito bear on the Iminigration deBueno seria que los compane.
be, what is liis answer?
liave a logical development. to build up a huge standing ar zens. Next inc, sat an Appellate Conrades, you of the Interna partnient, and it takes money.
ros que puedan hacerlo, visiten Let not our readers imagine that entitle What does Carranza my; but, although our alleged re judge, bi inself the son of a Unit tional, you who extend the band if you can help us, send wiat a Jose ahora que se encuntra entre las redes de la ley burguesa.
that in these columns we are really mean? it was shown, as presentatives, having the law ed States senator, and he declar of comaradeship to all humanity, you can to our sec y treas. Win.
Los dias de visita son los martes concerned only with tlie fate of believe, beyon dispute that Cu making power entirely in their ed emphaticalls that a nation you to whom this fight for social Love, 413 Stanton St. Ei Mexico. I, at least, as editor of rranza mans nothing except hands, spend money without first duty was to wipe out of justice is life itself, it is to you Paso, Texas, and write a y los viernes, de diez a doce del this section, have infinitely inore leigh sounding words, which was stint, nobody knows who is go existence a government so cor make this appeal. Save Casti sonal letter to Secretary Lane dia y de dos a cuatro de la tarde, at heart the future of the Unit thic fatal misfortune of his un ing to man the guis or whether rupt as has been that of Diam. llo life!
No lo olvideis, companeros.
at Washington, en losCosa curiosa; el agresor esta ed States, for see it passing fortunate predecessor, Francisco the American soldier can be do Yet today Carranza promises Camrade Castillo is the truest ing this article and asking him more and more into the eclipse Madero; that he professes to pended on in a quarrel of which that the benificiaries of that gove rebel that ever fought for liu to intervene in behalf of juslibre, mientars el agredido esta which autocratic goverument has think it possible to secure social he does not approve. To be a ernment will never be able to man justice in Mexico and, unless tice and humanity.
ALWAYS brought to EVERY equality while protecting the Power you must be able to rely cliarge tlie Revolution with hava we can save him, he will be sacE, GLEASON Jr. Organizer, nation, At this moment see vested interests which, as he absolutely on a given quantity of ing robbed them of a cent! And rificed to the gods of greed that the world deluged with blood be liimself acknowledges, were force; on the unwaverirg support today the President of the Unit One ravishing and devastating Local El Paso Tex, No. 1003.
a particular individual, granted most unjustly by the mi of certain elements competent to ed States, assuming to speak for his country. He was one of the who apparently believes himself litary dictator, Diaz; that, in a take effective action. That force his masters, the people, but withi first to take up arms against the the divine representative of an word and as the Spanish saying aid that unwavering support the out consulting them, lias forced old despot, Porfirio Diaz, and 000000 El estimado compunere. Sales ha camAlmighty God, had the power to goen, what lie writes with lois United States cannot command us into partnership with the man was Madero trusted body.
biasa di residencia A LOS COMPANEROS DE order millions to take up the hand he rubs out with his elbow, today and will be less likely to who makes such promises, guard throughout the revolution. o termo que antes. Urge ayudar:0, computo wword, and exercised it, sce Nuthing substantial; 110tling command tomorrow, for discon This world, we know, is not at Castillo fouglıt to restore to presente llacemos o miros. No dejemos olvidado a este miejo coristar a los subscriptores, pebarallador. Esta olvidade de todos, seg the President of our own alleged real; merely words, words, tont inarches ahead witli sevent place. From pole to pole it is the people the land which had Oriódicos de cange y paqueteros o Republic doing exactly the same words, That article was follow. vagued boots. Miserable though racked by most sanguinary strug been stolen from them and o de España, que el compatiero Hos escribe en carta del 22 de este miel.
Joaquin Estruch, cuya dirección Es HA tling, and apprehend, in a fu ed by one headed Better Roose our compromise with industrini gle yet recorded, and that strug, when Madero took over the saucovadongan, saya da bacien, vergunni, hermanos. dejar bandonados a las nenos!
ture by no means listant, exact velt than Wilson, 111 which and political freedom at present is, gle sprang directly from con government, he went to Chapul. Españia, ha quedado al frente de Escribasele ati, con divero dextra de ly the same results.
endeavored to explain why pre we have advanced too far along centration of power; from giving tepec Castle (Mexico white NERACION en esa región, en There should be no mistake a ler the inau wlio will fight for wat path to allow of our being one the authority to hurl millions House) and domanded that the cargándose tanto de la distribu o caria. per: smpuesto: juan Salus, Dr.
bout this matter. We have ill wliat lie believes to be right to coin manded, as the Russian mou into war. And you talk to me agrarian program be carried out, o de España Oción de periódicos en el Reino sings N, MAX.
de colectar tervened in Mexico, and no suplı tlie inan who prates everlasting jik, for example, is commanded, of a Rockefeller, a Morgan or a but Madero, now that he had a fondos para el mismo. Con él se o istical cloquence can hide the ly about civic righteousness but The very weakness which keeps Carnegie, as embodying the real been seated in the president adelante, todos nuestros amigos Toma enpano, compañero, on fact. The sowrd Carranza apu will embrace her only when it us from being a Power is, in power in the United States! chair, cared little for the peo, y simpatizadores residentes en a parently wields tedayow according pays to do so; wliose Platonic reality, our strenght.
These so called autocrats of in ple who had fought to put him aquel país.
conseguir buanos; subscriptores to his owu avowal with the ex flirtations with the lady must be Consider that, during the brief dustry rush obediently to the there, and he only laughed at oo REGENERACION but no peace tliis side SO na 11 never In perJUAN SALAS.
Case 12 meurtra mas enPor ESPANA la como.